
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

Robtfool3r, in YSK: Anyone worth talking to has already left Reddit

If we could refrain from getting a superiority complex over joining a new social media site, that would be nice

Entropywins avatar

You do you... I'll be over here sitting in superiority


/s right?


ForTheEmperah avatar


Xeelee avatar

What are you even talking about? Our shitposts are totally superior to their shitposts!

Boozilla, in YSK: If you're on Lemmy.World or you should not subscribe to any Beehaw communities avatar

It's important to note that the admins of beehaw are not happy about this solution, either. And they hope to refederate once they have better tools and enough mods / admins to deal with it.

They point wasn't to shadowban, that was a side effect. The point was to protect their member--who specifically wanted a certain type of safe friendly instance--from hostile weirdos sending dick pics and stuff like that. Nobody's happy with the situation, but it's the best they could do under the circumstances with the resources they have.

I also don't think it's wrong for instances to have their own strong rules and preferences. This is one of the GOOD things about the Fediverse. The software features and how people use lemmy will catch up eventually.

As for the confusion / chaos around multiple/redundant/competing communities and so on...that will get better over time as people figure things out. Honestly it's not that different than reddit with all of its splinter subs like "true-" whatever.


As for the confusion / chaos around multiple/redundant/competing communities and so on...that will get better over time as people figure things out. Honestly it's not that different than reddit with all of its splinter subs like "true-" whatever.

That's true for just the duplication problem, but the defederation / shadow banning issue is not one that reddit has and is pretty confusing and poor user experience for new users coming in.

deweydecibel, (edited )

I foresee a lot of issues with defederation and the proposed mod tools in the future, as well. They can refederate but it’s not a good look for the platform when the federation can be fractured so easily. We have not seen the last of this issue.

I also question what it’s going to look like when these moderation tools are implemented. Lemmy has more avenues for moderation/admin abuse than Reddit, and less recourse for users. There are a lot of concerns here that just seem to be swept under the rug under the pretence that “you can always go to another instance”.

Ultimately it’s not an issue with the function of the fediverse, but with the moderation philosophy of the people running these instances. Particularly when it comes to the viability of voting. That’s a huge opportunity for suppression that I don’t trust certain admins not to abuse.


How does Lemmy have more avenues for admin abuse than Reddit? On either platform, the admins can technically do whatever they want. (Including editing users posts, spez). Lemmy makes it easier to just go somewhere else. At the end of the day that is all you can do.

sadreality, (edited )

The` point was to protect their member--who specifically wanted a certain type of safe friendly instance--from hostile weirdos sending dick pics and stuff like that``

They are making community policy around a single person?

I am not following.

With that being said, they can do as they please and other can do what they want. That's the beautity of the protocol.

However, people shoudnt be surpised when others take the ball and play else where.

Looking forward to seeing how this works out.

TheLazurus avatar

I think they just dropped the s off members.

wunami, avatar

I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be “members” and missing the s is a typo.


That was just a typo. Beehaw has advertised itself as being a largely positive, safe online space. People who sign up for it would generally be considered to want that same ethos.

It’s not ideal at the moment but until the moderation tools improve it’s the best way forward if they want to stick to their ethos. I enjoy Beehaw and the admin do seem like they want to refererate when it’s possible to.

I’m on both Beehaw and so I between the two I can interact with everything I would want to see.

FinalFallacy, (edited ) in YSK: Your Lemmy activities (e.g. downvotes) are far from private
FinalFallacy avatar

Isn't that kind of the point? You don't get very far hiding in a social setting. You're on a public website talking to other people. Your posts should be public, comments, etc. At least people should treat all websites or apps they didn't develop personally like they're public. I mean you don't really have a right to privacy in public.

And I'm not trying to say this with some malicious tone or anything but it's just my view on it.


Still unexpected. And that’s the problem.

Comments are obviously public because I can read them. But there is no “upvoted by xx people (and downvoted by xx)” link I can click to see the list of people who interacted this way with the post. It’s only with API calls or similar that I can access the information.


I am looking forward to new apps having the option to show this kind of information.

Album, avatar

Posts and comments is one thing… It’s inherently public. But I think being able to see up and down vote publically is a tough pill. If you don’t realize your votes can be seen you risk your vote being held against you. If you do know it disincentivizes you to use the vote system to protect yourself from something that should be rather benign.


