QasimRashid, avatar

To recap…as of today:

IDF bombs have killed 10,000 Palestinian civilians in 30 days—which is more than the number of Ukrainian civilians killed by Russian bombing in 600+ days. Ukraine’s population is 22X Gaza’s population.

IDF dropped as many bombs on Gaza in 30 days as USA dropped on Afghanistan in 12 months. Afghanistan is 1788X larger than Gaza.


QasimRashid, avatar

IDF bombs have killed 4000 Palestinian children, which is 1100 More killed than all the children killed in all of the world's conflicts in each of the past three years—Combined.

We demanded an end to the Afghan War and ended it. We demand an end to Russia’s war on Ukraine. Why are those same people silent on IDF bombing Gaza?

Justice demands a ceasefire NOW. Innocent lives depend on it.


amberage, avatar

@QasimRashid to be blunt, the US / the west didn't "end" the Afghan War, it pulled its troops out and pretty much surrendered the place to the Taliban. Not exactly a shining example of peacemaking.

Mary625, avatar


The war against the Afghanistan people lasted 20 years. We demanded we don't invade Iraq yet that illegal war happened and hundreds of thousands were killed

We must take direct action. Civil disobedience at the least.

If someone can't do that, at the very least call you representative and senators and demand a cease fire now

AutisticMumTo3, avatar

@Mary625 @QasimRashid
I already have emailed my MP. Unfortunately she's a Tory and just spouted the party line back at me about Israel having a right to defend itself. I replied that cutting off food & water & restricting humanitarian aid isn't targeting Hamas & its targeting everyone in Gaza. I haven't heard back from her. Hamas was probably prepared & had stockpiles so its much more targeting civilians.


@AutisticMumTo3 @Mary625 @QasimRashid when they quote the ‘Israel has a right to defend itself’ - the answer to that is ‘& why doesn’t Palestine have the same right?’


@MaryD @AutisticMumTo3 @Mary625 @QasimRashid you tell me... Which side invaded the other and kidnapped and is still keeping hostages?

Have the Palestinians released all of the abducted Israeli hostages?

That seems like something which might be worth calling for first, no?

Mary625, avatar

@amoshiashwili @MaryD @AutisticMumTo3 @QasimRashid

This is not self defense. This is a genocide. Over 10,000 killed, 4,000 of those are children. It's been 30 days. More children have been brutally murdered in 30 days in Gaza than in all world armed conflicts in 4 years put together. That includes Ukraine

This is a genocide


@Mary625 @MaryD @AutisticMumTo3 @QasimRashid so after Hamas attacks israel, rapes, kills, and kidnaps Israeli children....

You believe their propaganda about the deaths in Gaza?

That is an interesting set of intellectual priorities.

Mary625, avatar

@amoshiashwili @MaryD @AutisticMumTo3 @QasimRashid

Are you seriously saying this? You are absolutely not allowing yourself to see the reality. This is not propaganda. Listen to the reports of the American doctors and nurses who were finally able to leave Gaza. Doctors without Borders. Read almost ANY news outlet. Look at what the IDF is admitting to.

This is a genocide.


@Mary625 @MaryD @AutisticMumTo3 @QasimRashid So simple question. If Israel said it would cease the bombing as soon as Hamas returns all of the kidnapped hostages, what would your response be?

Do you think Israel's response is unusual? Or do you think there are other countries on Earth that would respond similarly if a neighbor invaded its borders, raped and murdered a thousand of its citizens, and took a hundred hostages?

I can imagine agreeing with you - if not for the hostages.

Mary625, avatar

@amoshiashwili @MaryD @AutisticMumTo3 @QasimRashid

You're excusing bombing children. This is not self defense. The Israeli government, mostly Bibi, has blockaded over 2 million people in an open air prison. They have no control. There are so many war crimes happening it's unreal. More children have been killed in 30 days in Gaza than in all conflicts in the world COMBINED since 2019.

So, no, other nations don't do this. As someone said to me, "like shooting fish in a barrel"

itsmeholland, avatar

@amoshiashwili @MaryD @AutisticMumTo3 @Mary625 @QasimRashid israel literally was inserted into Palestinian land and has taken over more and more over decades. Israel is the occupiers who have stolen homes from Palestinians. Insane that you see Hamas's latest activity as "an invasion" happening in some kind of vacuum and not a predictable result of the obvious apartheid state the Palestinians live under.

Not to mention that NOT ALL PALESTINIANS ARE HAMAS!!!!


