
@greg@gregnewman.io avatar

Spent way too much time today trying to figure out why consult-imenu will not work for me in and made zero progress.

Last night I had to tear down my configs for tree sitter because typing / in a js buffer would crash emacs. At least I got that fixed and can work on react code tonight.

@louis@emacs.ch avatar

Today marks the 555th day of uninterrupted uptime of our Emacs.ch instance. 🥳

That's also 555 days of admin work and a spending of roughly $1200 for IaaS. Donations of our users make that much more sustainable.

With consistently well over 400 monthly active users, we established a friendly and supportive Fediverse community in the Fediverse united in a passion for the world's most humane "text editor". And you helped to make that happen. 🎈

Emacs is not just a program, it is the incarnation of freedom, self-development, respect, tolerance and companionship in the software world. It will never go away and will never turn against its users.

Let's continue to grow and strengthen our community! If you'd like to contribute, please visit our donation page: https://liberapay.com/emacs-ch

Together, we can keep the spirit of Emacs alive and thriving for years to come. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey! 🙏

@rostre@emacs.ch avatar

@louis Congrats! Thank you very much for keeping this instance up for us :)


@louis @daviwil a really good instance!


Trying out Gnus is a humbling experience that also provides a perspective on why people might not want to deal with Emacs, preferring alternative editors: it is not immediately obvious that overcoming a steep learning curve would bring benefits compared to an easier solution (like using a different news client). I just want to read my RSS feed, presented in a concise, elegant fashion, I don't want to battle with an UI that might've made sense back in the modem era

#emacs #gnus

@mykhaylo@fosstodon.org avatar

@extenebris elfeed is zero effort

@jnpn@mastodon.social avatar

Ever wanted to see Multics Emacs live ?


Emacs version 12.9 in a multics shell.

Pretty rare sight for me

@hajovonta@mastodon.online avatar

I'm trying to create an user interface where the user should be able to edit a list, including the adding, removing and ordering of items.

Unfortunately, with the ordering requirement, I'm a bit stuck - how is it usually solved in Emacs?


@mykhaylo@fosstodon.org avatar

@hajovonta @screwtape that’s easy, just use completing-read

@ctietze@mastodon.social avatar

@hajovonta So what do you have at the moment?

widget.el based UI?

tabulated-list-mode (like the Package mode)?

The latter is compatible with 'ewoc' which seems to be backed by a doubly linked list, so changing the order of items should be simple-ish

@marick@mstdn.social avatar

I am being a good little programmer and adding docstrings to some Elixir code. I hate looking at it. It so gets in the way of the code; see below.

I want an keypress that hides all lines between two regexps (One for @…doc…”””; one for the ending “””.) Weirdly, I can’t find anything. I used to be good at Elisp/Emacs programming, but I pretty much stopped doing that around 30 years ago. So looking for something similar I can hack on (or package that obviates the need to).

Any pointers?

@marick@mstdn.social avatar

P.S. It’s my opinion that docstrings were a mistake. I imagine there was some hope that putting them next to the code they describe would help them stay up-to-date, but I am unconvinced they do. It’d be better to have a separate file which you’d bring up / jump to just like your editor lets you jump-to-definition. You don’t want to read the unformatted docstring anyway.

@bradwilson@mastodon.social avatar

@marick I am mostly pleased with the XML Doc Comments in C# because the compiler (and the IDE, in real time) can tell you when you're missing things (like an undocumented parameter) or screwing things up (like documenting a parameter that doesn't exist). Not perfect, but I wouldn't want it to live somewhere else just because I like the proximity to the signature to see the issues in real time.

Mehrad, (edited )
@Mehrad@fosstodon.org avatar

One of the most handy combination of functionality in :emacs: is the narrowing and ediff buffers. Extremely handy. Kudos to all genius folks who have worked on this throughout the years.

@nebucatnetzer@emacs.ch avatar

Does someone know how to solve this?
I would like to git grep only in the current extension with .


@nebucatnetzer@emacs.ch avatar

@holgerschurig Thank you very much for your reply, I think you misread my post however.
I‘m trying to use consult-git-grep not ripgrep.



Well, but the same applies to ALL of these functions. Use C-h f on consult-grep, consult-ripgrep and consult-git-grep. And you either see the C-u thing or two texts saying

See consult-grep for details.

And this text exists even for consult-git-grep.

And I'm fully aware that this is not the full solution, this is why I wrote "this is part of the answer".

