
Oprah is the Joe Rogan of her generation.


Thanks for succinctly and precisely explaining why I really dislike her.

I’ve tried to explain why to my wife, but I feel like I’ve always missed the mark and she has implied it’s probably a mixture of misogyny and/or racism. Which still may be true I don’t really know. However, next time it comes up, I’ll point out that I dislike her for the same reason I dislike rogan.

dangblingus, (edited )

Unfortunately, sexism and racism is so rampant from men (conservatism is ingrained into many men as a form of masculinity) that well-intentioned men who criticize toxic and exploitative capitalist women (esp women of color) are immediately lumped into that group of degenerate men. The reality of it is, Oprah is a toxic influence on women and gets off on creating FOMO among her impressionable fanbase. She created Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil, the former of which has had disastrous effects on women’s health esp nutrition because he’s a quack and pretends to be an expert on all things medical, and the latter of which oversimplifies most psych concepts to the point where laypeople think they’re qualified psychologists now.

laughterlaughter, (edited )

You really didn’t need to admit that you probably don’t like her because she’s a black woman. If you don’t say this to your wife when adding the joe rogan bit, then you’re being dishonest.

Edit: Look. OP said that. It’s right there in the comment. I’m not making it up. Oprah sucks? Sure. She’s like Joe Rogan? Okay. My wife said my comments are sexist and racist, and it may be true… dude. That’s all I pointed out. Sorry, but that’s not okay. I’m fine with the downvotes, though I’ll make sure to better portray my point next time.


They didn’t?


They did.

FlyingSquid, avatar

I am so looking forward to a Lemmy user who is black and a woman to tell you that Oprah sucks. Whoever you are, please do us that favor. And if there aren’t any black women on Lemmy… well, there should be anyway.


Which is fine. I probably gave it more emphasis on the side point that the main point. But OP did admit that his wife pointed out that his comments have a misogyny and racist tone, and OP said that maybe that’s true. That’s it.

“Oprah sucks because she’s like Joe Rogan”


“And if someone thinks it’s racist and sexist, it maaaaaay be true.”

Not ok.


Two things.

wife pointed out that his comments have a misogyny and racist tone

First you’re putting words in my mouth. She never said anything about my tone making her believe that, but that my dislike might be misogynistic and/or racist. I believe this is because I wasn’t explaining my position well, so without a good reason, it opened the door for that possibility.


“And if someone thinks it’s racist and sexist, it maaaaaay be true.”

Not ok.

It’s a good thing that I’m open to the possibility that I’m biased. This is not something to shit on. I don’t get why this is such a bad thing. Bring open to being wrong is how you grow.


Understood, and you clarified in another comment.

Your original comment was not clear enough, at least not to me, but now that I have the full context, I see that you’re not some racist/sexist asshole. But of course, it was wrong of me to accuse you of that in the first place without asking you to clarify. I’ll do that from now on.


My man. Good on you. We can all learn from this admission.


One of the best ways to come to the conclusion that you need to better yourself in some areas is to be open to the idea you might have a bias.

But acknowledging you might have a bias does not mean it’s there and you’re OK with it

And not liking someone who is part of a marginalized group does not always mean a bias either.


You really didn’t need to admit that you probably don’t like her because she’s a black woman.

What do you mean? I don’t believe this to be the case, I believe I don’t like her for the same reason I don’t like rogan, and the last I checked he isn’t a black woman. Recognizing that I may have internalized biases that fall in a blind spot of mine is not an admission of anything nor is it something anyone should be shitting on.

laughterlaughter, (edited )

But you did say “my wife thinks my comments have a mix of racism and misogyny, which is still maybe true.” How does that paint a good picture in any way?

But I stand corrected and I admit I had a knee-jerk reaction.


How does that paint a good picture in any way?

I wasn’t trying to paint a good picture, I was being honest.


Then be honest with yourself for once.

You say:

I don’t believe this to be the case,

How do you reconcile that with “maybe I’m being racist and misogynistic”?

EatATaco, (edited )

I am being honest with myself: I may have internalized biases that I’m not consciously aware of. There’s nothing to reconcile here as these two statements are not mutually exclusive or even contradictory in any way.


I understand what you mean now, and I stand corrected. Thanks for clarifying, friend, and sorry for being so quick at judging you.

