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narc0tic_bird, in Google engineers want to introduce DRMs for web pages, making ad-blocking near-impossible in the browser

What the fuck is happening to the internet recently?

Twitter and Reddit CEOs completely losing their minds, and now Google of all companies wants to lock down the whole internet?

This isn’t even close to being okay. It’s 100% bullshit.


IDK, but we need to riot. Fuck google.


This happens when something, in this case the Internet, is a monopoly or oligopoly.

AnonymousLlama avatar

A race to the bottom with who can come up with the next dogshit idea on how to ruin the internet and make things actively worse for the people who use it


AI happened. The promises, benefits, opportunity for massive financial gain, and the clear and present danger of how transformative it can be have all caused internet-bases companies to throw out the rulebook and lose their collective minds.


Check out “enshittification”


This is what so many people said is coming.

Psaldorn, avatar

Their fake advert viewing numbers and YouTube’s inability to monetise without ruining itself are forcing them to think of new ways to encrapsulate user’s and drain their wallets.

Instead of, you know, providing a service people want and would pay for.


The tech sector just hit a major correction recently. Wall Street found companies like Google to be overvalued and as such their stocks suffered. This is Google trying to claw back some of that value. See step 3 in the enshittification process. This isn’t just Google. It’s the entire tech sector.

Lenins2ndCat, avatar

Growth reaches a saturation point and now they have to cannibalise every single thing in order to continue growth (in company values). This comes at the expense of product quality for the person using it but that’s fine if you have no competition because everything is a monopoly.

The capitalist system is the problem. The system will ALWAYS reach this endpoint for as long as it is a system that demands infinite growth.


What do you mean, Google of all companies… It’s a company that makes 90% of its money from ads and all of its products are made with the express purpose of enabling them to spy on you or creating technical dependencies so you can’t quit their services.

Plus they’ve already tried to lock the web into proprietary formats (AMP, PWA etc.) and have maneuvered so they have 90% of the browser market and the smartphone market but can’t be actioned for it.


Since when was PWA proprietary?

dontblink, avatar

Luckly we still have free platforms like lemmy, browsers like Firefox, networks like tor or i2p, torrents, monetary system like bitcoin.

We can step out of the world of and we are the ones who have the most intruments to do so.

Izzy, avatar

Yes, which works for the few, but they know that the majority are completely oblivious and will just consume whatever they are given.


Nothing about this is recent, those who pay attention to the standards process have been screaming for ages about the Google problem. It’s just that now between interest rates being what they are and them having a monopoly on the browser market that they’re cashing in on their investment.


and now Google of all companies wants to lock down the whole internet?

Of all the companies, Google always seemed the most likely, both to want to and to be successful. They’ve tried before, sometimes in small ways, sometimes in larger more obvious ways (AMP, the implementation of content filtering in Chrome etc.).

They’re the world’s largest advertising and data harvesting company. It’s their business. Of course they want to lock the internet down to serve their goals of learning as much about you as possible and using that data to shove ads in your face.

Whenever using any Google/Alphabet product you have to ask yourself, “am I ok with this thing I’m about to use being built by the world’s largest advertising company?”. The answer should be “no” more than it is “yes”, particularly for things that have access to lots of your data, like web browsers, phones, home speakers etc.


Because for the first time in 14 years money is no longer free.

Right now the interest rate sits at 5% and it will remain there for the foreseeable future. Investors no longer have the patients to wait for growth because bonds are actually investable now, so all your “get user first find business later” companies began to panic and tries to squeeze everything out of its users.

Hilariously, the only social media company that will come out of this relatively unharmed is probably Facebook, because their unethical practices actually makes money

banazir, avatar

Recently? This is a long time coming. Users have been accepting all kinds of shit from big players without complaint. Even if they protest it’s usually just performative and they keep using the services, sites and software that violates all kinds notions of user and privacy rights. Most people unfortunately are (understandably) not equipped to really even understand the kind of shady shit these companies pull on the daily. The internet is going to shit and its users will gobble it up and ask for more. It has been frustrating watching this happen, but there’s really very little that can be done.

miss_brainfart, avatar

The main problem with us users is that we are god damn lazy. We want everything to be the most convenient it possibly can be.

Remember when Apple updated iOS to allow users to stop cross-app tracking, which severly upset the Zuck, that absolute manchild?

Turns out that if you actually inform people and give them a clear choice to make, the overwhelming majority of users do in fact not agree with being tracked, as an example.


I haven’t read the replies but there was a very interesting episode by Derek Thomson’s Plain English podcast which I found incredibly interesting.

Derek made the conjecture that we were on a cusp of a big paradigm shift in the Internet.

For the last 20 years, it was essentially about building a consumer basis. So companies like Netflix and Facebook and Amazon did not care about current profits. The point was to just get consumers, drive out the competition, and commandeer the monopoly.

Now and especially post Covid companies like Twitter are realising that this isn’t going to work. The next movement is going to all be about paying models. This is what we’re seeing with Twitter. This is what we’re seeing with OnlyFans or Patreon.

So in light of the above comments, none of this is surprising. The next era will be about paid models of the internet.

I need to find that episode as it was extremely prophetic. It might have potentially been this one…


Sounds you might enjoy the Enshittification of TikTok article floating around. It explains quite well the mechanism why a site have to becoming worse and worse over time.

frevaljee avatar

Google has already been a worthless pos for years. Impossible to get relevant results, even with operators. You just get ads and irrelevant SEO sites. And adding "reddit" at the end of the query will probably not work so well in the future either, seeing how that site has also gone to shit.

And they have already tried monopolising the entire internet with their amp bullshit.

So this is just in line with their vision of making the whole internet into a pile of burning shit under their total control.


Hello from Kagi. It’s better over here.

frevaljee avatar

Yeah I've been a little interested in trying Kagi, but it is quite expensive... Are the results that much better?


They give you a couple searches for free each month (I think it’s 10) - go try it out!

ddnomad, avatar

The enshittification of the internet shall continue.

We will fight and we will lose, as depressing as it sounds. The vast majority of people just don’t and won’t care.


You’ll finish your enshittification and you’ll like it!

i_love_FFT, avatar

We’re on Lemmy. We’re already winning!


We may win a battle or few, but not the war.


Then i’ll scrape the songs i currently watch on youtube with jdownload and stop using the page otherwise.

All they do is make the internet less attractive. Now that works to increase profits for a while, but eventually the content creators withdraw, the platforms become worse and eventually uncool and people stop using it, or use it less. Facebook is on a decline in western countries. We went through multiple video snippet apps already and tiktok and instagram too will be declining eventually.

We dont have to win the war because the war will never end. We just gotta make the best out of the battlefields we win.


I built a Python script that scrapes metadata from Spotify and apply it to songs downloaded off YouTube so it looks identical as if you bought the album.

I’ve been thinking to post it on like GitHub cause it’ll be useful for tons of people but I also don’t want to get sued


That is super awesome, but yeah, sounds like the kinda thing you should keep underground. Too many cool projects have been killed because they went public.

dontblink, avatar

But a small minority of really determined people is enough to change the world 🙌

I love to see how people nowadays find easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism… That’s how they’ve been brainwashing us till now.


Interest rates going up means investors are demanding more profit so all the tricks web companies have held off on till now are coming out.


Better time than ever to be a FOSS enjoyer, that’s for sure


Honestly, this second half of 2023 for me has been about finding FOSS options for literally everything. And eventually I’ll have a home server I can use for the things I can’t use on the cloud


It’s like in Silicon Valley when the VC tells them they don’t need to be profitable they just need to market, then as soon as he dips below technically being a billionaire he demands that they focus on being profitable immediately


A lot of them never had to make a profit before.

Rich idiots threw money at anything because while a million dollars is more than the vast amount of us will ever have, to them it’s like buying a lotto scratcher.

The underlying issue is wealth imbalance.

Kichae, (edited )

And one of the primary reasons they never had to make a profit was that, so long as interest rates were functionally zero, it didn't really cost the investor class much of anything to park money in a money losing operation while waiting for it to become sellable.

With interest rates back to pre-2008 levels, though, there's a price to money again. And a real opportunity cost. So, compete with bonds or watch your investors walk.


That wealth imbalance also pushes companies to force dumb shit like this on thier customers.

If Google were to just come out with a $10 a month plan that removed all the sleazy ways they try and profit from you, the overwhemling response would be “Oh great yet another subscription”, because these subscriptions have become a significant chunk of people’s income each month.

