MrsEaves avatar

MrsEaves avatar

Lady with social anxiety here to confirm. Flirting is useless. Every time I’ve just given up and asked the dude to date after being extremely forward for a while and they’re always shocked 🤷🏼‍♀️ Once we get past that, it’s great.

MrsEaves avatar

Just a thought, but for your volunteer baking, could you reduce the number of eggshells overall by partially or fully substituting the eggs with flax eggs, egg replacer, or fruit mash such as applesauce or banana? That way, you only have your home eggshells to worry about. I do a lot of vegan baking, so if this is a path you’re curious about I’m more than happy to help if you give me an idea of what you’re making :D

MrsEaves avatar

Definitely meat - I’ve been vegetarian for a very long time and vegan since COVID, and no plans of stopping anytime soon! Flying is a bit more difficult, but I work from home and when my work requires me to travel, I’m lucky that I have the ability to take a train, so I do that. I do like traveling occasionally, and for some of the places I want to go, I can’t realistically avoid flying.

If anyone here is interested in giving up or reducing meat intake but needs a little advice or extra support to get started, please let me know. I’m happy to share any knowledge and tips I can!

MrsEaves avatar

Love: weapon durability so long as it’s paired with weapon building and leveling systems. I like that I can’t ever take a weapon for granted and that I can’t hack and slash without thinking. I have Dark Cloud in mind as I’m writing this - it was easily my favorite weapons system I’ve ever played, and it always kept me on my toes. It’s a kind of stress I appreciate because I have some measure of control over it as long as I plan and slow down a little.

Hate: timed anything. Way too much pressure, and it pushes me back towards going faster and not thinking so I can beat the timer, which I don’t like. I especially hate it because I primarily play turn-based JRPGs to get away from having to worry about timing and to be able to play at my own pace. If I wanted to do time-sensitive stuff, I’d play an action game.

MrsEaves avatar

Yes, absolutely. It affirms that I’m not alone in my frustration and sadness. I like songs that have an upbeat or energetic feel alongside the dark lyrics though, it helps get me boppin’.

MrsEaves avatar

The part I’m really blown away by is that I just saw this final project in the intro to design class I teach from a group of international students earlier this spring. The project was to create a logo design and brand guidelines as a small team. The students can pick the business and whether it’s new or a rebrand, and this group went with social media all-in-one apps and made the justification that they are hugely popular in China, but nothing like that exists in the US. My favorite part is that the letter X was a HUGE part of the logo/branding, but they did not name it just “X” specifically for the reasons you listed - it’s not discoverable or unique in searches, the App Store, etc.

I feel like I’m being punk’d

MrsEaves, (edited )
MrsEaves avatar

I’ll start: avoid Hellman’s easily by making your own mayo. If the eggs squick you out, or you just want bonus points, I use this vegan garlic mayo recipe. It keeps for weeks and I don’t miss mayo at all. This requires a blender - any kind is fine.

Soap: someone near you makes bars of this that are better quality and sells them for roughly $5, I guarantee it. If not, making it is pretty straightforward as long as you follow instructions carefully and use established recipes. If you want to go custom, you can also use a lye calculator. This one requires an immersion blender.

Breyer’s/ice cream in general: Get yourself some xanthan gum for regular dairy, and add soy lecithin to your list if you want to do vegan ice creams. The xanthan gum inhibits ice crystals for a smooth and creamy texture, and helps with scoopability. Soy lecithin helps emulsify oil and water, so you can use it to bring up the fat content of soy or oat bases to be closer to a heavy cream. Requires a blender.

Gillette: get a safety razor. Mine’s a vintage lady Gillette I got off eBay. You will save so much money on blades it’s not even funny.

Lipton: your local grocery store might have loose leaf tea in the bulk section. If so, try that first. If not, check out Arbor Teas instead. Small business, fair trade, high quality stuff, and the packaging is completely compostable, making it an awesome zero waste choice.

MrsEaves avatar

It can also be read as a sign of which class you’re in. I’d blend decently with middle or upper middle class folks, but my “jacked up teeth” (others’ words, not mine) are a dead giveaway about my socioeconomic background. Fortunately, it’s only really visible on the bottom ones. This is also probably part of why my parents kicked that can down the road until it was my problem.

I’d get braces, except I’m only just at the point (after thousands in repairs) of even having a healthy baseline since I didn’t have access to dental care for years. It’s separate and not included in our normal health insurance, and it’s also not required, so if you’re poor, it’s a cost that often gets delayed or cut altogether. Back when I was a kid or through my early career years when I was just trying to keep myself fed and housed, it probably would have been cheaper. Then I was just plain terrified of what the results would be if I DID go to the dentist. I’m still playing catch up and can’t even get to braces if I wanted to until I get my wisdom teeth pulled, because there just isn’t room otherwise.

Tooth problems can also become more serious health problems if they get bad enough.

