

An avatar roaming the decentralised and federated 3-D virtual worlds based on OpenSimulator, a free and open-source server-side re-implementation of Second Life. Mostly talking about OpenSim, sometimes about other virtual worlds, occasionally about the Fediverse beyond Mastodon. No, the Fediverse is not only Mastodon.

Even if you see me on Mastodon, I'm not on Mastodon myself. I'm on Hubzilla which is neither a Mastodon instance nor a Mastodon fork. In fact, it's older and much more powerful than Mastodon. And it has always been connected to Mastodon.

I regularly write posts with way more than 500 characters. If that disturbs you, block me now, but don't complain. I'm not on Mastodon, I don't have a character limit here.

I rather give too many content warnings than too few. But I have absolutely no means of blanking out pictures for Mastodon users.

I always describe my images, no matter how long it takes. My posts with image descriptions tend to be my longest. Don't go looking for my image descriptions in the alt-text; they're always in the post text which is always hidden behind a content warning due to being over 500 characters long.

If you follow me, and I "follow" you back, I don't actually follow you and receive your posts. Unless you've got something to say that's interesting to me within the scope of this channel, or I know you from OpenSim, I block your posts. I only "follow" you back because Hubzilla requires me to do that to allow you to follow me. But I can read your comments and direct messages. If you boost a lot of uninteresting stuff, I'll block you boosts.

My "birthday" isn't my actual birthday but my rezday. My first avatar has been around since that day.

If you happen to know German, maybe my "homepage" is something for you, a blog which, much like this channel, is about OpenSim and generally virtual worlds.

#OpenSim #OpenSimulator #VirtualWorlds #Metaverse #SocialVR #fedi22

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

crossgolf_rebel, to fediverse

Ich glaube, das alte Helfen und Helfen lassen ist im tot.
Weil alles gleich als Mansplaining deklariert wird.

Sorry liebe Frauen und weiblich gelesenen. von mir wird es wohl keine Hilfe mehr geben, wenn ihr Probleme habt oder Funktionen falsch versteht.

Bedankt euch bei den TwitterGeschädigten, die ihre Attitüden mit ins Fediverse gebracht haben und nicht von lassen können.

Nicht immer ist eine Beantwortung eurer Fragen mansplainung.

Man das nervt....


@crossgolf_rebel 🤍 on Calckey :calckey: Noch ein Zusatz: Du kannst auch niemandem auf Mastodon helfen, wenn du gewohnheitsmäßig über 500 Zeichen schreibst. In mehr als der Hälfte der Fälle kommt auf "überlange" Posts null Reaktion. Wahrscheinlich wirst du meistens alleine schon dafür gemutet oder geblockt, daß du dich nicht an die ungeschriebene Mastodon-Etikette hältst.

#FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Zeichenlimit #500Zeichen


@crossgolf_rebel 🤍 on Calckey :calckey:

Aber ja, dann kommen die verschiedenen Apps ins Spiel, die das Fediverse als Twitterspiegel darstellen und da echte Funktionen rauslöschen

Das liegt aber oft an der Ahnungslosigkeit der Entwickler.

Erst sind sie von Twitter nach Mastodon gekommen. Dann fanden die das alles ganz toll. Dann haben sie beschlossen, eine App für iOS oder Android zu entwickeln, weil sie dachten, sowas gibt's noch nicht/zur offiziellen App gibt's keine Alternative.

Weil sie zu dem Zeitpunkt dachten, das Fediverse sei nur Mastodon, haben sie die App hart nur gegen Mastodon gebaut. Also nicht nur gegen die Mastodon-API, sondern auch nur unter Berücksichtigung dessen, was Vanilla-Mastodon selbst kann.

Als sie das erste Mal davon hörten, daß es im Fediverse auch noch was anderes als Mastodon gibt, war es zu spät. Alleine, um die grundlegendsten Features zu unterstützen, die die *omas und *keys haben, die Mastodon nicht hat, müßten sie das halbe Backend und das halbe Frontend komplett umbauen. Und da rede ich noch nicht von so Späßen wie Firefishs Antennen oder Sharkeys "Speak like a cat"-Modus.

