
This is the kind of thing I’d read as alarmist and extremely suspect.

Except it’s very real. Coupled with their “Mandate for Leadership” (PDF), they will fuck shit up.

Here’s a quote from The Heritage Foundation, who created helped put it all together:

In November 2016, American conservatives stood on the verge of greatness. The election of Donald Trump to the presidency was a triumph that offered the best chance to reverse the left’s incessant march of progress for its own sake. Many of the best accomplishments, though, happened only in the last year of the Trump administration, after our political appointees had finally figured out the policies and process of different agencies, and after the right personnel were finally in place.

Ghostalmedia, avatar

Same old bullshit as usual.

The “promise” is basically:

  • Marginalize gay people, women, and racial minority groups
  • Fuck over the environment
  • Let corporations do whatever they want
  • Make education worse so people don’t question radical right wing policies

The crazy thing to me is that they said their goal is to stop progress. Sure, they tacked on "for its own sake" to give the base something to latch on to, but if you ask any person impacted by LACK of progress it's for very real sakes and stakes for very real people. Fuck these assholes.


Jesus fuck that Mandate for Leadership is an interesting read. Uncomfortable but it really gives you specific examples of what they plan on doing. 900 pages worth. Wish I had time to read it all as I bet it would help to understand what this fight is all about


I think it’s safe to boil it all down to modern capitalist dictatorial fascism.

AmberPrince avatar

I also thought it was hyperbolic until I saw the source. Apnews, along with Reuters, are my gold standards for news. If they are reporting it then I believe it is very real and very serious.


I would love to see Democrats acknowledge this and take some action to fight against this.

Has anyone done so yet or are we peons pretty much on our own as usual?

We need more normal progressives to run for local offices. I would run … but I have the charisma of cow dung and the schmoozing ability of a turnip.

And I would probably want to harm myself dealing with politicians who don’t prioritize solving problems over money, power, and other useless bullshit.

But I see an awful lot of selling out to corporate interests and not much of a call to fight against rising fascism … except as a tool in spam emails and texts to get more donations. I volunteer where I can because I genuinely give a shit. And then I get bombarded with two dozen spam bullshit fundraiser emails a day from this, that, or the other democratic PAC. Certainly doesn’t give me much hope that there’s any authenticity behind any of it.

Meanwhile, we’re an election away from a full takeover that puts the lives of my friends and family and co-workers in jeopardy.

It worries the shit out of us peons but nobody at the top of the Dems is concerned enough, if you ask me.

But I guess that’s how the story played out for Mussolini, Hitler, and other fascists so why not repeat history: the pro corporate, center right portion of the Democratic party (ie the vast majority) sits on their thumbs because what have they got to lose when they have power and money?

The Republicans are going to keep chipping away at democracy like they have since Nixon (50 years ago) until they make the country into their own sick image.

Idk what the fuck needs to happen exactly but fucking somebody do something. Lead the charge. Idk?


They have been moving on this path since Regan, they just have the court and the rigged voting maps now they feel comfortable being open about thier intentions. While people like me was derided as alarmists they were building the engine that got us here


Really they’ve been on this trajectory since Nixon. They were talking about playing the long game to get right-wing media established back then. I imagine they also wanted to take other steps to make sure no other Republican went through the humiliation of having to pay for their crimes. Like rigging the judicial system, and everything else we’ve seen the past 50 years.


reverse the left’s incessant march of progress for its own sake. Many of the best accomplishments, though, happened only in the last year of the Trump administration

This has got to be a troll, George Lucas had better dialogue in the prequels.

The last year of the Trump administration also happened to be where he started a violent insurrection against democracy.


To them that’s a great thing, though.


That’s scary as hell, they sound like the Hydra from Marvel Comics. I know the country is at a breaking point but they can’t get their way.


Dude, they fucking are Hydra. Post Red Skull the aim of the organization was “humanity cannot be trusted with its own freedom” if you add “except for me” to the end of that it’s effectively the entire conservative platform


Welcome to the decade(s) before the second American Civil War…


I started, mostly jokingly, predicting a schism/Balkanization in 2011 on acid with some friends. But the whole thing can be traced back as far back as the 30s depending on which thread you decide to follow


I still can’t get my head around the fact that anyone could sincerely mention Trump and greatness in the same sentence.


