southsamurai, to memes in let people use what they want avatar

What’s worse is attacking the developer, which is not going to encourage devs to build for lemmy at all.

And they’re attacking someone that was literally begged to bring his app to lemmy, with oaths to pay up. Nobody begged him to go open source. Nobody begged him to do it for free.

It’s shitty to go after Dawson. Nobody but an asshole would do so. FOSS zealotry is no better than religious zealotry, or vegan zealotry, or atheist zealotry, or crossfit zealotry (just to fill out the meme of those three lol).

Don’t like it? That’s fine. Don’t use it. But don’t be a giant, gaping asshole about it.

genoxidedev1, to memes in With seemingly at least one new app announced per day....
genoxidedev1 avatar

Personally can't wait for Artemis to come out by the description it sounds very much like an 3rd Party App that I would love to death

genoxidedev1 avatar

in minecraft


Yes, Artemis by @hariette is looking good.


Hey can I ask which features you’re most drawn to? I’m really stoked that Infinity announced but I’m always down for new app experiences.

genoxidedev1 avatar

For me it's mostly just that it supports kbin and the design because I never got to use Apollo as an android user, and it's supposed to be at least extremely similar design wise (from what I've heard)

hariette avatar

Working hard on it! Can’t wait for API to go live to make it widely available.

I wrote an API adapter layer to be able to support both kbin and lemmy in the app. Want to open source that as a package, so hopefully more apps can easily add support for both 🤞

genoxidedev1 avatar

Thank you very much for the hard work!

Veraxus avatar

Absolute legend!

Do you have a Patreon, Ko-Fi, or donate link?

Breloom avatar

This post mentions a Ko-Fi donation link.

Nitrate55, to memes in With seemingly at least one new app announced per day.... avatar

Can’t really make apps for a site that doesn’t have an API. They did announce recently that Kbin’s API is nearly done, so soon there’ll be a flood of Kbin apps as well, and support for Kbin in all of the Lemmy apps too

SamXavia avatar

@Nitrate55 I can't wait to be able to use Kbin on the go, I'm really gonna have nothing be done at that point

DessertStorms avatar

Firefox and toggle to desktop site works well for me.


You can install the kbin interface as a PWA on mobile, and it works pretty well. There are some kinks for sure, but it's 100% usable and better than lemmy.

snooggums avatar

I do most of my kbin browsing on my phone using good old firefox.

It isn't perfect, but definitely works well enough until a dedicated mobile app comes out.

SamXavia avatar

@snooggums Yeah I sometimes use the browser on my phone to use Kbin but it would be good to have a fully function App in the near future.


and support for Kbin in all of the Lemmy apps

Very much doubt. I’m sure many will but not all. The API isn’t identical so they’d have to commit to maintaining both.

Nitrate55, avatar

Yeah I suppose not all of them will want to commit to supporting Kbin, but some definitely will. Honestly though, so long as it’s possible to search for and subscribe to Kbin magazines from Lemmy, that’s all I really care about.

atocci avatar

If nothing else, the Sync developer said he'd do it.


Memmy dev said they plan to as well but “not within this year” if I recall correctly.


Cool. Memmy is the best, but what is the purpose of a native kbin integration if it’s already federated? Are we able to view and not post or comment?


Came here to say that… Take your upvote, good sir…


nice, that's the one I've been hoping for the most!


I’m so so looking forward to sync, and it gives me a lot of hope seeing all of these apps and fancy UI’s, it’s reassuring that the fediverse is here to stay and will continue to grow

zelifcam, avatar

It would be great if someone created a fediverse browser native app. Log into all the platforms and add a translation layer to create a truly unique experience. Maybe it would only make sense if you could authenticate one account on all the activitypub platforms? I understand the amount of technical hurdles and maintenance to do so. I suppose I find the thought of experiencing them combined intriguing. If someone created A single app experience, in a intuitive way, I’d definitely give it a try. I can see lemmy posts on mastidon. Would be kind of cool if it could handle that and display those posts using a lemmy ui. But making it seamless.

Blaze, avatar

Based on this:…/README.mdFedilab, once it supports Lemmy and Kbin


I don’t, it’s not that much more work as the basics of it won’t change that much over time and the functionality will be near identical. We might not get newer features that are eventually added though.

Piers, (edited )

I would expect that 99% bits of your app that talk to the API can be the same for both, you just need to maintain slightly different code for interacting with each actual API.

