
Probably because of bad memes with bizarre phrases like “user is keep”


Well, Lemmy is really not good at pushing new content/new posts and/or new communities to people. For many of us, that might be a boon: less algorithmic shenanigans, less "steering" of the user. Yet, if you are not a user who likes to actively seak out stuff, your feeds will look stale and slow-paced very quickly. There might be new stuff,.but the feeds struggle to find a middle ground between "only the upvoted stiff you subscribed to", "the always same server wide top posts" and "bleeding edge new stuff". It's also very reluctant to sprinkle on new communities.

I think that's a main contributor to the decline.

For the record: kbin is more liberal when it comes to that sort of stuff. So if you like a more active feed, you might want to try kbin. If you like your feed to be controlled by you more, use Lemmy.


I’ll throw in a few reasons

-Learning curve is huge compared to other social media

-As soon as an instance gets a large audience hosting costs skyrocket and moderation ability plummets

-The same instance can exist on multiple servers causing the demographic to be split

-Pr0n instances have to take the colossal risk of hosting malicious material that can send them to jail because the data is hosted on their own server


Learning curve is huge compared to other social media

The sad thing is, is not really that more complicated, it’s just got a bumpy on-ramp. is a lot better than it used to be, but it’s still got this anxiety-producing step where you have to select a home server.

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

Maybe if every community wasn’t just another Linux memes community we wouldn’t have lost all of the users.

Told you guys this shit was gonna happen.

CarbonIceDragon, avatar

There are plenty of other communities people made, just most didn’t become very active. If the Linux memes are everywhere, it’s because those are the people actually active here

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

It’s not that they’re not active, it’s that every single thread on every single community devolves into linux discussions even if the community isn’t in any way supposed to be about Linux.

Also the ones that aren’t active aren’t active because everyone realized lemmy only caters to like three interests.

We need better moderation so that the communities which are supposed to be about Linux are, and the ones that aren’t don’t get flooded with it. That way newcomers won’t feel like they have no place here unless they’re an anti-car, vegan, FOSS user.

If this doesn’t happen, lemmy will slowly die and people will have to go to other places like Tildes or back to Reddit.

CarbonIceDragon, avatar

Personally I don’t think I’ve noticed this. Things devolving into political discussions, sure, but that’s par for the course with social media I imagine. I had assumed you meant the prevalence of Linux stuff on the all feed.

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

No I mean the prevalence of Linux on c/memes, on c/mildlyinfuriating, c/programmerhumor, anywhere but Linux and Linux memes which are specifically designated for that content.

If you haven’t seen it on the comments of every possible thread you’re either wearing blinders or willfully ignorant. You can’t go three comments down on a single post anywhere without someone mentioning Linux and then the whole thread is Linux from there.

valaramech avatar

I would fully expect Linux content on any community dedicated to technology (i.e. programmerhumor); the rest is totally understandable. Though, I have to agree with @CarbonIceDragon, I really don't see as much Linux content as you seem to - granted I use kbin, not lemmy.

I've read that Lemmy is a bit more personally curated than kbin, is it possible you've just accidentally built yourself a Linux bubble?

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

Fair enough on programmer humor, but no I don’t think I’ve built any kind of bubble. I only subscribe to those two aforementioned Linux communities, everything else is just bleed over. My feed is pretty well rounded to match what I had going on over at reddit.


Idea: Join me on !trains and help me post more Linux-free train and railway news?

!bahn auf Deutsch!


Hmm but what kind of software do these trains run on? Allow me to take a moment and explain how switching these operations to Linux could increase schedule reliability while minimizing expenses.

(/s, if needed… I hope your community grows!)


Thanks. I’d heard they were serving WINE on some trains… (suspicious look)


Dunno if this is default lemmy behavior but you can filter keywords on Voyager (and I’m sure other clients).


Do you have a few minutes to talk about our Lord and Saviour, Linus Torvalds?

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

I use Linux, I just hate Linux users.


I bet you’re a filthy systemd heretic!


Personally I only worship Saint IGNUcius

Oh and Satan, I also worship Satan.


Yeah reddit spring user here, I kinda agree. Not that I mind them but there is an awful lot of 'LOL WINDOWS NORMIES LOL' and 'JOKE ABOUT HOW HARD THIS LINUX IS.' is like... allot of the jokes.


A lot of the problems with Linux are the same problems Lemmy has, so it’s a really good point.

