
eliocamp, avatar

Good evening!

eliocamp, avatar

En aquel Imperio, el Arte de la Cartografía logró tal Perfección que el mapa de una sola Provincia ocupaba toda una Ciudad, y el mapa del Imperio, toda una Provincia. Con el tiempo, estos Mapas Desmesurados no satisficieron y los Colegios de Cartógrafos levantaron un Mapa del Imperio, que tenía el tamaño del Imperio y coincidía puntualmente con él...

eliocamp, avatar

I'm finally resting after 14+ hours flying to England for the Project Sprint. This was not our plane, unfortunately.

john, avatar

I cannot get good results out of .

“A fox crossing a residential street. The fox has a human face. There are autumn leaves on the ground, terraced houses in the the background, and a slight mist.”

It's just ignoring most of my prompt (as well as really struggling with what foxes look like). I've tried many iterations and variations, they're all like this.

A street in a autumnal park. There isn’t even a fox in this one, and no houses.
A three legged fox with no torso standing on a road in an autumnal park. It hasn’t got a human face and there are no houses in the background.
Some sort of shrunken fox-adjacent thing on a road in an autumnal park. No human face, no houses in the background.

rakyat, avatar

@john For a non-paleontologist like me, dare I say the fox in the third pic look a little bit like a… pterosaur?

john, avatar

@rakyat Yes, the very short torso will do that!


God bless . Look at this potential rework of the X-Box interface. It's beautiful. Someone get this to Microsoft. @shanselman put this in front of your work friends. Someone get Steve Balmer on the line. This is important. Some art designer please fine tune this with some real icons and fonts and stuff. This could be your magnum opus.


This is what user interface is supposed to be. We've strayed so far. :face_frown:

shanselman, avatar

@wagesj45 lol I’ve been on xbox since Nov 2002. This is clean. Green, but clean


This photo is not real!


@mokazemi @avds
پرامپت منفی دقیقا برعکس پرامپته. چیزی که نمی‌خوای. مثلاً میخوای عکس واقعی از یک شخص بسازی. خوب پرامپتت که واضحه چیه. چی نمیخوای؟ عکس کارتونی یا انیمه، عضو بدن ناقص، انگشت زیاد، دفورمه، زشت، پای اضافه و....
باید یادت بمونه که «هوش مصنوعی» به شدت خنگه. همون‌طور که باید بهش بگی چیکار باید بکنه، باید بهش توضیح بدی چیکار نکنه.
پرامپت (مثبت و منفی) هم نیاز نیست جملات کامل باشن. کلمات کلیدی هم خوبن و بعضاً حتی بهتر از جملات جواب میدن.
photo of woman, green dress, sitting on bench


@danialbehzadi @mokazemi @avds
چت‌جی‌پی‌تی چندان به درد پرامپت نویسی استیبل دیفیوژن نمیخوره. اصلا فکر نکنم بدونه چیکار باید بکنه.
چون بستگی داره به چیزی که میخوای و همون چیزی که بخوای بهش بگی رو مستقیما به استیبل دیفیوژن میگی. مخصوصا اینکه اصلا نیازی به جمله سازی نیست و صرفا نیاز به استفاده از کلمات کلیدیه.
خودتی که میدونی مثلاً عکست نمی‌خوای دفرمه باشه، کراپ شده باشه، نور زیاد یا کم باشه، سه تا دست داشته باشه و...

bortzmeyer, French avatar

En train de télécharger v2. On va voir si ça fait de plus jolies images sur mon PC. Pour l'instant, ça fait juste souffrir le réseau.

bortzmeyer, avatar

@benjamin @Bristow_69 C'est du C++ en dessous, Python ne sert qu'à organiser le tout.

judeswae, (edited ) avatar

The guessing game of prompting to produce something consistent is exhausting.

It seems obvious I'm trying to generate some black and white circle. See this batch of 9 images generated with different seeds.

Where is that interior coming from?

Prompt: one black circle 1915, high contrast, plain, round, Pi

Negative Prompt: text, colors, lines, concentric, angles, faces, triangle, interior, figures, wall, straw, spiral, labyrinth, grid

judeswae, avatar

So I used "CLIP Interrogator", a tool that helps create prompts based on an image input.

I gave it "Black Circle" by Malevitch as an input.

