@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

I have a hard time taking seriously people who warn me that the next US presidential election will decide between democracy and fascism and then spend most of their time yelling at anonymous strangers online about not voting.

Why are you not desperately trying to get out the vote in swing states? Or stockpiling ammo and batteries for your insurrectionary cell?

@passenger@kolektiva.social avatar


There's a thing people do, sometimes, when they think their "side" is going to lose: instead of working to fix it, they start to lay the groundwork for a narrative that absolves them personally of guilt. You see this a lot in corporate environments.

Right now in the UK, the Conservative Party is full of people doing this. They're building the narrative that "we should be doing X", so that when they lose the next election they can say "I said we should do X and I wasn't listened to, the fault is with the people who didn't do X." (In the case of the Conservative Party, X is mostly full-on fascist stuff like brutalising refugees, deporting minorities, making life ever-worse for trans people and - for some of them - moving to ban abortion.)

When I see online Biden Guys shouting at people to vote, I get the sense that they're doing the same thing.

It's not persuasive to you and it isn't intended to be: it's intended first and foremost as self-persuasion, to make them feel absolved, and then secondarily to try to win influence among other Biden Guys in the post-defeat disaster.

@urlyman@mastodon.social avatar
@passenger@kolektiva.social avatar


Thank you!

@ophiocephalic@kolektiva.social avatar

@passenger @HeavenlyPossum
This. And what Democrats in the "US" do to absolve themselves of responsibility for their mediocre loser politics is to blame anyone and everyone to their left

@julieofthespirits@kolektiva.social avatar

@passenger @HeavenlyPossum thank you for putting it so well. These people aren't actually interested in convincing people to vote, because that involves listening to their concerns, so what do they actually want? And yes, that is what they want

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

The US popular vote margin has been very low for decades. The last time it cracked 10% was in 1984. In 2020, it was less than 5% and in 2016 it was barely 2%. For structural reasons, US presidential elections are very nearly coin tosses.

If you genuinely believe that the 2024 election is all that stands between freedom and fascism, and that election is barely better than a coin toss, what are you doing materially to prepare for a nearly 50% chance of fascism starting in January 2025?

@foolishowl@social.coop avatar

@HeavenlyPossum I've often thought it's odd that the margins are always so close. My guess is that the Democrats are always adjusting their policies to be nearly indistinguishable from those of the Republicans. Sometimes they justify it with their dogmatic "median voter hypothesis", but in the end, that's just a rationalization.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar


Some of it is institutional and structural, as with the first-past-the-post system that makes it nearly impossible for anything other than a balanced two-party system to emerge.

Some of it had to do with, I suspect, how little difference there is between the two parties, and some of it has to do with the process of “schismogenesis” that American society is undertaking.

@crashglasshouses@tsukihi.me avatar

@HeavenlyPossum is it even really 50% with Genocide Joe being on the other side of that coin toss? if you vote, and all of the candidates are fascists, then only fascists will win the election, no matter how you vote.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar


I know, I just don’t have the right vocabulary to distinguish between the US status quo and someone who so thoroughly embodies the sort of classical fascism of preening buffoons like Mussolini that Trump does.

@crashglasshouses@tsukihi.me avatar


i think one of the most useful descriptions has been "a perfect marriage between corporation and state". it's misattributed to Mussolini, and i'm not sure who did say it.

politicians are capitalists too, they are bosses too, and their job is literally to command the affairs of the capitalist nation state, as well as facilitating exploitation via profit taking. when they talk about "running the country like a business", they're not joking. it's all they know how to do.

the means to make profit has always been legitimated by the state, which means that all nation states are inherently fascist, no matter whether one gets to choose which member of the ruling the class will "represent" you.

it's very easy to demonstrate, too. just look at how much power the state has given to corporations, and how hard it has worked to suppress the power of the working class.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar


l don’t disagree, and I take Aimé Césaire’s point that much of what we think of as fascism in the period of the 1920s-1940s was really just European colonialism applied to the metropolitan core.

That said, there is a difference, if only of degree, between the status quo up until now and the sort of jack-booted thuggery promised quite explicitly by Trump.

@timthelion@emacs.ch avatar

@HeavenlyPossum If the only choice is 'democracy or fascism' then you don't have democracy. Telling me I must vote a certain way doesn't a democracy make.

@johnquiggin@aus.social avatar

@timthelion @HeavenlyPossum True, but doesn't change much. Once a fascist party is one of the main contenders for power, democracy is in abeyance. The only way back to democracy is for the democrats to beat the fascists

@timthelion@emacs.ch avatar

@johnquiggin @HeavenlyPossum How are the Democrats going to give us democracy. They've had plenty of power in my lifetime and I've been hearing from that the choice is between them and fascism my whole life. I don't see any change.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@johnquiggin @timthelion

Remember when Obama held a trifecta and the democrats promised everyone so much and the only thing they delivered was Mitt Romney’s plan for gigantic public handouts to health insurance shareholders?

@johnquiggin@aus.social avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @timthelion Remember when Thaelmann said the same things about the German Social Democrats ?

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@timthelion @johnquiggin

The Nazis did not take over because Thälmann criticized the SPD.

@crashglasshouses@tsukihi.me avatar

@johnquiggin @timthelion @HeavenlyPossum the Democrats are fascists. game over, please insert $25000 to play again.

@johnquiggin@aus.social avatar

@crashglasshouses @timthelion @HeavenlyPossum Tell it to Ernst Thaelmann

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@timthelion @crashglasshouses @johnquiggin

The Nazis did not take power because Ernst Thälmann criticized the SPD. This is so tedious.

@timthelion@emacs.ch avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @crashglasshouses @johnquiggin You never know how powerfull you are untill a diehard blames you for litterally everything.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@crashglasshouses @timthelion @johnquiggin

Not that I particularly care to defend the Weimar communists, but there’s this presumption that there exists this “The Left” and that if only “The Left” could unite (around the speaker’s preferred party, leader, or platform) then “The Left” could stop “The Right.”

Dramatically more relevant would seem to be von Papen’s appointment of Hitler as chancellor, despite his electoral loss, because the capital class sought common cause with the Nazis.

