@moz@fosstodon.org avatar



A lifelong resident of Yaramulla near Sydney, rides weird bikes and codes when bored. Entertains chickens for fun.

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sundogplanets, to random
@sundogplanets@mastodon.social avatar

I am talking o a reporter about this in a couple hours: https://regina.ctvnews.ca/from-outer-space-sask-farmers-baffled-after-discovering-strange-wreckage-in-field-1.6880353

This is about an hour away from my farm, so this'll be a fun conversation, and yet another great opportunity to tell a lot of people about what a huge problem we have with unregulated commercialization of orbit. (Also I just redid my slides for my public talk next week, this is going in!)

@moz@fosstodon.org avatar
kcarruthers, (edited ) to random
@kcarruthers@mastodon.social avatar

Probably the best and right commentary on the whole man vs bear thing right now.

@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@kcarruthers Might be worth asking how we've built a society where many men would also choose the bear, why that question isn't asked and why it's still acceptable to shame men who do choose the bear.

26pglt, to actuallyautistic
@26pglt@mastodon.au avatar

This account of a teenager & his family is heartbreaking 💔.

Families raising kids who have violent meltdowns struggle to find support. Kids like this are acutely vulnerable to the influence of anyone who is kind to them & any group in which they find acceptance. For those of us who experience meltdowns, learning to understand & manage our overwhelm & the eruptions it leads to is a lifelong journey. For most of us it’s full of failure & shame. Where & how can we find acceptance & love? How can we learn to be gentle with ourselves?

I think many #autistic folk, especially those of us who grew up undiagnosed & unsupported then raised similarly undx, distressed, overwhelmed & volatile autistic kids while unable to find help, would shudder with recognition at elements of this tragic story.

My heart goes out to this family ❤️‍🩹 @actuallyautistic


@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@26pglt @actuallyautistic don't forget the multigeneration version. An undiagnosed kid brought up by an undiagnosed parent who for related reasons made a poor choice of spouse. I see too many abuser+autistic marriages to think it's accidental. But it's hell on wheels for the kid(s) even if they're NT.

@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@janisf @26pglt @actuallyautistic I am in the position of suspecting things but having parents who are extremely opposed to anything that might suggest they're defective or broken in any way. One of the fun things they passed down to me... in the "had it beaten into me" sense that was so popular in the 1970's.

@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@janisf @26pglt @actuallyautistic it can also be backstory - I've been diagnosed as definitely not having ADHD (twice! By GPs) and I suspect my medical record still has "drug seeker" on it in big friendly letters.

There's a big gap between knowing there's something wrong and being confident (or even willing to accept) that another round of trauma at the hands of the medical system might help.

@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@janisf @26pglt @actuallyautistic yeah, I had an awesome GP for a while but we moved apart. Currently I go to one of those GP factory places where even getting blood tests interpreted is a challenge (they're great at "GP appointment to get blood test + GP appointment for result + GP appointment for B12 shot" but that's about their limit. OTOH they're one of the few to still require masking (I suspect their staff don't like always having covid)

@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@janisf @26pglt @actuallyautistic the GI is an ongoing process because just as there aren't many ASD-friendly therapists, there's almost no ASD-friendly GPOs or GI specialists. So I get told "you're not reporting symptoms I recogise in a way I'm comfortable hearing so I can't help you".

JamesGleick, to random
@JamesGleick@zirk.us avatar

In your worst nightmare, did you consider the possibility that Trump would at the last minute:

—toss out the laughable argument that it didn’t matter what crimes he had committed, it didn’t matter whether or not he was guilty, because he had been president, and presidents are allowed to break the law—they’re “immune”;

—and then, after all the lower courts had swiftly and irrefutably explained how absurd that was, (1/2)

@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@angusm @cstross @JamesGleick But traditionally the court of public opinion responded along the lines of "I've got a pike. But it's missing your head".

The French obviously took that a step further, mechanising the process in the name of efficiency and human rights ("you have the right to be killed quickly and with minimum pain") and that was quite a radical innovation.