Fascism. They keep dancing around it, but what they want is fascism.

This isn’t politics. They want to remake US politics into a fascist state, and they’re not even that shy about it.

Thankfully only about 30% of US adults are falling for this grift. Unfortunately about the same percentage of Germans fell for it in the late 1920s. It seems really low, but it’s enough if the rest of us are complacent.

So let’s not be complacent.

theodewere avatar

it's actually the vision Stephen A. Douglas had for America when he ran against Lincoln.. only Lincoln could head it off then..


I can’t afford to be complacent, I’m not white. I’d rather die with a gun in hand than in a camp. Some things are worse than death.


As someone queer. Yep, you’ve summed up how I feel as well.


I’m a white disabled combat veteran who had hoped to be done fighting, but this is not the America I fought for. I will gladly take up arms again to defend our democracy from those who wish to destroy it. You will not be alone on that field if the day ever comes.


Fortunately, there are more decent people in this country then those fascists.

LillyPip, (edited )

As a white person, I’ll die next to you if necessary. I hope it won’t be necessary – I’ll do everything I can to stop it getting to that point, but I see where this is headed. (e: we’ve seen this before.)

We cannot let this happen again. We cannot let the bigots twist society like that so that people die for stupid arbitrary reasons like skin colour or religion, orientation, ancestry or disability.

We should be past all that, and we can’t allow people who aren’t to gain power again. I’ll do all I can to stop it, and I hope enough others will, too.


Yeah, there are lot of groups that would be targeted if these clowns get their way. Hopefully this fight won’t get physical.


Buy guns.

If they want to fight, don't make it easy for them

norbert, (edited )
norbert avatar

The time is now.

Buy a gun or two (a short one and a long one) and learn how to use them; learn some first aid, field medics really just need to know how to stabilize someone. Meet others in your area who are like you and share your beliefs, start building networks who can help each other because the police will not. This is real, the right is marching towards a blend of Christofascism/Corporatocracy that I'm not sure the world has seen and just winning a presidential race in 2024 isn't going to cut it.

We need long term solutions, consistent, focused work so actual progress can be made again. Organization is so incredibly important and is why the rightwing has been so successful over the last half-century. We don't have shady PACs funded by billionaires behind us, we'll have to organize and DIY.


I’ve got guns but if I’m gonna have to deal with a civil war I’m leaving to the freaking wilderness and suicide last resort. I’m not going to kill people. Once you cross that line you’re never the same. The problem with humanity is that we never manage to make positive change without constant bloodshed. Fuck that. We obviously are a doomed species.


How do you explain people who kill in self-defense? They’re not usually damaged or changed by what they had to do to live.

I don’t think you’re giving yourself or your fellow man enough credit.


I am right there with ya.


Written by the Heritage Foundation. The same group that authored The Affordable Care Act that President Obama took and initiated so now it’s terrible.


A person who pays attention, I see.

The Republican playbook is entirely sociopathic, self-seving deceit. I refuse to vote for anyone who joins their ranks no matter how sane they present themselves to be. As a result, people often label me as a flaming liberal.

I am not a leftist, and have non-tribal conservative beliefs in some domains, but nuance is rarely seen and when it is, it is not tolerated.

Thus, I am, in tribal terms, an outcast and lone wolf. Shamed by leftists when they learn I hold a non-tribal belief, hated by conservatives on general principle.


No. They authored the health care system that Romney passed in Mass. The ACA wasn’t a verbatim copy of Romneycare, it just took some ideas from it.


From what I have read of each, they are exceptionally close in wording.


No, folks are actually looking at the content. You should try it.


Which just shows how far the Heritage Foundation has fallen.

Rottcodd avatar

On a nearly daily basis now, I'm reminded that a significant number of the people who make up the power structure in the US are in fact profoundly mentally ill.

One can only hope that we serve as an object lesson for future civilizations - whatever you do, don't let psychopaths run free.


America crushed fascism a few generations ago and we’ll do it again


America will be an openly-fascist state in my lifetime.


Ah, a realist. I completely agree.

