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jordanlund, in Donald Trump indictment: Ex-president charged with bid to overturn 2020 election

This seemed to be popular information when I posted it (ahem) “elsewhere”. Thought it might be welcome to have here.

If you’re trying to keep track of where we’re at in the Trump prosecutions:

Updated 8/1/2023

Washington, D.C. - 4 felonies, January 6th Election Interference
Indictment <- You Are Here

Georgia - Election Interference
Investigation <- You Are Here
2 new grand juries impaneled 7/11/2023.
Indictment - July 11th to September 1st.
(Grand Jury work expected July 31 to Aug. 18)

New York State - 34 felonies, Stormy Daniels Payoff
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - March 25th, 2024

Florida - 40 felonies, Federal documents charges
Original indictment was for 37 felonies.
3 new felonies were added on July 27, 2023.
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - May 20, 2024

Other grand juries, such as for the documents at Bedminster, have not been announced.

The E. Jean Carroll trial for sexual assault and defamation where Trump was found liable and ordered to pay $5 million before immediately defaming her again resulting in a demand for $10 million is not listed as it’s a civil case and not a crimimal one.


Thank you. You’re doing the good lord’s work @jordan

WheeGeetheCat, in UPS strike could be costliest in US in a century, study says avatar

union officials say UPS needs to sweeten its offer for workers who risked their lives during the pandemic to help the company generate outsized profits.

sounds like the union has a good point. No idea why shareholders and CEOs feel entitled to that money. They need to be reminded who does the real work.

Shartacus, in Italian uproar over judge's 10-second groping rule

Count to ten right now. That’s a long fucking time for an accidental grope.


The idea of putting a time limit on what constitutes a grope is dumb to begin with. But, if somehow someone decided that was the right approach, 10s is absurdly long.

There are situations where there might be some disagreement over whether something is a grope vs. an accidental touch. Say squeezing past someone at a crowded bar, or on a bus/train at rush hour. But, that contact is on the order of 1s or less. If there were going to be a time limit for groping, a more reasonable idea might be that if it’s longer than 1 second, the chances of it being an accidental touch are much lower. If it’s under a second, then maybe the person being accused has grounds to say that it was just an accidental touch.

Mic_Check_One_Two, in Typo sends millions of US military emails to Russian ally Mali

That’s what we in the cybersec business call an “oopsie daisy I made a little fucky-wucky”.

For real though, this isn’t a problem yet. The TL;DR is that Mali has a top-level domain “.ml”. Just like “” for the UK. And the military uses the domain “.mil”. So lots of emails accidentally get sent to “[Military email]@[Military email server].ml” instead of sending to .mil.

So a bad actor could simply set up an e-mail server with .ml domains that mirror the military’s .mil ones, and start collecting all of those mis-addressed emails.

So why isn’t it an issue yet? Because we had a contract with Mali to manage their domain. They literally signed administrative rights for the .ml domain over. So the US was able to basically set up their own .ml mirrored sites, to capture all of those mis-addressed emails. They have captured thousands throughout the years, because military members keep misaddressing their emails. Supposedly containing all kinds of sensitive data. Everything from medical records to troop movements and equipment inspection reports.

But that contract ends this week, so Mali could 100% start registering their own domains when that contract expires and domain registrations begin expiring.

overzeetop, avatar

One solution to this would be to set the .mil mail servers to either correct or bounce all .ml addressed mail, no? It makes emailing legitimate .ml addresses more difficult, but requiring a second, dedicated gateway or mailserver for .ml would be at most inconvenient.



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  • MomoTimeToDie,

    which I would hope is trivial for them to do without requiring the job to be bid on…

    As someone with moderate experience working for the federal government, I wish I had your hopes



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  • MomoTimeToDie,

    Glad you can agree you’re a delusional piece of shit


    Hey now, don’t be a dick.

    lingh0e, in UPS strike could be costliest in US in a century, study says

    A UPS strike would make my job VERY difficult, and if I can’t do my job then several other parts of the supply chain will not be able to do their jobs. I can’t wait.


    Undoubtedly good. People over profits, forever.

    nieceandtows, in Italian uproar over judge's 10-second groping rule

    That is such an idiotic take. Truly unbelievable a court would actually say something like this and acquit somebody. The judge should be open to standing in the public square and letting anybody grope him, as long as it is under 10 seconds.

    ivanafterall avatar

    Don't give him what he wants.

    Aurix, in Ukraine shoots down £274m Russian spy plane

    It is also quite possible it was a friendly fire incident. I have a hard time believing an A-50 would be deployed anywhere near the anti-air range of Ukraine.


    buk operator thought he saw an airliner, so he had to start blastin'


    It wouldn’t be the first stupid decision they’ve made.


