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BettyWhiteInHD, in Lemmy users in 3 days
BettyWhiteInHD avatar


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  • DoucheAsaurus,
    DoucheAsaurus avatar
    Alexmitter, in Downvotes count but upvotes don't and boosts count as upvotes...
    Alexmitter avatar

    Oh, thats why my rep is only going down. I hope they will think about this, because it makes no sense whatsoever.

    Barbarian, avatar

    I have a suspicion this is because they recently swapped boosts and upvotes to play nicer with the wider fediverse, but they didn't update the reputation system to match

    Alexmitter avatar

    I certainly hope that. Right now I do not care that I am deeply into minus reps while having lots of upvotes, but when magazins/communities start to lock out accounts from interacting until they have certain rep, it won't be as good.

    Zyratoxx avatar
    YolkBrushWork402 avatar

    Hell yes!

    asexualchangeling, (edited ) in As an incoming Redditor who’s thrilled to see Fediverse alternatives getting some content and traction

    I have commented more here in 2 days than in the past year on reddit, somehow when it's a smaller community like this it's much easier for me


    Same, I've been more active here than the past 6 years that I've had a reddit account. Posting anything always felt like you were screaming into the void, so I never bothered.


    Reddit was also actively discouraging discussions since people would downvote anything they didn't agree with right away. Became a total echo chamber...


    believe me when lemmy popular we also have problem like reddit had


    i do hope we can grow further while still remaining an open and friendly community encouraging everyone to comment their thoughts!


    When it gets overwhelmed with users it eventually becomes a monoculture and then devolves into an echo chamber. I slowly became a more functional user with time, but generally stuck to the 1-2 subreddits that I thought were worth participating in, and observed the rest.


    The smaller community is really a blessing, rather than a curse. I've seen this come up on reddit again and again: the best subs are the small ones that cater to niche interests. Lemmy is essentially composed entirely of those small subreddits right now.

    Obi, avatar

    Well yes but for these niche interest subs to work the platform as a whole needs enough users, because only a small % will visit these subs.


    Hopefully it stays that way.


    For me I think it has to do with the fact that by the time I got to a thread on reddit, everything that could possibly be said about the topic usually had been said already. How many times would you visit a thread only to find that exactly what you were going to say is already the top comment?


    or the top 30 comments were stupid circle jerk jokes

    comfy, avatar

    Yeah, although I regret not being more active in calling out people parroting reddit's culture. With a lot of people joining at once, it's easy for the local cultures to be overwhelmed and become much like the place they left.

    themadcodger avatar

    Or no matter what your comment is there's always a dozen replies telling you why you're wrong.

    m_talon, in Lemmy users be like

    I'd rather crawl the 20 extra miles to a new community (and did) than use that app again. It's that bad. The reviews on Google Play are very telling. It's just a buggy mess.

    MrsEaves avatar

    I gave it a good, genuine try after they killed Alien Blue, because surely they bought that app to do something useful with it, right? Nope. Absolute garbage, and I begrudgingly made the switch to Apollo. Reddit is my last non-Fediverse based social media site and the only thing keeping me on it was the content and excellent app interface - the minute Apollo stops working, Reddit is dead to me. I’d rather post into the abyss than use the official app or website.

    Spacebar, in Lemmy users be like

    Reddit is too popular now. They're going to have an IPO eventually and then it will really go down hill.

    Might as well get on the ground floor of something new.

    slacktoid, in Paying for free software avatar

    Downvote cause calvin should have been used instead

    CyberEgg, in A $9 investment

    That just seems to be a bad idea, too. Clothing can’t be produced fairly, safely and sustainable for that price


    In theory they could be used clothes that cost more initially, although in this case I feel like this isn’t the kind of clothes you just find at goodwill

    CaptainBlagbird, avatar

    However, such an attire might probably even sell for more than the original price, if sold as used.


    What a terrible day to be able to read


    Weird way to spell “What a despicable world to live in”

    UnfortunateShort, in You're just a kid, how would you know what you want for the rest of your life?

