Biden chokes up while talking about deceased son and Trump's disparaging remarks about service members

“That man doesn’t deserve to have been the commander in chief for my son, my uncle,” he said, referring to Beau Biden and Ambrose Finnegan, who both served in the military

President Joe Biden choked up Wednesday talking about the military service of his family members and former President Donald Trump’s disparaging remarks about service members.

“They asked [Trump] to go visit American gravesites. He said, ‘No.’ He wouldn’t do it. Because they were all ‘suckers’ and ‘losers,’” Biden told a crowd of union workers. “I’m not making that up. The staff who were with him acknowledge it today. Suckers and losers.”

He paused for a moment and added, “That man doesn’t deserve to have been the commander in chief for my son, my uncle.” Beau Biden and Ambrose Finnegan both served in the military before Trump took office.

Biden’s comments referred to Trump’s 2018 trip to Paris for the centennial of the end of World War I, when he declined to visit the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery and reportedly called Marines who died at Belleau Wood “suckers” and fallen soldiers at the U.S. cemetery “losers.”

Linkerbaan, avatar

Imagine dying for the military lmao.


Pieces of shit like you are who we should be sending out ahead of the real soldiers to look for mines.

jordanlund, avatar

Removed, civility. Do not attack other users.


Imagine living in a country where some people’s only way out is to sign up to die for their country. Now imagine there’s someone making fun of them for it.

hark, avatar

Some people’s “only way out” in nazi germany was to join the nazi party. Should they get our sympathy too? These people aren’t dying for their country, they’re dying for corporate profits.

Bakkoda, (edited )

I was using the words the person i replied to used as far as “dying for your country” and as far as your straw man, shove off.

EDIT: They said military not country, my bad.

ZMonster, avatar

Was homeless at 17 for the better part of 2 years. Tried to kill myself with inhalants many times. Found out the service was taking in meat shields like they were going out of style. Watched thousands die in Iraq and still deal with the guilt and self-destructiveness today. It is getting better, good people found me and chose to love me.

There’s a part of me that does not disagree with the comment, I honestly wanted to die in that place. But it’s so disrespectful to say, and you nailed it.

Dozzi92, avatar

And it’s braindead and I’m not sure you need to be in the military to realize dudes are dying in the military, but not for the military. My thought process eventually became don’t want to kill, don’t want to die, but would do either for my guys, my squad, platoon, company. Maybe even Fox company but fuck those guys.

ZMonster, avatar

😂 It’s always fucking foxtrot. But it’s also the only place you can get shit off the books. ⚖️


Who gives a shit, stop sending money to Israel.

GladiusB, avatar

Well obviously you do or you would not have commented

hark, avatar

I assume they care about biden’s support of genocide, not him using his son and the position of commander in chief to score political points.


Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. Holy shit this comment section is a dumpster fire.

GladiusB, avatar

I’m going in sir!


I should have headed your warning. I have less faith in the Lemmy community after having read through these comments.


a) *heeded b) The trolls are trying to grind you down, to drive you away from those of like mind, to polarize you, to make you hate people you don’t know, and to eventually make you hate people you do know. They are evil. And they fucking suck. Please do not let them win. Do not lose faith in your fellow man/woman/heartbeat.


Holy fucking clown world Batman!

hark, (edited ) avatar

Fuck you biden, you piece of shit. Your dumb son chose to go all the way to another country in the name of imperialism. Those 30,000+ Palestinians you helped slaughter didn’t get to choose. Downvote if you love genocide and going to other countries to kill people.


You know, if you “biden bad” people are trying to convince us you’re not right wing agent provacateurs, you’re doing a terrible job. Mocking someone for being sad their son died is just about the Trumpiest thing I can imagine.