In fact scrolling further through the comments I see that not only is this how @hariette is handling it for Artemis but she’s also looking at making the talking to both APIs bit of the code available to other devs.


This is why Lemmy’s tangential features, such as being able to post from Mastodon accounts, or being able to post to that video service, are also not going to happen any time soon. It’s just a lot of moving pieces, for functionality that’s more interesting than useful.


Kbinites unite!!

JimSamtanko, to reddit in Unblockable political spammer ads now on Reddit.

The problem with Babylon Bee is that conservatives aren’t smart enough to know it’s satire. So now we have to rebut and defend against the bullshit they read there as if it were real.


I think calling conservatives “dumb” is needlessly inflammatory, and what’s worse, is it’s incorrect. They just fall for a common human failing: confirmation bias, amongst other well known fallacies.


…. Which is why we call them dumb.


No. They’re dumb. It’s scientifically proven at this point.…/S0160289609000051

IcePee, (edited )

Had a quick glance at this study. Forgive any mistakes, but I have a few “faulting” observations:

  • over a third of the sampled people were people seeking immigration to the US. It could be argued that it could be argued that this points purely to the type of conservatives that seek entry outside their home country. Not the general population of conservatives.
  • this study only looks at a statistical correlation. It’s dangerous to infer causation from correlation as correlation does not equal causation.
  • intelligence measuring as had a long and troubled past. For instance, some tests were used to “prove” black people dumb. Turns out these tests relied on prior knowledge denied to black people. It can be very difficult to account for culture.
  • maybe the tests used in this study only measure for people that are good at taking tests.

“They’re not dumb, they’re just worse at processing information than their other fellow humans.”


That’s just the point. These failings are common. That means we all fall prey to these faults from time to time. Just remember when you point a finger, at least three get pointed back to you.


It’s not our fault reality scares conservatives. It’s their fault for refusing to make friends with what they cannot change. If the unknown scares them so much, what they should do is get familiar, not hostile.

People who make bad and wrong decisions deserve nothing positive. They deserve to learn why they are bad and wrong.

HelloHotel, avatar

There is such a thing as self controlled ignorance (or whatever its called), conservitives use it all the time. Someone reminded me what thin excuses manifesting as jokes look like and why they are used.


The Babylon Bee also makes articles under the guise of satire in an attempt to take advantage of this very fact. They’re basically a misinformation source that calls themselves satire because they know their base will take them seriously, but they can deny it. They’re basically Fox News calling themselves the onion.


Entertainment. They said they can’t be sued because no one would take them seriously because they aren’t news, they are “entertainment.” They won.


That was fucking ridiculous. As if there’s not ample evidence that millions of people take Fox News seriously.


Yep, they are not satire at all, recently a video from them popped up in my feed, that’s about gender reassignment surgery, there was nothing satirical or funny about it

booty, to unixporn in [KDE] Probably my best config yet. This is CLEAN. avatar

you should edit the racism out of the title


Oh come on. “Rice” by far outgrew it’s racist part. 99.999% of people using the term don’t use it as a dog whistle…

RandomStickman, avatar

Unironically and sincerely asking what does rice mean in this context?


Don’t worry, he just wanted to feel superior

booty, avatar

not really here to debate about it, this is a closed issue here. the post as is will be removed as soon as a mod notices the racist title

MyNameIsRichard, avatar

“Rice” is not and never was racist for the simple reason you can’t be racist to cars. Frankly people who think it is need to experience real racism which is genuinely scary. I’ll grant you that rice was meant disparagingly.

Maultasche, to lemmyshitpost in Mark Zuckerberg has been diagnosed with a serious medical condition

Of course he can’t get ligma. As a Mind Goblin he’s immune to ligma.


As they have no butts?

HenriVolney, to memes in They're not supposed to look like that

Nah, that is obviously a picture of the lungs of a pot smoker!


Really, my lungs look delicious!

rockSlayer, to memes in let people use what they want

Definitely ootl here, what’s happening with sync?

Kerrigor avatar

Astroturfing by Reddit, screaming that sync steals data (which it doesn't)


It sends telemetry data to about 30 companies. Pretty standard for Google Play tracking and it’s not possible to know if the data is being taken advantage of or not.

It’s good to be cautious of that. But if you’re completely offended by that or if you’re completely accepting of that, you should consider the situation better.