Deswegen gibt's meines Wissens heute noch Apps, die Textformatierung nur erzeugen können, wenn man sich seine Finger an Markdown schmutzig macht, und darstellen überhaupt nicht, weil schon der Einbau der zusätzlichen Features von Mastodon 4.x zu aufwendig wäre.

Es gibt wohl sogar Apps, die für "das Fediverse" sind, mit denen es aber unmöglich ist, mehr als 500 Zeichen zu posten.

Es ist schon traurig, wenn eine App die Mastodon-API benutzt, es aber trotzdem Glückssache ist, ob sie mit irgendwas funktioniert, was die API auch hat, aber nicht Vanilla-Mastodon ist.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Mastodon #NichtNurMastodon #Apps #MastodonApps

zotheca, to random

Allerdings frage ich mich, warum #(streams) so unbekannt ist im #fediverse


Friendica kennt ja auf Mastodon schon kaum jemand.

Eine Umfrage hat mal ergeben, daß einer von vier Mastodon-Nutzern noch nie auch nur von der Existenz von Hubzilla gehört hat. Und das, obwohl Hubzilla älter ist als Mastodon und schon immer mit Mastodon föderiert war.

Und (streams) ist folgerichtigermaßen noch obskurer. Das kennen eigentlich sonst praktisch nur Hubzilla-Nutzer.

Das liegt auch daran, daß geschätzt jeder zweite Mastodon-Nutzer glaubt, das Fediverse sei nur Mastodon. Und der Großteil vom Rest hat höchstens mal von Pixelfed, PeerTube oder Threads gehört.

Mastodon stellt 64% der monatlich aktiven Fediverse-Nutzer. Aber ich schätze, mindestens 95% aller Kommunikation auf Mastodon kommt von Mastodon selbst.

Die meisten Mastodon-Nutzer haben nur andere Mastodon-Nutzer als Kontakte. Bei nicht wenigen haben auch die wieder alle nur Mastodon-Nutzer als Kontakte. Sie leben in Blasen, in denen nur Mastodon existiert.

Die Ausbreitung des Wissens über das Fediverse über Mastodon hinaus wird also dadurch erschwert, daß es praktisch ausschließlich durch Reply Guys hauptsächlich auf Friendica geschieht. Und auf Mastodon gelten Reply Guys als Problem, das bekämpft gehört.

Außerdem weiß auch auf Friendica kaum jemand, daß (streams) existiert, und einige noch nicht mal, daß Hubzilla existiert. Und die *oma- und *key-Bubbles reden sowieso nicht über irgendwas, was weder auf ActivityPub aufgebaut wurde (außer Pleroma und Misskey selbst) noch primär Microblogging ist.

Dazu kommt aber noch etwas: (streams) verweigert sich nicht nur eines Namens und einer Markenidentität, sondern es hat auch keinen eindeutigen Identifikator für Instanzen als zusammenhängendes Projekt. Mastodon-Instanzen identifizieren sich immer als "mastodon", Hubzilla-Hubs als "hubzilla", aber (streams)-Instanzen können sich als alles Mögliche und Unmögliche identifizieren. Es sendet auch keine Nodeinfo-Statistiken. Mike hat den entsprechenden Code mit voller Absicht entfernt.

Somit fehlt es auch ebenso mit voller Absicht auf allen Websites, die Fediverse-Projekte und deren Instanzen listen. The Federation führt (streams) nicht. Fediverse Party führt (streams) nicht. Fediverse Observer führt (streams) nicht. Fediverse.info führt (streams) nicht.