OTOH all of this wittering is irrelevant to the far right, whose philosophy makes Ayn Rand seem intellectually rigorous.

cstross, to random
@cstross@wandering.shop avatar

From America with cash: Right-wing groups want to end abortion in the UK

A right-wing political and media ecosystem pushing a US-style anti-abortion agenda is gaining traction in the UK



YouGov survey finds nearly 90% of Britons support abortion


@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@cstross isn't this normal for the US though? Similar groups are responsible for a lot of anti-gay laws and actions around the world already, and there's a long tradition of "US aid must never go near reproductive healthcare" specifically because of the antiabortion bullshit. I'm not sure whether the refusal to allow aid to be used against AIDS was the Reagan "death sentence for gays", anti-reproductive-healthcare or some foul combination.

rebeccawatson, to random
@rebeccawatson@mstdn.social avatar

I have until Monday to tell Climate Ride whether I want to bike 60 miles (my previous max in one day) or 100 miles on day 1. I have a month to get in shape. What say you fellow cyclists and people who consider taking on more than you probably should? https://support.climateride.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.participant&participantID=12036

@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@rebeccawatson Can you bail out early, easily? If so there's no harm in trying for 100 and discovering that you only rode 80. Or got on the bus after 30, if it comes to that.

I'd definitely try for the 100 because succeeding would be awesome.

mike, to random
@mike@fosstodon.org avatar

I remember back in college in the 90s having a lot of difficulty with the required length of writing assignments. I used all the tricks of squishing margins and larger font to make whatever it was I wrote look like there was more to it than there was. Now, I'm in college again in the 20s, and I have writing assignments. I don't know if the requirements have changed or I have, but writing assignments of at least 300 words? I can write you 300 words about my breakfast. Maybe I just talk too much.

@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@mike handwriting anything gave me a lot of time to think about ways to make it more concise. But I can type really fast without thinking about it.

katfeete, to random
@katfeete@wandering.shop avatar

On a comment in a @cstross thread earlier today re: evidence of agricultural collapse, I said we were already in agricultural collapse, and someone (foolishly) asked me to expand on that… it got long and ranty so I’m pulling it out and giving it its own thread.

Caveats: I am not an expert, just a farmer. I’m from the US so this will be US centric. We have a dairy, so dairy and animal ag may make a disproportionate appearance.

@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@katfeete @cstross don't forget predictable weather. "efficient" farmers rely on 6-12 month weather forecasts when planting, and dropping the reliability of those means the wrong thing gets planted at the wrong time so you get reduced yield (can be zero).

There are also "market forecasts", where farmers guess prices but often also pre-sell crops. A presold crop that doesn't exist due to the aforementioned bad weather forecast costs the farmer a lot of money (see: Gamestop)

kev, to random
@kev@fosstodon.org avatar

I recently bought my first electric vehicle (EV). It has been an interesting
adjustment, but am I glad I switched from diesel?

@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@kev "it was so expensive to run and quite frankly, a waste. I could afford it, but it felt like I was just throwing money down the drain"

Reasons why I've never owned a car number one: I have never felt that I have enough spare, unwanted money that buying a car seemed like a good idea.

You can buy an awful lot of very nice bicycles for the cost of a car and keeping it on the road. I really should update my "list of bicycles" page.... https://moz.geek.nz/mozbike/

pluralistic, to random
@pluralistic@mamot.fr avatar

Hard to overstate how enshittified and botshitted Google Maps has become. Went looking for my local locksmith on Gmaps. Maps shows 20+ fake locksmith referral scam outlets and doesn't even register the real locksmith, despite it being fully visible in Street View.

Instead, a red pin on the shop identifies it as a fake locksmith scammer. The real locksmith - which has been there SINCE 1942 (!!) and is a verified merchant - doesn't even show up.

Google Maps, showing the storefront for Golden State Lock as an empty building.

@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@pluralistic I just had similar fun finding a local plumber. Many fake addresses until Infound one where street view shows an actual plumbing company.

Weirdly the actually local one I found doesn't advertise online, has a broken website and mostly deals with bigger clients. But they came and fixed my kitchen sink anyway, and promise to send me an invoice for the quoted amount eventually.

johnquiggin, to nuclear
@johnquiggin@aus.social avatar

Australian Science and Technology Organization website says NuScale expects to have SMRs in operation by 2026. (page dated 2020)

Doesn't ANSTO have some obligation to present accurate information to the public or, if they can't do that, say nothing.