But what if greedy neoliberals hadn’t been pocketing our pay rises for $20 years and that subscription was functionally $1? Most people would be happy to blow $20 supporting 20 different content providers.

Unfortunately, their greed is insatiable. There’s always a room of executives doing their grubby little sums. “If people have $1, they probably have $2. We could double our profits! Then double our salaries!”.

Inflation just means “If rich people find out you’ve got more money, they’ll fuck you out of that too”.

The $1 will never be enough. They’ll keep charging more and more until people have nothing left to hand over. Then they’ll figure out more ways to squeeze a profit out of you. Manipulating you with ads, selling your private data, turning your body into expensive dogfood – whatever makes them a few more cents.


What the fuck is happening to the internet recently?

Capitalism is spreading further into the dark reaches of the internet.

fearout avatar

I know, right? It’s so weird. In every single instance of some bullshit happening it’s easy to brush it off as incompetence or an attempt at profit maximization, but overall it feels a lot like some kind of targeted disassembly of whatever made the internet great and facilitated open discussions.

mounderfod, avatar

It can be a combo of several objectives:

  • make a shitload of money
  • stop people from realising we’re making a shitload of money off of their backs
  • keep people poor so that even if they do realise there’s nothing they can do about it

I don’t think it’s coordinated, I think it all starts from the same root cause: Silicon Valley Bank failed. These companies all need to do something they’ve really not done much of in the past: turn a profit. But these companies are not run by the business geniuses we were once convinced were running the show. Most of them live so far removed from a normal persons life that they don’t understand what motivates us, what we want in a platform, and as soon as we provide feedback after they’ve already made a decision, they decide it’s because we don’t understand the squeeze they’re under to make money.

  • Twitter: Elon Musk thinks he could make more money from subscriptions than advertisements. The whole thing’s a disaster because that’s really dumb. This case may be a little different though because there’s some evidence Musk just wanted more people to see his tweets and to pay people to be his friend
  • Reddit: Spez fails to see that he has multiple revenue sources available to him so long as he keeps his users around. Somewhere, there was the right balance of charging for the API at a reasonable price, performing better market research on his user base to provide a better ad platform, and keeping the Reddit coin system in place as the base liked it because the user base paid more for that than most similar online payment schemes.
  • Google: this is the scary one. This is the one that seems like they know exactly what they’re doing. They’re ramping up their enshittification following the fall of SVB, but the way they’re doing it is both malicious and a minor enough inconvenience that the majority of their users will stay. And they’re doing it in small quiet ways. A little bit of tweaking how YouTube bans users here. A little bit of RFCs about DRM on the web there. Some PRs to chromium and android no one will notice. All to squeeze more ads into peoples online experiences. Their search product has been utter shit for about 6 years now, but people still prefer it over Bing or DuckDuckGo (which is a wrapper for Bing). They’ve learned the following lesson: if you’re big enough, the citizens of the web will let you do it

DuckDuckGo seems, for me anyway, be crappier and crappier by the month. Am I the only one? Are there alternatives?


SearXNG and LibreX are both meta search engines, which combine results from several different search engines.


Duckduckgo is a wrapper for bing? No wonder it sucks… I want to like it, but the results are usually pretty bad in comparison to Google. Takes me much longer to find what I’m looking for with DDG. :/


Startpage might be something for you, mixed bag though but I got nothing of substance to say against it.


I’m using an anonymous browser and for me often DDG has better results than Google now. My Google-fu used to be on point but recently I can’t seem to find sites that aren’t SEO traps.


I have exactly the opposite experience. Google has gone to shit, and duckduckgo gets me there faster 90% of the time. Plus the results are short and concise, or immediately helpful.

The SEO of the internet has really fucked googles algorithm. At least with duckduckgo I can end the search with !g to switch to google if I need a second go, but you cannot !d in google.

TheHighRoad, avatar

I 100% would have signed up for Reddit Premium and payed monthly for Sync access if they had allowed me to hand them the money. Oh well ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯

fearout avatar

Right? I had a subscription for Apollo and am now supporting kbin on Patreon (btw, guys, here’s the link if someone wants to help out).

It wasn’t that hard to offer a product that people would be fine paying for.

fearout avatar

That's a good write up, thanks. I don't claim it's coordinated, just that it feels more and more that way.

Also, I switched to DDG a year or so ago and I haven't heard that it was a wrapper for Bing. So I went to google it (I can't not use this verb when talking about online searches, lol), and it seems like it's not really the case. It gets some results from bing and utilises their ads to make profit, but it seems like it's a small part of their output. Is that incorrect? Do you have some more info about it being a wrapper? I'm kinda curious now


I’d be happy to hear that’s true. They were originally an aggregator until Google changed their api

halfempty avatar

DuckDuckGo is not a wrapper for Bing, but is in fact a distinct and independent search engine. DDG does grab some results from bing. but it also grabs from other sources and it's own crawler.

4am, avatar

Elon Musk wanted to drive Twitter into the dirt once he was forced to buy it. Criticism, jet tracking, rejection of fascist-adjacent opinions that are “logical” but only if you’re a heartless engineering robot.

His hubris forced him into buying it, but once he had to, he might as well destroy it. How else do you think he got the Saudis in on it for another billion?

I laughed about this theory at first, just memeing it like “ha could you even imagine?” But every single day it seems more and more like he does the worst thing possible to “monetize” and then gripes about it like the only reason his brilliance isn’t working is because big mean liberal woke mind virus society is trying to do cancel culture because they’re just jealous he’s rich.

_TheNardDog_, in I asked them to delete my data, they said "Install our app"

No, it’s not at all legal for the company to do this. Reply and remind them they have one calendar month to comply from the date of your original request, otherwise you will make a complaint to which ever information regulator is correct for the juridiction they’re operating in.

I’m a lawyer specialising in Data Privacy, reply here if you need more help on this one.

Also feel free to name the company.

mypasswordis1234, (edited ) avatar

For now, I do not want to announce the name of this company publicly.

If they don’t want to solve it amicably, then I will do so.

NaturalViber, Heh


I will never understand why people complain online then do this. Why are you being such a pushover. What does amicably even mean to you?


Why not? That’s so weird…


Think of the poor corporation! If they get punished for their illegal buisness practices, it’ll hurt the economy and people will be less inclined to start a small buisness. Didn’t you study piss down economics?






I guess the company is embarrassing in some way.


Must be something that makes you look bad lol

Otherwise you’d just say it. You owe them nothing and they’ve broken the fuckin law and you’re protecting them? What do they have on you?


Or maybe they just want to disclose as little of their personal information, including services relied on, on an open platform like this. Idk if that’s the case, but playing devil’s advocate here


Personal information like the name of a company they bought something from?



Maybe it’s a company with only 3 customers.


Then maybe don’t post it at all?


Why should they not? They posted an inquiry, looking for advice. That is their reason for posting.

They do not owe personal information beyond what is required to answer the question. And typically, with regards to anything resembling a legal matter, the less information posted publicly, the better.


This is a bad decision, IMO. They may fix it for you, but then you’ve lost the opportunity to assist everyone who comes after you.

You posted asking the public for help. Please return the favor and report them, as you are legally supposed to do.


They already said they don’t want to.

They asked you to install the app on purpose, in hopes that you’ll decide it’s too much hassle and decide not to delete the account.


How do you know this?

My first thought was “they probably want to ensure they are who they say they are and so want an authenticated request” - while that’s against GDPR, not everyone is as educated as they should be, and not every mistake is a nefarious activity.


The individual responding isn’t the issue. They haven’t made any decision to respond like this, they are following a script.

The script is written by people who should know exactly what they are doing, so the result is either malice or negligence. Either way it’s unacceptable where the law is concerned.


There’s no reason an app should be more trustworthy than the email.
It’s pretty standard for scummy companies to make the process as annoying as possible.


See cancelling gym membership.


Genuine question: Aren’t you supposed to say “this is not legal advice?” if you identify yourself as a lawyer but you’re not their legal council? Or am I mistaken?




Look it is the internet, you can rest assured if they say they are a lawyer, then there is no doubt ;)


And I’m totally not a dog. Woof!





mypasswordis1234, avatar

Is everything okay?




That one is certainly illegal, misrepresenting yourself as a lawyer online and giving legal advice on that basis. Same for doctors.


Illegal where?


Canada, USA, the EU


And you are certain the poster aboves lives there because…?


“because…?” ?