    I swear some people go out of their way to judge others for the most ridiculous things. Maybe try asking yourself why you are not happy about people finding love without going through half a dozen shitty relationships.


    Probably 75% of marriages like that don’t go well. OP is right.

    BolexForSoup avatar

    There are enough readily available marriage stats that you don’t need to make one up.


    I want to normalize the use of statasstics for ass-pulled statistics.


    They were close, it appears to be 60%.

    BolexForSoup avatar

    Grazie for grabbing that

    Bunnylux, avatar

    That doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing though. Divorce doesn’t have to be traumatic, and it should be more normalized.

    M137, avatar

    Or just be a couple? Save yourselves and everyone else in the families the money and mental energy.


    Normalize taking alimony for personal gain


    Wow, really? Sure is an expensive and necessarily painful thing to opt into or to normalize. I’d rather it be normalized to not get married in the first place.

    Bunnylux, avatar

    It’s not that expensive, I did it for $400 amicably. We had a fun time while married and I don’t regret it. Why not just make it easier for people to do what they want and not punish young people for making decisions.


    And yet it’s costed others (every day) thousands to millions of dollars

    BolexForSoup avatar

    When he says normalize, he’s not saying it is something that people should seek out. In case that was somehow taken that way.

    The problem is there is immense social pressure, especially against women, to never have a divorce. It is seen as a failure, whereas sometimes it is simply the result of circumstances beyond our control or is just something one person, or maybe both, need in their lives.

    I am happily married. Like many people we have had our ups and downs. Every couple should do everything they can to repair their relationship and make it work. But sometimes it’s just not enough. Sometimes you weren’t supposed to be together, sometimes one person has some issue that they just will never resolve, sometimes you find out things about your partner or things emerged down the line. We are not prescient, things change. So people should feel very comfortable divorcing without all of the social baggage that comes with it. Because divorce is inevitable, it is never going to go away. And it is a viable decision for one to make.

    As for marriage, you don’t have to participate and to say you just want it to go away is kind of ridiculous because we both know that is not going to happen. So we deal with reality and accept that divorce is part of the marriage landscape.


    I think a divorce is like $80 where I am, but if you have to go to court obvs it’s a lot more. I spent almost nothing on my wedding, granted it was just friends and was an elopement. Marriage has big tax advantages for some, and it’s the only way my spouse was getting health insurance to survive this godforsaken wasteland. It also guarantees that they get a slice of my income if the unforeseeable happens and we split so they can survive.

    I think people should not see marriage as the end goal, but be pragmatic about its costs and benefits, which I think you are getting at too

    BolexForSoup avatar

    This is just another person who doesn’t want to get married that therefore thinks nobody else should be allowed to.

    Bunnylux, avatar

    All good points.


    Oh brother


    Yes and no… Yes, divorce shouldn’t be traumatic. But no, people shouldn’t rush into marriage.


    For real. This post has big “I have regrets and/or fears that I missed out on my younger life, and the only way to not be afraid is to invalidate other people’s choices” energy. Every life and every combination of experiences produces a unique piece of art. OP, your life is valid and worthwhile - you don’t have to tear other people down for that to be the case.


    Oh I have issues with commitment and a constant feeling of ‘Is this the best I can expect?’ but I don’t regret my younger life.

    My ‘weird’ sentiment stems more from me looking in from the outside at relationships where 20 year olds decide they want to spend the rest of their lives with each other. I can’t imagine missing out on potentially meeting someone more compatible. Can you really meet the most compatible person for you when you’re 20?

    When I was 20 I was a very different person, I’m assuming that’s similar for others.

    Other commenters have talked about how they grow with partners but I wonder if it’s truly possible to do that while being so ‘together’ with another person. Some things you have to learn on your own.


