
Describe myself? Why? Who I believe I am is irrelevant to who you're going to believe me to be.

Language: While I do natively write in English, I also use a combination of DeepL and Naver SmartBoard to translate my text to better communicate. If you notice an error, please let me know, and I'll forward it to the right people.

This is my primary account. I also have a secondary account : @Linux_Is_Best and third account: (soon)

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

Sharkey, to random

Clarification on some discourse being brought up

  1. Why is the site not available

A: the site was very buggy and wasn't of much help and we currently don't have the resources (as in developers) to work on a new one, as we like to focus on Sharkey itself not marketing, we have started redirecting the domain to the documentation and have fixed any links in the docs.

  1. Sharkey funding for server hosting issues is used to run a minecraft server

A: We did have hosting issues but those were not responsible for the website being down. Sharkey is a project of, that means it runs on the same servers as, we did have a funding campaign for collecting funds to use for hosting this was reposted on the Sharkey account as Sharkey is a part of, it was also stated that said money would be used for hosting and it was never said it would solely be used for Sharkey, with that said yes there is a Minecraft server running on the same servers as Sharkey is, that being the servers which said Minecraft server is for. just like the fedi instance that runs on the same servers because its part of

  1. The lead is just playing minecraft instead of working on the project

A: this is partially false, the project lead isn't much involved in actual development and more in sysadmin and management and has recently taken a bit of a break for mental health reasons and started playing on the modded minecraft server, that said they are still helping out when they are needed and this has no effect on Sharkey whatsoever

please keep in mind we are just a bunch of hobbyists working on this software, we do this for free, in our own time, the money we make with donations goes to hosting costs of the entire


@ozzy @Sharkey

Riiiight. The Sharkey team, who said they wanted a server for Shakrey, never said they would bring back the Sharkey website.... Riiiiiight. Tell me a new one. 🤯 (I could use a good laugh)

Linux, to DeGoogle

Must delete Google.

I am nearly ready to delete my Google Account. The 1 thing taking forever is changing my e-mail address on all my many accounts.

Google's new Terms of Service, you agree Google AI may access all your content (email, photos, etc.). While they do not claim ownership of your content, you agree they can use it.

Linux, to random

Today, I learned if you're under the age of 14 and living in Florida, it is technically now illegal for you to use social media, and technically that arguably would mean the Fediverse too.

Good luck enforcing that nonsense.

13-year-old me, would have been laughing my a** off right about now, as I logged in and did whatever I wanted.

Linux, to mastodon

[Guide with photos] How to perform a complete (full) migration from Mastodon to Sharkey

Keep everything, from not only your followers, but all your post, photos, and videos too.

#Mastodon #Sharkey #Fediverse

Linux, to random

Would the REAL "that woman from Michigan" as their profile self proclaims, please stand up?

@jeze @jeze

I think that is your 15th account now? lol -- I moved 3x in 1 year and thought that was excessive, but you keep on hopping from place to place. I think you should start your own Sharkey or Mastodon server (instance), because whatever you're looking for is not going to be found elsewhere. lol

Linux, to fediverse

The reality is, you always take a chance when contributing to an open source development or projects. Just because you made a contribution, does not mean you own the project or can decide the path that project takes. Those of us who donated understood the risk (or at least, I hope most people did).

That said, when someone takes a proactive driving stance claiming they will deliver, you kind of hope you can take them for their word. And expecting the main website to be online is not a big ask, especially when that serves as a gateway for people to learn about and use the project you are funding. That, after all, was the reason I donated.

#Fediverse #Sharkey #Misskey #FOSS #OpenSource

Linux, to fedora

And just like that:

bash <(curl -s

Fedora is converted easily to Ultramarine Linux.

#Fedora #Linux #UltramarineLinux

Linux, to fediverse

"I have always been here."

That has my running joke, whenever someone asked, how long I have been using the internet. These days, most people don't ask such questions, because many people cannot imagine a world without the internet. But by pure luck of birth, I was born geographically where the Internet began.

The slang term to describe the network before the Internet was the proto net. That is not what it was actually called, but it was something newcomers on the internet called the early prototype.

The biggest surprise to most people is in the begging, the internet was free. I am not talking about a free trial. You simply called up the local access number, and you were connected. There were no usernames or passwords, and you did not have to sign up with an ISP (internet service provider). This was a very brief time, and it did not last long.

The first consumer ISP was called, "The World" and my family's account number was in the double-digits.

