@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

Their tactics and the fact that a large portion of their funding comes from the granddaughter of an oil tycoon makes it hard to think their goal isn’t to purposely look like jackasses to diminish support for real environmentalism.


This is exactly what i think they are doing. I didnt know about the oil baron granddaughter funding it, but they are such fucking plebs and the message is being delivered to entirely the wrong people in the wrong places. They probably dont even realise they are sabotage acts. Seem to be passionate about the cause but even with a group of 10 of them they struggle to hit a cumulative double digit iq level. Get a new frontman you fucking goobers.


I think they’re probably grasping at straws. The message has been delivered to the right people in the right places and nothing has been done. They do look like plebs but at least they’re doing something beyond posting about it on social media somewhere.


But they’re not doing anything. What they doing right now is just annoying people and achieving nothing at all. The people they need to influence are not going to change and the people that they’re annoying aren’t the kind who are in control to implement any change or to force any change.

So really they just being irritating for the sake of being irritating. We have enough people in the world like that already and they don’t require any kind of ill conceived cause.

HeartyBeast avatar

That’ll certainly win them more hearts and minds. Sheesh


I used to be quite sympathetic but after seeing them blocking ambulances and trying to fuck up the day of people who otherwise agree, I hate them and hope they’re all arrested. And I’m not alone. Support for the climate movement has halved in two years in Germany because of these absolute morons.

While 68 percent of those surveyed in 2021 said they fundamentally supported the climate movement, the figure in the current publication has halved to 34 percent. What is striking is that support has declined significantly in all social groups, even in more progressive milieus that were otherwise more open to the movement.

When asked specifically about the “Last Generation” road blockades, 85 percent of those surveyed said they had no understanding of this form of protest.

hellothere, (edited )

but after seeing them blocking ambulances

JSO in the UK have a very clear blue-light policy - ie get out of the way and let them pass - so this does not happen.

Beyond that, the point of protest is that it’s disruptive.


Oh no, how will we ever cope without the support of spiteful dickheads who weren’t doing a single fucking thing to help in the first place.

Peoe like you don’t understand the point of these protests. It’s not about winning you lot over, because nothing was ever going to do that. We have been protesting “the right way” for decades and people like you just stuck your head in the sand and ignored the problem to focus on your own convenience. And now we’re royally fucked. So all we can do now is get in pepples way, disrupt their lives so they are forced to pay some kind of attention.

When people like you say you disaprove of these protests, what you really mean is you want to be able to go back to ignoring the problem.


How will these protests lead to meaningful change? Do you think this form of protest will result in any more success than aforementioned ‘right way’?


It can’t result in less success.


I can’t tell you if they will result in meaningful change, but I can tell you that historically, protests that are easy to ignore work a hell of a lot less that protests that get in people’s faces and disrupt their lives.

And anyone that actually gives enough of a shit to do something about isn’t going to put off by being made 10 minutes late to work by a protest or having their precious bideo game convention distrusted for 30 seconds. The only people that are getting pissed off by this are the self-absorbed man-children of the world.


Ok and what’s the plan exactly? “Just stop oil” will kill millions if not billions, the entire worlds economy relies on fossil fuels.

What exactly does the protest accomplish? Awareness is worth about as much as thoughts and prayers, so what will this help exactly?

A protest with no plan is just making noise.


This is why we need to teach kids to read.

JSO isn’t about halting all oil consumption right the fuck now. There goal is to stop new licences being given out to drill for more oil. The idea being that we should at the very least try to not actively make the problem worse. And start the long process of actually decoupling our system from oil, so one day the entire world’s economy DOESNT rely on oil.


Yeah they do a great job at getting that message across by… throwing paint on things and annoying people?

But by all means, make personal attacks against me, because as we are saying to you pissing people off and alienating them is great for the cause, great work!


If you don’t want me to make fun of you for being dumb then just don’t be dumb. You have the collective knowledge of the entire human race at your fingertips, which included JSOs cause and reasoning. Use it.


If you don’t realise why killing political support for your cause is bad, by all means, keep doing what you’re doing. If you want to affect real change, be nice to the people from whom you want votes. Democracy requires discussion and compromise. Pissing on your allies does the opposite of what you want.


Okay, but we have DECADES of proof that shoenthat way hadn’t worked.

You can keep talking about “bring nice” all you like and take the high road, but it just does not work.


That democracy doesn’t work that way? Okay, if convincing people to vote for your cause doesn’t work in a democracy, how does it work?


After decades of protesting “the right way” how many seats do the greens have? How many votes? How many people care enough about the environment that they would actually change who they vote for based off their climate policy?

