
@pcambra@drupal.community avatar

Oh well, here we go again, DrupalCon Europe pricing is published and the early bird is 700€.


DrupalCon registration fee is higher than the minimum wage in 19 European countries.


And only 12 scholarships have been granted https://events.drupal.org/lille2023/grants-scholarships-inclusion-funds

As far as I'm concerned, the licensed company to do this, Kuoni through the Association do not release the financial information of the event to the community.


@jurgenhaas @rachel_norfolk @pcambra "Things can't change" is not enough for being silent about them.

You are definitely talking from a privileged position than most people in Southern Europe/Western Europe definitely don't have.

It's easy to check where DrupalCon attendees are coming from/origin of the companies they work with. Stats are there. It's not a lack of interest on the less represented countries, be sure of that.


@jurgenhaas @rachel_norfolk @pcambra
> But don't you think that if a board decided on something, that we should stay behind that decision, even if we disagree with it?


pcambra, (edited )
@pcambra@drupal.community avatar

The new @drupalassoc certified partners is just delusional, and incredibly US centered, so now if you don't pay a fee you're not listed in the marketplace no matter how much you contribute?

In our case (10 people agency + contractors), a $5000 fee is just not worth it, we were happily paying the community supporter tier but we won't do a 5x increase, it's just not reasonable for our budget.


@pcambra@drupal.community avatar

Also this is wrong at so many levels:

"The Drupal Marketplace on Drupal.org will be reserved solely for Makers, known as Drupal Certified Partners. The Marketplace will be branded as the global list of “Makers” and recommended by the Drupal Association and will only list Drupal Certified Partners in active status."

So if you don't pay a fee to the DA but you have projects maintained, core commits, organise events, mentor, you're suddenly not a maker?


@pcambra Then we can rebrand the concept also: from "makers" to "payers"

@volkswagenchick@drupal.community avatar

Part of being a good leader is stepping down gracefully. I have been trying to step down from the SF community for 2 years.

I learned that BADCamp's hackathon will be hosted & sponsored by Pantheon.

I was not graceful. I left immediately, not caring about a replacement.

Pantheon's Acceptable Use Policy does not align with my values as long as Pantheon continues to provide services to Alliance Defending Freedom & other recognized hate groups.

Hatred of any form is unacceptable.


@volkswagenchick do you think this goes far enough?

@volkswagenchick@drupal.community avatar

@ldpm no, they should kick the site off now.

And why the F did it take so long?

@sysop408@sfba.social avatar

What's a good use case for creating a custom entity in ?

It seems to me that in terms of creating regular content, there are exceedingly few cases where you wouldn't be better served just by creating a new node bundle and then making your own custom field types, widgets, and formatters to extend the good ol' Node entity.

I thought that a custom entity might be warranted for performance reasons if you need to squeeze every bit of speed you can, but I read a couple of blog posts from someone who said he found the difference to be minimal.

In his estimation if you need squeeze as much speed as you can and have a highly structured data schema that's not likely to need changes, you should just create custom DB tables and write direct queries to retrieve the data.


@mrdalesmith@toot.community avatar

@sysop408 My checklist is:

  1. Do I need an entity type with separate bundles that doesn’t get mixed up with unrelated node bundles?
  2. Do I need an entity type that doesn’t need something node does out of the box? Maybe I don’t need this entity to ever be viewed, so I don’t need the default routing set up for it.
  3. Do I need a lot of custom code for this entity that I can put into methods so everything’s neat and maintainable and doesn’t need to check which node bundle it is?
@joachim@drupal.community avatar

@mrdalesmith @sysop408 I'd add:
4. Do you need base fields, i.e. fields defined in code? (Bundle fields still have only partial support in core.)
5. Do you want custom indexes on the DB table?

@pcambra@drupal.community avatar

Am I reading this right? are we recommending Wordpress now?

The whole page on https://www.drupal.org/about/drupal-7/d7eol/partners feels like a slap in the face for small to medium integrators.

So if you have small to medium projects, the recommendation is move to Wordpress (or Wix!), and if you have a large project, here are a list of certified? companies.

I really worry as a Drupal small agency owner that the marketing that the DA/working groups is putting out is really damaging.

stpaultim, (edited )
@stpaultim@fosstodon.org avatar

@pcambra @chrisod

It's more complicated than that. There are a huge number of Drupal 7 sites that are not all that ambitious (very simple sites) and do not need nor can they afford modern Drupal, whether that be with a small or large agencies.

