
FrostBolt, in Opinion | World War III Will Be Fought With Viruses - WSJ
FrostBolt avatar

Russia will release half-monkey, half-man hybrid shock troops; they'll be dancing in the aisles of Walmart by next month


They already tried shock troops with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

Drusas, in These researchers are reimagining animal behavior through a feminist lens

"Feminist" here means looking critically at the unconscious biases of researchers, who have traditionally been mostly heteronormative white males.

Kamath has adopted a feminist approach to science, which critically examines not only how women and gender minorities have been excluded from science, but also how sexist and gendered ideas have influenced the questions scientists ask and how they frame the results of their work — whether they know it or not.

can, in Scientists discover repair process that fixes damaged hearing cells

Best news I’ve heard all week.


Could you say that a little louder, sonny?

rodhlann, in Scientists discover repair process that fixes damaged hearing cells
rodhlann avatar

Metal heads rejoice

DoucheAsaurus avatar

Anyone who went to concerts without hearing protection really. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Jokes on you, I don’t remember a time without the eeeeeeeeeee


I feel attacked.

Madison_rogue avatar

Anyone who went to see The Pixies even with hearing protection.

monotremata, in Southern US Reaches Dangerous "Wet Bulb Temperature". Here's What That Means

I've been wondering whether it'll be possible to make skin-friendly formulations of the sky-cooling paints, which might help with this sort of situation. NightHawkInLight just released a YouTube video about a way to make a version of the pigment using items from the grocery and hardware stores, and the final result was Calcium Carbonate nanospheres. It seems like it should be possible to make a skin-compatible paint from this, much like the titanium oxide based sunscreens, with the advantage that this one would actively cool you by about four degrees centigrade, which is really quite a lot in this kind of scenario.

The video in question:

HeartyBeast avatar

You could do that. Or you could wear light clothes :)


Well, clothes made with the right pigments might work in a similar way. But regular light clothes aren't enough in a wet bulb event. Regular light clothes can keep you from getting further overheated due to sunlight, but if the ambient air temperature and humidity is such that you can't get evaporative cooling from your sweat, you're still in trouble. Sky-cooling pigments can cool you below the ambient air temperature by up to 4°C even in direct sunlight, which could be life-saving in certain circumstances.


I think one trick to that working is using a very thick coat of the paint. It needs to be thick enough to scatter light like using the same properties as snow. A thick coating like that all over your skin would probable block sweating and create a dangerous health issue.


I wonder. He did need the snow-scattering effect to get the barium-based pigment to work, but it seems like the dense packing achieved by the varied sizes of nanoparticles might suffice for light rejection without that effect. It didn't sound like he re-tested that with the new recipe.


Tech Ingredients also covered cooling paint and referenced the NightHawkInLight Video but they went into a bit more on application. It still needed a thick coat.


It's been a while since I watched that one. I'll have to give it another look. They were also using the barium pigment, but I can't remember if they used the multiple sizes of nanospheres.

Stanley_Pain, in Southern US Reaches Dangerous "Wet Bulb Temperature". Here's What That Means avatar

Never heard of the term “Wet bulb temperature” is this something similar to “humidex”?

Madison_rogue avatar

Yes, wet bulb index takes into account the relative humidity to give a realized temperature that takes into account your body can't shed heat through sweat.

Wet bulb temperature

HeartyBeast avatar

Basically you put two old-style thermometers next to each other. One has a conventional ‘dry’ bulb. The other has damp gauze or something similar wrapped around the bulb.

In low humidity conditions, the wet bulb thermometer will read considerably cooler as the evaporating water cools the thermometer

At 100% humidity the two thermometers will read the same, as no water will be evaporating.

BedSharkPal, in Scientists discover repair process that fixes damaged hearing cells

Obvious a very low level study, but as someone with tinnitus any progress in their area is exciting!

ShaunaTheDead avatar

My wife has tinnitus and it's so strange to me that there's so little research into this topic and absolutely no answers or relief for people that suffer from it.