I can’t decide if this is written jokingly or seriously.


The purpose of that disclaimer is for the lawyer to not expose themselves to malpractice lawsuits from OP, which seems VERY unlikely to be relevant here



miss_brainfart, (edited ) avatar

That reminds me, I might have to put in a formal complaint for a somewhat similar matter.

Bought concert cards years ago, and was never able to unsubsribe from the newsletter. I sent requests to every mail address I could find, and never even got a response. Still got newsletters every now and then though.

They also just make it unnecessarily hard to contact them, so at this point I’m not sure my messages even reached them, which hopefully is what explains their failure to comply.


Depending on country there’s probably some regulator office which you can send a complaint to

miss_brainfart, avatar

France in that case, so that would go to the CNIL. Though they want people to make an account to put in complaints online.


Fuck them and bless u lol

daisyKutter, in Twitter/ is now forcing you to disable Firefox's Enhance Tracking Protection. avatar

Stop using twitter for f*cks sake

BroBot9000, (edited ) avatar

Stop humouring the assholes that are still on that bigoted network. It’s X not twitter. Twitter is dead.

Every time someone calls it twitter, don’t give them the satisfaction of disassociating themselves from Musky’s X.

Oh so you’re an X’er. You like to Xeet a lot eh?


Xcrete was right there, just saying


This is the internet; you can say “fuck” here.


Fecking hell

bolexforsoup, (edited )

Don’t do that it’s annoying. If someone doesn’t want to write out curse words, more power to them. It doesn’t inconvenience you in the slightest. It’s just a patronizing comment that has been made into a meme.


Good, maybe the people who do it will be shamed into shaping up or shipping out.


Don’t tell me not to do things.

Synnr, (edited )

Can any late teen-early 20s armchair philosophers once-over this for me?

I have a theory. Never before on the internet (going on 30 years of it) have I seen so many curses used but not fully spelled out (‘f*ck’ for example).

I believe the change has to do with social media and specifically short-form video apps (Tiktok, IG Reels, Youtube Shorts) - not all of which I am familiar with, but I know at least YT and I believe TT does as well. When curse words or words like rape and murder are used in text (or ‘subtitle’ text on screen) the video reach can be penalized in some way. I assume it’s similar in comments.

So you have a ton of the younger generation consuming hours each day of censored curse words, and in their mind it becomes just what you’re supposed to do, socially. They end up doing it with each other over text, and consequently in comments. I have a younger co-worker who will gladly say “Fck that dude hes a btch” in group chat, and when I asked him why he doesn’t just say the words he’s using, he said “I just don’t like to curse.” Which makes no sense to me, as it’s the same word and intent.

I know some Lemmy instances will remove words, but generally only ‘bitch’ and derogatory slur words.

So I hypothesise it’s simply unexamined social conditioning, where they see their peers doing it so they do it too, never questioning why.


I’ve never had the experience of seeing young people refrain from using curse words. It’s usually as people grow up they see it as an immature way to communicate. I personally use them a lot, but in formal settings I certainly don’t. Some people simply don’t turn the switch on and off and elect not to use them so much. I don’t think that’s such a bad thing even if it’s not how I operate. It’s up to each of us how we want to communicate, so frankly, I just don’t concern myself with it.

As for people self censoring online, I have seen that since my old messageboard days when I was a kid. “You can curse on the Internet“ is a pretty old meme. Literally decades.


People who see it as an immature way to communicate won’t use the words at all. People who are actually immature despite growing up will use the word and think it makes a difference if they put an asterisk in there instead of spelling it out.

bolexforsoup, (edited )



I am not judging people for using profanity, I am judging people for thinking fuck vs f*ck makes a difference.

bolexforsoup, (edited )


TSG_Asmodeus, avatar

As another poster said, we used words like pr0n, and one that I personally have never used either of that replaces the “er” ending of a word with “a.”

Hell, half of the time we used l33tsp33k was to avoid using specific words.

This is not a new thing.


Its happening with “killing” or “dead” being subbed for unalive too. I don’t inherently think its bad, just culture moving forward and changing how it always has. “Its simply unexamined social conditioning where they see their peers do it so they do it too never questioning why” Thats just society, friend. Why does anybody do anything?

I’m 36 and don’t understand plenty of young people’s shit now, but that doesn’t inherently make it scary or bad. I don’t really have a point here I guess, except that we should strive to not be the old men who yell at clouds about “those damn kids.” Life and time marches on, things change, and thats fine. 🤷

fossilesque, avatar

Unalive etc came about as a way to skirt TOS violations and demonitisation.


I’m aware, but it’s made its way into peoples vocabularies IRL as well.


[Grandpa Simpsons voice] Back in my day, we used to say “pr0n” instead of “porn” to avoid keyword spotters, and saying it that way just got to be a habit. Nowadays e.g. twitch comments auto-mods have block lists. I think kids just do the same thing.

What’s funny is when you’re watching something like an AI summary of a movie on youtube, it’ll use euphemisms like “self-delete” instead of “suicide” and “naughty place” instead of “brothel” to avoid the algorithm penalties you mention.


That’s true, there is the Scunthorpe problem. I guess we’re just doing another 20 year cycle like we have for all of civilization. If someone centuries in the future finds this comment chain, please name the solution to your 20 year repeating fractal math problem something like the CockSyn Solution. I want to be like Shadow from American Gods. Or more accurately like Pythagoras with his stealing murder cult.


There are other things that get self-censored due to filters. The two that I’m thinking of are “suicide” and “murder” (which a lot of people reword as “unalived” or “committing game over”).

Another one that I saw was a history summary channel I watch on YouTube couldn’t get monetized because they kept mentioning Hitler (in a video about the end of WW2) so they had to keep saying “the toothbrush moustache having Austrian man” to get around the censor.





  • Clay Davis


USSEthernet, (edited )

Gee willikers

daisyKutter, avatar

Sir this is a Wendys, go rant somewhere else for fucks sake

TheLowestStone, avatar

Excuse me, I’m going to have to ask you not to curse here.


this is a Christian Minecraft server


Who are you to assk



jballs, avatar

I always thought it was “fuck’s sake”.


If you read what I posted and thought I was ranting, I’m not sure what to tell you. Touch grass for fuck’s sake?


Stockholm syndrome is made up but posts like these keep convincing me it’s real.


And Reddit, and Facebook while we’re at it

buddascrayon, (edited )

I was resistant to ending my use of reddit, but now they have nerfed the mobile site so bad I can’t even login anymore so I’ve stopped trying. I still peruse it on my PC at least once daily but I think that the moment RES finally stops working will spell the end of that.

As for Facebook. I mostly keep it around for an easy connection to family and friend and a few meme groups that amuse me. But again, only like once a day do I check in ion that site.

Edit: I should mention that I have never and will never use either of those website’s apps.


It really baffles me how often I still see it talked about. Especially on Lemmy. I never liked it myself but now the musk owns it, I would’ve assumed there wouldn’t be much controversy here: it’s dead and gone, move on, people.


I just like watching it burn

maegul, avatar

I’ve found a fair amount of strong loyalty to the place from all sorts of people. I was never a twitter person, so I don’t understand it, but AFAICT, all sorts of people have a real emotional bond to the place, like for them it’s been their main internet experience in life or something.

bolexforsoup, (edited )

Problem is it isn’t gone and it’s still helping foment huge political/social issues in the US. It impacts us whether we want it to or not.

Doesn’t mean I use it. I don’t. But it negatively impacts my life all the same.


the stinking corpses of all these corporations that don’t realize they’re already dead impact all of us, but they’re still dead, aren’t they? hnnngg die already!


Ah yes politics, the thing that can be discussed in 140 characters or less. Twitter is definitely the prime place for this discourse.

I get what you’re saying, I really do, I just think its super fucked up that our politicians have collectively decided this is THE place to engage people when there is no political topic that could possibly be discussed properly this way. I’m pretty sure I already exceeded the limit just saying this.

Sabata11792 avatar

It doesn't matter if its the worst possible place if its still the only place they can operate in. The biggest soap box is what they want.

