youronlyone, to wheeloftime avatar

The real #WheelOfTime was used by John the Baptist and his followers (they are NOT the Essenes); aka #DeadSeaScrolls / #Zadok / #Zadokite (Priestly) calendar


#HappyNewYear #Spring #NewYear #HaDerech #Natsarim #TheWay #Torah #Messianic #Christianity

youronlyone, to Philippines avatar
baruch, to random avatar

This week's Torah reading is the first of several that detail the construction of the Mishkan, the portable temple that the Jewish people took with us on our journeys through the desert. Even the most mundane technicalities of construction are reviewed thoroughly. This is still important for us to study although we will never build another Mishkan, because it teaches us about the nature of having a relationship with the divine, and bringing holiness and meaning into our lives. It isn't accomplished by separating from the world around us or making grand gestures. Rather, it is found in the tiny details of everyday life. "Make a sanctuary for me and I will dwell within you." (Exodus 25:8)

Shabbat Shalom!

chevrahachachamot, to Judaism avatar

"Exploring Tomer and Tehudah: A Degendering Experiment

Two weeks ago, we built a shared vocabulary to discuss the difference between gender and sex and how they manifest in Toratah and Torato. Last week, we asked what change is acceptable in Torah, in midrash, and in aggadah. Join us as we read a grammatically degendered English translation of the story of Tomer and Tehudah, also known as Tamar and Yehudah, and here known as Date Palm and Gratitude.

See the four versions of the story:

We will discuss if the story works when we attempt to degender it, if neopronouns could help clarify the meaning of the story, and how our perception of the tale changes from masculine Torato to feminine Toratah to agendered Toratam (Their Torah). Degendering version written by and discussion led by Beit Toratah community volunteer Sahar Bareket.

Sunday, Feb 18, 1-3PM ET

appassionato, to Israel avatar
baruch, to random avatar

In describing the giving of the Torah on Sinai, the Torah writes that G-D spoke in “a great voice that did not cease.”

The Midrash offers 3 explanations:

  1. The voice was not limited to Hebrew. but spoke the languages of all 70 foundational nations.

  2. The voice is continuous - speaking to each of us now, this very day, although we cannot hear it.

  3. The voice did not have an echo.

Of these three reasons, the third seems the most perplexing. After all, shouldn’t the Creator of all speak with a little reverb? One would expect the giving of the Torah to have all the bass, the Dolby Digital Surround Sound that you’d expect from the Master of the Universe.

The reason is because when the Torah was given, it was not meant to stand in contradiction to Creation, but rather to part of our world. An echo shows that the sound waves bounced off everything - but the Torah was absorbed and became one with all.

Good Shabbos! :two_candles:​ :challah:​

DrALJONES, (edited ) to Israel avatar


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    This excerpt from the is awful. And they are nobody to impose their own , their own belief on others. It's not faith. This is type of bullshit.

    w7voa, to random avatar

    "President Biden spoke with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel to discuss the latest developments in Israel and Gaza." - White House

    HistoPol, (edited ) avatar



    Wrong call, Mr. President!

    Even by the yardstick of the (), "an eye for an eye", way more blood has been shed.

    How many more eyes need to be gouged out for it to be enough?

    The tribal trauma of the inspired 4 of the 5 books. The memory of this lives on about 3.500 years later*, is even celebrated (**).

    The rift between and will not be possible to heal within President 's or...

    AhavahArielSacredArts, to random avatar

    Another thing I'm slowly working on is a journal for recording your meditations or studies on the weekly Torah portions.

    I do free-form poetry, usually. Not sure poetry is my strong point, but I'm trying.

    This is a poem about being dragged kicking & screaming into something you have no choice about and think is going to be just totally awful.

    Maybe we shouldn't be so fast to judge.

    You can always bail later.

    Just Saying.

    jmb, to random avatar

    Kinda nervous tonight as I'm going to get to carry the Torah scroll on the hakafah tonight at my Reform temple.

    It is my first time to get to do this, so definitely a Shehecheyanu

    baruch, to hebrew avatar

    The Hebrew word for life, chaim, is phrased in the plural and literally translates as “lives,” indicating multiple phases and expressions of a single, never-ending life…

    In stark contrast to the culture of “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die,” when Jews have occasion to drink, they say “l’chaim!” (to life) reminding each other that there is so much more to life than the shallow indulgences of the here and now, and that every meaningful act one does and every mitzvah one performs creates an energetic imprint that outlives our temporary time in a physical body.

    dukepaaron, to Jewish avatar

    Remember kids, it's not antisemitic to create a climate of fear and intimidation for all of those kikes I mean Jews I mean zionists involved in the checks notes Richmond Jewish Food Festival.