    There was a patriot damaged on the 6th of this month. They probably propagandized it as 20 patriots destroyed or some shit and some commander drank the Kool aid.

    skillissuer, avatar

    it could be something entirely different

    The Ukrainian Main Military Intelligence Directorate (GUR) stated that Ukrainian resistance forces detonated a Russian military UAZ Patriot vehicle in occupied Melitopol, Zaporizhia Oblast, injuring four Russian personnel and killing an unspecified number of personnel.

    khannie, avatar

    Suchomimus on YouTube did an analysis and apparently it was downed within patriot range of the front. I still haven’t heard anything concrete though.


    You never know .

    SuddenDownpour, in California Has Spent Over $4M In Taxpayer Dollars On Gender Surgeries For Prisoners
    1. Note how the user’s title says “on gender surgeries”, while the article instead says “gender-affirming ‘enhancements’”, this means that testosterone and estrogen are likely also counted on the statistic.
    2. (4.000.000$ / 157 inmates) / 6 years = 4.246,28$ per inmate per year
    3. I get varying stats on the cost of gender-affirming surgeries, as they seem to vary a lot from country to country and from year to year. This image seems to illustrate the disparities. We should assume that California is on the more expensive end of the spectrum.

    With this data in mind, let’s take the most practical approach possible. If we have a prisoner who is socially accepted to have been trying to transition, changed their name, their appearance, their demeanor, and so on, putting them on a prison for their gender assigned at birth is likely to generate situations of abuse with regards to other inmates; while putting them on a prison for the gender they’ve transitioned to while they’re still far away from a relatively stereotypical image of their gender might as well provokes frictions unless you give them medical support to continue or maintain that transition. A trans man in a male prison who stops receiving testosterone is going to become a likely victim of abuse; a trans man in a female prison is going to become a reason of outrage. So just give them the treatment they need.

    But someone may still think this is a disproportionate amount of money to spend on a prisoner, making them unreasonably more costly to maintain. Well,

    At the federal level, U.S. taxpayers likely spend just north of $40,000 per year to incarcerate someone in a federal prison. Based on data from Vera, Interrogating Justice’s Ronnie K. Stephens estimates that number to range between $14,000 and $70,000 in most states.

    4.000$ extra dollars per year might be a noticeable bump, but compare it to other medical needs prisoners may have:

    Unfortunately, there is no price tag on cancer. Patients can spend anywhere from $1,000 to $20,000 annually on their treatment.

    Do we stop treating prisoners for cancer too?

    So yeah, this whole article is pointless rage-bait for a logical but relatively unknown consequence of applying the same principles of a Western prison system to everyone equitably and fairly, but now you also have strong data to wipe the floor with it.

    Brunbrun6766, in Pro-Palestine protesters chant ‘Gas the Jews’ outside Sydney Opera House avatar

    Idiots, you can support Palestinian civilians and not say stupid shit like this.


    They’re outing themselves.


    Too bad a big chunk of the self-professed supporters don’t actually give a shit about Palestinian civilians at all, they’re just paying lip service because they want an excuse to hate on Jews.


    Don’t like all “pro Palestinia” people do exactly that? If you support the civilians there you don’t run around with a flag that is used by the “government” they have, wich literally started this entire shitshow again and now use the civilians as meat shields…

    NOT_RICK, avatar

    The Palestinian flag predates Hamas by decades. Would you condemn the Irish Tricolor just because the IRA happened to fly it as well?


    The swastika predates the Nazis by several Hundreds of years…

    And no, The IRA where never the government or part of it. Hamas was elected with 44% in a somewhat democratic election, before they took power (more than NSDAP, Hitlers party, had during democratic elections)


    but… the nazis… lmao u got godwinned.


    The comparison is pretty close here… Waiting to kill all jews is kinda what both want/ed

    NOT_RICK, avatar

    Yeah, and I would argue the Nazis don’t own the swastika. I’m not going to tell Buddhist and Hindu temples to take down their symbol because someone misappropriated it. Just like the IRA, Hamas has a militant wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades, and a political wing that I’ll make a rough comparison to Sinn Fein which has absolutely been a part of Northern and the Republic of Ireland government.

    Also, that election that ended up with Hamas in power was like 18 years ago which also happens to be the median age in Gaza. The majority of people in Gaza have never voted for Hamas.


    The majority of people in nazi Germany didn’t vote for Hitler either, yet he was in power, yet the allies flattened the whole country, yet the swastika is banned in most countries.