The_Picard_Maneuver, (edited ) avatar

As someone who posts a ton, I’ve noticed that a lot of people seem to check the top posts once a day or so. Posts can be slow to get engagement and traction, but the ones that become super active still seem to hit similar peaks as before (1-2k upvotes, hundreds of comments).

But yeah, people aren’t as actively engaged and commenting on everything all day like they used to on reddit. The framework is here, and I think if there were another big exodus, Lemmy is set up to be a great landing point.


But on the other hand reddits comments were frequently shallow and full of annoying jokes. I love reading Lemmy!


This. Quality over quantity. There are much more walls of text, but it’s filled with information and humanity. Reddit just became another Meta platform, but for niches. Lemmy has great communities, but all are tech and anti-big-corpo related, I feel right at home :p, but I understand that most don’t.


Pun threads on Reddit are the worst. I thought they were funny and clever… In 2009…

RoseTintedGlasses, (edited ) avatar

[I got a bot to automatically delete all my comments over 1 month old so you can’t see this comment anymore]


I think part of it is that if someone comes here looking for a Reddit substitute, they will be disappointed, but if they come here looking for something extremely distinct from Reddit, they will also be disappointed. A lot of fediverse stuff is basically an inferior Reddit clone and that problem was compounded by the huge wave of Ledditors basically hijacking the culture of multiple instances to just exercise their Reddit habits, making the comparison even more obvious and poor.

Lemmy needs to eat populations that aren’t too big in order to metabolize them properly. Anything beyond that is going to get ejected along with some of what it could have handled if it was just that, and this will remain how it works until Lemmy figures out how to push people much harder to engage differently with it than with Reddit.


I’ve stopped posting in a few communities due to user interaction. Some are just asses, some want this to be Reddit 2.0.


Lemmy is neither popular nor heavily advertised, so people join at a slow rate

On the other hand, the amount political discussions, Hexbear, and lack of content result in disinterested people leaving Lemmy and joining Reddit

So the user count is decreasing because Reddit refugees are leaving faster than new people are joining


Memes are at least 50% shilling for communism.


If that’s not your jam go to your ad filled corpo hellscape and talk to bots 🤷‍♂️

erogenouswarzone, avatar

Lemmy is whatever we make it, except for the communism posts that love communism until they realize workers need representation. I half believe those are Chinese bots or high school kids who are stupid enough to believe the Chinese bots.


You may wanna try a different instance if all that is getting to you


Or just block some communities


Got new for you champ China doesn’t gaf about communism… and they sure as fuck don’t care enough to deploy bots on lemmy… The fediverse maybe…

erogenouswarzone, avatar

Right. Magically, everyone on the Internet has become infatuated with communism out of thin air over the last few years. Must just be my paranoia to surggest influence from a hostile government.


Homie did you repress COVID? Anyone that wasn’t removed about wearing a mask was discussing why this system isn’t working for them. Sorry you weren’t invited to the discussion.


How do you account for the vast amount of anti-CPC Communists, Socialists, and Anarchists, if this “influence from a hostile government” is so effective? Might it be simpler to see that Capitalism’s increasing failure has driven more people in developed countries towards radicalization, especially as generations are further removed from the Red Scare?




RoseTintedGlasses, (edited ) avatar

[I got a bot to automatically delete all my comments over 1 month old so you can’t see this comment anymore]

ShitOnABrick, (edited ) avatar

It only takes a few convincing sock accounts and woosh half the userbase wants a violent uprising and to eat the rich. Especially with a site like lemmy as it already has a really small suspectible and easy-to-manipulate userbase whom will believe anything there spoonfed

I believe and there’s evidence to suggest that both China and Russia both have an industry based upon spreading political propaganda for there own self-gain and interest on the western Internet. Entire office cubicles filled with monitors displaying social media sites big and small.3.5 hard drives filled with tankie memes and "stopping the intolerant " posters computer keyboard’s tapping away while groups of highly intelligent people spread highly sophisticated pieces of propoganda and attempt to silence there opponents and spread lies about them but this is just a conspiracy a CONSPIRACY THEORY

Edit: It’s not even a conspiracy it’s a real thing This took me 5 seconds of googling…/State-sponsored_Internet_propa……


While all of this is great for Russia doing this.

Is there any evidence China does?

ShitOnABrick, (edited ) avatar

Yes. I have posted these links multiple times now.…

Also the fifty cent party a Chinese troll farm based entirely on spreading propaganda for the ccp

This took me 5 seconds of research. If were being passive aggressive here ive gotta say. are you sure you didn’t get dropped on the head as a baby or eat copious amounts of lead


Haha naw I just kind wanted some one to post this information.