    "The annual Food Festival has been postponed indefinitely over what organizers call a "volatile climate" of surrounding the war between and .

    Rabbi Dovid Asher, director of Keneseth Beth Israel — a "center of traditional in Richmond" that puts on the yearly event — cited a rise in threats and the prohibitive costs of security as the war in enters its 42nd week."

    bungle, to Jewish

    Stumbled across this on YouTube last night whilst going down the nusach rabbit hole. It's made me write out something metaphysical and hopefully motivational.


    baruch, to hebrew avatar

    The word mazal is sometimes translated as “luck,” something that happens perchance. According to this interpretation, mazal tov would mean good fortune or good luck...

    Interestingly, mazal is an etymological cognate of the word nozal, which means a downward flow.

    This follows the Jewish belief that every person has a reservoir of spiritual energy in the higher realms that can either remain “above” in the ethereal realms as dormant potential, or descend “below” and translate into actual physical blessings in the form of children, health, wealth, or other blessings, depending on our actions and input...

    Our “fate” may be decreed “above,” but our “destiny” is determined by our actions “below.”

    baruch, to hebrew avatar

    While the English word humility originates from the Latin, humilis, meaning meekness or lowliness, the Hebrew equivalent, anavah (עֲנָוָה) stems from the word anu (ענו), meaning “to respond.”

    In Judaism, humility is rooted in a sense of responsibility and accountability. From this perspective, the awareness of privilege or proficiency does not perversely inflate one’s sense of self-worth and supremacy above others; rather, it fills one with immense gratitude and indebtedness, generating greater dedication to one’s mission...

    In the words of R. Lord Jonathan Sacks: “True humility...does not mean undervaluing yourself. It means valuing other people.”

    theautisticcoach, to actuallyautistic

    Have you heard about the project that @LizShayne and I are working on?

    We are now accepting submissions for an upcoming book of essays that explores the dynamic intersection between neurodiversity, Torah, and Judaism.

    Our project aims to amplify the diverse voices within the Neurodistinct Jewish community, inviting contributors to share their personal narratives, insights, and reflections on how their unique ND perspectives shape their interactions with Torah and Jewish practices.

    Neurodistinct can mean a number of things. While thought about primarily as autism and ADHD, it also includes Bipolar, Downs Syndrome, Tourettes, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, and many more.

    Submissions are encouraged from individuals who identify as ND and Jewish, offering a platform for authentic, diverse expressions that will be compiled into a thought-provoking book that explores the multifaceted connections between neurodivergence and Judaism. Jewish people from ALL denominations are encouraged to submit. NO ONE has a monopoly on Torah!

    If you know anyone that may want to contribute or be interested in the project, please spread the word!

    @mazeldon @actuallyautistic

    baruch, to hebrew avatar

    The idea that the body must be tamed or even “beaten” into submission is a pervasive one. In his book, Walking Words, the Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano sums up prevailing contemporary views of the body succinctly: “The church says: the body is sin. Science says: the body is a machine. Advertising says: the body is business. The body says: I am a fiesta.”

    The Jewish perspective on the body is quite different. Whereas some traditions view corporeal life as an obstacle course—a series of challenges designed to test our spiritual resolve and integrity—Judaism sees the body as the interface and means of expression for the soul in physical reality. In this way, the body gives the soul a voice, and the soul provides the song.

    skaly, to Israel avatar

    "Zionists all hate Palestinians and want to ethnic cleanse them."
    Literally every Zionist and Jewish protest:
    100k people singing songs for peace together
    We don't want this war. Never did. We love being the only democracy and only safe state in the middle east for LGBTQIA+ folks. We love each other, love our Beduin, Druze and Muslim Israeli brothers and sisters. We want peace. But then Gazans behead our children while screaming "Yehud" (Jews) and the world denies it. Then there's war.

    rameshgupta, avatar


    >> A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid

    Have you been living under a rock through the and , particularly the latter?

    >> we are somehow supposed to support Jewish claims to the land based on the Torah and therefore we should be okay with the massive displacement, murder, and pillage that characterized the formation of the state of Israel?

    Even ignoring and ➡️

    oatmeal, to israel avatar

    In December 2016, Eyal Krim was sworn in as chief rabbi and awarded the rank of brigadier general.

    These were his views on "wartime rape", which, when earthed, caused an outrage. He was later appointed head of the Military Rabbinate.

