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LukefromDC, to random

Also let's not forger: Fulton County, GA paid $ 25 MILLION in ransom to lockbit. That means the whole world knows they pay. Wonder who will be next to squeeze some sweet financial juice from that rotten Georgia peach?

LukefromDC, to random

State of the Union Reportback

Prior to the blockade on Penn Ave was a gathering near the White House, while the sun was still up. During this, there was an incident with a driver facing the protest instead of turning on H st, reportedly revving their engine at the protesters.

This could have been anything from a lost driver freaking out to a terrorist seeking to kill pro-Palestine protesters. Cops swarmed the driver in a fast takedown. In the true abolitionist spirit, protesters then made a determined effort to defend the driver from the cops! During the fight, the driver's hat came off-revealing a very young looking man probably a teenager-but in a borderline "fashy" haircut. Note that while this style (essentially a grown-out high and tight) is popular among fascists and is named for that, others do unknowningly wear it.

Once the sun went down things wound up for real.
We have this video
and a number of others showing a strong blockade on Penn Ave, calling out not just Biden but all of the Dems as genocidal warmongers. The chant there was

“Democratic Party,
we know what side you’re on!
Remember Hiroshima!
Remember Vietnam!”

Due to this protest, Biden's motorcade was rerouted. This was similar to what GW Bush had to do during some of the State of the Union protests during his term.

Then came the speech itself: I did not watch it, but Al Jazeera confirms Biden promised to respond to Israel's refusal to allow food and medical aid to reach Gaza by building a temporary port for the delivery of humanitarian aid. This while the US continues to ship weapons to Israel. The former US ambassador to Israel during the Clinton administion warned that Israel's planned invasion of Rafah might push the US to the "limit" and endanger Israel's access to US weapons.

If Biden follows through with that port, it will be a major, major shot across Israel's bow. Things have ben happening since that horrific Bread Massacre: Aaron Bushnells's courageous "extreme protest," the US food airdrop that while inedible still sent a message to Israel, mushrooming protests, and now this.

If Israel is forced to cancel the invasion of Rafah, if the US really does build a temporary port to deliver aid, YOU DID THIS, PEOPLE! This is the power of the people, pushing a genocidal regime and its backers to their knees and forcing them to tap out.

Video below is repost of the same Dromografos video of the Penn Ave blockade for your convenience.

dromografos, to random

: Outside Capitol:

“Democratic Party,
we know what side you’re on!
Remember Hiroshima!
Remember Vietnam!”


@dromografos If I had known State of the Union protester were going to throw down this hard I might have travelled to DC for this one!

18+ dromografos, to greece

: Hooligans of Israeli football club Tel Aviv have beaten a foreign national in downtown , media report on Thursday. the victim has been taken to hospital with an ambulance.

According to initial reports, the victim, a young man of Arab origin, was holding a flag and was exiting the metro station at Syntagma Square.


@dromografos These assholes need to be put in their place by some LOCAL footballers, preferably accompanied by their team getting their asses kicked in-game or better yet, disqualfied for hooliganism.

dromografos, to nyc

: The National Guard searching bags at the entrance to the Grand Central subway station... Don't you love ?


@dromografos If I am attempting to go anywhere by transit and see something like this, I instantly cancel the trip and leave. As a rule I refuse to board any means of transportation that searches bags.

When I was at the 2004 DNC protests in Boston, the news was reporting bag searches on the commuter trains, so I boycotted them and biked from the Boston suburbs to the protests and back every day until it became clear no bag searches were actually taking place.

On seeing those troops I would probably regard the whole subway as closed for the day.

LukefromDC, to random

Another ship abandoned in the Red Sea after being hit by Yemeni missileers for trying to run the blockade of Israel.

This time around, two of the crew paid with their lives for trying to support genocide in Gaza, six more got fucked up, and all have abandoned ship. If this one sinks too, maybe the pro-Israel blockade runners will learn their lesson.

The US and its friends are screaming that "civilian" crew members were wounded and killed, but they were in fact participating in the conflict by entering a declared war zone set up to deny Israel access to Asian shipping without going the long way around the Cape of Good Hope.