At least you know the instance host isn’t selling your data right? The advertisers already have it 🤪


I was kind of joking, but now that I think about it isn’t that better? The problem isn’t really advertisers having your data, it’s companies doing skeezy things to be able to make more money with your data.

This way, instance hosts are free from that incentive and can just focus on making a good website.


I mean I didn’t upvote or downvote porn on Reddit either. It’s all personal information.

On Reddit there were plenty of people with access and the data was sold to advertisers.

Here it’s public, not great but not terrible either. Also makes it easier to battle vote brigading?


It also makes it easier to profile users and weed out anyone who disagrees about literally anything.

Like, you guys need to consider not every admin is a paragon of virtue.


But that has always been a thing. Just like Reddit mods banning you from their subreddit just because you posted in another subreddit they didn’t like. It sucks, but it’s nothing new.

If either a server admin or a community mod doesn’t like you for what you’re doing, they can kick you out. It’s the same as if this was an old time forum and you pissed off the admin.

With lemmy you have to watch two things:

  1. Trust the instance admin you sign up with, this is where your account data lives, the admin can read everything on your account. Hell, even your password if they manipulated the instance code, so use a random one
  2. Trust the moderators of the communities you interact with. If you interact with a community and the mods there don’t like you, they can just remove your posts for example. Same as with Reddit

A random person outside of your instance or communities you interact with can’t do much. They can “steal” your posts and comment data and see your votes. But that’s it. They can’t block your account or kick you out of your favorite communities. They could obviously harass you (just your account, not your email), but then you can block them. Or ask the admin to block their entire instance.


Still unexpected. And that’s the problem.

Comments are obviously public because I can read them. But there is no “upvoted by xx people (and downvoted by xx)” link I can click to see the list of people who interacted this way with the post. It’s only with API calls or similar that I can access the information.

rideranton avatar

kbin has the ability to see activity including upvotes, boosts, and downvotes from the UI for entries, comments, and microblogs

nevernevermore avatar

I was about to call OP out as a liar but I didn't realise this was specific to kbin.

Kaldo avatar

The same data is also there on lemmy, there just isn't an UI element to display it. That's why op said admins can see it, but on Kbin users can too.

indigojasper, in YSK that a lot of common questions/complaints about Lemmy are presently answered by kbin
indigojasper avatar

me on kbin not knowing lemmy didn't have these things... damn lol

Chetzemoka avatar

Same, every time I see those posts thinking, "Kbin does that."

Ernest is kinda the best, gotta say. Everyone should buy him a coffee:

melroy, avatar

Don't forget the whole team behind kbin, who are all volunteers.. ;) See:

Chetzemoka avatar

Thanks for this! I'm new here and still learning how it all works. This is great to know

melroy, avatar
Chetzemoka avatar

Nice! Thanks for the link!

melroy, avatar

Thank you for the coffee!


Kbin was where I first signed up but they didn’t have an app (yet). I’m only on Lemmy because I can use it on my phone. I kinda like Kbin better.

Chetzemoka avatar

I just use the kbin mobile web app and it's fine for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Unfortunately I have an old phone that doesn’t support web apps. Kinda sucks but I’m too cheap to buy a newer one. Haha!

stevecrox avatar

Its a responsive designed website, why do you need an Application?


It's certainly nice to have an app, but I've been happy with staying on kbin by having it permanently sit in a Firefox tab on my phone. Functions just fine for my purposes like that.


If you want something that resembles an app, you can even make a shortcut in firefox and put it on your home screen so you can have a dedicated kbin button rather than setting aside a firefox tab. Works great.

static, in YSK: is the best way to find active communities
static avatar

It's hiding kbin magazines. There should be no difference between kbin magazines and lemmy communities when searching and exploring.

And they could fix this if they wanted to.

CookieCrumbles avatar

Just wanted to drop this version here in case you weren't seeing any Kbin magazines on there-
There's a toggle in the upper right menu to show Kbin magazines c:
If you mean some are missing though, apologies for the misunderstanding!

static avatar

It's possible, but there is no reason at all to have the kbin magazines separate from the communities.
They all federate the same, so why not list them all the same.

Chozo avatar

Because Kbin and Lemmy aren't the same thing. Kbin works with Lemmy, but it also works with other federated platforms, as well, such as Mastodon.

