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trevor, in FUTO Keyboard app

FYI: this is another FUTO app that uses their proprietary “FTL” license, so it’s not open source.


This license while not the most permitting does not appear to hide the code behind any proprietary shielding though.

BynaD, in What is the best captcha service for privacy?

That reminds me of these metal band logo captchas


that’s awesome

LoveSausage, (edited ) in Pixel 8A and Grapheneos

Start with the basics. Use a VPN preferable a good one payed in crypto /XMR or cash. Use Foss apps only check out F-droid.

Also one that blocks malware and ads. If not use adguard.dns or other that filter traffic

Settings , disable 2-3 G if you always have access to 4-5 G .

Don’t change add browsers use vanadium. No gapps obviously.

The more challenging is to just use it as WiFi phone without SIM.


I have a sim card in this phone. The sim card is one I heavily rely on. I have disabled the option for disable 2G in sims is this good? Even without the LTE mode as my phone doesn’t seem to have this.

I don’t have any crypto / XMR and in this case, shall I just set the DNS you recommended me without any VPN and just always use that? Thanks.


I used adguard.dns before now I have VPN that have DNS filter. Disabling 2-3g minimize attack surface but just a small thing use 3 g if you need it. You can use both private DNA in settings and a free VPN if you want.


If I use adguard dns in my phone settings, what is best free VPN to use with it? Other than proton / Riseup?


Proton riseup and calyx comes to mind.


I had to put and my preferred network is 3g with Allow 2g disable is this good always? And Riseup vpn


Are you recommending I change Preferred network type " to 3G? other options are 4G only 5G ( recommend ) 4G if I use that DNS with what VPN u recommend, and have allow 2g disable am I good?


It’s only an attack surface minimation , security is better on new generations. I use all since I am in the middle of nowhere. If you don’t need it disable it, otherwise let it be


I have the DNS set to the one you said and the preferred network type set to 3g and the VPN calyx VPN, am I good now?


Its preferred network type 3g and allow 2g disable and I use am I good now mate?


Vanadium doesn’t have good/any fingerprinting protection. Cromite or Mull would be better, Tor would be best.

LoveSausage, (edited )

Why would you use Chrome webview plus something else? You can’t replace just pile on. Not a good idea.


Dont use system webview as your default browser. Webview is used by apps, your browser can and should be changed if privacy is your goal. Vanadium may be hardened, but it lacks any fingerprinting protection.

  1. That makes no sense.
  2. Vanadium have a different approach than trying to block it , blend in instead.
  3. Gecko based browser have crap sandboxing
  4. Again if you have 1 problem adding 1 more makes 2 problems.

Vanadium is purposefully made this way. It tries to minimise profiling by making your actions noise in a big mass of users. That only works if you use the standard config without anything to discern you.

Mull is the other extreme of this. They try to eliminate fingerprinting by reducing the amount of trackable things in your browser.

It’s hard to say what really is the better option. You can’t completely eliminate fingerprinting, and the more you try, the more you will stick out of the masses.

henfredemars, in PayPal Is Planning an Ad Business Using Data on Its Millions of Shoppers

Friends don’t let friends use PayPal. If something goes wrong and eventually something will, you will find zero customer support. Add exploitation to the list of reasons.


I had to buy something recently and literally the only payment they accepted was PayPal…

KingThrillgore, (edited ) avatar

I’ve told companies that use PayPal to register as a business, not as an individual. If you’re an individual and a lot of money comes through, they will lock you down for “regulatory reasons.” Which is hilarious because they are technically not a bank (But I think they are a NA). You’ll never see that money again.


What do you use as a PayPal replacement?

KingThrillgore, avatar

Literally anything else? ACH transfers is a reliable mechanism to send money. It’s not as user friendly, though.

jabathekek, avatar

Bitcoin? :s

FaceDeer, (edited ) avatar

This is indeed one of the things cryptocurrencies exist for, but social media denizens around these parts have long conditioned themselves to hate it.

So a rock and a hard place, it seems. Which is more hated; the big data-harvesting corporation co-founded by Elon Musk, or a big bad NFT-hosting blockchain?

For people who are concerned about data harvesting I would recommend something like Monero or Aztec over Bitcoin, though. Bitcoin's basically obsolete at this point, coasting on name recognition and inertia, and has no built-in privacy features.


Interested myself. So far I had only good experiences as a customer, though i hear they are pretty rough towards vendors. It is also widely accepted where I live (EU), which makes it very convenient.

But i am always eager to stop using a corporate product or service.


I’ve generally had good experiences with It seems like a decent solution when I want something from a semi-reputable website.