MrsEaves avatar

I’m on kbin too. If you’re ever wondering where someone is commenting from, you can tap their username and their profile will show the instance name. If you’re ever wondering what platform the comments are hosted on, the sidebar (where it says magazine) is the easiest way to see that. I pay attention to that because I know some instances have different moderation rules - for example, Beehaw (which uses Lemmy) is a community that tries to create a safe and productive discussion environment, so I try to be mindful of my actions there to help make sure I’m not interfering when I visit. :) I like to think of it like traveling from my home country to other countries. Norms and customs might different, but we all have some commonalities in how we’re built and communicate at the end of the day.

Lemmy and kbin are just different types of software for communicating, kind of like how you can use an Outlook account or a Gmail account for email. They use the same protocols, but have different interfaces and features. Personally, I like kbin. But either is just fine. Technically, you could even use Mastodon to read this, though that would kind of be like using a terminal for email. It’s possible (I’m sure), it’s just not fine tuned for this type of content or use case.

You’ll get the hang of it quickly. Welcome, be nice, and have fun!

MrsEaves avatar

I actually really appreciate this as a kbin user, especially with regards to Beehaw because I know their goal is to specifically promote a friendly, safe community. It’s like visiting another country - I don’t get mad at newspapers with headlines directed at Brits if I’m a visiting American. With how easy it is to “travel” to another community with different rules, these types of cues help me be a better and more respectful visitor when I’m interacting in that space.

I think it would actually be beneficial to have some sort of sign or pop up reminder that you can mark “don’t show again” that helps explain this and shows the instance’s basic rules when you join a discussion from another instance. I saw a debate in Beehaw get kind of ugly earlier, and I was really surprised by it because I know how hard the folks at that instance work to keep the space kind and welcoming. Took a look at the usernames, and it turns out it was two users name calling and arguing with each other in a Beehaw space without thinking. Totally rude, but I can see how you might not know that if you’re a new user and you’re just walking in with the expectation that all instances have the same norms, and it’s not even necessarily easy or clear at a glance what community a link in your feed came from unless you’re thinking to look for it.

MrsEaves avatar
  • MSG. My favorite use for it is in soups. It only takes a small amount and it makes a significant difference.
  • Slow cookers are awesome for preparing dry beans, infused oil, and roasting beets in aluminum foil.
  • Know your emulsifiers and keep them handy. I always have a nice mustard as well as soy lecithin on hand, and if I’m ever worried about an emulsion breaking or I want a nice even sauce or dressing, I have at least one neutral and one savory option. Soymilk also works if it works for your recipe.
MrsEaves avatar

Defederation opinions aside, free speech should be protected from a legal standpoint, and the ACLU is all about that. I’m glad you pointed this out, sorry about the downvotes - free speech is an important legal right.

To add my perspective - in terms of defederation, I’d say that is an example of a healthy boundary, which needs to be respected as well. If folks collectively want to create a personal boundary that they don’t want to discuss antivax theory in their space, that’s also cool. We set up boundaries like this all the time as communities - churches are a good example. Sure, you can legally swear in church, but the community set a boundary that they don’t want that there, and they might punt you out of the community if you disrespect it. One of the nice things about the Fediverse is that free speech is “legal”, as is you can use the software freely for whatever you want to say or discuss because of the open source license, but there are also tools like defederation to create reasonable boundaries among communities.

I hope more folks start to think of it this way as federation catches on and that this concept helps make room for nuance in discussion again. Healthy boundaries that keep you psychologically safe are good and necessary. In real life, we wouldn’t think it’s good or healthy to let someone constantly badger or berate us or talk about things we don’t want to discuss anymore. We’d say “end the conversation and walk away”. I think it’s okay to bring those boundaries to the internet too.

MrsEaves avatar

Didn’t know I could be more upset about this argument but this rule really takes the cake sandwich. Though for this specific instance, I agree it’s a calzone.

MrsEaves avatar

Yeah. It read to me like it was the equivalent of part of her body to her, not to mention I can’t imagine having to go back to a debilitating disability after you’ve found something that works so well.

I also wish I had a better understanding of exactly why it had to come out. Like, I know the company was out of money, but if it’s already in and produced, why does it need to be removed? If there is a software dependency, is there no way to run it locally to avoid server costs? It seems extremely irresponsible not to have a backup plan for this situation that isn’t just “let me perform invasive surgery to make your life worse”.

/kbin update - upvotes, boosts, languages...

Hi everyone, You may have noticed a small change on the website. From now on, upvotes work just like on Lemmy - they are equivalent to Mastodon's "favourite." You can boost a post using the button that replaced "favourite." Another change is that you can now rate and boost your own posts. Boosting has a one-time effect - it...

MrsEaves avatar

This is amazing and right in line with how I expect the boost/upvote/downvote system to work. Thank you so much, I’ll be mindful to continue boosting the best comments and threads so people keep finding /kbin!

Some general thoughts on be(e)havior

Hey everyone, I'm posting this rather informally because I don't think it's necessarily a problem in need of addressing at this point, but more a synthesis of what I've seen on the internet before and what's in the back of my head as I'm watching these wonderful conversations going on across Beehaw....

MrsEaves avatar

Ahhhh! It’s so refreshing to see someone reference calling in in the wild! I’m a big fan, and agree with everything you’ve said here. I like to think of myself as a nice person, and I can definitely attest to becoming more quiet - and eventually leaving - spaces which are unwelcoming or hostile.

