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gregorum, in The Pentagon is moving toward letting AI weapons autonomously decide to kill humans

wasn’t there a movie about this being a bad thing? i’m pretty sure there was…

ivanafterall avatar

I don't think so.


Man, someday you’re gonna have a blast watching the Terminator movies for the first time. Maybe even today!


lol, blast


There’s been at least a couple.

Sabata11792 avatar

An entire category of movies saying "don't do this exact course of actions ever"? Sounds like a good starting guide!

blackluster117, avatar

But the autonomous fighter plane learned about 2000s Alt-Rock and made jokes! It’s a good guy!

Sabata11792 avatar

New light novel just dropped-My Ai Girlfriend is a Thermal Nuclear Bomb that Wants the Launch Codes.


Dunt dunt dunt-dunt


Terminator would not have been as great as it is without that soundtrack.

drwho, avatar

That movie inspired a lot of folks back home to go into this very line of work. They completely took the wrong lesson from it.

lemillionsocks, avatar

Well according to the third movie judgment day is inevitable, talk to the hand. So maybe they just figured they might as well be the ones to do it.

TheAnonymouseJoker, in HP says I should have known its £399 laptop bargain was too good to be true avatar


That’s the mistake.


HP Business laptops kick ass. Consumer non Apple laptops in general suck no matter the brand

BolexForSoup, in Could we please add a rule to ban musk spam?
BolexForSoup avatar

Musk has already been banned as a topic on tech communities in 4 instances I’ve seen personally. I get folks are tired of him and I find him insufferable, but he is often relevant (unfortunately) to current events, so I don’t think wholesale bans of him are a good idea. There are plenty of topics I find annoying, but I don’t tell people to ban the topic from the community just for my personal preference.

Like I think trump is a cringe inducing piece of shit and don’t enjoy seeing him everywhere. I’d love a filter, I don’t expect communities to ban him as a topic.


Yeah but relevant to current tech events? Not that often.

It’s complicated I guess.

Musk offering starlink access to gaza is tech news, him changing subscription prices for xitter is not.

I guess I just mean that a happening is not “tech” by virtue of musk saying it.


Yeah but relevant to current tech events? Not that often.

LOL what? Literally everything he does is related to tech.


I mean anything anyone does on the internet is tech given they do it on the internet.

Musk is largely just being a shitty ceo doing ceo things, kinda notably for cultural reasons, sure, but musk news probably better serves as more business news than tech.


Seriously? If you really believe that then I don’t know what to say to you.


Most of what he does is talking, with a pinch of false advertisement and stock manipulation thrown in the mix.

But I’m happy about any actual developments! I’m super hyped for the next starship launch for example.

BolexForSoup, (edited )
BolexForSoup avatar

He owns starlink, Twitter, Tesla, and SpaceX. Whether we like it or not all of these have huge bearings on their respective industries.

And before people started hating musk, again rightfully so I’m embarrassed I ever liked him, you couldn’t go a day without something about SpaceX and people getting all excited. This is purely about the person, not the relevance of the topics.

If y’all could somehow come up with a nuanced soft ban on “his personal life“ and politics or whatever, I guess that’s a decent compromise? But that just sounds tedious and people will bicker. And also his politics unfortunately have an impact on how Twitter is run, so you would have to find ways to separate those things out. It’s just seems kind of needless.

I mean imagine if we couldn’t spread the word/learn of what he was doing with his starlink satellites and Ukraine/Russia. That stuff is really important.


The nuanced soft ban you’re talking about is just the topic of the community.

When musk does something tech related that’s tech. When he does something that’s not tech related that’s off topic.

Twitter is a social media website it’s not tech.

BolexForSoup, (edited )
BolexForSoup avatar


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  • DogMuffins,

    Honestly I think it’s weird that people think social media is tech.

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    BolexForSoup avatar


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  • DogMuffins,

    To exclude social

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    BolexForSoup avatar


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  • MrScottyTay,

    News about a tech company is usually just business news and not news about tech though. Just like most Twitter news that gets posted on here.

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    BolexForSoup avatar


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  • MrScottyTay,

    Anything about the daily runnings of a company, it’s personnel and other business decisions is not news about tech, no matter what the company is. Tech news should be about the technology. New breakthroughs, new coding language releases, new hardware etc.