@itsmeholland @MaryD @AutisticMumTo3 @Mary625 @QasimRashid

Me: a month ago commandos raided Israel, murdering, raping, and kidnapping. More than a hundred Israeli are still hostages. I don't understand how you expect the violence to stop until Hamas releases its hostages.


Let's pretend every single claim you make is historically true. How many rapes does that justify?

AutisticMumTo3, avatar

@amoshiashwili @itsmeholland @MaryD @Mary625 @QasimRashid
Rapes are wrong. What Hamas did was wrong. But the context does matter as amongst other things it drives over reactions such as cutting off food & water supplies & restricting humanitarian aid to Gaza targeting every single person including babies in Gaza. It also explains why many Palestinians hate Israelis & partly influences why this will be a rallying cry for Hamas. etc, etc.

itsmeholland, avatar

@AutisticMumTo3 @amoshiashwili @MaryD @Mary625 @QasimRashid except it isn't "80 years ago," so that isn't what I said. What I said is REPEATEDLY & CONSISTENTLY FOR 80 YEARS ON END. I'm not buying your fucking pearl-clutching. The statistics, the history, the FACTS, place Israel solidly as the aggressor, not hapless victims "defending themselves" from random terrorism. & it was majorly caused because Europeans couldn't figure out what to do about Jews & didn't care what happened to Muslims.

itsmeholland, avatar

@AutisticMumTo3 @amoshiashwili @MaryD @Mary625 @QasimRashid was 9/11 tragiv & unjust? Yes. Obviously. Was it also an increasingly likely outcome from US activity in the Middle East? Probably. Did it justify killing MILLIONS of Arabs over the span of 20 years. FUCKING NO! Did abusing this revenge plot make terrorism 10x worse & contribute directly to the rise of ISIS? YES. In very tangible ways, just like Al-Qaeda & THE TALIBAN. How do you not see a pattern that needs to be desperately avoided???

itsmeholland, avatar

@AutisticMumTo3 @amoshiashwili @MaryD @Mary625 @QasimRashid like you have to know that it's really weird for you to be turning this into "you either support israel killing kids or you support Hamas killing kids" (which is literally Bush rhetoric to justify an illegal war on terror), when the clearly correct answer is that we should be addressing the contributing factors in all such violence & maybe stop fucking each other up & playing stupid power games entirely so kids stop getting blown up.

itsmeholland, avatar

@AutisticMumTo3 @amoshiashwili @MaryD @Mary625 @QasimRashid The way you stop getting Hamas is by building a better world, which we kind of all have to share. We only have the one. People get radicalized when they feel desperate, which is why the 9/11 wars created more terrorism instead of eliminating them, like Israel now thinks it can do for some reason. Even if they successfully destroy Hamas by killing every Palestinian, they'll have Hezbollah, who Russia & Iran are happy to fund like Hamas.

AutisticMumTo3, avatar

@itsmeholland @amoshiashwili @MaryD @Mary625 @QasimRashid
I totally agree. Because Zionists like Netanyu believe they have a God given right to all the land covered by that phrase that must never be spoken (which includes Gaza) I suspect its more about eliminating Palestinians to take the land without any Palestinians on it. Eliminating Hamas is an excuse to do what they really want as they refuse to listen to anyone pointing stuff like that out.

itsmeholland, avatar

@AutisticMumTo3 @amoshiashwili @MaryD @Mary625 @QasimRashid i think you're right. And the open & explicit celebrations of genocide by certain high profile israelies is not helping their "its self defense! UwU" case. There is just no world where killing 10,000 people in a month while cutting off their food, water, medical care, bombing their hospitals & all their universities, & blacking out their internet & phone connectivity is a reasonable reaction to 1400 dead & 300 alive hostages.

violetmadder, (edited )

@itsmeholland @AutisticMumTo3 @amoshiashwili @MaryD @Mary625 @QasimRashid

The way war profiteers farm violence is the same way any abuser exploits the emotional reactions of their victims-- torment someone, hurt them, taunt them, assault them, and keep gaslighting them until they finally lash out in retaliation and then OH LOOK HOW UNREASONABLE YOU ARE and now they're oh so justified to do even worse things to you but LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO-- same playbook. Same mindset. Same people.

We should not be surprised that the US never calls out Israel for its war crimes-- we've bombed far more civilians than they have. Claiming it's about stomping out terrorism, when whole families get killed for every 1 "legitimate" target, and each attack is only bound to inspire more generations of vengeful terrorism in response.

But in this way we help ensure no stable, secular democracies ever get established in the Middle East, so we always have the excuse to budget for more weapons because somebody "hates us for our freedoms".