There were no photos or videos or even dot com domains, as you had to remember IP Addresses the same way you had to remember phone numbers. Shortly afterward, there was a listing website, which acted more like a phone book or index, than how you would think of a search engine. On that note, I still own, an old copy of the Internet Yellow Pages (2nd edition).

The first photos were text art, also known as, ASCII art.

It would be easy to say in the beginning there were no ads on the Internet, but technically, in the beginning most websites were little more than business and government listings.

Entertainment would not come for a while. But arguably the first "social media" sites were known as "post boards" which latter become known as "bulletin boards" and eventually were called, "forums."

In the beginning, people used their real name for everything. It was thought strange and creepy to use an anonymous screen name. And for a brief time, everyone did indeed know everyone on the internet, it was so small in the beginning when most of the world had not yet even heard of it. It was technically possible to even download the internet (all of it).

I sound old, but I am only 43, and whether you believe that is old depends on how old you are, I guess, but I sure do not feel it. But I am old enough to know, we have come a long way. The Fediverse is something I enjoy, because it is a concept I once imagined would happen. It was considered a radical idea of a dreamer. And although I had no part in its creation, I am still glad it exists.

#Fediverse #Internet #WorldWideWeb

Linux, to random

All is not well with Sharkey today.

cc: @chikorita157



Linux, to fediverse

"Omg... Joe Biden is the 1st President posting in the Fediverse"

No, Joe Biden is using mainstream social media, owned by Meta (Facebook), which most of the Fediverse blocked a while back. If POTUS (President of the United States) wants to join the Fediverse correctly and hold that claim, they need to join a true Fediverse instance such as Misskey, Sharkey, Mastodon, or something else not government a large corporation which avoid paying taxes.

#Fediverse #Potus #Misskey #Sharkey #Mastodon

Linux, to opensource

⚠️ GitLab Security Flaw (exploit) ⚠️

No matter if you host your own copy of GitLab Software or use GitLab's servers directly, you should enable 2-step Verification - NOW (right now, do not wait). There is a current exploit that allows someone to hijack GitLab Accounts, who are not using 2-step verification.

#GitLab #OpenSource #Floss #Linux #Windows #Apple #Android #iOS #App

Linux, to earthquake

Earthquake - Massachusetts, USA

#Earthquake #Massachusetts

Linux, to Massachusetts

Not a cloud in the sky ALL day, and now, 1 hour before the eclipse, and the clouds are rolling in.

Welcome to New England (Western Massachusetts) where every celestial event, night or day, is greeted with cloud cover.

#Eclipse #SolarEclipse #Massachusetts #WesternMass

Linux, to fediverse

I do not understand why someone would boost (share) your post, only to quickly un-boost (un-share).

I doubt it is by mistake as I notice a few who do this frequently.

#Fediverse #Mastodon #Sharkey #Misskey #IceShrimp

Linux, to ramen

Do know what happens when you mix Asian and European cooking together? Whole new world open up.

Don't believe?

Next time you make yourself a simple package of those instant ramens noodles, add a dash of either milk or cream, which is common in Italian and Greek soups. Thank me later.

Linux, to KDE

An "old school" Linux user, the same user who will try to get you, a Windows user, to try to use the terminal for everything, comparable to trying to get you to use Microsoft PowerShell for everything, will tell you Gnome is this wonderful graphical user interface (GUI).

You want KDE Plasma. Trust me. Most of the basic settings and point and click functions, you're seeking, are not going to be in Gnome by default, out of the box. Can it be customized and included with some effort? Sure, anything can be changed with some effort. But as a newbie, I'm assuming the word "effortless" is something you may favor a little more.

#Kde #KdePlasma #Linux #Windows #Newbie

Linux, to DeGoogle

Today, I BLOCKED, YouTube.

I am expanding my Google free existence.

Linux, to random

If you decided to try, Linux, and someone told you: "Linux Mint is great for newbies" You were misinformed.

I'll keep it simple and ask you, have you ever tried to make a copy of a copy? That's Linux Mint. It starts from Debian which is forked to Ubuntu, which is later forks to Mint Linux. You have far too many upstream developments, and like any software, occasionally bugs happen, but in Mint it happens more frequently because you have the issue from Debian or Ubuntu or Mint or a random combination of one or more into a "hot mess".

On top of this, most of the people within the Linux Mint community are "old school" users who will insist you learn and use the terminal for everything, within that "hot mess" of a broken up system. That is comparable to a 1st computer user, being told to use Microsoft PowerShell for everything. Sure, you can, but would you want to?

There are far better alternatives, for example, Ultramarine Linux (I suggest the KDE build).

