Ada avatar


This account isn't terribly active.

You can find me elsewhere on the at
@ada (kbin)
@ada (lemmy)

You can find my regular fediverse account at
@ada (Calckey/Hajkey)

Ada avatar

@thedavemiester Well, this is the first time the fediverse has been how I first learned about a local disaster, so that's something...

Ada avatar

@001100010010 I live in bone conducting headphones most of the day, but when I'm at home, it's either my crappy TV speakers or dedicated over the ear headphones

Meta officially launches Twitter rival Threads. 10 million have joined already (

Facebook has tried to compete with Twitter in numerous ways over the years, including copying signature Twitter features such as hashtags and trending topics. But now Facebook’s parent company is taking perhaps its biggest swipe at Twitter yet.

Ada avatar

@BraveSirZaphod I mean, if they're not, then that means that they're fine with hate speech and run away bigotry, and to be honest, that's not a truth I want to face

@genesis @FreeBooteR69 @printerjammed

Feminizing Makeup Tutorials?

Disclaimer**"Passing" especially for others is not the goal**, although none of us can deny that is does feel good when a stranger even for a second correctly genders you.*Although, it sucks like hell if they “correct” themselves right afterward.*Looking for tutorial recommendations, because I have watched a few that were...

Ada avatar

@emi What worked best for me was going in to Sephora and getting a makeover there. She didn't know how to deal with trans features and did an awful job, but I walked away from it with a lot of useful techniques that let me start experimenting in a meaningful way. It also meant that I could watch short tutorial videos and make sense of what I was watching

Ada avatar

Kebin is too similar to Kbin

That's why it's good!

koncertejo, to fediverse

Very curious how well kbin can work as a Mastodon replacement in addition to a threadiverse reader. Does it work as a one-stop shop for fediverse browsing?

Ada avatar

@koncertejo It does, but it's not quite as convenient for the microblogging side of things. It can do them, but it's more suited to following hashtags and topics from the rest of the fediverse than it is for following specific people

Ada avatar

My girlfriend recently had a serious accident on one that required surgery, and my ex girlfriend broke her neck on one a few years ago! I was planning on getting myself another one after my last one was stolen, but I don't think I will now...

Ada avatar

Not really. I used to mod /r/brisbane, but basically stopped interacting with reddit around 6 months ago. I've been on the fediverse and threadiverse ever since!

robert_p_king, to running avatar


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    Ada avatar

    @robert_p_king I wouldn't worry too much about sticking exactly to conventional wisdom. 600km is when you need to start thinking about retiring them, but a lot of that depends on the quality of the show and the environment in which you do most of your running. Just make sure you keep your eye on them as they get more mileage under them.

    Ada avatar

    @patchw3rk I'm in the same boat! I created them before the migration, because they didn't exist. But I don't have the time or the desire to admin communities with hundreds of people. I hope this becomes easier at some point

    Ada, (edited )
    Ada avatar

    So, this was taken in Redcliffe on Saturday. I'm not sure whether that counts as "Brisbane" or "this week", but I don't care. Close enough :)

    Image description: Several waterfowl and ducks grouped together, standing on bark chips in a park garden. The photo is taken from a low "birds eye level" perspective

    Ada avatar

    I just realised there were no bin chickens in that photo!

    Roundcat, to fediverse
    Roundcat avatar

    First post on kbin. Sorry if this ends up somewhere it shouldn't. Still figuring things out.

    I don't think I'm ready to leave reddit completely, but I don't want to stay there. My compromise has been to bookmark niche subs that still don't have an active equivalent on fediverse or elsewhere. At the very least, I don't have to settle for the insufferable communities on reddit when better communities exist here. So long r/nintendo, r/pokemon.

    I find myself doing far less doomscrolling on one site now, and more popping into different places on different sites like I used to pre social media hubs. I might visit my hometowns sub or r/ADHD on reddit, read about current events or gaming news here, and pop into tildes for pleasant conversation. All in all, if there is one positive thing the reddit enshitening has caused, its for the web to feel less centralized and a little more like 2008's internet.

    and I can only hope this trend continues.