Mary625, avatar

@violetmadder @itsmeholland @AutisticMumTo3 @amoshiashwili @MaryD @QasimRashid

In just one bombing that was done to kill one target, there were 110 people killed and hundreds injured, without access to medicine or water. No proof that they got the guy they claim they were after, no proof that person was even involved.


@Mary625 @itsmeholland @AutisticMumTo3 @amoshiashwili @MaryD @QasimRashid

I mean, there are only two conclusions we can draw when shit like this happens:

Either they're completely, recklessly, irretreivably stupid...


Any benefit of the doubt I might have had left, any faith that might have been lingering to let me hope that our leaders are genuinely trying in any kind of good faith to actually do the right thing under very complicated, trying circumstances... fucking evaporated when Obama treated the whistleblowers as criminals.

Julian Assange is still being tortured.

Mary625, avatar

@violetmadder @itsmeholland @AutisticMumTo3 @amoshiashwili @MaryD @QasimRashid

I completely agree with you but for me, it was much earlier than that. It was when bush 1 went to war against Iraq. It is one of my moments in time that I even remember what I was looking at when that war started.

Assange is a hero


@Mary625 @itsmeholland @AutisticMumTo3 @amoshiashwili @MaryD @QasimRashid

I was just a little bit too young to understand the Iraq situation as it began.

For a while I actually believed Obama was a decent human being who meant his promises and genuinely tried to keep them.

For a little while.


@violetmadder @Mary625 @itsmeholland @AutisticMumTo3 @amoshiashwili @MaryD @QasimRashid Obama may have been weak .. 'we must work with Republicans' ugh.. and got nothing done, but at least he talked a good game, and wasn't a clown. Biden is arguably a better president.


@squig @Mary625 @itsmeholland @AutisticMumTo3 @amoshiashwili @MaryD @QasimRashid

They are not weak. It's so much worse than that.

They are complicit.

The "good cop" is not good. The good cop uses the bad cop as a scapegoat for the fear they exploit to make you give them what they want. They are tag-teaming us.

Biden got 2+ million Americans locked up like animals.

He is not a "good" anything. He's a despicable monster helping suppress the people while giving succor to the corporations destroying our future. He will help make sure the Democrats are always "weak" enough that the Republicans continue to gain power-- while blaming us for it.

They sign off on torture. They bomb children. They bail out the banks that ruin thousands of lives. They play golf with the tycoons incinerating our world. Fascism Lite is still fascism, with just enough of a veneer of decorative superficial politeness to fool us into thinking it isn't.

Mary625, avatar

@violetmadder @squig @itsmeholland @AutisticMumTo3 @amoshiashwili @MaryD @QasimRashid

The last bank bailout alone could have helped so many with so much. $22 billion. But it's not like it would ever be put to use to help the people. Money in the US is meant to help the wealthy and bomb children.

They don't want student loan forgiveness but bailed out thousands of depositor who didn't feel the need to protect their money

Not just complicit. They're part of it

Mary625, avatar

@violetmadder @itsmeholland @AutisticMumTo3 @amoshiashwili @MaryD @QasimRashid

He scammed a bunch of us. You're not alone. The FISA vote threw me but I thought it was a one-off. Smart and a smooth talker. We needed to believe in him or it meant there was no hope or change.

Silly us

AutisticMumTo3, avatar

@violetmadder @Mary625 @itsmeholland @amoshiashwili @MaryD @QasimRashid
And Blair's dodgy dossier to support joining the US in attacking Iraq was not good either. I was totally opposed to the Iraq war and still am.

Miro_Collas, avatar
localzuk, avatar

@amoshiashwili @itsmeholland @MaryD @AutisticMumTo3 @Mary625 @QasimRashid it isn't 80 years ago though is it? Israel has been doing this stuff consistently up until right now. There are thousands of Palestinians in Israeli prisons, including children, held without trial. Is that not kidnapping?

Hundreds of Palestinians have been murdered by Israelis in recent years, including children, journalists, medics and more.

Yet, you ignore all that.


Yeah, seems pretty obvious: russia ceasefire against ukraine, israel ceasefire against palestine, turkey ceasefire against kurdistan. ...


@QasimRashid Who is sending weapons/money to Hamas, to kill Israelis ? And sacrifice "their own" people in the process ?
That's what needs to stop.
Those stirring up hatred and death are the enemy. Not civilians on either side of these battle lines.



Excuse me, but that's bigotry.