I know, I know, it’s very difficult for you to resist the urge to be cruel, but you have to pretend to be a good person if you want to convince liberals to vote 3rd party.

hark, (edited ) avatar

I’m not mocking biden for his son dying, I’m calling biden a piece of shit for supporting genocide. He speaks highly of the commander in chief position, as a position that is deserved or not, but I’d say him impotently going along with israel’s genocide means he doesn’t deserve the position either. I called his son dumb because choosing to join the military to fight in the Iraq invasion was dumb when he obviously didn’t come from a poor family and thus didn’t even need to do this due to a lack of job opportunities.

You finger wag about cruelty and being a good person while defending a supporter of genocide. I know you can’t view the world as anything other than red vs blue, but I never said anything about who to vote for. Full disclosure, I vote for democratic party candidates down the ballot every single election, I’ve never voted for a republican in my life. However, this doesn’t matter to you because as long as anyone doesn’t toe the party line 200%, then your reading comprehension goes out the window and you make up a million assumptions, gallantly fighting a strawman.


Do you think that Trump would do any differently at all in support of Israel? You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me! Again, you’re just a sycophant…

hark, avatar

So because trump exists, that means biden must support genocide? What kind of leap of logic is that?

GladiusB, avatar


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  • hark, avatar

    Biden is supporting genocide by bypassing congress at every opportunity in order to supply israel, who is carrying out a genocide, with weapons to carry out that genocide. He doesn’t have to do this. Seems like this is obvious, but you think israel is somehow protecting us so who the hell knows what you’re thinking. Funny that you talk about emotional reactions and then you label me a “dumb trumper” out of nowhere (is it because I said I vote for democratic party candidates 100% of the time?) and call me an “angsty teenager” because… again, who the hell knows what you’re thinking?

    GladiusB, avatar


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  • hark, avatar
    GladiusB, avatar
    hark, avatar

    What point are you trying to make? That the US has been giving aid to israel for decades and thus this is fine? The US had slavery for a long time (arguably still to this day in prisons and abroad), but that doesn’t mean it should continue.

    GladiusB, avatar

    What point are you trying to make? An argument that I either support slavery or negate it? It’s not the same thing. The mechanism for aid was 60 years ago and has been going there for even longer. With Iran in the middle of it now Russia will try and get involved too. Israel has been and always been a political ally to our own safety. There is no denying that Biden’s decisions are to maintain a ally he came into, not created. Every President, even Trump, sent Israel aid.

    hark, avatar

    Israel is clearly committing genocide and we should not support this.

    GladiusB, avatar

    Did I say I support it? I said there is a bigger picture more than “Biden is bad and at fault”.

    ZMonster, avatar

    I called his son dumb because choosing to join the military to fight in the Iraq invasion was dumb when he obviously didn’t come from a poor family and thus didn’t even need to do this due to a lack of job opportunities.

    As you have demonstrated, anyone is susceptible to misunderstanding. It does not discriminate by class or privilege. People join for many reasons. I wanted to get a warm meal, warm bed, and die. But others from my meps felt that they had familial or generational obligations. Some wanted the career and had great options. It’s a fantastic and debt free way of getting respectable credentials and high-speed to boot. But I don’t know a single person who honestly believed they were supporting genocide or imperialism, what have you. There were a lot of dumb people, but they risked it for their own reasons in a way you never could or likely ever will. And I will always cry for those that gave it all. Some of us are dealing with our guilt and doing what we can to prepare the next generation for the pitfalls they face. So spit at us all you want. There’s not thing one you can say that will make me loath myself more than I ever have. And I’m dealing with that too.

    I hope you are never in a place that makes you tangibly consider these choices you so virulently despise. You are still someone’s compatriot and you deserve that.

    hark, avatar

    I’ve had my reasons for doing dumb things, but that doesn’t mean those weren’t dumb things to do. Regardless, it’s not an act that should be glorified. The US military’s primary role is to protect corporate interests, to the misery of many, including those that serve that machine. Biden is trying to score political points using the death of his son and by glorifying the position of commander in chief, a position that he is currently using to authorize support for genocide.

    ZMonster, avatar

    The US military’s primary role is to protect corporate interests, to the misery of many, including those that serve that machine.

