

Let the shithead rage all it wants to, it's going down in flames this time. Rage rage all you want, ya sick little piece of malignant dog shit.


The inhumane ruling of the Arizona "supreme" (my ass) court to keep an outdated law in place as a means of hurting and harming women in the 21st century is HARDLY what I or any other intelligent person would ever classify as being a "victory." A giant malfeasance, a huge miscarriage of justice, certainly. And a disgrace to all who live in these United States, inarguably.

I'm glad to see pro-choice women getting angry enough to actually physically strike back and start aiming weapons at these anti-abortion shitfaced fuckjobs. If only the anti-abortion crowd had been aborted we'd all be so much better off today instead of having to physically assault those sick fucks who are trying to rob us Americans of our god-given rights and freedoms at every fucking turn.

Well bring it on. A civil war is what you want, it's what you'll get, and you anti-choice nutjob cunts will be the first to be mowed down without mercy.


Why, why on earth, do people do this shit - why do they have to decimate, destroy, and uglify nature. Why are humans today incapable of having an ounce of respect for ANYTHING. This kind of abominable and sick behavior is beyond comprehension, let alone explanation. What in the name of Jesus butt-fucking christ is going on with people these days!!!!!!!

If I had my way these sick motherfucks that commit vandalism to our natural parks would not only be locked up but never allowed out into public again for the rest of their lives. And they'd be slowly tortured to death in the most gory ways imaginable. There is nothing more absolutely sick and disgusting than commiting vandalism of public spaces - nothing. And it is the most horrifice crime that cannot go unpunished, we must do more to lock up these miserable cretins and chop their hands and arms off so they can never commit such ugly sick atrocities again under any circumstances.


If I ran things, these sick fucks wouldn't get the chance to grow old. But I'd give them the chance to die, in prison, by being tortured to death slowly. And in fact I think that's exactly what should happen to these pieces of walking dog excrement.


Humans are a waste of good animal flesh. All humans are disgusting pigs. But these pieces of dog excrement that commit vandalism in public parks are by far the worst of the worst of human scumbags.


These total asswipes who do this kind of shit better hope they never cross my path where they are committing vandalism. I guarantee it's the last day they'll live to see on this planet earth and make no mistake about it.

mynotaurus, to random
@mynotaurus@floofy.tech avatar

two verdicts from watching the boy and the heron:
watching it on a big screen makes me realise theres a separate art style for their backgrounds and their foregrounds, which gives it an effect similar to the old cinema way of making miniatures and compositing your actors over the top, its really cool
im gay


@mynotaurus Good observations, and congrats on your realization of being gay! It's a great way to be.

Helldivers 2’s Politics Appear To Be Flying Over The Heads Of Some (www.forbes.com)

There is currently a very funny, kind of sad dust-up over Helldivers 2, in which self-proclaimed “anti-woke” gamers have previously heralded it as a rare game where they believe “politics” does not play a factor. Their faith was been shaken by an Arrowhead community manager they believed they found to be (gasp)...


I wouldn't play this game because of my very "woke" anti gun and anti-war sentiments. I think whenever I see a game ad with someone holding a gun, what a sad thing that the video game industry has evolved into - everyone has to use a gun to solve their problems or get "points" in life. Pretty disturbing when you see how young males are groomed to be gun lovers. And really, it's the worst possible sort of image to be feeding them.


Oh, I didn't know they were separate entities, yes my complaints are about kbin (don't know what lemmy is, I guess). I didn't mean to cause confusion, I'm just a newbie about these things....


Well we had partly cloudy skies Monday, but actually it cleared in time for the eclipse, but in Utah we only got to see about 45% of it, we weren't anywhere near the path of totality. The sunlight did seem cloudier (or shadier?) for a few minutes, but that was about it....


Apparently he's not just a good Christian, but a great one - he sucks AND swallows. A true Christian, a truly valuable person, is one who gives and enjoys physical sexual pleasure. Not someone who disdains human sexuality and disavows any human desires. It's all just sex - no labels are needed, it doesn't matter who is giving a blowjob to whom, as long as people are doing it and enjoying it. That's the only thing that matters.

Trump and GOP use a fake panic about a "trans" Easter to justify their Christian nationalism (www.salon.com)

It’s easy to roll one’s eyes as the self-serving dramatics of MAGA voters using false claims of victimhood as cover for their ugly views. But, as the threatening language in Greene’s tweet shows, this “woe is us” act is deeply dangerous. The hyperbolic conspiracy theories and dehumanizing language serve to convince...


