
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

herriott101, in Google reminds us that Google Chat can be used with friends and family
herriott101 avatar

I always used to use Hangouts as my default chat app for friends. We had a big DnD group chat on it. But we migrated to WhatsApp when Google said they were going to kill hangouts and never looked back.

Why would I trust Google with my chats when they constantly abandon/kill off their best tools. We've now moved to Signal and I'm expecting to stay there for a long time.


Same path for me. The one thing I absolutely trust Google with is abandoning projects that I like.


I stopped using Hangouts when that happened too... Then I realized that Google Chat was almost identical, so I just started using that instead. Didn't have to migrate data or anything 🤷‍♂️


Yeah me and all my friends loved hangouts and I was sad when they killed the app and the entire service later on. Google can gargle my nuts with how many times they have swept the rug from underneath me


Have you tried Telegram? I've slowly been moving over to it more and more with my contacts, and I find it's a much nicer experience than WA. Especially with handling files and attachments, which I could see being useful in D&D.

jabberati, avatar


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  • ryegye24,

    My go-to recommendation is Matrix. Fully federated, full e2ee support.

    cityboundforest, avatar

    I've seen a lot of buzz about XMPP lately (well, mostly in relation to P92 and corps killing FOSS projects). Beyond it being a comm protocol, I don't really know much about it. Is it still in use?

    jabberati, avatar

    @cityboundforest Yes, there is still an quite active community around it:

    AnonymousLlama avatar

    Talking of signal, I was pretty gutted when they removed sms support. I get their reasoning that sms isn't secure, but having a single app where you could use secure messaging for some people and default SMS with others was top notch. Sad that it's gone now


    Didn't the fork called "molly" keep it?

    AnActualFossil avatar

    Google fairly successfully managed to kill that. It's gone from Internet standard to a niche thing with everyone doing their own thing now.

    Silejonu, in What search engine do you use?
    Silejonu avatar

    DuckDuckGo, but mostly because of the !bangs. I do 90% of my searches through StartPage (!s), and the rest directly on a few websites (Wikipedia, YouTube, Arch wiki...).

    Ashtear avatar

    Yes, the bangs are a game changer! They even work well on niche sites like Jisho and Scryfall.

    Gimletson avatar

    What are !bangs and how do I use them?

    Knowncarbage avatar

    Exclamation marks!!!!!

    !auk searches Amazon UK

    !aw searches the Arch wiki

    !w searches Wikipedia

    There are many, they are useful

    Silejonu avatar

    Take a look at this page.


    TL;DR—They’re search shortcuts that can take you directly to a specific site. I haven’t used them before, but I can see how they’d be useful.

    ayla, avatar

    I switched to DDG almost entirely because of the !w bang — Google massively downranking/hiding Wikipedia links made it a lot less useful to me.

    DpwnShift, in Reddit alternative? Google introduces Perspectives, a search feed with results from humans
    DpwnShift avatar

    If people are looking for alternatives that won't be shut down, you... recommend they look to Google!? Ahahahahaha!


    It's not an alternative to Reddit. It's an alternative to adding "" to your search query.


    Seriously, the graveyard is pretty extensive:

    -hypnotoad- avatar

    And they won't stop until they kill killedbygoogle by having it run out of storage space.

    Grimlo9ic avatar

    Oh man, I knew there were a lot but I had no idea.

    I remember when Google Wave was demo'ed to a live audience, there were audible ooohs and aaahs from the crowd. It was such a mindblowing idea 14 years ago, shame it never really got off the ground.


    Google wave wasn’t really killed. It’s functionality is pretty much built into google docs.


    I’m still bitter that they killed Inbox. It was superior to Gmail in every way.


    It really was. I miss inbox.


    "Google, thanks for inviting us all to the launch of perspectives! What are your goals with this new platform?"

    "Perspectives? Perspectives on what? Who are you people? how did you get in here? Would you like to hear more about our new weekly meat-delivery service?"

    "oh. . . . Uhm, sure. . . . Where is your product sourced from?"

    "where is what sourced from?"

    SquishyPandaDev, avatar

    Guys we swear this time is different. We are totally going to stick with it

    nvimdiesel avatar

    It's real this time time, gais, promisssss

    mem_somerville_kbin avatar


    bandario, in Kev Quirk, one of the admins of Fosstodon (a Mastodon instance), destroys Meta in an email exchange. avatar

    What an absolute legend. Also, I do so solemnly swear that any instance caught federating with meta is going straight in my hosts file.