    I’m not refuting this. I’m pointing out that this isn’t remotely obvious to let alone the motivation for why people join. You are privileged enough to be aware of this. Not everyone has the luxury of your perspective.

    fartington, (edited )


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  • MrBusiness,

    It’s bots, farms, and propaganda. They flood comment sections with bad takes and/or downvotes to try to drive away real discussion. 1) it gets people to engage and waste their time arguing with someone that has no intention of being sensible 2) others who are interested in the post might get driven away from the comment section

    But it’s good to see users keeping up real discussion despite the garbage, just got to wade through it sometimes.


    Why tf are they referring to that hack karoline leavett as national press secretary?


    Yall are gross


    Biden’s use of his son’s death for political gain is gross.


    You’re one of the people that got angry and offended at MrBeast for making a Youtube video about giving 1000 people the ability to see again, aren’t you?


    Why would you assume that? I think it’s great that he’s using his money to improve others lives. Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups.


    His son was a service member, you know, the ones that trump disparaged.


    God forbid someone be sad tbat their son died

    Akasazh, avatar

    Unlike Trump, who totally would but has no family members that deserve praise. He still does though, tried to get out of court due to Baron graduating.


    The closest he can get is telling Howard Stern how much he wants to bang his daughter


    The use of his sons death by the opposition party is even more horrendous in my opinion. Imagine having such little ammunition (against someone who is definitely not immune to critisizm) that you have to attack the mans dead son. Fucking deplorable


    can you show any examples of such? I’ve never heard anyone but Biden mention Beau.


    So I’m assuming you can’t provide any examples of such? It’s a serious question. ANYONE using it as a political tool is deplorable, I’ve honestly never seen the opposition leveraging Beau’s death against Biden. I’m genuinely curious.

    GladiusB, avatar

    Let me present an argument that you has a zero sum for you to do so I can come off as superior. Standard right wing chicken shit arguing.


    @Sleepybear claimed the opposition used Beau’s death more than Biden did. I’m simply asking for something to back that up. If it’s happened, that’s not fine and I’ve said as such. BOTH sides using the death of a serviceman for political gain is fucking atrocious, don’t you agree? Or are you only ok with it when it’s one sided?


    He’s immune to factual criticism, because righties live and die in their own fantasy land; where bad is good (as long as they’re doing it).

    Neato, avatar

    Any service member who supports Trump is indeed a “sucker and loser”. You pretty much have to be to that that kind of abuse and still support him.


    Also must not give a shit about their oath if they support Trump, defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic and all that


    Trump is the domestic enemy.


    Domestic terrorist.


    Just any poor to middle class who supports Trump is a sucker and loser, including the service members. The only people supporting him who aren’t suckers are deeply sociopathic.


    The cemetery in question is in France and exclusively for Americans who died in The Great War (WW1). None of those men knew or supported Donald Trump, as he was not born for another 30 years.

    Zehzin, avatar

    "They asked [Trump] to go visit American gravesites. He said, ‘No.’ He wouldn’t do it. Because they were all ‘suckers’ and ‘losers,’

    Extremely rare Donnie W


    Hey look everybody! I found where the pizza cutters are stored!

    Zehzin, avatar

    Sorry I don’t feel the same way as you about mass murderers and rapists.


    There was a draft for that one, friend.

    Zehzin, (edited ) avatar

    For Iraq, where Biden’s son fought? I don’t think so. I’m sure they tried though.

    Edit: oh damn he was talking about WW1 and not the current murder squad. It’s my fault for thinking he would say something based.


    And yet you praise rapist Donald Trump.


    Zehzin, avatar

    Uuuuh, no? I’m saying that rapist piece of shit shit talking other rapists would be a broken clock moment.

    Deceptichum, avatar

    Over 1,000,000 Iraqis died in the war Bidens son valiantly slaughtered in.

    Why do we respect state sanctioned murderers lives yet disregard the victims of imperialism?


    That number is incredibly misleading.


    how so? or is this just a ‘trust me bro’.

    cooljacob204, (edited )

    Because it's not that high. 34,144–71,544k military casualties and 103,160–113,728k civilian deaths during the entire 8 years 8 months.