I'm guessing that the differences in the way Kbin works probably makes it difficult to include in the normal list.

static avatar

For communities they both work the same, hey we're talking here right?

CookieCrumbles avatar

I think it can be beneficial for when people are interested in finding communities that originate from one or the other, though I do agree that a more inclusive search would be beneficial and make it easier to find spaces

static avatar

That would be a good argument for a filter instead.

CookieCrumbles, (edited )
CookieCrumbles avatar

Yeah. I'm sure navigation will become easier on there in the not-too-distant future. There's just some growing pains to push through for a great many things all over right now, and that's alright

eah, in YSK: In addition to Reddit, StackOverflow is on Strike

Fun fact: the stack exchange for research mathematics, MathOverflow, is a separate 501(c)(3) nonprofit which at any time can pack up their stuff and migrate, including their domain name and all of their data, per the agreement they made when they joined the stack exchange network in 2013, originally operating the site themselves since 2009.

While the MathOverflow site is operated by Stack Exchange, Inc., the domain and the MathOverflow name are owned by the MathOverflow corporation. The MathOverflow corporation is completely independent from Stack Exchange and its mission is to ensure the continued operation of the site in a manner that meets the needs and expectations of the community.

Subject to Section 8, should MathOverflow wish to migrate its data outside of the Stack Exchange network, Stack Exchange shall, within thirty (30) days of receipt of a written request from MathOverflow, provide MathOverflow with a complete and current database that contains all the data necessary to recreate MathOverflow on MathOverflow's own servers and software. Following such transfer, Stack Exchange will cease all use of the MathOverflow database.

If they don't like how the site is being run, they can leave. Food for thought. If all communities on the internet were so careful and prescient to plan an exit strategy in advance, to make clear that you just operate our site and we can leave for a competitor, we'd not be in this mess.

SexualPolytope, avatar

Leave it to the mathematicians to be rigorous.

exscape avatar

I didn't even know that site existed, I've always seen instead. But it seems MO is indeed also for research-level math.


If only /r/AskHistorians were this prescient.

NightOwl, (edited ) in YSK how we can bring more users to Lemmy

I don't think there should be a big push until more polished apps come out that make the whole process as dead simple as possible. No need to know what instances are. Right now this is how imagine the average person would react after trying it out.

Nepenthe avatar

Oh my god, lmao. Yes. How is there even a video so perfect for this situation. I joined kbin instead because having a website demand I pick an instance in order to even sign up when I barely understood what that meant or how they worked was quite genuinely making me panic, and taking my time with it was not helping like it was supposed to.

It's so normal to me now that I almost forget until I have to explain any part of it to someone. "Oh, don't worry about joining this one over that one, you're technically joining every site and also twitter and instagram. That button? It's the reblog button. It functions as an upvote but some people don't have it. Other people don't have a downvote, but it might still be visible on your screen anyway. If there's a site you hate, you can mute the whole thing, or maybe you can't. If there's a site you love, your admin might disappear them and you'll need a second account to see it again. Have fun!"

Horrible. Why do I love it.

exscape avatar

Kbin is often treated as a single site, but there are instances here too!

and others.

You can also create you own, just as with Lemmy, so the two are really "the same" in that way.


This is perfectly stated. Lemmy, which I dearly love, is not ready to replace Reddit for the vast majority of users. Which is fine. I won't really miss the vast majority of Reddit users.

dystop, avatar

It's never a good idea explaining the whole idea to someone right at the start unless they ask.

I've always just directed people straight to a big instance with lots of home communities, like or After they jump in and have questions, that's the right time to talk about instances, not before.

Dark_Blade, avatar

Exactly. The more shit you throw into someone’s face, the more confused they will be. Give ‘em enough of a taste that they can see the positives, and let ‘em slowly work through the quirks as they find ‘em.

Besides, I personally think having a bit of a ‘filter’ is good anyway; the scroll zombies at Reddit who’re siding with the admins sorta make me worry about this place getting too big.


There's even a scene talking about decentralized internet which is so perfect for this attempted push to the fediverse too.

Nepenthe avatar

Ok, I've never heard of Silicon Valley in my life, but I'm going to start watching it tonight. This seems really good

CoderKat avatar

Myself, I had no problem with picking and instance. But the one I mostly randomly picked had approvals turned on. Once I realized I wasn't gonna get to use my account immediately, I abandoned it.