    You have been warned.

    amphy avatar

    share the list, I'll add them to my pihole!


    I am looking for a new instance because my admin is on the fence.

    coin, avatar

    @bandario @giallo Look at you being a big boy with big threats. Up until a month ago you and the instance you're in didn't even exist on the Fediverse. You think your empty intimidation tactics are going to work on anyone? Don't take this as me supporting Meta btw.

    bandario, avatar

    Oh look, a tough guy behind his keyboard.

    Silejonu avatar

    So you will block Fosstodon?

    Bloonface avatar

    That statement is refreshingly sane. Really sick of the amount of heat over this situation and the lack of light.

    Pbody, in Introducing Connect for Lemmy

    Will this app be compatible with accounts? I've tried to sign in and it's throwing a whole page of an error message.

    kuro_neko, avatar

    I will look to see how possible it is, I think the APIs are different which is why it's throwing those errors.

    garrettw87 avatar

    They’re pretty different, in that one platform has an API and the other doesn’t. 😉


    Lemmy and Kbin are entirely different Software. Fediverse just allows posts to be visible between other fediverse applications.

    IntlLawGnome avatar

    So in this case, that does mean that someone with a Lemmy account who is subscribed (from that account) to Kbin magazines will be able to see the latter within the app, right? One wouldn't be able to login to Kbin, but could view Kbin content from their Lemmy account?



    kosure avatar

    Bummer that it doesn't work. I'm quite happy here on kbin. And I didn't know that the software running them was completely different. So much to learn about the fediverse. Honestly, I'm perfectly happy with the progressive web app version of except for the inability to collapse threads. Though I understand ernest is a saint and i'm perfectly PERFECTLY happy to be patient.

    bbbhltz, in How do you find RSS feeds that you're interested in? avatar

    I didn't even know that such directories existed. That's awesome!


    Thanks for these!

    0xtero, in I don't see how Lemmy will fill the gap of Reddit - it's resulting in fragmentation
    0xtero avatar

    As a reddit user I can go to /r/technology and see all posts from any user to the technology subreddit. I can interact with any posts and communicate with anyone on that subreddit.

    Sure, but what about r/AmazingTechnology, r/InsaneTechnology, r/AskTechnology, r/TechnologyProTips etc etc. You'd have to be subbed to all of those in order to see all technology posts. And you probably are, because there's no penalty in being subscribed to many subs.

    In Lemmy, I understand that I can browse posts from other instances from Beehaw, for example I could check out /c/, /c/, or many of the other technology communities from other instances, but I can't just open up /c/technology in Beehaw and have a single view across the technology community.

    True. But in due time you'll end up in situation where few of these (or maybe even one) becomes the "go to" community, because it has best/largest discussions - just like on Reddit. We're still at the start of this journey. Also, the other instances are their "own thing". Maybe that's fragmentation, but essentially they might be aimed for completely different demographic (the users of that particular instance).

    And all posts from all of these communities are shown in your home feed, so it's not like you miss discussions. There's no penalty for subscribing to all of them.

    The only "fragmentation" that could happen is if one instance decides to defederate the other instances. That effectively "locks" their content from everyone else. And that is a shame. But it happens sometimes. Because instances are their own thing aimed for their own particular audiences.

    rodhlann avatar

    I think something we really need is a way to search all of the instances for communities/magazines/whatever. If I want to find the biggest technology community I want to be able to search through ALL of them. Currently I feel like I can only search kbin and lemmy. And while those are great, I feel like I'm missing a huge section of what's actually available


    True. But in due time you'll end up in situation where few of these (or maybe even one) becomes the "go to" community, because it has best/largest discussions - just like on Reddit. We're still at the start of this journey. Also, the other instances are their "own thing". Maybe that's fragmentation, but essentially they might be aimed for completely different demographic (the users of that particular instance).

    while technically you're correct, what I see as different that I think needs improvement, is the discoverability. It is needed to somehow when I search for e.g. technology to also see the various federated "technology" communities. If I have to manually search for an instance, find the correct handle, then go search for this handle in my own instance and only after that to be able to subscribe, it adds a difficulty on the level that I may never manage to know about the existence of some other communities (magazines). Apart from that, I agree it is totally fine to just let them organically grow and it will sort itself out on which one I may want to participate more.

