Own a Roku TV or streaming device? You're about to see a lot more ads on your home screen

Ugh. Roku was one of the platforms with fewer ads.

  • Roku will be adding more ads to the home screens of its devices and TVs in the near future.
  • The ads will be interactive and ‘shoppable’ and will cover a range of industries, including restaurants and cars.
  • Roku already has a significant amount of ads on its home screen, and it is unclear if users will be able to change their preferences for the new ads.
Poggervania avatar

For those with Roku TVs or any of their products, I found that a PiHole blocks the ads on the home screen so far. Hoping I could pick up an ONN box in the future so I can just not deal with this shit lol.


A pihole is a whole “home” adware/malware/spyware blocker. It runs on a raspberry Pi but can also run on a physical/virtual install of several different Linux distributions. Not only can it block ads on your computer but can also block ads on technology that you can’t (easily) block ads on (“Smart” TV / stock cellphone / IoT devices / etc). In addition, with some easy to instal additional (free) software you can block ads even when not at “home”!


Pihole also has a docker distribution, so it’ll also run easily on “appliance” NAS solutions with minimal effort


Thank you for the explanation. I felt very out of the loop on this whole thread. I’ll look into pihole.


NO problem.

Any issues, let me know :-)

Not sure if the PiHole team is on Lemmy yet.


I can confirm that I’m blocking all the Roku ads with adguard now. You just plug this list in: oisd.nl


I use roku…I might have to try a pihole…or switch to something else. Damn shame just about everything gets ruined by greed.


Yeah, DNS blocking is quite effective for not just ads, but also telemetry on Roku.

Personally, I use nextdns until I can can a good pihole setup going.

@NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

You can comfortably run pihole, unbound, and a VPN like wireguard on a pi zero or zero 2. You can find entire zero 2 kits for under $35 if you’re patient


Very true. Mostly just haven’t had the time. Also want to set up a little home server to play around with Proxmox and move Jellyfin off my main PC.

Malice, (edited )

I just recently started using my Samsung TVs as dumb screens because they’re slow as shit, but a nice side effect is zero ads.

ONN 4k streaming box for $20 at Walmart.
Install a custom launcher.
Install a button remapper for the remote.
Install SmartTubeNext for YouTube (no ads, SponsorBlock).
Install whatever other apps you need (Plex, etc).

FAR better experience. Turn the TV on and it’s ready to go in a few seconds, not the ~60-90 seconds it takes the Tizen nonsense to “warm up.”

It’s not perfect, but it’s a hell of a lot better. Can recommend, especially for only $20.


Just picked up the Onn box and did all that. Also installed RetroArch and so far the SNES era stuff all plays good with my bluetooth controller though there is a slight input lag or i just need to adjust lol.

@CatZoomies@lemmy.world avatar

Bluetooth does have latency issues, but setting your TV to Game mode (if available) will provide extremely noticeable improvement.


Ah at the moment its connected to a 144hz portabble monitor via usbc.


Your comment inspired me, so I picked one up today for my Roku TV, and I had it running in under an hour! We really don’t know how many ads we’d been seeing until we stop seeing them. I already had a PiHole on my network, but getting SmartTube running is so nice.


I’m glad you’re having a better time with it! Honestly, if you watch any amount of YouTube on your TV, it’s well worth the $20 just for SmartTubeNext. Such a massive improvement to skip all the sponsor, promotion, intro, etc segments.


Thank you! For me, that’s half of it. The other half is removing everything that’s not my subscriptions on the home page so I’m not seeing a bunch of “the algorithm”. And then being able to boot to the subscriptions page too is so nice.


SmartTubeNext might be the greatest thing about AndroidTV just for the sponsor block. It’s so amazing.


(Plex, etc)

Just get started on the move to Jellyfin now.

Seriously, people, use some pattern recognition here. Plex is already on its way down the enshitification pipeline, you’ll be sick of it in a couple years too, just like Roku. Why wait?