They are so dumb they can Not See what is so bad about what they are doing.


That's probably because I tend to overstate things, but I'm actually being serious about loving the "carnivore" side of life. I'm not trying to raise any false flags - no sarcasm was intended in my statements at all.


That's the part I had trouble with, they don't "deserve" to die. It's just that they kind of, have no choice really. Sad but true.

The "martyrdom" of Donald J. Trump. "It’s all slapstick comedy: Posing as a Christ-like figure is so outlandish and absurd" (www.salon.com)

Donald Trump has repeatedly shown that he can reasonably be described as evil. Yet, white “Christian” evangelicals are among his most loyal, stalwart, and enthusiastic supporters. Moreover, when his behavior and character are evaluated relative to the Christian mythological framework, Trump is actually much closer to being...


Yet all I see whenever I'm forced to see his face is a pile of orange dog shit.


All of me thinks this whole thing would be over if someone would just lay something heavy (or lead-encased) across his skull.


It sure is gross and creepy, but it takes a certain classiness and intellect to understand why.


Ugh not me. I've been through the SLC temple and it's one horrifyingly bland white cold interior throughout. If that's what mormons see as their 'destiny' in the afterlife, I'm kinda glad I'll be roasting in hell instead. To me that kind of austerity doesn't smack of godliness, it smacks of sterility and coldhearted lifelessness.

A Filipino villager is nailed to a cross for the 35th time on Good Friday to pray for world peace (apnews.com)

A Filipino villager has been nailed to a wooden cross for the 35th time to reenact Jesus Christ’s suffering in a brutal Good Friday tradition he said he would devote to pray for peace in Ukraine, Gaza and the disputed South China Sea....


Which is proof of absolutely nothing, which is what we're actually talking about - nothing.


No one with any self worth or dignity should try to live their life by what the "bible" says. No real human could, and it is totally full of contradictions and hypocrisy at every turn.


I can't see oxygen either but I wouldn't want to depend on a supernatural source for it. There never was any actual Jesus Christ, but eventually we will see quarks and be able to prove their existence - what a dumb thing for any student to actually say, let alone a college student who should know better.


Amen to that. You should see how huge and austere the Mormon temples are - everything is sterile and white, big empty marble halls and white with no color or plants or anything. And everyday more news stories about new temples opening across the world. SIGH. If that's what they imagine heaven to be - a bastion of sterile whiteness - I'll gladly stay in hell and at least enjoy the vivid colors!

siblingpastry, to writing
@siblingpastry@mastodon.world avatar

"I mean what is the deal with doctrinal theology? There are thousands of web sites and forums locked in endless pedantic debate, analyzing the arbitrary threads of theories far and wide. Like whether that wizard headmaster is gay, whether it’s kinda weird for hundred-year-old vampires to be dating school girls, and whether portrayals of counter-predatory sexual submissiveness are empowering or denigrating. Theology is the same. Just wanking over fan-fiction. "


@siblingpastry It's completely bonkers given that we're talking about fictional characters anyway. And when all is said and done, it's just sex we're talking about and it shouldn't be anything that stirs up debate or gets people angry over it. It's just sex, people - not the second coming of Christ or the end of the world or anything really deserving of such debate. Get over it!!!


It's wrong and harmful to lock any group out of Pride celebrations. Police are not the enemy of gay people and by and large have done a lot to help protect LGBTQ andr respond to helping persecute people that commit hate crimes.

Pride is supposed to be about inclusion and acceptance. If we gay people want acceptance from society we need to be big enough to allow acceptance to all other groups also. Pride isn't just a "gay" thing. It's about all people everywhere being proud of their adulthood and their ability to rise above conflict and get along.

Gen Z boys and men more likely than baby boomers to believe feminism harmful, says poll (www.theguardian.com)

Boys and men from generation Z are more likely than older baby boomers to believe that feminism has done more harm than good, according to research that shows a “real risk of fractious division among this coming generation”....


I wonder if it's because Gen Z males are not as intelligent as generations that have come before, according to current school testing standards and other indicators. Gen Z seems to be losing a lot of mental capacity, and certainly seeing feminism as harmful is a very incorrect and falacious way of seeing things. I really think this generation has been harmed by their drug use and/or inherited mental smallness from their drug using parents.

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