Duckduckgo only lists google as the tracker. But includes 36 different tracking things.

TheIvoryTower, to whatisthisthing in What organism is this?

You might get an informed answer if you upload it to, provided you can tell them where the photo was taken

AngrilyEatingMuffins, to memes in With seemingly at least one new app announced per day....
AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

I honestly don’t really get why people use Lemmy. Kbin has a much better interface and is way less buggy. The PWA acts as a great app so I’m really kind of flummoxed. Also the users are cooler.


Did they delete the other comment or is the bug not on their end? Cause I only see one currently.

AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

I mean that’s the first time that has happened to me and I’m fairly sure that one was actually on me swiping back.

Like Lemmy’s bugs have been pretty freaking serious. Biggest kbin one since I’ve gotten here was it logged you out too soon, and that wasn’t even a bug someone had just pushed a feature that got rolled back.


Just teasing :)

Yeah, they’re both honestly pretty rough to use. kbin for example wouldn’t show comments with any content blockers on for iOS, which makes it a pretty nonstarter for me. I personally don’t think either have really nailed interface, either.

AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

What do you mean about content blockers?


Things like Adblock on iOS

AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

I have never experienced that

Veraxus avatar

They must have fixed that before I got here. The internet without ad blockers is an unusable dystopian cesspool.


Oh absolutely. I run a network-wide adblocker (pi-hole) and still also adblock stuff on all my clients.


Lemmy -> Kbin federation wasn’t (isn’t?) working that great, and considering 90% of content on KBin’s front page is lemmy content anyway…

Also there’s like two dozen apps for Lemmy now including several in the app stores

Plus stuff like

AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

It wasn’t working for two days at the beginning of the migration, besides that it actually works better than lemmy to lemmy, from what I’ve noticed.

Yeah, most content comes from lemmy, because that’s where most people are, it just doesn’t really make sense beyond going to where the people already are, and not actually comparing the systems.

I guess that’s why y’all chose the lemming as your mascot :p

Mischala, to memes in And then comes the wonderful realm of the BSDs and the OpenSolaris derivatives

Do you play PC games?


Do you care about privacy?


LOL get fucked


Moved to Nobara os half a year back and haven’t had much issue with any game so far, not anymore than I did on windows


Linux gaming is pretty good these days. Basically the only major games you can’t play are the ones running super intrusive anticheats.

Fluid, avatar

Maybe relevant 10 years ago, but not anymore. Hell, most games run better with Proton now, no background telemetry crap.


could just be my luck but out of a few games I tried nothing ran as smooth as windows and also no g sync for me


FNV somehow runs more stable on my Steam Deck than my PC at this point.

PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S, avatar

I tried running FNV on my home PC through Proton and it was basically a PowerPoint presentation. My Windows partition can run FNV just fine, even with a game-breaking number of mods. I’m sure I’m doing something wrong, as I’ve heard that FNV works well in WINE. I’m on Debian in case anyone wants to dunk on my shit help me out.

nakal avatar

You can install Steam on Linux. In fact I have 2 PCs in my house for my sons. They run Windows games flawlessly. See for compatibility in the ProtonDB.

torafugu avatar

And if that doesn't work, there's always alcohol Wine


Yeah I installed Garuda yesterday and games worked great. It’s literally everything else that had me wanting a “Linux for fucking morons” class.


See the thing is, when you use Windows you don’t need a compatability list.


Edge with hover button to bing is now your default browser again.


Just wait until you try to install it on something without secure boot


On Windows it might be compatible but you’ll still face problems. Not to mention Linux has a better compatibility with older games

railsdev, to memes in And then comes the wonderful realm of the BSDs and the OpenSolaris derivatives

I don’t understand why Apple gets so much shit.

Sorry I want a well-managed UNIX system with a nice GUI while not coding? I don’t want to deal with configuration hell, malware and viruses or all the other trash Windows brings with it.

I’m a programmer and I adore being able to use most UNIX and Linux software. As a regular user (not programming) I don’t need to babysit my OS and I get all the magic with interoperability between all my devices.

As for privacy I get all that on macOS with mobile profiles, VPN’s, ad blocking, etc.


Every time I offer similar views the responses I get are somewhere along the lines of

But you can run Linux on windows! You can install most of the same tools on windows Just run everything in docker anyway

I’ve been coding most of my life. Usually people don’t understand just how sucky the tool chains are on windows when you step into certain dev work.