Prompt: a black circle with a white background, by Kazimir Malevich, traditional japanese concept art, light-brown skin, moor, inspired by Shōzō Shimamoto, intrincate, by Ram Chandra Shukla, heavy pigment, nothingness, subject in the centre, gazeta, 000

Using same seed, same model, here is the result.

cc: @cford

judeswae, avatar

Same prompt, same seed, different model.

cc @cford

echevarian, avatar

I'm cautiously testing how far outside of the 1024x1024 size I can push before it starts to get incoherent.

Abstract architecture is probably not the best test case.

stablehorde, avatar

@echevarian Tweaked it a bit to be more escher-y, still decent

echevarian, avatar


If you liked all the tentacles in the bigger one I just added "Cthulhu" to that one. It got the message, lol.

toxi, avatar

Kind of been waiting for something like this...

"Tiny Dream is a header only, dependency free 2 implementation written in C++ from scratch with primary focus on CPU performance and memory footprint. Tiny Dream runs reasonably fast on the average consumer hardware, require only 5.5 GB of RAM to execute, does not enforce Nvidia GPUs presence, and is designed to be embedded on larger codebases (host programs) with an easy to use C++ API. The possibilities are literally endless (or at least extend to the boundaries of Stable Diffusion's latent manifold)."

guidoschmidt, avatar

@toxi good catch with the fee for pixlab 👌, didn't see that one popping up

aeva, avatar

@toxi ugh I completely missed that part

pganssle, avatar

Anyone have any good tricks for getting AI image generation models like or to produce animals or people with three eyes? I was hoping to get a lemur with a typical “mind’s eye” third eye, but all the models seem to ignore the third eye condition no matter how frequently I specify it.

pganssle, avatar

@adamchainz I think if I weren’t concerned with licenses I could just google image something up pretty easily, but I’m trying to keep all the images CC-0 or CC-BY so that when the deck is done I can open source it. I am considering trying to go on fiverr or something to outsource the illustrations, because they’re really quite time consuming even using generative AI, but unless I can find someone who will churn out a ton of quick illustrations or AI-generated images for pretty cheap, I think getting a hundred example sentences illustrated might be outside my budget for the project.

adamchainz, avatar

@pganssle Ah wow, awesome use case. My first job out of uni was at Memrise, which had the concept of “mems” - user generated reminder images based on some kind of association. Love to see the idea still being used. I’m a big Anki user too 😁

And yeah, AI generated art isn’t exactly fast when you have some idea…

judeswae, avatar

Prompt: nothing
Negative prompt: everything
Steps: 20, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 0, Size: 512x512, Model hash: 88ecb78256, Model: v2-1_512-ema-pruned, Version: v1.7.0


@judeswae definitely. maybe the model itself is not that good (custom sd2?), or problem is with the prompt

judeswae, avatar

@ralen It's the official SD2.1
The prompt and negative prompt are intentionaly limited.

branch300bpm, Polish avatar

WTF, ... There's no "dog" in my prompt!

branch300bpm, avatar

@HarkMahlberg yeah, still takes some effort to make hands and faces right, but it's doable.

branch300bpm, avatar

@shepgo as expected, as I was just trying out random ideas. I particularly love the background which looks more like GZDoom skybox than actual distant mountains.

WeavingWithAI, (edited ) avatar

wow, really loves the nude by default ...

morph, avatar

@WeavingWithAI It is learning. :)

woltiv, avatar

@WeavingWithAI lol, that's pretty funny. Whenever I download a new model/checkpoint I make a couple txt2img images without a prompt. A surprising number of models are "naughty by default". Hmm, maybe it's NOT surprising.


Yup, the pommel is too long unless the sword is like 6 feet or so, but she's actually holding it! It's really hard to get any image generation AI to get someone to hold pretty much anything. You get lots of weird pseudo knives combined with scabbards if you ask for a sword usually.


Yes, this is the best balance and scale I've gotten out of a Stable Diffusion model.

No, I did not specifically ask for her to wear it as a hat.


@echevarian420 It's a good direction to start with - the bold colors and strong shapes align well with the core concept. Look forward to seeing where you go with it!

woof, avatar

:shiblobnerd: 🎴 I am going to read your fortune in in the coming hours 🔮

5 slots on Fedi, 5 on Elon’s 44 dollars page.