@johnquiggin@aus.social avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @crashglasshouses @timthelion

Of course, the capital class sought common cause with the Nazis, as they are now doing with Trump. The question is, was it a good idea for the Stalinists to help them on the theory of "After Hitler, us". You should ask yourself the same question

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@johnquiggin @crashglasshouses @timthelion

Who here is proposing helping trump so that “after trump, us”?

@johnquiggin@aus.social avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @crashglasshouses @timthelion

I'd say those unwilling to condemn Thaelmann for not supporting an SPD government in 1932, which he did on the basis of those very words, (with an inconsequential substitution). What do you think?

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@crashglasshouses @johnquiggin @timthelion

I think you’re wrong in both senses—Thälmann did not appoint Hitler as chancellor and no one here supports Trump.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@crashglasshouses @timthelion @johnquiggin

This is a really tedious attempt at character assassination by analogy—if contemporary anarchists like us don’t support Biden and refrain from criticizing the democrats, then we will be just like the accelerationist Weimar Stalinists who empowered Hitler by refusing to align with the SPD in a coalition government.

There’s so much wrong with this that it’s frustratingly hard to know where to start.

@BetaCuck4Lyfe@kolektiva.social avatar

@HeavenlyPossum Lotta shitlib nonsense in this thread. These people are going to get us killed.

@johnbrowntypebeats@kolektiva.social avatar

@BetaCuck4Lyfe @HeavenlyPossum
sure seems like they refuse to help us all 'not get killed'

which might be a difference without a distinction

@BetaCuck4Lyfe@kolektiva.social avatar

@johnbrowntypebeats @HeavenlyPossum voting is merely harm reduction and it is notoriously unreliable. Fascism must be fought

@johnbrowntypebeats@kolektiva.social avatar

@BetaCuck4Lyfe @HeavenlyPossum
i used to say "voting is harm reduction" too but i can't abide anymore.

a better analogy is "harm reduction is handing out clean needles to prevent illness. voting is handing out dirty needles in response to already present illness."

or somethin'

completely agree that fascism must be fought

@violetmadder@kolektiva.social avatar

@johnbrowntypebeats @BetaCuck4Lyfe @HeavenlyPossum

"Harm reduction" was coined for mitigating the damage caused by ongoing drug use when people aren't willing/able/ready to just QUIT.

It's telling, that so many people are talking about this unhealthy system as if it's an addiction we won't kick.

@felixtheanimator@kolektiva.social avatar

@HeavenlyPossum I don't talk about what I stockpile.

@MakBerberovic@kolektiva.social avatar

@HeavenlyPossum Well in my case I'm not american so I can't do any of that. But I can go yell at people, and I'm justified because this has permanent global consequences eg. Ukraine and even less of already scarce hope of climate action.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar


Other than yelling at people, have you considered taking any material steps, such as donating to get-out-the-vote efforts?

@MakBerberovic@kolektiva.social avatar

@HeavenlyPossum I'm not financially independent, so no, but I have done volunteer work and attended protests in the places I have lived, and am actively learning my local language to hopefully do stuff here. Unfortunately the USA situation is a distant priority but a credible threat, much like say a dam being negligently maintained two hundred kilometers upstream; not my job by virtue of geography, but I will be affected if something goes wrong, so my complaints are valid.

@mamday@kolektiva.social avatar

@HeavenlyPossum No and a lot of these people also say we shouldn't care about swing states because they deserve what happens to them for wanting gun rights and voting for Trump in the first place. The vote Blue no matter who people are just virtue signaling

@Radical_EgoCom@mastodon.social avatar

I hate it when people pester me about voting. I believe in dismantling hierarchical structures, including the state. Voting within existing systems is ineffective in achieving meaningful change or challenging core issues.


@Radical_EgoCom @HeavenlyPossum It is effective at preventing a total collapse of democracy though. If enough people thought the same it would allow the worst people to get into office. People that vote for those people are obsessed and would drag themselves over broken glass to vote. Sadly then you may end up in a position where All of your autonomy is taken away. You can talk to the other inmates of the labour camp about hierarchical structures.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@TheShuck @Radical_EgoCom

If you genuinely believe that the 2024 election could result in a total collapse of democracy and the imposition of labor camps, what are you materially doing to prevent that outcome?

@Radical_EgoCom@mastodon.social avatar

Voting merely provide an illusion of choice while upholding the status quo. Systemic issues, such as corporate influence, limit the impact of individual votes and undermine the democratic process. Real change requires a more radical approach. I acknowledge the historical struggles for suffrage and civil rights, but I also acknowledge that meaningful societal change requires dismantling oppressive structures rather than attempting to reform them through conventional political channels.


@Radical_EgoCom If the choice is between someone openly telling you that they're going to start a dictatorship and one that isn't your interpretation of that is that they're both the same. What ridiculous, student politics bullshit. You can't change anything if you're imprisoned or worse can you. How much change did the Jews bring about during the holocaust?

@Radical_EgoCom@mastodon.social avatar

@TheShuck You keep assuming that there's absolutely nothing people can do to prevent themselves from being imprisoned if they don't vote, which isn't true. Direct action is much better at preventing authoritarians from coming into power than voting ever will.

@NickSchwanck@aus.social avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @TheShuck Do you have an historical example to illustrate this point?

@Radical_EgoCom@mastodon.social avatar

@NickSchwanck @TheShuck
The Civil Rights Movement in the US during the 60's, when, due to their frustration with the slow progress of traditional electoral means, activists like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks employed nonviolent direct action. The Montgomery Bus Boycott showcased the power of collective action. Another example is the LGBTQ+ rights movement, particularly the Stonewall riots in 1969, characterized by spontaneous, direct action against police harassment at the Stonewall Inn

@NickSchwanck@aus.social avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @TheShuck Under a dictatorship, Rosa Parks and MLK will simply be killed.
MLK was.

@Radical_EgoCom@mastodon.social avatar

@NickSchwanck @TheShuck
You're missing the freaking point of the entire comment. If direct action won't work, what makes you think putting a little slip in a ballot box will be superior at beating fascist?

@NickSchwanck@aus.social avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @TheShuck It worked last time.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@NickSchwanck @TheShuck @Radical_EgoCom

It very nearly didn’t, because Trump attempted a coup, and failed the time before, when a majority of US voters cast ballots for Clinton but Trump became president anyway.

Twice in my adult life, the US president was the loser of the election.

