BombOmOm, avatar

Two things that come to mind:

  • Lemmy’s protocol is open, so anybody can make 3rd party apps to work with it. Third party Reddit apps used to be popular when Reddit had an open API, but Reddit destroyed that on purpose.
  • Because Lemmy isn’t run by a singular company, you don’t get the same restrictions. Reddit admins had a whole host of rules on what a sub could or could not contain. Many of which were heavy focused on making Reddit more advertiser friendly.
Nusm, avatar

And for point one, I use Voyager, which was heavily inspired by Apollo for Reddit, so Voyager makes this place feel more like home.


You can also use Voyager on Android! If you squint real hard, you can pretend Apollo finally released on a non-Apple device.

snooggums, avatar

The funniest part of killing 3rd party apps is they cut off a widely used method if collecting more commenting data from the average user. I guess they figured audience style interaction on the official app is worth more.


The official app purportedly has a shit ton of interaction tracking. I can’t find the link anymore, but somebody on HN even claimed what they wanted to track was so invasive that he walked out of a job interview for Reddit.

What I can say for sure is that the new Reddit “shreddit” website is absolutely fucking full of tracking. I reverse engineered it for reasons, and every interaction with UI elements was reported back before the actual interaction was allowed to take place.

They definitely gain more value out of user data from interaction tracking than they do from their comments.

Fudoshin, avatar

Tracking clicks on links with JS is pretty normal. I always implemented that with Google analytics for my e-commerce sites.

It helps you track things like downloads of files, email links, exit links, etc.


As a former web dev, I know it’s normal industry standard stuff, but it’s really hard to give Reddit the benefit of the doubt here.

Their tracking is completely ingrained in the webcomponent-based SPA itself, beyond what’s reasonable for anonymized analytics. Disabling cookies even broke loading content, despite being logged out.

Fudoshin, avatar

What did you used to program in?


In a professional capacity, it was React with TypeScript for front-end, Node for backend with Nginx to serve static assets. At the end of the day, it wasn’t really for me. I enjoy web dev for hobby projects, but working with it day after day ruined my intrinsic desire to keep doing it.

Fudoshin, avatar

Oooooh this is relevant to my interests!! After 20yrs doing web dev I crashed out of two jobs in 6 months completely hating coding. Can’t even bring myself to look at code nowadays.

What did you go into after quitting web dev?


What about old.reddit; would that have tracking? If not it would explain why the new Reddit UI seems so slow on browser


Interesting, for point 2, I thought having restriction in subreddit make it harder to advertise?


Oh, there were plenty of ads. You just didn’t recognize them as such.

SkyNTP, (edited )

3rd party app support…

There are many other reasons, but let’s be real. A lot of us ditched reddit because they dropped support for third party apps. Having an interface that isn’t trying to constantly milk you for all sorts of monetization schemes matters a lot, as it so happens. Enough to say goodbye to a lot of familiar and large communities with otherwise good information.


There’s many communities I miss, but without third party apps that place became unbearable. The equivalent ones are not as active, but i can actually read and participate in discussions here.


Being normal? Reddit has become such a toxic dump lately, Lemmy feels like a walk in the park compared to it.

MeanEYE, avatar

I have quite the opposite experience.


I’ve seen both very passionate tone deaf communities and very inclusive friendly communities. Steer a course and you might find calmer waters.

MeanEYE, (edited ) avatar

These days my Lemmy experience is listing through main page which accumulates god knows what. Even though I do curate a list of desired communities. Perhaps I should start filtering content I interact with.


You can mute specific instances. For example, not saying you should, but if you would happen to find all people from Hexbear insuffurable, you could make that instance disapeaar. Again, I’m not saying this specific community is filled with cocky asshole, but I’m not saying it’s not either. I really can’t as I haven’t seen any of their content since a long time.

MeanEYE, avatar



Yeah, I got nothing against other people having different political views but that was the first instance I blocked.


Somewhere along the way, I learned that for a village to thrive, the creative people (the artisans, the musicians etc) must move in first, they form the roots, then the rest of the village follows them.

The creative people moved from Digg to Reddit. That’s what made Reddit Reddit, not the brand, or the UI, or some genius exec.

The creative people have mass migrated to Lemmy, & hence Lemmy will thrive. How do you know - see where og memes originate. Genius is not the domain of AI, & hence Reddit is Deaddit. We’re now just waiting for the rest to follow.

kenblu24, avatar

I’ve yet to see artists migrate here. The artists started on DA, Newgrounds, YT, Tumblr, etc. The professionals moved to Twitter.

Reddit started from geek & tech culture, not creatives. Its ability to foster discussion extended well to not just techies but to everyone. Most creatives I’ve seen shy away from Reddit.


