Jaysyn avatar

It's all fables.

Religion ruins everything.


I really do hate religion. Scourge against humanity.

Endorkend avatar

You have people like this saying actual antisemitic shit over and over and over again and they are elected to office.

And then it's people that want the country of Israel, to at least pretend to try to not kill scores of civilians and they get called antisemitic.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

That is entirely Israel’s fault. I say that as a Jew.

Endorkend avatar

My work often takes me to the Antwerp diamond quarter (especially the vault buildings) and the sentiment I see there is that your general Jewish person facepalms every time they hear Israel is in the news again and they aren't happy this makes life more difficult for them by simple association. Most of these people just want to live their lives and have no association, fealty or favor for the country of Israel, beyond the area it resides in hosting holy sites.

Dunno about the traditionally dressed Hasidic Jews in Antwerp though, I've been in and around the Diamond Quarter for 25 years now and I don't think I've ever even got as much as a hello or acknowledgement of existence from any of them walking down the street. They seem to be a rather insular bunch.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Ironically, a lot of Orthodox Jews are anti-Zionists for religious reasons. There are even Hasidic groups that do not recognize Israel as a nation.


Endorkend avatar

So they seem to be the good kind of insular. Live and Let Live.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Pretty much. That and they’re the sort of “I’m an evangelical Christian because my mother was and her mother was” types and don’t think much more about it than that.


It is perpetually disappointing the extent to which so many people who claim to be Christians fail to understand even the CliffsNotes version of the Gospel.

Jesus’ arrest was probably bound to happen sooner or later though. As noted Biblical scholar Andrew Zaltzman has often pointed out, Pontius Pilate was a law and order administrator, and Jesus was absolutely guilty under the law at the time.

Name-Not-Applicable avatar

This. Why don't these people understand that Jesus died for EVERYONE'S sins?
WE ALL KILLED JESUS. Accept Him and repent.


You all can have your little LARP and potluck, but kindly leave the rest of us the fuck out of it. I get that the world sucks and thinking someone will give you cookies for taking all the shit rich folks pile on you day after day is appealing, but it’s just excusing your own exploitation. I’m not about that life.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Speak for yourself.


You gotta be mentally ill to believe this shit.


Seriously. This guy is probably a dirty Trumpster, too.


Make me, pussy.



@Zombiepirate@lemmy.world avatar

I never killed anyone though. That’s just emotional manipulation.


Sounds like you’re not very good at being a zombie or a pirate then.

@Zombiepirate@lemmy.world avatar

Oh, you’ve got the wrong idea.

I don’t eat brains, I prefer other intellectual properties.

@Nacktmull@lemmy.world avatar

In a wider sense, just by shopping in the supermarket or owning a cellphone, you are participating in worldwide exploitation and mass murder.

anarchrist, (edited )

What you don’t think you’re a sinner for… checks notes …being born?


I feel like the stigma of sin is vastly overplayed when it’s just an element of being human. Adultery and murder are the same as existing? Alrighty, almighty!

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I never asked him to do that and I don’t particularly want to go to an afterlife filled with sanctimonious Christians, so I’ll take the L, thanks.


Valhalla seems pretty chill, I’ll look forward to seeing you there… or maybe I’ll go chill with my pa in the sky people’s city. Honestly, I think I’d probably want to be an afterlife tourist… I wonder how early I need to book that.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t want to go on forever. It sounds awful. Imagine every boring moment in your life and multiply it by infinity.


If Jesus died for our sins then we’re letting him die in vain by not sinning.

sin for Jesus friend.

@Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works avatar

I’m going to spill my seed for Christ.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Also, without Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion, he wouldn’t have died and been resurrected, saving everyone’s souls. So shouldn’t Marjorie be thanking Jews for that?

@Blackout@kbin.run avatar

And when the flying spaghetti monster flew out of his butthole and pasta for our sins we were saved a second time. Making humans the most saved beings in this universe at least.

@Kalkaline@leminal.space avatar

That was only yesterday, image what his Noodly One will do today.


All in the span of 5,000 years, too.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

To be fair, we probably needed it.


Tbh, Jesus probably didnt exist anyways.

They started writing about him almost 100 years after his supposed death, and AFAIK theres zero proof outside the bible that he existed.