KarthNemesis avatar

i'm fairly sure the point (whether calculated, or more likely, mostly not) of having politics moved there is because there is no political topic that could be discussed properly there. it makes for good, distracting noise.

it makes for a lack of meaningful critique, or for that critique to be instantly buried in bad actors. noise is a shield. noise is easily dismissable.

monetized social media, in general, is made to be clickbait, to feed negative emotions because that's what gets people addicted to outrage, it steers people towards thinking less and reacting more. nuanced discussion and thoughtful spaces are drowned out and cast aside for the loudest and most obnoxious players. this is appealing for someone trying to uphold the status quo or push society towards hate.

i don't think it's a coincidence that politicians have moved there, that spaces have become so polarized and negatively charged, and that the most prime example of both of these happenings is xwitter. everything is connected in this big, terrible, and vaguely randomly evolved system. i do think evolution is the best word for it. what lives, survives to propagate. it doesn't matter how healthy it is. the result is this blind, meandering, gargantuan worm, following the scent of blood, feeding on the worst of it all.

xwitter is easy and, notably, if you're a powerful white man, you can build your base with no accountability. it exists in this space where it's the most serious news source that almost no one takes that seriously. of course it's appealing.


i’m fairly sure the point (whether calculated, or more likely, mostly not) of having politics moved there is because there is no political topic that could be discussed properly there. it makes for good, distracting noise.

It’s more stupid than that. The idea is that 140 characters is a lower barrier of entry for a reader, compared to reading a series of paragraphs that might be able to at least talk about something, or attempt to summarize an issue. It’s why accounts like wint can pop off, and become so prolific.

KarthNemesis avatar

Two things can be true.


I mean I just don’t think it’s so much a calculated effort by the ruling class as kind of a natural evolution of the market taking hold of and exploiting the human mind to the nth possible degree, such as they have always done.

KarthNemesis avatar

You're phrasing this as a rebuttal when these points were an explicitly acknowledged part of my original stance. It is a bit odd.

whether calculated, or more likely, mostly not

everything is connected in this big, terrible, and vaguely randomly evolved system. i do think evolution is the best word for it. what lives, survives to propagate. it doesn't matter how healthy it is.

Both quotes from my original posting, here. If you want to point out something that I had missed, it would be more time efficient to have picked something I had missed?
I'm bemused.


I’m gonna be honest most times when I write a response I’m taking a shit and not paying very much attention to the thread which it belongs beyond my vaguest recollection to what was said


Yes exactly. Which is one of a few reasons why I wish people would stop using it


I made accounts on Mastodon and Blue Sky but most people still use Twitter, so if there’s info you’re looking for, or if you want to share things, you’re forced to use what most people are using.

maegul, avatar

I hear you … most people are still there (I’ve claimed in the past that it will be the MS Windows of social media, that no one really openly talks about using but is actually everywhere).

But I feel it may be useful to distinguish FOMO and social media gossip from actual useful information. I’m not saying there’s nothing useful on Twitter (I don’t actually know). But we’re talking about microblogging and social media here.


What info do you need from Twitter you can’t get elsewhere unless you’re a journalist? Genuine question this isn’t bait lol


I just accepted I'm not getting the information now; but a whole bunch of small creators will basically only talk about their content and schedule on twitter. Like if something is going to be late, they are going on vacation or they are doing an extra stream or etc.

bolexforsoup, (edited )



What’s the pod?


I’m not sure, but wanted to add another hot take: if you’re a journalist and you use Twitter as a primary source for your work, you’re not a journalist.

TootGuitar, (edited )

I deleted my 2007-era Twitter account in 2022 and not once have I felt like I was missing out on any “info” or felt like I wasn’t able to share things.


Seriously, I just dont understand microblogging. It seems deliberately shallow.


I’ve never had a Twitter account and never felt the need for one, also haven’t been missing out on that junk. I’ve read lots of tweets, on occasions when I was offered a twitter link for whatever, but just never felt like I needed to join up at all. Just seems like a waste of time to get on social media where all the posts are just small bits of opinionated content without much depth.


Thats cool but it is a transitional thing. If you keep going back the transition doesn’t happen. Stand your ground.


You can do your part to get that info off of Twitter.

Get a separate browser just for Twitter use. If there’s info that’s only on Twitter re-post it elsewhere.

banazir, avatar



Perhaps they meant to put the asterisk in Twitter’s name like so: *

downpunxx, in Looks like Facebook is following youtube with anti-adblock measures.
downpunxx avatar

Ad Blocking is Cyber Security, never ever let anyone convince you differently

viking, avatar

Definitely. Ads are eye cancer at best, and infiltration channels for malware at worst. Compromised ad networks pumping out executable code via javascript (or back in the days, Flash) are still a major source of trojan infections.

Uranium3006 avatar

if ads were just static PNGs with a link you went to if you clicked I wouldn't have ever bothered. but ads became a major malware and tracking risk so plugging that security hole became mandatory.


People are gonna say I’m being hyperbolic or crazy, but I swear that the internet died the day the first line of production Javascript was ever written.

Uranium3006 avatar

The internet died in September 1994 everybody knows that


Hey, that’s not too far away. Javascript came about in December 1995.

user224, avatar

I tried finding that website, but I can’t remember what it is. I’ve seen it use the static image advertisement. It changed on each reload too.

But yes, that website had last update somewhere in the early 2000s.

RickyRigatoni, avatar

When I last used it a few years ago ExplainXKCD used static images and had a note about how they hand picked each ad to avoid any problems.


Yeah, there’s no proper screening process and companies aren’t help liable for malicious advertisements. It’s the Wild west out there, and companies take money from anyone due to there being no consequences. Internet advertising has no proper screening process like network television.

Teon avatar

And just to add to your important point, Ad Blockers are really Content Blockers. They allow the user to delete annoyances that have nothing to do with advertising. We should all start calling them Content Blockers.


Have tried the zapper in ublock origin? I love it.

Teon avatar

I use it often for sites I rarely will visit again. It keeps My Rules file from getting cluttered.
And it's fun!!!


So fun! I think it gives me a tiny power trip when I feel like Bruce Lee karate-chopping away an annoying part of a website :D


I have said it before, snd I will repeat it as many times as it takes.

Adblocking is security, untill website owners take legal and financial responsibillity for the harm that a hacked ad spreading malware or attenpting any kind of deception, I won’t even consider removing my adblocker.

If this changes, I will consider it, but will still not do it, the risk to my data is too large.


Ads are malware for the mind, even when they’re not malware for the machine.

GrappleHat, avatar

Well put!


Thanks :) I was quite pleased with that one!

monsterpiece42, (edited )

It’s true. I work in a computer shop and we see literally thousands and thousands of dollars lost from people clicking on ads that look like normal buttons (things like “Download”, “Next”, etc). And not just the elderly either. Everyone has a a combination of inputs to get scared and comply. Folks that are otherwise extremely competent and savvy can get scammed too.

The best security you can have online is adblockers, only beaten by using trusted websites.

Edit, fair points with sites being slimy these days. I meant using legitimate versions of websites rather than copy/fake websites designed to steal credentials.


I dunno’, the way Google themselves have served vulnerable ads, it might be true that ad blocking is more important than using “trustworthy” sites.

moitoi, avatar

Does anyone have screenshots of these buttons? I didn’t see an ad for so long that I don’t even know how they look like.


Yes, these exactly. There does seem to be a bias towards sites with multi-page articles (think Yahoo news, BuzzFeed type stuff), and what I’ll call “disposable income listings” like boat and sports car-listing websites.


But what websites can you trust these days?

YouTube? Serves up scammy bitcoin ads. Google? Places ads as “search results” Twitter?

Maybe that one website unchanged since 1998.


Space Jam?


It was updated when the shitty new one came out :c


You can’t trust any website 100%

You need to continously verify and reverify the details you can.

Hamartiogonic, avatar

I can totally trust the hmpg site.

yoz, in I asked them to delete my data, they said "Install our app"

Name and shame the company

theKalash, in Seems legit, Google knows what is best for me.

Yeah, that extension actually pushes unwanted popups. That’s a legit flag indeed.

Just use uBlock Origin.


Ooh thank you. I hope you can see why I was sceptical!

miss_brainfart, in Google engineers want to introduce DRMs for web pages, making ad-blocking near-impossible in the browser avatar

One comment mentions possible incompability with article 22 of the GDPR, and I sure hope the EU will stand their ground on this.

I can only imagine noyb letting all hell break loose. We need more people like him, dissecting corporations legal bs to find every last little thing we can possibly hold against them.

Obligatory use Firefox


use Firefox

been doing that since I left Internet Explorer, aeons ago


Me too. The problem is that I’m not much of a Firefox evangelist outside of my household. I guess it’s time to change that.