@Radical_EgoCom@mastodon.social avatar

@NickSchwanck @TheShuck
Look at the state of the country and who's running for President and tell me again if voting last time stopped any fascist.


@Radical_EgoCom TFG would be in power right now if it didn't? It almost took only one election for him to cement his grip on power; let's not let his minions hand him another chance, please?
@NickSchwanck @TheShuck

@Radical_EgoCom@mastodon.social avatar

@punissuer @NickSchwanck @TheShuck I don't think we should let him or anyone like him gain power. I never proposed that at all.


@Radical_EgoCom well, last time, it did, even if barely.
By announcing something that can be understood as "voting is pointless" to a overwhelmingly leftist audience, you might just tilt the balance ever so slightly to his favor... @NickSchwanck @TheShuck

@violetmadder@kolektiva.social avatar

@punissuer @Radical_EgoCom @NickSchwanck @TheShuck

An overwhelmingly leftist audience ought to have noticed by now that rabid orange fascists never could have gotten anywhere NEAR national elections in the first place without the colossal betrayals of the Democrats leaving so many people feeling abandoned and angry.

Not to mention the Pied Piper Strategy pushing the GOP to the right so they can be used as cover to terrify everyone until we're too cowed to challenge the DNC's corruption. Overwhelming leftists are familiar with Manufactured Consent and how good cop / bad cop works, yes?


@violetmadder true. Buy doesn't that mean we first need to vote to ensure a maga-free administration? Only then we can use other means to get the dems to actually work on people's behalf. Otherwise, any change here won't have any effect since they won't influence anything.
@Radical_EgoCom @NickSchwanck @TheShuck

@violetmadder@kolektiva.social avatar

@punissuer @Radical_EgoCom @NickSchwanck @TheShuck

The administration is MAGA-ridden because we're being punished for getting too uppity in 2016. The DNC is enabling the monsters it wants us to fear, so it can hold us dangling over a pit of gnashing christofascist teeth until we apologize for talking about third parties. They would rather FEED US to the Republicans, on purpose, than let us push legislation that can threaten their corporate purse strings. Do you understand what I'm saying here? The threat is manufactured. They're not trying to save us-- they PUT US HERE.

Our votes already only influence about 10% of the legislation that's actually passed, and Lucy has been feeding us that "this election is too dangerous we'll let you kick the football next time" bullshit for more than sixty years-- during which time our last best chances to put the brakes on climate change were squandered.

Election outcomes are surface symptoms of deeper dynamics. Policy can't be changed on any fundamental level without a massive groundswell of grassroots movement-building and shifts in the mindset of the populace to back it up-- politicians must be dragged, kicking and screaming, against the billions of dollars' worth of power pulling them the other way. Praxis comes first.

We can't mobilize hundreds of thousands of outraged people into the streets to demand a better candidate or a better system, if we're spending all our time and energy badgering each other to sit down, shut up, and VOTE FOR A WAR CRIMINAL.


violetmadder, (edited )
@violetmadder@kolektiva.social avatar

@NickSchwanck @Radical_EgoCom @TheShuck

Yes. Dr. King WAS assassinated. One year, to the day, after his Beyond Vietnam speech. If you're not familiar with that one, go read it.

Malcom X was assassinated too. And Fred Hampton. And many more-- including a sitting president.

When asked where the Dr. Kings and Fred Hamptons of today are, Chris Hedges answers: "In prison, or dead."

The things you fear are already happening. Fascism is already inside the house. The coup Smedley Butler tried to warn us about already happened, more than sixty years ago.

@crashglasshouses@tsukihi.me avatar

@violetmadder @NickSchwanck @Radical_EgoCom @TheShuck jsyk, Chris Hedges is a fascist. he also hates sex workers.

@violetmadder@kolektiva.social avatar

@crashglasshouses @NickSchwanck @Radical_EgoCom @TheShuck

Not sure where you get the fascist part, but sex... yeah, his attitudes on sex are an area where I disagree with him MIGHTILY.

He's still right about quite a few important things though.

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @HeavenlyPossum not voting is effectively supporting fascism, why would you want that?

@Radical_EgoCom@mastodon.social avatar

@supergrobi @HeavenlyPossum
Not voting and doing nothing else would be effectively supporting fascism, but that's clearly not what I proposed. Direct action has historically been much more effective at combating fascism than voting. The Battle of Cable Street is a perfect example. Did the people just wait for an election to vote away Mosely's fascist thugs? No. They got together into the streets, forced the fascist out, and stopped the spread of fascism in their country.


@Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi @HeavenlyPossum How does voting prevent you carrying out direct action? What would unfortunately make direct action harder is a fascist administration that instead of arresting or sometimes murdering people from it, kills everyone involved or permanently puts them in camps. Unfortunately for a fascist regime none of that is hyperbolic.

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@alastair @Radical_EgoCom @HeavenlyPossum As @alastair says. The Germans could have prevented the Third Reich using their votes, but they didn't.

Whatever actions else you may find helpful, voting doesn't stand in their way. The other way round, not voting will make those actions much harder.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@alastair @supergrobi @Radical_EgoCom

I am skeptical that your claim about the Nazis is true, and by analogy skeptical that voting is a meaningful obstacle to fascism in the US.

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @alastair @Radical_EgoCom I'm from Germany, and from what I learned in history lessons, the Germans could have prevented it by voting.

Also, the US is in a much less fragile state than the Weimarer republic after a lost first worldwar, and with unbearable reparations to be paid.

At any rate, I'd think also sceptics can vote. Think of having a free ticket in the lottery that you are using now :) It can't do any harm, and if it does anything, it'll help.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi @alastair

But the Nazis did not come to power by winning an election; they held a plurality but not a majority in the Reichstag when von Papen appointed Hitler as chancellor. And I sincerely doubt they would have just given up after an electoral loss.

The problem with voting in “red” or “blue” states is not that those voters are skeptics. It’s that their votes have no effect on the outcome of the election, because the US’ absurd and anti-democratic electoral system.


@HeavenlyPossum @Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi The courts need to step up and enforce the relevant constitutional provisions that make Trump ineligible for a 2nd term which would help somewhat. There are good reasons for even the system itself not to rely solely on allowing anyone who can win a vote as the current crisis is demonstrating.

