
Now if only torrenting wouldn’t mean an automatic 500€ invoice from a very specific law firm in my country :(


Real debrid. Torrent to the cloud. Everything becomes available to other users.


Does Realdebrid do that or do you need a separate cloud service?


It does it all. Debrid is the cloud, and a whole bunch of others things. You just copy and paste a magnet link into the page. And it gets the file for you. And if someone else has used that torrent, it’s already on the debrid server so there’s no wait. 95% of the time it’s already there. Then you’re just downloading a file like you would any other file from a webpage, off the debrid server. Usually at the full speed of your isp. No p2p. I can stream 100 gb movies off their servers. Or download them quickly.


Holy shit I’ve been paying for that just because I can’t be arsed waiting for audiobooks to download from Rapidshare

Thanks for the info, I’ll look into this too then, saves fucking about with QBT


Update for anyone interested - I put four obscure torrent files into Real Debrib that had been sitting in QBT for months, not downloadable.

Three out of the four downloaded within a couple of hours

I’m fuckin impressed

When I say obscure, I mean a minor British sitcom from the 90s, a french comedy from 1987, and a video of a live Muse gig from ten years ago. All downloaded

Now, the only one left is the episode of Pointless Celebrities with Vic Reeves, Bob Mortimer, Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton

I’ll be impressed if it can find that


How does one even join…?


It’s a paid service, but it’s only about €30 a year


Yeah but there are no links on how to do it. Are they exposed only via Tor or something?


For about 5€ a month you can free yourself from these risks


but who want a quite simple life :)


They base off Mullvad which removed the ability to forward ports, not the 1st choice for P2P, but anything else


I didn’t understand. Aren’t all ports go through the encrypted traffic once I start a vpn?


They do, but if you can’t forward a port nothing can get to you from outside, which you want with P2P, per default anything from outside is blocked.

If two people with no port forwarding meet, they aren’t able to connect, one side has to have an open port, so you’re missing many peers and seeders and you can counter this by being the one with the open port so anyone is able to connect to you.


What’s this in reference to, as one Not In That Country?


Jo, seitdem zieh ich nur noch über OCHs

JoeBidet, avatar

sounds like pure intimidation to me.

1/ one could have “never received this letter”

2/ one could decide not to pay, and then what? will they go to court? based on what evidence?

3/ if it ever goes to court, “i don’t know, i wasnt even home that day” should always work no?

i don’t understand while in some countries (actually only one that i know of, Germany) people seem to be terrified by this lawyer’s spam…


Oh no it isn’t. Walldorf Frommer is well known to send “Unterlassungerklärungen” which you have to answer. It will go to court if you do not work against this. You normally need your own lawyer to defuse what they send you.

Also, if you are in court, there is the concept of “Störerhaftung” which is a wet dream for everyone suing you for copyright infringement. They will have your IP and the time, thus your address. Now you either have to name someone who did do it, or if you can’t you will automatically be liable.

This isn’t any intimidation, it is one company using the laws in place here to fuck you majorly over. There are a lot of stories about this and if you seed on any public tracker you WILL get a letter.


How effective are VPNs at preventing this? I’ve heard it recommended the most as a counter measure.


VPN’s solve this problem completely. This law firm looks at the IP’s of seeders and if they are german they request the personal details from the respective ISP.

If it’s an IP of a (reputable) VPN they don’t achieve anything and if it’s not a german IP they can’t do anything anyway.

They mostly go for the easy targets since that’s their easy business.


This is the way. qBittorrent even has an interface option. You can set that to your VPN and it’s basically a killswitch. I’ve still got mullvads killswitch option enabled on top of it tho. It just cuts your internet connection, if you ever drop the connection to their servers.


Oh right. Binding to the VPN network interface is really important.

It gives peace of mind. One time I noticed the VPN was off and qBit still ran and I didn’t bind to the interface. Luckily it was fine.


VPN’s solve this problem completely. This law firm looks at the IP’s of seeders and if they are german they request the personal details from the respective ISP.

If it’s an IP of a (reputable) VPN they don’t achieve anything and if it’s not a german IP they can’t do anything anyway.

They mostly go for the easy targets since that’s their easy business.


Does Usenet trigger the same issue?


