
Crushed? Or drove away tons of OC creators and active members leaving a bot filled wasteland?

LemmyIsFantastic, (edited )


Crushed. Lots lots more of over at reddit as well as a smaller percent reposting.

Lemmys front page is a ton of bots reposting content from Reddit.

Neither of the services have a lot of OC.

@tsonfeir@lemm.ee avatar

Yeah, turns out the lawless fediverse needs a few laws and a governing board.


It took a couple weeks but I’ve found that blocking some bot accounts and adjusting the sorting on the app I use has plenty of fresh content with active posts. It isn’t exactly the same as reddit in its prime, but I shouldn’t expect it to be either.

It’s causing me to branch out into other topics and conversations that I probably would’ve missed on a gigantic platform like reddit. I think reddit made it easy to see interesting content because of how long it had to develop into a community. Lemmy is still a bit jumbled and fragmented, but the community seems to be sticking around and forming a new identity apart from reddit.

@Bangs42@lemmy.world avatar

Mind sharing which bots to block? Some bots are useful, so I’d rather not hide all bots.


If I did that I’d feel obligated to remove the user accounts I’ve blocked from my list before posting it and frankly that isn’t worth the time or the trouble since I’d have to manually recheck all the accounts to see why I blocked them. No thanks lol.

I think it’s pretty easy to replicate what I did with minimal effort though. All I really did was change the ‘all’ page in my Lemmy app (Boost) sorting to the newest posts. It becomes obvious pretty quickly when a couple communities have 4+ most recent posts, by the same accounts, etc. Most of the bots that exclusively repost reddit content are very obvious with just a couple clicks.

Once I had the worst offending reddit reposters blocked I noticed certain community/instance/users were either spamming content I’ll never care about or were NSFW bots, or were too region specific, etc. so I blocked them too. I spent a day or two doing more blocking than browsing.

After that I changed the sorting on the ‘all’ page to active posts, which at that point was mostly posts by real people again. From there I’ve only had to block the odd account here and there like I would on any other social platform. Every so often I’ll notice a bot post that’s slipped through but if the community is active someone else has usually posted something similar that’s getting more interaction anyways, so I don’t feel like I’m missing out on much I’d be interested in or the stories that are actually newsworthy.


Well, I still visit Reddit once a week since there are communities there that don’t yet exist here (or they are nearly empty).

I’m now all the time on Lemmy and am even much more active than what I ever was on Reddit, but I only have so much time.

I noticed there are slightly less quality posts in some subreddits, but I wouldn’t call Reddit crushed.

In fact, subscribers in all the subreddits I used to follow are actually up and even by a lot, while Lemmy users don’t really seem to increase by much (though I’d like them to).

I’d like to see a sudden growth in Lemmy and fall of Reddit, but I don’t think it’s anywhere near (though I’ll keep doing my part here!)


The comments on Reddit are way worse now, it’s extremely noticeable. Look at comments on /r/science for example. They’re all shitty jokes which used to get deleted.

The vast majority of subs are completely unmoderated now or taken over by a small group of people. Like /r/worldnews allowing people to openly support literal genocide of Arabs.

Reddit quality absolutely took a hit after this debacle.


Wasn’t there like a bot defense team that published a ban list or something but they just gave up during the exodus?


not to mention the continued guarantee of enshittification. We’ve only just seen the beginning of their pursuit of short term profits at the expense of their core value: the userbase.

@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Reddit always had a problem with far right/anti science dogwhistlers, but it also seems like it’s gotten much worse. Maybe I was just desensitized and I’m noticing it more because I don’t go there much, or maybe it is actually worse because it’s an election year, but it also wouldn’t surprise me if the .01% of frequent commentors who left full-time for Lemmy represent a significant brain drain.


not just you, it is significantly worse. And many have been banned for reporting hate


Ah, I hadn’t noticed this level of worsening. I suppose because when I visit I still go to niche subreddits and there the impact is less noticeable (but you do notice it).

I suppose great moderators have left the platform and they’ve been replaced by others who would like to be as good (but are crippled by new Reddit rules allowing many more trolls) or those that just don’t care or are straight crazy!


I’d like to see a sudden growth in Lemmy and fall of Reddit, but I don’t think it’s anywhere near

I don’t. Let the idiots stay on reddit. Leave lemmy how it is. Is it so terrible that one might have to visit reddit to find some niche communities?


I don’t disagree with you!

I just would like to see certain niche communities grow here too because Lemmy is great and (so far) it feels like the conversations here are nicer, so I’d like people to move here to make Lemmy even better


Fair point.

There’s nothing wrong with Lemmy growing in an organic sustainable way, but I dislike the attitude that lemmy ought to be a reddit replacement or that lemmy should grow from the ashes of reddit.

Lemmy should be it’s own thing with it’s own culture and history and communities.

I get a bit peeved when lemmy users (not necessarily you) get a bit obsessive about transferring communities to lemmy from reddit. Just focus on creating good content for Lemmy and forget about the rest.