Defeating the Christo-fascists in November is very unlikely to end the current impasse. But losing to them will be far worse.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi @alastair @Radical_EgoCom

There are few things that reveal the hollowness of “rule of law” then Trump’s legal situation.

@Radical_EgoCom@mastodon.social avatar

@alastair @supergrobi @HeavenlyPossum
I know that a fascist administration would make direct action harder. What I'm saying is that if direct action were used primarily by people instead of voting it would be extremely easy to disway and prevent fascist from taking power, much more effective than voting.


@Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi @HeavenlyPossum Except that the Nazis also used direct action to great effect in terms of committing violence on the streets. That's one of the big differences in fact is that I'm not really aware of US fascists having their own in-house militia to anything like the extent the Nazi Party did, though US leaders are great at leveraging the police instead.

@sidereal@kolektiva.social avatar

@alastair @supergrobi @Radical_EgoCom @HeavenlyPossum You haven't heard of the Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer, Patriot Front, whatever you want to call the people who did J6, those types of groups? There's been a whole alphabet stew of them since 2016 and they've been fulfilling the same role as the SA filled for the historic Nazis. They've been rumbling with antifascists in major American cities for years now.

@KawaTora@kolektiva.social avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi @HeavenlyPossum
If voting was unimportant and had no effect, the worst politicians wouldn't be jerrymandering districts and suppressing the votes of people of color, religious minorities and women.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@KawaTora @supergrobi @Radical_EgoCom

That voting is important to politicians does not mean that voting is important to the public.

@Radical_EgoCom@mastodon.social avatar

@KawaTora @supergrobi @HeavenlyPossum
The reason why any of that gerrymandering works is because people only believe that voting is their only means of making change.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora

We also don’t have to conclude that voting is an effective tool for us because it is important to the people who rule over us. Intra-elite competition might be very important to individual members of the ruling class without offering any meaningful change to us.

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora that might make sense within some theory, but in the real world it would be exactly people with these theories where Trump-endorsed MAGA militias will come knocking at the door first.
I just cannot understand why you would prefer that.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora

You think Trump will deploy fascist militias but also that you should not fight fascists because that is a crime.

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora we should prevent Trump from being able to deploy fascist militias in the first place, by the obvious means available to anyone: voting :)

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@KawaTora @supergrobi @Radical_EgoCom

And if that fails, like it did in 2016 and nearly in 2020?

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom I'd say one step after the other at this point ...

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi @KawaTora

So your position is that a) Trump will rule as a fascist if he wins, knowing that b) US presidential elections are nearly coin tosses, and c) the only plan for stopping Trump should be b) the coin toss vote.

Your two positions seem very incongruent to me.

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora well, if all people decide to vote and convince everybody to do so, I guess it won't be coin toss

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora

The last time a US presidential candidate won with a margin greater than 10% was 1984. Structurally, US presidential elections are barely better than coin tosses, with typical margins of 5% or less.

You genuinely believe a Trump win will usher in a fascist dictatorship, but your only solution is to hope for an impossible electoral situation? That’s it?

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora let's just do what is possible to flip the coin in the right direction to avoid the worst (both fascist dictatorship and people wanting to fight it with violence).
If it's a coin flip, the more urgent it is to do everything to flip it against fascism

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom

I just have a hard time believing that you’re actually afraid of the possibility of a fascist dictatorship if you have already foresworn the possibility of fighting fascists if they seize power.

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom I haven't foresworn anything, but I do believe fascism can be avoided without violence

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@KawaTora @supergrobi @Radical_EgoCom

You said that should not kill fascists, because that is a crime, but also believe fascists might take power and aggress against you.

In any case, Germans in the 1930s did not vote for Hitler and he came to power; Americans in 2016 did not vote for Trump and he came to power; I find the electoralism defense to be pretty weak.

@Radical_EgoCom@mastodon.social avatar

@supergrobi @HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora
While there are nonviolent ways to combat fascism, inevitably violence will have to be used at some point and to some capacity to permanently get rid of fascism.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora

More to the point: Grobi thinks fascists pose an imminent threat of violence that is held at bay only by, at best, a few thousand votes in a handful of swing states. If ever there was a time to prepare for violence, it would be right now. The sense of urgency does not compute.


@supergrobi tell that to Salvador Allende and other people murdered by fascists despite having won an election.

@HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @dung_eater @KawaTora @supergrobi

This is a pretty important point that seems to escape a lot of the electoralism crowd—Trump already became president once despite losing an election and the entire apparatus of state and authority in the US accepted this without question or disruption. Even when he was literally rounding people up in camps, he was untouchable, but now I am told that he is a threat in the future and that voting is sufficient to stop him as if the past did not happen.

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @Radical_EgoCom @dung_eater @KawaTora that's the point of rule of law, that you accept the results of elections, even if you don't like them

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi @dung_eater @KawaTora

Rule of law is accepting rule by a fascist?

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @Radical_EgoCom @dung_eater @KawaTora well, TFG may be a fascist of sorts, but he wasnt able to destroy democracy?

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi @dung_eater

This is quite the reversal from your earlier position that Trump is an imminent fascist threat who will deploy militias to the homes of people who disagree with him.

@Radical_EgoCom@mastodon.social avatar

@supergrobi @HeavenlyPossum @dung_eater @KawaTora I'm not accepting any results of any election if I don't agree with them, and I would suggest everyone else abandon their lemming mentality and not accept a person or party that's morally and ethically repugnant.

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @HeavenlyPossum @dung_eater @KawaTora that's exactly how fascism and dictatorships start

@Radical_EgoCom@mastodon.social avatar

@supergrobi @HeavenlyPossum @dung_eater @KawaTora So if a fascist or fascist aligning person/party were voted into office you'd accept it?

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @HeavenlyPossum @dung_eater @KawaTora there are certainly different opinions on how "fascist" is defined. Yes, I'd have to accept somebody voted into office who could be called a fascist (even though I oppose his/her views), hoping that checks and balances built into the constitution will keep that person from dismantling rule of law and democracy.
As said earlier, the USA is not the Weimarer republic after losing a world war.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar
@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @dung_eater @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom I'm not a follower of a cult of strength, that's right :)

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@dung_eater @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi

Imagine thinking “self-defense against fascist aggression” is a “cult of strength.”