Engywuck, (edited )

Obligatory use Firefox

No way. Why should I feel obligated to use something I feel has inferior UX and UI than the browser I’m using now? For Mozilla’s CEO to rais her wage (again): ?

You people are really delusional if you really think that Mozilla are the only good guys (or good guys at all, for that matters).

Inb4, unimaginative people downvoting just because they can’t stand different opinions.

YellowtoOrange, avatar

What do you use?


Not Firefox.


I think they probably use Netscape


Indeed, I’d love Seamonkey to be a viable alternative, for instance.


It’s IE isn’t it?


It’s Brave. Gotta get that crypto!

YellowtoOrange, avatar

You criticize but don’t even have the balls to name your browser? To back up your claims?

That is pathetic.


It’s Brave btw lawl


It’s Brave, as evidenced in their history. The browser that peddles crypto ads, has a transphobe CEO, and has been accused of selling copyrighted data


I surely deserve death for using a browser you don’t like. Jeez, people can be so obtuse sometimes…


I surely deserve death for using a browser you don’t like.

I’m not sure how you managed to come to that conclusion. You claimed Firefox is a poor choice, I’m demonstrating why I believe your alternative choice is worse. Nevermind the fact that use of Chromium is effectively an acceptance of Google’s monopoly over the web standards, which is the point we’re all arguing here. If you can’t handle criticism you should reconsider making such hyperbolic remarks.

MazonnaCara89, avatar

You forgot to list autocompleting urls with affiliate code without the user consent

Engywuck, (edited )

Someone just insulted me and called me “alt-right” person or “crypto bro” (I’m neither of both). So, do you really think that I’m the pathetic one?

And… Which “claims”, by the way? I just said that I’m annoyed by people telling me “I should” do something and that I’ll decide by myself. Full stop. Coherently, I’m not giving you alternatives nor have I to disclose anything.

Sometimes it looks like one has to apologize for using Brave or Vivaldi or any other shit that didn’t come out from Mozilla’s ass. Keep using FF if this makes you happy. It made me happy for 20 years, but then I got fed up by 1) Mozilla, 2) Mozilla’s community 3) The browser itself.

Don’t worry. One day Mozillians will receive a reality bath and realise the farce they have supported.

Zetaphor, (edited )

People should be attacking your idea, not their perception of you based on your choice in browser.

My objection with Brave, Vivaldi, and other other browser that is just Chrome with a different skin of paint is they are all signalling an acceptance of Google’s monopoly over the web standards ecosystem.

Mozilla is a shit organization run by a shit CEO, but they’re the only alternative we have to the megalith that is the advertising company known as Google. It really shouldn’t be a hard argument to understand that putting an advertising company at the head of the web standards process is a really bad idea if you care about anything other than Google’s revenue streams, ie a free and open web.

Chromium only exists as a way for Google to keep antitrust regulators from coming after them like they did to Microsoft when IE had a monopoly. It’s source-available, not open source, they don’t accept commits from non-Googlers. The moment they feel safe closing down the Chromium repos without having to lose too much money in fines or blowback, they absolutely will.

We’re literally watching this happen right now with Android, another formally open source project from Google that is slowly having all of its open source components clawed back so that they can maintain their control over the ecosystem and protect the revenue stream that is their data collection and app store.

When Google inevitably decides to pull the plug on Chromium the collective of forked browser developers is not going to be able to keep up with the massive engineering effort required to keep a modern browser going. Especially when a corporation like Google can and will push forward complex and difficult to implement standards expressly for the purpose of making those forks obsolete. They have the manpower, capital, and control over massive web properties to effectively push out anyone they don’t want.

All it takes is them making a change to Youtube that hinders alternative browsers and that will be the death of that open source ecosystem. They’ve literally pulled this exact move before with Youtube by hindering Firefox’s performance by pushing through the implementation of shadow DOM.

All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again. Trusting an advertising company with control of the open web is the nerd equivalent of leopards ate my face

miss_brainfart, avatar

I feel obligated to raise awareness about these topics. I won’t prevent anyone from choosing Chrome, but at the very least it’s important for people to know what their choice can entail, and base their decision on that.


We also need to raise awareness about what giving google hegemony over defining what the web will be means.


I won’t prevent anyone from using FF, either. I just think that the “obligatory use Firefox” is quite arrogant, to say the least. And, to be honest, I’m quite happy it’s not going to happen until FF is managed by Mozilla and their poor choices.

miss_brainfart, avatar

The obligatory use Firefox has been a running gag in the FOSS community for ages now. Nothing arrogant about it, though it does come across as a bit blunt and brazen, to be fair.

It’s just that letting a single entity be the ultimate authority on how the internet (or anything, for that matter) should look like is objectively a bad idea.

Especially when that entity is widely known for being insidiously self serving, malicious and manipulative.

That being said, enough people have explained this already, so I’m gonna leave it there.

Have a nice day


UX is not worse than Chrome, please shut up.

mrmanager, avatar

There is a huge difference between mozilla and google. That’s quite obvious to most. The ceo raising his salary is a problem for you, and you prefer Google, where they have enormous salaries and incomes? It’s one of the richest companies in the world.

Firefox doesn’t have inferior UX at all. It has more functions and features than chrome. It also has very good default privacy and the plugin system is amazing.

And it just became faster than chrome as well.


The ceo raising his salary is a problem for you

It’s not for me (anymore). It should be for you. She was raising her salary while firing devs… But whatever. Mozillians are seldom rational.


Keep being delusional, It’s free, after all.


I downvoted you because you made a terrible case for yourself. Learn to make a salient point, or learn to love being “edgy”. the choice is up to you, but the internet already has plenty of the latter, why not become the former?

Engywuck, (edited )

Nice to know that you downvoted me for no actual reason, as I didn’t make any “case”. Have a candy.


??? What’s your point even? Usually when someone attempts an argument they have some information.


He’s concern trolling for big corporate, probably. Or just angry. Possibly both.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Mozilla is not good, but they are the lesser evil of the two, considering Google is known as being:

  • NSA partner and collecting data and spy on users in googolplex capacity
  • AI used by US military for drone bombing in foreign countries based on metadata Google collects on smartphones (…/google-project-maven-drone-warfare-…)
  • use dark patterns in their software to make users accept their TOS to spy
  • repeated lies about how their data collection works claiming anonymity
  • forcing users to use their Play Services which is spyware and scareware
  • monopolising the web and internet via AMP, FLOC and now DRM proposal
  • use of non standard web browser libraries and known attempts to cripple lone standing ethical competitors like Firefox and Gecko web engine (now with Microsoft making their default Edge Chromium-based too)

Moreover, Firefox’s UI is incomparably superior to that of Chrome, even without considering the infinite userchrome.css customisations. The fact that you can have a dedicated search box, extensions movable and a download list button on the toolbar makes Firefox incomparable.


Are there any independent OSes for Android phones you can install?

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

LineageOS, Pixel Experience, Paranoid Android, Evolution X, ArrowOS, Xiaomi.EU, AOSiP/Derpfest, HavocOS, Pixel Extended, POSP (Potato Open Sauce Project), Corvus OS, Syberia Project, MSM-Xtended


That’s just how it goes now it seems, we just have to go with the lesser of the evils for everything. Sure there is FOSS for some stuff but even then FOSS has its fair share of issues


Moreover, Firefox’s UI is incomparably superior to that of Chrome.

No. It’s crap. Utter crap.

without considering the infinite userchrome.css customisations.

“Unsupported” and surely an incentive for less tech-savvy people to look elewhere. But whatever. I’ won’t bother to reply to anything else, as you’re statistically one of these persons that spend their life watching crappy youtube videos and buying shit on Amazon.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

No. It’s crap. Utter crap.

I see no reasoning from you on why Firefox’s customisable UI is crappier than Chrome based browsers’ UI, or on double standards of morality regarding Brave CEO’s anti LGBT right funding, or on all the other stuff you are saying. Nothing sounds coherent or reasonable. I am not your r/privacy mod who uses iPhone and Google Chrome on Windows, I daily Debian and write guides.

“Unsupported” and surely an incentive for less tech-savvy people to look elewhere

How is userchrome.css unsupported on Firefox? And where is this customisability on Chrome based browsers?

spend their life watching crappy youtube videos and buying shit on Amazon

Interesting approach to convince people.

I have received about a dozen reports against you for trolling. If you want to be Brave™ here, will you take the L and move on, or do you need the hammer? I will not hesitate in the future, unlike now.


I mean, I know you’re a troll, but can you point me in the direction of a non-chromium alternative?