InLikeClint avatar

Fuckin POP! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 🙄
Ball buster for sure.

lol3droflxp avatar

It’s a complex disease with many mechanisms and causes but it doesn’t really kill people. So hard work and little urgency.

xabe avatar

It doesn’t directly kill people, but a cause of suicide due to the extremely high impact of Tinnitus on mental health

lol3droflxp avatar

True, but nobody says xy died of tinnitus which is the deciding factor

xabe avatar

I agree.

I just wish things were different, and tinnitus taken more seriously as a life-threatening illness.

BurnTheRight, in World sees hottest day since records began

If you aren't fighting conservatism, you aren't fighting climate change.


If you aren't vegan, you aren't fighting climate change.

jibbist avatar

Being vegan for 30 years doesn't mean shit if we're still burning fossil fuels



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  • tegs_terry,

    That little concession of yours X 7000000000. How harmless is that?


    If I want to go home and celebrate all that hard work with a perfectly seared steak, that’s not going to kill the environment.

    It is tho?..

    Animal products are incredibly harmful to the climate and are inherently wasteful.

    Those corporations get their money from people like you.

    Yes regulation would be the best to stop them but you know that's not gonna happen any time soon, especially when everyone refuses to change their own habits, politicians aren't gonna force through regulations that get people angry because they want their steaks.

    Why do you want to continue to participate in something bad until it's legally not allowed anymore?
    Why not do what you can (stop consuming animal products) while also advocating for regulation and political change?

    What does holding evil corporations accountable look like if not refusing to give them your money?



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  • RockyBockySocky, (edited )

    Because it’s yummy

    A bad thing giving you pleasure(tasting good in this case) doesn't make it okay to do the bad thing.

    and there is such a thing as sustainable farming for animal products. We did it right up until the turn of the Industrial Revolution and things were fine.

    It requires a shit ton of plants to feed animals for animal products, way more than using plants directly, nothing sustainable about that when we can just use plants directly instead.
    What do you think sustainable farming of animal products looks like?

    but all you’re doing is annoying someone who is potentially on your side with unnecessary dietary restrictions for the sake of “it’s overall better, do your part”. I am doing my part.

    You are not on my side if you support needlessly killing animals for profit/taste.
    You're not doing your part if you willfully support super damaging industries that have readily available alternatives because "tastes good".

    Also can you explain why you only have this reaction to my comment and not the parent comment which is the same but about conservatism? Is that just as bad? annoying people who might be on our side.

    As I mentioned if you want to fire shots, take aim at the corporations that’s are the ones truly causing all this harm.

    What does taking aim at corporations look like if not refusing to give them our money while advocating for regulation?

    The individual has almost not impact in comparison to one corporation.

    The reason these corporations do bad things is to earn money, they get that money from individuals.
    If people who think these corporations are doing bad things stop supporting it then suddenly the corporations have less money.

    Why not be on the right side of history?
    Why do you want to be forced into not doing bad things instead of just changing on your own?


    Dude you gotta chill a bit, this is the point he was making. Having a huge argument to get one single change in lifestyle (a huge effort for that person btw) when everyone does a million things in their lives that also contribute to these issues is not pushing the fight forward meaningfully.

    And if we are going to drop meat, let's also push people to stop driving, stop flying, stop buying gadgets, stop buying all plastics, stop using air conditioning, and on and on. I can live without plenty of that, just like meat, but which of these do you think you can get enough of a mass of people to give up? It has to be aimed at governmental bodies to make these changes on a meaningful scale.


    a huge effort for that person btw

    Avoiding animal products really isn't that difficult, I made the change myself.

    when everyone does a million things in their lives that also contribute to these issues

    That's exactly the problem, our modern way of living is extremely wasteful and destructive, giving up because there's a lot of issues isn't gonna help, we should be talking about these things and making changes.

    And if we are going to drop meat, let's also push people to stop driving, stop flying, stop buying gadgets, stop buying all plastics, stop using air conditioning, and on and on.