  • First five people to reply to this post get their fortune read (only replies count)
  • You may ask a question, but do not have to
  • Your fortune will be posted in public
  • Your fortune will prove correct no matter what
woof, avatar

@tenna asks: "squeak" ✨

Thu V Apuro—Squeaking is the past, present, and future. This card is not up to interpretation.

woof, avatar

@YungKark asks: "what should i be watching out for in july" ✨

The Tower, Ten of Swords, Death Combo Deal Card—I wouldn't leave the house if i were you tbh

TheQuQu, avatar

I kept trying to generate icons for the PC port of Perfect Dark, but the moment I mentioned "cyberpunk" it reverted to this style.

DrRyanSkelton, avatar

Not with M+KB


@DrRyanSkelton @TheQuQu oh, i guess i just mentally included that in modern control methods, not thinking "controller"

TriflingTree, avatar
WeavingWithAI, avatar
TriflingTree, avatar
ronald, avatar

toying with running on my own pc. results are pretty good, considering it's all coming from my own computer and no expensive cloud stuff is involved. used this guide:

ronald, avatar

@exotaur thanks. Which 1.5 models would you recommend?

exotaur, avatar

@ronald Lykons' models DreamShaper and AbsoluteReality are both really good, as are Zovya's RPG Artist Tools and Photoreal. RevAnimated is another really good one. grab any of the highest rated models on Civitai and you can't go wrong.

echevarian, avatar

I asked for "augmented vision" in this cyberpunk/solarpunk character and the model was like .. "You mean glasses?'..

echevarian, avatar

with a couple of extra LORA is extremely impressive.

echevarian, (edited ) avatar

If anyone wants to get upset about representation, I'm literally just toggling through every ethnicity and gender except (white girl | asian girl) because there's already enough of them out there. It's more than just an anime generator for socially impaired nerds.

echevarian, avatar

Trying to imagine a world where humanity survives the 21st Century feels like a bigger and bigger leap lately.

echevarian, avatar

This model is capable of creating some extremely elaborate hairstyles and jewelry. A lot of these end up having cybernetic components, feathers, or what looks like fully functioning bird wings..

AEMarling, avatar

@echevarian Who is the model?


Tried to get to solve the p=np problem. Can some help explain these results? I wanted to be fair so I asked it in both orders.

Prompt: "pure red background if p=np, but a pure blue background if p!=np"

Four stable diffusion outputs for the prompt "pure blue background if p!=np, but a pure red background if p=np" There are three images that are mix of red and blue, then one image that is entirely blue.


@wagesj45 if there was a joke, i've definintely missed it :ablobsmile:


@ralen gonna use chatgpt to make some ascii art next.


@GIMP @krita_development When are we going to see implementation of or equivalent to make a open-source "generative fill" type tool?


@micahbp @GIMP @krita_development it's mostly that the existence of generative AI is enough for some people to get up in arms...


@blake @GIMP @krita_development It's a VERY understandable concern, but I believe that if we don't start building and embracing these tools to keep up we will be left completely behind. It's more than just generating art from scratch, it's removing objects from backgrounds, it's extending the image's frame wider than you shot, it's adding objects quickly and easily that you would have just gotten from a stock site, etc. etc.

jumile, avatar

Experimenting for the first time with self-hosted AI-generated images this evening on my Linux laptop to see what it can do: default install using 1.5. Simple to setup if you're familiar with venv and Pip.

Using just the CPU and giving it the prompt "bluebird", this is what it gave in 17 minutes (CPU only). Must admit that I'm pretty impressed.

jumile, avatar

@isagalaev It has its own local webserver so - once it's running - the prompts, etc, are all point and click.

isagalaev, avatar

@jumile thanks, I'll have a look! One more question right away: do I still need to register anywhere to access some APIs, or is it indeed local?

system76, avatar

Watch Stable Diffusion and Blender work like magic on the Thelio Major, featuring AMD’s zen 4 Threadripper! Here's a closeup of our demo for


woltiv, avatar

@system76 Ah, I meant what app was providing the neat little load graphs.

system76, avatar

@woltiv Ah that is btop!

TheQuQu, avatar

A braixen helps you with your taxes.

SNEK, avatar

@swurl @TheQuQu what do u think


@SNEK @TheQuQu I'm not allowed to think

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