Today I Learned (TIL)

strypey, (edited ) avatar

about this site, which summarises findings from dozens of trusted online sources, and gives visitors information to help us decide whether the site at a given web address is dodgy;

sandro, (edited ) avatar

doing mkswap is not enough when the partition was a zpool before and the automatic import does via zpool import -d /dev/disk/by-id finds it anyway as long as there is not other pool already loaded with the same name.

Just don't mix up partitions when formatting 😂

PS: systemd-boot doesn't understand ext4 on /boot and having /boot on root and just separating /boot/efi works with grub out of the box or when setting a extra setting which I have of course did not have

sandro, avatar

@theuni see

I think it works when either having /boot on root and the ego setting set or when using vfat for /boot

astro, avatar

@sandro @maralorn Don't clutter your disk, it's not elegant.


Heavy water absorbs infrared instead of red light, so if you spend billions of dollars to fill a swimming pool with heavy water, it would look transparent and no longer be blue.

mcc, avatar

@niconiconi It's where I keep my collection of cool rocks I found

wonka, avatar

@mcc Sure they're cool and not slightly warmer than their surroundings? 😉


vicgrinberg, (edited ) avatar

that German is the third official language in (I thought it was only Dutch and French!) and that there are more folks speaking Dutch than French as their first language in Belgium (I thought it was the other way around!).

Also, that has a beer pipeline: 🍻

vicgrinberg, avatar

@bert_hubert that reminds me of the confusion Austrian and Swiss radio stations always cause me (my partner and thus part time also I live close to both borders 😅)

vicgrinberg, avatar

@vonneudeck oh, I totally believe that! It's just that in my brain for some reason the proportions were vastly different from the official numbers, whatever they are worth.

swan_tower, avatar

that Sanora Babb's research on Dust Bowl camps was shared without her knowledge or permission, to John Steinbeck, whose novel The Grapes of Wrath made it to the shelves before her Whose Names Are Unknown . . . and as a result, hers was shelved and not published until 2004.

stolenprivacy, German avatar

Die Verbindungen der GLS Bank zur

Die GLS Bank hat enge historische und ideelle Verbindungen zur Anthroposophie, auch wenn sie sich selbst nicht als "anthroposophische Bank" bezeichnet.

Anthroposophische Wurzeln

Die GLS Bank wurde 1974 von dem Anthroposophen Wilhelm Ernst Barkhoff gegründet.

Barkhoff wollte mit der Gründung der Bank anthroposophische Werte wie Nachhaltigkeit und ethisches Wirtschaften in die Praxis umsetzen.

Anthroposophische Mitarbeiter und Kunden

Viele Mitarbeiter und Kunden der GLS Bank haben einen anthroposophischen Hintergrund.

Anthroposophen schätzen die Bank wegen ihrer Ausrichtung auf ethische Geldanlagen und Nachhaltigkeit.

Finanzierung anthroposophischer Projekte

Die GLS Bank finanziert seit langem anthroposophische Einrichtungen wie Schulen, Altenheime und landwirtschaftliche Betriebe.

Es besteht eine enge Zusammenarbeit und Verbindung zu vielen anthroposophischen Initiativen und Unternehmen.

Obwohl die GLS Bank offen für alle Kunden ist, hat sie durch ihre Gründungsgeschichte und Ausrichtung deutliche Bezüge zur Anthroposophie. Diese Verbindungen prägen die Bank bis heute.

Dodo_sipping, avatar

@stolenprivacy möcht nicht wissen, welche Verbindungen andere Banken haben. Da sind mir ethische Grundsätze und Nachhaltigkeit allemal lieber. (Hab kein Konto da, aber denke drüber nach, mal zu wechseln, SPK nervt )

nakustik, avatar

@Dodo_sipping @stolenprivacy Zumal die GLS Bank die einzige in Deutschland ist, die ganz offiziell den dgti -Ausweis anerkennt und den Kontoinhabernamen abändert. Das war/ist zu Zeiten Prä-SBGG ein ziemlich wichtiger Unique Selling Point

cheeaun, avatar

Intl.NumberFormat with compact notation doesn't work for thousands in German language.

E.g.: 10000 → 10.000 instead of "10 Tsd.". But, 10000000 → "10 Mio."

I guess "Tsd." doesn't really compact it much unlike English's "10K" 🤷‍♂️

Relevant research:
> "Tsd does not occur in the CLDR data"

sarajw, avatar

@cheeaun that's a TIL for me too, even though I work in web dev in Germany - albeit for a US-facing site

slothrop, avatar

@pixelcode @cheeaun Yes, I have the same impression. “Tsd.” feels outdated.
I guess most people would be able to parse it, but it’s not something you see in everyday use.

shaft, French avatar

#TIL la majorité des câbles sous-marins reliant le Japon à la côte Ouest des USA arrivent en Oregon.