Es wäre auch sinnlos, (streams) zu führen. Nicht nur, weil (streams)-Instanzen keine Statistiken senden, sondern auch, weil es unmöglich ist, nach (streams)-Instanzen zu crawlen. Mastodon-Instanzen können ja gecrawlt werden, indem man alle nimmt, die sich als "mastodon" identifizieren. Aber (streams)-Instanzen identifizieren sich als z. B. "Y" (Begründung: Y ist nicht X) oder "Get Ready To Rumbly" oder "Tales of My Life" oder das erste Wort des Instanznamen, wenn kein Instanztyp eingetragen ist. Und standardmäßig ist kein Instanztyp eingetragen. So sind sie für Crawler nicht eindeutig identifizierbar und somit auch nicht auffindbar.

Im Grunde wird (streams) nur durch sein Code-Repository repräsentiert. Das macht es also schwierig zu finden.

Das totale Fehlen jeglicher Dokumentation dürfte eine Extrahürde sein. Ich habe schon gehört von jemandem, der (streams) komplett aufgegeben hat, weil es keine Dokumentation darüber gibt, wie man überhaupt einen Server aufsetzt. Alles läuft nur durch Hörensagen, wenn man zufällig auf die richtige Blase stößt. Selbst von öffentlichen Instanzen erfährt man meistens höchstens zufällig, wenn man nicht weiß, wo man danach suchen soll.

Zu guter Letzt hat Mike selbst erst vor ein paar Monaten angefangen, verstärkt Werbung zu machen für das, was er macht. Ich sehe auch, daß er jede Menge Daumen hoch bekommt und seine Posts auch oft repeatet werden. Aber leider nicht von reichweitenstärkeren Accounts wie Fediverse Report.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Streams #(streams)

stefan, to accessibility
@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

Not trying to call out anyone in particular, I see a lot of people doing this, but I'm really curious and would like to understand this better.

Folks who use vague alt text with your images ("a funny book cover", "photo of me outside"), what is your thought process? Is the image description intended for sighted people? Or maybe your admin made alt text mandatory? Or maybe that really does seem sufficient.


@Regezi @Baethyn @Stefan Bohacek @botvolution Another interesting question is: What if the image description is in English, but it has to transcribe bits of text in the image that are not in English?

Last year, I was in a situation in which I had to transcribe a whole lot of signs in an image. Some were in English. Some were in two or three of these languages: English, Germany, rather broken German, French. Others were in Latin.

When a sign was in English, broken German and French, I started with a 100% verbatim transcript of the English part. Then I wrote a 100% verbatim transcript of the German part, spelling mistakes, grammar errors and all. Then I added an English translation below that's as close to literal as possible. Then I wrote a 100% verbatim transcript of the French part. Then, again, I added an English translation below that's as close to literal as possible.

Of course, screen readers won't necessarily be able to switch languages in the middle of a description. But if 100% verbatim transcripts of everything are required, I give them, no matter what. And if people don't understand them, I give a near-literal translation in addition.

Sorry for not linking to the example, but the image description is hopelessly outdated and a bad example, and it'd probably be at least three times as long today.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta #Transcript #Transcripts


@Regezi Hubzilla doesn't have a culture of accessibility at all. It isn't even known which pages or "apps" are accessible in the first place. Besides, the huge majority of my readers are on Mastodon.

What I do is:

I write a fairly short, purely visual description for the alt-text. I do so to satisfy those who absolutely demand there be an image description in the alt-text, no matter if there's already one elsewhere.

Still in the alt-text, this short visual description is followed by a note that says that the actual, fully detailed image description with explanations, text transcripts etc. can be found in the post text. And if you're on Mastodon or a similar Twitter-mimicking microblogging project, the description is in the post text, hidden behind a long post content warning, whereas if you're on Friendica, Hubzilla or (streams), the image description will follow right below the image itself. Or sometimes, when I post multiple images, below the block of embedded images so as not to have a wall of text separate the images.

The alt-text practically always exceeds 800 characters regardless which, I guess, is still much too much for many Mastodon users, also seeing as Hubzilla does not support line feeds in alt-text.

