

Banana for scale

5/7 with rice

Generic ask Reddit threads

All that shit can go to hell.




underated gem

marvel movies.


oh my god all of the generic ask reddit questions please ban anyone that posts the usual fron page of ask reddit or any sex related questions fing 14 year olds


Aww. I like bananas for scale.

fivezero, avatar

The “well it looks like we were able to recover $100,000 from the crime scene” >> “Sure glad we were able to recover $80,000” >> “Looks like we found $20,000”, etc…. on seemingly every thread involving money was pretty insufferable.




Banana for scale pre-existed reddit, and is unlikely to die soon lol

But yeah, fuck the rest of that list, I’m with you :)


Really? I would swear I remember watching that start on Reddit…


It did.

Guy above you is wrong. It began with a hidden room in a house found during a renovation.



I mean, how does replying ‘this’ help drive any conversation?




to be clear, by this I mean the annoying comment reply chains repeating the same shit sentence.

FartsWithAnAccent, avatar



doze guise



Pack avatar







It boosts the comment because of the algorithm. I don’t know if people do it knowingly when commenting “this” or “underrated comment” but it does have an effect.

Zortrox, avatar

I feel like the lack of karma system will 100% help in this aspect. No reason to comment/post dumb things since you don’t really get anything with your post/comment is at the top.


I think the lack of karma tracking is the bigger thing.

OpenStars avatar

Sadly, I think you have significantly overestimated those who do that, as having a "reason" in mind beyond simply having a desire to just blurt it out, which is immediately followed by blurting it out.


“Am I the only one that likes this game?” (Image is a cartridge for Ocarina of Time)


Creative writing presented as truth

Kolanaki, avatar

*without context.

I don’t mind that kind of thing provided it’s in the right place and/or labeled as satire.

I mean, that’s basically what The Onion is. Bullshit presented as real news, for laughs.

ChamrsDeluxe, avatar

Or pics being grounds for sob stories and creative writing prompts to get more upvotes on theur shitty pictures. That’s why I unsubbed from r/pics and subbed to /r/nocontextpics. Cool photos, no sob stories.

average650, avatar

Pretty sure this is going to happen…

PetrichorBias, avatar

Oh man, this is something I definitely hope to never see again. I’m so tired of the unbelievable TIFUs, AITAs, and/or OffMyChests with thousands of upvotes that had obviously-fake stories.

The worst one (in recent history) was that TIFU with the student who slept with their professor’s daughter.

Part 1:…/tifu_by_hooking_up_with_professors…

Part 2:…/tifupdate_by_hooking_up_with_profe…

Part 3:…/tifupdate_i_cuckolded_my_professor…

I hope this kind of bullshit never happens here.


/r/nosleep went from genuine scary but plausible stories to literal vampire fanfic porn. One of the worst pivots in reddit history.


I watched that happen in real time, such a bummer because there was some really cool and creepy writing on there at one point


And all of the rage bait posts too (including in those subs).


It will, there will always be charlatans looking to get their jollies by lying for an audience.

scroll_responsibly, avatar

I sometimes wonder if Reddit was hiring writers to write those posts to drive engagement.


Fucking A they were. No one can convince me otherwise. There was a style of writing that became obvious with the writers idiosyncrasies seeping through all the time with some very uncommon phrases and words being used that normal peons simply do not use.

And then there were the writing themes that would create engagement over a week-long period to boot by these same writers.


Questions that are almost certainly article writers from Buzzfeed fishing for content… wait a second…


The “hivemind” ignoring the correct information or even worse, encouraging the wrong information.

Does anyone else remember the whole Boston Bomber fiasco (i.e. We did it, Reddit)?


That was the story that first drew me to Reddit.


Unfortunately this might not be something from Reddit. It could be universal to all human communities. People want to feel that they are in the right but not be questioned, when countering opposing arguments is the way to truth.


This was a really frustrating part. Just the intensity of which people defended their beliefs because they suited their internal narratives, rather than those beliefs being based in truths.

Its one thing to argue that the grass is green due to chlorophyll; it’s an entirely other thing to argue the grass is blue because it makes you feel good about yourself, and your (fart) echoing chamber agrees with you


It’s most noticeable when the topic being discussed is your area of expertise. Then you clearly see what kind of grossly oversimplified or even blatantly false comments get made with so much confidence and upvoted.