Jellyfin is definitely on my radar, and I’d love to make the switch. One thing that’s important to me and my family, however, is the library sharing between accounts. To my knowledge, Jellyfin doesn’t support this.


Any guides/links on setting up my Onn box like that? It’s been great for the $20 but removing ads and deeper customization sounds amazing


Directly from the play store, you can install alternative launchers. Some people like FLauncher; I did not. I went with Projectivy. Highly customizable, very clean.

You can also grab a button re-mapper there. I went with tvQuickActions Pro - it’s paid, but quite powerful.

For SmartTubeNext, I followed this guide.


Much appreciated!


After all the issues with software updates, ads, and just overall terrible experience of TV operating systems and those little media boxes, I just finally accepted that my life is better using my TV as a dumb screen that’s connected to a PC and then using Steam Big Picture for games and Jellyfin for media.


Inb4 Toyota ads start popping up in your Steam library.


It’s already in some games unfortunately…


That sounds like it’s determined by the game developer and has nothing to do with steam.


It is, but steam does have its own form of advertising. Their front page is all ads for games and sales, go to your library there is ads for updates for your games.

It just seems to be acceptable since it’s their ecosystem content, but it’s still ads for all intent and purposes.


go to your library there is ads for updates for your games.

I have no problem with patch notes


It’s an ad if the update is a DLC.


Except it’s for any “game news”……, so if they are peddling another game of theirs, it shows up there as well. Or we are selling a plushie, it’s there in the same place. It’s not just patch notes dude… and never has been either.


Yeah, for games. Ads for games on steam makes sense, you’re literally browsing a shop. You won’t see a random ad for a car or wtv on steam


Ads are ads, just because it from the same ecosystem is moot. I don’t need the steamdeck paraded in my face on every page I view. It’s ads


Ok buddy, next youre going to tell me the stuff you see on the shelves in the store are ads lmao


That’s an apt comparison actually, since yeah stores do have ads as well as products….


Edit picture doesn’t seem to be working, here


Ads are ads, just because it from the same ecosystem is moot.

so should Steam not have any game discovery features? Is it bad for Steam to display “trending games” because it’s technically advertising them by showcasing them?


If people bitch about ads, than they shouldn’t find those acceptable either. You can have a store and showcase products without the additional ads.

nicetriangle avatar

Yeah I was getting fed up with apps and boxes said fuck it and am running a mac mini hooked up to a shitload of storage now and it's been great. Plays media, works as a competent file server for said media, and emulates a bunch of console games. We don't use anything else now.


Isn’t Apple TV the most ad free box now? I’m still on Roku but I’ve read that Apple TV is equivalent to a Roku but without the ads.


Unless you change the launcher on your Android TV box, Apple TV is the most ad free now. Unless you want to just hook a PC up to the TV anyway. Which can introduce codec and DRM issues if you want to use Netflix and Prime video from the PC.

nicetriangle avatar

Yeah it probably is in terms of an off the shelf, purpose built option with no tinkering. They're pretty snappy as well. Decent hardware in there it seems.

We have an ATV but our wireless network is kinda shit and we kept having connectivity issues between the ATV and the Plex server we were running on the Mini so we just went all in on running the Mini as the media player and Plex server in one to avoid it. Bonus was that we now have a very capable console game emulator hooked up to the TV too. Also we just ditched our last streaming subscription so all we were using the ATV for was the Plex app.

It's a bit overkill but I will say as a server and emulator the new apple silicon minis are great. Zero fan noise ever and they sip electricity and run really cool.


I want to love jellyfin, but the Roku app is a buggy mess.


I’ve used it daily and never had a problem. What did you experience?


The Roku app has had a major update recently. Might be worth checking again.


Why would you run Roku on Jellyfin? Wouldn’t that open you to the ads you are trying to avoid?


I’m guessing it’s the opposite way around, they use the jellyfin app on their Roku to steam from their jellyfin server


that makes much more sense.

@1hitsong@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m one of the Jellyfin Roku devs. What bugs are you experiencing?