It's utterly critical that manual approval is not part of the sign up. I tried another site, but many users won't. Nor will they necessarily come back when their account gets approved in a week (that's how long mine took).

Nepenthe, (edited )
Nepenthe avatar

Honestly shocked you were willing to wait that long. I guess if I saw the notification, I would, but my email is mostly a place to store spam. If it's not there in three days tops, I stop checking. That is a solid issue, and it's not like any instance has the manpower atm to delegate approvals to a person/team as a full-time job (which it absolutely would be).

I have to admit, seeing the influx of bots on some lemmy instances makes me nervous about Ernest keeping ours open. It's really the best defense right now and despite the comparable lack of content I've been breathing pretty easy not having seen one single bot in two weeks now.

No astroturfing yet. No vote manipulation. That "vaccines cause autism" bot poster I used to see all the time is still on reddit. I think I've seen someone being a shithead twice. Any reposts are people crossposting to other instances or just trying to transfer content here.

But the only way to keep it this way for good is not the kind of culture the internet currently has. Checking everyone's ID at the door would mostly solve the bot issue that made reddit an untrustworthy, insufferable plague, but in practice it'll make people look elsewhere. They haven't been raised to wait.

Having some open instances for the noobs and some walled gardens for anyone sick of it may be the best we can do. Unfortunately, they would have to be very walled, basically only federating with each other. Their necessary pushback would make them seem like snobby elites to non-members and like very tantilzing targets for ad companies to worm into or destroy.

CoderKat avatar

I didn't wait that long. I immediately tried kbin and it worked. A week later I did see the email though. I actually thought they had rejected me prior to that (I only did a short one line response to the lengthy question that was asked during sign up, as I wasn't sure if it was just to filter out bots or what).


Sending people to the largest servers is how you bog down the largest servers.

There has to be a better way than just stuffing everyone onto the same 2 websites. Not only does that create huge loads and increase syncing times, it recreates the same issue that led to everyone coming here: Power over the whole thing in the hands of just a couple of people.

The network becomes more resilient the more spread out we are, not the more concentrated.

Plus, if people find the idea of multiple websites existing to be confusing, maybe they shouldn't use the internet?


The video is so perfect for the situation.

mohawk avatar


More polished apps and more fleshed out features. Lemmy has potential, but there are so many quirks right now it's like a chore to actually utilize.


haha. I just got through watching Silicon Valley. Great show. Y'all should check it out

!deleted107246, in YSK: Your Lemmy activities (e.g. downvotes) are far from private


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  • Hank,

    I always upvote myself. But I have to think extremely highly about my contribution to even think about boosting it.

    Catch42 avatar

    I upvote my own posts too, I do try to avoid boosting my own posts. We're from kbin though, I think on Lemmy self-upvotes are automatic.



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  • randon31415, in Don't forget to check out "Trending Communities" in Lemmy

    Most of the time they are empty with no posts and just recently been created. Trending should only consider communities with greater than zero posts.

    Awa, avatar

    Agreed. Maybe that's something the devs can update/fix later seeing it's not an urgent matter. Still, just another way to quickly find potential new communities. Cheers!

    RadDevon, in YSK: This service needs more content creators, and you can invite them.

    I would like to make a distinction between a “content creator” in the literal sense — just a person who creates content — and a “content creator” as the phrase is commonly used today — a person who makes a living by selling content or by giving away content to market something else.

    I, for one, would be very interested in seeing more people on the fediverse creating content, but I’m not super interested in the fediverse becoming a marketing channel for professional content creators.

    Of course, it’s an open platform, so pro content creators are more than welcome to join. I’m just not super excited about approaching them and saying, “please come hock your wares to us on the fediverse!”

    MiddleWeigh, avatar

    I feel weird about pushing my content for profit. Granted my "content" is just writing, and I just post it, no strings attached, but it's not the sort of stuff that is easily "digestible" by most people ime. But it's all I can really do to support the platform and try to give something somewhat useful to people. I don't know how else to contribute but by doing the thing I like to do. I suck at memes.


    I agree, this is a useful distinction. Though it should be up to individual groups of moderators on how much promotion they are willing to tolerate.

    Obviously a forum dedicated to OnlyFans girls would be all professionals, and doesn't really count imo.