    Heresy_generator avatar

    Hopefully something like the "multireddit" system can be implemented so users can make custom groups of communities to view as a single feed.

    MeowdyPardner avatar

    Looks like there's already a suggestion for something along those lines here:

    Never bad to add your thumbs up to the issue to show it's wanted


    You could theoretically do that with accounts on different instances, and tailor each account to a specific list of magazines.

    rodhlann avatar

    This is basically already how the Subscribed feed works, at least on kbin. I feel like creating your own categories is just one extra step there

    AnonymousLlama avatar

    Yeah I think that was what OP was talking about. Subscribing to all these feeds and then going to a single URL (/technology) that acts like an group, getting all of the posts that are grouped by the various magazines they've subscribed to.

    From a user stand point right now you have your home page feed (with everything in it) or you can go to your subscription page and select a subscription to see all the posts, having about view where you can see all your related content sounds super handy.

    readbeanicecream avatar

    This is probably one of the most needed user functions in the fediverse.


    Agreed. Like the above poster mentioned, the same issue has existed on Reddit, but it's had much more time for "winners and losers" to emerge from the battle for members. I do have to say I still don't know how to search for communities here (I'm on Kbin), and it would be very convenient to be able to type "technology" or whatever and see a list of all named communities across all instances currently being federated with, and then have the option to aggregate them into a single feed.


    Beehaw in particular is difficult to find the correct syntax to search on kbin. If you're signed into your kbin account, and you enter the url you'll get to this community. Likewise, is the beehaw science community, etc

    As for finding communities in the first place, I just open a new tab and go to

    lvxferre, in Seriously, what's up with big sites literally dying as we speak?
    lvxferre avatar

    They saw Lemmy becoming successful, corporate mistook Lemmy with Lemmings, and decided to go out Lemmings style.

    ...jokes aside, Cory Doctorow has a great text about that, called "Tiktok's enshittification". It's a four-steps process:

    1. The platform is good for its users.
    2. The platform abuses the users, to be good for its business customers.
    3. The platform abuses the business customers, to claw back all value for itself.
    4. The platform dies.

    In my opinion it's also the result of management being disconnected from the platform that it manages, and not knowing fully the implications of their own decisions.


    You beat me to it, the man is an oracle.

    Krafter avatar

    Speaking of big sites dying as we speak, i was gonna reply with r/beatmeattoit or something like that, but-- this isn't reddit.
    Gosh i miss that community and all the fun in-jokes we had.

    Mac, in Why is /r/Videos shutting down on June 12th? How will this change affect regular users? More info here.

    I don't intend on going back to Reddit. I'm tired of mega corporations thinking that they own my data.

    jax, avatar

    I think for me it’s going to be hit or miss. Right now I’m on this more, but it doesn’t have a lot of the content I’m interested in currently.


    Totally understand. But the only solution for a lack of content is creating some ourselves. A community of lurkers will have no content to lurk on.

    jax, avatar

    Oh, I've been creating a lot of tech content, like my old days on Reddit. These days I mostly lurk on LGTQ subreddits though and idk how the Lemmy community feels about that (not that I have much to post in that regards anyways, link/forum wise)


    That's great! What content are you missing from Reddit?

    jax, avatar

    Mostly just general content and discussion lol. I know, I'm not being part of the solution of adding more content/discussion lol.


    It's not easy. I'm going to make an effort but I'm much more of a lurker.

    I'm trying to find areas where i can actually contribute but at the moment it doesn't seem there are many of my interests here yet.

    jax, avatar

    Yeah, I've started just posting anything that seems interesting while trying not to flood the place. I'm pretty deep into the tech world so it's been mostly tech, but I'd highly recommend posting content that interests you and I'm sure it'll interest others.

    If you're using a lemmy web interface (as opposed to an app), there is a cross-post button you can use to post in other communities that are tanginately related (if you decide to create a community for your topics).


    I was thinking of that... I have a few videos i could share.

    At the moment I'm having trouble logging on, though. Lol


    /r/buildapc and /r/buildapcforme. Has been helpful to get a general idea of what parts to get and feedback on if the build is balanced for what the user intends.

    /r/buildapcsales, /r/gamedeals, /r/consoledeals are other ones. There's sites like isthereanydeals and pcpartpicker, but those subs have come in helpful for catching deals I would have missed.