The Drupal community has come to acknowledge this and recognize that if we don't want to support them forever and don't want to leave them using unsupported software, we should at least suggest some alternatives.


@chrisod @pcambra However, I think I kinda agree that from a marketing perspective, the page doesn't address this well.

It treats "driving down cost" like its a negative when every business owner, especially in the tight economies we've been going through, is going to be a primary driver.

It should be more clear about the innovation cost of moving away, and where the new Drupal platforms can also drive down costs.

@pcambra@drupal.community avatar

Well, DrupalCon Barcelona tickets are out and as expected they're quite disappointing pricing-wise:

  • Tickets range from 775€ in early bird - without knowing the program - to onsite, 1330€.

  • Minimum wage in Spain for 2024 is 1134€, to put in perspective how unreasonable the pricing is for locals.

  • Student ticket is 485€ in Europe, it was 50€ for DrupalCon Portland.

I really dislike how DrupalCon has became an elitist event.

@pcambra@drupal.community avatar

So attendance is quite restricted to those:

  • Company sponsored. Almost exclusively the same big companies we're all thinking about.

  • Your session got selected (they're selecting WAY less sessions this year for DrupalCon, matching the expectation of less attendees).

How does this help the mission?

Btw, once again for the ones in the back: Student tickets are 485€. The annual academic fee for public universities in Spain is around 1000€.

@pcambra@drupal.community avatar

I guess ambitious site builders need ambitious wallets.

sysop408, (edited )
@sysop408@sfba.social avatar

Anyone else enjoying their disillusionment that upgrading major versions became easy as of Drupal 8?

The pain involved in the Drupal 8 to 9 upgrade was expected to just part of the learning curve of adopting a new system. It's supposed to get easier... isn't it?

My Drupal 9 to 10 upgrade for one of my larger sites is so painful that I'm now going to seriously consider going to Backdrop for some of my remaining Drupal 7 sites instead of upgrading them to Drupal 10.

BTW, I'm not dumping on the Drupal 8+ system as a whole. I actually love it and will keep building on it. It's just that the smaller sites I've done would not have the budget for me to engage in this exercise every 2 years nor would I have the time to pray to the migration gods for so many sites like this.


@sysop408 @JamesOMalley I guess direct is a better word than explicit. Start with composer require --no-update drupal/core, that should default to ^10.1, if you still get multiple versions, change it to 10.1.4 for example.


@sysop408 The lenient plugin only acts on dependencies which were explicitly specified using an allow list via composer.json extra data. That only helps when its clear which dependency is causing the mess. This doesn't seem to have been the case in your situation.

@DrupalCampCemaes@drupal.community avatar

Show me the money! A bit of clarification about the finances of DrupalCamp Cemaes as well as sponsorship information.


@pcambra@drupal.community avatar

@DrupalCampCemaes it's awesome that you're exploring an event supported by community alone

@concretedog@mastodon.social avatar

@DrupalCampCemaes took me a while to work out this was Cemaes bay rather than Cemaes down south! Great to see this on Môn.

@DaleTrexel@drupal.community avatar

Why does make it so impossible to figure out the markup for referencing another issue by # in a new issue?

@jurgenhaas@fosstodon.org avatar

Yes, got it. And we all can help to improve that. It's great that you've identified the problem. Next, it needs to be reported and then fixed. That's what we all do thousands of times every day.

@kreynen@fosstodon.org avatar

@DaleTrexel isn't this changing when issue queues are moved to GitLab? It's easy to reference issue in GiLab by including links, GitLab's process to truly relate issue requires saving the issue and adding the relation to UI elements that only exist after the initial save. Both of these are easy once you understand them, but neither are intuitive for new users.

@mikemccaffrey@drupal.community avatar

We have a client site where some crawler bot has been repeatedly coming to the site for years and trying to access hundreds and hundreds of bad urls. All of the requests from one of their previous episodes caused to bump the account up to the next tier, costing the organization hundreds of dollars more a month. Any ideas on how to keep an out of control crawler off of a pantheon site?

@mikemccaffrey@drupal.community avatar

@kreynen Is there an interface for managing that?

@kreynen@fosstodon.org avatar

@mikemccaffrey yes, but not all configurations/VCL options can be done as self-service... and similar to my motivation for writing https://www.drupal.org/project/pantheon_autopilot_toolbar, you can't actually navigate to https://agcdn.ps-pantheon.com/ through the Pantheon's UI. The Edge Cache icon in the left hand navigation of the Pantheon Dashboard links to a page promoting the AGCDN and telling you to contact your sales person... even if you are paying for it.