@ankit@emacs.ch avatar

Today I learned and practiced using Pikchr. Pikchr is a low-level diagram markup language. This is my second attempt at it and I think it clicked this time.

The program is available is a single function library and a CLI that emits SVG.


There is obviously an mode for it with preview and org-babel support that works well.



@ankit Thanks for this tip.

I used a lot of dot (from graphviz) in Org documents. But sometimes it arranges the objects in ways I don't like, and with dot it's often a fight against it to get the layout I like.

This seems to be not the case with pikchr.

@ankit@emacs.ch avatar

@holgerschurig I don't have much experience with graphviz but I had similar problem with Mermaid. Pikchr does give you more finer control over layout with the trade-off of complexity.

@fsf@hostux.social avatar

Assigning your copyright to the FSF helps defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Alexander Kozhevnikov (GNU #emacs), Ankit Raj Pandey (GNU #emacs), Artem Iurchenko (GNU #auctex, GNU #emacs), Felix Lechner (GNU #emacs), Giacomo Lorenzetti (GNU #astro), Loïc Lemaître (GNU #emacs), Toshihiro Umehara (GNU #emacs), Zebbediah Beck (GNU #bash) for assigning their copyright to the FSF!

@StupidCamille@eldritch.cafe avatar

My speech therapist: try to take notes of how you use your voice for the next time

Me, a perfectly neurotypical human:

  • write everything in a strictly formatted org-mode diary
  • add all these latex shenanigans to have an A4, 1.5cm margins two-column article with an automatic formating of timestamps into readable dates
  • C-c C-e l p as carpal canal intended to generate the PDF from the latex exported by from the org file
  • 2 hours of fiddling
  • configure the cursed HP printer to fit perfectly into that CUPS service
  • lpr the-voice.pdf
  • the nicest piece of article my eyes have ever been laid on omg

I'm neurotypical

@ndw@mastodon.social avatar

For the first time in...a few decades at least. Maybe ever. Emacs is regularly and unceremoniously segfaulting on me. Pretty clearly something to do with tree sitter, which is a bit frustrating. ( 29.3 on MacOS from brew)

@ctietze@mastodon.social avatar

@ndw I run into immediate crashes when selecting text and tabbing to indent in tree-sitter-enabled modes since last week or the one before, too

@ndw@mastodon.social avatar

@ctietze Tabbing is when it usually happens to me. But not always. I have a short Python file I absolutely cannot open! :-)


this is the best guide to transient menu development for I've read so far => https://github.com/positron-solutions/transient-showcase

@oberbrunner@mastodon.mit.edu avatar

Not that anyone likely cares, but I just refactored my config away from literate org-mode, into a collection of specific elisp files. The top level init.el is now quite clean.
I got tired of having to edit source blocks in the org-mode config and having to preload org-mode just to load my config, all just so it looks prettier (?) when reading it on github.
The elisp files still have sections, rg can search them just fine. I'm happy. https://github.com/garyo/emacs-config


@oberbrunner Hmm, you can customize imenu to consider things or ignore them.

Look again into my file, around libe 2061, where I did that.


@oberbrunner BTW, here's a screen shot of consult-imenu - still without narrowing down to anything.

@unixbhaskar@mastodon.social avatar
@unixbhaskar@mastodon.social avatar

@holgerschurig then stick with it and not watch my video. and I will not miss you a bit.



I will not miss you a bit

When exactly was I unfriendly to you that I deserve such a reply?

@abcdw@fosstodon.org avatar

EmacsConf 2023 Stickers came to my forest 🥳

Luckily enough, because today is my last day here (in this climbing season), going to Georgia now.

#emacs #emacsconf #stickers #gnu #linux

@catavz@mastodon.social avatar

@abcdw Welcome to Antalya.

@abcdw@fosstodon.org avatar

@catavz Thank you! I'm here for quite some time already :)

@worldsendless@qoto.org avatar

One of the issues with the (and which is just a great big text-oriented repl) is that it is additive in nature; it usually takes major effort or a restart to REMOVE things once they've been added (thinking on plugins which modify app state).

@mykhaylo@fosstodon.org avatar

@worldsendless something like this will work: https://github.com/tonsky/clj-reload

@andyc@mastodon.org.uk avatar

My never ending research into orgroam is still ongoing.

But the need, not just for everywhere, but everywhere posed the obvious question - why use Markdown for your Hugo blog?

Turns out supports native orgmode posts which can coexist with the existing Markdown content.