Honestly I still don’t think there’s much to gain from influencing lemmy users. But I know it’s a game of attrition you have to do it everywhere on as many social networks as possible to cast the widest net.

ShitOnABrick, (edited ) avatar

I don’t believe there are any states trying to influence. Lemmy although you just can’t be certain these days. I do think it’s possible lemmys the perfect breeding ground for propoganda especially considering a good chunk say 40% of lemmy are tankies tankies is a term to decribe someone whom holds marxist/stalinist/Communist politcal views and are very suspectible to propoganda.


Commies again with the thinnest of skins



  • Loading...
  • SaakoPaahtaa,

    Uh, I don’t think many commies think of themselves as future millionaires? Or at least in the conventional sense


    Brain dead tankie serial number


    Jesus with the projection.


    If people left Reddit and then went back, then they are just proving to spez that they are the addicts he thinks they are and is counting on abusing. No thanks. Fuck Reddit.

    erogenouswarzone, avatar

    Reddit has actually gotten a lot better since the Exodus. All the political activists have come here.


    Just wait for the US election season to get into full swing. It’ll become a steaming pile again.


    There’s no more r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM?


    Highly doubt that. You’ve probably just gotten better at curating your subs. Fediverse has been a vastly superior experience for me either way.


    Yep… You’re right.


    Social media as a whole is slowing down I think. People are starting to realize it makes them angry, sad, and annoyed.


    I’m doing the least social media I’ve done since Facebook became a thing and now I realize that without those emotions I’m just kind of bored.




    Thanks bud.

    Tak, avatar

    Find a hobby or learn something. The internet has so much to give that isn’t outrage and horror.

    He’s a guy I like watching now and again building a solar array by himself

    khannie, avatar

    Well that was a fascinating watch. Thanks for the link. I’ll definitely be watching more of his videos.


    Good god, I sure hope so.


    Internet in general is becoming boring and tedious. Don’t know if it’s because of my age (Started to use internet when I was 13yo now I’m 31) but the internet isn’t that exciting and curiosity inducing place to me.


    Have you continued exploring, or found yourself settling in more?

    For me any place stagnates when I start settling into it, so I try to find a new angle, a new question to ask of it, and eventually something gives way to something exciting and fascinating that was right around the corner the whole time.


    I continued exploring it. But, aside of one or other interesting sites that catch my attention for long periods of time (e.g. TvTropes), I can’t find internet amusing as I used to do in my childhood/teens. Sometimes I pick a good site that keep me entertained while browsing CloudHiker, but isn’t the same thing anymore.


    This ain’t a problem with the internet, it’s just because you’re getting older and you’ve seen more things.


    I literally bought a Lightphone II because I was spending too much time on reddit. Like, I’d stay in bed for an hour just scrolling.

    I’ve recently slacked off and started keeping my iPhone (on wifi) next to me when I sleep. I loose interest in like 20 minutes.

    I’ve made a point of not posting or commenting on reddit since the recent debacle, but it’s really frustrating when I have some OC that would be great for a niche community that just doesn’t exist in any real numbers on lemmy.

    like Playdate dev or Framework laptop.

    ShitOnABrick, avatar

    There’s nothing wrong with browsing your social media whereever that be Facebook or Instagram or messageboards like lemmy reddit or 4chan just as long as it’s not impacting your life. Could be a good way to catch up on friends and pass the time. Although “social media detoxing” can be really good for your mental health


    Oh onion, you crazy allium. Your opinions really stink ya know that?


    Lemmy was nice at first but the communities now are really unfriendly, there is 0 motivation to create content

    PP_BOY_, avatar

    I agree. It seems like we got the bad side of Reddit when everyone migrated over


    Have you gone back to reddit since this summer? It’s noticeably worse. If we got the bad side, the other side is just as bad or worse.

    gullible, (edited )

    The overwhelming majority of users who came from Reddit seem to be ~19 and lack any degree of EQ, for better and worse. It’s homogenized into the old Reddit crowd but slightly more progressive, which has perplexed me. I still prefer it here, it’s an objectively better time sink than Reddit, especially since they switched their algorithm to cater to fake stories and celebrities. When AITA comes here, I’m moving to mastodon.

    Edit: you’re welcome to downvote, it doesn’t change the very noticeable inability to recognize “stallman was right”


    The fake stories on reddit were the absolute worst. The #1 reason I stay on lemmy is because I believe most of the stories here and the comments seem like real people.