    There is no reason to wave a Palestinia flag at all. Just use signs Calling for restraint and help for the civilians.

    As long as Palestinia is a thing, Hamas is as well, and their proclaimed goal is to kill all jews in Israel (or rather all citizens of Israel in general) wich makes the just as bad as the Nazi, although less capable.


    There is no reason to wave a Palestinia flag at all. Just use signs Calling for restraint and help for the civilians.

    No, the point in waving a Palestinian flag is to support the recognition of an independent Palestinian state. You can support that without supporting the terrorists that appropriated it.

    Personally, I’d like to show up with both an Israeli and Palestinian flag, but I’m worried I’d just be jumped by the extremists on either side. I think a two-state solution must be the direction we go, not just “restraint and help for civilians.” Both Israel and Palestine must be independent, but getting there is an incredibly difficult thing that may not be possible without serious concessions from both sides, which isn’t likely to happen with the current leadership on both sides.


    Nah man, a two sate solution is impossible by now. And its not just the leadership.


    I think it is possible. Fatah seem willing to play ball, so the ball is largely in Israel’s court now. But if Israel keeps responding to Palestinian extremism by killing regular citizens, it’s not going to happen. This war has drastically delayed any potential for a two state solution, so it could be decades before either side is willing to come to the table again.


    What else should they do? Conduct suicide missions into Gaza to get the terrorists “without killing civilians” (there would still be many casualtys among civilians, especially because Hamas uses them as shield)

    Just let the terrorists do whatever they want?


    Idk, I’m not a general. Maybe their strategy is their best option.

    But that’s irrelevant. What matters is that people on the ground are dying and they blame Israel. Whatever meager trust that may have existed is absolutely gone. So a two state solution isn’t going to work because people in Gaza won’t want to come to the table because they won’t trust Israel.


    100% agreement. But, the people of Israel don’t want to sit to a table anymore either, at least right now.


    Sure. They have an urgency to eliminate Hamas, and they’re unlikely to agree to any kind of agreement that doesn’t involve Hamas leadership being removed, and I doubt the people of Gaza have any kind of ability or will to deliver them to the Israeli military.


    Yes. That’s the problem, and people in the west being antisemitic and supporting the terrorists doesn’t make it better for anyone. It just makes Israel not listen to the west anymore, if it was up to the Israeli military there wouldn’t be a Gaza anymore, USA UK and EU are literally the only thing holding back their military from just making a Glass Desert. The situation is so Tense that its basically not solvable with words. And using weapons will result in a gigantic humanitarian Desaster, worse than its already.


    You’re still saying anyone who supports Palestine is antisemitic


    Yes. And hates gays.


    You’re an idiot

    NOT_RICK, avatar

    As long as Palestinia is a thing, Hamas is as well

    The fact that both the flag and the movement for Palestinian statehood predate Hamas significantly is evidence your claim holds little water.


    We will see.

    TheOneCurly, in Violent trans activists spread hate during Victoria 1 Million March 4 Children

    Rebel News is far right nonsense, this isn’t the high quality content that sidebar asks for.


    All OP posts is right-wing content.


    I saw nobody posted about this, so I decided to cover this topic. It is about parents and children, not right/left thing.

    ElcaineVolta avatar


    Yepthatsme, in Pope, quoting Buddha, urges religious dialogue to fight fundamentalism

    He’s basically talking about the shitty American Catholics.

    Quexotic, (edited ) in China says countries should see its national map in 'objective' way avatar

    That’s sort-of a bad article.

    What’s new about the map? Who knows? lol

    When did the new map come out? Anyone’s guess!

    Why is there a new map? Ummm dunno…

    What does the new map look like?

    How is it new or different?

    How was it not being seen objectively before?

    Finally, and this is where the biggest fail is, why are people protesting it?

    The writer explained none of these things.


    They added a new dash to their “nine-dash line”

    Quexotic, avatar


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  • gravitas_deficiency,

    Lol nope. I’m not going to debate with the output of an LLM whose input is a string provided by someone who types an incredibly rough and inarticulate gist of what they want to - but can’t - coherently articulate themselves.

    Quexotic, (edited ) avatar

    I’ll happily admit that my best work isn’t done I. The smallest room in the house. Also, not everything in life is a debate.

    I deleted that comment for reasons already stated ITT, but stand by my the statement that a GPT can out write this particular reuters writer.

    Have a nice day.


    Goodness, what is this gishgollop

    Quexotic, avatar

    First, Jerboa did not display the output in a way that properly conveyed what a gawdaful unholy mess it was, I take full responsibility for the bad formatting and I apologize. I’m nuking that vomitous mass now because its junking up the instance.