You’re right. Even myself may have some internalized misogyny due to the culture of the country I grew up in. It’s a constant battle between what has been shoved into me as a kid vs. what I’ve later learned or discovered.

x4740N, avatar

As someone who is loosing weight it’s basically calories in and calories out without eating over your daily calory budget

loseit is a good app and will calculate your calory budget for you and can track the foods you eat and add them up

I feel sorry for you americans though that don’t have the per 100g on your nutritional labels though because serving sizes can be deceptive

Ghostalmedia, avatar

It’s just not that easy for some folks. Especially people who have developed eating disorders.

x4740N, avatar

I know this might not sound positive but people with eating disorders should try to speak to a therapist about it because eating disorders can end up being horrible for your health


Although it is true what you say and I do agree, I also read between your lines that maybe you don’t know how difficult and (life)long that process is.

An eating disorder is a disease/issue that honestly isn’t solvable, you carry that weak point for the rest of your life and will have to battle it. Which with eating is extra difficult, since you have to eat. You can’t stay sober from food.

(But maybe I misunderstood your words (being written text without further context). )


This is why I’m not against drugs like Ozempic for those who need it.

I used a new medication to make me not want opiates. Used it for about two years until I had enough healthy habits in place to actually not want opiates. Been clean for 6 years and off the medication for over a year without issue.

Never would have gotten clean without it so it makes sense to me how people end up obese.


Not quite awake yet. At first I read: “people who have developed eating dinosaurs.”


It’s not about being easy, it’s about being able to measure. I’ve been completely unable to regulate my food intake for a long time until I took it real seriously (therapeutic fasting. It’s a thing, it’s very extreme, if you can avoid it do it) and kind of reset my eating habits. Now that I’m slowly increasing my caloric intake to what someone on the weight I aim to be should consume (2m calories a day, healthy for someone with 90kg), having the pero 100g indication is extremely helpful for me since I can estimate how much stuff is taxing my daily budget, and I’m discovering some incredible cheat foods (stuff I really enjoy eating that fills me and has low calories).

What I mean to say is that having the per 100g information is very valuable for anyone that cares to control their caloric intake. Sure, you don’t have it in restaurants and stuff but with enough experience you tend to learn to estimate dishes so you can compensate beforehand or afterwards to not exceed your budget.

Its all about caloric intake, some people have it real hard to keep it under control due to eating disorders or family customs, but it really is just that.


Please tell me about your cheat foods

fushuan, (edited )

Sure! As always, food being filling depends a lot on the person same with tastyness. Anyway, one dish I really like is guacamole, it’s usually eaten with bread, and that bad. Recently I’ve taken a liking to eatich raw spinach with some oil (a cheap refillable spray will let you throw just what you need, usually 60kcal are enough to dress it well) and about 125g guacamole which is somewhat around 250kcal from the brand I buy. The guacamole and oil give a lot of flavour to the spinach, which has a strong texture and takes awhile to eat everything. It’s less than 400kcal in total, and quite healthy.

Instead of buying fruit juices, which even natural ones have quite a lot of sugar and thus calories, I’ve taken a liking to drinking vegetable soups, which basically cost the same in the store and have a fraction of the caloric cost while having quite a lot of vatamins. Again, I personally enjoy it a lot.

Besides that it’s all about eating stuff I would not usually eat. Lentils, chickpeas and other legumes are pretty good in nutrients and fill you a lot.

Everything considered, it’s more about not eating an exaggerated amount of food, and the fasting really helped me reset my habits. Before I wouldn’t have considered eating fruit instead some bag fries, but now that it’s been a while that I haven’t eaten fries, I’m slowly getting used to eating healthy stuff since going from zero to vegetables+fruits is incredible.

To summarize, lightly dressed spinach & guacamole salad and vegetable soups are my “cheat foods”. Food I really enjoy that fills me up with a low caloric intake.

Edit: forgot about the pear cherry tomatoes, it’s a variety of cherry tomatoes that has more “meat” and is sweeter, but still has fuckall calories so buying a bunch instead of potatoes and eating them all is totally fine.

rob_t_firefly, avatar

I am confused by the instruction “if you can avoid it do it.”