Passively deferring to fascist rule is not enobling.

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @dung_eater @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom not looking for nobility, avoiding fists to faces is just fine

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi @Radical_EgoCom @dung_eater @KawaTora

You’re afraid that people opposed to fascism will punch you?

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi Clearly you don’t know how fascism works.

Fascists do not play by your rules of law, nor do they care. Not only that, the failure of the liberal democracy is what elevates such people to power. So no, that’s just naïve and plain stupid.

You do not fight fascism by voting it away. You fight fascism by applying fist to fash face.

Because fascism is at it’s core a cult of strength. It revolves around violence and oppression. If you humiliate the fascist they will stay down – just look at Richard Spenser! (or Spencer, I don’t care).

@HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@dung_eater @HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora well, US democracy hasn't yet been destroyed after >200 years, and European democracies haven't either since almost 80 years. Just because that happened once in Germany with a weak constitution and very special circumstances doesn't mean it is likely to happen now.

And to be honest, "fist to fash face" sounds very much like a cult of strength to me as well.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi @dung_eater @KawaTora

> “US democracy hasn't yet been destroyed after >200 years”


@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @dung_eater @KawaTora have you ever been to a country that could be considered not democratic? Seeing that made me appreciate the water I'm swimming in.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom @dung_eater @supergrobi

This is so…I don’t quite have the right words for it. Embarrassing? I feel embarrassed on their behalf.

This is such an exquisite illustration of the liberals’ preference for the form of democracy and freedom without caring about the practical substance of democracy and freedom,

@AdrianRiskin@kolektiva.social avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom @dung_eater @supergrobi fascism and dictatorships start by refusing to accept the election of fascist dictators. 🙃

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@AdrianRiskin @KawaTora @dung_eater @supergrobi @Radical_EgoCom

Violently resisting fascism is basically fascism.

@sidereal@kolektiva.social avatar
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@dung_eater @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom @sidereal @AdrianRiskin @supergrobi

But isn’t this telling? That liberals can envision fascists slotting into the formal structure of the status quo far more easily than they can imagine themselves siding with anti-fascists, whom they perceive to be the real threat to the status quo?

@sidereal@kolektiva.social avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @dung_eater @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom @AdrianRiskin @supergrobi I think that's, in fact, the main problem. Hardcore fascists will probably not ever be a majority of society and wouldn't be a serious threat on their own. They are mostly a threat because liberal governments find them more relatable than anarchists/communists (and, increasingly, environmentalists).

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @dung_eater @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom @sidereal @AdrianRiskin as much as you call TFG a fascist (which somebody denied in this thread), others would call Bernie Sanders a communist. I'd easily accept the latter being voted as well!

@SallyStrange@eldritch.cafe avatar

@supergrobi It is indeed easy to make mouth noises. That trivially true observation aside, we can also observe that it is correct to call Trump a fascist but incorrect to call Bernie a communist.

@HeavenlyPossum @dung_eater @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom @sidereal @AdrianRiskin


@SallyStrange yeah that point is so deranged I just plain ignored it. I glazed over it and refused to acknowledge one might say such a thing.

@supergrobi @HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom @sidereal @AdrianRiskin

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@dung_eater @SallyStrange @AdrianRiskin @HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @sidereal @Radical_EgoCom There is a huge number of people in the US who would call Bernie a communist, however you or we think about it. For them it would be a communist being voted into office, and I'd expect them equally to accept that.

That's what democracy is for, that groups with vastly different opinions can get along peacefully (and you always have those differences with people in general).

@SallyStrange@eldritch.cafe avatar

Yes, sweetheart, but we are not talking with "a huge number of people." We are talking with each other, and you.

That's what conversations are for, so people with differing opinions can discover each other's views on various subjects.

Would YOU call Bernie a communist? If so, you would be wrong. Would you NOT call Trump a fascist? If so, you would be wrong.

Also, if you think the people who call Bernie a communist would peacefully accept his election, you're wrong.

@dung_eater @AdrianRiskin @HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @sidereal @Radical_EgoCom

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@SallyStrange @dung_eater @AdrianRiskin @HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @sidereal @Radical_EgoCom Hehe, very nice of you :)

We're talking with each other, but I guess that shouldn't preclude us from talking about the whole of society?

For me, Bernie is not a community, and Trump is a fascist of sorts. But in order for peace in society, I cannot want to force my view on large parts of the society that see this entirely different.

@SallyStrange@eldritch.cafe avatar


😛​🤣​😅​😲​ Yes you can, in fact, you do it every day by continuing to vote for and support a system with police and a military. We're just talking about which views deserve violent suppression, and whether the violence should be personal or not.

@dung_eater @AdrianRiskin @HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @sidereal @Radical_EgoCom

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@SallyStrange @dung_eater @AdrianRiskin @HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @sidereal @Radical_EgoCom When there is somebody to choose what "deserves violent suppression", that's the road to self-justice on a personal level, and dictatorship on a level of society.

I'm not sure you'd really want any of that.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@dung_eater @sidereal @AdrianRiskin @Radical_EgoCom @SallyStrange @supergrobi @KawaTora

You’re conflating aggression to suppress with self-defense against someone else’s suppressive aggression.

Which, again, helps us better understand how ie Hitler could come to power over a public that predominantly opposed him but also fretted about things like decorum.

@neonsnake@kolektiva.social avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @dung_eater @sidereal @AdrianRiskin @Radical_EgoCom @SallyStrange @supergrobi @KawaTora

"If you punch a Nazi, who's next?"

"Hopefully more Nazis...why would you only punch one, that doesn't seem right?"

@SallyStrange@eldritch.cafe avatar

I want none of it, but as an anarchist it alarms me that you support a system that criminalizes my belief system and not only permits but lionizes and upholds fascism

@dung_eater @AdrianRiskin @HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @sidereal @Radical_EgoCom

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@SallyStrange @dung_eater @AdrianRiskin @HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @sidereal @Radical_EgoCom I can't see where the constitution criminalizes Antifa? Unless in your believe system it is OK to beat up anybody at will whose value system you despise.

@SallyStrange@eldritch.cafe avatar


Are you being obtuse on purpose? I hope not, as that would speak ill of your ability to hold a conversation in good faith. You are surely aware that "the constitution" is not synonymous with the entirety of USA law. Not to mention, the constitution says a bunch of shit that we regard as fucked up today, like encoding slavery into its workings.