Creative people in the Reddit/Lemmy village are the geeks & intellectuals

umulu, avatar

This makes sense. I wonder if it’s different now, since reddit has became such a big platform.


If you're the tankie type, you might appreciate how tankie-heavy it is.

Chozo avatar

I feel like that trope doesn't really ring true these days, as most of the "general purpose" instances are pretty moderate. Back when Lemmy was still just a small handful of instances, that was definitely the case, but I think the wider adoption has balanced things out a bit closer toward center, overall.


It may be more balanced than it was before, but there are a lot of accounts which come across as heavy-handed propaganda and/or radicalized teenagers.


No one on the platform side is incentivized (or capable) of controlling things, which is nice.


Not force you to use the shittiest client ever created on mobile.

1984, avatar

I think it’s a huge plus that it’s not run by big tech corporations. How many such things do we have today?

FlavoredButtHair, (edited ) avatar

They’ll ban you because of your opinion. If you disagree with the wrong user or mod, you get banned from the subreddit or the whole site.

Fuck r/cordcutters and fuck r/news


I dared to question how Nazis were still alive; instant permaban to my 10+ year account. They are more interested in defending Nazis than they are removing them.

FlavoredButtHair, avatar

Well there was a video on r/news where a group of cops beat sonebody pretty bad, body cam footage I think.

I commented “I hope those cops get what they deserve” you know like criminal charges of some sort. Oh no, reddit was perfectly fine with cops being bad cops.

That was my secondary account oh well.


And any recourse/appeal is not guaranteed a response, nor will you know if it is ever looked at. Nuts, especially since there are subs which I was on and had built a large reputation for trading, one of which no new users can register on. Fun loss of earnings from that day forward.

FlavoredButtHair, avatar

I was never really worried about reputation or virtual points. I just tried to contribute to conversations and be respectful. But Reddit has gone down hill. Soon it’ll be dead like MySpace.


Mine was for trading, which was profitable for me. I needed that reputation/review score for people to trust me. Oh well.


Note that you can get banned from specific communities or instances, just not from Lemmy itself, as long as you are on a permissive instance or your own instance.

GreatAlbatross, avatar

You can pick an instance that aligns with the way you like to be. But those instances are still kept in check because if they get too shit, they get defederated.

For example, can operate in a uk-style way for which words we do and don’t find offensive, and the level of piss-taking we do.


In terms of the more populous instances, I think Lemmy reminds me of old Reddit before the site went mainstream, minus the jailbait, incest-posting, rampant racism and other degenerate shit that Reddit used to be known for.


Steve Huffman isn’t here, so that’s a huge plus.

PP_BOY_, avatar

Steve Huffman? Former moderator of r/jailbait and current CEO of Reddit? That guy?

pivot_root, (edited )

Self-proclaimed future leader of an apocalyptic survival compound, and obvious Elon wannabe? That Steve Huffman?

PP_BOY_, avatar

Uj/ wait, what?


steve Huffman, the thirty-three-year-old co-founder and C.E.O. of Reddit, which is valued at six hundred million dollars, was nearsighted until November, 2015, when he arranged to have laser eye surgery. He underwent the procedure not for the sake of convenience or appearance but, rather, for a reason he doesn’t usually talk much about: he hopes that it will improve his odds of surviving a disaster, whether natural or man-made. “If the world ends—and not even if the world ends, but if we have trouble—getting contacts or glasses is going to be a huge pain in the ass,” he told me recently. “Without them, I’m fucked.”

Huffman has been a frequent attendee at Burning Man, the annual, clothing-optional festival in the Nevada desert, where artists mingle with moguls. He fell in love with one of its core principles, “radical self-reliance,” which he takes to mean “happy to help others, but not wanting to require others.” Huffman has calculated that, in the event of a disaster, he would seek out some form of community: “Being around other people is a good thing. I also have this somewhat egotistical view that I’m a pretty good leader. I will probably be in charge, or at least not a slave, when push comes to shove.

There are some other funny bits in that article, like Spez having “large blue eyes” and once was a competitive ballroom dancer.


Nah he’s here. It’s the guy downvoting all the anti reddit posts


No, that’s me. I don’t care to see Reddit, Twitter, Threads, etc posts.


It’s kinda cool to go to pretty much any post and go “hey! I know almost everyone in the comment section!”, but that’s a bit of a double edged sword

Maven, avatar

Some apps (like Boost) even let you add tags to people’s names.