Sorry, I meant that if you can avoid doing it, do avoid it <3


It should be interpreted: “if there’s any way that you can avoid using this technique/ therapy, then you should absolutely go out of your way to avoid having to use this torture regemin therapy.”

boogetyboo, avatar

Wait… They don’t have that level of detail on the labels?? That’s ridiculous? Serving size is arbitrary nonsense.


I’m sure some slimy corps here have lobbied(bribed) to keep it this way.


They do, just not in the units you’re familiar with. They do calories per serving, and very commonly servings per package (in cases where people may be likely to eat the entire thing.) When listing serving sizes, where appropriate the serving sizes is described (how many pieces) and a weight in grams is listed.

Here’s an example (haven’t gotten around to posting images - sorry for the link.)


How fucking big are those pretzels‽

boogetyboo, avatar
x4740N, (edited ) avatar

They do that in Australia too if you are talking about both the servings and 100g because your image link is broken

boogetyboo, avatar

It’s working for me? It’s an image of an Australian label.

Mr_Mofu, avatar

You now gave me the idea to maybe give these calorie counters a shot. In my appstore it shows up as “Lose It!”, I asume thats the one? Also question, how privacy safe are these?

x4740N, avatar

I’d read their privacy policy to be sure


Agreed. But we should still acknowledge that losing fat is difficult for multiple reasons. Sure, ultimately it’s basic physics. If you operate on a caloric deficit over a longer period of time you will lose weight. That is true for everybody. But on a personal level it can be quite a challenge to lose fat and not gain it again. There are often life-long habits to overcome, sometimes (mental) health issues to deal with. You must find the time and energy and money to change your eating habits to something healthy. A simple drastic reduction of your caloric intake is unsustainable and unhealthy, you need to come up with a good plan. You need to find time to work out, because that’s also healthy and muscle mass is vital to losing fat. And I sad fat, not weight, because if you gain muscles you will also gain weight, as muscles are heavier than fat. But that’s healthy weight. Anyway, I’m rambling.

I’m not saying this to discourage anyone, living healthier will benefit you in so many ways. But I feel it’s worth acknowledging that there’s usually more to it than just counting calories.


I’m just pleasantly shocked you used the word ‘lose’ so many times without spelling it ‘loose’


Weight loss is letting the fat loose.


serving sizes can be deceptive

The funniest example I’ve seen of this recently is the whipped butter that my parents buy. It has a blurb on the front that says “50% less fat than regular butter per serving”, which is true - because even though the serving sizes are the same (1 tablespoon) the whipped butter is fucking half air.

rob_t_firefly, avatar

See also the “light” version of bottled apple juice, on inspection of the ingredients it’s because they just fucking add water to it and still charge the same price.

Omegamanthethird, avatar

I don’t mean this directed at you since you seem to be very helpful. This is more directed at the zero empathy crowd who likes to repeat this equation.

I always hear “calories in - calories out = deficit”. But it overlooks that “calories out” is a big mystery box. You can kind of estimate it sometimes. But it’s different for every person, and different every day. And it’s over estimated for people who work out, leading to a lot of frustration.

I like that you actually have follow ups with things that can help. It’s important to have those conversations instead of just pretending it’s simple.

Obi, avatar

I just ignore any calories from working out, none of the devices that claim to offer this are accurate, if I’m really starving after a hard workout or long walk I’ll indulge a bit and simply note it down as usual, but otherwise I stick to my calorie planning based on metabolic calorie loss only and ignore the additional ones.


Do you pay for premium?


Not OP but I did. It was crazy good deal, like £1.50 a month when I signed it. It helped me lose 10kgs. I don’t use it anymore but I use the lessons it’s taught me about portion size etc. I’ve lost more weight since, without exercise and I take prednisolone. Well worth the money for me.


I’ve been reading so much about how simple it is to lose weight, it’s all about caloric deficit. I’ve also been in Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism communities long enough to know that’s not always true. It’s probably true for healthy individuals, but with Hashi’s and hypothyroidism, metabolism doesn’t work as well, so you can be in caloric deficit and work out, yet still unable to shed the extra weight.

Soggy, (edited )

Strictly speaking that’s not really possible. Like, physically. The body’s ATP production has to come from somewhere, and that’s either stuff you ingest or stuff already in your body. Low metabolism just means even fewer calories going in for a deficit.

Water retention is also “weight gain” but only sort of. It’s certainly a medical issue but most people specifically mean body fat when talking about weight.