@dung_eater @AdrianRiskin @HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @sidereal @Radical_EgoCom

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@SallyStrange @dung_eater @AdrianRiskin @HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @sidereal @Radical_EgoCom Still an entire civil war was fought to make it do away with slavery?

No need to say that there is A LOT of room for improvement, though! But there is no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

@SallyStrange@eldritch.cafe avatar

YOU are the one who decided to reference the constitution. Why do that if you didn't want to talk about slavery? It's rather fundamental to any discussion of the value of the constitution.

Noted: you have diverted from confronting the fact that USA criminal law does indeed implicate anarchists just by their belief, although application of this law has been limited since the early 20th century. Bad form, bro.

@dung_eater @AdrianRiskin @HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @sidereal @Radical_EgoCom

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@SallyStrange @dung_eater @AdrianRiskin @HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @sidereal @Radical_EgoCom How does the constitution implicate anarchists just by their belief? The constitution is what defines the US democratic system, not criminal law.

@SallyStrange@eldritch.cafe avatar

just gonna pretend I didn't say what the fuck I said, eh


@dung_eater @AdrianRiskin @HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @sidereal @Radical_EgoCom

@SallyStrange@eldritch.cafe avatar

Anyway, the origin of the expression "You can't shout fire in a crowded theater" is from an early 20th century trial against some pacifists who were being prosecuted for handing out anti-war pamphlets. The judge, who ruled against the pacifists, was comparing the theater to the USA's "theater of war" (i.e., WWI), and comparing handing out anti-war pamphlets to shouting fire in a crowded theater.

Biden and the demonization of anarchism: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/eric-fleischmann-biden-and-the-demonization-of-anarchism

The First Amendment Center on Anarchy in USA statutes: https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/article/anarchy-statutes/

Thesis on perceptions of anarchists during the early 20th century and how these were a precursor to the Red Scare: https://dr.lib.iastate.edu/server/api/core/bitstreams/4001406f-5219-4757-ae73-023db4aa285a/content

On the city of Atlanta's contemporary attempt to criminalize anarchist beliefs: https://anarchiststudies.org/anarchism-must-not-be-criminalized/

@dung_eater @AdrianRiskin @HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @sidereal @Radical_EgoCom

@AdrianRiskin@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi @SallyStrange @dung_eater @HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @sidereal @Radical_EgoCom The civil war was not fought to do away with slavery. Slavery is still constitutional. The 13th amendment merely added an extra layer of legalism to the practice of slavery by requiring slaves to be held by the government and leased to individual capitalists rather than allowing them to own slaves directly.

@violetmadder@kolektiva.social avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @dung_eater @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom @sidereal @AdrianRiskin @supergrobi

Yet another "moderate who is more devoted to 'order' than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice"

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom @dung_eater if you look at other countries, you might notice that this "form" makes a world of a difference.

I'm all for improving democracy (especially in the US), but having the basics of free elections and transfer of power is already an achievement I find to be appreciated and not to be taken for granted

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi @KawaTora @dung_eater

I’m specifically critiquing your prioritization of elections has intrinsically legitimate even if they result in anti-democratic fascists taking power. The form of democracy (the formality of elections, etc) matters much less than the substance of democracy (people having a meaningful say in the decisions that affect them).

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora @dung_eater being able to remove a government by vote is what makes the difference from dictatorship?

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi @KawaTora @dung_eater @Radical_EgoCom

Yes, so if elections bring to power a dictator who stops holding elections, you do what?

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @dung_eater @Radical_EgoCom I'll say "in god we trust" that the institutions will hold. Sometimes in life it can't be avoided to have just that trust and no 100% security (but guesses of chances that the constitution was well thought-out enough to last 200 years, and so will likely survive this moron just as well - whatever deficiencies it may have otherwise)

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi @KawaTora @dung_eater

You started this conversation by claiming that Trump was a fascist who would deploy fascist militias to our homes because of our political beliefs, but when confronted with the idea of actually resisting an actual fascist, you completely caved and resorted to faith in institutions that have already empowered Trump.

@RichPuchalsky@kolektiva.social avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi @KawaTora @dung_eater

I prepared this link in advance, it gets a lot of use, feel free to use it if you want:


@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi @dung_eater @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom

That is not, in fact, how fascism and dictatorships start.

Deferring to institutions that produce fascism and dictatorships, though, is how they stay in power.

@denki@mastodontech.de avatar

@supergrobi @Radical_EgoCom @HeavenlyPossum @dung_eater @KawaTora
Actually, quite the opposite. In pre-Nazi Germany, Hitler rose to power legally and everyone accepted this like lemmings. This led to the countless atrocities committed by Nazi Germany.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @dung_eater @KawaTora @denki @supergrobi

Yes, you see, rule of law. It’s very important to never question or challenge institutions even when they’re murdering you and your family.

@RD4Anarchy@kolektiva.social avatar
@CorvidCrone@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi @HeavenlyPossum @Radical_EgoCom @dung_eater @KawaTora

Rule of Law has nothing to do with elections.

Rule of Law just means that the law applies equally to everyone regardless of class or status. And we certainly don't have that here or Dorito Mussolini would be in jail for contempt of court, if he wasn't already for other crimes.

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@CorvidCrone @HeavenlyPossum @Radical_EgoCom @dung_eater @KawaTora you might want to read @Teri_Kanefield 's blog and postings on rule of law, and how painfully slow it necessarily has to work, at least I learned a lot there

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi @CorvidCrone @dung_eater @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom @Teri_Kanefield

Rule of Law is such a painfully vacuous concept, at its heart. The entirety of Hitler’s regime was perfectly legal under the Weimar constitution and the Nazis were scrupulously legalistic. Apartheid was law in South Africa. Chattel slavery was law in the United States. Opposing slavery, apartheid, and the Holocaust were crimes.

Rule of Law is a vague liberal hope that powerful coercive institutions will “do the right thing” and immense and obsequious deference when they don’t. “It’s painfully slow” takes on more than one meaning when the law is governed by actual fascists.