I don’t have to point anybody in the direction of anything. Make your choices as I did mines.


And your choice was…?


Internet Explorer 6.0


pah, reject graphical browsing entirely, return to lynx.

FoxBJK, avatar

They’re not saying you should feel obligated to use Firefox. It’s a tongue-in-cheek joke about how everything FLOSS, Privacy or GDPR related always includes a comment thread about using Firefox. I use Brave too but you gotta read the room. Lemmy users in general are going to be much more pro-Firefox than anything else.


I understand. I just feel it’s quite arrogant ans annoying to be (indirectly) schooled by strangers on the internet who think they know better.


Dude, look, I’m sorry Firefox killed your dog (or whatever). But please stop spamming your irrational hate-boner for Mozilla all over the thread.

Teodomo, (edited )

What’s your alternative?

EDIT: Oh I just found in the profile. It’s Brave. I used it for half a year before I got tired of the crypto ads sneaking into my home page’s links no matter how many times I deleted them and of some other stuff. I prefer Firefox’s UI. Also I don’t expect any browser to be 100% ethical but Brave is below Firefox in that list for me


It doesn’t matter and it’s irrelevant here. I just despise Mozilla and their false morality. Use whatever you want.


It’s not irrelevant since you stated Firefox is less good than what you are using now. Of course people are interested in a feasible alternative. So, since you introduced it, what are you using instead?


I said that I feel it’s less good. I’m not going to tell people what they should use and I surely won’t tell them to use the same browser I use. People should simply use whatever they prefer/suits them best.

TheBat, avatar

So you’ll rather give in to blatant corporate greed?

What kind of Alt-Right logic is this?

Engywuck, (edited )

I didn’t know I was so evil that I’m doing the world a worse place just because I prefer a different browser. And I’m ideologically far form alt-right, btw.

OTOH, talking about corporate greed:


that is a funny graph. Even assuming the data is true, it deliberately missrepresents market share as usage. Which pretty much neglects the fact hat maybe a person or two and a device with a browser or two have entered the market since then.

Also it does not have any information on source of the data, methodology, definition of the terms etc. So it is pretty much worthless as an argument.


that is a funny graph. Even assuming the data is true, it deliberately missrepresents market share as usage. Which pretty much neglects the fact hat maybe a person or two and a device with a browser or two have entered the market since then.

Fine, so on the same basis we can also reject the “chromium dominance” argument, which is the main selling point of Mozilla.


On that last point, nope.


I dunno. Using Microsoft Edge feels like good enough for me.


That doesnt really have anything to do with what I said?

That said, the reason Edge feels like good enough for you is probably because you don’t know very much about / haven’t tried other browsers.

Grant_M, avatar

Eloon, is that you?

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

I just despise Mozilla and their false morality.

What about Brave CEO’s inhuman immorality towards transgender people, since you do use Brave? You want to try being ethical?


“inhuman immorality” LOL

Listen, man… I’m all for LBGT+ people rights, but let’s be real donating few thousands on a campaign is far from “inhuman immorality”.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

So now you have double standards on morality, just to bash Mozilla? Please demonstrate more mental gymnastics.


Nice detective skills. I have the opposite view about Brave/Mozilla. But fine, we can agree to disagree and still be (virtual) friends.


Opposite view of what? Brave is peddling crypto bullshit

Engywuck, (edited )


  • Loading...
  • errer,

    Then you must find yourself very amusing


    We don’t wanna be friends with crypto-bros here.


    Cool. On my part I, as a non crypto-bro, don’t want to be friends with stupid people. So, I’ll ignore you from now on.


    Nice one mate. Looks like your personality is well-received here. Maybe going back to Reddit might suit you better.


    If you truly cared about the state of the internet youd only browse websites with wget and text editors

    Or something

    dewritochan, come now, we don’t have to be barbarians, there’s text browsers out there


    With how shittily Chrome has been running for me lately, I’m feeling like making the switch to Firefox sooner and sooner.

    miss_brainfart, (edited ) avatar

    I guess now is one of those famous best times to do it. If you want even more privacy and security ootb, you can try Librewolf. Recently released Mullvad Browser seems to be pretty up there too, at least from what I’ve read so far.

    And if you’re on Android, Mull is pretty much for Smartphones what Librewolf is for Desktops.


    What additions does Librewolf have over stock Firefox? I haven’t been using FF for a week now with Ublock Origin and it has been great.

    miss_brainfart, (edited ) avatar

    It pretty much has all the possible settings (on and under the hood) for more privacy and security applied ootb, and comes with uBlock Origin.

    Technically, you can achieve the same result by configuring base Firefox yourself, but why do that if someone else already did the work for you


    I was just thinking that I’m sure Google will lobby the US government to get this model enforced as law, making it illegal for anyone to create workarounds, or alternative browsers. And the US legislative government being what it is, will hand Google whatever legislation it wants to turn their nightmare into a reality.


    Since this is something that can be used as a DRM solution, hacking it might be already illegal under the DMCA. IANAL though.


    What legitimacy does the U.S. government even have anymore in light of not only this, but everything that they’ve done in the 21st century? Why do we keep listening to them? Why don’t we build our own networks and design our own chips?


    because that would cost a rather large amount of money, which us working-class peasants famously don’t have


    What legitimacy does the U.S. government even have anymore

    The Constitution of the United States of America, the Bill of Rights, and the Supreme Court.

    Why do we keep listening to them?

    Democracy, loyalty, nationalism, trillions of dollars, global power, the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, National Guard, FBI, CIA, local and federal police, the largest surveillance network in the world, thousands of prisons, and a million other reasons.

    miss_brainfart, avatar

    It is imperative to make as many people as possible aware


    Let's hope there's already a law that the EU can find to apply (since they already don't like the non-EU dominance of big tech), or that they make one in time.


    The EU is rapidly becoming a neoliberal hellehole resembling the US. I no longer have any hope for existing institutions resisting corporate encroachment. Best that can be done is the support of initiatives like the fediverse and foss in general but if the current trend continues even that is in a precarious position.

    miss_brainfart, avatar

    The EU is so utterly out of whack right now.

    You got the proposal of chat control on one hand, and stuff like replaceable batteries on the other.

    Like, make up your mind already, do you want to help your citizens or not? It’s almost like they do it on purpose to keep our expectations in check.

    7heo, (edited ) in I asked them to delete my data, they said "Install our app" avatar



    Man, Elon really does ruin everything. Can’t even use X as a variable anymore without a disclaimer.


    “As you can see on this graph, the Twitter axis represents time, and the Y axis represents total number of unique visitors”

    driving_crooner, avatar

    It’s causing hell of problems to mathematicians worldwide.


    Suddenly, every math formula ever written is subject to copyright and royalties.


    They are left asking Y.

    ultratiem, avatar

    Fuck that, I refuse to give him the letter. He can pry it from my cold dead hands as he chokes on my liver!

    Hamartiogonic, avatar

    How about using a programmer style variables like badCompanyName. You don’t have to be a mathematician. Sure, I can totally appreciate concise names, but some times you have to use longer names to avoid collisions.


    I prefer [insertconpanynamehere] but in this case name and shame almost seems more appropriate.

    library_napper, avatar

    Csmel case isn’t POSIX complaint. Underscores ftw /s


    An X is an X, the social network shall be known as X, formerly Twitter /J

    library_napper, avatar

    This is why I always call it twitter. X is a variable


    It’s new name is “X, formally known as Twitter”. Which is what every news website on the planet calls it.

    Regardless the fact that X is a stupid name for a company, it’s also dumb to rename a popular company generally anyway.

    library_napper, avatar

    “Twitter” is shorter


    It is an ex-social-platform. It is now a pile of garbage.

    troyunrau, avatar

    It was always a pile of garbage…

    01189998819991197253, avatar

    Good point. Now it is a steaming pile of hot garbage. Haha


    Too true.

    There is some arguement to be made that Facebook was kind of good at first. It was useful and it had social impacts that were positive. Over time it became toxic.

    Twitter was awful from day one though, mostly because it was bloody useless from day one. Everything that anybody used it for could have been done, and generally was also done, on Facebook, so there was literally no point in the platform.

    Chozo, (edited ) in Google is now moderating user's bookmarks and removing them.
    Chozo avatar

    This is misleading. Not sure if by ignorance or malice, but it's very misleading.

