@J12t@social.coop avatar



Technologist, founder, organizer.

Let's put people back in control of their technology. The Fediverse is a good start. Also wondering aloud where we are taking this planet.

Check out my home page for more info and links.

He/him. tfr

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

J12t, to random
@J12t@social.coop avatar

This is totally amazing.


J12t, to ai
@J12t@social.coop avatar

Let's say you wanted to increase velocity on your product development process to reach nirvana faster. What can you do?

A laser-sharp focus on putting everywhere clearly can help. And Meta is not the only culprit.


J12t, to GPS
@J12t@social.coop avatar

Reading about . I get the “louder than the satellite” part, but shouldn’t there be some kind of cryptographic signature or something that lets you distinguish which is which, and some kind of token to guard against replay attacks? Is there? Maybe only in the encrypted US military version? (Guessing wildly…)


J12t, to random
@J12t@social.coop avatar

And then you find yourself as one of the Fediverse handles linked to by Techmeme on the story that Mastodon is forming a US not-for-profit organization.

Never figured out how they pick the linked posts.

/cc @gaberivera any insights you can share?


J12t, to random
@J12t@social.coop avatar

Let's say you set up a ticket vending machine for public transport, and you feel very ... not sure, maybe bureaucratic?

What should you call that machine? What about:

Passenger Operated Machine (POM).

The domain/object modelers among us just died a little.


J12t, to random
@J12t@social.coop avatar

<P>In the beginning, html was <B>all</B> <BLINK>uppercase.</BLINK>.

I don't remember when or why it turned lowercase. Anybody remember?


Also, apparently it didn't have an <HTML> tag.

J12t, to random
@J12t@social.coop avatar

Interesting choice of board members for the new Mastodon US not-for-profit. Inasmuch directors influence the direction of the project towards their areas of interest, it tells us something where they are planning to go.


J12t, to random
@J12t@social.coop avatar

“I am in shock that a lawyer stood in the U.S. Supreme Court and said that a president could assassinate his political opponent and it would be immune as ‘an official act.’ I am in despair that several Justices seemed to think this answer made perfect sense.”


J12t, to random
@J12t@social.coop avatar

Achievement unlocked: highest dose in the allergy injection regime.

Status: itchy.

Next steps: now you have reached this achievement for the fourth time in your life, can you maybe manage to stay on the level??!?

J12t, to fediverse
@J12t@social.coop avatar

11 people on the data portability task force meeting for the today.

J12t, to fediverse
@J12t@social.coop avatar

And then you go through the ActivityStreams standard (which is one of the standards the #Fediverse is built on) and find your own name in the Acknowledgements section.

Among what looks like 1000 other people. But nevertheless ...


J12t, to random
@J12t@social.coop avatar

"Save complete Web page".

Firefox: Garbled.
Chrome: Garbled.
Safari: Perfect.

We have a winner.

J12t, to random
@J12t@social.coop avatar

And the next hot hot tech is ....


J12t, to threads
@J12t@social.coop avatar

According to a 3rd party quoted in Business Insider, is now surpassing /#X in a key metric.

In April so far, "Threads has averaged an estimated 28 million daily active users, ....a roughly 55% increase in DAUs from December"

"X has averaged 22 million DAUs, a usage rate that's 21% lower than Threads."


J12t, to random
@J12t@social.coop avatar

MyData.org is calling on the European Commission to enforce the "continuous and real-time [data] access" provision in the Digital Markets Act against Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, ByteDance, Meta and Microsoft.T

hat provision is now apparently the law, but hasn't been implemented. Well, at least I have not seen it implemented by any of them, anybody know more? Because implementing that provision could be truly revolutionary!


J12t, to random
@J12t@social.coop avatar

“ActivityPub is a lot like email, and Ghost already supports email subscriptions. This means we can use the same interface to support both.”

@johnonolan is doing the exact right thing here with “merging” the email and Fediverse subscription experience. Probably from first principles — which I very much agree with — because almost nobody else does. Kudos!


J12t, to random
@J12t@social.coop avatar

Happy with @feditest progress today. Amazing what progress you can make if you have the luxury of focusing on something!!

carnage4life, to random
@carnage4life@mas.to avatar

Mark Zuckerberg announces the opening of Meta Horizon OS and partnerships with Lenovo, ASUS and Microsoft to build headsets with it.

This is an open versus closed software ecosystem battle playing out similar to the Windows versus Mac ecosystems battled it out in the PC era.

@J12t@social.coop avatar

@carnage4life Opening up headset development to partners and focusing on the OS is a bit surprising for Meta at this stage, where the headsets including Apple’s are really only barely good enough and tight hardware/software integration appears to be essential. What are those platform partners supposed to do, all build their own R1 chip and integrate it?

J12t, to fediverse
@J12t@social.coop avatar

Hive mind: take a video-conferencing tool like Zoom, Jitsi or Google Meet or such.

Imagine you built it in some kind of "#fediverse-native" fashion. What would that look like?

Seems like you'd have some kind of (public or private) group that you sign into with your fediverse handle, and then you can follow the group. There is no separate chat. Your video name is the same as on your fediverse profile. Perhaps public meetings would even show up as live video in your follower's timelines? Ideas?

J12t, to random
@J12t@social.coop avatar

Washed out a bucket in the backyard today. By the time I was back 10min later to refill it, a spider was merrily weaving a web across the top.

A strategic mis-assessment of the situation, dear spider.

J12t, to security
@J12t@social.coop avatar

Somebody is building a low-latency pipeline from #security advisory to attack by means of #AI right now, I'm sure.


J12t, to hydroponics
@J12t@social.coop avatar

How to broaden what comes on the table for dinner:

Help, the Bok Choi is growing much faster than I want to eat the same recipe over and over again. What else can we do with it?


@J12t@social.coop avatar

@danlyke Hmm, hadn't thought of pickle! Maybe the next plant to try.

@J12t@social.coop avatar

@ryansingel Never done any Indian cooking ... maybe I should try!!

AaronDavid, to random
@AaronDavid@mastodon.world avatar
@J12t@social.coop avatar

@AaronDavid I seem to think a variation on this theme used to be a pretty common cartoon? If vague memory serves ...

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