    (not op but) I primarily used reddit as a collective watchdog. If something of import was happening, it would be on the front page rapidly.

    It's how I found out it became legal for me to marry in 2012, and it's how I found out it became legal to kill me in Florida in 2023.

    sculd, in Meta Just Proved People Hate Chronological Feeds

    They don’t “hate” chronological feeds. The study say they are more likely to disengage, and that’s probably because people got what they need from the chronological feed and log off to do other things…

    Proving that chronological feed is more healthy.


    Why would you “get what you need” quicker with a chronological feed? The more engaged with content is what most people are going to the site for, it’s like browsing Lemmy on top vs new, and frankly new is mostly crap.

    HeartyBeast avatar

    I’m much more “engaged” when you hide my needle in a haystack. Simply handing me the needle allows me to grab it and go.

    Needle in this case is finding out what my friends are up to


    What I want is to see the new posts of my network. With chronological, I know when I see a previously seen post, that I’m done. With algorithmic, I’m scrolling past tons of posts I’ve seen before, hoping to find a new one every once in a while. And I never know when I’m done, so I frustratingly close the app after a longer time.


    When I look at my subscriptions, I sort by new because it lets me see what I want quicker. Top is filled with old things so I almost never use it. Hot is what I use if not restricting to just subs. Once I'm done looking at what's new, I'm done. No wasting time on stuff I've seen before.


    Yeah, if you were ever unsure where wired stands as a reputable organization, here's all the evidence you need.


    This sounds like a successful efficiency study presented by a horror director.

    LimitedWard, in Elon Musk rebrands Twitter as X

    Appropriate name for a social media platform that the internet has broken up with.

    Metaright, in Man Found Guilty of Child Porn, Because He Ran a Tor Exit Node (The Story of William Weber) - LowEndBox
    Metaright avatar

    We oughtta arrest the people who pave roads because human traffickers use them to commit crimes.

    lol3droflxp avatar

    I wonder if the ISP got charged as well lol


    The charges usually end up falling onto the last one who can’t stick them onto someone else.

    Like, a carrier can blame the ISP, who can blame the VPN, who can check its logs and blame an address owner, who… better keep their own logs capable of identifying someone else if they’re letting random people do random stuff using that address. And a good lawyer, and will and money to fight it.

    Excrubulent, avatar

    It sure is weird how a political system based around who has the most money always ends up hurting the people that don’t have money. Nobody could’ve predicted that.


    Is there really a realistic way to do it differently? Situations ending up in court are complex and ambiguous. It’s never a simple “if this then that” kind of thing. So in the end it’s about making arguments and convincing each other. Different people have different skills and depending how you match up, arguments are lost or won. There will always ever be a limited amount of extremely skillful people. Even if you would make sure that money isn’t a barrier, time/availability will still be and so still most people will end up with inadequate council.

    lol3droflxp avatar

    If a justice system is so hard to use that only a small portion of the trained professionals can do it adequately it needs a massive overhaul. This of course is basically impossible and won’t happen. The US is a particularly bad case because of the sheer outdatedness of its constitution an court procedures.


    I think most laws started out simple. Reality isn’t simple, however. And I would bet that any attempt to simplify it will be adjusted over time and will end up being just as complicated again.

    I mean, the law could be simple in the sense that it basically says “don’t to stupid shit”. But then it just becomes more subjective which in the end will be even less fair.

    All the complexity in the law comes from the attempts to make it as fair and objective as possible.


    So if simplification isn’t a good way of making it so that poor people aren’t more likely to get screwed over in courts, what is? ~Strawberry

    Excrubulent, avatar

    Don’t have a society that gives all the power to people who have the most imaginary tokens. Don’t assign and apportion legal counsel according to money but instead according to need. Like, obviously I’m criticising capitalism, but your question assumes capitalism is here to stay.

    Of course, under capitalism this will never happen, because the legislature is thoroughly captured by capital, and they are quite happy with lawyers being extremely expensive and siloed away in massive corporate legal teams.

    Now of course none of what I am suggesting is going to be easy, quick, or absolute, which I mention just to head off the inevitable critcisms along those lines from people who find it easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. As Ursula K le Guin said, “We live in capitalism, its power seems inescapable – but then, so did the divine right of kings.”

    aksdb, (edited )

    but your question assumes capitalism is here to stay.