    This isn't happening with your browser bookmarks. This is Google Collections, which is a shareable bookmarking feature, meaning it can be made publicly available. That's why it's moderated. It's basically Google's version on something like Pinterest.


    Even so - it’s not an excuse meddle with it, whatever you call it. Fuck Google.

    Sneptaur, avatar

    You should be mad about the things google does. I don’t think this particular thing is unreasonable though.


    Why not?


    If you’re going to store something on someone else’s computer (Google cloud), they have every right to control what is and is not allowed on their systems. Don’t like it? Use encryption, selfhost, etc…


    I would love to hear that from Google’s spokesperson.


    This person fucks.

    Chad comment although I agree with other person that this is not the worst of Google's crimes.

    canis_majoris, avatar

    They have a duty to moderate public-facing systems. This is a link/bookmark sharing system, so obviously bookmarks that are pointing to things that are illegal are going to be dealt with.

    LoafyLemon avatar

    They don't have to, they choose to. You can share bookmarks on Firefox, but Mozilla doesn't filter nor censor them Orwellian style.


    Orwellian is when company does thing I don’t like

    LoafyLemon avatar

    No, it's when the company attempts to assume the role of a governing body and delves into the privacy of people's bedrooms.

    canis_majoris, avatar

    No, that’s when they’re fascists

    canis_majoris, avatar

    I’m pretty sure there are reasonable expectations by governments that you maintain adequate moderation, especially the EU. If Mozilla were to deploy a public facing system and not moderate it, they would catch hell from the EU and likely be fined out the ass.

    • OP claimed it’s his private bookmarks not facing public
    • the site doesn’t contain any illegal content. It’s just google being overzealous and intrusive
    • Google Keep Notes has a sharing note feature. You think it would ok for them to sniff what you noting and delete it if they didn’t like it?
    • one again - there’s nothing illegal on that website, nor is accessing it or sharing it’s address
    canis_majoris, avatar

    Let’s try reading the articles before discussing them, next time.

    Chozo avatar

    OP claimed it’s his private bookmarks not facing public

    OP is mistaken. Read the email in the screenshot.


    So if you have a collection with political targets and the folder is just google maps links to their houses with their names as the bookmark name google shouldn’t be allowed to stop you from spreading this?

    Sure google is shitty but this feature is designed to share links with other people and sometimes those links can be dangerous so imho it’s absolutely necessary to moderate them at some level.


    Depends if it’s illegal or not. In your case it’s probably illegal.


    In that case they deleted a link to illegal content in their jurisdiction - so should be fine - shouldn’t it?


    IMO defending Google is the underhanded move.


    Sharing misleading info means people are less likely to believe you on real issues.

    Firefox IS better, Chrome’s meddling IS a problem. We don’t need to make stuff up in favor of that, and clarifying the point isn’t “defending Google”

    canis_majoris, avatar

    Every single comment chain on this thread besides this chain are 100% wrong and operating on misleading information. I fucking hate how up in arms people get when they don’t even have the full picture - even the basics, like having read the fucking article.


    IMO targeting someone you don't like with antipathy regardless of their actions is a sociopathic move.

    Chozo, (edited )
    Chozo avatar


    I don't give a fuck if you like Google or not, but spreading misleading FUD is the real underhanded move.

    There are plenty of valid reasons to be critical of Google. This ain't one.

    floofloof, in Privacy = no free speech

    Ah yes, just like how free speech means corporations must be allowed to bribe politicians.


    But they’re people! Well, only in that one instance and not in any others that would allow punishments levied against people to be applied to businesses.

    Like, if I sold poison that killed millions of people every year, I’d get the death penalty.


    Maybe you should have thought of that before you became peasants.

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    Just buy more money

    • Donald Trump (bankrupt)

    What punishments do you have in mind?


    Death penalty


    I’d be on board with that.



    mintyfrog, in Meeting new roommates for college and I suggested Signal and this was someone's response. I hate Gen Z.

    Who the fuck uses instagram for group chats?




    Zoomer genocide is the only solution


    My friend group just uses our discord server for that shit, then again we’re all older zoomers so maybe thats why.


    Honestly discord might even be worse.



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  • mom,

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t zoomer = gen z?


    Here’s my correction: you’re correct


    Bro if I had to use insta for a group chat I would fucking snap lmao, give me Facebook messenger any day. At least that app tries to be decent

    BrezhnevsEyebrows, avatar

    A lot of young people do

    s20, in Meeting new roommates for college and I suggested Signal and this was someone's response. I hate Gen Z.

    I hate Gen Z

    Dude. I have a group that only talks on Facebook Messenger. It’s 100% Gen X and Millennials. Don’t blame the generation, it just makes you sound like an old man yelling “get off my lawn”.

    darcy, avatar

    true, but ive noticed that at least older people pretend to care about privacy


    Since when? Boomers will click anything you send them, Gen X think they are too clever to be phished on their XP desktop, and Millennials will give you their entire credit history for $50 off a streaming service. The majority of every generation doesn’t give a shit about digital privacy.

    hexi, (edited )


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  • s20,

    Okay. We’ll take that as a given.

    I didn’t say they were wrong. I just said they sounded like an old man yelling at kids to get off his lawn.

    And I stand by that.

    ETA: okay, I’ll admit that I might have implied they were wrong. Sorry about that.

    xj9, avatar

    millennials were doing that in their 20s though. it was a whole drama with some of my friends when i switched to android back in the day (5-8 years ago, mind). you just want to be a grumpy old.


    Im a 36 year old millennial and when I was in my 20s no one gave a fuck what you used we were just stoked to have smart phones lol

    Commiejones, avatar

    you just want to be a grumpy old

    Doesn’t everyone just want that? I cant wait till I can wear my stubborn ignorance as a badge of pride.


    I had a fucking Nokia brick phone in my 20s and nobody gave a shit what kind of phone I had. Maybe your friends were just…shall we say, not of the quality of person I would desire in members of my social circle.


    Did you have a Razor? Best phone I ever had.


    I think it was a 2220 or something similar. One of those old school Nokia slide phones.


    iDevices are a cult. Same as Facebox, Instapot and TicTac.

    EngineerGaming, avatar

    Exactly. What’s annoying are oblivious people, who are the majority in every single generation.


    Don’t blame the generation, it just makes you sound like an old man yelling “get off my lawn”.

    I’m assuming that they are also Gen Z, with the whole college roommates thing.


    I went to college at 29. And it really doesn’t matter how old you are, complaining about a younger generation makes you sound old.

    Take it from a Gen Xer who’s heard The Greatest, the Boomers, and my own generation do it 😁


    complaining about a younger generation makes you sound old.

    Complaining about any generation, as if it’s a monolith, makes you sound small minded and ignorant. This is as true for older people as it is for the young. Many Gen Zers constantly blame all the world’s problems on Baby Boomers and seems to think all their troubles will magically disappear once the oldest living generation is dead and buried. They’re gonna be real fucking surprised the day they wake up and realize the only thing they ever accomplished socially with all that ageism was to normalize blind hatred of anyone over 40, which will be them before too long.

    And, yes, I know that I’m unironically complaining about a generation in this post. Or at least a segment of them.


    I went to college at 29.

    Did you also have just-out-of-highschool roommates though?

    Also, fair on the rest of your point. Don’t have to be old to act old.

    AlexWIWA, in Please, do not use Brave.

    Brave is literally a grift. Too many people are falling for it.


    I turn on youtube and see no ads

    eya, avatar

    Just use uBlock Origin.


    What are the better solutions for iOS users?


    Don’t use iOS.

    I mean, that’s it. That’s your only option. On iOS, Safari is the only real choice you have.


    I chose an iPhone because I didn’t want to use googles play store. Now I know there are options around that but most users (including myself at least for now) are not willing to learn how to do that and set it up.


    FYI to you or anyone who doesn’t know: If you are browsing the internet on an iOS or iPadOS device you are forced to use the Webkit rendering engine. Chrome, Safari, Brave, Firefox. All of them use Webkit to display web pages because you won’t get an app on the App store if you use anything else. The EU is forcing Apple to allow other browsing tech through the app submission process, so we will see alternatives in the future.


    Firefox focus blocks YouTube ads.


    Sideloading either Yatee or uYou+

    Or use Piped as a PWA


    This is why I use Brave on iOS devices. It is the best option I found. Others mention Adguard home and pihole. They just don’t work as well at blocking ads.


    Someone mentioned Firefox Focus.


    Not on iOS. Every browser on iOS is effectively just a skin for safari. There is no true Firefox for iPhone, or chrome for that matter.