In every blockade in every maritime war, such things have happened and the only thing that will ever stop it is an end to war at sea. I just wish Yemen had some submarines handling the "last mile" approach to Israel via the Med.

LukefromDC, to random

Word is Fulton County, GA had to pay $25 MILLION to Lockbit to get back all their court records, warrants etc and not have them released to the waiting eyes of defense attorneys and activists:

b9AcE, to random avatar

A registry of people of the Romani ethnicity has been revealed at the police of Norway, reports major newspaper Aftenposten.
The racist registry reportedly contains over 650 people.
The police claims it's fine because it is "anonymized", which is of course extremely probably absolute nonsense as it could almost certainly be de-anonymized very easily as has been very many times proven to be done with commercial registries (e.g. ad-profiles).

Romani people interviewed on the matter are devastated, terrified and in tears over being subjected to yet another targeted antiziganism violation.

The police of Sweden were also revealed use a racist registry of Romani people containing 4741 people in 2013 and for that huge act of systematic racism and privacy violations it faced the consequences of... a statement of "serious criticism" (literally, the title) and that was it.
That's also when it was found police had a registry of battered women, with police abusing the women in that registry.

"This projection image was shown at a meeting on fighting crime in the Norwegian Roma circles at the Norwegian Police Academy in November"
They've always called specifically targeted antiziganism easier to swallow terms like "fighting crime" and similar.


@b9AcE How did the cops get the info to build this registry?

Seems to me the defenses for this could have to include:

Not answering racial questions on any census or refusing to answer any census at all

Avoiding all contact with government agencies (might be impossible if driver licensing is an issue or kids are in school), never going to the police after burglaries/muggings so as not to have to answer questions yourself, the works. Also means rejecting public benefits to stay off the radar, which may force survival crime, which can lead to contact w cops.

Never answering anyone's surveys

Never entering any public space suspected of being watched by facial recognition cameras.

O yeah-you also have to block all ads and trackers and accept that this will break a lot of monetized websites, as we now have confirmation governments use ad data. If that means shopping at stores instead of online, that may conflict with not entering spaces watched by cameras.

If one must shop in stores (cannot shop online for any reason), using only cash so store CCTV footage cannot be matched to names without outside assistance. Probably cops can match it up fo facial recognition databases anyway.

In short, when governments start building registries of "undesirables" there may be little defense short of preparing for war. If you cannot hide from an enemy and cannot run from them, the remaining defense is to turn and confront them.


@b9AcE At least in the US if you do not drive or drink you can refuse to register where you live with the cops.


@RustyBertrand @b9AcE As for Putin, Russia didn't do too well the last time they went to war with Finland. It is from that war we get the name "Molotov cocktail" keep in mind.



A "population registry offense" law in the US would come under fire from both the hard left in the cities and hard right militias in rural areas. The US is very heavily armed and may be on the brink of civil war. This is a very different situation than Europe.

A registry built here would be covert, and the data would come from ad tech data (the most dangerous source) merged with drivers license data (and if relevent CBP/ICE immigration records) to merge ethnicity with addresses. We have had attempts by multiple GOP governors in the US (DeSantis included) to build registries of trans people. This is why Abbot is trying to force LGBTQ groups to turn over personal information but nobody is complying. Florida played for medical records but was blocked. Medical records also won't show those trans folks who self-manage transition care and avoid doctors.

MikeDunnAuthor, to random

Today in Labor History March 6, 1857: The Dred Scott decision by the U.S. Supreme Court opened up federal territories to slavery and denied citizenship to blacks. Dred Scott had sued for his family’s freedom, arguing that they had lived four years in the north, where slavery was illegal. The Court ruled 7-2 that people of African descent weren’t U.S. citizens and thus had no standing before the court.


@MikeDunnAuthor I prefer Haiti's approach to dealing with slavery and slaveowners

CaptainLeif161, to random

LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS! If you see anyone stealing, food, or medicine, or diapers, or formula, or any other things that human beings need to live - NO YOU DIDN'T. You didn't see jack shit. Solidarity means silence.


@CaptainLeif161 I can't help but say "sailing to Israel also sinks ships!" Yemen fights while world "leaders" talk. The children of Gaza cannot eat their words...