@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@johnquiggin I fear you may need to spend more time watching documentaries like "Yes Minister" and "Utopia" and less time reading fantasy sites like the ANSTO one.

I recommend the science fiction writer Charles Stross and his "Laundry Files" books documenting the English government...

notjustbikes, to random
@notjustbikes@notjustbikes.com avatar

The latest PhilosophyTube video just came out on Nebula, and you might recognize which other Nebula creator contributed to it. 😉


@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@notjustbikes I love the way almost all your clips were of the Big Friendly Truck episode.

GottaLaff, to animals
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

I take requests. Here’s Hamilton, Mastodon’s service dog to the rescue.

@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@GottaLaff you know our demands are only going to escalate from this point, right?

It starts with "who's a good boy?" then "who wants a treat" and next thing you know you have an OnlyFans channel full of puppy videos and a gift register on BestPetTreats.com

mike, to random
@mike@fosstodon.org avatar

Next week for my class there's a whole section on Printer troubleshooting.


@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@mike "it's not printing"

"was it like that before it fell down the stairwell, bounced into the skip and caught fire?"

kcarruthers, to random
@kcarruthers@mastodon.social avatar

Oh it might help if they actually used female cells to study 🙄: 4 out of 5 autoimmune diseases patients are women, and scientists want to know why

“For several [ever!] decades, we've used a male cell line as the standard of reference," Chan says

Here’s the study https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(24)00002-3


@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@kcarruthers what happened to HeLa?

On that note, Mal Webb's song is always worth listening to:

kev, to TeslaMotors
@kev@fosstodon.org avatar

Today was an expensive day. I bought my first . 😳

@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@kev Oooh, new toy day! 👯‍♂️💃👯‍♂️

More details are obviosly required :)

@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@joel @kev you may jest but that's the only EV I've ever owned. It was an actual bicycle with e-bits, but the previous owner had obviously used it purely as a motorbike. I repaired/replaced much of the transmission and it worked fine as a (heavy) bicycle as well as an e-assist bike.

ddbuskirk, to random
@ddbuskirk@mstdn.party avatar

Math should be done with American numbers

@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@ddbuskirk Al-Gebra should be declared a terrorist organisation and anyone fpund in possession of an Al-Gorithm should be executed.

But anyone with Al Gore Rythm deserves sympathy.

kev, to random
@kev@fosstodon.org avatar

You know what I’d love? A domain registrar that allows me to pay in pounds sterling (£). Instead, I have to pay in USD ($) and for every transaction, I see this shit on my bank statement.

Can any of my fellow brits recommend a decent registrar that allows me to pay in £, that doesn’t cost the earth?

@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@kev I have an ING Visa card that pays in local currency and then refunds the conversion fees. I don't know why they charge then reverse the fee, I suspect that's some kind of Visa charges, ING refunds setup. But it means I pay $US/UKP etc and the bill arrives in AUD.

rebeccawatson, to random
@rebeccawatson@mstdn.social avatar

It's my FAVORITE VIDEO OF THE YEAR! My scientist friends use their psychic powers to tell us what will happen in the coming year, featuring @badastro @SiouxsieW and more, and looking back at some cool science news from last year! https://skepchick.org/2024/01/scientists-predict-2024/

@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@rebeccawatson @badastro @SiouxsieW "Psychic Siouxsie" has a kind of awesome sound to it. But {scans tea leaves} I predict that her predictions will be all rational and sciency.

mike, to random
@mike@fosstodon.org avatar

Some of the doors in the refrigerator section of my local grocery store have been replaced with screens showing the product inside (redundant) and literal ads.

Also, there's a voice assistant coming.

Dialog box on the door or a digital refrigerator door showing, "Voice assistant coming soon."

@moz@fosstodon.org avatar

@mike @hirozed I dunno, that's specific to the store/chain/country. I'm told ALDI in Oz have minutes of delay between product hitting the restock level and a restock instruction going to the warehouse.

My work was an overnight batch operation tracking sales with "nothing sold, there's no stock" as one option given to sales/restock reps. A completely different path gave "no stock, we sold it all". Our product was loosely "sell more by tracking stock levels" suggesting not everyone does that :)

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