    I was thinking more in the first sense, of just "people that make content". Though it does happen that these people evolve into semi-professionals as their skills and reach improves, and where to draw that line is tricky. Patreon supported creators, for instance? Professionals certainly, but they're producing their stuff anyway. They may as well share it here too, once it is finished.

    That's different from someone hosing the place down with cheap AI art or something, hoping they drum up commissions.


    All great points, and you’re definitely right that it’s not black and white.

    JimmyDean, in You should learn how to properly write accessible image captions as the fediverse has a large amount of blind and visually impaired users who rely on screen readers

    Alt-text descriptions should clearly convey both the content and the meaning of the image, and should aim to use as few words as needed. Describe what’s essential to understanding (and enjoying!) the intent of the posted photo — you don’t need to add in a sentence for every visual element, but should include as much as you need to create an accurate portrayal of the image. Cut out unnecessary words and combine separate sentences as much as possible. One to two sentences is usually more than enough room to describe what’s going on.

    As mentioned before, these photos convey information to the people scrolling your page, even if you are just posting them to brighten up your feed. They have a purpose, and for that reason, alt text should focus more on the image’s meaning than its aesthetics. This means you’re not focused only on what the object in the photo looks like, but what it is and why it was posted.

    I was hoping to see a format that people can easily follow and just fill in the blanks, but I suppose this is the gist of it: Describe the main purpose of the photo succinctly rather than each and every individual thing you can see.


    How about this?

    Is the image purely decorative/e.g. if the picture never loaded does the audience miss out on some piece of information? If not then empty alt text suffices (this is less applicable to social media posts)

    Otherwise imagine you have this picture and you’re telling somebody on the phone about it.

    You’re not going to go into a full description of every element

    “a small child on the left side of the picture is picking up a maple leaf with their index and thumb and handing it to the person on their right” who is a 50-60 year old woman with dirty strawberry hair and wearing horn rimmed glasses”

    That’s too much and doesn’t “convey” the photo.

    And you wouldn’t say “kid hands something to another person” since that’s not enough.

    Let’s say you have an article about the fall and all the fun activities families can partake in. What matters is that it’s a young kid showing their grandma a leaf.

    So something like this “Young child and grandmother at City Park. He is handing her a newly fallen leaf”

    Or, if it’s an article about children nature education programs then it may say

    “Teacher and a student in the park. The student is presenting a maple leaf to the teacher”

    If it’s a post about your kid it may say

    “Timmy showing his grandma a leaf he found while playing at City Park”


    I can't really think of a case where a post's image isn't relevant to the associated discussion. Even if it's just a nonsense post with an unrelated image, knowing what the irrelevant image is about would help make sense of the discussion.

    Not enough info is better than nothing. Because if it's nothing, you can't tell if the person who shared the image is lazy or decided the alt text wasn't necessary for this particular picture

    partial_accumen, (edited ) in UO People is an accredited and tuition free college that offers full degrees and certificates

    First, education, in any form is valuable. I knew nothing about this UO People before seeing this post, and if they are offering free or very cheap educational curricula, then there is inherent value in just the ability for people to learn. HOWEVER…

    When most people, in the USA at least, think about college and university it is with the understanding that it is an accredited institution. UO People makes many claims on their website about being accredited, but I could find nowhere on their site where they say which accrediting body they are under. This is a huge red flag. Any properly accredited college or university would proudly display who they are accredited with. Further, in the USA at least, when a student is looking for an accredited college or university they are looking for a regionally accredited one. UO People doesn’t NOT appear to be regionally accredited.

    So if you’re signing up with this organization to learn free or cheaply, it maybe a great way. Again, I’d never heard of them before this post so I can’t speak to their offerings or education. If you’re looking for a college or university degree as recognized by most people, organizations, and employers, this isn’t it.

    EDITING TO ADD: Lots of discussion has occurred on this place, and I encourage any reading this to form you own conclusions. The more I look at the place the more scammy it looks. Here are two sources. One apparently to be an actual former UO People student detailing their difficulties and surprise extra fees.


    University of the People, also known as “University of the Scammers”

    Another Odd University of the People “Partnership”


    They are very up front with saying they are nationally accredited, which is a lower bar, I admit. But that’s the trade off I suppose.

    I still wish I had gone through here instead of the for profit college I went to that was so expensive and was utterly trash despite having accreditation.

