roastedDeflator avatar

@watyuhhgg this site you use all the time infoterkiniviral seems pretty dodgy. I start thinking that its content could be AI generated? I say this because:

Would really like your input on this. Or anyone's actually that would have a clue on this matter

HubertManne avatar

honestly this is something that if if was written by a human and had a very good science article around it, I could still care less. It certainly might have an effect but its not going to be impacting the way the rest of global warming is or the worse effect of pollution in general and species die off. One thing that got me the other day is we are living in an age where you are warned not to eat to much fish because of mercury content and you have to be careful about the grains you eat do to pesticide usage.

roastedDeflator avatar

honestly this is something that if if was written by a human and had a very good science article around it, I could still care less.

This is not a site that is focused on ecology tho and the OP is constantly posting from it. I have asked them these kind of questions in several of their posts on various topics and they have not bothered replying something.

Also there are topics that it is important for the author to hide their identity due to the content they write. This site is not related to that sort of content. On the contrary it has tones of articles related to events reported in mainstream media, but no authors anywhere.

HubertManne avatar

Oh im agreeing its crap, im just staying right off the bat the subject makes it dubious for me.

livus avatar

@roastedDeflator I've been puzzled by this site for a while now. I don't want to discourage contributions here - the more the merrier - but at the same time articles like this do raise questions.

It was only after I read another article on the same subject that I was able to work out what it is trying to say.

The language of the url is Indonesian, so English as an additional language may be part of the problem?

roastedDeflator avatar

This is something that crossed my mind but it still doesn’t answer the question of who writes these mainstream articles. I also thought it could be something like a personal blog, but the number of daily published articles is too great to support this thought.
And the OP doesn’t seem to care to engage in replying to my questions so far.

livus avatar

Yeah I came to the same conclusion that it's not a blog as well, maybe just a re-write news site run by people without much experience.

OP is quite likely trying to promote it. Hopefully they come and engage here.

roastedDeflator avatar

maybe just a re-write news site run by people without much experience

I think if it was several people at the beginning of their writing career on mainstream topics, they would gladly include their names.

OP is quite likely trying to promote it. Hopefully they come and engage here.

I am honestly looking forward to their repply

livus avatar

Never did get a reply but I've worked it out. It's someone using software to replace specific phrases in existing news articles so that they are no longer an exact match.

They're close paraphrases but sometimes the meaning is changed. Reddit used to have bots that did this to avoid detection when reposting comments.

Had to ban the person anyway for breaking sub rules, but I think we should probably treat "infoterkiniviral" as blog spam.

Example: here is their rewrite, and here is the original.

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