    Edit: and to be a tech company is a company that creates tech, not always just one that uses it. I could be on the side of social media companies being tech companies, but that doesn’t mean all news about said companies are tech news, because they are not.


    There are no “tech companies”, there a companies that deal with new and interesting technologies more than others, but that doesn’t mean that anything that company does is “tech news”.

    Obviously the answer to “what is technology and what belongs in /c/technology” is subjective, everyone will have their own definition. But if your definition includes anything that social media companies do then you may as well just include any company with a website in your definition of technology.

    If meta rolls out threads, that’s tech news because it’s a company experimenting with a new technology. If xitter wants to change it’s subscription pricing that’s not tech news, because it has very little to do with technology.


    Adding a subscription payment isn’t tech, there are more companies than Starlink, Twitter, Tesla, and SpaceX, and we aren’t posting everything that a company do, just with Twitter or Tesla because they are popular and Elon Musk a meme… Mercedes for example has better autopilot than Tesla, Porsche has better electric vehicle than Tesla, but I don’t see people posting about that every time. I think there is an excessive posting of his stuff, and he just loves to get fame. I suppose that’s why he does stupid and crazy nonsense stuff like naming a good and popular brand name as Twitter to X… it’s like destroying all what was already built just to keep his name on news.

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    BolexForSoup avatar


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  • blkpws,

    I’m not an expert to define what is what.

    He is relevant because he is rich, and any stupid idea like naming Twitter as X makes everyone talk about it.

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    BolexForSoup avatar


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  • blkpws,

    I just think it’s a stupid question, not worth to overthink about it. Go ahead where you want to go and don’t ask me those stuffs.

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    BolexForSoup avatar


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  • blkpws,

    I’m just saying that asking that to people makes no sense, just say what you want to say… we aren’t here to define what is what but to share our thoughts I suppose… So don’t ask me those stuff and just say your opinion or teach us with your knowledge…

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    BolexForSoup avatar


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  • blkpws,

    Thanks, very useful. But you missed this one

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    BolexForSoup avatar


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  • blkpws,

    Ok sorry, reading it now seems you’re trying to relate the “telecommunication” with “social interaction” which could be done physically in person. Is that? Or what you wanted to say with that Wikipedia link?

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    BolexForSoup avatar


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  • blkpws,

    Well, sorry, I really don’t get what you wanted to say with the last link… I hope you do understand what I mean too…


    I got about the same out of this guy. He acts so cocksure when dismissing others opinions but can’t even seem to formulate his own counterpoint. It’s just a one-sided discussion and this person has zero to offer to the conversation other than nitpicking and Socratic questions that lead nowhere.


    The product itself (the code) may be considered tech but the company’s/employee’s/executive’s business/personal/anything outside of the product dealings shouldn’t be. If running a website makes any information related to you tech related then literally every company is a tech company. Meta’s stock price dropping because Zuckerbot farted in a kindergarten classroom isn’t anything tech related. Subscription fees being added or increased isn’t tech related.

    How would you define tech with regards to social media and how does that definition not include any other company running a website that you can interact with?

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    BolexForSoup avatar


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  • blkpws,

    Didn’t he replied to you with:

    The product itself (the code) may be considered tech but the company’s/employee’s/executive’s business/personal/anything outside of the product dealings shouldn’t be. If running a website makes any information related to you tech related then literally every company is a tech company.

    Or what you are expecting to get? Just say it yourself already and stop asking to people…

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    BolexForSoup avatar


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  • blkpws,

    But he replied…


    I said the code is the tech and then gave examples of what isn’t tech. What else do you want? The dictionary definition is

    the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.

    which points even further away from social media being tech IMO.

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    BolexForSoup avatar


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  • CmdrShepard,

    The irony here. You’ve made zero argument other than “not uh!” and expect me to keep repeating what I’ve already stated in good faith. I focused on social media companies because that’s what you had an issue with. Nobody disputes whether companies like Microsoft, SpaceX, Intel, and Apple are tech companies. The dispute here is whether Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc are really tech companies and more specifically whether any news surrounding these companies should be considered tech news (which you’ve already been given examples of) rather than just news about their actual tech products.

    So social media companies don’t apply scientific knowledge? Are you serious?

