@cassidy@blaede.family avatar



Building useful, usable, delightful products that respect privacy.

:eos: Partner success at https://floss.social/@EndlessOS Foundation
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:flathub: https://floss.social/@flathub contributor

Previously: co-founder and CXO at elementary OS, UX architect at System76.

Frequently posting about #OpenSource, specifically in #GNOME and #Flatpak realms. I also enjoy #StarWars, #LEGO, & #3DPrinting.

I have a background in UX architecture, open source, product design, communication, and project coordination.

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cassidy, (edited ) to ai
@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

I really like the convention of using ✨ sparkle iconography as an “automagic” motif, e.g. to smart-adjust a photo or to automatically handle some setting. I hate that it has become the defacto iconography for generative AI. 🙁

gloopsies, to GNOME
@gloopsies@fosstodon.org avatar

Is Totem (Gnome Videos) still maintained? As per https://apps.gnome.org/Totem/ latest version is 43 from 2022. Is it going to be removed from Gnome Core apps or replaced with something new?

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

@gloopsies I can’t speak officially for the whole of GNOME, but my understanding is that the design and release teams are investigating this. I don’t think there’s a decision yet, as different solutions all have different trade-offs—but yeah, we’re working on it. :)

aylamz, to GNOME
@aylamz@cyberpunk.lol avatar

GNOME is an awesome desktop environment. The minimalism is very appealing and the way it is designed to keep out of your way as much as possible is just great!

Except there seems to be one major oversight... notifications.

These things pop out at you, no matter how important or unimportant, distract you, and occupy part of very useful screen area. (In GNOME, notifications appear in top-middle)

This is extremely annoying. There is a way to somewhat work around this by turning on "Do not disturb" but it's not a solution. Because with it turned on, the white dot that indicates that there are new notifications is now replaced with a crossed off bell icon...

I would be great if the white dot was shown only, without any "pop up" notifications.

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

@aylamz we're actively working on completely revamping notifications; it's a long road because all of the different notification APIs on Linux are messy—but we're gonna wrangle it. :) https://blogs.gnome.org/shell-dev/2024/04/23/notifications-46-and-beyond/

cassidy, to random
@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

Pro tip: if your Bluetooth isn't working with a certain wireless card, check the BIOS settings before installing a new wireless card… apparently my Intel NUC had Bluetooth disabled in the BIOS; the card works just fine!

The upside is that I installed an extra RAM stick as long as I was in there. TWICE the RAM at a whopping 16 GB.

Palpatine shooting lightning, saying "Unlimited power!"

SpaghetMeNot, to blender
@SpaghetMeNot@mastodon.social avatar

Apparently the kids are making shorts these days 🩳

Short video showing the autoConstraints addon for Blender

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

@SpaghetMeNot this is SO PRETTY

9to5google, to random
@9to5google@mastodon.online avatar

Google Messages preps setting to turn off ‘expressive animations’ https://9to5google.com/2024/04/24/google-messages-animations-off/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

@9to5google I really hope it’s just those screen-takeover ones and not the adorable little animated emoji. The animated emoji seem subtle, self-contained, and harmless but I don't need like three arms randomly popping out of a message because I acknowledged it with a 👍

cassidy, (edited ) to fedora
@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

TIL Fedora is packaging a web browser app I developed for elementary OS, stopped updating over three years ago, and marked as end-of-life two years ago—yet it happily shows up in Fedora 40 if you search my name. It crashes on launch, so it doesn’t even work…


Edit: I guess the package is being EOL'd in Fedora due to it no longer building and this thread, huzzah! My recommendation to distros: don’t package random apps and then not maintain them/communicate with upstream.

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

@berkough I would be happy for someone to actually take the idea and make something decent from it. But I discontinued it because it didn’t really work well in a Flatpak world plus it was way over my head for responsible maintenance.

I didn’t even know it was being packaged by Fedora, let alone just there in the app store in Fedora 40.

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

@berkough nothing about the app listing lets you know it is unmaintained. To the contrary, it shows as a “Safe” app developed by me, provided by Fedora. It contains my app description that I wrote for it on elementary OS. You have to click into the detailed version history to even see how long ago it was last updated (3 years ago!).

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

@BrodieOnLinux @berkough GNOME upstream is much more nuanced, but yeah, I am starting to think we should not have a “safe” badge at all if stuff that is safe gets downgraded for reasonable permissions while a three-years-outdated unmaintained web browser packaged against its developer's wishes that crashes in launch is considered “safe.”

