@masukomi@connectified.com avatar



👉 Senior Back-End Dev. Seeking Remote Position 👈

Autodidactic, Autistic, ADHD, Trans, and Geeky Programmer.

Queer friend of Camellia Sinensis.

If you want to hear my ramblings about Tabletop Role Playing Games check out my other account: https://dice.camp/@masukomi

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

MLE_online, to random
@MLE_online@social.afront.org avatar


@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

@MLE_online 🤔i think the charger for of my handheld Ham radios is exactly the same

masukomi, to random
@masukomi@connectified.com avatar
@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

Update: he has shifted and is now sleeping against the books I was reading until I fell asleep.

paul, to random
@paul@tapbots.social avatar

After spending over an hour watching youtube knot videos and trying to replicate, the only thing I learned is that I'd be a terrible boy scout.

@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

@paul i recommend the Grog Knots app

whitequark, to random
@whitequark@mastodon.social avatar

hm, what's a good way to convert an SVG path to CSV?

@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

@mcc @whitequark before reading the thread, I thought this was a joke. I feel like no one should ever have to need this.

masukomi, to random
@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

If someone had told me that cutting my hair would have this effect on my curls i would have done it ages ago.

MuseumShuffle, to random
@MuseumShuffle@mastodon.social avatar

@JustMeDevin did you know that there’s a direct flight from Christchurch to San Francisco?

masukomi, (edited )
@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

@MuseumShuffle @JustMeDevin reading the map posted of the flight plan I would strongly recommend never taking that airplane. They have no idea where either location is.

lauren, to random
@lauren@mastodon.laurenweinstein.org avatar

Pretty sure Kristi Noem shot away her chances of being Trump's VP pick. Good riddance.

@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

@cstross @lauren @datarama if the dog had been a little older… and black…

masukomi, to random
@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

🎉 A self-contained web page to convert your long text and break it down into toot-sized bits. No server needed. Just download and open in your browser.

Last year someone convinced ChatGPT to make a thing. I've taken than, fixed ChatGPT's stupidity, added some quality of life features, renamed it and am gradually iterating on it as I use it.

I've called it FediThready to separate it from the original "ooh AI" project and because it's a silly name that makes me smile.


@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

⚠️ I've only been iterating on this a little and as such i have not had a chance to address any potential issues for visually impaired users. I don't think that was a concern of the creator.

Voiceover may be crap, and I wouldn't be surprised if the "Copy" buttons don't work easily (or at all).

I will HAPPILY merge any accessibility improvements you'd like to contribute. (hint hint)

@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

@m455 thanks, but I’ve only done small bug fixes and minor improvements ;)

I do like that you don’t need a server for it. I just wish i didn’t have to copy-paste the sections to post

masukomi, (edited ) to ADHD
@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

For all those people out there who still claim that we are getting our kids high by giving them Adderall:

I took my dose at 6:30 AM , went back to sleep, just getting up now 10 minutes before nine.

brains are chemically different. Normal brains, get high or focused or whatever. I become slightly more able to find the thing I set down three seconds ago.

@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

@mycrowgirl 100% this.

masukomi, to random
@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

Current status:

Went back to sleep on couch after feeding dogs because he got me up too early.

He was squishing me for a while but then i got up to pee and now it’s the cat’s turn

@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

I love Maine Coon tails. So long and floofy!!

@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

I just discovered that there was another dog on the couch beyond my feet.

shlee, to random
@shlee@aus.social avatar

As somebody who is on the board of multiple not for profits…. “Mastodon has known entity on board” is not the hot take you think it is.

It’s self evident people want this place to be better and it is… but building a better place requires developers putting food on the table.

At worst, it’s kind of a condemnation that the community as a whole failed at the financial support side of the project to back up our ideology… Better mutual aid for the developers might have driven a different path.

Complaining about the NFP having capitalists is not praxis… NFPs have rich well known people on them to give confidence to other rich people…… it’s not a conspiracy

The important element is influence. What influence do we have over the project? How can we capture more?

(This is not support of the board members)

@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

@shlee “The important element is influence. “

This is why I am concerned about the new board. Half of them don’t use mastodon and us probably think of it like centralized systems both in terms of what it is like to use and what the users are like.

I am also concerned about the AI and crypto influence on this board . Those things can only make the Fediverse worse.

MLE_online, to random
@MLE_online@social.afront.org avatar

I'm thinkin' 'bout it

@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

@MLE_online please make these and have someone take pictures of their awesomeness while you ride your bike

masukomi, to random
@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

Remote Control Doggo

masukomi, to random
@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

We are building a TV stand. As we do so we are alternating which of us is building and which is comforting and/or entertaining the dog.

@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

Meanwhile, black dog quietly lays and watches us from a comfortable chair

masukomi, to random
@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

I laid on the couch, head slightly propped by a pillow, headphones blocking sound, baseball cap blocking sun. The dog climbs into the valley of outstretched legs with head laying on pelvis. My left hand rests by my belly-button, just above his nose.

The floofy cat climb up, placing her core weight on my sternum, her front legs on my left upper arm. Chinchilla-like side-floof gently brushing my nose despite being pushed down repeatedly. Her right side is against my left hand.

masukomi, to accessibility
@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

If any of you have needs AND use the browser extension (unlikely i admit) I've filed a ticket for it's poor handling of large fonts.


please chime in if it's important to you.

masukomi, to random
@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

This is a dog that wants you to know that she should receive doggie ice cream

@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

As an aside: it has taken most of a decade to work through enough of her trauma to get to a point where she feels safe and secure enough to intentionally make, and hold eye contact.


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