Not the OP, but I have been getting a bug where I select a show/movie to watch in the roku app, and instead of playing it will exit out to the list of shows/movies menu. These same shows work just fine in the app on a google android TV, or on a computer

@1hitsong@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah, something is failing in playback and it’s simply falling back to the previous screen. I’d suggest posting this to the troubleshooting forum. I’m sure the support team will be happy to help out!



I’ve been doing this for a decade.

Highly recommend it. The only thing some people don’t like is using a keyboard and mouse on the couch, but there are endless solutions for that.


I have a little mini keyboard/trackpad controller. Primarily just use the directional pad and media controls to navigate Plex, but if I need to pop into a web browser or whatever, it works great.

@chakan2@lemmy.world avatar

Actually…that’s the sticking point at my house. I’m ok with mouse keyboard, but my wife and kids are not.

Still trying to find a remote that will suit that use case.


Logitech k400!

@Merritt@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve heard good things about the PS5 Media Remote, which pairs via bluetooth. If my generic bluetooth remote dies that is my replacement plan.


I have like four or five Logitech K400 keyboards, they’ve got a touchpad and they’re super inexpensive!

@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

After various trial and error, not to mention irritation, I have determined that this is the way. It’s what I did in the dark ages back in the day (with a Pentium 3 that had enough hardware acceleration to play DVD’s!) and it’s what I do once more. By hook or by crook, one way or another you’re guaranteed to be able to retain complete control over a PC even if that ultimately means you have to install some flavor of Linux on the fucking thing.

You can get a perfectly capable media center PC for very little money if you don’t need it to be able to run AAA games, which in my case I don’t. Even the various nanocomputer boards like one of the beefier Raspberry Pi’s or any of its myriad competitors can do the job these days, fit in a tiny enclosure, make no noise, and consume very little power.

Fuck all the Chromecasts, Fire sticks, Roku boxes, Apple TV’s, and other sundry and bullshit devices of the world.


Nvidia SHIELD is still ok, because it’s Android TV, and you can install custom launchers on Android. Therefore no ads on your home screen.

Granted, Nvidia is letting the SHIELD line twist in the wind, and the most recent model is from 2019, but it’s not outmoded just yet. I’ll still be using mine for a number of years.


The shield is great for the reasons you mention here. I use primal launcher and have a custom home screen experience without annoying ads.

The shield also outputs music over HDMI without resampling, which makes it awesome for my digital music listening, except the app support is lame.


Yeah unfortunately Android TV is neglected versus Roku and Firestick and so on, but most major apps are there, and you can sideload shit.

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

As I have found trying to see if I can sideload or jailbreak or otherwise hack the software of my Samsung TV, I have found plenty of ways to totally disable ads on a Roku or Android TV or anything that runs on Android in general (Chromecast, and firestick also IIRC). Too bad I don’t have one of those… 😩

@Ghostalmedia@lemmy.world avatar

Wild idea - if you’re concerned about ads, maybe don’t buy the streaming box or TV that puts permanent ads on its remotes.


People are not that smart.

@AnActOfCreation@programming.dev avatar

Which ones don’t?

@Ghostalmedia@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve had a bunch of streaming boxes and smart TVs, and my old AppleTV is the one I usually go back to. None are perfect, but it annoys me the least.

@AnActOfCreation@programming.dev avatar

Maybe I should say which new ones haha. It’s getting hard to find sadly.

@kuneho@lemmy.world avatar

my streaming device is a 4th gen Intel i5 computer with Kodi.

I don’t think I’ll see more ads in the future 😆

@DavidGA@lemmy.world avatar

Apple TV boxes have no ads.

I know everyone here hates Apple, but, there it is.


They push apple TV+ so hard. The home screen, aside from recently watched, is one big ATV+ ad.

@Ghostalmedia@lemmy.world avatar

You can turn that off pretty easily. The AppleTV+ app has the ability to configure how it uses that little quick look space. You can set it to only display your “up next” content.

Any apps in that dock region can show featured content when they are highlighted by the user. Any app can do that, not just Apple’s. Quite a few third party apps use that space to show featured or watchlist content.