    Yes, exactly, now you're getting it.
    We all need to make meaningful changes to fight climate change, that's what this thread is about.
    "World's hottest day since records began" should be a wake up call to not continue as usual.

    but which of these do you think you can get enough of a mass of people to give up?

    I never claimed fighting climate change was gonna be easy, that doesn't mean we should give up.

    It has to be aimed at governmental bodies to make these changes on a meaningful scale.

    Yes, I've continually said we advocate for regulation which can be done while changing our individual habits and lifestyles to match those changes we are advocating for.

    Does it make sense to ask politicians to make regulations while you yourself are supporting the thing you want regulated?

    Going vegan is one of the most impactful changes a person can make in terms of climate impact and it really isn't that hard.

    NodusCursorius avatar

    Why not be on the right side of history?

    This singular line always sets off mental alarm bells, for me. From movies to historical speeches, I associate it with deception or extreme evangelism. I'm certainly not claiming you are doing either but did it feel it socially prudent to bring up.


    I can see that.

    I think it's fair to call fighting climate change and animal cruelty "the right side" tho :)



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  • RockyBockySocky, (edited )

    Come on buddy, starting a debate and then refusing to actually debate is very silly.

    I'm not forcing anything on anyone, this is an internet forum, you aren't a victim for reading some words.

    Being against animal cruelty and climate change isn't trying to control peoples bodies lol.
    I'm specifically trying to get people to stop using animals as property, controlling their bodies..

    If I want to eat meat, that is my right as a living, breathing, functional and helpful human of this planet.

    What about the rights of other animals?
    Should they not have a right to life without you needlessly torturing and eating them?



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  • RockyBockySocky,

    I haven't been an asshole at all, I've simply countered your points.

    Seems you've let your emotions cloud what was actually said, try rereading what I've said when you're calmer.

    Flyspeck, in Bicycle

    That relaxed post-ride feeling is the best!

    swope avatar

    The physiological and mental effects of bicycles are a whole other blog post / thesis!

    magnetosphere, in Bicycle
    magnetosphere avatar

    Very true, especially when you’re a kid.

    I couldn’t articulate it when I first learned to ride without training wheels, but it was my first major taste of freedom. It also helped that I was soon one of the fastest in my neighborhood.

    Hippiemcgee avatar

    Heck, I'm over 30 and I still feel that sense of freedom when I bike. Keeps me riding!

    Tomassci, in Bicycle
    Tomassci avatar

    The guy makes good interactive articles in general, definitely do recommend browsing a bit

    newredditwhodis avatar

    Yeah I agree. First one I read and still my favourite is the mechanical watch breakdown article. The explanations aren't too heavy and the demonstrations/interactions are so clean. Bartosz's site just has really nice design all over.

    zalack, in World's 1st 'tooth regrowth' medicine moves toward clinical trials in Japan - The Mainichi
    zalack avatar

    Unless I'm misreading the article, right now this seems to just be regrowth for a very specific medical condition where teeth didn't come in in the first place?

    The article mentions the possibility of stimulating growth in a latent third set of buds all adults have. But that doesn't seem to be what this specific breakthrough is.

    rhythmisaprancer, in World's 1st 'tooth regrowth' medicine moves toward clinical trials in Japan - The Mainichi
    rhythmisaprancer avatar

    Wow, what a game changer this would be for so many people. I wonder how accessible it will be to the people who are most likely to need it?

    Chozo avatar

    It's so inaccessible that MrBeast is probably going to give away a thousand treatments of it.

    livus avatar

    Most new things are not at all accessible to impoverished people (we saw this with covid vaccine inequality) and they are the ones most likely to have tooth loss due to lack of access to dental care.