This is patently false and easily disprovable with a cursory google. Please do not spread misinformation.


Prove it instead of casting doubt.

You’re the wrong party here, your search will prove it.


Tacitus mentions Christian’s and their namesake. He mentions Pontus.

He does not mention these things together as a cohesive event.

He is writing about something else.


However, Tacitus does not reveal the source of his information. There are several hypotheses as to what sources he may have used.


buddy, if scholars past and present piled opprobrium on Voltaire for doubting it’s authenticity, what hope do you have?

Not only does this link and the other link youve been given provide many historical sources and discussions, but they also then lead to other sources.

The burden of proof lies with you invalidating hundreds of sources over thousands of years. Don’t act like I’m the one with a crackpot theory.

Let’s compare like for like - what link with a reasonable amount of scholastic cachet can you provide to back up your theory?


It’s not a crackpot theory it’s just one that doesn’t hold up to the smell test.

A man mentions tangentially three things and history decides that’s enough corroboration.

He wasn’t alive at the time, he doesn’t mention what his source is and he is writing about something else.


the smell test is irrelevant. This is a conversation about whether the scientific / historian community is at a concensus on the historical existence of the person in question.

really, mine and your individual opinions are also irrelevant, because even if both you and I never existed- the historical, academic consensus suggests the guy lived.

I’m happy to be the bad guy in that conversation because it’s really not me thats on trial here - it’s your personal faith/belief, that’s as vulnerable to subjectivity as a belief in the spritual Christian (or Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, etc) deity’s existence.

I am not commenting on whether I believe Jesus was a deity, nor am I commented on whether I personally believe there was a real Jesus as political and historical figure at the start of the Common Era - I am saying that to say definitively he did not exist is a faith/belief based assertion, and it’s misinformation to claim it as a fact, it is a belief/opinion that flies in the face of established, peer-reviewed consensus.


You are performing a sleight of hand here by saying “Jesus” and shifting between which one you are saying is real. “Historical” is a statistical no brainer as I stated above. You then shift to equate that guy to the supernatural founder of Christianity.

We (atheists and skeptics) securely say “Jesus the miracle worker and son of God” did not exist. The proof is not there. We fail to accept the proposal of a deity or reports of miracles. No faith involved.

Others use faith to claim the opposite.

It is bit like saying the garden of eden existed because DNA proved a mitochondrial Eve.


that the terms weren’t clearly defined in the original comment is not my fault, and equally you could’ve said that you don’t believe in the divinity of Jesus - which is a very fair statement, but note how it self-defines belief and separates it from categorical fact.

Too much sophistry and you can prove that Santa Claus exists and Joe Biden doesn’t.

You did not at any point specify you were talking about the divinity of Jesus, you just said he didn’t exist- which the simplest response is “ok so who’s the guy with long hair on a cross in every church then?” - obviously in many definitions of “exists” - he exists, including that it is generally accepted that he lived as a real person.

You’re also addressing me as if I’m saying Jesus was a diety. I am not.


Buddy if we collected nickels from anthropologists every time they got something wrong we’d all be rich.


Well, again, I ask you - where’s your sources? Me and another guy provided a source that also contained sources. I would genuinely like to read the first-party or academic sources for your argument for my own education.


Historical Jesus:

Virtually all scholars of antiquity accept that Jesus was a historical figure, and the idea that Jesus was a mythical figure has been consistently rejected by the scholarly consensus as a fringe theory.

Scholars differ about the beliefs and teachings of Jesus as well as the accuracy of the biblical accounts, with only two events being supported by nearly universal scholarly consensus: Jesus was baptized and Jesus was crucified


I asked for you to provide some kind of proof.

You provided a statement that scholars have faith.

I am being serious here, where is the contemporary record of Jesus existing?


I’m leaving this one to the experts. If you don’t believe the them that’s up to you to prove. I personal don’t believe either of us is more informed than they are.


I would argue that both of us ought to be smart enough to be able to look at the “proof” and recognize a lot of it is personal faith.

You believe what you want.


There isn’t any and even the discussions in the wiki on the historicity of jesus are full of arguments to authority.