In a world of constant unjustified hyperbole, Oprah is genuinely the nexus of SOOO much evil through Oz, Phil, John of God, etc.

What a fucking suck on humanity.


She is a victim of abuse that keeps the cycle going.


Yes, when it’s a white man he’s evil, when it’s a black woman she’s a victim of the system. We all know.


No one said anything about race, you twit.

Death_Equity, (edited )

No, like an actual victim of abuse autobiographically.

Abused by her Grandmother physically as a young child, sexually by multiple people when elementary school age. Neglected by her drug-addict mother. Mentally and emotionally by multiple romantic partners.


I mean yeah, Ozempic is the death knell of weight watchers.


Fuck Oprah.

Her sanctimonious bullshit brought us Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, and Jenny McCarthy.

Her ‘listening platform’ has probably lead directly to the deaths of tens of thousands of people.


Would you rather, receive open heart surgery performed by Oz, Phil with Nurse McCarthy, or receive lethal injection administered by Dr Phil?

This shouldnt be a hard question, but…


I’d rather go play on the expressway


Nah, nah, nah. Easy choice. I’d go with the lethal injection because I think that there’s a much greater chance Phil would fuck up killing someone (easy, all things considered), rather than the three of them succeeding in something difficult. Simply because none of them are qualified to do anything but blather idiocy into a camera


Iirc Dr. Oz used to be quite the renowned heart surgeon. Makes it even more tragic that he chose this life as a charlatan giving harmful advice, instead of using his talent for good.


Right, Oz had a specialty he was really good at. Phil was always a grifter.


Everyone who’s watch scrubs knows that surgeons are only good at cutting

FlyingSquid, avatar

I would definitely let Dr. Oz do heart surgery on me. Similarly, I’d definitely let Ben Carson do brain surgery on me.

And the second either of them started talking about anything other than my surgery, I’d tell them to shut the fuck up.


They’ve been out of the medical field for so long though. I wouldn’t trust them to know the current State of the Art in their fields. A lot has changed since they last practiced.

FlyingSquid, avatar

That is a good point.

Chozo avatar

"But she's so empowering!" the fans will say, nevermind the fact that she only seems to "empower" fraudsters.


“Empowerment” is the free square on the Buzzword Bingo card.

ShepherdPie, (edited )

I believe she’s also the largest one of the largest land owners in Maui where many locals are facing homelessness due to the fires.

Edit: she owns around 1000 acres.


No. The State of Hawaii is the largest landowner on Maui, followed by the real estate company Alexander and Baldwin. Do not spread misinformation please.


1954: Oprah Winfrey is born in Kosciusko, MS, weighing 6 pounds, 11 ounces. Throughout her infancy, she steadily gains weight, a habit that persists throughout her life.

How brave 😔

Kase, (edited )

[…]a poem dedicated to Winfrey, “Water Into Air.”

“As I lose, I gain,” Angelou said. “I wing home to a place long forgotten. I swell as I recede, taking in all that has come before me. I molt. I shed. I diminish. But I feel no loss for I am free. My song slips its long confinement and joins the celestial roar. I was made of water, now I am air. I lose as I gain, but again I lose. I lose. I lose.”

And this is why I love the onion.


of course she did. it’s the only way she’s gonna be able to do it. we need to stop focusing on people’s bodies and get on with fixing the climate.


False dichotomy but I take your point…


Is it a false dichotomy if every problem humanity faces comes second when compared to climate change?


But we can focus on more than one problem. Like I’m a gay guy. Should I nor focus on the potential genocide me and my community will likely face if the Republicans can win?


nobody was talking about the climate dude


Exactly 😥


Yeah, I’m not racist but climate change is a big deal.

MonsiuerPatEBrown, (edited )

What was that Oprah said about these younger generations not wanting to work for something ?

“My frustration with young women + young men is that they think success is supposed to happen like - That!”

that’s her. what a fraud. i take that back. she left the board. i hope that she finds some peace with her body.


Uh, she definitely worked hard. She’s an actual “self made” billionaire. She did it through constantly working in media over decades. Do you think anyone said “let’s just give this young black woman a billion dollars?” She was literally the first black woman to have a billion dollars, so no.

Her weight has always been an issue, so this is only news to her most rabid fans.


The first black woman billionaire was Sheila Johnson.