I particularly enjoy the bit where cards are vendor-locked, which has been interesting to observe in a couple of instances where a site seems to have had their credit card db breached and the attackers turn around and try to use the card on another site, where it is inevitably denied, but I still get an email that shows which site got hacked and where the attackers were trying to use the information.


But how can you trust them not to screw you over. ( The apparent goal of every company). Now days… Even Google has turned Evil… Meaning you can literally no longer trust Any company


Everything is transient and eventually becomes shitty, sure, but I generally trust them because they’re able to make money just from people using the service. I don’t know how profitable they are, but I am reasonably certain that as the card issuer they get a cut of every transaction. Given that they aren’t issuing physical cards and have no obvious costs other than maintaining their platform, I don’t see a reason not to trust them in the medium term.


I use PayPal mastercard but that’s run by synchrony? Is this part of PayPal’s problems?

whodoctor11, in Google's "Manifest V2" Chrome extension phaseout next month is expected to impact the original uBlock Origin extension, which still uses the V2 framework and has 37 million users avatar

Just quit Chrome…


Just want to quote reddit users



take my upvote!!!

ForgottenFlux, in Google's "Manifest V2" Chrome extension phaseout next month is expected to impact the original uBlock Origin extension, which still uses the V2 framework and has 37 million users

For those looking to move beyond Chrome, there are alternatives that come pre-installed with uBlock Origin and are considered better than Firefox:

This project is a custom and independent version of Firefox, with the primary goals of privacy, security and user freedom.

LibreWolf is designed to increase protection against tracking and fingerprinting techniques, while also including a few security improvements. This is achieved through our privacy and security oriented settings and patches. LibreWolf also aims to remove all the telemetry, data collection and annoyances, as well as disabling anti-freedom features like DRM.

The Mullvad Browser is developed – in collaboration between Mullvad VPN and the Tor Project – to minimize tracking and fingerprinting. It is designed to be used with a trustworthy VPN instead of the Tor Network. It does not require the use of Mullvad’s VPN.

GolfNovemberUniform, avatar

Both have privacy and security enhancements that significantly affect performance and slightly convenience. Regular Firefox can be a better option for some of them. But the browsers you listed are still great

swooosh, in What is the best captcha service for privacy?

Proton has one


It appears that proton’s is only for them and they don’t offer it to other websites unfortunately

Andromxda, in Don't see many mentions to Waterfox? avatar

LibreWolf > Waterfox


It’s about having options, not excluding any other projects at all. Yes Librewolf is great, but for some, like myself, its too strict.

cyborganism, in Tap to Pay on GrapheneOS

Take a bank card with an NFC chip and put it inside your phone case.


Lol I paid extra $60 for NFC. Only if I knew this trick I could have used that money to buy inflatable sex doll.

DmMacniel, in PayPal Is Planning an Ad Business Using Data on Its Millions of Shoppers

So… what easy payment processor is there as an alternative to Paypal?

KingThrillgore, avatar

I’ve had good success with Wise and Cash App.


That practically all places use? None that I know of.

olicvb, avatar

I think the closest is Google Pay, but i doubt it’s any better for privacy vs Paypal


Google Pay or Apple Pay, probably even Samsung Pay too, but I personally wouldn’t consider any of them good for privacy.

kionite231, in How can I find out what the default cookie lifetime is on Firefox/Chrome/Edge?

wait, does the lifetime of cookie is decided by browser? I thought it is handled by the server and the server decided when to expire certain cookie.


As far as I have understood it those are two different things; Cookie lifetime(locally on your device), as well as the servers cookie, reffered to as company/vendors retention period, e.g. how long they are allowed to keep your data for.

johnyma22, in PayPal Is Planning an Ad Business Using Data on Its Millions of Shoppers

Do we all need a competitor to Alphabet/Google? I’d say yes, I don’t think Alphabet is behaving fairly.


The issue is every competitor will use the same targeted ads. No advertiser who is not using targeted ads by utilizing tracking data will never be as competitive because their ads won’t be as effective.

Until we can kill these types of advertising by making laws against it or make tools that counteract them widespread enough that it makes the business unprofitable we will continue to have our data used against us.

Asudox, in Tap to Pay on GrapheneOS avatar

Afaik some banks offer tap to pay in their own banking apps. My banking app used to do that until they fully switched to Google Pay and stopped letting the users use the builtin tap to pay functionality.

Sims, in u mad, state?

A ‘State’ is not inherently bad. That’s just libertarian propaganda/dogma. Self-interested psychopaths in charge of a state is bad…

delirious_owl, avatar

Lol lots of people think that no entity has the right to monopolize violence against a population.