I tried to keep this in mind while reading stuff that I’m not an expert in, but that’s hard.


Then you come out facts swinging, and despite possessing vastly more knowledge on the subject and presenting factual/cited corrections to their claims, you are the one downvoted because the userbase has already decided the false claim is more fun to believe.

Let them continue to devolve in their cesspool. They can have it… They deserve it…


A lot of people would just upvote the first bozo to reply with a confident answer and never bother to check for the full story. Scrolling 3 comments down you’d find someone who actually knows their stuff. I learned to at least read most of the comments before committing any Reddit info to memory as fact.

lorax, avatar

TikTok reposts.

lackthought, avatar

been on Lemmy since the original blackout, haven’t seen a single tiktok yet!

it was my own fault on reddit though, for some reason I used to browse r/all and it was always garbage, why did I do this myself?


Karma system.


Doesn’t it already exist? I see scores on both of the apps I use on both of the instances I’m on.


I think the apps are adding up the upvootes/downvotes we’re getting. Not a thing from lemmy


Which is basically how karma worked (oversimplified a bit). Whether lemmy does it or not does matter since its federated. Those who wanna karma farm are doing to go to the places that keep track of the karma equivalent, but they're going to post everywhere.


I used Reddit for years and never understood the points. Someone called me out once like I was lying when i asked what Reddit karma was. There’s no monetary association, right? What’s the value?


Moderators who coddle bigots.



People who wear mustaches



Battlestar Galactica


There is a decent argument historically that communism and other left movements are extremist, racist, and anti-lgbtq. When you start banning concepts, you open your communities up to several things.

  1. Group think
  2. Banning of other radical ideologies that you may agree with
  3. You alienate those people from exposure to better concepts
  4. You jump start compaction cycles for large scale propaganda organizations that could lead to actual violence

I said “bigots” and you immediately jumped to “whatabout communists?!”


I provided four reasons why this was relevant and you jumped from communism to whataboutism? Talk about being intellectually lazy (Or a state-sponsored account)


You linked "communism" and "left movements" to "banning concepts" as if they go hand in hand.

You're question begging hard, and all of your "reasons" are built on top of propaganda and logical fallacies.


Left-leaning radical ideologies are banned all the time and usually use the same laws set up to ban far-right movements. I am not begging the question but feel free to continue spouting off the names of logical fallacies. I almost have a bingo.

I deal with propaganda and strategic messaging professionally, so by all means attempt to lecture.


I provided four reasons why this was relevant

After starting right out the gate with:

There is a decent argument historically that communism and other left movements are extremist, racist, and anti-lgbtq.

We’re talking about today. On a relatively new community. Frankly, I see no reason to tolerate the bigots you’re so keen on coddling until they take over and make this another version of reddit’s the_donald, complete with organizing nazi rallies. Particularly not with the vague and spurious “there is a decent argument” hand wavy FUD that you didn’t explain as a justification. Are a lot of people saying it?

Moving onto your 4 points, let’s look at how they worked so well over at reddit, with all the virtuous acceptance of intolerance and nazi-coddling they’ve done, shall we?

Group think

No, reddit has never had groupthink. Not for an instant. Thank god they let the bigots in otherwise they’d have groupthink!

Banning of other radical ideologies that you may agree with

Post anything on conservative even slightly counter to their bigoted orthodoxy and see how that goes. Hell, suggest that fascism is not amenable to reason and must be opposed with force anywhere on reddit and see how that goes.

You alienate those people from exposure to better concepts

They had abundant exposure to better concepts on reddit. Look how well that’s worked so far. Clearly the answer is to let them spread their shit all over lemmy.

You jump start compaction cycles for large scale propaganda organizations that could lead to actual violence

the_donald literally promoted and helped organize a nazi rally where Heather Heyer was run over and killed by a nazi’s car. On lovely ol’ bigot-coddling reddit. The sub was not banned for years afterwards. I do not want that for lemmy. I left reddit the instant an alternative that didn’t welcome bigotry got enough users.

Not everywhere has to entertain bigots. There’s already too many places that do. A community that welcomes bigots is unwelcoming to everyone but bigots. But holy shit, does it ever drive engagement.

Or a state-sponsored account

Oh, we’re throwing around wild accusations now?