And yes, the actual image description goes into the post itself where hardly any Mastodon user would expect it and where Mastodon's culture sees no place for image descriptions. The post itself is always hidden behing a summary/content warning that reads, "CW: long post (<four or five-digit number> characters" in order to protect those on the official Mastodon mobile app and everyone else on Mastodon who doesn't want to see posts with over 500 characters.

For example, here's my most recent image post which was three months ago. Fair warning: When I say I write image descriptions that are tens of thousands of characters long, I mean it.

At a bit over 25,000 characters, the description is nowhere near my longest, and while it's the most up-to-date, I found it lacking after posting it already, and I already consider it outdated. If this link opens as a Web page in a browser instead of as a toot in your Mastodon app, then sorry, I can't show you how your Mastodon app renders this post. I could tell you a hashtag under which to find that post, but troet.cafe doesn't know any of my image posts.

CC: @Stefan Bohacek

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta

jupiter_rowland, to random

If it's presented as a brand-new and revolutionary invention in the Fediverse, chances are it's actually a re-invention of something @Mike Macgirvin 🖥️ has invented for Mistpark/Friendika, Red, Hubzilla, Zap or the streams repository. But the Mastodon super-bubble has never heard of it.

Pretty much the only two exceptions are if it's something brand-new from Mike himself, or if @Evan Prodromou has invented it.

#FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse

jupiter_rowland, to random

I keep seeing pictures from or related to Second Life and OpenSimulator, 3-D virtual worlds that hardly anyone in the Fediverse is familiar with. And they never have alt-text. No visual description, no text transcripts, nothing. Ever. Except my own ones, but they don't count.

Strangely, I've also never seen anyone complain. Or ask the original poster to add alt-text. Or supply their own alt-text for the original poster to add. Not even once.

Does nobody care about the accessibility of posts about virtual worlds? Do those who receive such posts have no intersection with those who demand all media in the Fediverse be described, preferably in sufficient detail? Do they never come across virtual world posts?

Are all Second Life and/or OpenSim users in the Fediverse so out of touch with Mastodon's culture? But at the same time, are those who are familiar with Mastodon's culture and eager to enforce it upon all of Mastodon as well as everything that reaches Mastodon so detached from the Second Life and OpenSim communities?

Sure, Second Life and/or OpenSim users tend to exist in their own tiny bubbles with no followers from outside. But while almost all OpenSim users in the Fediverse are on one and the same dedicated Mastodon instance with me being their only connection outside it, Second Life users are all over their place, so their posts do show up in the local timelines of general-purpose instances.

Could it be that Mastodon users only care for the accessibility of posts in their personal timeline, but neither in the local nor in the federated timeline?

This doesn't mean I'll stop describing my images, even though I could churn out many many more images if I did. But it might mean that I describe them in vain because nobody cares, and that the many hours invested into the descriptions of what few images I've actually posted were ultimately wasted.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #SecondLife #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta #MastodonCulture #Inclusion #A11y #Accessibility

jupiter_rowland, to random

So how fscked-up is OpenSimWorld with its complete lack of user rules and moderation? Yes.

There's a guy with a thousand sock puppet accounts who keeps creating new ones just to attack others and claims to have governmental authorities take care of everything that's going wrong on OSW and in OpenSim in general. Now he has revealed himself to allegedly be British, and he's still implying to have something like the MI6 go against hatespeech on OSW as well as pirated Second Life content in-world.

He's currently duking it out with an good ol', red-blooded, flag-wavin', gun-tote'n all-Amurkin 'Murkin MAGA "patriot" from 'Murkuh who, on a scale from 0 = the most radical Antifa groups to 100 = literally Hitler in 1944, is a solid 500 and insults everyone from 499 downward as a "libtard", who "knows" he can beat anyone in a swearing contest just like 'Murkuh can beat anyone in anything, and who has told me once that he thinks Germans are wimps for not having enough balls to have an ultra-extremist right-wing government.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #OpenSimWorld #USpol #CWUSpol #Libtard #Libtards #MAGA


Things seem to be about to escalate now, but hopefully outside OSW.

