
Somebody is going to have to die in order for nothing to continue happening.


Bold of you to assume any death would prompt action.

Related reading: US Gun Violence.


Did you read all the words?

Wodge, avatar

To paraphrase all the words “Only country where this keeps happening, changes nothing, surprised that it keeps happening”


I did now and I realize I’m an ass.


I’m a bystander but I had to re-read it a few times and didn’t get it either … think my brain filled in the gaps instead of reading it properly


Our brain is very focused on matching anticipated patterns that you sometimes have those mishaps. By the way, that’s not a sign of stupidity, but a sign of relaxation: it means you are reading the comments as a form of stress relief.


I love you.


I do that all the time 😅


“For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen.” -Douglas Adams


I love Douglas Adams, I literally just posted another of his quotes in this thread lol

FuglyDuck, avatar

Lock. Him. Up.


And all of his crazies. Or at least put them where they belong, an insane asylum


Are there any islands left that we can use as a penal colony? I feel like we’re going to need an island.


Technically, everything is an island.

A_A, avatar

Yes and all oceans are interconnected into one single big Lake.


all praise The Big Lake


An island named Noman.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

It stands alone


Send them to North Sentinel Island.


They don’t deserve that.


I hope you're referring to the North Sentinelese.


I am.


I’m sure Alcatraz could be rehabbed for it.


Too small. Send them all to Antarctica!


Why did we give away an entire island to prisoners?




Nah, let's not inflict these monsters on the poor mentally ill people.


I wonder if there is such a thing as an asshole asylum



  • Loading...
  • Drusas,

    Captures too many not-assholes and not enough of the actual assholes.


    Well we don’t seem to be putting anyone in there these days, so I’m really not sure.


    God, I wish.


    There is: it’s called Florida.


    Not really doing his Jan 6th case any favors here either.

    A_A, avatar

    in Italy, for mafia trials, special protections for judges where put in place. Please USA, look at these examples.


    People are very eager to throw their lives into the volcano for him. My only question is why do people want to do this for a reality TV personality and a man who looks like a chimney sweep at the nacho factory?


    Because they are acting/thinking irrationally. I’m not entirely sure what the solution to that is except to gently, slowly, and dispassionately ask small binary questions to lead them in explaining their thought processes until they’ve explained far enough that they admit the position they hold is fundamentally rooted in irrational emotion rather than logic.

    At that point, they ultimately have a choice to make. They can admit they are being irrational, embrace it, and continue to act irrationally intentionally, or they can change their position.

    I think this approach to conversation is infinitely more productive than both sides just yelling past each other and neither side actually speaking the same language.


    I am sure people who study and follow cults are fascinated with the whole situation.


    oh who could ever have seen this coming

    BlackSkinnedJew, (edited )

    Donald “DonnieDiapers” Trump


    Somebody take out the garbage already!


    after Donald Trump targeted them on social media.

    …while, as a former president, being protected by the Secret Service at taxpayer expense.

    That just ain’t right.


    And I’ll bet he couldn’t be happier about it. That fucker needs to be launched into the sun.


    What do you have against the sun?


    Any of the gas giants or their moons would also suffice.


    Fair point.


    I would say that something slower and more painful is in order, but he’s old, and frankly, expediency benefits us all at this point.

    BeautifulMind, avatar

    It’s as if saying “will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest” is a time-tested means of getting meddlesome priests murdered, and somehow it’s still effectively legal for the Trumps of the world to incite that kind of violence. It’s also as if America’s justice system plain doesn’t want to hold wealthy or powerful people accountable


    This man inspires the wrong people.

    KingThrillgore, avatar

    He inspired me to never be like him.


    This man inspires people the wrong way.


    This man should not be in a position to inspire anyone.


    One of my favorite quotes:

    “The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”


    Gotta cite it – Douglas Adams. (Didn’t have to even look it up, it’s one of my favorites too)


    I think it’s most* want, not must want.

    whoisearth, avatar

    It’s not just him. It’s the whole right of the spectrum right now. Here in Canada the head of the opposition in parliament tweeted a wanted sign on two senators. One of them in Cornwall, Ontario. This is growingly a radical element of shitheads that are ruining the world for the large majority.…/senator-bullied-harassed-carbon-tax-bill…


    Please remember, just because Trump doesn’t respect the rule of law, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t either.


    GWB literally justified the Iraq War by saying that the world is better off without Saddam Hussein.

    Trump has been far worse for the world than Saddam, and now we have a precedent to follow.


    Saddam got off easy; Trump deserves to be Gaddafi’d.


    If we were to drown Trump in a vat of his own diapers, it would make the world a better, saner place.

    Barring that, I’d settle for him dying in prison.


    I won’t settle for anything less than death by curb stomping at this point.


    Good ol’ American History X style. Very fitting.


    Except this time it’s the fascist getting the curby.


    Someone needs to just make trump “dissappear” already

    He is a threat to human rights and equality


    I’ve often wondered why it seems only the progressive people working to make society better for all get assassinated.


    Because the chances of someone who disagrees with progressives being a murderous lunatic is much higher than someone who agrees with progressives being a murderous lunatic.


    And why is that?


    Aside from being borne out by modern and distant history, it makes sense that a group of people who literally don’t care about the needs of their neighbors are more receptive to murdering them.


    There’s also the fact that the CIA really doesn’t seem to want the workers to get too uppity - that’s bad for business.


    Good, intelligent people are progressive because they are good and intelligent. Evil, unhinged, stupid, and uneducated people are likely to be conservative because they are stupid, uneducated, evil, or crazy.


    Empathy. Being able to see circumstances from a different perspective and appreciating how that makes the other person feel. And then not wanting to hurt the other people. Empathy, not selfishness.


    Because the people who would disagree with a bad person are generally good enough people that they wouldn’t kill someone. If a bad person disagrees with a good person, all bets are off.


    Those sound like the types to have well-funded enemies unfortunately, on top of the more violent tendencies of the right.


    There is no “deep state”

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