If I ever have to setup multiple python virtual envs again I’ll fucking just quit. Pipenv. Virtualenv. Poetry. Every fucking one on windows has been riddled with bugs

TAG, avatar

Several reasons:

  1. Almost all of their products target the high end market (and even then, they are known to make stupid decisions to cut off high end use cases).
  2. OSX tends to be opinionated on certain settings and it is hard (or impossible) to change them.
  3. Many of the built in software only work if you exclusively use Apple products.
  4. Apple simps.

On point 4, I hear way more from Apple haters than I do from Apple simps


Really? Back on Reddit, every time I said something about Apple, I get at least 5 comments saying how “that isn’t a problem”, “lol you have no idea” and things like that.

Especially the head. phone. jacks. Oh my, the mental gymnastics were unforgettable.


People just can’t let that go, can they?

Well for me personally I use an external DAC with a headphone jack. I don’t care to use a shitty internal DAC anyway (you really think any phone manufacturer’s top priority is sound quality?) so it’s a non-issue for me.


Thanks for proving my point.

You are literally suggesting how you have fixed (or rather, worked around) the issue… by suggesting another much more expensive solution. Pretty much just like the other comments I mentioned before, except that they were suggesting wireless headphones, or buying dongles, or any of that jazz.

I just want to charge my phone while I’m wearing my headphones, without having to buy any external dongles or gasp external DACs.

Apple set a terrible precedent for other phone manufacturers by removing the headphone jacks, they showed how they can screw over customers and people will still sing praises for them, it’s baffling because it’s a blatant attempt by Apple to promote their own wireless headphones!

Although it’s been better now in the Android world, but there was once when those companies touted “lack of 3.5mm” as a feature.


I just told you plainly what my personal experience is. I’m not trying to disprove nor disprove your point.


Even in you’re own example, it sounds like you’re the one going out of your way to complain about it

All you’re complaining about is that people disagreed with you when you removeded about Apple lol


I don’t really care about Apple itself, but rather how they can screw over everyone with shitty practices and people will still defend them.

Headphone jacks are just a very glaring example of that ;)


I don’t care what anyone says. On a user level MacOS is by far the best ready to go experience. I love using Linux Mint and I wish I would use it full time to be free of corporate OS’s. But that’s not the case and Mac is well ahead in my eyes.


Just to be clear, because the following could be misunderstood when posted alone: I’m not looking for an argument, use whatever you prefer. I’m just curious.

What use cases do you have that aren’t available (or take lots of configuration) on Mint?


Thanks for asking. Unfortunately I’m stuck using certain Adobe apps. There are Linux alternatives but I work with clients and external parties so working files need to be shared. So can’t risk compatibility or even drive format issues.

Plus hardware wise apple really hit it out of the park with apple silicon. I’d love to see the desktop gpu race move towards efficient even a little bit to tempt me.
Gotta give credit where credit’s due.


KDE plasma


Sorry I want a well-managed UNIX system with a nice GUI

Does OSX still have that bug where if you merge two folders of the same name it deletes everything in one of them?




Sorry I want a well-managed UNIX system with a nice GUI while not coding?

Linux with KDE.

avidamoeba, avatar

I wish macOS was a well managed Unix system.

corytheboyd avatar

I’m with you, it’s just Cool to hate on Apple or whatever.


It’s mainly the terrible anti-consumer decisions of Apple that everyone dunks on, such as lack of repairability, lack of consumer choice, charging a fortune to change a single $1 chip, and being unable to run programs downloaded from anywhere but the app store.


being unable to run programs downloaded from anywhere but the app store.

I agree with everything else you said but this is just flat out incorrect.


I just thought since that’s how the iPhone works it would apply to MacOS as well, sorry.


They don’t contribute code back to the community and make billions in profit to the detriment of furthering the human species with their concentration of wealth and minimal innovation (since Jobs died).


That’s not true. Some examples: WebKit LLVM clang Anything here:


You mean like their recent Wine patches, which they trough over the fence instand of working with the community? WebKit was forked AFAIK for open source projects etc. Perhaps Apple conforms to the letter of the law, but they for sure don’t play nice to the spirit of OpenSource. Finally: Given what they borrowed from the *BSDs, I don’t see Apple being a contributor to the *BSDs in any way.

altima_neo, avatar

Because they’re such a heavily walled garden.