It can be summed up as, “People who have made their livelihood around a potentially fictitious persons of history all claim that said person exists because reasons.”


this conversation is split into so many parts im just trying to chase down this one key point: it’s not enough to say “well I don’t believe them” - I want to be proved wrong here, for my own education. But I want to be proved wrong - with proof. Not just a throwaway comment of “they have not met my (undefined, and unexplained) threshold of proof”

What do you have to show that Jesus didnt exist as a real human? That isn’t your own belief or thought process as your primary source?


You can’t be proved wrong. Noone can ever prove that someone never existed, but you can prove that someone did exist. If you have such proof for the existance for jesus, please share it.


Robin Hood, William Tell, Homer, John Henry, King Arthur, Pope Joan and Mulan beg to disagree.

Or rather, they would if they existed. All of which are easily Googlable


Paul Bunyan is a better analogy


Check the talk page on that (and similar) articles. There are some very zealous editors making sure that they come down harder than the sources really support on the “everyone definitely agrees that he existed” side of the argument…



  • A preacher lived around that time.
  • His name was ridiculously common.
  • He was baptized.
  • He was crucified.

Notably NOT:

  • He was born of a Virgin.
  • He was the son of a supernatural deity.
  • He performed supernatural acts.
  • He was resurrected.

To call this “Historical Jesus” is misleading at best. It is reasonable to say DOZENS of people fit that description.

Let’s try the same argument today… “A preacher named John was baptized and later was convicted of serious crimes and sentenced by a judge.” How many fit this description? Isn’t it more likely true than false? What does that prove?

This whole argument tries to equate mundane statistics with miracles. It adds nothing to any reasonable discussion outside of post-hoc theological justification.


I don’t think anyone here claimed historical Jesus was the son of the magical sky wizard.

Some folk heros are based on historical people; some aren’t.


The thing is that people are basing the magical sky wizards manifesting himself as his son as this “Jesus” character they’ve made up and have decided existed in the way they pretend because there is some tangential corroboration somewhere.


No one here made that claim. But it’s the claim you’re continually arguing against.



What makes a better lie:

  • A 100% fabrication
  • A lie that selects elements from reality, and invents parts of the whole story

Muhammad was also a known historical figure, as was Joseph Smith.

@Nacktmull@lemmy.world avatar

Apparently, Christians are not the only ones who lack basic knowledge about the history of Jesus …


Neat theory


The earliest set of Pauline epistles have a consensus dating around 50, 20 years after the nominal death of Jesus.

The gospel of Mark has consensus dating to 70, 40 years after the nominal death of Jesus.

Multiple Jewish and Roman historians wrote about the existence of Jesus, who weren’t all getting their information from the Bible. There is a long and well-sourced Wikipedia article on this.

Ghost33313 avatar

...and Pontius Pilot was one historical figure we can prove exists. In letters from Rome telling him to stop genosiding so many Jews. We are supposed to believe that if this really happened, such a guy cared what the Jews thought, and would give them a choice on who to kill? Really? He would have killed Jesus, the other guy, and the crowd for good measure.

It's clearly written to absolve Rome of any guilt since they founded the religion and all of the source material is more likely attributed to Mithra and Simon Magus.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

Jesus was absolutely guilty under the law at the time.

Guilty of what? Insulting the Jewish Religion and trying to reform it? That wasn’t a crime in the Roman Empire.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

I don’t understand this headline. If you believe the Bible how is it it a myth that the Jews handed over Jesus to be killed?

You have to pay attention, the headline isn’t talking about the Jews killing Jesus, but rather HANDED OVER which is precisely what happens in Mathew 26:47.

There’s no confusion about why Jewish leadership arrested and handed him over either, they were involved in a conspiracy to do that in order to get him killed. This is blatantly clear in Mathew 26:3.

I absolutely despise MTG but surely I’m not the only whose noticed that this whole article is twisted?

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

That was 2000 years ago. She’s blaming Jews right now.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

The woman is batshit crazy but my comment wasn’t really about her; rather how the headline is about one thing while the article itself is about something different.


headline is about one thing while the article itself is about something different



Because “Jewish leadership” isn’t the same thing as “all Jews”.

It wasn’t back then, and it isn’t now.

Implying that they are is exactly the reason why we are somehow not allowed to criticise the STATE of Israel without being labeled an anti-semite.