Yes, I started with the reasons why left-leaning movements have been restricted historically right out of the gate. It is not coddling bigots. It is providing context on why any form of radical idea is restricted, including ideas that we tend to celebrate in these communities. Communist propaganda has historically put fourth that anything that is not communist is inherently fascist. Is that your definition of fascism? Are folks allowed to talk about the French protests? To many they are based in fascism.

In my opinion, you are literally promoting groupthink and closing yourself off to ideas by attempting to ban content that you disagree with based on your own definitions. Life is a little more nuanced when you are not talking about specific issues by which you know the full context.

Also, is it a relatively new community or is it an established one that you want to preserve the culture of? I am getting very mixed messages from you.


Yes, I started with the reasons why left-leaning movements have been restricted historically right out of the gate.

No, you started with an unsupported allegation about all left-leaning movements:

There is a decent argument historically that communism and other left movements are extremist, racist, and anti-lgbtq.

Support it or don’t accuse me of being intellectually lazy.

Communist propaganda has historically put fourth that anything that is not communist is inherently fascist.

Why am I getting “Anyone who disagrees with you is a fascist! Everyone’s a fascist to you leftists!” vibes from this?

Also, is it a relatively new community

In the context of broader world history, which is what you were talking about when you were baselessly calling anyone on the left anti-lgbtq.

or is it an established one that you want to preserve the culture of?

It’s a new community that I don’t want overrun with nazis like you’d prefer.


Asking for proof of this is like asking for proof that the Constitution exists. It’s a very common thing I referenced. Western anarchism has a more positive history but largely linked to furtherment of the cause over actual progression of liberties.




My point in bringing it up is that it’s extremely easy to craft a narrative that starts including relatively positive forms of speech in with the banning. That includes these little forums and your approach is exactly what happened on Reddit eventually leading to the current influx of members here now. The second you start restricting speech is when the forum starts consolidating power.

Donald Trump was elected president primarily because he could control his messaging and direct different narratives to different demographics. He was unable to do that as president so he lost the next election. By encouraging the siloing of information sources, you enable that behavior.

I don’t want Nazis but the best way to turn them is not by sending them into a forum where they are left unchecked.


Asking for proof of this is like asking for proof that the Constitution exists. It’s a very common thing I referenced. Western anarchism has a more positive history but largely linked to furtherment of the cause over actual progression of liberties.

So you’re using historical examples of dictatorial communist regimes to tar the entire modern left as permanently and irredeemably bigoted. Got what you meant from the very beginning in its entirety in perfect crystal clarity. Meanwhile, the bigots are talking about eradicating trans people right now.

My point in bringing it up is that it’s extremely easy to craft a narrative that starts including relatively positive forms of speech in with the banning.

Your point is that because some communist dictatorships were bigoted, we should tolerate bigotry from fascists right now in new communities. No. For starters, bigots are still perfectly welcome on reddit and twitter and facebook and 4chan and stormfront and so on. Not everywhere has to be welcoming to bigots. Not everywhere has to be a high minded polyannish naive community where no one locks their doors and if we just engage with bigots on their terms everything will be hunky dory and they’ll stop wanting to genocide my friends. Not everywhere needs to be a complicit platform for hate.

your approach is exactly what happened on Reddit eventually leading to the current influx of members here now

reddit welcomed bigots since day one. Lemmy needn’t.

I don’t want Nazis but the best way to turn them is not by sending them into a forum where they are left unchecked.

Do they not already have enough recruiting grounds already for your liking? Why let them have this one too? Why should people on lemmy have to deal with all the hate against minorities? Why must bigots be welcome just to make others unwelcome?


My point here is not that I am. My point is that others would. The fact that you still do not understand that after reiterating it repeatedly in every single reply indicates to me that you are either not reading my replies or not in this discussion in good faith. You are what this community should leave behind. There was way too much of this on Reddit.


Well, we’ll see what happens. I hope lemmy continues to be inhospitable to bigots.


And you got downvoted for that truthful reality.

pizza_rolls avatar

This is my #1 also. So many people "just asking questions"

I also hate the circlejerk of people going "I cannot possibly comprehend being gay/trans/disabled/whatever but I let them do what they want!" They're not aliens, you can listen to them explain what they are going through and have empathy. It's not very complicated.


Oh don’t get me started on the sealioning from the bigots! “But we need to have more Valuable Discussion™ about my horseshit that’s been debunked a million times already!”


