
espentan, in What experience in the workplace radicalized you?

It should be mention that to actually get fired is also a lengthy process where it’s on the employer to document e.g. unwillingness to perform assigned work and prove the employee has been given the opportunity to improve etc. etc… You can’t just tell someone they’re fired, get out, or you’d be in a world of hurt.

At least that’s how it is in Norway and I assume Germany is similar in such regards.


Yes. You need a very good reason to fire someone. When a large company is doing layoffs they negotiate with the unions about how to make it as painless as possible for the employees. That usually involves extra compensation, training etc. Note though, that this doesn’t apply to small companies below 30 employees. They can fire you pretty much any time. You’ll still get unemployment benefit and health insurance of course.

viking, in What experience in the workplace radicalized you?
@viking@infosec.pub avatar

German here, there are a bunch of “buts” worth mentioning, before everyone mistakes our country for a socialist utopia:

For starters, the notice period for employee and employer are identical, mutually agreed upon, and can be 1-6 months. If the OP was fired with 3 months notice, that simply means he would have to give equal notice when resigning. Usually it’s however expected to work all through the notice period and not just relax at home.

Secondly, a compensation is voluntarily, unless being fired due to socio-economic circumstances (as opposed to bad performance). In such a case, 1 month compensation per 1 year worked is often recommended by labor courts (maxing out at 6 months). Again, those are not mandatory unless it goes to an arbitration tribunal or court.

Thirdly, being allowed to take classes or other further education measures typically only exists for elderly layoffs with limited chances of finding qualified employment, or people with very limited skillset. Again the only exception is when being terminated due to socio-economic reasons, where the company agrees to pay development measures as part or in lieu of a settlement.

Unemployment benefits apply once the employee has paid social security contributions for minimum 12 months without interruption. In the first year they are due to receive 70% of their former salary after tax (there’s a cap though, I believe it was 2800 EUR/month).

If they still didn’t secure a new job, they are entitled to receive 484 EUR plus housing (based on actual cost; again capped and with a size restriction, I believe it was max. 20m² per person in the household). To qualify for this second stage of benefits however, the person must not have any assets exceeding 10k EUR, else they’d have to use those up first).

Medical insurance however is available all through without any caveats.


Still a socialist utopia in comparison. 😀


In such a case, 1 month compensation per 1 year worked is often recommended by labor courts (maxing out at 6 months). Again, those are not mandatory unless it goes to an arbitration tribunal or court.

I work for a pretty good company, of a decent size. I have things better than many folks in the US do with regard to my employer. I’ve been with them for almost 30 years. If they fire me tomorrow, I might get one extra paycheck from my employer, if I ask very nicely. There is no likely path through our legal system that will net me more than that, assuming they haven’t fired me in a way that violates my civil rights.


Yeah but in most of America they can just fire you for any reason without severance, and you lose healthcare.


Yeah but healthcare being tied to your job and practically unaffordable otherwise is the most ridiculous, capitalistic dystopian bullshit ever.


Yes I agree. I hate it here. This exact thing happened to me. I can’t pay rent next month if I don’t find a job. I have a cut in my nose that gives me splitting headaches and I had to cancel my appt with my ENT because I don’t have health insurance or an income.

Flatworm7591, in Db0 admins can't stand hate towards big tech
@Flatworm7591@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

We have nothing against anti-corporate sentiment, in fact that’s our whole jam. But this meme makes a false equivalence that living in a ‘privileged first world country’ means you must be a pro-corporate lapdog and anti-piracy. That’s essentially an [inaccurate] political statement, not a piracy-related one. That’s why it was removed.


Disappointing to see that a bad faith user like this is an admin here…


Lmfao I didn’t know dbzer0 allowed libs

“Anarchist” instance my ass


Yet more proof that being “anti-tankie” or whatever just means being a shitlib

MossyFeathers, in Everyones Faivourite... thing...!

Ah, the good ol’ pedestrian mulcher. Wanna make sure the guy you accidentally hit can’t get up and sue? Drive this baby and turn them into a fine, red paste.


Still better than a modern truck, somehow.

De_Narm, in Smoking is Awesome [Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell]

I don’t like the video to be honest. The first few minutes actually make smoking seem great even to me and I’m strongly against smoking. So much so, I dislike you as a person if you ever smoke in my vacinity.

Just imagine some kid seeing only those first few minutes. Some bad actor could even just take those few minutes and upload them separately to other platforms.