It’s great for my parents who know nothing about technology and computers. They just need to go online and check emails and social media.


Oh yeah, total UNIX (and almost total Linux compatibility) cuts me off from so much. 🙄 Silly me I forgot that all I’m able to do is check email and social media.

altima_neo, avatar

Because they’re such a heavily walled garden.

It’s great for my parents who know nothing about technology and computers. They just need to go online and check emails and social media.


You can’t upgrade ram or a hard drive. If you sell me a computer, charge $100 per 4 gigs of base speed ram, even more for storage, than have the audacity to tell me I can’t upgrade it myself, you can fuck right off.


From my experience with people that are very pro Android vs the pro iOS crowd, it’s just that they’re trying to justify their own choice by uplifting the OS they chose and sometimes tend to focus only on the negatives of the other OS. The same can be said for the various desktop OS crowds.

I’ve used both Android and iOS, as well as Windows and MacOS (and intend to try Linux at some point) over the years and I never thought one was generally better than the other. All these OSs have different target users and that’s ok. Just because you’re not the target user for OS A, doesn’t mean that OS B is objectively the best OS for everyone. It’s just the best OS for you. And why people feel the need to bash other people’s choices or even make fun of them for it is beyond me.


They’re playing into the advertisers hands. Simple as that


I’m not even pro iOS/macOS. I grew up on pre-UNIX Apple trash and hated it. Back then I was Windows all the way.

I just get tired of the “Apple sucks” crowd just because Apple is so opinionated. The fact it’s opinionated is exactly why I like it, I’d rather have the underpinnings of the OS just work when it comes to the desktop experience. Otherwise I use FreeBSD and Alpine Linux all the time and love them just as well.


macOS is fine, for now, but with the direction Apple is going right now with all the spyware they’re putting on iOS, I’d rather start using something else than get caught off guard when they start doing the same with macOS. I still have a MacBook, but I’ve long since switched to using Linux as my main system, so when the day comes and Apple decides to install spyware on macOS, I can ditch it in a heartbeat without shedding a single tear. Also, I’m not a big fan of the lack of options and customisability on macOS. I get that it’s meant to help non-tech-savvy people so that they don’t break their system, but at least make a toggle that’s lets you turn all of that off for those who knows what they’re doing.

Lastly, Linux distros like Fedora or Mint is very easy to use, and at least in my opinion, entirely negates the argument that “Linux is hard”. It’s only as difficult as you want it to be. The only major roadblock is support for common proprietary apps, and while I don’t usually use them, I’ve heard that they’ve become far better recently. As a cherry on top, it’s lighter and, best of all, has no spyware.


I am literally forced to use Apple at work. I can life with an iPhone, because I use it just for its intended, dumped down usage and I overcame the annoyance about Apples fascism (alternative web engine). If you are not able to automate 100% of your setup on a proper UNIX machine, please do the programming community a favor and switch your line of work. Apple is such a shit show: no keyboard driven workflow w/o extensive customization, how the fuck can I automate 100% of the the setup/customization, why the fuck do I have to upgrade every fucking single program interactively with a click, why are the package managers homebrew and macports as shitshow like Linux 25 years ago, why is macOS so bloated and fucking slow on a machine, why is the development experience for mac worse than Visual Studio 6 (!), Finder is such a sad joke compared to file managers on every other OS or DE, why can I not easily enable transparent file compression when I am a grown up user etc etc etc. Seriously, macOS is nice for consumers with too much money. The literally only thing macOS does which I envy is the tag system which works. Don’t get me wrong, Linux is also a shit show, but compared to macOS it is like the best thing ever.


Okay 🤣

Apple is fascist and doesn’t let you customize as much as you want to now it’s a shitshow.

Honestly for someone who wants keyboard shortcuts so badly you seemed to have forgotten about the enter/return key.


Then you are far above the threshold, because Ubuntu desktop and Fedora desktop are easy and widely supported by hardware nowadays. No tinkering necessary.


You’ve forgotten an important point: the price gap between apple and windows machines has closed significantly. A similarly-performing windows machine is now a similar price, if not more expensive, than the equivalent mac.


My dude, if you find you need to “babysit” Fedora or Ubuntu, I’m kind of doubting your tech literacy - i.e the basic level of tech literacy you need to operate macOS or Windows with.

And also, just because something is UNIX doesn’t make it good. Shout outs to HPUX.