That British madcap has attacked another British user in IMs, and he's lying about it in The Box, demanding proof for these attacks, accusing him of being a hacker and threatening to alert the authorities about him.

Upon this, the other Brit has requested the server logs from Satyr Aeon, and it looks like he is actually going to alert the authorities and drag the madcap to court.

The madcap's reaction was the announcement per IM that if this happened, he'd walk into the court room with a gun, kill the other Brit and then shoot himself because he says he has got nothing to lose.

I hope Satyr will provide the logs for this as well. And I halfway expect that madcap to be insane enough to resist arrest and duke it out with the MO19 over this.

Whatever the outcome, I guess nothing will change on OSW itself because the users have take care of stuff themselves.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #OpenSimWorld #Violence #CWViolence

jupiter_rowland, to random

So I've run this poll until yesterday. The question was whether the Fediverse has quote-posts.

20 users voted for yes, 8 users voted for no.

Of course, this poll wasn't representative. I dare say my "bubble" is more Fediverse-savvy than the average, and I know I had quite a number of voters from Hubzilla and (streams). So the result is greatly skewed towards "yes". And still, 40% of all voters thought the Fediverse had no quote-posts.

This shows how well especially Mastodon users know the Fediverse.

Oh, and by the way: The Fediverse does have quote-posts. Just about everything that isn't Mastodon can quote-post, and it all can even quote-post Mastodon toots with next to zero resistance. And in fact, quote-posts in the Fediverse are about six years older than Mastodon.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #QuotePost #QuotePosts #QuoteTweet #QuoteTweets #QuoteToot #QuoteToots #QuoteBoost #QuoteBoosts #QuotedShares


@Mike Macgirvin 🖥️

But people have been copy/pasting posts and snippets of posts and articles from external sources since forever. You actually can't stop them.

Eugen can't. Adam Mosseri can't. I can't. Nobody can. Pretend permissions aren't permissions.

This. This so very much.

jupiter_rowland, to random

I think I should add some the filter-triggering hashtags #ReplyGuy, #CWReplyGuy, #Mansplaining and #CWMansplaining to my standard repertoire, in case my other filter-triggering hashtags aren't sufficient.

They'd make it 51 characters more likely that I'll also have to add #Long, #LongPost, #CWLong and #CWLongPost because what I've written surpasses the 500-character mark, much to many Mastodon users' chagrin.

#FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Hashtag #Hashtags #HashtagMeta #CWHashtagMeta

jupiter_rowland, to random

Are you on Mastodon?

Did you know that the Fediverse is more than just Mastodon before you came across this post?

Well, chances are it was a mansplaining reply guy from outside Mastodon who told you that.

This isn't something Mastodon users talk about, and if you only follow Mastodon users, nobody in your bubble could possibly have told you.

#FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #NotOnlyMastodon #FediverseIsNotMastodon #MastodonIsNotTheFediverse #Mansplaining #ReplyGuy #ReplyGuys

stefan, to random
@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

Here's an idea I've been sitting on for a while, in case someone wants to steal it. I have far too many side projects already.

Basically, at least on Mastodon, you can create a post that's visible to "mentioned people only", tag it with a "MutualsOnly" hashtag, and not mention anyone, and only you would see it.


@Stefan Bohacek

Basically, at least on Mastodon, you can create a post that's visible to "mentioned people only", tag it with a "MutualsOnly" hashtag, and not mention anyone, and only you would see it.

Here on Hubzilla, I explicitly have the option to make posts only visible to myself. And that means that even people looking through my posts won't be able to see it, login recognised by OpenWebAuth or not.

"Mutuals only" is possible here, too. I can manually select whom to send a post to. This could be single connections which would amount to a DM with no mention. But it could also be a privacy group.

So I could create an additional privacy group with all my connections in it, at least those posting to whom makes sense, i.e. excluding groups, forums, Lemmy communities, blogs, RSS/Atom feeds etc. And then I could restrict a new post to this privacy group. Again, since this post would not be public, strictly speaking, it would not appear on my wall for all channel visitors to see.

