@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar



Level 14 Dad of 4. Christian. Left. Xennial. Enginerd. He/Him. 2006 TIME POTY. Enviromancer. Amateur Pokémon Trainer. Animal Crossing Island: Moduland. Opinions 🗑.

Staff / Mastodon Admin: https://sakurajima.moe/@beneaththetangles

Tags: #fedi22 #Parenting #ACNH #AnimalCrossing #VideoGames #DadJokes #Jokes #Humor #Silly #Anime #Manga #OnePiece #KPop #Music #ACNHInspo #Christian #Faith

PFP: Balding, bearded white man in a pink polo shirt.

Header: Black and white manga screenshot showing a bearded man in sunglasses popping out of the ceiling. A nervous person whose face is partially in view yells, "Dad?!"

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

mdmrn, to music
@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

I found out today that Jelly Roll and T-Pain covered the Toby Keith classic "Should've Been a Cowboy" and I don't know if I'll be the same. https://music.amazon.com/albums/B0D2PFHFNW

Sadly, it's an Amazon Music exclusive, so no other options on how to stream it.

@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

@farbel Good to know!

beardedtechguy, to fediverse
@beardedtechguy@allthingstech.social avatar

I am looking for things, preferably free to cheap things, to do while I am in Vegas next week for a conference.

Suggestions would be great! BOOSTs would be appreciated to help spread across the .

@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

@beardedtechguy Boosting - but I know nothing of Vegas. So, hope you get some help.

mdmrn, to random
@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

Good afternoon and happy Friday!

Been a wicked busy day. Haven't even sent out the silly ACNH pics I wanted to post.

Oh well, will do later if I remember.

Have a great one.

heyfluxay, to random
@heyfluxay@retro.pizza avatar

This big band version of Chemical Plant Zone is just what I needed.

Gif from Sonic 2 of the level Chemical Plant Zone.

@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

@heyfluxay Did you say Big Band Version of Chemical Plant Zone??!?!?!?!?!?!

@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

@heyfluxay Did you make this?!?!? I...I love it.

mdmrn, to random
@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

Good morning and Happy Perfect Date!

Hope you have great one too.

britt, to random
@britt@mstdn.games avatar

In the hospital, again. Please, please send good vibes.

My third infection in a month. My poor body 😢

@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

@britt Sending prayer / good thoughts. Hope you are okay and recover quickly.

mdmrn, to Anime
@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

The fact that the anime Oshiri Tantei, AKA Butt Detective, is not streaming in the US feels like a hugely missed opportunity for someone.

mdmrn, to retrogaming
@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

A + Left
A + Right



mdmrn, to Pixelfed
@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

So, I have talked about how I've been doing a side-by-side comparison of stats for Instagram and Pixelfed by posting the same photos on both accounts.

Well, my pics tend to fall into certain well defined categories. So, I have been sorting the photos into the following and comparing average number of likes: Cats, Food, Flowers, Manga, and Selfies.

Based on these broad categories, I noticed a few hings. More info in the following toots.

#Pixelfed #Instagram #SocialMedia #Cats #Fediverse #Manga #Flowers #Bloomscrolling #Food #Selfie

@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

Since January 2024 - here has been the average likes per post for those categories:
Cats - 25 (Insta), 35 (Pixelfed)
Food - 17 (Insta), 8 (Pixelfed)
Flowers / Bloomscrolling - 22 (Insta), 24 (Pixelfed)
Manga - 28 (Insta), 5 (Pixelfed)
Selfies - 25 (Insta), 10 (Pixelfed)
Toys - 20 (Insta), 8 (Pixelfed)

So, a few patterns emerge. First, there is not a lot of people noticing my manga posts on Pixelfed. That's apparent.

Second, the Fediverse loves cats. More so than Instagram! Same with flowers / bloomscrolling.

#Pixelfed #Instagram #SocialMedia #Cats #Fediverse #Manga #Flowers #Bloomscrolling #Food #Selfie #Toy #Toys

@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

Food, selfies, and toy posts tend to average about the same per post on Pixelfed. 8-10 likes on average.

On Insta, selfies, manga, and cats do best. On Pixelfed, cats, flowers, and selfies do best.

Basically, on either platform - you can't go wrong with cat pics or selfies.

Now, on Insta, part of the manga boost is that I've been kind of into Mangagram - sharing posts, interacting with posts, etc on manga. Then again, I don't see a lot of manga in general on Pixelfed. Maybe it's me!

@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

@Bodling Perfect - you'll get all the likes that way! :Hehe:

mdmrn, to music
@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

It's @loewe's Music Women Wednesday and I haven't posted anything yet. For shame.

Here's Kesha's "Godzilla," a track written by her Mom. https://songwhip.com/kesha/godzilla

mdmrn, to FF
@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

Since it's my Mastoversary - I'm going to do a midweek follow list of some of my earliest Fediverse mutuals.

@gnitro @jcrabapple @cliffwade @Haste @negativeprimes @mofumofu

You should check them all out!!

@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

I have made a lot of friends on Fedi since then, but those six were either the first I knew who came over or the first bunch I became friends with while here on Mastodon. Glad to have met them!

@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

@loewe Thank you!! :Hehe:

@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

@negativeprimes So welcome! And thank you!!

@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

@gnitro I know, right! Doesn't feel that long!!

@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

@cliffwade Aww, and thank you too! It's been great to meet all of y'all here on Fedi. @gnitro @jcrabapple @Haste @negativeprimes @mofumofu

neurothing, to random Italian
@neurothing@metalhead.club avatar

Hello, people!

Just saying that I need my pause for at least two weeks.

So, hiatus time!

Be cool as always, friends!

@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

@neurothing Enjoy the time off. Hope you're all right!

mdmrn, to mastodon
@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

Good morning and Happy Wednesday!

Today is my official "Mastoversary." Now this account I made in November 2022, but my first Mastodon account as made today two years ago on Dot Social.

In these two years, my social media experience has been better. I've had more direct conversations with folks about so many things. Learned about more new music. Kept connected about politics, without as much of the...wild anger, bitterness, and screaming angrily into the void.

I am glad to be here with y'all.

Here's to the Fediverse.

@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

@Mutedog Thanks!!!

@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

@Kitty Aww, thank you so much! I appreciate you on Fedi and the music, the art, and the fun you bring here too!!

aronow, to crossstitch
@aronow@hachyderm.io avatar

Lateat project I’m starting instead of finishing anything in my #wip pile :blobfoxinnocent:

Any guesses? :blobfoxfloof_w_:

#crossstitch #embroidery

@mdmrn@urusai.social avatar

@aronow So welcome!!!

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