    If you’re using an iPhone, you willingly surrendered your freedom of choice. This is what you paid for.


    Won’t be the case for much longer if the EU gets their way, I’m glad to say.


    Something unique about the Brave browser is that it allows me to use filter lists to block ads. I can insert my own custom lists too which is cool.

    I haven’t found another browser that allows this on iOS (other than safari with extensions).

    break1146, avatar

    Doesn’t Firefox support extensions on iOS? I’m on Android and I’m currently using uBlock Origin and Dark Reader. I also use Lemmy through it, seems to work quite well.


    Nope, no extensions for Firefox on iOS unfortunately.


    Firefox focus blocks ads on YouTube.

    Safari with Wipr does not.

    I know because I have them both. I use them for different things.


    Firefox focus doesn’t seem to save open windows, it’s a purely incognito browser. & you can only have one page open at a time.


    You’re right about the first part; it’s an incognito, tracker & ad blocking browser that clears your history and everything every time you close it… but if you long press on a link, you can open it in a new tab. Multiple, even. There’s just no option I’ve found to open a blank new tab and navigate to a website that way. So I totally understand why you’d think that!

    (I hope this doesn’t come off as pedantic or rude or anything. That’s definitely not my intention here - I just want people to be able to make informed decisions with correct information, ya feel?)


    Focus does indeed block YT ads!

    Even safari with Wipr does not. Though it is amazing for everything else.


    I haven’t tried it but there’s also Kagi’s Orion browser which looks interesting.


    Thanks I didn’t know about that one and I thought I went through all the alternatives. Currently I’m primarily watching YouTube vids through invidious in safari but will use brave when I watch my saved playlists.


    This browser is helpful on iOS because it can run Firefox or chrome extensions. Ublock origin works great. I don’t see any ads.

    eya, avatar

    uBlock Origin actually doesn’t work at all on Orion, it’s just that the browsers built-in ad blocker is very good.

    eya, avatar

    Honestly had no idea this existed, cool!


    Orion by Kagi. It is, afaik, are the only browser that isn’t just a re-skin of Safari.


    It’s not something the average person can or will do, but if you’re so inclined you can run Pi-Hole or AdGuard Home and have all your iOS devices go through it.

    I even set up a VPN for when I’m away from home that I can connect to and get routed through my home internet connection which gives me ad blocking on the go.

    Or if you want a simpler answer, look into using the AdGuard app on your iOS device.


    PiHole does not block YouTube ads.


    I haven’t used Pi-Hole in a long time to know that, but I don’t seem to have any issue with them using AdGuard Home.


    AdGuard may work! PiHole has never blocked YT ads tho :c


    Thanks I didn’t know you could do this with pi-hole. I’m currently testing out AdGuard but it seems you have to turn it on every time you open a new yt vid


    PiHole cannot block YT ads.

    eya, avatar

    As I stated in a previous post, if you are using an iPhone you’ve basically given up on having privacy. For ad blockers you could use AdGuard and Safari, it’s better than nothing. You could also use something like Mullvad VPN, it has DNS ad blocking.


    As I stated in a previous post, I am using AdGuard on safari. And since I’ve basically given up on privacy, I also use Brave at times.


    That’s the most ridiculous statement I’ve seen today. iOS has infinitely better privacy than Android lawl


    Stock for stock, yes.

    The difference is iOS is iOS, and there is only one. Whereas Android is open source and comes in thousands of flavors. You cannot install another OS on your Apple devices. You get what Apple gives you, and nothing more or different because that’s the way they like it. They want control over your devices.

    Some flavors of Android are Graphene or Calyx OS which are not only better and more usable than iOS but also 10x more secure and private.

    eya, avatar

    An iPhone is a give-up on privacy because you don’t get alternatives. If you don’t like your stock OS on an Android phone you can just switch OS (for example GrapheneOS, CalyxOS, ect.). If you don’t like the normal YouTube app you can just sideload a different one. You don’t get this kind of freedom with an iPhone. A prime example of this is when, during the Hong Kong Riots where Apple pulled an app that assisted protesters.


    Too many people only care about the openweb or shitty companies in the comments. They have no fucking willpower, no patience, and no follow through. Their complaints are utterly meaningless because they utterly refuse to stick to their guns.

    There’s one and literally only one browser that actually stands for all the things the most vocal people around here claim to care about.

    Yet, they use Brave.


    Yet, they use Brave. Chrome


    amju_wolf, avatar

    Ehh there is only so much a single person can care about. If you have a life and aren’t effectively an activist/lobbyis by profession you can’t care about politics both local and global, preserving nature and ecolody, world hunger & disease, and a million other things like which software company is less evil all at once and follow through 100%, supporting all of the causes meaningfully.

    Not to mention we have to make compromises, too.

    There’s one and literally only one browser that actually stands for all the things the most vocal people around here claim to care about.

    Hard disagree. Firefox had its fair share of controversies, it’s still technically funded by Google (while not accepting donations), and Mozilla Foundation as a nonprofit is pretty questionable too.

    The leadership of Mozilla Corporation is shit too like any other corp; they lay off engineers and give themselves huge bonuses.

    It takes them years to even acknowledge simple bugs, let alone actually getting to fix them.

    A huge part of why Firefox lost the “browser wars” is also that they failed to make it easy to build into other apps so it could work more like Electron, while also pissing off users with surface changes that break their workflow.

    Overall it’s better than Chrome especially if you care about privacy, but it’s not a huge win.

    nottheengineer, (edited ) in Today I got this POP-UP, anyone?

    The package name is correct, but signal was never on F-droid.

    Do you have a third party repo that might be compromised?

    Edit: Package name isn’t correct, so that’s almost definitely a compromised version. Get rid of it ASAP.


    Twinhelix is the only one compiling the app from source without proprietary blobs



    otter, (edited )


    It actually might not be, googling “org.thoughtcrimes.securesms” doesn’t get results.

    thoughtcrimes vs. thoughtcrime

    My question though is how this popped up in droidify, would someone need to manually add some special repo?


    Yes, where is that from? Its not in the repos I use.


    I missed that, thanks for pointing it out. The one without S is the correct one.

    But that makes me wonder, how did OP not end up with two signal apps then?

    DAT, avatar

    how did OP not end up with two signal apps then?

    by that popup blocking him from installing the wrong one?


    Oh, that’s from the installer and not one of those warnings you get after opening apps. Makes sense.

    amju_wolf, avatar

    Technically it’s from “Google Play Protect” that got triggered during the install but yeah.

    miss_brainfart, avatar

    To add to that:

    Always check the projects’ website to see the official ways it’s distributed, before you just download it from anywhere.


    Not applying for signal though, as their apk site is hidden away

    miss_brainfart, avatar

    Not a fan of that either, that really is unfortunate. But with a bit of common sense, a person should then ask about that, if the Play Store is not an option. It’s still not a reason to download it from a source you haven’t verified to be official

    metacolon, avatar

    Or just use Molly


    No thats absolutely a reason. Signal is 100% to blame that they have no fully FOSS code repository that could then simply be compiled by FDroid and shipped there.

    Instead I have to rely on some Dude I know nothing about, Twinhelix could just as well spread Malware. But I like my updates through FDroid, I like a blob Free Signal

    miss_brainfart, avatar

    Call it blame, but that decision is fully within their right, and what Twinhelix does technically violates F-Droids’ guidelines. If a creator doesn’t want their app on there, F-Droid calls to respect that.

    The official Signal apk updates itself, so that’s not even an issue.

    If your unoffical build from a third-party gives you issues one day, you are fully responsible for that.


    Huh? They could just as well provide a blobfree APK themselves. They have their Google Play crap already, everyone not using that will probably also have a googlefree OS.

    They have a FOSS client and provide no FOSS binaries, which is totally their right. I heard their Desktop clients are not reproducible though, maybe because of Electron?

    Treczoks, in Twitter/ is now forcing you to disable Firefox's Enhance Tracking Protection.

    Which means that Firefox works properly on that aspect. Good.


    Is protecting you from malware


    Not only malware, but the sh-t that is floating high on X.

    cupcakezealot, avatar

    didn’t work; elon musk still breathes.


    Elon musk is not ware, therefore he must not be malware.

    blusterydayve26, (edited )

    Protec, not attak.

    Now, they could still rename it FireWolfHound, which would be a rebranding I would be on board with.

    fossilesque, avatar

    Firedoggo is a good boy.

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