MikeDunnAuthor, to socialism

Today in Labor History September 4, 1970: Socialist Salvador Allende was elected President of Chile. As president, he tried to nationalize major industries, expand education and improve conditions for the working class. On September 11, 1973 (the other 9/11), he was ousted in a coup by Augusto Pinochet, leading to a dictatorship that lasted until 1990. Thousands of workers, socialists, union members and activists were killed, including folk singer Victor Jara, who continued to sing, as his torturers mashed his fingers and demanded that he play his guitar. The coup and dictatorship were supported by the CIA, and by President Nixon, and by the Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, who later won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Here's is an interview & rare live footage of Jara singing his classic: El Derecho de Vivir en Paz.

tagesschau, to random German
@tagesschau@ard.social avatar

In vielen Ländern Südamerikas gewinnen Diktatur-Verharmloser an Boden

Folter, Mord, Verschwindenlassen von Personen - so schlimm war das doch gar nicht, meinen die Fans von Ex-Diktator Pinochet in Chile. Auch in anderen Ländern Südamerikas nimmt die Zahl der Diktatur-Verharmloser zu.Von Anne Herrberg.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/amerika/suedamerika-diktaturen-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de


@tagesschau Danke für diesen Bericht. Ich kann ihn leider nur bestätigen. Die politische Vergangenheit wurde in nie richtig aufgearbeitet. Der Hass auf
und die Bewunderung ist in der Bevölkerung weit verbreitet. Anteil daran haben auch die Medien, die zumeist in Hand von (Erz-)Konservativen sind. Deren Netzwerke leisten ganze Arbeit. Siehe Brasilien, Paraguay, USA, Spanien, Deutschland…

anneroth, to chile German
@anneroth@systemli.social avatar

Zum Beispiel, weil mir viele empfehlen, Hashtags zu abonnieren, um bestimmte Infos zu bekommen:

Wenn ich nach oder suche, finde ich fast ausschließlich deutschen Content.

Das ist international gerade ein Riesenthema (gewesen), da gibt es ganz sicher viele, die spanisch oder englisch sprechen, die sich damit beschäftigen. Aber leider nicht hier.
Oder ich finde sie nicht. Beides schade.

remixtures, to chile Portuguese
@remixtures@tldr.nettime.org avatar

: "Beer was frustrated by the lack of traction his ideas were getting in Britain – he had pioneered “cybernetic management principles”, the science of effective organisation, which inspired Flores – and was quick to agree.

The meeting would blossom into a dizzying, experimental collaboration in Allende’s Chile – one of cold war Latin America’s fiercest battlegrounds – and the fruition of the Cybersyn Project, a futuristic plan for a modern socialist economy.

It was to rely on a network of telex machines to connect the factories of Corfo’s more than 80 subsidiary companies to a wood-panelled operations room in the capital, Santiago. There, seven chairs were set in a circle for Allende’s decision makers to monitor production in real time, each with a set of futuristic buttons, a cigar ashtray and space for a whisky tumbler built into the armrest.

With the 50th anniversary of Gen Augusto Pinochet’s bloody 1973 coup d’état which deposed Allende approaching this September, the tale is being highlighted in The Santiago Boys, a new, nine-part podcast series, written, researched and presented by the technology writer Evgeny Morozov."


FoucPerotin, to random French

Aujourd’hui, 11 septembre, c’est l’anniversaire des 50 ans du coup d’état de Pinochet, de la prise de La Moneda à Santiago, et du suicide d’Allende.

… et j’ai pile poil achevé la rénovation du site



C’est un site de textes d’analyses et de réflexions, destiné surtout aux enseignants, comme bon matos sur l’histoire récente sud-américaine (c’est pour ça qu’il y a un pdf pour chaque texte, bonne source reprographie). 1/2

anneroth, to chile German
@anneroth@systemli.social avatar

„Der Sturz Salvador Allendes durch das chilenische Militär bewegte im September 1973 die Welt. Wenig bekannt war bislang die Rolle deutscher Nazis beim Staatsstreich und Aufbau des Unterdrückungsapparates. // Von Wilfried Huismann“

Vor 50 Jahren: Putsch in Chile - Pinochets deutsche Paten


gebrauchskunst, to chile German
@gebrauchskunst@layer8.space avatar


Bis 15/08/2026

Der Kampf um 1/3

wollte den chilenischen Staat modernisieren u. die Armut bekämpfen. Doch.... organisierten ..wilde Streiks,
drehte Chiles den Hahn ab.