I think it’s a good attitude to serve as a stepping stone away from bigotry, it appeals to the bigots by offering some common ground while giving them a path to becoming less outwardly bigoted. Social progress takes time, especially with attitudes engrained as much as homophobia used to be.

zalack avatar

Agreed, I grew up in a very conservative area and was pretty homophobic when I started college.

"They can do whatever they want, just don't ask me to like it" was an important stepping stone towards "oh shit, love is love" and finally actually listening to the experience of gay people.


Ultimately "live and let live" is all we can ask of anyone. If that is their attitude then they aren't a bigot. People are expecting too much of other people now - not embracing someone does not make someone a bigot.

Your starting position to me is honestly enough but unfortunately many people are way away from that. As a gay guy, I'd be happy with people just saying "do whatever you want want, just don't ask me to like it". The problem is too many people claim that with words but then actually act differently.


I don’t want to see your junk and I don’t care who you’re sleeping with. I don’t understand why that’s a hard position for people to take.


Don't understand why you stereotyped people and basically insulted them and then wondered why people are offended? Yea? No one wants to see your fucking junk either. No, just because you're not gay doesn't make you any more or less likely to do what you are accusing them of.




Exactly what I said you bigot.


I think you missed his point.


You are the one who miss the point.


Lol, whatever.


reddit never functioned as a stepping stone away from bigotry. A lot of mods were content to offer their subs and users to serve as stepping stones for bigots to walk all over, though.

aleph, avatar

r/moderatepolitics was the worst for that.

Their moderation policy basically allowed any abhorrent view as long as it was expressed in a “civil” manner.

Trolls and racists could say things like “well, in my humble opinion, black people are just inherently violent and unintelligent” and anyone who got irate and called them out would get a warning and/or banned.


Unsurprisingly, that’s a fast track to becoming a racist sub. See also the Nazi bar parable.


In my experience, the more obsessed a sub’s mods were about civil language, the more “be civil” meant “don’t sass the nazis.”

aleph, avatar

Won’t anyone think of the nazis?!

spittingimage, (edited ) avatar

Punctuation-free one-word posts so people can be involved without having to participate.

“Sexy sexers of Reddit, what’s the sexiest sex you ever sexed?”

“AITA for saying a single unkind word to the man/woman who keeps me as a literal slave, beats old ladies and kicks puppies in the street?”

livus avatar

Yeah, that sub was much better when it was small and had a rule against obvious validation-seeking by people who already knew they were in the right.

Pack avatar

I honestly think some a-holes don’t know that they’re a-holes. Perhaps their parents coddled them or instilled it into them, but I think it’s good they find out that indeed, they are the butthole… (though, they should have a butthole icon or a * added to their user name as a reminder).






FU Spez



electronicoldman, (edited )

racism/sexism/any sort of hatred really, including hate based on culture (assuming no one is being harmed—but criticism should be rooted in compassion and justice for victims not hatred of perpetrators) or nationality. Many redditors just want an “approved” target for their hatred and aren’t trying to actually advocate for any victims. Oftentimes, they don’t even have any personal stake in the matter which raises the question of why they’re so invested in hating their target, like bringing it up on unrelated threads.

“Happy cake day”

Treating social media apps/sites as if they’re religions


thank you for this list, kind stranger


Single opinion echo chamber. I'm sure it'll work it's way back into the fold as folks break out into communities, but I think it's a very dangerous aspect of social media I hope we can get rid of eventually.


Crypto sub is obnoxious for this reason


I try to tolerate everything except intolerance.

ozen avatar

"Thanks for the gold kind stranger!"

all the excessive awards

people making entire threads of stupid puns

typing out song lyrics

that dumb broken arms thing


Well this is awkward I made a Magazine for puns. Though to be fair I did it because I enjoy Puns not to farm imaginary numbers.

ozen avatar

Haha, you're good, mate. I don't actually hate puns, i just found them to be annoying when I was trying to ask questions and people would make huge threads of puns instead of contributing to the conversation. I wouldn't get annoyed with a pun centred magazine, because that's what the magazine is about


Broken arm?


I actually like the pun threads… when they’re good. I’m guessing you don’t like puns in general

ozen avatar

No, I'm fine with puns if they're good and I think they have their place. The problem was that people would make dumb puns and jokes to karma farm instead of engaging in what could have been an interesting conversation in a lot of circumstances.


I am sure they don’t do it on porpoise


google en passant

wagesj45 avatar

google how not to poop for 3 days instead

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