Linux, to fediverse avatar

Did you know if you switch from Mastodon to Sharkey (or Sharkey to Sharkey), you can keep:

  • All your post
  • All your photo
  • All your videos
  • All your media (audio)
  • All your followers
  • All you follow
  • All your lists (favorites, mutes, blocks)

I wrote up a simple, easy to follow guide with photos to help you.

#Fediverse #Mastodon #Sharkey

thegardendude, to random

Trying to figure out why doesn't render correctly in @Vivaldi

The two side bars show up but I don't see anything where my main feed should be. Everything looks normal in Firefox 🤷‍♂️

NumbersCanBeFun, to fediverse avatar

This is a reminder to do some spring cleaning in your drive folder and to back up all your data offline. I trust the admins of my server will always do their best to preserve my data but it isn't their responsibility to do so in the event of an emergency.

NumbersCanBeFun, to random avatar

Tired of missing tags, notifications and directs so I'm trying the deck mode out again. I think I've landed on something I can be happy with. Thoughts? How do you set up your deck mode on #Sharkey?

TheLastOfHisName, to fediverse avatar

I could spend all night on my #fediverse feeds.

It's just not like the big social media sites where you scroll for a bit, get depressed after 15 minutes or so, and close your browser.

I like this place.

#mastodon #sharkey #miskey #pixelfed

a1ba, to random avatar


took me 15 mins in gimp

o76923, avatar


If only #Sharkey supported $[ :neocat_legs:] then it could have been done in 12 minutes or less.

blake, to random

I kinda wish #iceshrimp and/or #sharkey had a tumblr-style queue, I have a ton of unrelated Thoughts but don't want to spam the timeline with them.

It could work if there was a Iceshrimp/Sharkey compatible external client and if they had support for the post scheduling APIs (or just ran in the cloud).

fediverseobserver, to fediverse

Found 3 new servers and 14 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

22,932 servers checked. 13,955,384 Total Users with 1,599,899 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found: a #sharkey server from United States a #misskey server from Japan a #pleroma server from Luxembourg

Help others find a home, send them to

fediverseobserver, to fediverse

Found 3 new servers and 10 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

22,936 servers checked. 13,951,866 Total Users with 1,599,899 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found: a #pleroma server from Luxembourg a #sharkey server from United States a #misskey server from Japan

Help others find a home, send them to

madomado, to fediverse avatar

also I'm today years old when I realise #Misskey doesn't support polls with multiple selections

Linux, avatar

Stock Misskey does not have multiple selection polls?

Come to the dark side (Sharkey) -we have cookies and milk. lol

Linux, avatar


I do not understand why Mastodon became so popular in the Fediverse. Once you learn about all the advantages of Misskey and the many forks (Sharkey, Ice Shrimp, etc) and how limiting and sometimes uncooperative Mastdon can be (this being an example), it makes you wonder. lol

#Fediverse #Misskey #Sharkey #IceShrimp

TheLastOfHisName, to ADHD avatar

This is my Sharkey 🙃

You can call me Dane.

I started out on the fediverse arooooound...I wanna say 2017/18 mebbe? My big start in social media was MySpace. Before that, I had a LiveJournal (which I miss mightily with all my heart). My very first computer was a Gateway PC, back when they shipped them to you in those awesome cow spot pattern boxes. I am trying to de-google my life.

I'm and suffer from . I'm currently unmedicated. I can be damned moody at times, so there's your warning.

Religiously/spiritually speaking, I'm complicated. That will be a long post, when I get around to writing it. My general rule is: I have my thing. It's not everybody's thing, and that's cool. Not everybody's thing is my thing, and that's cool. Just don't be a wanker towards those whose thing ain't your thing. OM 🕉

I'm 57 years old and have come to the conclusion that we never truly appreciate the decades we grew up in until we hit middle age.

I'm single and childless, hence my user tag: TheLastOfHisName.

And now, a hefty list of hashtags....

Nazi punks fuckoff.
to POC, LGBTQIA, and humanity in general.

A song to represent where I'm coming from:

h, to random avatar

is there a list of open signup instances anywhere? it looks so cute!

Uraael, (edited ) to random

#Sharkey Question:

Have mobile apps caught up with *key forks yet or is PWA / Browser still the best way to experience them?

Bit of an idle question, I'm not an app guy if I can avoid it, but I do know some folks prefer them. Happy with my PWAs, just curious as to the state of the app landscape after a year.

vsp, (edited ) to random avatar

Alright, .

What're you about?

I see:

  • a big ace community. (Did you know that some sharks asexually reproduce? Google automictic parthenogenesis, it's wild.) Also, . A lot of it.
  • a deep love of Blahaj and IKEA. :BlobHajMlem:

What else is there? Looking for items for the inspiration board for developing's character/logo/banner/brand.

MariaTheMartian, to random

*NOW LISTENING: ​:ablobjam:​


o76923, avatar


Have you tried setting up a connection to ListenBrainz? It's apparently a thing that can do to share music you're listening to with other people but I don't know how it works so I haven't bothered setting it up.

BeAware, to fediverse avatar

It's so crazy to me to think that I was on Xhitter for like 4 years and had a total of about 120 followers, most of which were spammers messaging me about "stream graphics".

I've been on Fedi for less than a year and have 5x that amount of followers and probably only enough spammers to count on one hand. I love this place.


o76923, to random avatar

Wait, #Sharkey doesn't support the $crop [#mfm either? I'll bet at ruins a bunch of old stuff.

Oh well; that's what I get for trusting a screwy undocumented markdown language without a reference spec. If I cared about consistency, I'd find something that lets me post raw CSS and HTML.

o76923, to random avatar

It's a bummer that #Sharkey doesn't support $[fade foo] in #MFM. How am I going to dodge lasers from the drgn #emoji set now?


starcross, to random
freeplay, to CSS avatar

I've made a UserStyle to collapse Sharkey's heart reactions, install with the Stylus browser extension:

CC @julia

BeAware, to fediverse avatar

So....I keep thinking about this Sharkey migration and as I see it, I have 2 options:

  1. Attempt to re-migrate to (my main domain) even though I briefly already had an instance there and risk potential federation issues.

  2. Migrate to (new domain) and redirect to it which shouldn't cause issues.

In all honesty, if I could be almost positive I could do the first option with little or no federation issues, I'd rather go that route. BUT, if I can't get a definitive answer on if that would work or not, the second option is always there....any advice?

Linux, to fediverse avatar

"Omg... Joe Biden is the 1st President posting in the Fediverse"

No, Joe Biden is using mainstream social media, owned by Meta (Facebook), which most of the Fediverse blocked a while back. If POTUS (President of the United States) wants to join the Fediverse correctly and hold that claim, they need to join a true Fediverse instance such as Misskey, Sharkey, Mastodon, or something else not government a large corporation which avoid paying taxes.

fediverseobserver, to fediverse

Found 3 new servers and 13 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,056 servers checked. 13,879,449 Total Users with 1,609,249 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found: a server from France a server from Russia a server from Germany

Help others find a home, send them to

crossgolf_rebel, to fediverse

man man man ist das Anstrengend mit jemanden aus dem "Mastodon-Netzerk" zu diskutieren, der davon überzeugt ist, das mastodon die besseren Features hat als alle anderen Fediverse Dienste.

Ich frage mich nur, was soll das sein?
Die Software, die die BenutzerInnen am meisten einschränkt, soll also die bessere sein?

Also , , , , , , usw., ihr könnt EINPACKEN1!11

Mastodon hat die besseren Features. Und außerdem sind sie das bessere Netzwerk....1!11

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