    It does not. In my last sentence I specifically said “Even if you would make sure that money isn’t a barrier”, which rules out capitalism. So in a system where everyone has equal access to everything, you still only have a limited amount of skilled people with the right profession. If there are currently 1000 first-degree-murder cases where life sentences are on the line, and you only have 10 extremely good lawyers … 990 people will still end up worse than the 10 that had the luck (!!) to get these 10 good lawyers assigned.

    Excrubulent, avatar

    I’m sorry, can you outline for me how you get to a world with 1000 first degree murder cases for every 10 competent lawyers? This isn’t mad max. If you want to raise an issue you need to explain why it’s a genuine problem anyone should care about.

    As it is right now, lawyers are monopolised by the richest & most powerful. In a world where we don’t have enormous armies of corporate lawyers - who generally hate their jobs because they know they contribute nothing to society - we would have a lot more competent people available to do real jobs. Removing money from the equation helps both of these problems.


    I didn’t say “competent”, I said “extremely good”. We have hundreds of thousands of competent lawyers. But the rich can typically afford to get the absolute best there are, not “just” competent. But over-the-top competent. Lawyers who don’t just handle this case as one of many, but who put private investigators and what-not on their pay roll to get everything they need to do the absolute best for their client. Who have, on top of their experience and resources also lots of connections.

    Excrubulent, avatar

    Your description of “extremely good” boils down to “extremely well-funded”.

    If you actually think that the most expensive lawyers and firms get results because they are just so “extremely good”, you’ve probably bought into another capitalist lie of meritocracy. This just sounds like you fantasising again about a world that would make you right if it existed, but it doesn’t.

    JakenVeina, (edited )

    From the article…

    Yes, as they had to give me the minimum sentence. By law they were right as the law only protected registered companies, unlike in Germany for example. The law was changed a few weeks later to include private persons and sole traders as protected lsps, not just companies, but they had to convict me. No choice in the end.

    So, ISPs in Austria actually have legal protection from liability here, rightfully so, and also rightfully so, that protection was extended to private persons as well. A rare story of a legal system apparently working well, with regard to the marriage of privacy and technology.


    The law was changed a few weeks later to include private persons and sole traders as protected lsps, not just companies, but they had to convict me. No choice in the end.

    I am not sure I would consider this “working well”. It is the job of the court to determine if and how to apply law. Laws are never perfect and should be applied per intention, and not word-for-word. If the latter would even be possible, we wouldn’t need judges in the first place, because it would be a “simple” decision tree. But it’s not. And we have judges and the court processes for a reason.

    If the law was amended a few weeks later, it shows, IMO, that the intention of the law was different than what was written down. Therefore the judge should have ruled that way by acknowledging that while the law does not exempt private individuals, its intention shows that it clearly should (simply because it doesn’t make much sense otherwise).

    In other words: if the system really worked well, the judge would have sentenced (or rather not sentenced) within the intention of the law, and not within the strict writing.

    (Worst case is that something like that gets escalated to the highest court who then either also accepts or overrules it.)


    Yep given this is Austrian jurisprudence they should be able to apply Radbruch. Could it be overturned on appeal? Sure, but the judge also wouldn’t look stupid on appeal. German courts are using it in instances like conjuring a Romeo+Juliet exception out of thin air (in the “sex on your 14th birthday with your SO who is still 13” kind of sense), directly contradicting written law, saying “yep they overlooked that corner case”. Law didn’t even get updated as application of the formula is so uncontroversial.

    In particular, this letter-of-law interpretation ignores equality before the law – that between natural and juridical persons. You need a proper reason to do such a thing. Quoth Radbruch:

    Where there is not even an attempt at justice, where equality, which forms the core of justice, is deliberately betrayed in the laying down of positive law, then the statute is not even merely ‘flawed law’—rather, it lacks completely the very nature of law. For law, including positive law, cannot be otherwise defined than as a system and an institution whose very meaning is to serve justice.


    Do they not have Jury Nullification over there?


    Can’t have jury nullification if you don’t have juries.

    001100010010, in Google is working on essentially putting DRM on the web avatar

    Unsupported browser, please install Chrome.

    You are logged out, please log in or sign up for an account.

    To verify your identity, please enter your phone number, a text message will be sent, please enter verification code.