No, she wasn’t. Unless you are double counting her husband’s money. She was married to the founder of BET. If you think they each did equal work for that, the money would be divided evenly.

When they divorced they had less than a billion each. And their collective wealth only passed $1 billion a few years before Oprah did it on her own. Saying “they were both billionaires” seems wrong.

If you and your spouse have $1000 total, how much money do you have? The answer is: you have $300 and your spouse has $700 because there’s something amazing that you have to get for the house.


She’s an actual “self made” billionaire.


FlyingSquid, avatar

My wife is the hardest-working person I know. I have to beg her to come home when she’s sick so she can get some rest. Where’s our billions?

Oh right, my wife chose to work in a public library and actually help people.


Everybody works hard. If hard work is all it takes to deserve billions, why aren’t all the rest of us billionaires?

Because she got help, that’s why.

TheBat, avatar

She’s worked hard. Cool.

She’s given platform to charlatans. Not cool.

She’s living in her bubble after getting rich and is unaware of ground realities. Cool.

She’s criticising average people while living in that bubble. Not cool.

HipHoboHarold, (edited )

It’s not self made if she worked her way up. First she had to get a job. Then she had to have someone see something in her to move her up. Then someone had to talk good about her to someone else. Then through the power of networking, she made it to where she is. A lot of success in the entertainment industry is either landing the role that will get you set for life(think Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter), or getting to know people who know people. And for a lot of people, that means other people are helping lift you up.


There are no self made billionaires lol.


I don’t know why you got downvoted. It’s literally impossible to become a billionaire without exploiting others.


And it’s impossible to steal from them as well. You’re just talking back a fraction of what they stole first


She’s a multi-billionaire. I say she can keep the struggle with her body image.


“My frustration with young women + young men is that they think success is supposed to happen like - That!”

I wonder where they got that idea?

Stalinwolf, (edited ) avatar

Never been a big fan of Oprah, or anyone who bases their entire career around “Look how generous and righteous I am”, while earning huge profits for doing it. It will never not rub me the wrong way.

These people may inject some good into the world for a few people, but building your fame and fortune around it is a bit morally fucked.


Oprah built her empire on the backs of all the slow adults and little people she victimized during her first few years.


From the Gospel of Bill Burr.


calling them little people is dumb


Maybe you should ask them how they feel about it.


He means ‘Little people’

Art3sian, (edited ) avatar

“Look how generous and righteous I am”

Also Drake. Also Shaq.

Both give away heaps of money… but only in front of heaps of planned cameras rolling.

That’s not charity. That’s using the poor for PR and clicks for profit, no different from Bum Fights.

Change my mind.


How much stock did she dump before this announcement? If Martha Stewart was convicted, how much more inside info is this? The SEC should be investigating the fraud that is Oprah.


Huh - a billionaire that lies?

Whoda thunk?


Oprah is a bullshit artist. She has always been a bullshit artist and she got rich peddling bullshit. Her efficiency promoting pseudoscience throughout her career makes her a blight on society, forever deserving scorn for the people she helped to hurt. We are collectively dumber because of her efforts, and she gets to live her life lavished by luxury and adulation as a result.


I mean she literally pushed this with a straight face

FlyingSquid, avatar

She is responsible for both Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz. She could have literally been responsible for handing the senate over to the Republicans.

Fuck Oprah.


During the pandemic, Dr. Oz’s private cardiac clinic in the US was handing out vaccine exemption notes to anyone who paid the fee. There was no physical examination, just a questionnaire, and you didn’t need to be one of his actual patients. No referral from your family doctor was necessary either and no need to provide your medical records. It was a complete and utter scam. How do I know? Because I literally called his clinic to follow up on a bullshit exemption claim and they told me their process.


She also gave a lot of attention to vaccine skepticism by making Jenny McCarthy seem like a medical expert on Autism.


She’s an entertainer. Who cares.


What an incredibly dumb statement to make in the comment section of an article about her literally leaving the board of a major company. “Just an entertainer” holy shit.


Yeah, and Michael Jordan owns restaurants. Who cares about Oprah.


“I hear the sound of marching feet down Sunset Boulevard To Crescent Heights and there at Pandora’s Box We are confronted with a vast quantity of plastic people”


I loathe this woman…evil all around

M0oP0o, avatar

so she shorted the stock right?

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