1st, all the drivers and firmware and non-free media codecs and repos, are already included. You don't have to set any of that up. 2nd, if you know how to use an app store, you can use the one provided with Ultramarine Linux. 3rd, everything from adding a printer to changing user settings or setting up an optional firewall, DNS, VPN, etc. just with a mouse click. 4th, go ahead and download an RPM package, and double-click, it will install just as easily as a Windows Setup File.

Ultramarine Linux is just 1 out of many possible distros you can use, without all the nonsense. There really are better alternatives than Linux Mint.

"But... but.... I used the Debian Edition of Mint"

Which they hardly support. The problem with their Debian Edition is they make their modification and then that's it. You're getting all your patches from Debian, which sounds good on principle, as it doesn't have so much upstream, but those modifications which Mint made are outside Debian, and whatever may be broken, stays broken, long-term, and are exclusive to Mint Debian, while they focus on their Ubuntu based copy. And of course, it is the same "old school" community that want you, a newbie, who knows nothing, and wanted an easy experience, to use the terminal for everything.

As a newbie, Mint Linux or Linux Mint (however you call it), is not the newbie friendly Linux distro you have been led to believe. I can build Linux from source, something I don't expect a newbie to do, but even I have found Mint frustrating at times, because it is a "hot mess".

But I digress. There are (many) better alternatives out there and if your 1st experience with Linux was Linux Mint and you gave up shortly afterward, I can understand as to why.

IN before the Linux Mint groupies claim how wrong I am, but YOU, who gave up after trying Mint, decide for yourself, by trying something else.

Linux, to Samsung

I deleted my Samsung Account.

I tried changing my e-mail from Gmail to something else, and Samsung kept telling me every e-mail I wanted to use was not allowed. For example, Duck dot Com provided by DuckDuckGo was not allowed.

Samsung was in the way of avoiding Google and so Samsung, had to go. I am not going to compromise. The goal is to delete, Google and Microsoft too.

Linux, to fedora

I've not been distro hopping in a while, because I seem to have settled on Ultramarine Linux. It's Fedora, with all the media codecs, drivers, firmware, and repos already included, but without the bloat some other Fedora spins try to bundle in.

Linux, to random

The biggest problem of any problem is not facing a problem and recognizing you have a problem, preventing you from fixing a problem.

Linux, to random

Moments like this are one of the many reasons as to why, whenever I go to a restaurant (in person) when I am asked, "what do I want", I usually say, "surprise me" and whatever I get, I accept with gratitude. 😆


Linux, to random

Me: I am thinking of ordering food. Is there anything you want?

Them: I do not know what you want.

Me: I was asking is there anything YOU want.

Them: Well, what is there?

Me: Whatever YOU want.

Them: I cannot think of anything.

Me: OK, I am ordering "Xyz"

Them: Oh, does it have to be that?

Me: No, it can be something else, what do you want?

Them: What is there?

Me: Anything you want.

Them: Well, what's that?

Me: Whatever you want.

Them: Why don't you decide?

Me: OK, I am ordering from "Xyz" and getting "123".

Them: Can't we get something else?

Me: Sure, what do you want?

Them: From where?

Me: Last time. What do you want? It can be from anywhere, and it can be anything.

Them: Get whatever you want.

Me: Silently screams internally. 🤯 😵

Linux, to ubuntu

Remove, Snap. -- WHY?

Canonical Ubuntu's Snap has hosted more scam apps than Microsoft Store, Apple Store, Google Play Store, or Flatpak. -- Let that sink in.

If you're a Linux user, use Flatpak. Do not use or trust Snap. Ubuntu refuses to conduct proper reviews, and it's getting scary. Do not trust Snaps.

#Snap #SnapStore #Ubuntu #Canonical #Linux

Linux, to fediverse

I now have a "sponsor" badge. - How?

No matter, how you connect to the Fediverse, be if, for example, Misskey, Sharkey, Ice Shrimp, Mastodon, PeerTube, Pixelfed, Kbin, or by other means, the Fediverse instance you're using cost money. In the real world, web hosting, bandwidth, and storage space cost, money. And the more members who use and join your Fediverse instance (server), the more resources and the most it cost.

I earned by badge, by reaching out to my administrator, and helping them by donating. And while if it was not required to make a donation or regular contribution, I like using the Fediverse. It is ad-free and decentralized, meaning, someone like Elon Musk, cannot change things for everyone, everywhere, solely on their latest mood swing. So I made the choice to help fund my corner of the collective social media network, known as the Fediverse.

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