Do you think the people getting red in the face over a 5 minute delay in their car would have changed their vote if we had just aked them nicely?


For me the biggest problem with the Greens is that they don’t talk about a realistic lifestyle that achieves their climate aims. As far as I can tell they just want us to sit around in forests banging rocks together and going “ug”. It’s all no to this, no to that, and no positive suggestions about anything.

Edit: oh and another thing it’s because of those wankers that fuel taxes and taxes on taxes are so fucking high.


The greens in my country are too busy infighting with each other, and have all but collapsed after internal strife mostly regarding things completely disconnected from the environment.


Tell me you’ve never read the green party manifesto without telling me.

oh and another thing it’s because of those wankers that fuel taxes and taxes on taxes are so fucking high.

Cry me a fucking river.


Just because you don’t feel one strategy has been effective doesn’t mean the opposite will be. That’s five year old logic. I would also argue that peaceful protest has been incredibly successful. In one generation we’ve gone from “climate change doesn’t exist” to an EV being close to the most popular vehicle sold in the world. You might feel it’s not fast enough, but you certainly can’t argue it’s ineffective. I can tell you what’s not working: pissing on supporters and potential supporters. As per the data, it’s making people care less.

I ask again: if you don’t believe convincing people to vote for your cause is the best way forward in a democracy, what is?


We have missed literally every climate goal we’ve set, even the most mild ones imaginable, every single one.

We have had undeniable proof of human made climate change for over half a century now and arr still only making token changes. You electric car example perfectly illustrates this. Electric cars are just greenwashing, to make people feel like we’re doing better, but in reality our oil consumption has only ever gone up, and our carbon emissions too. So unless you set the bar for progress so incredibly low that "not increasing as fast as we could be if you were explicitly trying to make things worse, then no, they were not “incredibly successful”

And it’s not the opposite of an ignorance protest per se. Its just a different option, because you can either keep trying the same shit that hasn’t worked for half a century expecting different results like an insane person, or you can try new angles. And historically protests that people cannot ignore are more successful, and people only give a shit about things that affect them personally right at the moment. So making a problem that effects them in the moment is the best way to get through to them. And there is evidence it’s working. Climate protests now get far more coverage and the issue is talked about a lot more.

@noodle@feddit.uk avatar

Aaaaaaaaaaand this is how you nuke support from orbit.

This way isn’t working either. It’s time to go back to the drawing board and brainstorm some better ideas.


I’m all ears mate if you have better ideas. And don’t just say something like. “Inconvenience the people that matter” or “go protest outside oil depots” because we do, and we get the exact same criticism from the exact same people about it and it just doesn’t make the headlines.

HeartyBeast avatar

I think this comment demonstrates pretty much everything that's wrong with the JSO approach. The arrogant supposition that you know anything about the people who are disrupted is breathtaking.

So all we can do now is get in pepples way, disrupt their lives so they are forced to pay some kind of attention.

You have that right. But I suspect that "people like you" care very little about climate change and how to avoid it. But you really enjoy getting in people's way, disrupting theitr lives and getting attention... and that's the point.


I mean I have debilitating social anxiety and spend a lot of energy every day trying to keep put of people’s way and not inconvenience them.

Literally the only reason I was able to force myself to go to protests like these is because of how much I care about the environment, like anyone with any sort of morals whatsoever should as well. Its also why I go to protests that do things “the right way” that don’t get mentioned on the news at all, have no effect on anyone and are completely ignored by absolutely everyone and I also do as much as I can to reduce my own impact despite how small a drop in the ocean it is comparatively. I never drive even when I lived in the middle of nowhere and had a cycle 3 miles to a bus stop to get into the city to do my job, I eat almost no meat, invest my savings into green energy and worked to become the head of the ecological advisory committee at my work.

And yes, I know plenty about the people I’m disrupting from my copius interactions with them, like how even times where we shut down a minor road for 5 minutes at a time, and where you can easily detour around it, people will act like you’ve just nurdered their first born infront of them, and will stubbornly sit their in traffic and scream at you to move, even after telling them can go down another road if they are actually in a hurry.

And I know people will literally pull out infront of an ambulance to block it from going down the lane we cleared for emergency vehicles and them blame their actions on us. And I know a lot of those pepper genuinely think fighting someone or running them over is an appropriate response to being mildly inconvenienced for 5 minutes.

And I know none of the people that scream and shout, have ever done anything to help the cause. They will say “I used to support you until this” but when asked what they actually DID to support us, they always draw a blank or say some childish bullshit like “well I did recycle but now I’m going to stop just to spite you”

Like if you take a step back and look at the big picture and what you’re arguing. That we should just take the impending climate crisis lying down if the alternate is some gamers having their convention disrupted for 2 minutes. You’ll see how fucking absurd and narcissistic you sound.


