Otome-chan avatar

Yup. Some were already saying they were doing indefinite protest until the decision is changed. the question is how many will stay dark?

BlackCoffee avatar

I read that now at least 300+ subreddits are staying dark. I assume that more will follow though.

HopeOfTheGunblade avatar

I know of at least one that is closing entirely rather than going dark because of the mod load that will be imposed by stripping tools. Wonder if they'll try to spin it back up too.

Otome-chan avatar

Yeah there's quite a few saying they're permanently closing (either in general, or until api fees are rolled back). Though I have to imagine that if the protest goes on too long, reddit admins/staff will just force the sub open like they did for... I think it was /r/adviceanimals? Admins are not strangers to admin/mod abuse and forcing their way into a subreddit's management. It's understandable since it's their site, but still kinda fucked up.

I recall spez also abusing his admin powers by silently editing someone else's comment to say something that is opposite to their post and what they believe (yet it wasn't marked as edited and looked like they were directly saying it). It was super fucked up.

Reddit admins are absolute garbage, and I have no doubt they'd abuse their powers to force subs open if it starts hurting.


Do you remember which one. it will most likely just end up on r/redditrequests

Otome-chan avatar

If it's a big sub, reddit staff/admins will just force it open themselves, no need for a request. The request system doesn't work if the owner of the sub is still active on reddit, even if they privated the sub. For example, I have /r/potemkinvillage and turned it private. But since I'm still active on reddit, no one can request the sub. If I end up leaving reddit for a long enough time, then someone can eventually request it.

But for large subs? Admins will just abuse power, kick mods out, open the sub back up for sure.

HopeOfTheGunblade avatar



I will guess that the admins will boot the mods and get others to mod those subs. No way this is allowed to continue indefinitely .

RubberColby avatar

Yep, it's only a matter of time. It's pathetic.

Nikelui avatar

But what's their endgame? They are booting thousands of people who are providing free work, and moderation is going to be even harder at the end of the month. Who is dumb enough to replace the current mods right now?

HeartyBeast avatar

Who is dumb enough to replace the current mods right now?

I honestly don't think there will be any shortage

jclinares avatar

That's probably what will happen with the big ones. On the other hand, I think that action would also show how Reddit has lost the thread of what makes their community valuable.

I wouldn't mind getting the kind of people who are willing to keep the blackout going as moderators in some parts of the Fediverse, because they've been forced out of Reddit. I'm sure they'll find another place to ply their trade, so to speak :P

BeHereNow avatar

you say that like that's easy. Modding can be a royal pain (mods can be too, but that's another discussion) and it's not for most people, and since they're volunteers (volunteering for the profits of spez et al) it's not that simple.

AttackBunny avatar

I read, somewhere, that one sub already did just that.

AttackBunny avatar

I keep seeing that a lot are going to stay black indefinitely, which is awesome. I also read that a admin took away a head mods powers, and gave them to a lower mod, and then reopened the specific sub (which I currently don’t remember which, but it wasn’t small).

I feel like we will see a LOT more of the admins handing power over to the people who want power, or want to stay on Reddit and don’t care about any of the downsides/drama.

qball avatar

More details on that? Big if true


That did happen but it was a couple years ago over a blackout. Happens from time to time too with subs where the mods just quit or quit moderating. I haven’t heard of it happening this time yet but I wouldn’t put it past reddit doing it for one of the larger subs. Hard to search for now since there’s been some buzz about them doing it but afaik it hasn’t happened yet.

namesare4squares, (edited )
namesare4squares avatar

Only thing I could find on this is this toot.

Grain of salt of course -- of all subs, why r/Tumblr? -- but I wouldn't be surprised if we see this eventually for the larger communities.

VoxAdActa avatar

It's probably not just r/tumbler; the post from the r/tumbler mod is just the one that got any social media traction. I fully expect to see more of these from other mods of big subs going forward.

John_Shepard avatar

r/technology was staying open and didn't say a peep about the blackout. At some point it went private but it doesn't have some kind of message or reason as to why, unlike subs actively participating in the blackout. As it turns out, a reddit admin is currently top mod of r/technology and had been actively posting in an official reddit sub (could've been r/reddit) in defense of the API move during the end of last week. I think r/technology is a good sub to watch, just gonna leave it at that.