    100% I agree with ya. Surprised to see so many that don’t. Interesting conversations going on in this thread though!

    fastandcurious, avatar

    Just because you matured late doesn’t mean everyone else does, a lot of ppl are exceptionally emotionally mature by the age of 16 or 17 as well, you should always take a decision based on your maturity level and someone elderlys opinion who also knows you well, like your parents, they probably have a good idea

    CleoTheWizard, avatar

    I honestly don’t know who you’re talking about. I don’t find most adults to even be mature people, especially in relationships. The main thing keeping adult relationships alive is just that they spend most of their time apart from their partner at work.

    This is anecdotal but everyone I’ve ever met that made a high school relationship work didn’t make it work through “maturity”. They were just committed. Often, they were extremely immature and naive and were bonded by the hardships of their 20s.

    Go ahead and ask people who were together when they were younger and made it work. I’ve never heard any of them say they were mature and knew what they were doing.

    fastandcurious, avatar

    Fair point, I think it is just that you should be mature enough to work with you partner together, or atleast one person should be at that time, and if they really love each other, then good

    CleoTheWizard, avatar

    The way I think about it is that the core idea is that you will stick together with your partner through everything and grow together. Most high schoolers don’t go in with that idea, they just have strong enough emotional connections that they stumble into that.

    The maturity part of being an adult is knowing that’s what you should do and knowing how to do it without hurting the other person in the process.

    It’s like dancing. If someone really wants to dance with you, they’ll be patient as you find your rhythm and you both learn to dance. Feet get stepped on but it’s the same dance. Getting older doesn’t teach you to dance. Being young doesn’t mean you aren’t light on your feet. Maturity in relationships is knowing most of the wrong moves and never dropping your partner.


    Statistically speaking, 60% of marriages between people aged 20-25 end in divorce. Those who wait have a 25% increased chance of not getting divorced.


    So you go from about a 1/2 chance of divorce to about a 1/2 chance of divorce. Got it.

    Sounds more like age doesn’t really matter and emotional maturity matters more.


    The difference between 35% and 60% isn’t insignificant…

    I mean you’re not wrong about emotional maturity but the less years you’ve been alive, the less time you’ve had to emotionally mature


    Just on the math rq, 25% almost certainly means 25% of the risk is reduced… therefore 60%->45%


    Depends/sometimes… If it’s like you said then 25% of that 60% and you get 60-15=45. If it’s some rando looking at 60% total and 35% total and they go “oh neat one of these numbers is 25 bigger/smaller!” Then maybe not?


    You can be happy and find love without marrying someone.

    Like i think most people would say its weird to marry someone the day after you meet them for the first time, right? Is that you hating peoples happiness and love? or is that you being a realest that that marriage probably wont last and will just be messy for both people?

    loaExMachina, (edited ) in I just don't pay enough attention to politics .

    Bro, the left and right are originally French, not American, and they’re applied worldwide throughout various systems.

    Long story short, in the original National Assembly in 1789, people with similar opinions ended up befriending each-other and sitting nearby during the session, so at one point you had all those who thought the revolution ought to go further (give more rights to more people, decrease the power of the king or outright depose him, etc…) sitting on the left, and all those who thought the revolution had gone to far already and ought to slow down sitting on the right.

    Of course, by this metric, the very concept of a republic is far left, but the idea is that no matter what system you’re in, once it’s established enough, wanting to maintain the status quo is being a centrist, wanting change that puts more power in the hands of common people is left wing, and opposing such changes or wanting to undo them to “restore order”, often concentrating power in fewer hands, is right wing.

    This “power” I speak of was at the beginning just political power, but through the 19th century, the focus shifted towards economic power. Therefore, since the late 19th century, a right wing policy a policy that favors the rich, and a left wing policy one that places restrictions on the rich and welfare policy for the poor to decrease inequality. This is why liberals were initially left wing, but neoliberalism is now mostly regarded as a wing ideology. These are policies that want a weaker state, but more rights/powers for rich individuals.


    I am very surprised that there is only one legitimate reference to the original coining of these terms from the beginning of the French Revolution so far in this thread asking what these terms mean.