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @CorvidCrone @dung_eater @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom @Teri_Kanefield "rule of law" is of course vacuous without context, which here is the US constitution and not the Weimarer Republic's. That makes a decisive difference, as the latter had its (obvious) flaws, while the US' doesn't have those: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zsrwjxs/revision/3

One man's noble cause is another one's horror, and if you want a peaceful society (which I do), then it has to play by some rules. Why not the constitution's?

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi @KawaTora @Teri_Kanefield @dung_eater @CorvidCrone

“Rule of Law” is vacuous in any context. The law is formalized violence. Chattel slavery was rule of law under the US constitution; Trump rounding up people in camps and deploying police forces to assassinate an anti-fascist was rule of law. We cannot pretend the law is not the law when it produces outcomes that liberals find distasteful.

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora @Teri_Kanefield @dung_eater @CorvidCrone Obviously the constitution was improved to abolish slavery, after a whole civil war was fought over this question?
Yes, another TFG term would be horrible because of those things you mentioned, but abandoning the whole of democracy (and replacing it with what? and waging another civil war?) would be far worse?

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi @dung_eater @CorvidCrone

Question begging that the US is meaningfully a democracy


@supergrobi Another peak liberal reasoning, Fukuyama style.

@HeavenlyPossum @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora @Teri_Kanefield @CorvidCrone

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom @dung_eater @Teri_Kanefield @CorvidCrone @supergrobi

“Rule of law” is internally incoherent. It presumes some Platonic “law” that floats above society as sovereign, binding all its participants, while simultaneously being democratically accountable to some public. This is how you end up with undemocratic results being touted as “rule of law” while also heinous but perfectly legal policies being dismissed as contrary to rule of law.

It’s a liberal ideology of obsequious deference to authority. Trump is probably not wrong to claim that the US president stands utterly above and outside the law (in a perfectly legal manner), because that’s the legal reality of US “rule of law.”

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom @dung_eater @Teri_Kanefield @CorvidCrone Well, give the painfully slow process of rule of law some more time and we'll see to that. Any lawyer (except for those being paid well by TFG while doing so) will tell you that it is of course total BS that the president should have total immunity.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@dung_eater @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora @Teri_Kanefield @supergrobi @CorvidCrone

Sure. When Obama ordered a US citizen murdered in Yemen, a country with which the US was not at war, he suffered no legal repercussions, because the president stands above and outside the law, and already demonstrated that US presidents hold precisely the legal power that Trump claims.

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @dung_eater @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora @Teri_Kanefield @CorvidCrone There is thousands of occasions where the US committed all sorts of horrible crimes and waged horrible wars outside the US, no doubt about that!

My point is about how much worse things will get inside the US if people don't vote.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield @CorvidCrone @dung_eater @Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi @KawaTora

The point of that example was not to highlight a bad thing the US did, but rather to illustrate the structural impunity of violence in the US, which you a) attributed to Trump and b) denied existed expect as an aberration.

It’s not an aberration. It’s the rule. “Rule of law” means that most people are constrained by the law, while some people are protected by the law.

@CorvidCrone@kolektiva.social avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @Teri_Kanefield @dung_eater @Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi @KawaTora

Rule of Law is a political philosophy stating that all subjects of the law are treated the same way by that law. We don't have that here in practice. Only on paper

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @Teri_Kanefield @CorvidCrone @dung_eater @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora "structural impunity of violence" is only a theoretical construct if TFG gets convicted, right?

Let's wait what comes out of the 96 indictments before we finally come to a conclusion here, please.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi @Teri_Kanefield @CorvidCrone @dung_eater @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora

Trump does not face any legal challenges for the violence he ordered as president, including against US citizens.

@RD4Anarchy@kolektiva.social avatar
@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@RD4Anarchy @HeavenlyPossum @Teri_Kanefield @CorvidCrone @dung_eater @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora You folks are much more theoretical than I am, I wasn't referring to the theoretical concept and its history, but its political practice

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@RD4Anarchy @CorvidCrone @dung_eater @Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi @KawaTora @Teri_Kanefield

The political practice of rule of law in the US is that some people are protected by the law while others are constrained by it.

@RD4Anarchy@kolektiva.social avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @CorvidCrone @dung_eater @Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi @KawaTora @Teri_Kanefield

Just as the political practice of rule of law has played out everywhere, always.

@CorvidCrone@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi @RD4Anarchy @HeavenlyPossum @Teri_Kanefield @dung_eater @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora

You invoked a theory that is older than ancient Greece and has persisted for ages.

What did you think it meant?

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@CorvidCrone @RD4Anarchy @HeavenlyPossum @Teri_Kanefield @dung_eater @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora I can tell you what I meant by it: guaranteeing free elections, peaceful transfer of power, indictment and hopefully conviction of a former president who wanted to prevent that.

That's what rule of law of the US constitution does, and hopefully will do once its necessarily slow process of indictments comes to an end.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield @RD4Anarchy @CorvidCrone @KawaTora @supergrobi @Radical_EgoCom @dung_eater

Which presidents have been indicted and convicted for their crimes in office?

@CorvidCrone@kolektiva.social avatar
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@dung_eater @Teri_Kanefield @KawaTora @supergrobi @Radical_EgoCom @CorvidCrone @RD4Anarchy

Grobi is helpfully illustrating the liberal preference for form (elections and transfers of power) over substance. In 2016, Trump—whom Grobi has identified as a fascist and a threat to democracy—lost the election but still became president, because rule of law, in the sense that obedience to formal procedural rules take precedent over things like democracy and safety from fascists.

@RD4Anarchy@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi @HeavenlyPossum @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora @Teri_Kanefield @dung_eater @CorvidCrone

The US constitution still allows slavery and the whole document was designed to preserve the privilege of the elite owning class and the maintenance of their power structures. It's a joke, not a good argument for rule of law.

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar
@CorvidCrone@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi @RD4Anarchy @HeavenlyPossum @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora @Teri_Kanefield @dung_eater

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitudeexcept as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

13th amendment

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@RD4Anarchy @dung_eater @CorvidCrone @Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi @Teri_Kanefield @KawaTora

In the US, police arrest and courts convict huge numbers of people, who are then legally compelled by prisons to labor in ways profitable to the state and its capitalist partners.