Naz, (edited )

I mean, it’s a victory if they shout it loudly enough, right? A lie repeated long enough, so it goes:

Company is going bankrupt, users are gone, laying off the bottom quartile of the company, but they stopped the protest! Etc.



It’s like reading the top two lines of a disaster report and declaring victory. Fuck Reddit.

SharkAttak avatar

Even during the protest a lot of users thought it was caused by "power-mad" mods, some people just eat what they're fed.

@LazaroFilm@lemmy.world avatar

It’s more of a Plato’s cave situation. You only know what you see.

SharkAttak avatar

Only partially, it was stated in lots of places and ways that it was in protest of the API pricing changes, and of the reaction of Reddit admins.


Before consuming this video with a provocative title, does anyone have experience with this YouTube creator? Typically a decent source/conduit to good information?

@Shade@lemmy.world avatar

To be honest, the quality of content went down even years before this spez/API thing started. It’s like Reddit got more polluted with shit even tho some quality stayed intact. The time was ripe for a change is what I felt anyways. So it was nice to learn more about the fediverse, and easy to move here because of all of this.


I agree, however, for my use cases little to none of that quality content came here and I’ve struggled to get it through other channels. My local subreddit I’ve taken a peek at and it’s as active as ever, along with a few others that are top of mind.

I’m glad to have learned about the fediverse but it is, currently at least, something different and I’m disappointed I might work in a quick web based scroll through some key subs.

Honestly the same thing I used to do with Facebook before it became a total and complete wasteland.


I’m almost glad they did this. It cut my social media time down drastically, and really nothing of value was lost.


I haven’t been back since the exodus. Fuck reddit. Fuck spez


I had a specific problem today that googling didn’t help (it was a google account problem, go figure). I added reddit to the search terms and clicked into reddit for the first time in months. All I can say is that their UI is purposely horrible. Like, so fucking bad.

I would rather join tiktok than use reddit at this point. That should sound like sarcasm, or hyperbole, but it isn’t. Lemmy is feeling like the last social media network I’ll join, and as soon as lemmy gets to the toxicity levels of reddit, which no offense but I feel will be soon, I’m probably going to be the weird person that just uses their phone to call their family, utility companies, and watch hardcore anal fisting, footing, and prolapsing videos.

@ikidd@lemmy.world avatar

I moderated a couple dozen specialized communities. I left them after 15 years of being on Reddit, and haven’t been back in 5 months. They’re effectively dead now, weeks between posts and no activity.

Many niche sub’s have been murdered but the big shitsubs are still going strong with bots and spammers, so they have that going for them, I guess.

@return2ozma@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you for your service.


I used Reddit from 2010-2023. They crushed the protest alright and also ruined the site. I’ve lost all interest in using it. Fuck Reddit. Fuck Spez.


The title does make it look like reddit is completely fine…when it’s like them burning down their own house to get rid of a house guest that was just staying to long.


It was probably more akin to smashing up the conservatory but the owners have enough money that they just got the windows replaced the week after. The windows have a slight tint to them that wasn’t there before but the owners don’t care enough.


Just looked at Reddit after a long while. That new redesign is horrendous.

@spyd3r@sh.itjust.works avatar

Reddit crushed itself more than anything. Sure they ended the protest, but that place is a ghost-town now, all that’s left are the bots and politcal propaganda pushers. Stale links that are several days old populate the front pages of the big subs.


So… Just like Facebook which is the biggest SoMe platform in the world?

I don’t think reddit cares, as long as user numbers stay roughly the same. They did.


They can spin it that way all they want but personally I just left. Granted, I was mostly a lurker but I’m quite sure they lost many of them.


Same. Don’t care what reddit does now, cause I’m not there 🤷🏼‍♂️




I was a pretty active user. I check in maybe a few times a month now at most.


I was pretty active for about 10-12 years. Then things gradually started changing. As the platform got bigger it also got more toxic. I found myself commenting less and less because when I did I’d often be met by trolls or contrarians who didn’t want to have a discussion in good faith.

Outside a group of fellow mods who I got to know very well (and who I spoke to more outside of reddit anyway) I was disengaging from reddit, and I was getting disillusioned with it.

Lemmy feels a lot like reddit from around 2009/2010. In some ways it feels even better: it doesn’t have that underlying unpleasant corporate odor, and you have more confidence you are talking to a real person who is what they say they are, instead of a bot or a troll.

Saying reddit crushed the protest is accurate in some ways. But the next question is: what did they lose in doing so? I think they lost a lot of their charm, their character, their very essence.

I was already sniffing around for a new reddit before the whole protest thing. Turns out Lemmy is what I had been looking for off and on for the last couple of years.

I’ll take 1.5m or 150k or 20k or whatever the actual user count is over the shit show that has been reddit for the past few years.


I can confirm, I lurk, I left Reddit and am not looking back.

shirro, (edited )

All reddit did was unmask themselves a little but only for those with their eyes open. Social media is close enough to a cult operation utilizing addictive behaviors and conditioning to control people. People are scared to leave their church and be shunned. Reddit is just another exploitative techbro run business. It isn’t a social enterprise or open source community and it is weird that volunteers invested so much of their time and effort propping up shareholder value instead of contributing to real communities.