    It’s not exactly relevant to a modern conversation, even if the history does highlight the Overton Window and how being the “left” or “right” is still different from being a “leftist” or a “right winger” as left or right wing is usually relative to local politics and “leftist” vs “right winger” refers to broad ideologies.

    hrimfaxi_work, in they are very fragile... avatar

    Add to this that the child is also made entirely of rubber and could easily withstand the train’s impact and experience no measurable hardship. However, the impact of Superman halting the train caused wreckage to fly all over the place and damage the surrounding infrastructure… which in this case is a metaphor for literal fucking infrastructure.

    idunnololz, avatar

    Honestly switching the places of the boy and Superman would probably work.

    TimeSquirrel avatar

    You are a poet.


    And killed the driver (who I think is called and engineer but I’m not sure and I’m not going to look it up because I don’t feel like but even though it would take me less time to actually check than to write this explanation but to hell with it) who represents the middle class.


    Also add that the child is slipping a stack of Benjamins into Supermans trunks.

    Haus, in History lives in the present
    Haus avatar

    It worked so well when they did the same thing for themselves and Ireland.


    Well… it shouldn’t be an issue.


    They even had a nice little name for it, The Troubles Fun Times!


    “Spicy diplomacy”



    dreadgoat avatar

    It always works out fine for them. I don't know why anybody says imperialism or colonialism are bad or destructive, seems to me that Britain and France and Spain and Portugal and the Dutch are all doing fine. Really weird how maps of their empires seem to overlap a lot with parts of the world that currently or recently experienced a lot of, idk let's call it "troubles?" They must be dumb or smth


    Well, since those former colonies can’t quite work it out on their own, maybe they should just be brought back into their respective empires again? 🤔


    Also that whole India/Pakistan thing. And I seem to remember some stuff happening in Africa.


    The secret ingredient is running the fuck away before either of them notice.


    Because all those countries had lovely relationships among the people beforehand with absolutely no genocide and war.

    Really easy to make perfect borders that makes everyone happy.


    They weren’t countries. They became countries when the colonizers (and I’m using that term as accurately as possible) lumped together into managed regions and then told them they were countries with their own governments and flags. It was all “We’re going to conquer these people and these people and these people, then put Governor Fitzroy, nephew to the Prince, in charge of all of it with a big army to back him up.” Then they wrote laws and made flags and all the happy crappy stuff they do. Then they lost WWII (because pretty much everyone except for the US lost WWII), and said “you’re on your own.”

    They turned former colonies into artificial countries with governments that all but guaranteed factionalism.

    There was always war, and there always will be war. But the specific type of war we’re seeing in former colonies is because of the post-colonial situation.

    bandario, avatar

    Are you suggesting we should reinstate the glory of the British empire?


    How the fuck did you get that from what you just read??


    Exactly and when they drew the borders of those artificial nations, they had a strange talent for choosing two or more peoples who would otherwise never have formed a nation together voluntarily, so they still don´t get along today and probably never will.


    And the Soviets did the same with Armenia and Azerbaijan.


    Or Moldova and Transnistria. Or Georgia and Abhazia and South Ossetia

    MajorMajormajormajor, in welp.

    I hope I’m Ringo Star, he was always my favourite.

    Nepenthe avatar

    By namesake, my child should be a Beatle. Not sure if this means I am or that I have to marry a beetle to genetically make that happen. The whole question feels incestuous.

    jubilationtcornpone, (edited ) in Twitter, Reddit, Unity, Blizzard... who else?

    Zoom: “wE cAnT cOlAbOrAtE iF wErE nOt In PeRsOn. We NeEd EmPloYeEs To ReTuRn tO tHe OfFiCe.”