I sure as hell agree with not only not snitching on people liberating survival needs from corporate stores, I also agree that should stay entirely silent as someone else could snitch. Someone estimated the risk of information escaping a secure compartment rises with the 4th power(!) of the number of people in that compartment. Not sharing stories about who is stealing bread is just like keeping Signal loops small in this sense.

LukefromDC, to random

Security WARNING: ad tracking being tested NOW by the Pentagon to find targets. Since this is now in the open, police departments are not far behind. So far it has been demonstrated doing things like tracking Putin in realtime.

You MUST block ads and trackers all the time, all devices, no exceptions if you want to be private!

"The advertising technology ecosystem is the largest information-gathering enterprise ever conceived by man. And it wasn’t built by the government."

This began with a security contractor who used Grindr as for a proof of concept attack. This was done while while Grindr was under Chinese ownership, tracking phones in places like the Pentagon so people inside the government would pay attention. By tracking those who advertise on Grindr he was able to "geofence" places like the Pentagon and various Fderal buildings and monitor phones of Grindr uses there-and then track them everywhere else. No action was taken against Grindr users as this was not the objective.


Here's another quote from the same strory, calling out CBP and ICE for using ad tech to find people:

"But VISR, by now, is only one product among others that sell adtech data to intelligence agencies. The Department of Homeland Security has been a particularly enthusiastic adopter of this kind of data. Three of its components—US Customs and Border Protection, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the US Secret Service —have bought more than 200 licenses from commercial ad tech vendors since 2019. They would use this data for finding border tunnels, tracking down unauthorized immigrants, and trying to solve domestic crimes."

gwynnion, to random avatar

Trump isn't going to be disqualified or removed from the ballot. He won't be in prison before the election. He probably won't die either because we're not that lucky. Biden will have to defeat him, again, and should probably work on that.


@gwynnion If he does, Trump will lauch another coup attempt, using J6 as practice, training, and lessons from last time around. At J6, all he had to do to prevail was have the MAGA meatheads chase the Dems out of the Capitol, seat the GOP in the Rotunda, and have them gavel the session to confirm or reject the election results back into order. They reject the election and throw it to the House, which then "elects" Trump.

If that got to SCOTUS it could be either 6-3 in favor of Trump with all GOP justices backing him, or 3-6 with only the MAGA "justices" siding with him. It would not matter though, as mostly likely Florida, Texas, and many or most of the hard-GOP states would recognize Trump. The Northeast and West Coast would not, and there's your interstate civil war.

In other words, be ready to fight in the streets no matter what happens on Nov 5. Diverting energy from making plans to survive Trump and the GOP governors to the election could prove fatal for some given the odds. Ukraine tried relying on the high road: they agreed with a prior Russian government to give up their nukes in return for security guarantees. One change of regime in Moscow and that became worthless. We all know what happened next.

VPS_Reports, to random

Chaya Raichik (LibsofTikTok) has collaborated with Nazis and Holocaust deniers in her campaign against LGBTQ+ people, inspired a post by a Nazi mass shooter, endorsed a Nazi conspiracy theory— and still: Nazis targeted her for being Jewish. My latest:


@VPS_Reports Looks like she played with fire and got burned with those Nazis. This is like seeing someone show up at the hospital with burns on their hands after a fire at an abortion clinic.

Speaking of such things, I still remember the "dragon fire" at the huge Aug 2004 march on the RNC in NYC. Cops tried to claim we anarchists burned our own float, but it was an undercover cop who had to be treated for burns on his hands. That told me where the fire came from.

aral, to random avatar

“Hey, our boy might fund the occasional genocide but at least he’s no rapist!”

– Democrats, 2024

The bar’s so low, I don’t know if I’m watching a presidential election or a limbo contest.


@aral As for rape, reports are Biden's genocidal friends are doing exactly that in Gaza.

ridicol, to random avatar

“If some sort of a truce happens or was successful, I think what we will see is a bit more of reconstruction of forces, repairing of some of the armoured vehicles and also rearming them to be much more effective in the next round,” Ashour told Al Jazeera.

The visit by Gantz, who is expected to meet senior US administration officials, comes as US Vice President Harris called for an “immediate” pause in the fighting.