@ultimike@drupal.community avatar

I think there’s a big opportunity for a hosting company to provide low-cost hosting that revolves around the upcoming Automatic Updates and Project Browser initiatives. I’m thinking no Git (gasp! I know) with automated backups included. What better way to bring new folks into the community than by providing the easiest of on-ramps to a production site.

Sandeep Sasikumar provides an overview of various Drupal hosting options.


@jurgenhaas@fosstodon.org avatar

Unless the hoster provides a composer repository too, then all custom components (module, theme, etc.) can be composer required.

I'm not saying, this should avoid git for any cost, but a composer based application in combination with project browser and autoupdates can go a long way for people not even knowing anything about infrastructure. Something that wasn't possible so far, is now within reach.
@ultimike @mandclu

@stpaultim@fosstodon.org avatar

@mandclu @ultimike

I hear this point, but I hope we can all realize that not every "essential" tool for a regular Drupal developer is or should be a pre-requisite to get started.

I would never quit using git or command line tools like Drush. But, I would not be here today had I been forced into using them on day one.

I needed time to fall in love with Drupal before I was ready to see the value in and appreciate these tools.


Wow, this is gross!

Rahul Dewan is the founder of and sits on the Board of Directors of the @drupalassoc. Today on LinkedIn we spouted off against question about gender and sexuality on a survey created by Association staff.


We can talk about whether we are surprised that an outspoken anti-LGBTQIA+ person is on the board. But the real question is will he remain on the board after this?



Update: Rahul Dewan of has resigned from the Association board, and posted this extended defense of his terrible ideas:

@pcambra@drupal.community avatar
@pcambra@drupal.community avatar

How out of touch is this question on the business survey, I mean...

@dasrecht@chaos.social avatar

@pcambra hah ... nah just interesting to read a bit into why someone might write a question that way :)


@pcambra @dasrecht I think we can look at it as a double edged sword. If someone answers "1M USD in compensation and unlimited access to company jet" it builds a certain image of the candidate. However "ability to work remotely" or "time and opportunity to contribute code to Drupal.org" tells a different picture.

That being said, unless the word "crazy" was used in the feedback to the candidate, I don't think one should answer this question.

@pcambra@drupal.community avatar

There was a time when planet was full of interesting posts... technical, project management, events, tutorials...

These days almost every post look like SPAM and SEO directed content.

I've literally just read a company blog posting a list of top development companies....🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 and they list themselves as #1. How subtle.

@joachim@drupal.community avatar

@pcambra I don't know but it annoys the crap out of me!!!!


@pcambra thanks you saved me from opening that one 🍻

ramsey, (edited )
@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

Someone at the DoJ left E_DEPRECATED messages on in production, so now, their website is a great public service announcement against using and . 🤦‍♂️

h/t @blogdiva and @molly0xfff

@SenseException@phpc.social avatar
@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

@ramsey @josh their whole USGOV distro is a fantastic primer on how to structure sites. really well done; though i have to say, what they have documented at Drupal isn't complete; but that's to be expected. i hope though they didn't get hit by the wave of people leaving USGOV during the Trump administration. it's my understanding, there's still thousands of critical vacancies. that's institutional knowledge that's never coming back.

@stpaultim@fosstodon.org avatar

Is anyone using site maps with the domain access module for modern

Which module is working for you?


@joachim @stpaultim @drupler

I hear you. For table, I usually just start from table.html.twig and go from there, but yeah, it can be a little improvisational.

That said, can we agree that it's still WAY better than wordpress? haha.

@stpaultim@fosstodon.org avatar

@JamesOMalley @joachim @drupler

> That said, can we agree that it's still WAY better than wordpress?


I don't question or argue with folks that LOVE modern Drupal. I think it's great especially for those full time developers working with Drupal all the time.

But, I will continue to advocate for the folks, many of whom are not full time developers, that find modern Drupal overly complex for their use cases.

This is why I work with and contribute to both and

@ultimike@drupal.community avatar

If you use ’s configuration management system and you’re not using Config Split, I fear that you might be doing it wrong.

New releases of Config Split and related contrib modules now available: https://nuvole.org/blog/2023/nov/07/new-stable-releases-config-filter-split-and-ignore

Via Fabian Bircher

@pcambra@drupal.community avatar

@deviantintegral @ultimike we tend to avoid it whenever possible as well


As a developer I am interested in using @ddev as a development tool, but adding ddev infront of every drush command is something I just cannot get used to.
Any experiences here? And any advise about why me and my team should make the switch?