    Why on earth would someone spend their time reading fake stories that pretend to be real, and then have full discussions with bots.

    morrowind, avatar

    Oh trust me, as someone who’s been on many reddit alternatives, we did absolutely not get the bad side of reddit. Maybe the ugly side, at worst

    MataVatnik, avatar

    Give it time.


    Honestly a lot of it is probably people getting comfortable lurking again, Lemmy only counts post and comments as active users


    So glad I decided to stop lurking and actually start participating right as the whole fediverse dies out, it’s not just lemmy.


    I find it more comfortable to contribute to Lemmy than to other sites. There seems to be actual discussion and opportunities to learn, which can be much harder to come across on the other platforms.


    And fewer comments that are clearly a chat bot.

    moosetwin, avatar

    Don’t worry! They’ve just become less obvious.

    joelfromaus, avatar

    When you come across a ‘user’ that almost exclusively defends one controversial politician/company/government and all of their comments seem to follow a script. Also the account is either brand new or 5 years old but only started posting recently.


    That I agree with. I don’t post often but when I do it’s always very positive and makes me want to post more . Compared to Reddit where it would have alot more negative comments or would just get removed by the mods for some stupid reason. Did you know you can no longer post on r/buildapc about asking for suggestions on building PC’s ? What’s even the point anymore?


    Definitely trying to interact more, Lemmy is a gift imo.


    I feel like mastodon is doing alright.


    The fediverse is not dying out, don’t be dramatic.

    notsofunnycomment, avatar

    For me Mastodon is still growing and getting more interesting, with more and more formal institutions joining (newspapers, NGOs, government institutions etc.).


    I comment on stuff to try to make discussions active, it rarely works.


    It has to be authentic, you can’t just comment to comment.


    That’s just not true. I’ve made comments that I thought desirve no reply but humans find a way. If there’s no comments to read the shared content just isn’t that interesting. If I see comments then the shared content must be interesting enough to justify a discussion.


    I can agree with that, but being authentic definitely helps the conversations take off.


    Of course it helps. But some of my shitty comments are scaping the bottom of the barrel of my knowledge or patience with the replier…


    I comment because I crave validation from Internet strangers.

    Sphks, avatar

    I agree.


    That’s a very good comment


    You know what? i just did!


    This is something I’ve learned from online game forums. You actually have to be divisive to get a high amount of concurrent users.

    It only seems to be the shit-shows that anyone feels obligated to post in.


    Well I think you’re wrong, fuck you and your opinion /s

    I actually don’t know to what extent I agree with you, but your theory certainly feels plausible to me. It reminds me of the internet adage about how the best way to get a right answer to your question is to be wrong. I can’t remember what it’s called.


    Cunningham’s law. And just to buck the trend, you didn’t have to get it wrong to get the right answer ;).


    Aye, cunningham seemingly meant it as the fastest answer though, which was the sentence right afterwards in that wiki entry. So maybe mr. anarchist-with-a-machine-fetish would have gotten an answer earlier if he had said it was the anti-murphy’s law.


    Division gives people something to talk about. Not everyone can think of something constructive and interesting to say at a given time, but when presented with an opinion, it is trivial for most people to formulate a comment either agreeing or disagreeing with it.


    Well i think it’s stupid that we need that divisiveness


    I never said it was a good thing.


    I’ve been pretty successful and keeping conversations going! I DO comment quite a bit, though.


    Time to step out of the shadows then 🤭


    I’m doing my part!





    hexaflexagonbear, avatar

    It’s funny how despite social media becoming very normal, the old phenomenon of most content getting generated by a small portion of power users persists.

    Flyberius, avatar

    Tervell and Dirt_Owl.

    Assian_Candor, avatar

    I post I-was-saying

    AeroLemming, (edited ) providing like 1/3 of all memes on Lemmy:


    I’m just not clever enough to post


    Have you seen the shitpost communities? Cleverness isn’t required, and in fact I think in those communities it’s somewhat frowned upon, 'cause c’mon, no polishing shit!


    My biggest issue is I always forget my good shit posts by the time I have time to post. Getting old sucks


    Sometimes I think of things in the shower and after I’m done I can’t find the post I wanted to post in :/

    sxan, avatar

    I’m doing my part!


    Commenting so I‘m active :)


    I don’t know how long it counts it for, but I try to remember to comment something like once every two weeks or something


    I take a break over the weekend. If I comment, I need to check the client every hour or so. I don’t want replies/rebuttals to linger without a response if it is warranted. I need to work on my car projects and can’t be bothered with online interactions whilst doing so.