    Nobody stated that.

    Once again I’ll ask you to define what you think social media companies are and how that definition doesn’t include every other company with a web presence. Are you or are you not able to do that?

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    BolexForSoup avatar


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  • CmdrShepard,

    Still can’t form an actual argument? What seems to be the issue here? You seemed to have such strong convictions in your point of view earlier.


    You’re going to ban all social media topics too?

    Only if they become spammy, I suppose. I already sent you this video where explains how Elon Musk is just re-inventing things that already exists, but what he’s doing with Twitter seems like a 15 years old kid playing with his new toy… and isn’t really doing anything interesting or new to society.

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    BolexForSoup avatar


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  • blkpws,

    Yeah, I agree, social media is part of tech, it’s just spammy.

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    BolexForSoup avatar


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  • blkpws,

    Yeah right, but you aren’t saying it at all, you’re just making it long and asking people what is tech… And other people are already telling that anything can be tech too… So the “ban musk spam” is mainly because those news aren’t actually any interesting. And I suppose when they say “social media is not tech” they are talking about that they are using tech infrastructures and methods, but the communication between people isn’t a tech stuff.

    TheEntity, in Leak: Elon Musk said he wants X to be a dating app, too, in an all-hands meeting on the anniversary of his Twitter takeover

    We get it Elon, your X has left you.

    stoy, in Google Testing Ads Mixed Within Organic Search Results

    Duck Duck Go already exists.

    Veraxus avatar

    I was trying to use that as a Google alternative for months before someone turned me on to Kagi. DDG just isn’t anywhere near as good as Google, Kagi is. Hell, Kagi’s personalization options make it better than Google ever was, IMO.

    DuckDuckGo is not even close to being in Kagi’s league.

    1984, avatar

    It’s not even comparable in quality… When I was using it, I had to resort to Google search every day to get good results.


    In my experience the quality is just fine on duckduckgo.

    It's a bit different because they aren't tailoring based on all the data google has about you but it's still good.

    Maven, avatar

    I won’t lie, I was really dubious on the idea of paying for search, but after the demo I really came around and signed up for the year. Kagi results are far and away better than anything else on 90% of my queries. The only thing I miss is, when you use google in your searchbar, you can use it as a calculator. E.g. if I type “13 * 42”, the top suggestion is “= 546”, you don’t even have to press enter… So I got really used to using that as my default calculator. But Kagi just blanks you, so I’ve had to start keeping a desktop calculator open all the time lol

    1984, avatar

    They can probably fix that, they are very open to suggestions, unlike Google. Mail them about it :)


    It’s slowly getting worse though. Trust the market to ruin every good thing there is for profits.


    People have always been saying duckduckgo is bad or worse than google but it's always worked fine for me, and still does.

    ares35 avatar

    same. haven't had to 'google' on google in years.


    Yep, the circle of the internet:

    10 Create new awesome service
    20 Get a lot of users
    30 Build a great community
    40 Start running ads to offset costs
    50 Get VC funding
    60 Add new features that enable increased monetizations 70 Make old core feature more annoying to use.
    80 Push users to new features
    90 Kill important old core feature
    100 Push old users out
    110 Increase monetization of the service
    120 See user numbers dwindle
    130 See new competitors start
    140 Count of existing userbase to keep service alive
    150 Slowly move into obscurity 160 Become a joke brand that is forever tarnished.
    170 Never really die
    180 goto 10

    Floon, in Microsoft now thirstily injects a poll when you download Google Chrome - The Verge

    The real crime here is downloading Chrome.

    Firefox, for privacy protection.


    I’m also greatly concerned by the Chromium engine supremacy on the Internet.

    There are interesting privacy-focused Chromium-based browsers but I still refuse to use them. Google shouldn’t have a near-monopoly on web rendering engines and on web “standards”. Firefox is the only proper competition I can get behind.

    PoolloverNathan, (edited )

    Firefox is great, but :has (a CSS selector supported by WebKit but not Gecko) is starting to get a lot more popular.



    Exec, in Apple announces entry-level Apple Pencil with USB-C charging avatar

    The device doesn’t support pressure sensitivity

    So the targeted audience is… no one? The regular pens are very much aimed at artists.