    “[...] Although intercourse with a female gentile is very grave, it was permitted during wartime (under the conditions it stipulated) out of consideration for the soldiers’ difficulties,”

    “[...] And since our concern is the success of the collective in the war, the permitted [soldiers] to satisfy the evil urge under the conditions it stipulated for the sake of the collective’s success.”


    Rabbi Krim as head of Ateret Yerushalayim mechina, 1998

    rabbijill, to random avatar

    Speaking of hope, in this weeks torah portion, Isaac and Ishmael, the 2 sons of Abraham, who had enmity between them, came together to bury their father. I like to imagine that they wept in each others arms & recognized their brotherhood. May it be so today. Soon.

    oregonmiles, to Jewish avatar

    Sometimes the Talmud comes through with a beautiful passage that could almost be read as a lovely endorsement of science and astrophysics. All you have to do is squint hard so when the Rabbis said "constellations" (mazalot) and "tekufot" (seasons/ages), they were "in a sense" talking about astrophysics, the universe and time... and suddenly, the study of the universe is the study of God
    אָמַר רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן בֶּן פַּזִּי, אָמַר רַבִּי יְהוֹשֻׁעַ בֶּן לֵוִי מִשּׁוּם בַּר קַפָּרָא: כָּל הַיּוֹדֵעַ לְחַשֵּׁב בִּתְקוּפוֹת וּמַזָּלוֹת וְאֵינוֹ מְחַשֵּׁב, עָלָיו הַכָּתוּב אוֹמֵר: ״וְאֵת פֹּעַל ה׳ לֹא יַבִּיטוּ וּמַעֲשֵׂה יָדָיו לֹא רָאוּ״. אָמַר רַבִּי שְׁמוּאֵל בַּר נַחְמָנִי אָמַר רַבִּי יוֹחָנָן: מִנַּיִן שֶׁמִּצְוָה עַל הָאָדָם לְחַשֵּׁב תְּקוּפוֹת וּמַזָּלוֹת — שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר: ״וּשְׁמַרְתֶּם וַעֲשִׂיתֶם כִּי הִיא חׇכְמַתְכֶם וּבִינַתְכֶם לְעֵינֵי הָעַמִּים״, אֵיזוֹ חָכְמָה וּבִינָה שֶׁהִיא לְעֵינֵי הָעַמִּים — הֱוֵי אוֹמֵר: זֶה חִישּׁוּב תְּקוּפוֹת וּמַזָּלוֹת.


    oregonmiles, avatar

    Rabbi Shimon ben Pazi said that Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi said in the name of bar Kappara: Anyone who knows how to calculate astronomical seasons and the movement of constellations and does not do so, the verse says about him: “They do not take notice of the work of God, and they do not see His handiwork” (Isaiah 5:12).

    And Rabbi Shmuel bar Naḥmani said that Rabbi Yoḥanan said: From where is it derived that there is a mitzva incumbent upon a person to calculate astronomical seasons and the movement of constellations? As it was stated: “And you shall guard and perform, for it is your wisdom and understanding in the eyes of the nations” (Deuteronomy 4:6).
    What wisdom and understanding is there in the Torah that is in the eyes of the nations, i.e., appreciated and recognized by all? You must say: This is the calculation of astronomical seasons and the movement of constellations ...

    Shabbat 75a

    See? - not just a fun pastime, but a too.

    littlemiao, to Jewish avatar

    A thoughtful talk on Parshat Lech Lecha from Pardes in Jerusalem, with Judy Klitsner (student of Nechama Leibowitz). Why Avraham, and what was he chosen for? It was recorded just a few days after the Oct 7 pogrom.

    ahau, to buddhism avatar

    What is the meaning of the name "Mary" in מרים?

    The name comes from the Hebrew word Mariam (Miriam) and hence the words mar (bitter) and yam (sea). So, Mary means "bitter sea".

    In , the bitter sea is an idiom that means "the sea of bitterness has no bounds, turn your head to see the shore". The sea of suffering has no limit; turn your head back and you will be enlightened.

    is an Eastern, not a Western religion.

    bp, to random

    Here are some questions which have come up in our daily learning recently

    Is one permitted to carry a weapon or cell phone on for self-defence or to receive lifesaving alerts? (obligated)

    If one has a weapon, & sees that terrorists are about to overwhelm him, is he permitted to commit suicide to avoid being taken captive and tortured? (it's complicated)

    Are rescue workers permitted to identify bodies on Shabbat? (yes)

    A woman who was raped by a terrorist & becomes pregnant...

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