Sure, but it’s not five minutes is it. It’s fucking HOURS because (a) you’ve glued yourselves to the roads and (b) congestion.

I would completely support a five minute road blockage.


Well I’ve got good news for you. The vast vast majority of these protests are either “rolling” protests where they walk down the road, or ones where traffic is stopped for a short amount of time before moving aside. The ones where people glue themselves to the road are now very much in the minority, but are usually the ones that get the most coverage from rage baiting media.

HeartyBeast avatar

The stance appears to be - "We're not trying to change the minds of the people whose lives we disrupt because they are all mindless morons who have never cared about the environment and deserve to made miserable. And of course we aren't really disrupting them anyway - any real disruption is caused by people out to discredit us. Everyone I meet is angry at me for some reason."

I just don't think it is very effective as a way of driving the change you want to see, as it tends to promote the belief 'ah environmentalists - they're arseholes'


I just don’t think it is very effective as a way of driving the change you want to see, as it tends to promote the belief ‘ah environmentalists - they’re arseholes’

The problem is those kinds of people think that no matter what we do. If we go protest oil depots its “they’re just making it harder for workers trying to dontheir jobs” if we go to the HQ of Shell its the same or “its going to be the janitor that cleans up” or if we go to the houses of oil execs or politicians like Rishi Sunak it’s “what if his kids were home, these people are dangerous” or for literally any scenario you have things like “but I bey they use electricity .hypocrites” or “bet zero means we’d have to stop breathing!! That’s what they actually want” or a thousand other dumbass takes.

HeartyBeast avatar

The problem is those kinds of people think that no matter what we do.

Keep telling yourself that. You set yourself to only preach to the fully converted.


I don’t need to tell myself anything. Barry (62) who thinks climate change isn’t real, has voted Tory consistently since he was 18 and would practically cum in his trousers at an excuse to be violent to any group of people the mail tells him are bad, tells me plenty.

Barry was never, ever going to do anything constructive no matter how we protest, so why waste effort trying to appease him?

HeartyBeast avatar

And you’ve convinced yourself that everyone who disagrees with your approach is Barry apparently.

They aren’t.


Not literally that exact type of person. Like some people do believe in climate change and tell themselves they support the environmentalist cause, but have never gone to a protest, or written to their MP or voted around the issue and never will no matter how many protests that happen, or how many studies are published or videos putting it into layman’s terms. They just want to mostly ignore the issue, drive to work, drive home, put on love island and switch their brain off. Because actually doing anything about it is effort and their top priority is their own convenience.

The people who actually give enough of a fuck to do something/anything about this catastrophic issue isn’t going to throw a temper tantrum because their video games convention got interrupted for 30 seconds. Because if you ACTUALLY give a shit, the very idea of comparing complete ecological and societal collapse to 30 seconds of the most mild inconvenience imaginable is completely and utterly fucking ridiculous.

@qevlarr@lemmy.world avatar

I support this group. No country can say they’re doing something against climate change and also approve new oil drilling at the same time.


Norway enters the chat


Laughs in Tesla funded by unlimited oil money. “I’m doing my part suckers!”


Sure - but what do the attendees of a gaming conference have to do with new oil wells being approved?

@noodle@feddit.uk avatar

I suspect it’s for the publicity. Events like this attract different demographics than the usual targets, so it’s more exposure. It might not make the tabloids but it does get reported on.

Historically, any publicity has been seen as good publicity. But, given the reputation they are building, I think this is not how it is playing out.

So I agree, it just makes people with little to no power feel blamed. Time for a change of approach.


Ah the gamers. They seem like a reasonable bunch!

@teolan@lemmy.world avatar

Digital terminals are a huge source of pollution for pure luxury, and gaming is a very good representation of the stupidity of the overconsumption society.


gaming is a very good representation of the stupidity of the overconsumption society.

Certainly an interesting take.

@teolan@lemmy.world avatar

Well you have ever more expensive hardware that uses ever more reolsources to run ever more expensive games that are ever more buggy and ever deeper into the uncanney valley.

Mobile gaming on the other hand is filled with shitty addictive games filled with ads and micro transactions to scam children and the elderly out of their money. Not that desktop/console games don’t also have addictive micro transactions either.

If this doesn’t feel stupid to you I don’t know what does.


You’re taking the worst examples of a massive industry and misrepresenting them and demonizing them to make your point. You are deliberately misrepresenting one of the largest media industries (if not the largest) to strengthen your argument.