    They have stiff competition but this has to be one of the most incompetent boners I have ever seen pulled by a major corporation. Stating very clearly to the entire world that you have no confidence in your own product. If Eric Yuan (Zoom’s CEO) wasn’t the principle shareholder he probably would have been fired out of a cannon by now.

    llama, avatar

    And what are zoom employees using from the office to sell their product? Why no other than a fine Zoom call, from our desk to yours!

    obinice, in sToP pOsTiNg pOliTicAl mEmEs!!! avatar

    I don’t mind political memes, we’re adults and politics plays an important part of our lives, satire on politics is a welcome part of life, BUT… why must they all be foreign memes from the Americas?

    We should have a mix of political memes from all around the globe! Gods knows, Sunak or Braverman are deserving of memery… :-P

    I’m not smort enough to make memes :-(

    PP_BOY_, avatar

    I’ll never understand people who say this stuff. Like, make your own? Ask other Europeans to make them? What are we supposed to do, NOT post, because the minority of users don’t feel like their relevant?


    Americans must be better posters than EUers. Step up your game Europe


    Can’t be bothered to

    BolexForSoup avatar

    Because y’all aren’t making other memes lol

    Well except the Germans. I see a lot of German memes on Kbin lol


    Honestly the Germans have been killing it with content creation.

    BolexForSoup avatar

    I don’t understand a lick of German, but I probably look at 50% of the stuff they put up. It’s interesting seeing memes from other cultures.


    I have half a mind to learn German just so I can more easily understand the memes lol


    Considering that the Germans still upload the memes using fax, it’s impressive that they are the biggest and loudest meme creators here in Europe.


    I just wish I could read. Do the comments translate?

    BolexForSoup avatar

    Honestly, I just enjoy looking at the images and looking for patterns. It’s not like I sit there doing it for hours. If I see one that looks like it could be funny, I’ll look at it for 20 or 30 seconds and see what I can divine lol

    All of this is to say I don’t translate anything and often have literally no idea what is being said


    why must they all be foreign memes from the Americas?

    We have the best memes. We are a meme force to be reckoned with.

    Also, we’re desperate for some mirth to lighten the burden of how horrible some of our politicians are.


    Y’know I’m a patriot and all, but I wish we didn’t spend so much of our national budget on the Meme Force. Let’s stop shipping our memes overseas and start meming in our local communities

    PP_BOY_, avatar

    We could fund universal healthcare and free university for every American if we cut out Meme Force budget by just 10%, but then China’s Meme Force would be larger than the US and we can’t have that

    mriormro, avatar
    Lizardking27, in Please don’t nuke me

    Non-americans really love this weird bogus narrative.


    Nobody talks more shit about America than Americans.


    I’m starting to get this feeling too. Most of the Americans I know, myself included, rip America a new one at any given opportunity.


    There’s a certain degree of truth to it. Americans seem fine with being the butt of a joke as long as the person joking is American and not far left/right. If you offer any doubt about the political or geographic origin of your joke, it’ll often be taken poorly. I enjoy being flamed and so was eager to figure out the political joke context puzzle. +2/-16 and 6 replies, babeeee


    Politics is one of the most divisive subjects you can bring up. People react emotionally because it’s an emotional science. What’s “right” comes down to your ethical perspective. I don’t think that should be grouped in with this conversation.


    It’s less that I put out an overt political view or location identifier and more that if my post seems agnostic, inferences will be made and a coin will be flipped. The funny thing is, I sometimes win the flip in one place and lose it in another. I can be +5 on lemmy and -10 on kbin because of ambiguity. I’m just like “kids getting shot is bad” and I can feel the hatred pointed at my British self. (I’m not British)


    I do believe that’s the response you get, people do like to assume the worst. Do you have any solid proof that any hostile response you get is from Americans? I’m still very skeptical it’s a problem specific to one nation.


    It’s far from unique to the US, people from India, France, China, and Russia often despise seeing outside criticism as well and they comprise over half the population of earth. And it’s mostly the topic of conversation and time of day. Were you not to have identified as American earlier, I’d have assumed you to be German or British at this hour.