Instinctivement, j'aurai dit qu'ils atterrissaient pour la plupart en Californie (il y en a aussi).

#TIL 2 : En Californie, 3 câbles atterrissent (c'est le bon terme d'ailleurs ? 🤔) dans la baie de Morro. Les gens ayant joué à Cyberpunk 2077 (ou les anciennes personnes ayant joué à Cyberpunk 2020 à l'époque) reconnaîtront l'endroit où ce trouve l'emblématique ville de la franchise

usul, avatar

@shaft le JDR ?

gub, avatar


"C’est par eux que passent plus de 90% des données qui traversent les continents. C’est sur eux que repose la nature vraiment mondiale de l’Internet. Pour les poser et les entretenir, on construit des bateaux qui sillonnent les mers, on fabrique des robots capables de creuser des tranchées à 3000 m de profondeur, etc. En même temps, aujourd’hui, il suffit de 450 câbles intercontinentaux pour transporter les données. C’est vraiment pas grand chose."

LektoratWengorz, German avatar

#TIL: 1929 wurde in #Prag die internationale Vereinigung der Puppenspieler und Figurentheater-Interessierten (UNIMA) gegründet, und die Lektorin findet, ihr solltet das ebenfalls wissen.

ayo, avatar

The word “stan” is in the dictionary because of Eminem’s song “Stan”

ayo, avatar

Personal opinion about Eminem. I think the darkness in his songs is a mirror of reality which no one has had the courage to speak of. He created personas fully knowing he, as the artist, will be taken quite literally but didn’t care. All reference to how Slim Shady was a worshipped celebrity is real for other celebrities. And Stan being an obsessive fan who neglects reality is all around us (and are us to a degree).

ayo, avatar

His retrospective is a retrospective of pop culture.

wmd, avatar

TIL some penguin colonies have more penguins than Amsterdam has inhabitants living there.

#til #penguin

quixoticgeek, avatar

@wmd Amsterdam needs more penguins.

wmd, avatar

Also 2 meter penguins once existed...

stefan, avatar

#TIL about "storm glasses".

"if fixed, undisturbed, in free air, not exposed to radiation, fire, or sun, but in the ordinary light of a well-ventilated room or outer air, the chemical mixture in a so-called storm-glass varies in character with the direction of the wind [...]"

#science #weather

stefan, avatar

Spoiler alert: they don't really work.

"In 2008 an article in the Journal of Crystal Growth similarly concluded that temperature change is the sole cause of crystal growth in storm glasses."

Still, they make for a neat gift!

box464, avatar

@stefan Add some sea monkeys in there before closing it up for even more disappointment.

stefan, avatar

that in 1929, JM Barrie, the author of Peter Pan, gifted his work's copyright to the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children.

"Through this gift, Peter Pan’s magic made an unprecedented leap from the realm of fiction into reality and the hospital began to receive royalties every time a production of the play was on, as well as from the sale of Peter Pan books and other products."

Deus, avatar

#TIL about a really high quality and expensive #vegetarian meal in #Japan called Shojin Ryori. It's a vegetarian cuisine that's prepared at Buddhist temples and is mostly found in Kyoto. You will need to reserve ahead of time for these. #Vegan #Japanese

/Internet pics


SRDas, avatar

@Deus the mushrooms used to make the broth are usually dried shiitake and that 'dashi' is very gently flavored (kombu is of course used). Otherwise a few other mushrooms used and served directly but nothing out of the ordinary (it's not too amped up in flavor or ostentatious in tastes)
Matsutake mushroom in Fall are good but expensive (and not really in the Shojin Ryori afaik but may be if it's local and from forests)


@Deus Definitely not easy to find fully vegetarian food here. You can get quite a lot of things that look vegetarian but still have meat or fish lurking somewhere (although you'll still pay quite a lot of money for an ellaborate spread like the one in your picture). Often broth is made from fish stock, even if everything else is vegetarian. As your other commenter mentioned, it can be made with seaweed instead.

sabderemane, avatar

Finally published the accessibility resources TIL version 2: 🥳

sabderemane, avatar

@paulox you might be interested by this one, I added books!

paulox, avatar

@sabderemane thanks. I bookmarked and I'll read after PyCon Italia will finish 🔖


the "v" in argv stands for "vector" in BCPL naming convention.

freddy, avatar

Oh . The whole "AI" scraping bots are obviously not paying attention to nofollow, noindexand so on. So now all kind of "SEO" spam prevention stuff you do on your websites is pointless now. Cool, cool, cool.