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

@BrodieOnLinux @berkough right which is why part of the equation is developer verification, human review of app submissions and permission changes, and a more nuanced safety rating that takes into account network access—all the case with Flathub + GNOME.

Buuuut even then it seems like it would be easier not to promise safety, but to warn on more critical potential issues.

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

@makendo dnf. It was never packaged as a Flatpak.

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

@adamw I'm just shocked that it's been sitting there in Fedora, with my name on it, unmaintained three years after I stopped updating it and two years after I explicitly marked it as EOL. And there's no easy way to tell that from Software on Workstation. 😬

I shouldn't have to create a bugzilla account and comment on a random issue to make it clear that it is entirely abandonware and irresponsible to ship to users.

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

@carlwgeorge @adamw thanks! I'll do that. I'm still just surprised by the situation considering it was clearly abandoned & archived.

To turn this into a positive thread/suggestions, maybe:

• Package building scripts should check if the source repo is archived, and not build it and/or amend the appstream to mark it as EOL
• GNOME Software could better expose when a package is that outdated
• Fedora should amend the appstream when an app is unsupported by the developer, like you see on Flathub

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

@carlwgeorge @adamw I wouldn’t have even known where to have this discussion on an issue tracker—I stopped updating it over three years ago and archived it two years ago. I think the issue stems from the fact that the app was packaged and “maintained” against the wishes of the upstream by someone clearly not doing the maintenance work. For something as critical as a web browser, that just seems flawed out of the gate.

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

@carlwgeorge @adamw If none of the above would have helped, then Fedora’s packaging policies should be revisited. Because this should not be an acceptable outcome.

It’s tiring to be told, “hey you should go out of your way to come into our community and co-maintain your app that you don’t want to maintain for this platform/packaging format/etc.” but that’s exactly what happens when distros, Snap, etc. package my stuff. The burden falls on me to support it when I never intended to.

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

@carlwgeorge @adamw I only happened to realize this because I was testing something on Fedora Workstation 40 and saw it when searching for a different app of mine. Otherwise I’d have never known it was shipping to people, in Software, under my name, with no indication of it being unsupported/outdated.

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

@carlwgeorge @adamw I mean, I went to social media to vent because I was surprised and didn't even know where to start. I was given an email address, so I've sent an email to it if you want to move this to a mailing list instead.

That said, I don't really have anything else to add. I'm not interested in being told how to Google things or how to use social media.

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

@bashfulrobot I would love to bring some its ideas to GNOME Web or maintain a minimal Flatpak version or something in the future, but I just don have the time. I think @isantop had something similar in the works??

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

@alatiera ha, now I want to get it running just for giggles. I recall I did a tiny bit of work to make it look better (basically so it could be used on Pop!_OS by a friend), but yeah… I was not actively testing that.

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

@carlwgeorge @adamw dude, I posted a two sentence post at 11 PM while dicking around with the new Fedora 40 on my couch before going to bed.

I am not in the Fedora community. I don’t know (or really care) how package maintenance works in Fedora. I did not suddenly feel the need to investigate the ins and outs of the Fedora project before sharing my shocking (to me) discovery.

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

@carlwgeorge @adamw And then I wake up to replies from several Fedora folks that all I had to do was follow this specific Fedora process documented on Bugzilla, I’m “attacking” the maintainers, my “excuse” is “weak,” me communicating my wishes is “not fair,” my communication is not “appropriate,” I should have used an issue tracker or scoured the wiki to understand who to email…

I’ve shared my thoughts and wishes. It sounds like it’s being taken care of. I don’t need a lecture, too.

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

Classic Mastodon @-reply/threading confusion, sorry!

I was not referring to you specifically @adamw; you’ve been very helpful. Thank you!

I’ve received replies from others (including I think maybe the package maintainer?) and @carlwgeorge that included what I quoted there. I was replying directly to Carl’s post.

flathub, to random
@flathub@floss.social avatar

We’re hearing reports of intermittent issues loading the website; we’re aware and looking into it!

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

@cameronbosch @flathub possibly a sort of unintentional self-DDoS. 😅 Developers smarter than me could probably explain it better, but I think the new homepage’s significantly increased API calls plus a ton more traffic than usual (plus maybe the API caching not working correctly?) brought things down. But they’re working on fixing it up so we can bring it back.

18+ heydon, to random
@heydon@front-end.social avatar

Is this button set to on or off?

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

@heydon …maybe

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