Also, Apple is tracking you on macOS and iOS, similarly to Google and Microsoft. They call it telemetry, but are you SURE they don’t collect identifying information and canvas you?


Oh yeah I’m a web developer that also dabbles in software development, Kubernetes, DevOps, etc. but my tech literacy is trash. 🥴🤣


Windows is shit, but the days where you have to do configuration if you don’t use some obscure notebook in one of the most used linux distros is over. I’d say gnome e.g. is pretty close to macos UI wise. There is also Hackintosh if you can’t live without it.

As for why I particularly hate apple:

  • Bizarre pricing for comparably low tier Hardware (although not really comparable since apple makes their own ARM silicone)
  • Bad repairability, including flimsy collabs to produce some overpriced block of metal just to change an jphone battery lol
  • Walled garden / closed ecosystem. Blocking third party apps for users “security”. All this green bubble / blue bubble bullshit.
  • productivity and design wise alright machines, but utter trash when it comes to gaming.

There are surely more / other points to make.


Arch Linux Desktop for coding and gaming, MacBook for mobile productivity. Best of both worlds.

I know with 100% certainty that if my MacBook did a thing last week, it will do it tomorrow. No lost files due to updates, no weird crashes, no ads, no candy crush. If I’m out somewhere, that reliability is worth the premium. And, at least on Mac computers, you can unlock the walled garden if you really need to.

There is no use case for windows in my workflow. Might not be true for everyone though.


I had the exact same setup before switching to fedora


To be fair, using Arch is kind of a different thing entirely. If you want to compare something to OSX UX/reliability, Mint or the like would be a more fair comparison. They’re way more stable than rolling release, and even rr doesn’t have that many issues.

baronvonj, avatar

I know with 100% certainty that if my MacBook did a thing last week, it will do it tomorrow.

You would be wrong. They disabled gigabit ethernet in 2012/203 iMacs/Minis with an OS update, 100mbps only after that. They broke PTP for Android phones with an OS update.


I have a late 2012 mini on Catalina still. I’m like 99% sure it still runs gigabit. Let me check the switch port it’s on.

baronvonj, avatar

Any report?


Sorry. yeah was on my way home super late and fell asleep. Its definately 1Gb.

Arp Lookup

Mac Address lookup on switch

Switch Port is def 1gb. Port right under it is 100 Mb as an example.

baronvonj, avatar

Genuinely happy for you to have escaped this issue. I had mine on wifi when the OS update that killed it rolled out, because I couldn’t run a cable to that part of my house, so I didn’t notice until a couple of years after the fact. Even booting Linux or Windows it was still stuck at 100Mbps. There used to be a lot more threads on the Apple forums and they inevitably ended in people being content to just buying external thunderbolt adapters to get the speed back.


Was it ever just flagged as a bug, or some intentional planned obsolescence on the part of Apple?

I will likely need to upgrade this mac at some point. May just make it a server for plex or something. I purposefully bought it because its literally the last user serviceable Mac on the market.

I think there are some workarounds to get past the “supported OS” thing using something like this:

Though at this point, i No longer use it on the greater internet. its mostly just for me to record music with. I probably dont even need it on network anymore.

baronvonj, (edited ) avatar

Was it ever just flagged as a bug, or some intentional planned obsolescence on the part of Apple?

Mine was out of support by the time I noticed. And for whatever reason I was in the vast majority minority of people who didn’t think buying a new external NIC was an acceptable solution, like that other guy who replied to me here.

May just make it a server for plex or something.

Exactly what I was going to do with it when I moved it to somewhere wired. I now instead have a Synology Diskstation that can do hardware encoding/decoding. I still use the Mini, but after the PTP thing I wiped the disk and run Windows on it (for Lightroom Classic, and honestly the Gb would still be welcome with the media stored on the NAS, and I use Synology Drive to sync the Catalog folders)

I think there are some workarounds to get past the “supported OS” thing

If I remember correctly, with the first OS update that had the downgrade, you could roll back to the previous OS version (or boot Windows or Linux) and get it back, so it was just in the driver. But then at some point that stopped working too, so maybe an on-chip firmware update had been applied too. I tried store-bought and home-made Cat 5e/6 cables, different switch ports, hot-swapping different computers to confirm they would negotiate to Gb, and even loading the vendor OEM drivers and utilities after installing Windows.


Yeah thats really shitty. Im in the same boat as you to think just using some USB nic is not acceptable.