@AdrianRiskin@kolektiva.social avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @RD4Anarchy @dung_eater @CorvidCrone @Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi @Teri_Kanefield @KawaTora Not only that but as soon as they were able to after reconstruction effectively ended they literally outlawed not having a job specifically in order to ensure the supply of slave labor. This practice was only formally ended in 1972 and in essence, as you say, is still in effect.

@RD4Anarchy@kolektiva.social avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @dung_eater @CorvidCrone @Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi @Teri_Kanefield @KawaTora

And by some weird coincidence, a hugely disproportionate percentage of them are Black 🤷‍♂️

@violetmadder@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi @HeavenlyPossum @Radical_EgoCom @dung_eater @KawaTora

So if another Trump gets elected and turns into the next Hitler... 1, you're not thinking any farther ahead about that than "one step after another", and 2, all of those "steps" are going to involve obediently accepting whatever rules and laws the next Hitler passes down? That's your plan?

No wonder VBNMWs are so desperate to believe voting is magic. They've got nothing else.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@violetmadder @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora @dung_eater @supergrobi

Fighting fascists is literally worse than fascism, apparently. “A cult of violence.”

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @violetmadder @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora @dung_eater I didn't say it's worse. "Fist to fash face" seems a predominantly male approach to me, and independent of political orientation, i.e. whose face exactly the fist goes to. "fighting for a noble cause" (physically) is a way for men to show off their self-sacrificial altruism, which they tend to do in general https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/147470491201000107

For me personally, peace is more important than that.


@supergrobi But how do you fight fascism peacefully?

@HeavenlyPossum @violetmadder @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@dung_eater @HeavenlyPossum @KawaTora @violetmadder @Radical_EgoCom By fighting for the constitution and it's rule of law?

That could start with a simple feat, which is casting your vote. The only drawback of this here is that it is not very heroic, and it doesn't involve physical violence while fighting for a noble cause, so it's not very attractive for folks here.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@dung_eater @supergrobi @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora @violetmadder

I do appreciate the insight into the thinking that goes into acquiescing to fascism.

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @dung_eater @Radical_EgoCom @KawaTora @violetmadder If you think that by wanting to uphold constitution and democracy I somehow approve of fascism, then there must have been a misunderstanding somewhere

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@dung_eater @KawaTora @violetmadder @supergrobi @Radical_EgoCom

You started this conversation by telling me that anyone who doesn’t vote against Trump is facilitating fascism, and have spent the rest of the conversation rejecting any other effort to actually, materially fight fascism. By your own logic, you are facilitating fascism out of deference to decorum and institutions that enable fascism.

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @dung_eater @KawaTora @violetmadder @Radical_EgoCom I did not reject any other effort to fight fasicsm, only (possibly) those that would want to destroy democracy and the constitution, and probably those that would mean self-justice (which anybody could then claim, with known results).

I do stand by the notion that not voting supports fascism, though.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi @dung_eater @violetmadder @KawaTora

Self-defense against fascists is not a threat to democracy and the constitution, but again, thanks for letting us know how it was possible for Hitler to rule over a public that didn’t want him.

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @Radical_EgoCom @dung_eater @violetmadder @KawaTora I didn't object to self-defense against fascism, as long as it is not understood so broad that you can go beat up anybody preemptively just because you subjectively consider them fascists.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@violetmadder @dung_eater @supergrobi @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom

Literally no one here but you has suggested random violence. Jesus fucking Christ.

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @violetmadder @dung_eater @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom That is reassuring, thanks. "fist to the fash face" sounds pretty random to me though, and that was suggested multiple times here.

@violetmadder@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi @HeavenlyPossum @dung_eater @KawaTora @Radical_EgoCom

There's an enormous range of direct action, including all sorts of nonviolent civil disobedience, that doesn't necessarily involve punching anyone. Our society loves to erase all that and tell us the ONLY choice is the propagandized binary of voting vs wanton bloodshed. Even if you're a total pacifist who would never ever raise a hand even in self-defense, you do still have options that don't involve licking boots.

If laws are passed that require you to turn people in to the gestapo or personally stone them for being queer or reading the wrong books etc, are you actually going to do it because obeying the orderly rule of law is more important than justice? Would you turn in or kill your own child, or yourself? Would you meekly submit to slavery?

Laws don't define morality. At BEST, they hack a rough outline around it that inevitably hurts people where edge cases don't fit its technicalities. At worst... they dictate unimaginable horrors.

Personally, my fight starts with refusing to accept injustice as normal or tolerable-- a fight entirely inside my own head, not theatrically heroic or glorious at all. Gotta get outside that obedience vs violence binary and think creatively. Fight the fascists in your own head first.

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@KawaTora @dung_eater @Radical_EgoCom @violetmadder @supergrobi

You’re the one who identified Trump as a fascist; are you now telling us you’re not sure who are fascists?

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi

For millions of Americans, their votes will have no effect on the outcome, since they live in states that are already so dominated by one party or the other that the result is a fait accompli.

Americans have also repeatedly learned that they can cast a majority of votes for one candidate and still “lose” the election.

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @Radical_EgoCom Things would get much worse also in those red states with Trump as dictator.

Voting is the one single thing everybody can do as their share trying to prevent this from happening

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi @Radical_EgoCom

Yes, I agree that things would get much worse for people living in red states; that does not mean their votes have any meaningful effect on the outcome of the presidential election. When you say “everyone,” what you really mean is “people living in a small handful of swing states which might have a causal effect on the outcome.”


@HeavenlyPossum isn't that a double-edged sword? How does TFG get those millions to vote for him, whose votes won't make any difference unless a significant part of them stayed home?
@Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi @Radical_EgoCom @punissuer

I don’t understand your comment

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @supergrobi

Would we just as readily say “not killing fascists is effectively supporting fascism”?

@supergrobi@mastodon.berlin avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @Radical_EgoCom No, I certainly wouldn't, as killing is a horrible crime in contrast to voting?

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@supergrobi @Radical_EgoCom

I was pointing out the absurdity of accusing people of supporting fascism by not doing something, but let’s now also consider the idea of believing fascists might take over while being unwilling to fight them.


@HeavenlyPossum i don't understand "trying to get out the vote in swing states"; what do you mean?

@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar


Lobbying people who live in swing states, where the popular vote isn’t already pre-decided by one party or the other’s predominance, to vote for Biden.

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