@mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar



Lisp and Emacs aficionado, soft spot for old computers and programming languages, day job in telecoms, aspiring iOS developer in my sparetime.

🇩🇰Lives in Aarhus, Denmark 🇩🇰

Quotes to live by:

Lisp users unite, you have nothing to lose but your garbage.

Hit the philistines three times over the head with the Elisp reference manual.

  • petonic@hal.com (Michael A. Petonic)



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mattsheffield, to emacs
@mattsheffield@mastodon.social avatar

A question for the community: Is it possible to use the Tramp feature to connect to a remote Emacs daemon? I ask because I have a file which I always have open on a remote pseudo-tty, but sometimes it would be nice to use my desktop Emacs with its nice proportional fonts and custom sizes to edit.

I want to connect to the same remote daemon so I can see unsaved changes and not have to worry about sync.

@mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@mattsheffield I am not sure I fully understand your usecase but it seems that you have a local machine with full graphics environment and a remote machine with emacs but no graphics environment. I am also guessing that the file in question is situated on the remote machine. (1/4)

@mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

I am pretty sure that tramp does not support any protocol that in itself would correspond to talking a daemonized emacs. If somebody has not thought of that scenario, would require the daemonized to have some sort of server running inside of it that would look like (eg) an FTP server, I know of no such thing. Tramp is, I think, pretty extensible so it should be possible to hack together something that uses tramp on the local end and talks via some custom protocol to the remote emacs. (2/4)

@mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

It should be doable to use tramp (from local emacs) to access the file via some supported protocol (like SSH) and set up some appropriate save buffer hook to invoke emacsclient on the remote end to sync up the file inside of the remote emacs, on each save done locally. (3/4)

@mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

Presumably, that could piggyback on the session already set up by tramp to access the remote file and it would use the fact that emacslient also has options to execute elisp expressions within the server it is connected to (the -e argument as I recall). (4/4)

mapcar, to Lisp Danish
@mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

Happy birthday 𝛌🎂𝛌

Today is the anniversary of AIM-8, the memo that McCarthy wrote describing LISP and its first implementation, written in 1959.

thomasfuchs, to random
@thomasfuchs@hachyderm.io avatar

I wonder if when the goggles finally turn out to just not be more viable as a product than a cool tech demo and for niche use cases, they’ll start to incorporate some of what they’ve developed into computer screens and phones.

For example with proper eye tracking you could make well-working planar lenticular 3D screens.

@mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@thomasfuchs Apple has been pretty clear that what they want is in fact not a VR headset but an AR glasses like thing. However, the technology is not yet there to enable that. I believe that the AVP is much more aimed at developers than consumers; Apple is building a new concept (spatial computing) and they need help to develop bothe concept and the apps to fill it.

@mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@thomasfuchs Nilay Patels review for The Verge did say that the AVP is the best headset that has ever been built and yet it needs to be 50 times better to be able to relay an experience on par with the real world. That is so far off from what we have now, that he thinks that something like the AVP, that is using cameras and screens to project the real world, is a dead end wrt the road to AR.

Interesting discussion on his review and feed back from industry:


simonbs, to random
@simonbs@mastodon.social avatar
@mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@simonbs How did you get hold of an Apple Vision Pro, did you have to travel to the US?

bujiraso, to RSS
@bujiraso@fosstodon.org avatar

Getting back into since it's been too long since I had a preferred client. I'm trying out gnus in right now.

Fittingly, the first RSS feed I've loaded is @daviwil 's System Crafters

Now: to customize to my liking!

@mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@dekkzz76 Couldn’t you say the same about org-mode?

@mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@dekkzz76 I would be curious to know if you have any particular examples of how gnus is particular complex for basic use.

thomasfuchs, to random
@thomasfuchs@hachyderm.io avatar

Remember when Tesla showed that "our cars are now fully self-driving!" video... 8 years ago? (It's still nowhere near there.)

But please believe the tech industry when they promise fully human-replacing AI is "just around the corner" or even "here already".

@mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@pellechristensen @thomasfuchs I don’t think AI will get a change to do that. We are do well underway with destroying civilization with traditional means that it will have collapsed before AI is ready to replace humans.

thomasfuchs, to random
@thomasfuchs@hachyderm.io avatar

Literally the first thing in this 53 year old book is Gerald Weinberg destroying AI bullshit

@mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@thomasfuchs Unfortunately, computer executives will be computer executives.

As reported by the The Verge, there are currently layoffs going around in the industry. There could be many explanations, I could however fear that one explanation could be that a lot of executives thinks AI will mean they can do the same work with a lot less employees. They will be mistaken, if that is the case, but it might be a painful period until they realize that.


@mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@thomasfuchs I am not sure if that is better (that the executives know) or worse (that they know and do it anyway).

As for the recent wave of layoffs, I am once again amazed how the supposedly highly innovative and trailblazing Sillicon Valley keeps showing amazing flock mentality.

screwtape, to random
@screwtape@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@lispm @nytpu @lispi314 @zoerhoff
Edit: Not appropriate

@mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@screwtape @lispm @nytpu @lispi314 @zoerhoff @jackdaniel I am a little unsure what you are after, is it information on the old Franz Lisp that was recently uncovered or is it Franz Inc, the current company?

@mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@screwtape @lispm @nytpu @lispi314 @zoerhoff @jackdaniel Feel free to ask, if you have any specific questions. You can also consider writing them if you have questions about the product.

As you perhaps know, one can download Allegro CL for free for personal use. I have not used it in a long time (not doing much serious lisp coding) but I have no recollection of any serious limitations in that.

@mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@screwtape @lispm @nytpu @lispi314 @zoerhoff @jackdaniel I know a little about Allegro, as I once was involved in a project using it; unfortunately, the product got killed before it got to market so it never saw any real action. The per seat license was considered an issue, but as said, we never got to a point where we needed to discuss that. We did however get very good support and I got to visit Franz Inc a couple of times.

@mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@simon_brooke @screwtape @lispm @nytpu @zoerhoff @jackdaniel I am pretty sure Allegro has supported UNIX for as long as they have supported Windows. It certainly was a UNIX version we based our work on, around 2000. It was in the context of a PowerPC based embedded system, so we needed to port the runtime system using some nontrivial hackery. I am not sure what we did would have been allowed, if discovered by system architects higher up 😊

amszmidt, to random
@amszmidt@mastodon.social avatar

The biggest failure by the GNU project was the creation of earth, it is now flat.

@mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@amszmidt “In the beginning the Universe was created.
This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.”

― Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

amoroso, to retrocomputing
@amoroso@fosstodon.org avatar

Those who dismiss or deride BASIC don't go beyond the language. Guillaume Chereau points out there's more to BASIC as on early microcomputers it provided a full development environment too, almost an IDE.

I'd say BASIC also supported a REPL-based, exploratory programming style similar to Lisp's.


@mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@amoroso Having started out with BASIC on my Commodore 64, I long thought of it as just a toy language for small computers. That changed when I read the entry on BASIC in the first HOPL proceedings, in particular how it was in part designed to be good for learning how to program.

jaztrophysicist, to random French
@jaztrophysicist@astrodon.social avatar


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  • mapcar,
    @mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

    @NatureMC @jaztrophysicist I hear you, and agree wholeheartedly, but unfortunately the ship on what AI means has sailed.

    Originally it referred to the human aspiration to understand and recreate our unique intelligence, then it became synonymous with technologies created as part of that but now AI just refers to machine learning, a certain subset of what AI is about.

    Had we just referred to it as what it really is, statistics, there would have been no hype.

    draygon, to random

    started "learn you a haskell for great good" and, voila, fizzbuzz in haskell:

    fizzBuzz xs = [ if x `mod` 15 == 0 then "FizzBuzz" else if x `mod` 5 == 0 then "Buzz" else if x `mod` 3 == 0 then "Fizz" else show x | x <- xs]   
    @mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

    @screwtape @pkw @draygon Iny list item related issues can be solved using ‘reduce’ but the amount of thinking and manual reading to come up with a solution is an order of magnitude greater than just gaffa taping something together with enough lowlevel list operators 😊

    ctietze, (edited ) to emacs
    @ctietze@mastodon.social avatar

    `replace-regexp' confuses me.