Alternatively, I could set my whole channel to Private. Then none of my posts would be public unless I explicitly made them public. All of them would only be visible to my connections by default.

There are downsides to this, though. First of all, Hubzilla assumes all connections to be either following-only or mutual unless a channel is in a kind of "soapbox mode" that doesn't require new following connections to be manually confirmed. Mastodon's Twitter-esque distinction between "follower" and "followed" does not exist here. This was inherited from Friendica, and Friendica, in turn, mimics Facebook which doesn't have one-sided connections either.

Now, Hubzilla has problems figuring out and displaying whether an ActivityPub connection is following-only or mutual. In practice, however, this isn't a problem: If someone doesn't follow me back, they won't receive that post anyway.

The other downside is that none of the ActivityPub-based projects understand permissions like Hubzilla and (streams) do. Not even Friendica does. So connections via "non-nomadic" protocols understand posts with restricted permissions as DMs that go out to a whole lot of connections. If they don't have a concept of DMs with more than two participants, this makes meaningful discussions impossible.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Mutuals #MutualsOnly #Hubzilla

J12t, to random
@J12t@social.coop avatar

Seeing 14 participants today in the task force on making ActivityPub work for threaded discussions / forums.



@Johannes Ernst Is Mike one of them? Or do the 14 at least communicate with him?

jupiter_rowland, to random

This just in from The Box on OSW:

The Caribou Grid has shut down unannounced, and its founder, Jeanne Lefavre, has left OpenSim.

I still remember when Caribou was one big 4x4 varsim in Kitely. Much earlier, it used to be in Second Life. It moved a lot over time.

I think it was in 2022 when Caribou moved to ZetaWorlds and was turned into a bunch of 2x2 varsims, waiting to be at least partially redesigned. That wasn't too long after Stark had returned. However, Caribou relocated to OSgrid after Stark had managed to 7-days-per-week event schedule, leaving little room for Caribou's events which partly shared the same audience. I actually wanted to run a shop or two on OSgrid Caribou.

Then, in 2023, Jeanne moved Caribou to its own, brand-new grid. She brought old sims back and started redesigning what was already there, reshaping large parts of the land. Things really looked good. She even married Andron Rae of Neverworld, although that relationship wasn't really built to last, but he kept helping her with the tech. It was only recently that she started posting personal things on OSW.

And now she and Caribou as a whole are gone. I guess all the harassment had become too much.

It makes me wonder what the remaining rest of the Caribou staff will do now. Fortunately, they've got leftover avatars on a whole bunch of grids now.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #Kitely #ZetaWorlds #OSgrid #Neverworld #NeverworldGrid #Caribou #CaribouGrid

stefan, to random
@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

Somebody please stop me, or tell me this already exists, before I go and register a domain name, but it would be pretty neat to have a coding blog that casually injects leftist ideas.


@Stefan Bohacek Do it on WriteFreely or Plume, and you won't need a domain. Plus, your blog will be a native part of the Fediverse.

jupiter_rowland, to random

CNBC reported that Meta's Reality Labs, responsible for The Metaverse Horizons, have made a loss of 3.85 billion dollars in the first quarter of 2024 alone.

Now imagine what OpenSim could have done with that much money. Give itself a thorough overhaul and debugging, even if that means at least a partially rewrite. Hire more developers for that purpose because four spare-time devs can only do so much.

Upgrade from a decades-old OpenGL standard to Vulkan. Implement a new, open-source voice system that doesn't rely on anything external. In fact, develop its own dedicated cross-platform viewer and ensure its on-going development and maintenance, thus facilitating a further split from Second Life. Also, give the Firestorm team its share so they can afford some proper OpenSim-side development.

While we're at it, fund a good alternative to OpenSimWorld, maybe even something that integrates into viewers, as well as the development of the Max bodies and matching accessories.