    I maintain that the FN gpt engine did a better job writing the article than the original author.

    spaghettiwestern, (edited ) in Andrew Tate: Chats in 'War Room' suggest dozens of women groomed

    Previous post removed because it was from the Daily Beast. This is pretty much identical information from the BBC.

    Tate says the War Room - which costs $8,000 (£6,300) a year to join - is a network of powerful men and those who want to learn from them.

    Members are instructed by some of the War Room leadership - known as “generals” - to romantically seduce, emotionally manipulate and socially isolate women before luring them into performing on webcams - often taking all or most of the money they make.

    [The] War Room teaches members through its so-called “PhD” course - the initials stand for “Pimpin’ Hoes Degree” - how to groom women into sex work.

    Excerpts from the chats:

    After that it becomes a series of gradual steps to remove her entire support structure from her life.

    “Then we ‘punish’ her for a transgression—real or imagined—by having her get our name tattooed on her, leaving her family’s home/apartment/town/country, WebCamming/stripping/walking the track for us, getting us girls, escalate, escalate, escalate.”

    This level of evil boggles the mind.


    Wow these guys are screwed, that’s textbook trafficking. I hope the laws are up to par in wherever they are.


    The Romanian prosecutors have not been fucking around


    Excellent :)

    Of all the things people do for whatever reason human trafficking really irks me. It’s like wholesale destroying of lives.


    Don’t know about the laws in Romania, but the prison conditions are not pleasant.

    The physical environment of these [Romanian prison] facilities is marked by poor cell conditions, overcrowding, poor hygiene and sanitation, and inadequate food and health care.

    The continuing use of restraints such as handcuffs and leg irons for very long periods of time as a form of punishment is a violation of international standards for the treatment of prisoners. The report describes abuse by guards and corruption rife in Romanian prisons.


    that’s one way to escape the matrix


    There's irony in the fact that Tate went to Romania specifically to evade international standards and laws.

    misk, in Poland's leader says Russia's moving tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus, shifting regional security

    There’s an election in Poland in 2 months and PiS is campaigning on military security so take everything they say with a grain of salt.


    Lots and lots of salt and other spices.

    Sterile_Technique, in Japan to release Fukushima water into ocean starting Aug 24 avatar

    I know just enough about radioactivity to know that I don’t know enough about radioactivity to form an opinion on this.

    Will there be enough radiation to actually fuck anything up? Or is this just a scary headline sensationalizing something that’s actually benign?


    That water will contain about 190 becquerels of tritium per litre, below the World Health Organisation drinking limit of 10,000 becquerels per litre, according to Tepco. A becquerel is a unit of radioactivity.

    NOT_RICK, avatar

    TIL what a becquerel is


    Somehow it has nothing to do with the mackerel

    southsamurai, avatar

    Ehhh, it’s been as cleaned of radiation as possible. My dad did nuclear inspection for a living, including disposal, so I asked him about this when it first hit the news.

    In theory, as long as they follow existing protocols, the water isn’t going to be harmful. But that’s the question, really; have they followed protocols? They have oversight, so it shouldn’t be possible for then to half-ass it.

    There really isn’t a way to remove tritium though. The levels of that should be low enough to be unimportant.

    It’s going to be higher than background radiation, but well under international standards. It isn’t something to be happy about, but it’s as low risk as it gets. Tokyo pumps out way more dangerous things every day just by being a busy city.

    INeedMana, avatar

    It’s sad that nowadays when we read about a limit considered safe by an organization, we have no way of knowing if it came from real studies and analysis or is it just a lobbied value that big players are using to weed out smaller competition because current technology can’t get below the really safe limit anyway

    southsamurai, avatar

    Well, in the case of radiation levels, the science goes back far enough, and with enough duplication/replication that it is as solid as anything that’s an ongoing endeavor gets.

    Like, everything is unreasonable technically going to be “to the best of current knowledge” because science is a process, and even when there’s mountains of evidence, there could be newer evidence that contradicts previous conclusions.

    But the general dosage limits have been in place and matched predictions for at least my lifetime (around 50 years), since those standards were used by my dad at that time and are still the same. A lot of the nuclear stuff wasn’t done for profit, nor were the standards. So it’s a tad bit better than something like petrochemical data.

    I’d phrase it like this; I wouldn’t want to go swimming in the tank the water is stored in, but I wouldn’t worry about swimming in the ocean a few days later at all. The levels are just so low at that point that any danger is a non issue compared to things like smog.

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