Als sie begriffen, dass sie mit en Methoden nicht ausschalten konnten, bereiteten sie den vor.


@gebrauchskunst@layer8.space avatar


das Weiße Haus drehte Chiles den Hahn ab.

Als sie begriffen, dass sie mit legalen Methoden nicht ausschalten konnten, bereiteten sie den Putsch vor.

Regie Patricio Guzman

Land Frankreich

Jahr 1975

Herkunft F

Geschichte Das 20. Jahrhundert

Chile - 50 Jahre nach dem Putsch
: , , ,

Mexican president Manuel Andres Lopez Obrador visiting Chile Stresses the 9/11 Betrayal of Allende (havanatimes.org)

Chilean president Gabriel Boric in the company of Mexican president Manuel Andres Lopez Obrador (AMLO) – who arrived in the country to commemorate the Coup d’état – valued the solidarity that Mexico had for the Chilean exiles in the seventies and highlighted that Allende’s sacrifice transcended the country’s borders....

remixtures, to chile Portuguese
@remixtures@tldr.nettime.org avatar

: "“Many of the American observers couldn’t believe that a relatively underdeveloped country like Chile could pull off something like this; some were even busy writing letters to the editor denouncing Cybersyn’s existence as what today we would call ‘fake news.’” Morozov tells me. “And yet it was real, it was ahead of its time, and it was an organic fit to the needs of the country’s economic development.”

And it worked. In one famous example, a strike organized by truck owners opposed to Allende sought to grind the economy to a halt, and Cybersyn helped feed the government data necessary to work around it — without resorting to crushing the strike. Allende’s vision for socialism was different from the Soviet strain; he wanted to preserve Chile’s democratic institutions, and transition to public-owned institutions peacefully. And he saw Cybersyn as a way to help achieve that.

In the end, Allende’s government was the one that was crushed. Backed by Nixon, Pinochet seized power, sending tanks and troops into Santiago. Salvador Allende took his own life, and thousands of his supporters were rounded up, imprisoned and killed. And Cybersyn, which had barely begun to operate — the ops room was still considered a prototype — was destroyed."


markhburton, to chile
@markhburton@mstdn.social avatar

It's the 50th anniversary of the coup against the Popular Unity government of Chile, led by Salvador Allende - presente!

Here is one of a number of articles on the anniversary. The empire is at best only napping and continues to intervene against the peoples of the region.

Fifty years after Chile’s coup, the region still not safe from US meddling | Opinions | Al Jazeera https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2023/9/11/fifty-years-after-chiles-coup-the-region-still-not-safe-from-us-meddling?traffic_source=rss

rra, to technology
@rra@post.lurk.org avatar

The lessons of Chile’s struggle against Big Tech

By Evgeny Morozov

"As we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Chilean coup, it’s tempting to see as a tragic but hapless figure, who spent most of his short-lived presidency fending off efforts to unseat him. [...]

And yet, for all the problems and crises, there were plenty of radical, utopian and even otherworldly initiatives that still have the power to inspire us today. Surprisingly, many of them had to do with technology; Letelier’s push for the tech equivalent of the IMF was just one of many examples.

Common to all of them was an understanding of through the lens of geopolitics and heterodox economics – a lens that got destroyed by the global neoliberal transformation that followed the coup. While Pinochet embraced the Chicago School of Allende’s government was the beneficiary of what might be called the Santiago School of technology. And as we contemplate a post-neoliberal future, free of the Chicago Boys’ influence, we have much to learn from these humbler but wiser Santiago Boys."


jmcleod, to random

They didn’t “back” the coup. They conceived, planned, and executed it. It wasn’t like it was someone else’s idea and they sat on the sidelines nodding approval. They actually had a democratically elected head of state murdered.

CIA publicly acknowledges 1953 coup it backed in Iran was undemocratic as it revisits 'Argo' rescue https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/cia-publicly-acknowledges-1953-coup-backed-iran-was-undemocratic-revis-rcna120154

@skua@mastodon.social avatar


"Trosin cites the claims of agency historians that the majority of the CIA’s clandestine activities in its history “bolstered” popularly elected governments.
CIA historian Brent Geary, appearing on the podcast, agrees.
“This is one of the exceptions to that,” Geary says."

admin, to chile

Today it's 50 years ago that the Chilean democratic socialist Salvador died during a led by the fascist , orchestrated by the .