HLMenckenFan, avatar


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  • ToastedPlanet,

    America is a democracy for as long as we can keep it that way. Millions of people are going to die once these fascists take over. The least we can do is not call it early.

    cosmicrookie, avatar

    Basically turning into terrorists


    This is what we need

    dezmd, avatar

    18 USC 2383: Rebellion or insurrection

    Text contains those laws in effect on August 30, 2023




    §2383. Rebellion or insurrection

    Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.…


    Trumps vision: “Golden showers everywhere!”

    TruTollTroll, avatar

    I feel physically ill… I went to school from 96 to 2010… I remember social studies and American history… The Holocaust being taught… I remember asking my teachers… What would happen if people tried to change our country to dictatorships… Every teacher was emphatic that it would never happen… one, because both parties love the country and two this is why we learn about Hitler and Stalin…

    Wtf happened?!


    As someone born in 98, it’s been sad and frightening to have grown up watching so many of my peers fall down the alt-right pipeline and pop out as fully radicalized fighting-age fascists.


    It’s the ‘loving the country’ that suckered you all.


    “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross”


    Who said that? It’s bang on.


    When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross

    It’s been attributed to both Sinclair Lewis and Upton Sinclair, but it’s real origin is unclear.


    The answer to this is usually Reagan, runaway capitalism and the mega rich.

    samus12345, (edited ) avatar

    It Happened Here. An unfortunate result of believing in American exceptionalism and not being vigilant.

    asunaspersonalasst, avatar

    Lock them all up.


    “We need to flood the zone with conservatives,” how about I flood your mouth with my balls


    I don’t see this being any problem as long as young people vote.



    Straight out of the Nazi handbook


    I hope they call the new country Gilead


    “The best a man can get” Gilead?


    You’re thinking of Gillette. Gilead is a 3D modeling API that came before Direct3D.


    You’re thinking of Glide. Gilead is a genus of sun spiders


    It’s what the ultra conservative state calls themselves when they broke off from the USA in the handmaid’s tale


    I honestly am at a loss of words, this is extremely scary and nerve wracking. I couldn’t describe the bottomless pit I feel in my stomach, you either know it or are in on it. If republicans get into office it’s game over, nothing less then a monolithic dystopia. We need to stop this at all costs, even if it gets physical, this has gone on for too long without much resistance.


    Tell everyone you know that is not a trumpet to vote blue. We have to take the country back by winning the trifecta. The presidency, the House, and the Senate. That will allow Congress to actually function for the first time in years. We can get new judges in, actually hold the current ones accountable, and pass legislature that prevents a lot of the bs we are seeing now. We cannot stay home this election cycle.


    I would love to see that happen, but it’s not going to. They’ve split the country very effectively. We might get a substantial majority in the House, but the Senate is doomed to be deadlocked unless we flip at least 13 states, without them gaining a single seat.


    It definitely won’t with that attitude 😔


    How do we even go about organizing ourselves in a way that doesn’t get us put on some watchlist. Which I’m probably on now for even asking.

    It honestly feels like its time to take the gloves off. This only ends in violence. They don’t understand anything else.


    If we needed to organize in a secure way encrypted messaging is a good start, the government may try to ban it but it’s basically impossible short of completely killing the internet entirely. The hard part is getting a large group of people together to stand against this. France has little issue organizing because most of the population is packed together and is far less land mass as well. The United States is far too big and not very populated considering the land mass. However seeing how black lives matter protests went I can tell one thing that we failed to do. We never completely pushed towards the end goal, we never reformed the system, only got the cons in the slammer. If we want change, it’ll be physical but more than that, it has to be complete, no stone unturned, we can’t settle for half baked protests. We need an all out revolution, and we need a competent leader to guide us toward that success. If we wanna sit here on our asses complaining about this then we’re fucked, we need action and we need it now.

    CaptainAlchemy, (edited ) might also consider watching this

    edit: alt link in case YouTube deletes the video


    With ai there is no need for a list.


    If republicans get into office, it’s time for civil disobedience.


    Don’t make me laugh. The time for civil disobedience was five years ago. If Trump wins (or loses) this next election, it’s time to tighten your belt, learn to shoot, and prepare for life in a balkanized North America.


    The time for civil disobedience was Bush v Gore. We failed then and now our votes matter even less.


    The best time for civil disobedience was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.

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