Hardware has become cheaper, games on average have become cheaper, games are not “ever more buggy” that’s a symptom of AAA games being made by giant corporations, no idea wtf you are even bringing up “the uncanny valley” for that has no bearing on the conversation in any way, mobile gaming is very much its own thing and nearly every person I know that calls themselves a “gamer” has nothing to do with the type of game you are describing, and micro transactions are easily avoided if you don’t play shitty corporate games.

Almost every single complaint you made is exclusive to AAA games made by greedy corporations. Meanwhile myself and most “gamers” I know largely play independent games with no microtransactions, no massive system requirements, and do so on older systems.

The only stupid thing to me right now is the post I am replying to.

@teolan@lemmy.world avatar

It’s the worst but it’s also where most of the money goes…


They’re the ones who voted in the twats in power.


Who? I didn’t vote the oil execs into power.


Any big stage will do


Why at a games tournament? They should do this at an even that uses a lot of oil like Motorsport, marine etc.. Games don't use a lot of oil really lol


Not directly but… I genuinely worry - video games are basically software that turns electricity into heat. The entire market is growing year over year, requiring more power each generation. Do the math, it’s pretty easy.


Computing requires little oil, while we aren't there yet its safe to assume it will be powered by green energy


video games are basically software that turns electricity into heat.

your reply in no way addresses this fundamental point.

The entire market is growing year over year, requiring more power each generation. Do the math, it’s pretty easy.

ditto. even if we only worry about the heat generated, and not the power sourced (assuming your 100% renewable which is not realistic today) - we still have a problem.


In this particular case, the protestors are complaining about oil, not power use or heat generation, so your fundamental point isn't really valid


yes yes we only have a single problem to worry about, thank goodness.

oh wait, no… that’s not, actually, the case at all. not even closely.

thanks for your comment tho bellend, when the human race cooks itself this will be a great example of how we saw it coming, but didn’t give a fuck.


Your exactly like these stop oil protestors bringing up shit in the wrong place , idiot


yeah, keep sticking your head further into the ground. like there’s a right place to remind people we’re cooking the planet.

got kids? they’re going to despise you if so, you couldn’t even be bothered to give two shits about their future.


There are a lot of much more harmful things people could be doing with their spare time than playing vidya games.

Besides, it entirely depends on how renewable the electricity generation is as to the environmental impact.


They have done this at motorsport events… Putting their lives, the competitors lives and the marshals lives at risk. It’s idiotic


This group also targeted a Formula Electric Grand Prix, which seems counter productive...



Targeted people trying to do the right thing? Lol. I worry if they went to NASCAR or monster trucks they would be harmed by the fans you see there


You couldn’t make this shit up, seriously.

@noodle@feddit.uk avatar

One day it’s gonna come out that it was all a prank organised on 4chan, isn’t it?


It actually feels like something they’d do.


Has it increased in size over the last few years? I always felt the venue at tobacco docks was kinda small.


Good for them!

TheOneWithTheHair, (edited )
@TheOneWithTheHair@lemmy.world avatar

The heiress of a fossil fuel company provides money to a fund that funds them. Just Stop Oil says the majority of its funding comes from the Climate Emergency Fund. The fund, is founded by fossil fuel heiress Aileen Getty. Aileen Getty, is an heiress to the Getty family fortune established by oil magnate J. Paul Getty.


It’s just kind of bizarre to me…


I can see it from a guilt perspective

@Lileath@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Not everyone in a family has to have the same worldviews. Just look at Elon Musks daughter for an example of this.

BarrierWithAshes avatar

I'll believe they are a psyop. Either that or they got some insane feedback loop in their circles leading them to believe this stuff actually helps.


With the number of absolute dimwits that seem to think any publicity is good publicity, I suspect it’s the latter. Every stunt they pull, someone always comes out in support of them.


The most cynical view is that she funds them specifically because it makes climate protestors look bad. They are radical in their methods and their targets seem to just be random spaces where there is a larger(but not too large) public density.

However the reality is probably more complicated. She might disagree with her grandfather and agree with their message, she might think that pulling funding would be worse PR than the few headlines that JSO generates, or she might not care one way or the other.

@qevlarr@lemmy.world avatar

She has no financial interest in the fossil fuel industry. At all.

It is well documented that she is acting out of remorse over what happened and is trying to make things right. Again: She does not benefit from the fossil fuel industry at all. The story that she is a covert operative working for the fossil fuel industry has been debunked time and again. Stop the conspiracy stuff


Hey if I found out my family fortune came from the slave trade I’d work against that. I imagine finding out your family’s fortune came from the petroleum industry is pretty depressing when you look at our world - knowing that you profited on all this misery and loads more misery to come. Better to get out ahead of it, whether subconsciously or deliberately.


Severe OG at a video games tournament

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