Oh boy, here comes the political drama. Can we not do this?


Too late


The state is kinda bad and it’s not only Right-Libertarians who say that. Even so, leaking documents is not always bad. Like, the Abu Ghraib leak was objectively good.


Abu Graib wasn’t leaked. Amnesty International talked to prisoners that were released. Then the Red Cross used their oversight powers to get in and make an official report. Then a soldier reported the crimes to the Army’s version of the FBI, (CID). The Army then did an investigation and started arresting people.


Joe Darby came forward with the photographs, effectively leaking them. Rumsfeld later leaked Joe Darby’s name and identity, leading to him receiving death threats.


He “leaked” them to CID.


Funny thing about ancap libertarianism is that they’ve correctly identified that power can lead to tyranny, but they’re completely oblivious to the power that corporatism (the conclusion of lassez-faire capitalism) results in.


They often are Christians, so they apply fundamentalist style thinking and cannot challenge the assumptions they made.


tHe mArKeT wIlL rEgUlAtE tHeM


any state is bad because taxes are evil


Why are taxes evil, I like roads


Ohh man that one must hurt

vikingqueef, (edited )

Taxes used for public good and infrastructure are what taxes are supposed to be for. And they should be raised and collected proportionally to your wealth.

Neither of those statements describe how the US handles taxes.


Unfortunately it’s usually self-interested psychopaths who seek out and obtain those positions, especially since you need to be a bit psychotic to do what’s required to get there.


States always wind up being run by self-interested psychopaths.

That’s not a “flaw;” it’s the fundamental nature of the concept.


We need a strong authoritarian leader and a massive police force to keep the people in line.

DeepGradientAscent, avatar

I think some people missed the joke

qaz, (edited )

I think you forgot a /s


What makes you think I’m joking?


I assumed you were well intentioned and not trolling

whodoctor11, avatar

States always wind up being run by self-interested psychopaths

Being an self-interested psychopath is almost a requirement to be a company owner/manager

IDew, (edited ) in Don't see many mentions to Waterfox?

Waterfox was bought by an ad company.

Edit: According to this page it’s no longer the case, though I still am not completely comfortable with it.


I hate to break it to you but Mozilla, Google and Microsoft are all Advertising companies.


All big tech is. They got big for a reason. Though I find Mozilla much less of a thread than other corps like Google, Meta, Microsoft. Meta I find easy to block as none of their services are actually useful. Google is a tad bit harder, and Microshit creeps in on every spot and I don’t like it.


Meta I find easy to block as none of their services are actually useful.

Oh honey. Meta is still collecting your data, even if you never use their site.

But if you use a private browser and a VPN you’re probably OK.


I think that is fair. However, you shouldn’t trust Mozilla more than any other company


Any big company can’t be trusted. They got big with a reason :)

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

If Mozilla is an ad company, where are their ad revenue stats, like Apple, Google, Amazon and others? Lemmy is acting like a mirror of Reddit, except that both extremes are illogical at many times. Only geopolitical arguments make sense here, I think.

possiblylinux127, (edited )

Don’t discuss Geopolitics on Lemmy. It is a bad idea

Mozilla makes money from Firefox pocket and the sponsored part if the Firefox home screen. You can turn those off but it is still advertising


Maybe but it’s a far cry from Mozilla being an advertising company.

They aren’t even remotely close to companies like Google.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Why is geopolitics bad on Lemmy? You have NATO and Israel preferences?

I do not consider Pocket as evidence of Mozilla being an “advertisement company”. Have you ever donated even a penny to Mozilla at any point in time? Have you offered them a sustainable way to make money, instead of shitting on anything they need to resort to?


Mozilla non profit and Mozilla company are different entities.

Also Lemmy tends to be extreme left and pro China and Russia. I don’t really like discussing politics on social media anyway so I tend to just ignore it.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Mozilla non profit and Mozilla company are different entities.

Both are intertwined.

Lemmy tends to be extreme left and pro China and Russia.

Based? I see all western platforms cheering the genocide of Palestinian Jews and Muslims right now. These were the same platforms lying about Uyghur Muslim genocide a few years ago. Lemmy actually looks like a sensible geopolitical place.


I just think the issues are often more complex than people see. People put up there blinders and refuse to see anything that might make them question there own views.


not anymore, they became independent again in 2023

banazir, (edited ) avatar

They were, but as I understand they are once again independent. I’d still rather stick with Librewolf, but I’m glad there are options.


They became independent again last year!


Yeah I found that out as I was looking for sources, but you guys are quick to comment, aha!


Hehe all good 😇

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