@ridicol Since Israel is still launching raids, that offers the opportunity to set traps.

A otherwise unusable house is made ready and fighters positioned, then one or more known snitches is told a high level Hamas meeting is taking place there. During a previous Gaza invasion, a single boobytrapped house set up by PFLP accounted for half of all Israeli casualties that time around.

ridicol, to random avatar

“At a time when Palestinians are being slaughtered by a Germany-backed army at an unprecedented rate, and at a time of rising totalitarianism in German institutions, it is more important now than ever that good people reject anti-Palestinian racism assertively and publicly, and boycott the organisations that spread or give cover to that racism,” El-Kurd told Al Jazeera.


@ridicol Germany especially ought to know better than to arm genocide

LukefromDC, to random

Israeli Ambassador gets huge residential protest after major protest at Israeli Embassy

On the 2nd of March, a major protest at the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC was followed by a residential protest at the home of the Israeli Ambassador. This may have been the largest home demo in DC history, as it was reported "thousands" were present. The next largest was an ANSWER protest at the home of GW Bush's secretary of Offence Rumsfeld early in the second Iraq War.

Israel has pushed the patience of the world to the breaking point. Nearly 40, 000 people have been murdered in Gaza. A US Airman just burned himself to death protesting these horrors, which have included firebombs dropped on hospitals. The US, Jordan, and Egyt have had to airdrop food to Gaza as both the IOF and militant settlers have been blocking ground deliveries. Last week over 100 people were killed in the "Bread Massacre" as a crowd scene at a bread distribution erupted into gunfire from Israeli tanks.

If anything, residential protests a very civilized response to Israel's destruction of most of the homes in Gaza.

Video from raw footage by Our Rights DC and Freedom News TV (via


LukefromDC, to random

Update: the UK owned (but not registered of course...) cargo ship carrying fertilizer hit by two Houthi missiles has SUNK! That means Yemen has officially responded to the genocide in Gaza by sinking a ship attempting to defy their maritime blockade of traffic to Israel via the Red Sea.

One down, more to go!

The Washington Post et all are screaming that the fertilizer will be an "environmental disaster" but buried in the bottom of the Post's report is the admission that unless the ship broke up on hitting the bottom the fertilizer will be released slowly. Had that fertilizer been applied to farms near rivers, it would have reached some sea or ocean anyway, so this was only moved.

LukefromDC, to random

Vigil in Orlando Remembers Aaron Bushnell

On the 2nd of March, pro-Palestine supporters gathered at Orlando's Lake Eola for a vigil to remember Aaron Bushnell. The vigil drew a wider community that I have seen at the marches. Nobody had expected that a game-changing stand against genocide in Gaza would come from an active-duty US Airman.

As far as I am concerned, he showed the courage of those who fought in WWII's battle of London, those who took to the skies to stop Nazi Germany's bombing raids on London civilians. All gave some, some gave all...

Two factors may have halted Israel's plans for an all-out attack on Rafah. First came Aaron's sacrifice, which shocked the conscience of the world the way the Buddhist monks in Vietnam who took similar measures against Diem in 1963 did. This created unfavorable political conditions for further escalation by Israel. Then came the decision by Biden (under enormous pressure) to airdrop food to civilians in Gaza. Those airdrops mean US airmen putting forth for Gaza for the second time in less than a week. The combination of the Bread Massacre with Aaron's sacrifice may well have forced Biden's hand on the airdrops.

For Israel to launch an all-out air and armored assault on Rafeh while the US was dropping food, or worse yet to shoot at the planes would have generated pressure on Capitol Hill to return AIPAC donations and cut off US military aid to Israel. That would go double if another US airman was killed by Israeli fire.


Crowpine, to Israel avatar

Thousands of protestors surround the Israeli Ambassador's house in Washington DC.



@Crowpine This may be the largest residential protest in DC history assuming we don't call White House actions home demos. The next largest was when ANSWER showed up withg 1,000 people at Donald Rumsfeld's house early in the GW Bush Iraq War.


@lou @Crowpine Voting for war is a good way to get a rocket in your house. This is true globally except maybe in the US.

Unfortunately, those who vote for war also send rockets to the homes of those who vote NO on war.

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