Where should I look in the settings?

@Ghostalmedia@lemmy.world avatar

Settings > Apps > TV

Set Home Screen to “Up Next”

There is a bunch of interesting things hidden under the App settings.


I already had that set, thanks.

The apple TV is much worse now that apple has ATV+ than before it had that. :( still better than any other platform, i suppose.

@Ghostalmedia@lemmy.world avatar

Technically that Home Screen can display an app’s featured content. And Apple and other apps often use that space to promote new shows. But you can turn off TV+ promos and or move apps out of that region.

Roku actually installs physical ads onto its damn remotes. I have remotes that promote streaming services that don’t even exist anymore.

@jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

For the approximately 1 second a day I look at the Roku home screen?


For anybody who has one, here’s a dns block list specifically for Roku: github.com/asimcard/roku-ad-list


God damn this shit is so fucking annoying. I paid something like $100 last year for the Roku Ultra because it was better than the built-in software on my TV and now I have to see ads? Fuck em, I’ll repurpose a mini PC I have and replace the Roku.




Nvidia shield is what I got instead of Roku and holy shit it’s so much better. It can be flashed with another OS as well.


This is the way. I’ve only used it for backed up movies so far but Jellyfin is SNAPPY.


Anyway to roll back firmware on some of these TVs?

Mine was never connected, except once a friend came over and connected it and it updated and now it requires a connection to rename inputs…

It’s never been connected since that day either.

Hate this kind of crap.


Why did they ever connect it? just wanted to watch the world burn?


They didn’t understand how the TV and Shield worked and had wanted to watch some sports thing on their ESPN account.

I guess they thought i was mistaken when I told them they only needed the shield remote for everything and the shield could do it all.


I don’t think so, I searched around but didn’t see anything noteworthy. Maybe a hacker will get bored one day and jailbreak them, but seems like there’s no hope as of right now.


It’s honestly kind of surprising this hasn’t happened yet.

I guess TVs don’t have much processing power or room for it. Or maybe all the drm in them is a nightmare.

@FlavoredButtHair@lemmy.world avatar

Not with pihole I wont.


No, but 1/3 of your screen will be empty real estate.

FlavoredButtHair, (edited )
@FlavoredButtHair@lemmy.world avatar

I’d rather have blank space than ads.


Of course. I did the same thing until my OCD got the better of me and I got an AndroidTV device with a custom launcher, as well as an AppleTV4K. I love having no ads and no blank spaces now.


This posted prompted my to set up pihole. My blank space has a big “not connected to the internet,” although all the services work.

Unfortunately, they also disabled accessibility settings, so I can’t remap buttons or add another launcher.

This is my last Google TV. Are there any other options?


If it’s a Google TV you can always install a custom launcher and even disable the stock launcher via ADB and never be bothered by any of the curated bullshit again

My recommendation is FLauncher


“Not connected to the internet” lol. How presumptuous of the designers.


From what I gather, making your own little “media PC” connected to a “dumb TV” or never-connected “smart PC” can give you a similar if not better experience!

KDE has a big TV style desktop environment they’ve made for TVs now, and you can use KDE connect to use any phone as a remote control.

Completely open source! Wee!


Yes, this is what the people want! More ads! Skip the content, just show ads 24/7! That will definitely keep people from pirating out of sheer frustration.

@JoeKrogan@lemmy.world avatar

And dont forget about that ad space on the remote control too.


So how about a Raspberry pie with jellyfin connected to your TV?


Not connected, but works fine as a media server. Less issues with Plex than Jellyfin in its current state.

@dorumon@lemmy.world avatar

Well time to replace my roku TV with a Goodwill special TV because fuck that shit. Fuck smart tvs in general and what they have become. They used to be neat little editions added on for value on your TV back when Netflix made sense. But now they don’t especially with the ads that automatically get shoved into your face depending on what you are doing that have started to interrupt your viewing experience. It’s not like I’ll be downgrading at all when just using a computer with a TV using Stremio and AllDebrid.

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