JohnBarentine, avatar

that fortunately someone has already invented a term that was on my mind but for which no word seemed to already exist.

Thank you, Urban Dictionary:

michael_w_busch, avatar

@dfrancis That is not what @JohnBarentine is talking about.

"spacewashing" is things like Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, and SpaceX promoting their roles in supplying NASA missions while they make huge amounts of money out of weapons contracts.

e.g. Lockheed Martin alone makes several times NASA's entire budget from its DoD contracts.

AskPippa, avatar

@michael_w_busch @dfrancis @JohnBarentine That Urban dictionary definition is somewhat unclear and can easily be interpreted as negative for the whole space program.

timj, avatar

#TIL about #IPFS shortcomings in an interesting article by fiatjaf. I also encountered its massive slowness, while trying to to download archived files last year. This critique goes into a number of interesting details beyond that: #P2P

erlend, avatar

@timj check out Iroh!

It’s so fast that we’ve not just used it for web app development, but also a low-latency multiplayer game.

stefan, avatar

So this makes sense, and many of you will probably know this, but that the "print screen" button on our keyboards used to print the actual screen.

"In essence, whatever is currently on the screen when the key is pressed will be printed."

vintprox, avatar

has vanished from app stores. Now I wonder how new people will ever make it to the community of funny and loud nerds like this one. The way I discovered it is by searching in Google Images and clicking on the one joke I liked. Despite being website second and mobile first, devRant has found its way to my desktop bookmarks, I quickly became a user just to throw a few snarky jokes back and take part in some interesting discussions. There are lots of moments to have, too.

Few telling signs show that dR does not feel well: subscriptions stopped functioning and now app is nowhere to be found on Play Store. There are simply periods when servers refuse to accept some LTE connections, which is strange for mobile first platform. Now users will have to resort to third-party app, like , to access the platform at finger tips.

This situation got me musing again about an app that could interact with devRant and Fediverse, optionally archiving stuff on the latter.

vintprox, avatar

^🧵 Back to Multiapp Idea for

Plans on moving platforms entirely are merely that, the plans. Right now, archiving their own content from devRant looks like something that everyone could use more than change a place of commute altogether.

From my limited knowledge, it is possible to make an app that bridges the gap. Why even worry about where your thing gets discovered, when you can have it in all places? Imagine: an aggregator, Mastodon app that integrates neatly with devRant and gracefully falls back to Fediverse.

If focus is on the engagement, you can opt-in to mirror posts and collect upvotes/favorites for your personal statistics. If focus is on backwards-compatibility, check how post will be parsed down to devRant. How about automatically linking back to Fediverse for better media quality? Sure, why not! Pleroma reactions come alive on devRant? Maybe we can play with plain text in comments.

Possibilities are huge: just keep them real and useful to people, maintain.

vintprox, avatar

^🧵 Back to Multiapp Idea for , 2

What's with the groups and the cost of their administering? Let's just say, I don't wanna get in these logistics here. What I want is to propose an alternative before such things are required.

Here's an idea: let's make an app that has a select few hashtags open in the home feed already. There are no levers, no buttons to remove some bad actor's posts for everyone else (definitely not on remote instances). But anyone can block or mute whoever they don't see fit just on their end. It's that one simple feature I was missing in devRant, which has place in .

Everyone is on the same page, as far as their federation goes. Your instance's got to have interconnections with multiple other instances to provide a better coverage.

When time comes to gag someone, for everyone's safety, maybe delegate it to instance administration. Send a report, forward it, they can do something about this.

vicgrinberg, avatar
j0seph, avatar
manisha, avatar

that elephants purr!

"Stand near an elephant herd, and you may feel a strange vibration in your chest. That’s not your heart beating in terror because you’re, well, standing next to an elephant herd. Or at least that’s not all it is. It’s also a sign that the elephants are talking to one another. Elephants are famous for their trumpeting, of course, but they also produce rumbles pitched so low that humans can’t hear them, only feel them as a sort of physical buzzing. Exactly how elephants do this has been a mystery — and while solving that mystery is not of first-order importance in understanding and preserving this largest of land animals, it would add new insight into how a whole range of species vocalize."

The Mystery of the Purring Elephant

Neblib, avatar

about a collection of sound generators. I've really liked the Stormy Weather and Sleeping Dragon trying it out today.

Discovered it via @aaronbieber 's blog post, thanks for writing about it!


@Neblib @aaronbieber There's a brain hacking section. My mind is already itching. Literally my high school days.

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