asexualchangeling, (edited )

I have commented more here in 2 days than in the past year on reddit, somehow when it's a smaller community like this it's much easier for me


Same, I've been more active here than the past 6 years that I've had a reddit account. Posting anything always felt like you were screaming into the void, so I never bothered.


Reddit was also actively discouraging discussions since people would downvote anything they didn't agree with right away. Became a total echo chamber...


believe me when lemmy popular we also have problem like reddit had


i do hope we can grow further while still remaining an open and friendly community encouraging everyone to comment their thoughts!


When it gets overwhelmed with users it eventually becomes a monoculture and then devolves into an echo chamber. I slowly became a more functional user with time, but generally stuck to the 1-2 subreddits that I thought were worth participating in, and observed the rest.


The smaller community is really a blessing, rather than a curse. I've seen this come up on reddit again and again: the best subs are the small ones that cater to niche interests. Lemmy is essentially composed entirely of those small subreddits right now.

Obi, avatar

Well yes but for these niche interest subs to work the platform as a whole needs enough users, because only a small % will visit these subs.


Hopefully it stays that way.


For me I think it has to do with the fact that by the time I got to a thread on reddit, everything that could possibly be said about the topic usually had been said already. How many times would you visit a thread only to find that exactly what you were going to say is already the top comment?


or the top 30 comments were stupid circle jerk jokes

comfy, avatar

Yeah, although I regret not being more active in calling out people parroting reddit's culture. With a lot of people joining at once, it's easy for the local cultures to be overwhelmed and become much like the place they left.

themadcodger avatar

Or no matter what your comment is there's always a dozen replies telling you why you're wrong.


Haha same! I've already commented here more than what I have on reddit in the past 5 years at least. And I'm not even forcing myself to comment. It just feels authentic. I feel that my voice won't be lost in the void of the internet. I agree with @Disgusted_Tadpole. Last time I had this feeling was on orkut back in the 2000s. Exciting times! :)

Disgusted_Tadpole, avatar

Man, to me all of this smells the internet from the 2000s and I can’t tell how excited I am

SpacemanSpiff avatar

Same! I was a longtime Reddit user and I’m still learning the ropes here but am getting vibes of my Reddit subs as they felt 10-15 years ago. I hope we continue to grow in healthy ways here

MrsEaves avatar

Yes! I’m realizing how much I took that for granted when social media came on the scene. Not anymore. I’m not letting this version of the internet die out if we have the chance to bring that energy back.


This is the way

snailwizard avatar

I’m a lurker by nature but I’ve been making an effort to interact more (both online and offline lol.) I hope we can develop some interesting, accepting, and not circlejerky communities here :)


yep, by the end i hadn't posted on reddit for several months. i just saw no reason to give my own effort to reddit to make money off of.


I'm still going to lurk




And back to the shadows...


I lurked because everything I had to say had already been said, or so it seemed.

Seems like, with less users, that's less likely to happen. Been nice.


This has been my experience with reddit since it's so big. It's been nice to feel like comments I leave here will actually be seen.

SemioticStandard, avatar

Speak for yourself.

…oh, wait. Shit.


Me too! I'm primarily a lurker as well. I'm really enjoying Lemmy so far and hope to see it grow. :)

em2, avatar

Cheers to new beginnings. Hi everyone!

Voyajer avatar

It's easier not to lurk when the odds of getting a strangely hostile reply over nothing important goes down


Agreed. I always felt like I had to add five different disclaimers to my comments to avoid bad faith arguments and angry responses. Wasn’t a fun experience at all and often lead to me just deleting comments.


It was so bad on reddit that i was surprised if i got a friendly/helpful reply

ANapSoundsNice, avatar

I may have been a little... overzealous when I wrote my beehaw application but I echo this point when I submitted

My last comment on reddit was 6 years ago. I was afraid of what it and the internet at large was becoming. Afraid to be a human online because the trolls and the dox and the swats. The mission statements in the side bar, the long and insightful posts that hope to bridge new people to the culture of beehaw that speak of being nice and compassionate, of working together to build a community of varied interests and peoples let me dare to dream that there exists a place where I can be a human on the internet again.

It's going to take a lot of deconditioning to not be a lurker!


That's quite philosophical really. Beautiful text.


It ain't much, but it's honest work!


OH YEA! Love what I'm seeing

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