    Error, your account has been flagged for further review, please submit 3 different government IDs, with at least 2 containing your photo, and 2 containing your address.

    Error, name doesn’t match, if you have changed you name, please submit proof of name change.

    Error, no citizenship status detected, please submit birth certificate or naturalization certificate

    Please wait 7-14 bussiness days. A phone call will be made to the number you’ve submitted.

    Error, missed call. Please wait 30 days for another call.

    Error, unsupported operating system, please use Chrome OS, Android, or Google Smart TV OS

    Error, Google Smart Home assistant not installed, please purchase one within the next 3 days to avoid losing signup process.

    Error, could not confirm identity, please purchase Google 360 cameras to verify identity.

    Error, server maintenance in progress, please retry signup at a later time.

    Thank you for using Google!

    henfredemars, (edited )

    Or they just ban you without recourse and poof all your data and accounts are dead.

    Edit: consider using Google Takeout to download your data periodically as a hedge against trouble with your account. This will help prevent data loss in the event your account suddenly goes poof. It won’t help you with the apps you bought though.

    001100010010, avatar

    Don’t forget you also lose all the android apps you purchased. Oh wait, isn’t there a community that helps you avoid that?



    Sorry, can’t run code not signed by an attester recognized by your hardware manufacturer.

    Please enable bootlock and wipe your device to regain attested status.

    Can’t enable bootlock, your device’s attestation expired 1 months ago, please use an up to date device if you wish to use attestation.

    001100010010, avatar

    Rip Linux, Android custom roms.


    Kind of. Several apps already refuse to run without bootlock or on a rooted system if it wasn’t for Magisk, this will make web apps to refuse running too.


    Please write for black mirror!


    Please drink verification can


    Glory to Arstotzka … I mean Alphabet.

    tojikomori avatar

    Thanks for this. I skimmed the proposal doc itself and didn't quite understand the concern people have with it – most of the concerns that came to my own mind are already listed as non-goals. The first few lines of this comment express a realistic danger that's innate to what's actually being proposed.


    Being listed as a non-goal means nothing though. Who says it won’t become a goal later on?

    wildncrazyguy avatar

    I'm sorta sitting here in that same scenario. My iphone screen was severely broken last week, I don't use any other apple services. When I tried to get into it, my phone went into security lock mode. Coincidentally all of my 2FAs for my other accounts did their monthly checkin. No phone, no checkin so now I'm locked out of nearly all of my work accounts. Apple ID will renew in a few days, but I didn't think to take my broken phone with me on a trip, so my SIM with my phone number is now 1000s of miles away. So now I'm boned til I get home. 2FA works well until it works too well.


    I would just move on at step 3


    Thank you for choosing Google!

    Dusty, in Users Have Had It With Reddit...But Are Powerless

    Oh. Cool. Yet another reddit drama thread in /c/technology

    When do we change the name of this community to /c/YetAnotherRedditDramaCommunity instead of /c/technology ?

    FaceDeer avatar

    I suspect there are a lot of people here who are interested in Reddit, and also there might be something going on over on Reddit that's resulting in a lot of news being generated about it.

    Just a guess.


    That's great, there are many places dedicated to just that topic! It doesn't need to keep being posted here cluttering up actual news about actual tech items.

    I don't go to /c/cats and post about dogs. Or to /c/America and post about Europe. There is a place for everything. This community has been constantly clogged up with crap about reddit.

    CoderKat avatar

    Of course, that's understandable. But there's too many people here that are interested in the reddit drama such that it ends up taking over many subs, drowning out other content.

    It's like how r/worldnews was created, because despite r/news being general, there was so many Americans that US news dominated the sub. We need to do the same with reddit drama IMO.

    bumbly, (edited )

    I agree, this belongs on , /search?, !Reddit or something similar.

    TWeaK, in AI machines aren’t ‘hallucinating’. But their makers are | Artificial intelligence (AI) | The Guardian
    RandoCalrandian avatar

    can we have an "un-ampify" bot?

    FaceDeer avatar

    This is the Fediverse, not Reddit. We don't need to be bound by the old ways. We could perhaps get a plugin for the instance itself that automatically replaces AMP links with non-AMP links when the user makes the post in the first place.

    kbrot avatar

    In the meantime, de-AMP your life.

    RandoCalrandian avatar
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