No, it’s just p2p that works in their favour…


It’s just the seeding that is illegal, not the downloading part. You can pirate, you just can’t share (legally).


If you want a year subscription to Speedify, let me know. I got a year in a Humble Bundle that I never used because I have a lifetime subscription to Windscribe. Speaking of which, Windscribe allows 10GB of free transfers each month. Not much but it will get you a few movies or audio books.

narp, (edited )

Alle meine Zuhausis hassen Waldorf Frommer!


Denen soll ne ente aus’m Arsch kriechen.

neo, avatar

can you come back and tag this post with the correct language? would be neat


How do you tag a comment with a language? Wasn‘t aware that that‘s a thing.

neo, avatar

At least on the web browser version of lemmy, there is a dropdown box below where you write a reply, that says “Select language” by default.

narp, (edited )

I’m trying but the save button just loops endlessly…

What difference does it make? Aren’t you able to see the comment?

neo, avatar

It’s not so huge a concern right now, but it lets people that write userscripts write, say, a userscript to automatically translate a post into your preferred language from the post’s language.

Such a thing would be easier if the userscript could trust that a post is set to the language it’s written in.

This load circle thing is it implicitly failing due to you not having selected Deutsch as one of your languages in your profile (most likely).

There are other things it could be as well.

narp, (edited )

Interesting! I tried it a bit more:

  • I had “Undetermined”, “Deutsch” and “English” selected in my profile.
  • I was able to set the comment to “Undetermined”, but then still not able to set it to “Deutsch” (back to “English”, worked though)
  • Changing the word “homie” didn’t make a difference
  • Other comments set to “Undetermined” were able to switch to "Deutsch"
  • Other comments set to “English” (that were actually written in english) were able to switch to “Deutsch”

Seems like it’s a problem with this comment in particular, but I can’t figure out why!

Edit: I found another comment set to “Deutsch”, written in german, that can’t be changed no matter what.

neo, avatar

I only really write in one language so I don’t have this problem, I just default to English.

But it’s interesting that some posts are hard to change.


If you are going throught there might be limitations on the languages you can select for comments. I think only German and undetermined are possible there.

Appoxo, avatar

Just rent a seedbox.
Torrenting actively from public trackers for 14€ per month and can host the best streaming service right at home.


I’d love to find a good alternative to Rarbg, truly the end of an era


TorrentGalaxy is the closest I’ve found so far.


and it getting where rarbg was, i can find similiar release, imdb links, there is a tab with lates releases etc.


Yeah, a lot of similar functionality which is what I was mainly looking for. Especially the IMDB search. Not as much curation, but enough tags and details on most things so you can at least sift past the junk.


Is it




Stop using torrents and start using newsgroups.


Where do I start?


Here’s a good guide, t’s old, but nothing should be too different.…/getting-started

Use radar instead of Couch Potato.

You can find up to date guides for any of the individual products.

I recommend NZBgeek’s lifetime subscription.

Then, set torrents as your news group’s backup and you should be good to go.

Spend an evening setting this up and you’ll be golden. Just subscribe to any shows or movies you want and it will automatically download them when they are available.

You can set preferences around quality, file size, language, format, etc


pay to pirate 😂


It’s safer, faster, more reliable, and much easier to automate.

I only paid $20 for a lifetime subscription.

AtomicPurple avatar

The only torrent I ever removed my seed cap for was a set of DVD-audio ISOs. I had it downloading for months, but it never got above 5%. Eventually I found the same disc images on another site, so I dropped them in the download folder and rechecked the torrent, which came back 97% complete. The only files missing were box art scans and NFOs. I let that thing seed for about five months.


I rather just stick to Real-Debrid, and never worry about seeds nor seeding ever again. Cached torrents are the future!


Paying for piracy is stupid


Worth it for the Gbps download speeds. I can download two 50+ GB titles, install them, decide I don’t like them, and uninstall 'em, all in under an hour.

Not to mention that you need a VPN for torrent clients (and not Debrid), so at the end of the day, you’re paying for piracy regardless. So it makes sense to just go with the cheaper and faster option.


I’m from eastern europe. VPN is not required here because the law doesn’t care about online piracy. A VPN only slows down my internet speed.


