@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

Madly tempted to sign up for a walking marathon to raise funds for @macmillancancer. I need a challenge, but is this too much?

@TheBreadmonkey@beige.party avatar

@purplepadma @macmillancancer

We did the Shine marathon walk year before last. I really enjoyed it but everyone struggled a bit because it was through the night, so suggest a day one.

@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

@TheBreadmonkey @macmillancancer My bestie is talking me out of it, she thinks I’ve got too much on this year

TheBreadmonkey, (edited )
@TheBreadmonkey@beige.party avatar

@purplepadma @macmillancancer

It's a lot. Particularly the training, which you have to do really. I loved it because I'm quite isolated so training was an opportunity to meet up with friends (without going out drinking), but after the 100k my mates had kids (whereas mine were already a bit older). Then the Shine walk was about 8 of us (family) and I was very keen to sign up for something else after, but noone else really wanted to.

I was lucky as I did the 100k with someone with some experience and made sure we were ready. Whereas I think noone really believed me that the marathon would be 'testing' because 'it's just walking' and 'it's not like we're running it'. So I really trained whereas my BIL/SIL didn't, and therefore inevitably really struggled.

I would do one a year if I could. I work well with goals and it keeps the impetus up on my fitness which in turn keeps me sane and the best version of myself. It's why I hold park run so sacred.

@TheBreadmonkey@beige.party avatar

@purplepadma @macmillancancer

I also did the Action Challenge London to Brighton (100k)a few years back and that was really really brutal. Much more than you think. 24 hours through the night across different terrains. Even the marathon was quite testing in the end and that was on London streets. We were quite broken when we got back and I lost all of my toenails! So basically - do a LOT of practice to make sure you know your boundaries. But the atmosphere and people will massively help on the day. I love doing stuff like that and heartily recommend it. Although you'll think it was a terrible idea towards the end.

@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

@TheBreadmonkey @macmillancancer I’m sure! The furthest I have walked recently is ten miles

@louisa_@mastodon.social avatar

@purplepadma they happen at the end of summer, don't they? That's plenty of time to train - but the "problem" with walking is that it does eat the hours.

At least doing an organised event, you won't lose lots of time to checking navigation etc.

I'm planning to do the Peak District 3 Peaks this summer, which is also 26miles. I'm expecting it to take about 12 hours on the day, and am stocking up on audiobooks for the training!

@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

@louisa_ I need to think about how much I could realistically train, I would need people to drive me to and from start and finish points of sections of the coast path I think

@helenclayton@mas.to avatar

@purplepadma @louisa_ based on my longest coast path walk - about 20 miles - I would also allow 12 hours for 26. I romped my 20 at a faster pace than that (7.5 hours), due to tide and ferry limitations, & I wouldn’t want to do that again on a hot day with steep gradients (being a bimbler normally). If you don’t have those time pressures, 12 would be right. Training-wise are there any sensible circular routes taking in parts of the coast path?

@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

@helenclayton @louisa_ Mmmm I’m not sure, I’d have to look into it more

@thebaywindowgirl@toot.community avatar

@helenclayton @purplepadma @louisa_ I did a 26 mile organised walk along the Northumberland coast last year, with a group of friends. I think it took us around 9 hours, but it was flattish terrain, and we didn’t stop. I walk every week, so I gradually built up the miles in the weeks beforehand. I think the longest training walk I did was 18 miles. I think you’d get round with less preparation, especially as you must be pretty fit with the running, but you might feel it more the next day!

@helenclayton@mas.to avatar

@thebaywindowgirl @purplepadma @louisa_ yes, definitely depends on the gradients. The Devon coast has some big ups and downs, on repeat, so if it’s the same for you getting some practice on some steep sections would help with training.

@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

@helenclayton @thebaywindowgirl @louisa_ It’s in the beautiful Gower Peninsula, so yes, hilly terrain

@helenclayton@mas.to avatar

@purplepadma @thebaywindowgirl @louisa_ gorgeous! I’d do it.

@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

@helenclayton @thebaywindowgirl @louisa_ ooooooh I’m tempted

@thebaywindowgirl@toot.community avatar

@purplepadma @helenclayton @louisa_ Do it! Especially if you can get someone to do it with you. Chatting with friends helps the miles fly by.

@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

@thebaywindowgirl @helenclayton @louisa_ I can’t think of anyone who’d be up for it

@helenclayton@mas.to avatar

@purplepadma @thebaywindowgirl @louisa_ It depends if you like your own company 😁. Personally, I love walking solo (& if it’s challenging the less talking, the more breathing I can do 😂).