You wrote that you demanded to end the Afghan war. Oh yes, and that end was very impressive indeed. We have left Afghanistan to oblivion after 20+ years of army presence in the name of the war in terror. Great achievement! And now Pakistan evicts all Afghan and leaves them to hunger and Taliban terror.

Every life lost is one too much. Everywhere. Every time. Comparing death tolls to one another is simply disgusting.

The question you don't address is how in your opinion Israel should be 'allowed' to defend itself against Hamas. This organisation wants to eradicate Jewish life altogether.

Let me be clear: I am not saying that the Israeli reaction is proportionate. And I don't agree with Bibi Netanjahu's views at all. But yelling doesn't help. Diplomacy does. And I think that Joe Biden's words on the US getting carried away by wrath after 9/11 when visiting Israel were hitting the right tune.

Saying that, bold advice from the US on disproportionate responses is a bit tricky really after what we have witnessed in the past during the Bush-fighters 'War on Terror'.


@QasimRashid American bombs too, no?

JBShakerman, avatar

@QasimRashid Hamas. Hostages. Release.

QasimRashid, avatar

@JBShakerman yeah tell it to Bibi.

Meanwhile stop trying to justify the mass murder of innocent women and children.

SummerDay, avatar


What I’m seeing/hearing on the news.

Israel urged Palestinians to move to the south and then launched missiles at refugee camps in the south. Apparently Israel has now announced they’ve essentially divided Gaza into north Gaza and south Gaza and will be controlling Gaza for a while which brings up other questions.

Alon, avatar

@QasimRashid The Ukrainian civilian death toll is absolutely not 10,000. It's not counted anywhere the Russians have actually occupied; the death toll in Mariupol alone is probably higher than this.

joewein, (edited )


We don't know how many civilians have died in Gaza in the war that Hamas ignited on October 7. We really don't.

All we have are numbers spread by Hamas, the terrorists who started this war hoping for as many dead Palestinians as possible when Israel tries to destroy Hamas.

Hamas has sworn to repeat 10/7 and to destroy Israel, a country of 9 million citizens. Do you expect them to wait for the next terrorist attack?

How would you stop Hamas?


@QasimRashid , note that we still do not know how many Ukrainian civilians have been killed as many areas are still occupied by Ruzzia. It is estimated that 25.000 was killed alone in Mariupol. Ruzzia has been busy trying to cover these war crimes by filling basements full of bodies with cement.,by%20large%2Dscale%20Russian%20bombardments.

elisshadoe, avatar

@QasimRashid this is not a war…this is genocide…



In comparison to how many bombs have been launched into Israel since October 7th.

This is some manipulation of facts


@QasimRashid I’ve been a long time supporter of your political efforts and social media posts but I have to call this post out as purposeful misinformation…
The Hamas run Heath Ministry in Gaza indicated 10K dead but they don’t distinguish between civilians and soldiers in their reporting, so you can’t honestly state “10,000 Palestinian civilians”, as we can’t know how many of the reported dead were civilians vs soldiers. That said, the civilian death toll is clearly massive.


@QasimRashid where do these figures come from? Is it Hamas?

fixatedpersonsunit, avatar


'IDF bombs have killed 10,000 Palestinian civilians in 30 days—which is more than the number of Ukrainian civilians killed by Russian bombing in 600+ days.'

Terrifying, both in deed and Western complacence

MrToyMRY, avatar

@QasimRashid Hamas had to have known that Israel would retaliate in full force after their massive terror attack on innocent Israelis. Yet Hamas went ahead with it anyway. I grieve for the innocent Palestinians who are caught in the middle of this, but I don't blame Israel for doing whatever is necessary to put an end to Hamas terrorism once and for all. Hamas knowingly brought this on their own people, so those innocent Palestinian lives lost are entirely Hamas's responsibility, not Israel's



Err, not to downplay the atrocity underway in Gaza, but I think the number of fatalities you gave for Ukraine is in error. Even Wikipedia notes that there are almost 20,000 civilian casualties since February 2022:

QasimRashid, avatar

@northernlights I believe they’re counting injuries as casualties too, to get to 20,000. My data is accurately cited referring to those killed.



I apologise, my mistake.


@QasimRashid Those are Hamas numbers and no more reliable that the false numbers with the hospital. A lot of civilians have died but their are no reliable numbers. Also every day Hamas is guilty of war crimes by purposely putting civilians at risk which is violations of the Geneva Conventions.


@QasimRashid * according to Hamas.


@QasimRashid you are comparing civilian fatalities to total fatalities. Not a fair comparison. You are also assuming that none of the fatalities are from failed rocket attacks that fell in Gaza.

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