A test post confirmed this but only after I had to upgrade the Papermod theme and tweak the Netlify configuration for the latest Hugo version.

holgerschurig, (edited )

@andyc The last time I tried it, Hugo's org support was quite lacking.

@louis@emacs.ch avatar

Does anyone know what happened to restclient.el? The repo was archived a month ago and I couldn't find any other reference:


@louis@emacs.ch avatar

@Lucius_Chen That project is just a wrapper around restclient.el 🙂

@louis@emacs.ch avatar

@ankit I dropped the maintainer an email, will update when I have a response.

@birv2@pkm.social avatar

I'm finding some really interesting blogs out there, and am reminded of the early days of the internet, when it wasn't all monetized and people just wrote about stuff they were interested in for fun. And I had an RSS feeder and got updates when people posted stuff. Plus blogrolls.

So I'm sure there's a way to do this now in , right? Can someone point me in the right direction? I've heard about elfeed but don't know anything about it.

Thanks, good people of Mastodon.

@publicvoit@graz.social avatar

@birv2 AFAIR you can use NewsBlur for free up to a certain amount of feeds (100?). Take a look at their site and their rates.

I do have more feeds and I wanted to support the service. My previous one did ran out of money and was cancelled. Too bad.

@publicvoit@graz.social avatar

@birv2 A web-based service has the advantage that all my desktop browsers as well as the app are in sync with the read/unread information.

I'm sure that is also possible for Elfeed when you sync the meta-data as well. However, since I'm reading feeds mostly away from my computer, this was the better solution to me.

@bjfs84@vivaldi.net avatar

Random upgrade misadventures, part I: Emacs

So I was a bit off my org-roam habits and decided to get back on track. Since my daily driver is macOS, I am using Railwaycat's emacs-mac formulae on Homebrew. And boom! doesn't launch even before upgrading due to some wierd gcc issue.

Tried to upgrade... can't compile because of libgccjit issue (necessary for native compilation feature which makes elisp work faster). Turns out there are some breaking changes from GCC upstream and had to browse published issue to apply some workarounds.

In the process I've discovered the --HEAD option for brew which apparently allows to get the most recent-ish branch for a given formulae. So now I have Emacs 29.3 over default 29.1 for this contraption.

PS. As I like the Emacs help system which can browse its own source code to describe a function, it wasn't readily available with brew. Had to copy the code from brew cache to some static location and Emacs just asked to point for the sources there, nice!

@withoutclass@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@bjfs84 I've had great luck with the d12-frosted version in case you find yourself looking for an alternative.

@ctietze@mastodon.social avatar

users of and need to switch to the multiform/grid display.

It's amazing, combining which-key like columnar display with completing-read filtering.


@meedstrom@emacs.ch avatar

@karthink @oantolin @ctietze So on first glance it's pretty cool but I realized there aren't that many embark actions as to need completing-read.

With the vanilla keymap prompter, all the possibilities fit in the popup window on my screen anyway. What is the appeal of completing-read-prompter? I guess it's to "search by typing" instead of by eye?

@ctietze@mastodon.social avatar

@meedstrom @karthink @oantolin Looking for an action by part of its name to learn the keys is the main appeal for me.

E.g. the phrase "collect" as an action I may remember, without having to know that it's called `embark-collect'. With alphabetical sorting, it would be at "e" not "c".

And there are a couple of "embark-" prefixed actions that are useful

@slackline@mastodon.social avatar

Looking to expand the Emacs section of my Elfeed RSS subscriptions.

Recommend me your favourite Emacs bloggers please.

Already subscribe to...

EmacsAir ( @tarsius )
Prot (https://protesilaos.com/codelog.xml)
Scaha Chia ( @sachac )SystemCrafters ( @systemcrafters.net )
Mastering Emacs
@RSSBot for Irreal and other things from Reddit

@sachac@emacs.ch avatar

@slackline You could take a look at the RSS or OPML from planet.emacslife.com

@elilla@transmom.love avatar

taking a break from my social media diet to note that I finally took the time to export my styling like many of you asked. I present you: girly-notebook-theme.el

you have to install the fonts for it to work properly, see the README.

FAQ: no there's no dark bg version.

@amoroso@fosstodon.org avatar

The rootwork v0.2 blog posted about the author's journey through text editors, from classics such as vi(m) and Emacs to tools I've never heard of. They explain what they use the editors for and why.


@adrysdale@sigmoid.social avatar

@amoroso @sachac I never realised people stopped using Emacs, I thought they just died at some point.

@amoroso@fosstodon.org avatar
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