You wouldn’t be able to start a video like that 10+ years ago, now though everyone knows smoking is bad for you. Even smokers know it, it’s probably one of the most prevalent addictions. People wouldn’t still be doing it after all this time and backlash if it didn’t at least feel good.

That’s the point they are making, smoking fucks up your natural balance by making you feel good, making you crave more and deteriorating your body in the process.


Everyone may know about the dangers already, but I feel like the video has another dangerous point besides the initial first minutes. It tells you that you can stop after a few years and more or less fully recover (at least in terms of life expectancy). That may be factually correct (and a great point for people who already smoke), but in combination with the beginning can lead to people thinking they can smoke for let’s say 10 years, it’s awesome after all, and then just stop - underestimating how difficult that is, even though the video does say that too.


I’ve heard people say ‘but my aunt smoked for 40 years and didn’t have any health complications’ in a fully unironic way. People will justify their smoking, but will also tell you they wish they’d never started because it is so difficult to quit so I agree with you point.

Now I’ve never used heroin, but that is the feeling people describe: euphoria, calmness and relief beyond anything you’ve experienced, to the point that you can’t really think about anything else anymore. - I’ve read this many times and it makes me deeply uneasy. That sentence should make anyone revolt, but many people will be drawn in by this description just the same.

In much lesser ways ofcourse that is how people talk about smoking, but I think the point of the video is no substance should be altering your state of mind, but it’s never to late to quit.

They made it edgy, risky play but I think it will be effective.

DemBoSain, in What experience in the workplace radicalized you?
@DemBoSain@midwest.social avatar

The place I work has had an amazing 5~10 years. Constantly surpassing prior revenue “far and beyond what we expected”. And yet, annual raises are capped at 3%. No matter how well the company is doing, nobody gets a raise higher than 3%. 7% inflation? Fuck you, here’s 3%. Management wildly speculates about the coming year, and misses targets? Fuck you, here’s 1.5%. Sure, the company grew wildly last year, but not as wildly as they predicted, and they just can’t afford raises this year.

Coupled with all this growth meant a hiring spree. As the company grew, it seemed like there were always new faces walking around.

Then, the rug pull. Their #1 customer (about 50% of the business) announced they wouldn’t buy anything in 2024. Management found out in September. Before announcing anything, management forces everyone to sign a non-compete agreement. Nobody is allowed to go to work for a competitor, supplier, partner, customer, or start a new business in the same sector for 2 years after leaving the company. The agreement is filled with scary clauses such as forcing the ex-employee to pay all of the company’s legal fees in the event of a disagreement.

Once everyone signs (a few people left instead of signing), they announce the loss, and say that a lot of people will lose their job in 6 weeks. December 23rd. Christmas. This is painted as the CEO being generous in letting everyone know ahead of time, so they can make arrangements. Actually, it’s their legal obligation (look up the WARN act).

Remember that surge in hiring? Some of those people had only been with the company a few months. Some of them came from our competitors. Suddenly, they’re out of a job, plus they just signed an agreement that’s going to probably force them to move to get another one.

Yes, I know, non-competes are generally unenforceable, but that’s not the purpose. Because they’re not enforceable, they’re written to scare employees into not testing the company’s resolve if they ever leave or are fired. Someone suddenly out of work usually won’t take on that risk.

So yes, I’m a little radical now. I don’t hide it, I’m the “office socialist”. And I found out I’m not alone.

mp3, in Germans fear migration more than climate change, study finds
@mp3@lemmy.ca avatar

Immigration is more visible than climate change, but ultimately what will exacerbate the issue with migrants seeking refuge is climate change.

Want fewer people to seek a safe haven? Try to save their native homes from destruction by fighting climate change.


That’s a good idea

umbrella, in What I've learned as a male dating coach
@umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

monetized hypercapitalist dating apps being the status quo is a big problem, and also sad as fuck.

eran_morad, in Will You Accept the Election Results? Republicans Dodge the Question.

Republicans are traitor swine.

zloubida, in Could the 2 Oldest Sci-Fi Shows Finally Cross Over?
@zloubida@lemmy.world avatar

For years I wanted to try Dr Who, but never actually did. Imagine the crossover finally occurs and I’m like “Meh” because I still hadn’t see any Dr Who episode? That would be horrible.

@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

I’m not going to lie, I don’t actually think a live-action crossover would be a very good idea. I love them both dearly, but I’m not sure these are two great tastes that would taste great together.