    That’s probably the one thing I like about lemmy that surprised me when compared to reddit. I’ve found myself commenting on posts or to replying to comments days after the initial posts, and no one seems bothered by it.


    Yes, TTL is longer here. Deffo more casual.


    that‘s a good idea. I will copy your „way of lemmy“.


    My comment to stop the lurk


    Me no lurk. Me comment.


    Ok I am guilty of that. What about votes? Are they not counted as activity?

    I’ll try to post atleast one comment every now and then.


    Really? Oh


    Time to count me back in!

    randint, avatar

    Yeah, that’s probably the case.


    Well, as they say: “I’m going my part”.

    I try to make it a point to post questions on communities that have not kicked off yet, knowing that I most likely will not receive a response for a while.


    Well in that case, ping!


    Well count me in now


    So do the new posts and everything. But Reddit is a shithole and Omegle got sued to death, online gaming is either a full time job or a money sink, streaming services start to cancel out each other and most of the regular games and their performance suck ass.

    Guess I’ll just be productive then.


    Eyyy, wellcome to enshitification!


    Indie games are the only thing keeping gaming alive for me, for the most part. All the AAA games I play are older titles. Doing the GTAV story with a trainer has been a pretty fun time lately for me.


    Retro emulation here. 40 years of back catalog games to go through.


    Haha i recently got $ 120 worth of converters to get HDMI to SCART to play those old games the way they’re meant to be played.

    Extra bought a 16:9 Sony Triniton CRT TV for that.

    Output to input: MacBook Air M1 - USB-C - HDMI - YPbPr - RGB (or RCA, the three cables) - SCART - TV


    I bought a $75 handheld emulator lol. Plays up to some PS2 and fits in my pocket. Micro HDMI out turns it to a console too.


    Wait, I just want to make sure I’m getting this. You’re going through five converters before plugging into the tv? Counting the computer->USBc as a converter…


    Technically yes. In reality it’s just 2 “real” converters who both need their own power supply. Once from digital to HD analogue, and then from that to SD. For input lag, it’s a lot less than the 20 ms of input lag the HDMI 2 input of my Sony Bravia TV.

    ekZepp, (edited ) avatar

    Posting is half of the fun. Especially contents who bring others to comment and share opinion and new info.


    Try podcasts. Especially factual ones.

    You get to lie to yourself that you're learning something and that you're not just filling time.


    I hate to admit this, but I’ve started using Reddit again. It pains me, but there is stuff I just can’t get here.


    Same, but I only use it for TV show discussions. I haven’t been on the main page since June.


    I used from time to time but I just can’t forget how shitty they were with the mods and the users overall.


    Same here. I lurk more on Lemmy but if I want to discuss some niche topic then Reddit is so easy to I don’t use that fucking app though, website or 3rd party.


    Same here. I like the idea of Lemmy but the decentralization makes it really difficult to find the content I want. Reddits centralization, while causing some problems, definitely made it easy to find communities. That lack of ease is what makes Lemmy not as easy to use for new people.


    there should be a “find the community” or something, where u can post ur niche and ppl will link where they discuss that


    There’s also the problem where I totally want to start a community (for example: Marble Racing), but I don’t know where a good home would be for it and I don’t think my home instance would be a good home.


    does it really matter that much? If people search it up, it will pop up. Even better if they discover it via a link.


    I think it does a bit. The obvious one would be for porn on general purpose instances. Alternatively, my primary instance for example is a bit of a niche one related to reading, so a sports or politics community could feel disjointed especially for the admins/mods who manage the community.


    I hear ya, but I can’t help ya. Sorry. Good luck tho!


    No worries, I wasn’t really expecting help. I appreciate your try though.


    Have you checked out !lemmy411? For some reason I don’t see it mentioned or linked to much, but it’s basically that, which I think would feel much more approachable to new people than pointing them to tools like Lemmyverse (as much as I do really appreciate it).

    Another good one for sharing communities you’ve stumbled across would be !wowthislemmyexists.


    Saved both communites, but don’t tell me this. Tell it to: @JaymesRS



    The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

    Guess I’ll just be productive then.


    jballs, avatar

    I will be posting 1 upvote (mine) and 0 comment posts until I die instead of choosing to be productive.


    Try Deep Rock Galactic! It is neither a full time job or a money sink. Any purchases are purely cosmetic, seasons are entirely free and there are regular updates.


    I’ve gone back to playing old games. It helps

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