    🤷 As far as I’m concerned, as long as people are laughing with me and not at me I don’t give a shit. I can’t speak for the rest of my countrymen though.

    Viking_Hippie, (edited )

    That’s probably because the loudest and most overly defensive ones are the Americans you’re most likely to encounter and remember in online arguments and on American news, so that colors the perception. Especially when you don’t live amongst the more reasonable majority of Americans 🤷


    That is not my experience at all. Most Americans get extremely defensive when someone criticizes the US, even people who know better. Many are ok with specific criticism (like, healthcare sucking), but it doesn’t take much for them to revert to 'murican mode.

    I have been living in the US for over a decade and been to 2/3rds of the states.


    You’ve been to 33 states in 10 years? Why? That’s absolutely unheard of here…


    Maybe you guys should do that more then, it isn’t unheard of in Europe.


    Most Americans have their talking points ready to go around certain topics: healthcare, guns etc. But if you get anything that attacks the capitalism, building the country off of slave labor, or the country being the product of a genocide, that’s when the propaganda really kicks in.

    Oh and if you call it propaganda, then the denialism gets even stronger.


    Spaniard here, you get very, very similar reactions here from a lot of people (possibly a lower percentage) if you dare to question the process of colonization or call out the barbaric behavior of some historical figures that have become a part of the national myth. Nationalism is a brain disease.

    Tak, avatar

    You get the same shit from most nationalities.

    Nobody is immune to propaganda.


    That’s really interesting. I’ve lived in 9 states and I can honestly say that outside of the southeast, it is legitimately difficult to consistently find people that dont think the us is a flaming sack of shit or at least headed that way. Seriously, I’ve heard waaaaaaaaaaaaay more negative talk on the us from Americans than anything positive. Especially in like the last decade. But this place is so damn big that anyone’s experience would vary a crazy amount so that makes sense.


    I think they’re full of shit, for what it’s worth. 33 states in 10 years? Wtf…


    You can drive through like ten states in a weekend on the east coast


    If you’re going to accuse me of lying, at least have the decency of doing it in a reply to my post. I lived on the East Coast and traveled up and down some, then I moved to the Midwest, I got into politics and canvassed in several states plus I went on a few road trips for fun. Then I moved to the West Coast, which somewhat limited my ability to go on road trips to other states, but still, I went as far as Colorado, I spent a month there doing backpacking and visiting a few places like Denver and Aspen.

    Why do you think it is so unlikely I could visit 3 states a year?


    Are you in tech or some other field that doesn’t involve interacting with different socioeconomic groups?

    Most of not all states guarantee some “interesting” encounters if you leave the cities. In California I have seen Confederate flags flying, met neonazis, and plenty of Trump supporters. Trump got over 34% of the vote in California, almost 39% in Washington and over 40% in Oregon. Those percentages are not a majority, but I think it sets a floor, since Trump supporters are not exactly trash talking the US.

    I have spent a lot of time doing canvassing and other activities that mean I encounter people with very different ideas, so that would definitely explain the different experience.


    well if an american does respond to this it proves them right if they dont respond it doesnt prove them wrong its a bad argument for an otherwise pretty dumb claim

    unless americans do care i hate america and am american so idrk


    If I ever have to read the bogus claim that “USA #1!!!” I’ll flip my shit.

    #1 in teen pregnancies maybe

    #1 in prison population

    #1 in school shootings

    #1 in wage gap

    What the US is not #1 in: happiness, progressiveness, quality of life, freedom


    True. While it’s NEAR the top in SOME good things, I’m pretty sure that the US is only #1 in the ones you mentioned and other bad things lol


    Sometimes it’s a case of you can make fun of your own country but no one else is allowed to.

    KoboldCoterie, avatar

    If we say “Capitalism is ruining our lives”, it’s fine, but if someone from Russia says “Capitalism is ruining your lives”, folks are ready to throw down.


    I think that’s more the hypocrisy of a Russian citizen criticizing American-style capitalism and imperialism when Russia has its own brand of it.

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