@mikestreety@hachyderm.io avatar

@absoludo @ddev adding DDEV in front of your commands is a small "pain point" for a ridiculously massive win. We use DDEV with TYPO3 and I wouldn't ever use anything else.

@mikestreety@hachyderm.io avatar

@absoludo ha! Sorry, I saw you reposted my blog post and was checking out your timeline - didn't spot this was 6 months old 🤦‍♂️

joachim, (edited )
@joachim@drupal.community avatar

New release of Action Link module lets you put the links directly into field formatters, and the field value updates with AJAX as well as the link. https://www.drupal.org/project/action_link

@joachim@drupal.community avatar

@jpoesen I'd been meaning to make a 'flagless flag' module ever since I saw that maintaining Flag on D7.

@joachim@drupal.community avatar

@jpoesen I'm not sure what to add to make it clearer - it says it can be customised with a plugin. There are examples in the module's tests and in the POC submodule.

@drupalthoughts@fosstodon.org avatar

I've been tasked to upgrade another inherited 9 site to 10, apply a some major updates to the existing theme, and stage it on
As-is, none of the contrib modules had been defined in its config, and it has quite a few complex added features and content types that may no longer be required. Let's see how this goes! 😎

@drupalthoughts@fosstodon.org avatar

for starters, it's 9.3, so I'll need to get it to 9.5 before upgrading to 10. That requires v1, so I'll need to 'composer selfupdate --1' and then switch back to 2 after the update, IF that's successful

@drupalthoughts@fosstodon.org avatar

this process wound up working to get two other sites from 9.3 to 9.5 to 10.2.1.
I had to fix some issues with 'spaceless' being deprecated in the custom themes, and the profile_switcher module saved me from remnants of Lightning 2.x beta something, though some time ago a lot of effort was put into disabling and removing all lightning workflow related features. 🦤 I think I like drupal again!

@mglaman@phpc.social avatar
@mglaman@phpc.social avatar

@joachim inject the service and your callable invokes the service and method.

@mglaman@phpc.social avatar

@joachim wait. Couldn't a closure just return the value from this and it still works fine?

@mherchel@mastodon.social avatar

I LOVE that @drupalcampspain is using a <marquee> tag! I'm going to have total FOMO from not being able to attend! #Drupal


@mherchel @drupalcampspain It's now public. :drupalicon:


@mherchel@mastodon.social avatar

@isholgueras gracias!

@ultimike@drupal.community avatar

Yet another example of the technical staff of the Drupal Association (and their partners) bringing value to our community.


If you or your company isn’t a Association member, why not?

Blog post by @hestenet

@kreynen@fosstodon.org avatar

@ultimike Why not? Because DA membership benefits are geared towards agencies. The recent TDT research showed how popular Drupal is in higher ed. We have our own Slack that peaked at 2700+ members (< 10% active now). I have a half finished email to @hestenet about this.

There are a few people who have managed to get their university to join, but I'd really like to see joining be the default for the large, higher ed orgs that are VERY invested in Drupal.

@kreynen@fosstodon.org avatar

@ultimike @hestenet It would be great to see the DA extend SSO support to drupal.community w/ https://docs.joinmastodon.org/admin/optional/sso/. It would make it easier to shift from providing content being used to train AI in the various walled gardens our community currently (unknowingly?) supports. I managed to show that 5% of donors could come from Mastodon in a recent fundraising campaign for CU. Those were mainly early adopters & FOSS advocates, but we're nearing the tipping point on Mastodon adoption.

@pcambra@drupal.community avatar

Seems Commerce is now showing ads on the backend for Drupal sites/developers ❓

Anyway at least they documented how to not display them in the release notes: https://www.drupal.org/project/commerce/releases/8.x-2.38

@pcambra@drupal.community avatar
@jeni@drupal.community avatar

@pcambra @jpoesen Just ran through that issue again, I kind of forgot about it and now I'm angry again after revisiting it. I don't understand how it's appropriate for contrib modules to now decide it's OK to insert spam into the databases of our sites.

@ultimike@drupal.community avatar

In this post from Lemberg Solutions you will never guess who their top development company to work with is:




@pcambra @ultimike I'm the most handsome Drupal dev out there. Source: my grandma

@pcambra@drupal.community avatar

@penyaskito @ultimike I agree with your grandma

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