PabloDiscobar avatar

The reddit admins have an excuse for booting out the last mods, for stability reasons, since the blackout caused a downtime.

The last redditors will be modded by robots and what they say will be analysed by other robots for money. How fun.


Well, most of those last redditors will just be bots commenting amongst themselves anyway


The old joke of "everyone on Reddit is a bot except you" might just end up coming true.

Steinawitz avatar

Ahh yes, the good 'ole bot circle jerk coming soon to a subreddit near you.

AnakinSandlover avatar

There are definitely still many redditors who don't care that 3rd party apps were basically killed by the company's decisions.


So bots talking to bots, moderated by bots!

Steinawitz avatar

Sounds like a new show produced by Xzibit.

Flaky_Fish69 avatar

Bots moderating Bots! the HORROR!!!
(yes you should read that in C-3Po's annoying voice,)



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  • vox,
    vox avatar

    I think point b) is incorrect, we just incorrectly assumed we are reddits userbase, reddits userbase are the advertisers that actually pay them, we are simply the products they believed they could milk more out of.

    This would not be nearly the huge issue we are making it out to be if they actually designed a good in house interface, cut off the api access then slowly ramped up the ads, but it seems greed has gotten in the way and I hope they pay for their misstep dearly.

    @BlackCoffee @PabloDiscobar

    st3ph3n avatar

    DO IT. Fuck /u/spez. Certainly reddit will eventually wind up just replacing the mods with their own compliant minions, but it is sure going to draw even more negative press.

    namesare4squares avatar

    Good -- I hope they do. But more than that, I hope that the userbase doesn't return.

    I don't care if they choose kbin/Lemmy/Squabbles(?)/Pr0nhub Comment section/Whatever or a combination of those things -- but I hope they don't return to Reddit.

    This is an exciting new opportunity for the internet, imo. Why rely on a single point of failure?

    AnonymousLlama avatar

    Definitely keen on new alternatives now, Reddit has tipped it's hand as to how it operates and how it sees it's userbase and it's not pretty at all.

    I'm thinking this API bullcrap will give everyone that much needed push to leave, it did for me!

    whatthecaptcha, (edited )
    whatthecaptcha avatar

    At this point I hope this blackout stays in place until they reverse their decisions on everything and fire spez. If not I'm done with Reddit for good.

    Kbin seems more than sufficient as a replacement to me.

    The only things I'm missing on kbin are all features of Apollo, not Reddit, so there's literally ZERO reason for me to go back.

    themadcodger avatar

    And there's an app on the works along with whatever 3rd party apps come about. It's a new and exciting world!


    Kbin is a little slow though, but hopefully with time they could work on that


    I'm sure it's just a massive influx of lurkers (and some users) along with not great server infra right now, but I'm dealing with 30s page loads and constant Cloudflare token refreshes. Still better than reddit.


    I think it's because Kbin is like the most popular Fediverse-based reddit alternative and their server is overloaded. I imagine it'll get much better over the next week or so.

    Onii-Chan avatar

    It's seen such a massive influx of traffic lately without the servers to effectively support it. It'll improve (I hope.) I already like it better here. Fuck reddit.

    Flaky_Fish69 avatar

    the subs themselves won't be gone. They're still there. Reddit'll just remove ownership of the subs and install mods that they approve of.

    The only way to end reddit is to get the users gone. but 90% of users don't really care if 99% of the content is add driven or not. as long as they get their dopamine fix.


    As one of the former redditors, the only way I'd go back is if Reddit really improved.


    I was kind of hoping for a brief return between tomorrow and the end of the month for one last binge and so my old subs could share what platform they'd moved to. But so be it. This was going to happen eventually.

    root_beer avatar

    Same. I probably still will, just for that closure, wherever available, but once Apollo is dead, I'm out.


    came here to say that,


    Hey, I'm down for PornHubeddit!

    Bertha avatar



    PornHobbit -- run by CEO Dildo Daggins

    The material writes itself!


    And don't forget His nephew Scroto Saggins in the Lord of the G-Strings.

    reflex avatar

    Scroto Saggins in the Lord of the G-Strings.

    With replies like this, I don't need Reddit anymore!

    canitendtherabbits avatar


    Forosnai avatar





    someone please make a kbin or lemmy instance of this, just for the accounts xD


    federotica.com ;)

    canitendtherabbits avatar

    don't care if they choose kbin/Lemmy/Squabbles(?)/Pr0nhub Comment section/Whatever or a combination of those things

    It the fediverse so it can be all of those, some of those, one of those or whatever! Right? Am I getting it yet? I'm never going back to reddit.