Dreams would come true. But sorry, old-timers, separating from Second Life won't mean returning to 2011's tech level before there was mesh.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #Horizons #HorizonWorlds #Meta #MetaPlatforms #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds

julian, to random
@julian@community.nodebb.org avatar

An update from last night brings some additional logic to the title generation of topics from the fediverse.

Previously if a title was provided in the name property, that was used as the topic title.

While that hasn't changed (and is the strongest signal for a topic title), not all fediverse content contains titles. Specifically, Mastodon posts do not require or even have a space to put a title in.

For those cases, we fall back to generating one based on the content. We literally grabbed the first 128 characters or so, and added an ellipsis to the end.

While that worked okay as a stopgap, it meant that a lot of topics ended up with really long titles — not ideal.

The new logic tries to grab the first line of text (either the first <p> or line), and from there, the first sentence, using some naive regular expressions.

While still not a proper alternative to... you know... specifying a title, it's better than nothing I suppose!

I wonder if other fediverse softwares implement title generation logic like this...


@julian What Lemmy understands is this:

Title<br></br><br></br>@Community<br></br><br></br>Post body

It was added back in the day to make it possible for Mastodon users to start new threads in connected Lemmy communities.

#FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta

jupiter_rowland, to random

(streams) forums, Y U so fast?

I post something, and it appears immediately and not after a few minutes like in a Hubzilla forum.

#FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Forum #Forums #Streams #(streams)

jupiter_rowland, to random

Four years ago today, I entered the worlds of OpenSim for the first time. My first avatar doesn't exist any longer, it went under with the Metropolis Metaversum in July, 2022. Still, April 30th remains my rezday.

Three years ago today, my little in-world sister @Juno Rowland joined me, so we can celebrate together.

We're going to attend a weekly event today, and I'm pondering what I could do for this occasion.

#OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #VirtualEvent #Birthday #Rezday


And, of course, happy rezday to @Juno Rowland!

tallship, to foss

This comes as no surprise to anyone who's actually been paying attention over the past couple of years:


All I can really say is, "OH Happy Day!"

Let the games begin, I'll bring the popcorn :p




@Danie van der Merwe

thing is though there are also many existing alternatives to Mastodon already on the Fediverse, so why fork it?

Because you still don't know there's more to the Fediverse than Mastodon. I think at least every other Mastodon user doesn't.

Or if you do, you think it's all just alternative graphical frontends to the same stuff that Mastodon is.

That's why people still develop stuff only against Mastodon. Bonus points for slapping "Fediverse" on it.

That's why people still fork Mastodon to add features that are available just about everywhere else.

And that's probably why @The Nexus of Privacy wants to fork Mastodon into what he seems to think will be the absolute pinnacle of privacy, security and permission control in the Fediverse, blissfully unaware that it's not only an attempt at re-inventing the wheel, but a far cry from what @Mike Macgirvin 🖥️ has been developing since 2012. That was four years before Mastodon.

Seriously, I keep seeing people wish for features in "the Fediverse" (read, Mastodon), features that are readily available elsewhere in the Fediverse. Some of them have been since before Mastodon was even made.

CC: @tallship

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #NotOnlyMastodon #FediverseIsNotMastodon #MastodonIsNotTheFediverse

stefan, to accessibility
@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

The thing that trips me up about making hashtags accessible on social media, by capitalizing each word JustLikeThis, are words like WordPress, or ActivityPub.

I'm guessing these should be all lowercase, so that screen readers don't read these as two separate words?

I'm really starting to see the benefits of allowing spaces in hashtags.


@Adrian Roselli @Stefan Bohacek See #superbowl which could be understood as "Superbowl" or "superb owl".

jupiter_rowland, to random

This feels weird.

@Juno Rowland and I are at Wolem Wobbit's gig at HIE. But none of us is on stage with him, accompanying him on keys as usual.

Apparently, most of the audience has crashed recently. I suspect the lack of a backing band to be the reason.

#OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #VirtualEvent #HypergridInternationalExpo #HIE2024

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