    Ada avatar

    @Roundcat FYI, it looks like you did this as a "post" rather than an "article". Posts appear under the "microblog" tab in kbin and are grouped with content from Mastodon and other apps on the wider fediverse. Articles are what you want if you want the post to appear as a regular thread in a kbin/lemmy community

    Ada avatar

    @LSNLDN Yeah, it federated fine, but it's a kbin post made to a kbin community, so I thought it worth mentioning that it doesn't appear on the default tab of that community when viewed from kbin


    Ada avatar

    I mean, to me, it sounds like it was written by someone who doesn't deal with marginalisation in any real way. No unique selling point? The fact I can exist here without being constantly harassed by bigots that have a green light from a mega social media platform that doesn't give a shit about me is a pretty strong selling point. Strong enough that having experienced it, I will never return to a centralised social media platform that isn't aggressively supportive of minority rights.

    Ada avatar

    @julian_schwinger You can upvote it :)

    @hedge @leigh

    ofdiceandmen, to boardgames

    let me count the ways...

    Ada avatar

    @ofdiceandmen No idea, but it looks beautiful!

    Ada avatar

    @minnieo I think the real question is how many people actually check who upvoted what?

    Wander, to fediverse avatar

    Hey ,

    I have an idea for an implementation that I believe can give users much more control over their content and also more privacy.

    Do you know anyone who has enough experience with AP to discuss and review whether it's viable or not? I'm pretty excited about it actually.

    Thank you <3 :vlpn_happy_heart:

    Ada avatar

    @Wander You might be interested in this

    Wander, to fediverse avatar

    So, suppose I have an idea for an implementation that guarantees more control over content and more privacy.

    Who here knows enough about ActivityPub to help me break down the idea to detect any pitfalls and discuss viability? I could see myself coding a basic implementation but I don't have nearly enough experience to really assess its viability.

    If you know anyone who could help me review a theoretical proof of concept on a really high level, please let me know.

    Thank you <3

    Ada avatar


    You might be interested in this

    Ada avatar

    @xray I wear pride gear, because my queerness often isn't visible to people otherwise, and I want the other closeted and scared queer folk out there to know that they're not alone. So I tell the world who I am loudly and proudly

    gme, to fediverse

    It’s the Dalnet vs. Efnet IRC split happening all over again right here on the because too many / flat out refuse to practice Assume Positive Intent.

    Ada avatar

    @gme What I'm getting at though is that there are bigots out there that specifically work around that. They aren't openly disrespectful (to start with). They are simply "asking questions" and pushing a huge workload on to vulnerable folk to validate their rights to exist on their own terms. And then when the queer person has done that, they either shift goal posts or finally unleash the bigotry that they've been keeping in check.

    Speaking as a trans person, I literally cannot count the amount of times I have done this exact dance with someone. Someone who appears to be open to genuine conversation, who gets a huge amount of emotional work from me, only to eventually make it clear that they were always bad faith.

    I've assumed good intent most of my life, and though it pays off sometimes, all to often, it comes at a high cost. I've learned the hard way that "assume good intent" works when you're trying to defuse an argument about a topic that doesn't directly impact the lives of anyone involved in the discussion, but when it involves the basic rights of vulnerable folk, assuming that everyone is acting in good faith can get people hurt. Our caution is earned the hard way :\


    Why can't magazines/communities aggregate content from other instances?

    When I look at vs I see two entirely different lists of posts. Why? It's the same topic, just on different instances. How can we have communities about topics without having them siloed into their own instance-based communities? Is this just related to that 0.18 issue...

    Ada avatar

    @briongloid Not admins. Users should be able to do it.

    As an admin, there is no way I can be across all of the niche subtleties and naming schemes of communities I'm not involved in. If I have to group them, I'm going to get it wrong.

    If it's going to sit anywhere above the individual level, it should be at the community mod level, not the instance admin level. But of course, many community mods aren't going to want to actively point people at other larger communities that overlap with theirs.


    Ada avatar

    @Matte I haven't found that. I mean, luck is definitely involved of course, because it has dice, but with good preparation, you can mitigate the luck elements, and it becomes more a game of longer term planning than make or break based on a single roll.

    That being said, Rallyman Dirt also has an interesting change that addresses part of that. The lead player rolls different white dice to the other players, with a slightly higher chance of failure. So being in first place for too long increases your risk, but giving up first place makes it hard to be certain you'll get it back.


    Ada avatar

    @Overeater It's the kbin one I'm talking about. I created it just so a space existed, and now it's got hundreds of members and lots of activity, but I'm not terribly engaged with it.


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