For folks who are wondering about calling in beyond the resources linked here - Loretta Ross teaches online courses on this and they’re literally something like $5. I’ve both taken the classes and moderated for them, and I learn something new every time. It covers things like online spaces and when to use calling out vs. calling in effectively to create spaces that encourage genuine dialogue rather than stifling and silencing it.

/kbin - Sunny June Announcement

Hi everyone, it seems that we have quite a gathering here, and many of you I haven't had the chance to greet yet :) As some of you may know, /kbin is still in its early stages of development. Every day, improvements and new features are being worked on. Unfortunately, this may result in occasional short downtimes. However, the...

Kbin platform logotype
MrsEaves avatar

Thank you so much for all your hard work! /kbin is what I needed to make the switch to the Fediverse for link aggregation. I looked at Lemmy a while back and for whatever reason, it wasn’t quite a fit for me. Pulling in Mastodon content automatically and threading it is one of my favorite features. Looking forward to the login timeout and upvote/favorite changes!

MrsEaves avatar

This brings up a lot of points I hadn’t even thought of. Bots didn’t even cross my mind when I heard this news. Big yikes.

MrsEaves avatar

I like Every Noise at Once. It’s a map of all the musical genres in Spotify with song previews, and every time I browse, I discover something new. If you click into a genre, you can see what artists are associated with it.

McSweeny’s isn’t exactly a hidden corner of the internet, but it’s so good that if there’s any chance you might not be aware of it, not mentioning it would be borderline negligence. I like this recent article on guttural screaming spaces in the office.

MrsEaves avatar

This is where I’m at too. Reddit is my last non-Fediverse social media account, and I already had some reservations about keeping it. I don’t think I’m ready to delete it just yet, unlike FB/Twitter/Instagram.

MrsEaves avatar

Yes! I’ve really been missing message boards lately. I didn’t think I’d get to feel that joy again, and here we are! Just gotta keep the momentum going.

MrsEaves avatar

Come to think of it, I’m surprised I didn’t learn my lesson with centralization when AIM died. I just accepted it as a natural part of the tech lifecycle and found a different centralized service. But seeing the decisions and actions of these companies over the past few years - platforms I trusted - hit differently, and hit even harder when I went to look for forums and RSS and realized my backup options were dying. You don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone, or pretty close to being gone. It definitely makes me want to support federation and indie web efforts - it’s much closer in spirit to the web I grew up with.

MrsEaves avatar

The API price hike was the push I needed - I’d already been considering leaving since Reddit was my last mainstream social media account. There’s definitely more activity here than I saw before, enough that so far, I’m able to get the main things I was enjoying Reddit for just fine here. I am going to make it a point to participate more here than I did Reddit though so I can be part of the change I want to see.

I’m not sure when, if at all, I’ll be ready to delete my Reddit account. If Apollo stops working, I won’t really use it anymore. But it’s definitely going to be on a back burner for me from now on at minimum.

a vegan and vegetarian thread

i'm sure with the influx of people we have enough of a community for this to be a thread, or at least people who are interested in veganism and vegetarianism and incorporating aspects of the diet/lifestyle into their current life. so yeah, pop off! share your struggles, experiences, good times, recipes, all that kind of stuff

MrsEaves avatar

Vegan since COVID here and vegetarian for quite a while before that. I don’t have much to report except that I would love to be a part of a vegan/vegetarian (whatever subreddits are called here, kbin calls them magazines).

Also, I’ve really been enjoying making Ethiopian food lately. Niter Kibbeh is pretty easy to make vegan (sub canola oil for butter), and I just throw all the spices and oil in the slow cooker for a few hours. Once you have that, it’s a lot easier to make everything else and it’s so tasty. Just need to get myself some teff so I can try making proper injera!

MrsEaves avatar

Ethiopian food! If you’re lucky enough to have nearby access, go support your local restaurant and get yourself a vegetarian platter. You will NOT regret it.

If you don’t have access or are vegan, I’ve had good luck making it as well. Here are a few recipes to start:

  • Niter Kibbeh - this is the staple oil for many Ethiopian dishes. I use the same ingredients, but rather than go through all the toasting and steps, I just throw everything in the slow cooker on low for a few hours. Use this in recipes and drizzle a tiny bit over your finished dish just before serving.
  • Quick Injera - this is a serviceable approximation of the real deal with common household ingredients. If you haven’t had Ethiopian food before, this is basically a thin, lightly sour pancake, and your utensil you’ll scoop up your tasty stews with. It’s also the base (literally) of combination platters. I haven’t had the fortitude to order teff and try to make the real stuff yet. This recipe is nowhere near the taste, texture, or complexity of a proper injera, but it’s good enough that I’ve made it multiple times to help with cravings.
  • Kik Alicha - I love this recipe. It’s yellow split peas, which is one of my least favorite things in my pantry, and yet it ends up tasting incredible. I like how simple it is once you have the niter kibbeh as well. This recipe really shows off the niter kibbeh flavors. Don’t forget to drizzle some on just before serving.
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