The Jews didn’t hand over Jesus. A HANDFUL of Jewish state leaders did.

The Jews aren’t committing active genocide in Gaza as we speak. A handful of Israeli state leaders are, and using their faith to justify it.


The Jews didn’t hand over Jesus. A HANDFUL of Jewish state leaders did.

This. Someone who had amassed enough of a following while calling out authority figures for hypocrisy, greed, and corruption is going to make some very particular enemies.


Because it’s a grievance Christians love to bring up to justify and incite antisemitic violence.

There are no systems of power this act set into motion. There’s no way to resolve this grievance. It’s at its deepest core a call for pogroms.

@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

Okay, but so what? People who are alive now and have had nothing to do with any of that (made up nonsense, btw) should tolerate these comments why? What’s even the point of bringing it up? She’s a U.S. congresswoman ffs, not a religious scholar. Her only point in doing this is to create an “other” to hate, and I hate that about conservatives the most. The underlying conservative identity is based on nothing but hatred of some boogeyman, which conveniently changes each election cycle or generation.


It’s antisemitic to blame “The Jews” collectively for handing Jesus to the Romans. The people who handed him over were Jewish, but then, so were Jesus and most of his followers. Most jews at the time, and obviously all jews since then had no involvement in the matter. But there is a long history of blaming all jews for the death of Jesus.

If MTG had said “Jewish leaders” handed Jesus to the Romans, there wouldn’t have been potential antisemitic implications. But she said “the Jews” did it, which can be interpreted as antisemitic.


Religion is the greatest evil that has ever existed, and has caused more human suffering than anything else. So I’m finding it very difficult to care that you’re hurt that she’s saying your fairy tale killed her fairy tale. You’re children, arguing over imaginary friends and running to the rest is us like we’re supposed to feel sorry for you.

@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

We seriously need to ban religion from politics, policy making, and any matters that have to do with making rules for society. Religion should just be a personal matter, and never mentioned in public by people who need it.


Jesus was a Jew named Joshua who was against money lending in the temple.

That’s the historically accurate Jesus though, and not the M16 wielding anti-Semite white Jesus, who’s look seems to say “WTF IS A KILOMETER!!!” as eagles swoop on high.

You know, fake Jesus.


To MTG: you’re white and white people owned slaves, so you’re directly responsible for slavery.


I’d believe it for MTG. She certainly seems the type to want to return to “the old ways”.

Granite avatar

The Romans get a pass for some reason.

Realistically, nobody was going to blame the dominant culture that ended up spreading the plague, I mean, Christianity.


Well Pilate DID literally wash his hands of the whole thing. Plus blaming the Romans undermines the whole “If he did nothing wrong why didn’t he comply with law enforcement?” narrative.

Buelldozer, (edited )
@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

The Romans get a pass for some reason.

The Romans are gone and their Empire has been dead for longer than anyone has been alive. The Jewish people are still around and have their own State…which is continually in the news because they keep behaving like they still live in the Old Testament.



excuse to post some sopranos

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

The amount of dumb in that assertion.

It hurts my head.


I’m just so exhausted.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

It is exhausting, but at least it gives me an opportunity to laugh at this crazy lady, as long as I don’t spend too much time thinking about all the other people who agree with her.

Frog-Brawler avatar

Is she thanking them? Jesus had to die for Christianity to exist.


Everything about Jesus is a fable so why call out this part specifically as fable?



Milk_Sheikh, (edited )

So wait. Given the Republicans just ‘trapped’ the Democrats into voting for the stupid ‘working definition of Antisemitism’ as a federal guideline, can we flip the table and trap them into a vote to censure/eject her from Congress?

I’d bet there’s a non-zero headcount among the Republicans who’d be happy to boot her, and if not there’s a lot of headlines to run about the “GOP defends virulent anti-Semite in own party”

@WeirdGoesPro@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

On behalf of those of us who found Jesus to be a lackluster prophet, thank you. /s

PugJesus avatar

A Gallilean philosopher and ex-slave was teaching a class on Paul, known Christian.

"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Jesus Christ and accept that he is the greatest deity ever, even greater than Jupiter Optimus Maximus!"

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, Centurion who had served 30 years duty and worshiped the Emperors every day stood up.