@thebaywindowgirl@toot.community avatar

@helenclayton @purplepadma @louisa_ I usually walk alone and prefer it, but I’d need an audiobook for that distance, I couldn’t be alone with my inner voice for 8 hours 🤣

@helenclayton@mas.to avatar

@thebaywindowgirl @purplepadma @louisa_ weirdly walking is when my inner voice shuts up, apart from exclaiming (also out loud) ‘sheeps!’, ‘bird!’, ‘pretty flower!’ etc 😂

@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

@helenclayton @thebaywindowgirl @louisa_ “A CASTLE!” (Yes I live in Wales)

@helenclayton@mas.to avatar

@purplepadma @thebaywindowgirl @louisa_ surely ‘SHEEPS!’, no?

@sheepnik@toot.wales avatar

@helenclayton @purplepadma @thebaywindowgirl @louisa_ Have you even seen sheep if you don't say "SHEEP!" and then baa at them?

@RolloTreadway@beige.party avatar

@sheepnik @helenclayton @purplepadma @thebaywindowgirl @louisa_ I just talk to them like people. I say hello, ask if they're having a good day, apologise for disturbing them, thank them for their time.

@thebaywindowgirl@toot.community avatar

@RolloTreadway @sheepnik @helenclayton @purplepadma @louisa_ I do that too. There’s really no hope for me 🤣

@helenclayton@mas.to avatar

@thebaywindowgirl @RolloTreadway @sheepnik @purplepadma @louisa_ the only time I generally encounter anyone on my walks is when I am talking to the animals 😂

@RolloTreadway@beige.party avatar

@helenclayton @thebaywindowgirl @sheepnik @purplepadma @louisa_ I talk to the birds as well. And the trees. I must seem very strange.

@thebaywindowgirl@toot.community avatar

@RolloTreadway @helenclayton @sheepnik @purplepadma @louisa_ Just to hammer the final nail into the coffin of my normality, I also have one based on Sound of Silence, entitled Sound of Bleating.

@helenclayton@mas.to avatar

@thebaywindowgirl @RolloTreadway @sheepnik @purplepadma @louisa_ I sense a recording contract looming.

@sheepnik@toot.wales avatar

@helenclayton @thebaywindowgirl @RolloTreadway @purplepadma @louisa_ You've heard of the Beatles, now get ready for the Bleatles,

@purplepadma@beige.party avatar
@helenclayton@mas.to avatar
@sheepnik@toot.wales avatar

@helenclayton @thebaywindowgirl @RolloTreadway @purplepadma @louisa_ I'm here all night... well, unless I decide to take a nap, which is a very strong possibility.

@helenclayton@mas.to avatar

@sheepnik @thebaywindowgirl @RolloTreadway @purplepadma @louisa_ first up in the song suggestions…From Me to Ewe?

@sheepnik@toot.wales avatar
@helenclayton@mas.to avatar
@sheepnik@toot.wales avatar
@ak@toot.wales avatar
@ak@toot.wales avatar
@louisa_@mastodon.social avatar

@ak @sheepnik @helenclayton @thebaywindowgirl @RolloTreadway @purplepadma I looked away from this thread for just a brief 20hours and this is what I come back to 🤣 🤣

I am also a chatter to animals/birds but as I don't approve of animal cruelty, I hold back on the singing. That said:

The Bleatles. Let it bleat. Ticket to Ram. Ob-la-di, Ob-la-dag.

@RolloTreadway@beige.party avatar

@louisa_ @ak @sheepnik @helenclayton @thebaywindowgirl @purplepadma I Want To Hold Your Herdwick? The Wool On The Hill?

@sheepnik@toot.wales avatar
@thebaywindowgirl@toot.community avatar

@sheepnik @RolloTreadway @louisa_ @ak @helenclayton @purplepadma Obviously, Fab Macca (thumbs aloft) got there first.

@llamasoft_ox@toot.wales avatar

@thebaywindowgirl @sheepnik @RolloTreadway @louisa_ @ak @helenclayton @purplepadma there is nothing wrong with talking to sheep. I say good morning to each of mine every day, and frequently explain things to them at some length. I tell them when they are being silly and explain that next door's ewes are sadly off limits. I scold Panda for butting me and then give him cuddles and another Digestive biscuit.

Sheep are people too.

@JeniParsons@mstdn.social avatar

@llamasoft_ox @thebaywindowgirl @sheepnik @RolloTreadway @louisa_ @ak @helenclayton @purplepadma love this thread 🤣 I talk to my sheep every day too but I had to scroll back to the beginning to see what prompted this. Diolch yn fawr iawn 🐏

@helenclayton@mas.to avatar

@JeniParsons @llamasoft_ox @thebaywindowgirl @sheepnik @RolloTreadway @louisa_ @ak @purplepadma I think it might have been my fault, sorry Charlotte!