Plenty of independent thinkers left and found federated alternatives or walked away. The predatory and manipulative nature of social media was bad enough when it was all about controlling and manipulating the masses but now it is also a huge machine learning harvesting operation. The only people who really benefit are the ultra rich.


It wasn’t really a protest to me. It was more of a migration. Some people stayed I guess. Whatever


Reddit was. The fediverse is. Nuff said.

@glacier@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Reddit is still one of the biggest websites online. Hardly anyone outside of tech circles is familiar with Lemmy or the fediverse.


It’s too big to fail fast. I have faith that it’ll end. I’m patient.

@GuyDudeman@lemmy.world avatar

Reddit was unknown when Digg imploded.


I left digg for reddit and back in those days that’s how Reddit was too. I think the beautiful thing is that there are phases for new online communities in this category. They start small like Lenny is now then grow to be more well known. At some point when the general population starts to flood in it starts to get weird anyways. I think this was overdue. I’m liking Lenny right now the way I used to like reddit in the beginning. I’m still learning what it has to offer.


FYI: It’s “Lemmy”, not “Lenny”.



Wait since when? Lol



Whatever you say, Lenny.


The big difference is see is that Lemmy requires a fair bit of onboarding to learn about federation, different instances, etc that may make it difficult to gain mainstream appeal. Reddit/Instagram/Facebook/etc are a little easier in that they autopopulate your feed with defaults, whereas on Lemmy the defaults are whatever instance you sign up with.


Honestly who cares if they can’t figure it out call it a dumbass filter. Its really not hard to figure out


I keep hearing this but my dumb ass signed up and created an account just like I would with any other website. The only thing I adjusted to was /c communities instead of /r subreddits.




i got booted from Reddit for saying “fuck Ukraine” in respose to some idiot praising a Van Gogh painting for “having the colors of the Ukraine flag”. It was my third strike on Reddit. After explaining to the moderator of that particular sub that I was just irritated at the idea of politics creeping into art apreciation (and the fact that the painting in question was painted 100 years before Ukraine was a country), they recinded my strike, but too late apparently- still banned. I get a cute little red hammer emoji next to my name when I try to log on, which I haven’t bothered trying to do for 8 or 9 months now.


You got banned for being obnoxious. Which you know, and get off on. For the good of the fediverse I hope you grew up a bit in those 8/9mos. Trolling is boring for everyone but you.


Just being obnoxious isn’t a crime, but that’s not enough of a reason to get a ding. I’ve seen way worse comments to others and to myself from assholes on reddit who never got banned. “fOr ThE sAkE oF tHe FeDiVeRse, I dO dEcLaIr…” seriously with this shit? This place is already turning into Reddit. Apparently trolling isn’t boring for you yet, huh?


The internet is not a court of law. Go outside.


to make that statement right now with current world affairs is pretty shortsighted.

Reddit was heavily taken over by Russian bots the past few years, so any impropriety in regards to the Ukraine war is taken as that person likely being a Russian bot or propagandist. Hence the ban, which was arguably not that unjustified.


The Steele Dossier debunked the whole Russian bot thing. Assange proved that that was some shit Killary pulled out of her twat because her plan to run against an orange gameshow clown backfired. If you still watch CNN, MSNBC or Fox to find out what’s going on in the world, then you are still just a brainwashed drone.


Reddit sucks donkey balls

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

Good video, though I feel that it just ended abruptly, almost as if they had more to say.

Reddit did stop the protest and after a month, Reddit was back to business as usual. With that said, due to the protest I got exposed to Lemmy, Mastadon and the Fediverse. And if you are a company, the last thing you want to do, is expose your customers to competition.

From a personal note, outside of a few niche communities I am subbed to on Reddit, like /r/vita. I’ve noticed a decline in quality in the posts, and outside of these small communities discussions are far and few between as well. Lemmy I’ve found is a lot more active, and I am interacting with it more.


I was just on Reddit for the first time in awhile and all of my old subs, which are mostly niche interests, aren’t doing too well. There are far fewer quality posts and lots of spam. I was getting Facebook vibes.


Going onto a major subreddit like worldnews is just insane.

On the Palestinian genocide it’s just completely full of IDF posting pro-Israeli content. And all the comments are just propagandists agreeing with each other.


I have to say that I was shocked at the disgusting state of the Reddit commentary over this topic. The amount of shameless genocide apologist rhetoric was unnaturally high.


Totaly, outside the small communities everything feels so generic and bland ppl share such crazy stories all the time. I heard many time it’s filled with boys I’m believing it tbh.


I too have noticed a general drop in the quality of content on Reddit. Some of the smaller communities keep providing good information but now it’s a bit harder to find and sort them, others have absolutely went to shit.

@thehatfox@lemmy.world avatar

From what I’ve heard a lot of subreddits continue to exist but have lost some of their best contributors and mods. Some migrated to the fediverse, some elsewhere, others gave up entirely.

Despite being forced back open after the blackouts etc they are not the same as they were, the tone and quality of discussion has shifted a fair bit.


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