    MeowdyPardner avatar

    If only squabbles implemented activitypub so it could federate with lemmy and kbin... (It doesn't look like it does)


    I am actively experimenting with both. First post here! I find lemmy/kbin has a huge potential, but bloated initial experience. (Was cloud flare really necessary?). While squabbles is light and easy to get into, but less overall potential.

    reflex avatar

    I signed up for squabbles but was turned off before I even started testing it when I saw all the botspam in r/RedditAlternatives.

    BlackCoffee avatar


    Kbin and Lemmy can federate with each other :).

    You can even already test it now! (woot)

    Go to the magazine page on Kbin and type in "Beehaw" and click enter.

    You can now see the communities that are active on beehaw.org (beehaw.org is an lemmy instance).

    You can then click on a community and comment in a thread from the beehaw.org instance right here on Kbin.

    drp avatar

    I wonder how far into the "fuck around" phase will they decide to go, before they find out.

    solidgrue avatar

    Apparently this is happening, so we'll see...

    BlackCoffee avatar

    If this is real than 2 things can happen;

    • The userbase and moderators are gonna get even more riled up.
    • Spez is gonna keep razziaing his way through the moderators of the biggest subreddits.

    Im guessing we will see more of this BS tomorrow


    Yeah, that is going to happen to all the bigger subs they think bring value to the site. They'll probably be some power hungry user in as mod and ruin the sub.

    Lippy avatar

    Yikes! That will only render the Reddit self-sabotage to be irreversible. It really has become morbidly entertaining watching Spez's overly fragile ego result in that site burning itself to the ground in such spectacular fashion over the last few days. If it wasn't for the third party app devs getting screwed over financially in the process after the rug was pulled from under them.

    This place looks to be a silver lining to this whole saga at least. It definitely feels more homely over here with its throwbacks to how forums used to be. It feels like people can actually have a proper conversation again.

    Onii-Chan avatar

    It really does feel good to not be constantly walking on eggshells out of fear of saying the 'wrong thing', or not agreeing with the subreddit's agenda (and holy FUCK is it nice not having to scroll past the first 30+ unfunny quippy replies to find a serious comment.) I'm honestly happy this all went down. Even if it doesn't kill the website (which I'm sure will be the case), they've shown their hand more than enough times now to the point longtime users like myself (12 years, personally) are unwilling to return. I like it here far more, and the overall concept is massively appealing to me.


    7 years myself, this place looks like it is kicking off pretty well.

    Let's be real, Reddit accounts are easy to make, if we really wanted to, we could all just make spam accounts and really Fuck up their new mods.

    If they would just make an app that doesn't kill my storage, data, and battery it might be different.

    I used to use the Reddit app and almost quit Reddit because of it before I found rif

    lixus98 avatar

    I'll gladly watch reddit die, just let me get my popcorn.


    Redditor will talk the walk without walking it... I doubt this will last long


    i just hope people stay gone.
    really dont see any sense in leaving reddit for a month and even posting that they will be back after a month


    "Reddit declined to comment."

    Shocking. Shitheads.


    Maybe they put a muzzle on spez, having realized that everything gets progressively more inflamed each time he says something.

    VulcanSphere avatar

    PR damage control in action


    Good. A two-day blackout was never going to accomplish much since Reddit could just wait it out. Still, the end result is probably going to be Reddit removing mods and trying to replace them in order to get the subreddits public again. That might end the blackout, but it's not really going to solve any of the problems that led to the blackout in the first place.

    Paesan avatar

    We'll have to see how much, but it's definitely added a lot more viability to Reddit's competitors. It did a lot more than I thought a two day blackout would.

    XiELEd avatar

    It's probably because I'm younger on the internet, but this is the biggest and liveliest migration event I've ever seen! It might be successful to the point that it won't be just a Reddit alternative, but an entire thing of its own, and if not, I personally already find this my new home. The community is better here anyway

    dominoko avatar

    In the "olden days" the internet was a much more fragmented place. The migrations were much smaller.


    Here to see the FO part of FAFO.

    VulcanSphere avatar

    Good, let's stay this way and see corporate greed in panic at Reddit Inc.

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