    This is true in the short term, but drugs and treatments can get cheaper over time, whereas implant dentistry is intrinsically expensive in a way that's unlikely to ever improve.

    anathema_device avatar

    @Ertebolle "The tooth regrowth medicine is intended for people who lack a full set of adult teeth due to congenital factors. "

    So, not likely to solve the problem of tooth loss through lack of dental care :(

    @wave_walnut @rhythmisaprancer @livus

    I_Miss_Daniel avatar

    Bugger. Back to printing disposable ones on the Ender-3?


    they're only slightly toxic, you'll be fine

    I_Miss_Daniel avatar

    PLA, Google says it's food safe. I've never really thought about it.

    apemint avatar

    Both PLA and PET are food safe but I wouldn't use them for long-term food related stuff.
    The surface of a print contains thousands of valleys, nooks and crannies and other hard to reach spots that serve as ideal breeding grounds for bacteria.

    I_Miss_Daniel avatar

    True. They may look smooth but they're pretty porous.

    yunggwailo avatar

    For now

    livus avatar

    Thanks for copying me in, I really should have read the whole article first!

    Mr_Figtree avatar

    They do also talk about the potential to activate a latent third set of tooth buds in humans who have lost their adult teeth. They seem to have already done this in animals.


    I was shocked to learn that dental sealant exists. This simple procedure is very effective in preventing cavities, so once a kid has adult teeth they'll be protected into their 20s.

    Yet, many people don't know to ask for this and can't afford the upfront cost (about $40 per tooth). Yet, unless your kid has fewer than 3 cavities as a teen it is the most cost effective and wellness promoting option.

    It's wild to me this isn't a heavily subsidized and promoted procedure, but I guess dental care =/= healthcare...

    livus avatar

    I know what you mean. I'm always amazed no one ever told me about preventive dentistry, and some people I tell seem to view it with suspicion.

    Worse, where I live the dentists you see as a poor person usually push extraction as a cost-effective option when something goes wrong. But it can cause issues with chewing (the other teeth can move), and bone loss in the jaw.

    majorgator13, in Life may have triggered plate tectonics.
    majorgator13 avatar

    Kinda wild how the smallest things affect the biggest things

    mohKohn, in Life may have triggered plate tectonics.

    what the fuck, that's wild. also first time I've seen an article include one of these ( how plain the Language is is up for debate)

    Plain Language Summary

    Plate tectonics provides a basic framework for understanding geological processes on Earth. Although the subduction of cold and heavy oceanic lithosphere can maintain the operation of plate tectonics, its initiation mechanism remains unclear. To reveal the origin mystery of plate tectonics, it is necessary to clarify how and when the first subduction on Earth began. In this study, we propose a hypothetical model that links Earth's biological processes with the origin of plate tectonics. In the photic zone of the Neoarchean continental margins, the anaerobic metabolism of photoferrotrophic bacteria greatly promoted the massive deposition of magnetite-rich banded iron formations (BIFs). Our mechanical calculations show that within an acceptable sedimentary thickness, these heavy BIF deposits can provide enough downward force to rupture the Neoarchean continental margins and initiate the earliest subduction. The peak deposition of BIFs in 2.75–2.4 Ga further implies the onset time of global plate tectonics.


    their "plain" language is the reason for

    ETA: The theory is indeed wild, and I had to read and share despite their attempt at 'plain language' .


    Yeah, definitely needed a real TLDR, thanks. This is one where I'd love like a quanta article to get perspective from folks in the field about how controversial this proposal actually is.

    Rhaedas avatar

    Just hit me that (it true) this would have preceded the first of life's known major change to the environment, the Great Oxidation Event. So not only once but twice in an early era life totally disrupted the "normal" surroundings and caused utter chaos for existing life, which had to adapt to a new world. Next question, would these bacteria have been the same culprits?


    anaerobic metabolism of photoferrotrophic bacteria

    Suggests no? Because the great oxidation was caused by the development of photosynthesis as used in chlorophil. Staring at this page on iron-oxidizing bacteria, none of the key reactions have elemental oxygen as a by-product. Definitely not an expert, could be reading this wrong.

    Rhaedas avatar

    You did more research than I did, so more of an expert than me. Sounds like you're correct.

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