I’m from Western Europe and they don’t care about online piracy either. Only some countries are problematic, like France I think, with that Hadopi thing.


Seems pretty on-brand to me, considering what the general consensus of pirates has always been: it’s not about unwillingness to pay, it’s about unwillingness to deal with bullshit.


How can I simultaneously agree with you and the other person?


Cognitive dissonance baby! And I’m right there with you.


Correct. And paying is bullshit.

Zagorath, avatar

Disagree. I use a paid streaming service that’s every bit as convenient as Netflix, but has a library consisting of almost anything you could possibly think of. No need to hope somebody’s seeding it, or go searching through dozens of different sites. It’s one super easy go-to source that not only has the content, but remembers where you left off, allows user profiles, etc. That convenience is worth paying for.


Unless it was something really obscure I never had problems finding seeders.

I use the search engine function inside qBitTorrent and I sort the results descending by the number of seeders. To enable it go to View > Search Engine (iirc) and follow these simple instructions.

qBitTorrent also has a feature that lets you download a torrent in order of their pieces, and also download the first and last piece first, which is basically streaming. No need to wait for the download to finish first.

If needed, VLC has a built-in plugin called VLsub which lets you find and automatically load subtitles for almost anything. To enable it go to View > VLSub.

qBitTorrent + VLC is my Netflix. Never asked me a cent, but to me they are priceless and more convenient than any subscription service.

On Android I use LibreTorrent + VLC.


Since Real-Debrid has a copy of the torrent’s data, does it do any seeding?


Not as far as I’m aware, but the way I justify it is that the more people who are using a Debrid service, the less strain it puts on torrents because of fewer leechers. Real-Debrid only needs to download the file once, and then every subscriber has immediate access to it.

You can always just use a seedbox instead. The main reason why I use Debrid is because it allows me to stream any show or movie I want instantly to my TV, without having to wait, the instant downloads for games & software is just an added bonus. So for me it’s worth the tradeoff of not being able to do my rightful duty and seed.

Wahots, avatar

God, back in uni with free electricity and internet in the dorms, we managed to seed over a terabyte of data before IT got suspicious and turned off that port. Then we seeded over slower wifi until they turned the port back on next semester, haha. Good times.

That was where we learned that the pirated copies of stuff were easier to find, higher quality, and worked on hardware that websites declared “too old” to stream their content. It all started when we had a bunch of people over to watch a movie, and Amazon refused to play it on older hardware. It instantly converted half a dozen people to piracy, lol.


Funny how that works


Like Gabe Newell once said, piracy is a service problem.

The last two things I pirated were No One Lives Forever, a game that’s completely delisted on all storefronts, and Ratchet & Clank, because Sony can’t figure out how to add the PS2 versions of games to the PS5 and I refuse to stream it (data cap) or lug around my PS3.

Both I would’ve purchased legally had they not made it a pain in the ass.

worsedoughnut, avatar

My crowning achievement is still seeding a 2.429TB torrent up to a 1.0 ratio, took me about 7 and a half months.


What’s inside a 2.4TB torrent? 🤔

worsedoughnut, avatar

It was a 4K porn siterip.


Wonderful! I wish you both a happy relationship! Sounds like you’ve got your work cut out for you 😊👌

worsedoughnut, avatar

In my defense I was really only trying to find a handful of specific videos from a certain porn site… But you know how sometimes it’s just easier to grab an entire album or an entire season / boxset of a show, than it is to find a specific song / episode in high quality? Well that same rules applies to porn, and since I had no issue with space (I have a very large NAS) I just grabbed the whole siterip since it actually had a decent number of seeds lol


I know exactly what you mean. No defence need my friend, but maybe some lotion 😊💦


Man of culture I see


What was the torrent? That’s huge.


The entire run of Good Housekeeping magazine


Fun fact: This movie is on the 4k movies google drive


What Google drive are you talking about


Yea would be awesome to know lol




Same as well.


just hopping in on the off chance there’s a DM that could come my way 👀


Pick me! Pick me!!


Check the megathread


A true pirate shares their booty 🔥🔥


First booty on duty, no time to wait!

ultratiem, avatar

Booty Sweat!