    That includes fighting extremists like ISIS and deaths caused by Iraqi security forces (post Saddam) who also have the most casualties on the coalition side.

    Many more died due to extremists groups like ISIS outside of the war. If count that then maybe you start to creep up. But I don't think it makes any sense to blame the US for what ISIS and other groups did.

    To add on to that the invasion phase itself caused 30k military deaths and 7k civilians.


    is this just a ‘trust me bro’.

    Just cus you seemed to have missed it.


    Okay here you go.

    I mean it's not like we all have access to the Internet and can verify these numbers at any time.

    TropicalDingdong, (edited )

    Sure, but its your claim. Thanks.

    So from your own sources:

    Lancet survey** (March 2003 – July 2006): 654,965 (95% CI: 392,979–942,636)

    Iraq Family Health Survey*** (March 2003 – July 2006): 151,000 (95% CI: 104,000–223,000)

    Opinion Research Business**: (March 2003 – August 2007): 1,033,000 (95% CI: 946,258–1,120,000)

    PLOS Medicine Study**: (March 2003 – June 2011): 405,000 (60% violent) (95% CI: 48,000–751,000)

    So keep in mind those numbers don’t include the entire time frame of the war. Two stars for violent deaths, three stars for excess deaths.

    So very very easily well over a million deaths due to the US invasion, considering those studies don’t even consider the entire time frame of the war, since the US didn’t withdrawal until 2021, and excess deaths almost assuredly increased in rate over the period of occupation.


    But they don't have to back up their 1 million claim?

    Deceptichum, (edited ) avatar

    It literally says 1 million in the quote above.


    He edited it after.

    Deceptichum, avatar

    You posted the article they quoted from.

    Did you not even read what you posted to support your claim?


    It says that claim with a billion asterisk which blame every bad death on the war lol. And it's very far out from the other numbers.

    At what point is it also all the terrorists groups and militias faults?


    Ask them for it. They should.

    Deceptichum, avatar

    source for those numbers?


    You’re absolutely right in general.


    1. He’s the president of the US. Of course he’d focus on US life/death
    2. He’s discussing his son/uncle, which is a personal connection.

    Humans are generally very good at personally relating to things, but poor at global relations


    So easy to find bad actors these days, they pretty much all just scream “I am only here to argue”

    Deceptichum, avatar

    You’re right.

    Soldiers are the good guys ™, the invasion of Iraq was just, and Guantánamo Bay was an act of patriotic duty.

    Please, tell me why anyone should respect these “just following orders” soldiers?

    Why do we get to wash away the crimes they committed to honour and respect them?

    Should we show respect for the dead Nazi or Japanese soldiers during WW2?

    Do you people all have short term memories or are you deliberately forgetting the war crimes and how needlessly fucked up the US led invasion of Iraq was?


    lmao look at em go

    Deceptichum, avatar

    Between 2003 and 2011, Amnesty International documented US forces’ engagement in rampant violations, including indiscriminate attacks that killed and injured civilians, secret detention, secret detainee transfers, enforced disappearance, torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment…/iraq-20-years-since-the-us-led-coal…

    Defend it more, you’re such a hero. God bless the troops, thank you for your service.

    Take one second out of your life and actually reflect on what you are defending here. It’s legitimately fucked up.


    oh lord he still goin’

    Deceptichum, avatar

    Yeah sorry, unlike you I don’t excuse crimes against humanity.

    So don’t expect me to stop just because it goes against your propaganda that all soldiers are heroes.


    hahaha homeboy just don’t quit! keep going come on, type another really long one, that’ll change some minds!

    jordanlund, avatar

    Instigating trolling, repeatedly, isn’t a good look. Banned for 24 bours, content removed. Do better.

    Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

    This one is pretty consistently low quality. I doubt they’re being remunerated for this work

    Zehzin, avatar

    Hey that’s not fair. They also raped, pillaged and tortured Iraqis in that war

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