"Who is the son of god?"

The arrogant philosopher smirked and smugly replied "Jesus Christ, you stupid pagan"

"Wrong. It’s Augustus Caesar. If it was Jesus Christ, as you say... then why did he die pathetically on the cross instead of creating an IMPERIVM SINE FINE?"

The philosopher was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of the Gospel of Luke. He stormed out of the room crying those crocodile tears. The same tears Christians cry for the conquered Gauls and Britons (who today live in such luxury that most even visit baths every week) when they jealously try to claw justly earned riches from the deserving legionaries. There is no doubt that at this point the "learned" Christian wished he had joined the auxilia and become more than a cultist preacher of barbarian superstitions. He wished so much that he had a gladius to disembowel himself with due to the shame, but he had none for he himself had always preached unconditional pacifism!

The students applauded and all joined the legions that day and accepted the Emperor as their lord and savior. An eagle flew into the room and perched atop the SPQR symbol and shed a tear on the chalk. The 12 tables were read several times, and the Emperor himself showed up and sentenced all Christians to die in the Flavian Amphitheatre.

The philosopher lost his tenure and was sent to the lions the next day. He died with a thunderous applause and was tossed into Tartarus for all eternity.

Ave, true to Caesar

[copypasta not mine]

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Which brings up a question I’ve yet to have a Christian answer properly for me- Why did Jesus live and die in a backwater rather than bring his world-saving gospel to Rome?

I mean even ignoring the fact that Jesus never got around to telling the indigenous people in places like Australia that he existed and humans had to do it, going to Rome seems like it would have been the best place to spread the message at the time.

PugJesus avatar
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Nice. I’ve never heard any of the music from Jesus Christ Superstar. I like it. I’ll have to listen to the rest now.

PugJesus avatar

It's unironically one of my favorite musicals. It's surprisingly not very religious, considering its subject matter.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

It certainly sounds critical based on that song. Randy Newman did a version of Faust which was similarly critical of God. I quite liked it.


PugJesus avatar

It walks a very fine line that appeals to both Christians and non-Christians. It's more about the drama and struggle around Jesus, without ever directly addressing his divinity or lack thereof. Judas has all the banger songs, though. He's the protagonist, really.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Honestly, I wasn’t even concerned about the plot. If it has a good plot, that’s also good. I just liked the song and wanted to hear more.


While atheist myself, there’s a fairly obvious reply.

God had a plan, and look where the religion is now, so that plan obviously worked.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I learned long ago that there is no point in a response to such Christians because they want you to respond.

And I should add that there are plenty of Christians who are absolutely not like this. Even evangelicals. My wife’s evangelical family has never been anything but completely welcoming of me. No one has so much as tried to convert me, let alone said anything antisemitic.

@gedaliyah@lemmy.world avatar

Not according to the book of Mormon.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think the Book of Mormon says that Jesus went to Australia, just the Americas.

@gedaliyah@lemmy.world avatar

Oh really? Well, I’m sure they’ll get around to baptizing them all posthumously if they haven’t already.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Probably. After all, they baptized Ann Frank.

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

Why did Jesus live and die in a backwater rather than bring his world-saving gospel to Rome?

Canonically this is because Jesus was sent to the Jews in order to reform Judaism and save them. The Gentiles, and that included the Romans, were secondary. That’s made pretty clear in this Gospel story about crumbs from the table.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

My pleasure. You’re also welcome for all those Hollywood movies I’m apparently responsible for.

@WeirdGoesPro@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar


PugJesus avatar
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

The best part is the three year old comments!

@michelle391989 3 years ago

Who else came here because of the Marjorie Taylor Greene nonsense?



  • Loading...
  • WeirdGoesPro,
    @WeirdGoesPro@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    They provided a dramatic climax at the crucifixion.


    Doesn’t the antisemitism awareness act make criticism of Israel illegal? Maybe her reason for opposing it is stupid but it should be opposed.

    PugJesus avatar

    Doesn’t the antisemitism awareness act make criticism of Israel illegal?

    No, it's pretty toothless as a bill. It is concerning, but for the ambiguous attitudes it reflects more than the legal effects it'll have.

    @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

    Yes, the act itself is bad. This isn’t really about the act.

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