To remember 50 years Todon.* created a Allende emoji. Enjoy and free to use for other servers of course.


judlew, to chile

My former colleague and friend Marc Cooper on the other September 11th: The CIA-backed overthrow of Chilean President Salvador Allende 50 years ago today. A must read. #9/11


MikeDunnAuthor, to chile

Today in Labor History September 21, 1976: Chilean national Orlando Letelier was assassinated in Washington, D.C. by agents of the Dirección de Inteligencia Nacional (DINA), Pinochet’s secret police. An American, Ronni Moffitt, was also killed. The CIA was aware of the plans and knew of Pinochet’s involvement in the assassinations. Letelier had been a member of the government of Salvador Allende and was living in exile in the U.S. Immediately following the CIA-orchestrated coup that murdered Allende and placed Pinochet in power, Letelier was the first high-ranking Allende cabinet minister to be arrested. He spent over a year in various concentration camps, where he was repeatedly tortured. When he made it to the U.S., he worked for the Institute for Policy Studies. He wrote several articles critical of the Chicago Boys, the South American economists trained at the University of Chicago by Milton Friedman who went on to take on positions in their home countries’ governments, including Chile’s dictatorship, where they promoted free market policies and influenced leaders like Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan.

FoucPerotin, to random French

« Je ne démissionnerai pas ! Placé à un tournant historique, je paierai de ma vie la loyauté du peuple. Et je suis certain que la semence déposée dans la conscience digne de milliers et de milliers de Chiliens ne pourra être arrachée pour toujours. Ils ont la force, ils pourront asservir, mais les processus sociaux ne s’arrêtent avec le crime ni avec la force. L’histoire nous appartient et ce sont les peuples qui la font. »


Mediapart, to random French

Billet de blog 💬 Le Chili sous Allende - 1/4 Le coup d’Etat du 11 septembre 1973

Le « sous » est un documentaire sonore réalisé pour le cinquantième anniversaire du au Chili en 1973. Ce premier volet s’intéresse au , jour du coup d’État contre Allende et l’Unité Populaire.

✏️ Par LaCarmagnole | En accès libre › https://blogs.mediapart.fr/lacarmagnole/blog/100923/le-chili-sous-allende-14-le-coup-detat-du-11-septembre-1973

appassionato, to books
@appassionato@mastodon.social avatar

Conversations with Allende
Socialism in Chile

In this book, Régis Debray questioned President Allende about his strategy for socialism. These discussions ranged widely over the history of the workers’ movement in Chile, the strength of imperialism in Latin America, the experience of the first months of the Allende government, the role of the Chilean armed forces (...) and the international outlook of the new Chile.


MediaActivist, to chile

One teacher actually showed this to her class! In this vlog I recorded and shared on the 10th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center, I looked at what seems to be a grotesque "human exchange rate" on life for American exceptionalism, imperialism, and racism: https://kolektiva.media/w/4ZzZnKsBSD9xFUQK1YxKMv

remixtures, to chile Portuguese
@remixtures@tldr.nettime.org avatar

: "The Santiago School owes its existence to the fact that the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (Cepal) is headquartered in the Chilean capital. For the first few decades after its launch in 1948, this institution challenged the mainstream account of free trade – and technology’s role in it – which has been espoused by economists in Chicago and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Imagine a richer country selling cars to a poorer one, which, in turn, reciprocates with bananas. As the two specialise and introduce technological innovations, prices of both commodities fall. Everyone is happy; progress marches ahead.

The Cepal economists disagreed with this rosy prediction, arguing that, over time, the developed countries tend to come out stronger from such trades. First, technological innovation benefits the car manufacturers more than it helps the banana growers; you can’t 3D-print tropical fruit. Second, rich countries that typically produce more advanced goods also have powerful trade unions, who, in defending the interests of their workers, also prevent the prices of cars from adjusting as swiftly as those of bananas."


mule_du_pape, to random French

De bien beaux messages de la rappelant que Allende était coincé entre l'extreme gauche et la droite.

Tout le monde est

mostaurelius, to news
@mostaurelius@mas.to avatar

“The Other 9/11”: Ariel Dorfman on 50th Anniversary of U.S.-Backed Coup in Chile That Ousted Allende


tuckerteague, to chile
@tuckerteague@mastodon.social avatar

The forgotten 9/11? Many still remember, but most Americans have probably never heard of it.


Speckdaene, to chile Danish
@Speckdaene@nrw.social avatar

Wie die Diktatur in sich auf deutsche im verlassen konnte
Der Sturz |s durch die Feinde der Demokratie. Dokumentation beleuchtet die ideologische Ausrichtung der westdeutschen Nachkriegspolitik.

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