I always get so confused until I remember the context

Baku, (edited )

Interesting, I use boost and didn’t know about that. Like client side flairs, neat!

synae, avatar

Damn, I want that feature in Eternity

austinngo, (edited )

Lol that sounds cool


It can be. Once you get to hyper specific niches, you’ll start seeing communities where it’s more or less only a single person posting, if anyone’s around at all. In more general communities it depends what’s going on. There’s a few people in the memes and shit posting communities who I swear make just about every post that ends up high up on top/day, and are in half the comment sections too. In communities like ask Lemmy it’s usually different people posting, but the same few people replying

TurboDiesel, avatar

Only downside is when you DO finally have an, “Oh, it’s you” moment, you’d better hope they’re not one of the few people doing the posting.

ptz, avatar

Haha, yeah. Luckily it’s more “Oh, it’s you” and less “Oh, it’s you”. lol

Though I do tend to block trolls very quickly.


Oh, it’s you!

SnokenKeekaGuard, avatar

Oh it’s you

ptz, avatar

Oh. It is you.


Oh, it IS you.


Oh. It’s you.


OH!! ‘tis ye!


R2D2 it is you it is you!

(insert random squeaks)



You thought Reddit mods had a stick up their asses? Lemmy ones have a fucking log instead.

Curious_Canid, avatar

But, unlike reddit, you have a lot of options here. If you don’t like the way a community is moderated, start your own. If you don’t like the way a server is moderated, switch to a different one or start your own. The platform is no longer tied to a particular instance and the whims of whoever manages it.


Can’t anyone in a sub delete posts made to it, or am I confused?

Curious_Canid, avatar

I don’t think anyone can delete posts except for the poster and the moderators.


How do moderators work if there are subs which are hosted on multiple platforms?

Curious_Canid, avatar

Any given sub is only hosted on one instance, although moderators can be on other instances. I don’t know how moderation changes propagate across other instances. I hope someone else will explain that.

e-five, avatar

In the end it's mostly an agreement on how moderation actions should and are allowed to propagate for activity pub groups, which you can learn more about here

The tl;dr is there's a set way of saying these specific users are allowed to send actions such as delete on these specific posts, and software that implements groups (communities, to lemmy) ideally implement it in the same way. Of course, someone could always make a software that denies all remote moderation actions for instance, so it's always up to those implementing the AP spec.

Lemmy has a large userbase, so generally probably gets to decide a lot of these things, such as how moderators are listed when getting information on communities, and other software will have to choose to follow along to be able to work with the large userbase or raise concerns/give feedback if needed

Curious_Canid, avatar

Thanks for the explanation and for the link!


That only applies to specific instances, or even specific communities. Just switch to a different instance or community, or make your own. If you don’t like, try out either exploding-heads or lemmygrad, depending which way you swing, and vice versa. Somewhere out there is the community and instance for you, and if none of them are to your taste, nothing’s stopping you from making your own - that’s the beauty of the fediverse.

XEAL, (edited )

Setting up an instance is not a resposibility that I want to have. I don’t wanna have to deal with trolls posting illegal shit that I will have to take care of.

And even without that, my instance could be defederated by yet another fucking moron with a log up his ass.


Well, if the moron was gonna defederate you anyways, its not like you’d ever have wanted to be on his instance and beholden to his rules. Like I said, we’ve got all sorts of instances out here - you just have to find your niche. From straight Marxist instances like lemmygrad to the exact opposite over at exploding-heads, to pirates over at dbzer0. Whatever you’re into, it’s probably here - just maybe not at Try out or, or ask around for whatever instances fit your style. There’s even full, anti-censorship free speech absolutist instances around here if you take a look around.

lvxferre, avatar

You thought Reddit mods had a stick up their asses? Lemmy ones have a fucking modlog instead.

Fixed that for you!

I’m half-joking. Being completely serious now, I don’t think that censorship here is worse than in Reddit, just more visible due to features like the mod log, and lack of features like the automoderator (it’s harder to detect if you’ve been silenced if it happens automatically, based on keywords).


Last night I made a post on c/asklemmy and that post now has 200 upvotes and a bunch of engagement.

On Reddit, that post would’ve been removed for some stupid reason or no engagement whatsoever.

Reddit also has a stupid algorithm thing and I could never find the posts from communities I subscribed to on my feed leaving many posts lost.

Yerbouti, (edited )

Serioulsy, Reddit has a moderation problem. Posts gets removed all the time by powertripping mods.

QuarterSwede, avatar

Gotta third this. I had actually forgotten how bad it was till this was mentioned because it never happens on Lemmy. Love that. I had a few posts removed for accidentally missing an obscure rule on Reddit. Do not miss.

Chozo avatar

Unfortunately, it still happens even here on Lemmy. I don't think we see it as much because most communities here have far fewer mods than adjacent Reddit subs on average, but occasionally you'll find a mod here who thinks they know better than their community and does whatever they feel like.

lvxferre, avatar

The one about regret buying, right? I’ve seen it.

It would be worse: people would assume that you’re a Nazi because you’re criticising consumption.

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