@purplepadma@beige.party avatar
@helenclayton@mas.to avatar
@llamasoft_ox@toot.wales avatar

@helenclayton @purplepadma @JeniParsons @thebaywindowgirl @sheepnik @RolloTreadway @louisa_ @ak I love this picture, it's Giles consoling Skippy after his little girlfriend (a ewe who escaped from next door) with whom he had enjoyed a brief romance had now gone back home. "I'm sorry buddy, I know your heart is breaking, but these things don't last forever... you'll get over it in time..." Skippy got the full pep talk :D

@thebaywindowgirl@toot.community avatar
@llamasoft_ox@toot.wales avatar

@thebaywindowgirl @helenclayton @purplepadma @JeniParsons @sheepnik @RolloTreadway @louisa_ @ak Oh yes, this was a couple of years ago now. Although he and Brambles still stand up on the bank next to the fence between my field and the neighbour's and gaze down longingly at the little audience of ladies that gather there to admire their ramliness.

I've had to reinforce that fence :D

@TheBreadmonkey@beige.party avatar

@purplepadma @helenclayton @thebaywindowgirl @louisa_

There's a running festival on there in the summer - LoveTrails. I was going to buy tix for me and Trish but sadly she's team leading exam marking then. But it looks absolutely beautiful and I reckon would be enormous fun to walk around. Looks very pretty!

@louisa_@mastodon.social avatar

@helenclayton @thebaywindowgirl @purplepadma to second this: one of the hardest walks I've done was a 16miler on the Cleveland Way, along the Yorkshire Coast, between Scarborough and Robin Hood's Bay. So many steep set of steps down then up again. They were knee wrecking!

I love walking at the coast, and I like that the nav is usually easy (keep the sea on the same side) but those down and ups...

@thebaywindowgirl@toot.community avatar

@louisa_ @helenclayton @purplepadma Yes, the Northumberland coast is mercifully flat by comparison! That said, I’ve signed up for a 23 miler in the Cheviot hills in September, and that will be a completely different kettle of fish.

@louisa_@mastodon.social avatar

@thebaywindowgirl @helenclayton @purplepadma The Northumberland Coastal Path is high up on my to-do list.

I've cycled from Newcastle to Edinburgh (the "Coast and Castles" route) which hugged the coast as best it could -- including alarmingly on the cliff edge just before Berwick! -- but I like to walk it too. How many days did you do it over?

@thebaywindowgirl@toot.community avatar

@louisa_ @helenclayton @purplepadma I just did an organised 26 mile stretch from Bamburgh to Alnmouth in a day.

@helenclayton@mas.to avatar

@thebaywindowgirl @louisa_ @purplepadma I was looking at the Gower stretch on OS maps last night and it doesn’t look to have to many very steep uppy downy bits. Seeing the map makes me want to do it more. Haven’t been there since a student field trip, which I cannot remember much about apart from getting kicked out of a pub.

@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

@helenclayton @thebaywindowgirl @louisa_ Ooh now I want to do it again... my bestie had persuaded me not to this morning. In fact she said "I won't let you do it, you've got too much on"

@helenclayton@mas.to avatar

@purplepadma @thebaywindowgirl @louisa_ sorry! The training might help motivate you in your exercise - you don’t have to train on the coast path but maybe a shorter than 26 mile practice walk would be good to do there. I’m sure you’re fit enough from the running you do. The hard bit is drumming up sponsorship in my experience (I hate asking), walking is the fun bit 😁.

@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

@helenclayton @thebaywindowgirl @louisa_ Yes, I hate asking too

@thebaywindowgirl@toot.community avatar

@purplepadma @helenclayton @louisa_ Not to contradict your friend, but maybe having a lot on is a good reason to do it? You'll be motivated to get out and do the training, which will be good for your fitness and mood.

@purplepadma@beige.party avatar
@Sharonbw@mastodon.online avatar

I don't mean to be dense, but does that mean you'd walk the full 42+km?

@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

@Sharonbw Told you it was a mad idea 😹

@Sharonbw@mastodon.online avatar

That's an investment in time, not to mention the energy and stamina.

@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

@Sharonbw It definitely would be. I’d have to go out walking most weekends. I could definitely walk half the distance now, but I’d find it a challenge


@purplepadma @macmillancancer

How far and over what course? If it up to the top of a mountain and back then it might be a No? 😉

@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

@simonzerafa @macmillancancer Standard marathon length over hills and along cliffs in an area of outstanding natural beauty


@purplepadma @macmillancancer

Wow, well good luck with that one if you attempt it. I feel tired just thinking about walking that far 🥴🤷‍♂️


@purplepadma @simonzerafa
That would be a magnificent challenge and you'd absolutely love the achievement. However, I'd suggest starting with a half marathon distance and/or a road marathon first if you haven't already done those.

@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

@EllenInEdmonton @simonzerafa That’s probably wise advice

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