SimplePhysics, (edited )

Thank you again for all your replies and suggestions. After trying a thunderbolt gigabit ethernet adapter, I have full 1000Mbps speeds again. I can only assume there was some kind of firmware mess-up with the OS update. At least that won’t affect 3rd party hardware.
I can’t be sure if any of the suggestions helped the situation, but I learned a few things, and at least I don’t have to worry with it now. Thanks again. Cheers!

Maybe you should read your own sources before making unsubstantiated claims. If it had been intentional, using an adapter would not have solved the problem.

baronvonj, avatar

Dude, they disabled a capability of the hardware it shipped with, with a firmware update in the OD update. I have one of the affected Minis. I bought a computer that shipped with gigabit Ethernet and they removed that feature. I don’t care if I could buy an external adapter. Would you think it was ok of Nvidia retroactively capped you 120fps GPU at 12fps because you can just buy another GPU?


I have a 2012 Mac Mini. It runs gigabit just fine. Might be a firmware bug that they never patched?

Edit: And no, I would not take that from Nvidia. But, I don’t think this is intentional, or else my mini would also be affected.

baronvonj, avatar

I’m genuinely glad for you and the other poster here who got by unscathed. Maybe we have slightly different chipsets. Mine is bcm57766/b57nd60a.


I don’t have the actual mini on hand right now, its serving as a home server and I am on vacation. I’ll check when I get back. Btw, what version of OSX/macOS are you running on? I had no problem with Catalina and even Ventura (OpenCore).

baronvonj, avatar

I said goodbye to MacOS after PTP stopped working for Android phones (Photos, Image Capture, Lightroom), and the Android File Transfer (MTP) app broke around the same Mac OS upgrade. I would assume they eventually fixed some of that, but I just don’t have any trust left in Apple after all that. My mini is running Windows 10 now, with the bootcamp drivers.

edit: I think Catalina was the last release I had used on it before wiping it for Windows. I definitely went up to Mojave, but pretty sure I tried Catalina too.


Ah, alright. Does gigabit work for you in windows? If it doesn’t, you can try installing Catalina and updating the Bootcamp drivers.

baronvonj, avatar

Does gigabit work for you in windows?

Unfortunately no, hence why I suspect it was a firmware update, not just a driver bug.

If it doesn’t, you can try installing Catalina and updating the Bootcamp drivers.

maybe. but I wouldn’t want to deal with messing with bootloaders again if it breaks my Windows install.


That’s only iOS, and I’ve heard that EU’s trying to put an end to that. Third party apps works fine with macOS; never once have I even touched the app store, only Homebrew. I do agree that the lack of control and freedom you have is egregious, especially for such an expensive device, there really should be an toggle to turn all of that restriction off for those who knows what they’re doing. I’m also pessimistic about the future of macOS given the absolute bullshit Apple’s been pulling with iOS. I can only hope Asahi Linux gets feature parity with macOS by the time they do the same with macOS, else I’ll have to sell my M1 MacBook and get something else, and that’s a shame because despite less-than-ideal OS, the hardware is amazing.

Jdreben, avatar


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  • railsdev,

    What about the price? Yep it costs more than the competition; congrats 🎉

    Alto avatar

    Nah, $999 for a monitor stand is completely reasonable


    Mac wheels


    Isn’t the whole Macs don’t get viruses thing a myth by this point?

    There are a lot more sources for random untrustworthy Windows software than there are for MacOS but that’s on the user the same way keeping your OS up to date is.


    Nothing is secure anymore, and it makes sense. The reason there are less apple hacks (anything I’m the ecosystem is susceptible) is by keeping things proprietary and their relative obscurity. There have been hacks on Mac’s, iPhones, but also Linux, android, and of course windows.


    I agree but I feel like the obscurity aspect faded out with the I’m a Mac and I’m a PC ads


    By relative obscurity, I mean purely market share. By percentages, it’s obscure, by raw numbers it’s still popular with millions of users.


    Yeah I mean I’m not talking about ReactOS. It’s hard to measure the amount of malware per market share.

    I imagine it’s weighted unevenly dependent on it’s user base and target demographic.

    RobertPetersen, to memes in When I hear old memes are in.

    🎶All your base your base, base, all your base, are belong to us all your base your base base base, are belong to us…🎶

    explodIng_lIme, to memes in When I hear old memes are in.

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