    Why does it properly match and replace everything but change the case depending on the case of the matched word? 🤔

    Using visual-regexp.el here to demonstrate.

    @mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

    @ctietze I think that is a feature. If case-fold-search is true, “foo” will match both “foo” and “Foo” (and “FOO”). By matching the case, of the match, you usually get the right thing, at least in normal text (e.g. if a match is the first word in a sentence or not).

    badlogic, to random
    @badlogic@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    Hah, been a while since any of my OSS projects turned up on GitHub's trending page. It's my little grocery price tracker that people are now forking so they can make it work for their country. That english Mastodon thread from Friday sure made its rounds. @godotengine watch out!

    Would love for this to become a global movement. Fucking with market forces one project at a time.

    @mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

    @badlogic @Seg @godotengine How could it be otherwise with such a cool name 😊

    walkerb, to python

    Python may be the most bug free language on the planet.

    Hell of an opening line, I know. Let me tell you where this thought came from, and why it may be Pythons saving grace.

    Some months ago a throwaway post from Jessica Sachs pointed to an article that came to the conclusion that code with the least lines of code was also the least likely to contain bugs. My knee jerk reaction to this was that it was too simple and didn't take complexity into account. My retort was that this would mean 'code golf' code would also be the least likely to contain bugs, which given its dense, complex and unreadable doesn't make sense.

    But does it ?

    The though stuck in my head. The nagging part was that, from experience, code golf code tends to either work 100% or fail spectacularly. So when you get code golf code working, it tends to be correct as there is no room for error.

    And this is where the thought turns to Python. You can in general express complex ideas in Python with less lines of code than in most other main stream development languages like Java, C#, Rust, Typescript, Javascript etc.

    From experience the equivalent Python code is usually somewhere in the range of 50% the number of lines of code to most other languages. Even if you consider the number of likely bugs to be a function of complexity, then lines of code would also be a function of complexity generally.

    Another way to consider it is to consider the lines of code as an attack surface for bugs. Less lines of code, less attack surface. Python clearly wins here.

    Now, I can hear Java developers lightsabers igniting from here. Python is slow! Python is single threaded! Python is years behind Java!

    Thats all true.

    But where Python wins the day is that code written in it is much more likely to be bug free, and in the end that may be more important than its performance issues...

    #python #java

    Darth Vader force cracking the earth

    @mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

    @walkerb While I disagree on crowning Python among all languages on the planet (as per your opening statement) and could point to some questionable points in your arguments, I do agree with the overall conclusion that shorter programs are generally better.

    This is, I think, not so much directly about bugs as it is about productivity, though fixing bugs of course is part of what productivity is spent on, but it is not the whole story.

    siderea, to random

    This is a true story.

    In 2014, I happened to be on site at a software development company, where I wound up being a proverbial fly on the wall during a notable conversation.

    I was being shown around by the head of technical documentation, and had just been introduced to the head of engineering. Maybe he was a VP, I don't recall. Anyways, he decided that was the occasion, with me, random contractor standing in front of him, to engage the head of technical documentation in a conversation about how there might be layoffs coming, and he was of the opinion that they should probably lay off his division's techwriters, and make the software developers write their own documentation, to save money.

    The head of technical documentation was, of course, flabbergasted and appalled, but substantially outranked, and she had to be diplomatic in her response, tying her hands - and her tongue. Also she was caught somewhat by surprise by this fascinating proposal.


    @mapcar@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

    @siderea Once again reality circles back to Brooks “the Mythical Man-Month”. Brooks contemplates, among other things, to organise programming teams like surgical teams, which precisely are put together by a set of people, each experts in their appropriate field.

    I maintain that this is the most important book ever written about the practice of software development, which explains everything that is wrong with how we do it.

    It was published first in 1975!

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