    Note takers, I guess…


    A lot of people use these pencils for taking notes.

    ZeroFox, in The Tech Industry Has a New Plan to Stop Right to Repair Laws

    So what they’re saying here is that it’s cheaper for them to drag rtr laws to court everywhere for years than it is for them to make devices repairable. Or, in other terms, planned obsolescence makes them so much money that they can spend billions in lawyer fees and still make a profit.

    Dangdoggo avatar

    Yup, or the Apple play which is just walk right around these regulations with some additional tricky bullshit while outwardly 'supporting' RtR. If I was a lawmaker I would be so fucking livid about this circumvention I would come back even harder but I guess I don't know a lot about that process.

    BobVersionFour, (edited )

    Forgot something if you were a lawmaker you probably had so much money from those company that you would not care.

    The goal here always been to make it look like they do something usefull not actually do it.


    It’s supremely disappointing, looking up campaign contributions, how little money is required to influence our politicians.


    Yeah at least make the corruption worth it but it's hard to up the price when the guy next to you would take a trip to Delaware to vote the way they want

    ZILtoid1991 avatar

    Not really, a big driving factor behind making devices irreparable is to uphold the illusion of infinite growth.

    Beetschnapps, in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak

    “Might want to be making…”

    Weird ass attempt at future perfect tense?


    ChatGPT, make my sentence coherent.


    Is it wrong? Definitely awkward, but I've seen this construction before. Not a native speaker...


    It’s English, so it’s difficult to be wrong, but that phrase do be weird.

    e0qdk, (edited )
    e0qdk avatar

    I think it's probably an Indian English-ism. It's understandable but sounds weird to speakers of American English (and maybe other English dialects).

    A more natural sounding title (to an American English speaker) would use "Microsoft is making" or "Microsoft is planning to make" rather than "Microsoft might want to be making".


    Might want to make?

    homesweethomeMrL, in X is testing new paid membership tiers to compensate for poor ad revenue

    We, who are about to cry laughing, salute you!


    die cry-laughing 🤣


    dinckelman, in X is testing new paid membership tiers to compensate for poor ad revenue

    Without the users, this platform has no value. No one is interested in it already, except for nazis, bigots, and crypto bros. Paying for this garbage makes no sense

    IzzyData, avatar

    Those groups of people might be of the misunderstanding that people are still listening to them just because they are paying money.

    NOT_RICK, avatar

    Don’t forget sports fanatics and meme shitposters


    Don't forget how much Nazis enjoy supporting Nazis to own the non-Nazis.

    snooggums, in A Computer Model Is Causing Years of Delays for Amtrak's New High-Speed Trains, Scathing Audit Finds
    snooggums avatar

    not allowing Department of Transportation officials to view the model’s source code

    That is the problem. Using proprietary software that can't even be reviewed outside of blackbox testing in the government's contract process lets terrible software companies who won lowest bidder contracts is a recipe for disaster.

    All government contracts should include the ability to review the code if they don't just require it to be open source. The company can do a lot of business supporting their software without needing to keep it secret, and if secrecy from the government is vital to their business plan then they should stay out of the public sector.


    Exactly this seems like a matter of the train set manufacturer going to war against the regulator, with the operator and the public stuck in the lurch.

    ram, in Linda Yaccarino was set up to fail
    wagoner, (edited )

    There’s no paywall on theverge.

    Narrator: yes there is

    magnetosphere avatar

    Not usually, but I hit one this time

    SaltySalamander avatar

    To me, this is the same as a paywall.


    I hit a wall on mobile.


    Oh! Sorry, I stand corrected.


    tell me more

    Reporters and journalists deserve to get paid for their work.


    My comment was purely about whether or not a paywall exists.

    thatsnothowyoudoit, avatar

    While you’re technically right, I don’t see a material difference between paying with cash and paying with data (Verge sign up is free, but it’s still sign up).

    HootinNHollerin, in Reddit is removing ability to opt out of ad personalization based on your activity on the platform avatar

    Speedrunning to Twitter to try and impress his man crush Elon

    demonen, in Amazon accused of being a monopolist in FTC lawsuit avatar

    “Water accused of being wet in lawsuit” next, I guess.

    xilophor, avatar

    But is water wet? 🤔


    Does it have water on it?

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