@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar



I make small things.

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#SmallWeb #SmallTech #web #tech #privacy #humanRights #personhood #democracy #aral #fedi22 #searchable

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aral, (edited ) to random
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

Folks think the “embrace” part of embrace, extend, extinguish applies only to the technology itself. It doesn’t. It also applies to the people prominent within it. Their legitimacy is essential for it to work. They’re told “come, sit at the big boys’ table with us” and “don’t listen to the naysayers, they’re just jealous of how popular we can make you.”

Last time I experienced this, the person in question who sold out got an OBE out of it. Which is rather fitting, when you think about it.

aral, to Israel
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar
triptych, to webdev
@triptych@social.lol avatar

I think as web developers we have been collectively brainwashed into thinking that you must use React and Tailwind to create websites, when all you really need are vanilla web standards and a text editor. We should be making it easier to make websites than it is right now. You should not need a PhD in web design to create something that you can share and express yourself. We need more tools that make web development easy, not more tools that turn it into some 10 step build process #webdev

aral, (edited )
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@triptych Unsurprisingly, I couldn’t agree more ;)

Have you had a chance to play with Kitten?


Throw HTML, CSS, and JS at it and it’ll do what a web server does. Then, if you want, progressively enhance your site/app using hypermedia with built-in support for htmx, etc., and/or Streaming HTML (see https://ar.al/2024/03/08/streaming-html/ and https://ar.al/2024/03/26/draw-together/)

(Although it exists to enable peer-to-peer web apps or the Small Web as I call it. https://ar.al/2023/02/20/end-to-end-encrypted-kitten-chat/)

aral, to mastodon
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

Co-founder of Twitter joins new Mastodon board of directors. Right, so federating with Threads wasn’t a mistake. This is just the direction Mastodon is going. Oh, well. Another Mozilla emerges.


@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@jenzi Threads didn’t steal anything. ActivityPub is an open standard. And Mastodon’s extensions to it are also free for anyone to implement.

And what you do is you defederate.

Instead of rolling out the red carpet, which is what actually happened.

@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@RosePuckey They created a new US not-for-profit. Let’s see if it becomes a Mozilla-like not-for-profit that owns a for-profit next.

@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@srijit Well, yeah, I guess Jack Dorsey was sadly unavailable and Elon’s busy too these days, so Biz it is. 🤷‍♂️

@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@FinchHaven @vetehinen They’ve also received $100K each from Jeff Atwood and Mozilla according to their latest blog post. Not-for-profits are allowed to accept donations. It’s kind of a core thing.

(My issue is with who they’re listening to and being guided by, who they’re accepting donations from, who they are aligning themselves with, and the success criteria they’re adopting.)

@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@jenzi I have no idea what you’re on about. But I also have no more time to waste with this.

MichalBryxi, to random
@MichalBryxi@veganism.social avatar

My latest pet : Replace the "free" sharing services with simple solution where one has full control of (a) data collection (b) data storage (c) data sharing/visualisation.

If you want to give this like alternative a go, I'd be happy for any and all comments:


@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@MichalBryxi 💕

Got a link to what you’re working on? Would love to check it out :)

@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@MichalBryxi PS. It’s come a long way since last year when that video was recorded.

See: https://ar.al/2024/03/08/streaming-html/ and https://ar.al/2024/03/26/draw-together/ for a taste of the authoring improvements and https://ar.al/2023/02/20/end-to-end-encrypted-kitten-chat/ for a little example of the kind of peer to peer Web interactions all this will hopefully result in one day :)

BigAngBlack, (edited ) to Palestine
@BigAngBlack@fosstodon.org avatar

In response to pro-Palestine protests, Portland State University freezes ties with Boeing


> #PortlandStateUniversity President Ann Cudd said the school will pause seeking or accepting further gifts or grants from #Boeing pending "debate."


@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@BigAngBlack Heads up: Site can’t be accessed (from EU, possibly)

@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar
aral, to GNOME
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@fedora @gnome Bug report: GNOME Web cannot display emoji in the URL bar. The URL shown in the video below contains 💕.

@Mastodon Note: video cannot be uploaded due to 422 1000fps videos are not supported error when trying to upload video using standard GNOME screen recorder.]

OS: Fedora Linux 40.20240424.0 (Silverblue) x86_64
DE: GNOME 46.1 (Wayland)

aral, to Vivaldi
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@gnome Bug report:

OS: Fedora Linux 40.20240424.0 (Silverblue) x86_64
DE: GNOME 46.1 (Wayland)

Vivaldi Open dialogue after clicking Choose file on a file input: flickering tooltip.

CC @Vivaldi

Video of flicking tooltip on icon in open dialogue in Vivaldi.

@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@Mastodon Bug report:

Uploaded .webm file (see above), appears as GIF in interface and doesn’t play [UPDATE]: under Firefox. CC @mozilla (works in Vivaldi).

CC @gnome @Vivaldi

aral, (edited ) to Vivaldi
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@Vivaldi Bug report:

  • OS: Fedora Linux 40.20240424.0 (Silverblue) x86_64
  • DE: GNOME 46.1 (Wayland)

After signing in after sleep, Vivaldi renders at @1x even though my screen is set to @2x.

(Moving the window around or resizing it, etc., re-renders it at the correct resolution.)

aral, to Israel
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

C’mon folks, how bad can genocide really be if someone as nice as Biden supports it?

#israel #palestine #gaza #apartheid #ethnicCleansing #genocide #USA #UnitedStates #Biden #JoeBiden #GenocideJoe

sardaukar, to random
@sardaukar@mastodon.social avatar

My Dinner With Andreessen

Billionaires I have known: Part One of a three-part series


@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@sardaukar PS. He didn’t invent the first web browser. That was Tim Berners-Lee.

aral, to Israel
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Opposing genocide is antisemitism.

– 2024

bruces, to random
@bruces@mastodon.social avatar

*Here to protect us from AI, presumably by throwing huge bales of VC cash at it


@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@bruces @jasongorman They missed out Lord Voldemort.

micchiato, to Germany
@micchiato@mastodon.social avatar
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@nap @micchiato According to the post on Instagram, “And what is it you said about Nazis, huh?”


@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@kerleone @nap @micchiato Gosh, I wonder why anyone would have mistaken him for a Nazi.

@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@Alb_ Police brutality = healthy reaction. Hmm, I don’t think so. Goodbye.

jordinn, to random
@jordinn@zirk.us avatar

I'm grateful to have finished my coffee before reading this e-mail.

It's easy to make it sound like I chose to come here on a whimsical lark. It's equally and honestly probably more real (it is at least why I came here a year ago to see what was up) to say that I chose this place because it's the only one I'd found that seemed to be doing solarpunk-style future building alongside a toothy critique of capitalist land relations.

Sometimes that second thing comes through rather strongly.

@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@jordinn Just so you know, some of us are grateful to have met you and to have you here. You make this place better :)


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