Well then I guess that makes ya mum a pirate! 🦜🏴‍☠️🍆💦



Squirrel, avatar

sigh I’ll let my wife know…


She knows.

whyNotSquirrel, avatar

why squirrel though?

Squirrel, avatar

Why not squirrel?

whyNotSquirrel, avatar





Highest ratio I ever saw was from season 2 of one punch man. Was over 500.


Dude seeding must have been doing his push ups


The oldest active torrent I know of is the fanimatrix. I’m still seeding it just in case.

JustEnoughDucks, avatar

I did this with the That 70s show FGT torrents. Nobody seeds older media anymore, so each one had/has a >30 ratio on the 5GB-per-season BDrips

I wish for low-risk older media people would just keep the seed open forever. Very little bandwidth will be taken up but people will have it there if they want to go back and watch it.


Is quality worth the 50gb?

I don’t have any fancy speakers or monitor…


You get diminishing returns. But yes, on a large 4K TV you can notice the difference.

Appoxo, avatar

My very fancy sweet spot is somewhere between 10-20gb 1080p
My alright sweet spot is around 7-10gb 1080p.

Higher is too much in disk space for me.


7–20gb for a 1080p movie? Only my 4k movies are allowed to burn that much space. Most of my 1080p movies are under 5gb (usually under 3). I think the only 1080p movie I have at that size is Jiang Ziya: Legend of Deification (2020) at ~11gb, and that’s only because I haven’t found a dual audio version in HEVC/AV1.

Edit: For context, I watch on a 1440p monitor with headphones that simulate 7.1 surround sound (Logitech G Pro X Wireless). A LOT of my 1080p movies are RARBG’s 2gb 5.1 releases. Incredible quality for how tiny the files are. Actual magic.

Appoxo, avatar

Like I said those are the movies I really enjoy (like Interstellar etc.)
Most get the usual treatment of sub 10gb.


I didn’t read fancy as meaning “good movies I like” my bad. I thought it was just a modifier to sweet spot meant to spice up the sentence oops

Appoxo, avatar

Actually both. Might be actually my bad ;)

If it’s a movie I enjoy or is often talked about as being visually stunning, it gets the good treatment.
If it’s just another run of the mill, it get’s the usual treatment.

DaGeek247 avatar

With prices being about 14$/tb on sale for the cheapest 8-16tb drives, yeah, it really is. And if the cheap drive breaks, no problem, you only had public torrents on it anyways.


It looks great on my TV! The HD version also looks very good but flipping between them this version is noticably higher quality.


Try it out and see for yourself if it’s worth it to you.

Even with fancy gear some people don’t appreciate higher quality, i’m somewhat jealous, because that would save me so much money.


Try getting older!

A decade ago, I was extremely into hi-fi — most of my disposable income went to it. (Martin Logan electrostatic speakers and McIntosh amps, stereo JL Fathom 13.5” subs, sound treatment and reference mic for balancing and analysis …)

Now? I’m perfectly and completely pleased with my AirPods Max. My hearing just ain’t what it used to be, and I genuinely don’t hear the slightest difference. (… obviously modulo feeling the bass, hah.)

(Yes. I listen to music over Bluetooth. Not even APT-X. WHO HAVE I BECOME? 😭)


Martin Logan. Very nice indeed.


The process already started, i’ve bought myself some Anker bluetooth buds for 24€ recently just for podcasts and sounds for sleeping. I have to say, you can make out a difference for sure, but why the fuck have i spent 3k on headphone and DAC, i’m starting to question myself if that noticeable but not immense improvement was worth that kind of money.

I still don’t regret it and enjoy it while it lasts, but i don’t know if i will do that again.

Maybe we just made inner peace with the knowledge that we experienced higher-end and can settle for less.


They look amazing on a big TV with a nice sound system. If it’s just for watching on your computer I would recommend the 2GB RARBG releases.

acedelgado avatar

At 80+Gb that means it's a straight blu-ray rip without being recompressed at all, which is perfect if you have a nice home theater system. You definitely notice the difference then. But if you're just watching on an average monitor with headphones or such, then you're honestly better off finding a smaller version that someone properly compressed down a bit.


I want to seed too, but I can’t get anyone to receive it

transistor, avatar

Excellent work!

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