Incidentally, Doctor Who is pretty good at presenting new jumping-on points - having to replace your lead actor every few years has its advantages. This new season would be a great place to start, and the episodes are weird in a uniquely DW way that would give you at least a taste of the insanity you’d be in for.

@zloubida@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe I’ll try this time :-)

justdoitlater, in Huawei and OrangePi launch new dev board with mystery CPU and AI processor — Huawei again hides chip specs from prying eyes

Well, you can be sure the chinese backdoor is there

Akasazh, in Germans fear migration more than climate change, study finds
@Akasazh@feddit.nl avatar

There is concern about climate change being a problem that people need to give up things to fix. And that large corporations aren’t going to do there fair share. Also it means confronting ones personal habits of flying, eating meat and driving cars. That whilst people are already afraid of not being able to afford a living.

On the other hand you can project all fear, insecurity doubt on a group of other people. A strange intangible conglomerate that you can ban from your county and project all guilt upon.

This is exploited by the far right, giving people the opium of directed anger, rather than address difficult problems and solve the underlying problem of living insecurity.

Maultasche, in Could the 2 Oldest Sci-Fi Shows Finally Cross Over?

They could adapt Assimilation²

SatansMaggotyCumFart, in [Strong criticism of Joe Rogan] Joe Rogan Spreads Antisemitism Pysop. Uniparty Melts Down Over Anti War Protests. Nick at Night Live [01:54:58 | May 09 24 | RBN]

You’ve posted eleven clickbait YouTube videos in a little over an hour and have gotten mostly downvotes, even in communities you solely moderate.

What motivates you?

@jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.world avatar

I have strong mental health, forums are baby stuff compared to growing up, hahaha

Thanks for asking!


You just post things that people overwhelmingly don’t like over and over and over.

Are you doing okay?

@jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.world avatar

That is the norm when you go against the status quo.

Doing pretty well man, nothing to complain about, we are on forums so most of the people on here might be closer to being the bourgeoisie!

It is completely understandable why people are against high criticism and questioning the status quo interests, all is good!

Thanks for asking, how are you doing?


What you’re doing is closer to the guy standing in the street corner yelling how Tupperware killed his mother so that’s why I’m checking in.

@jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.world avatar

Oh, we see things really differently.

I thought the community would like some criticism that goes against the status quo, being in a bubble unknowingly or knowingly is not healthy.

That is how I see it, downvotes and upvotes are not important that is why we left reddit.

I am here to talk with people that may not think or view things in the same matter as I would.

I hope that helps explain why I joined lemmy instead of just staying in reddit and other social media, though I am involved with multiple, being lurker and active in some.

All is good, thank you for showing empathy to us fellow humans!

Let us stay hopeful, while we continue to learn and grow as humans!


I think you might have better luck on Twitter or Facebook.

SatansMaggotyCumFart, in [Strong criticism of Joe Rogan] Joe Rogan Spreads Antisemitism Pysop. Uniparty Melts Down Over Anti War Protests. Nick at Night Live [01:54:58 | May 09 24 | RBN]

As soon so I saw the extreme clickbait headline I knew who posted this.

@jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.world avatar

I would say it is debatable if it is just labeled as click bait, maybe more on being SEO tailored, hahaha

They always need them MSM headlines that are catchy, hahha


It’s extreme clickbait and you don’t need SEO for Lemmy.

You’re posting a video calling Joe a cuck on a community for him, why?

Are you doing okay?

I’m here if you need to talk or work something out.

@jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.world avatar

I would say it is debatable if it is just labeled as click bait, maybe more on being SEO tailored, hahaha

Sorry, let me clarify a bit more: The videos I share are not tailored to a specific audience though, I am mostly sharing as is, which means the content creators would mostly likey tailor their media to be SEO.

In some cases I may add further information to posts, but that is it.

If people have questions or comments, I will sometimes add further information to posts are to any info I can find that would be a bit more helpful.

Video does mention Joe Rogan and ‘cuck’, that is why I made sure to put ‘[Strong criticism of Joe Rogan]’ in the title, I think that is more than enough to let the community know that is would be harsh and have strong criticism of JRE.

I replied on the ‘doing okay’ question on other comment, so going to table that, hahaha

Thank you for showing empathy to fellow lemmurs!


I’m just concerned about your mental health if this is all you do.

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