    Regardless of lack of ability to transfer credits, I will recommend this over any for profit university at this point.


    I still wish I had gone through here instead of the for profit college

    I’ll agree that I wouldn’t recommend most for-profit universities either.

    I went to that was so expensive and was utterly trash despite having accreditation.

    The huge difference in your trash for-profit regionally accredited school and one that is NOT regionally accredited, is your for profit expensive trash regionally accredited credits can transfer to a good school with good education and a respectable name that will let you get a job with it for places that look for good education. You may have paid too much, but what you got has value.

    That likely wouldn’t be the same from an employability standpoint as this UO People place.


    You are way too optimistic about the value accredited colleges have these days. It’s basically a meme for my generation that college degrees don’t mean much at all and don’t earn back their value at all.

    But I will also say having only this accreditation is not unusual at all for online only learning universities, and the main target was people looking at online schooling anyway. So if you’re looking at online only college, this probably is equal to any of them in terms of value, but probably a fraction of the cost.


    You are way too optimistic about the value accredited colleges have these days.

    If you’re going to college just to learn a subject, and you have the capacity for self study you may not even need college at all and spending thousands a place like UO People is a waste too. If you’re going to college to come away with a piece of paper that says “I went to college” that you want an employer to accept, regionally accredited is it. A place like UO People isn’t that.

    But I will also say having only this accreditation is not unusual at all for online only learning universities,

    That may be a factual statement, but hides the worse fact. Most online-only colleges and universities are crap. Likely not all, but most. The GOOD online only colleges/universities have…REGIONAL ACCREDITATION! A great example of online-only yet still goodis Western Governors University.. Getting regional accreditation is hard. There are rigorous standards that have to be met, which is why most online-only schools don’t have it. They can’t meet the standards of education.

    So if you’re looking at online only college, this probably is equal to any of them in terms of value, but probably a fraction of the cost.

    You’re using “value” again. Do you mean to the person studying or other people besides the person studying that you’re trying to convince you studied? If the former, sure…fine. If the latter, then no way.


    I’m comparing value to other online colleges with the exact same credentials.

    My soul point was to direct people from overly expensive online college with the same accreditation to at least look at this to see if they teach what they are interested in.

    Perhaps a YSK that you would like to post is that not all accreditations are made equal, and that many online only have National, which if you’re going into a competitive field will not look great, and also can not be transferred to regional accreditations.

    It feels less like you have an issue with UO directly, but more with the fact that having the national online learning accreditation means you can claim accreditation, which may confuse people into thinking the degree from Online school X is held to the same standard as even their local community college. In the grand scheme of thing, I will 100% agree with you, so would be nice if it was called something more distinct.

    Not to mention some with the same exact accreditation have the audacity to charge prices similar to brick and mortar schools like this nonsense:…/Laurus_College_Tuition_&_…


    Maybe I am wrongly interpreting your comment but

    Are the programs accredited?
    University of the People is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission. The Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC) is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a recognized accrediting agency.



    That is NOT a regional accreditation body.


    They don’t claim it’s regional?

    They seem pretty up front that it’s national. Which I 100% understand is lesser, but it’s the trade off.


    They seem pretty up front

    They’re preying on people not knowing the difference.

    You’re quite welcome to use this institution, but students looking for what people call actual college degrees will not get what they want from this school as it isn’t regionally accredited.


    So, nationally accredited, which is considered a lower bar than regional accreditation.


    Yep, many online colleges have that.

    So my hope is if anyone is looking at online colleges, they at least consider this one as there is a chance that the one they are looking at has the exact same accreditation, but this will be far cheaper.


    As someone from abroad this reads incredible stupid and should be reversed in logic.


    Not at all. Think like a national chain versus a regional one; or the federal minimum wage which is often superceded by a higher local minwage.

    The local government, or organization, or community, is more responsive to local needs than the distant national government, or organization, or community.


    You’re really telling me that if I move from Maine to Arizona I suddenly have to get a new degree, because mine is only valid in my region? That sounds ridiculously silly. The vast majority of professionals (lawyers excluded) don’t have to learn different information to be able to do the same job in different states, do they?

    Surely it makes more sense to have a national accreditation for the vast majority of courses, right?


    No, your degree is fine and respected everywhere the institution is. The institution is the one that gets accredited.


    I have no horse in this race either way. According to wiki:

    Two years later, the university was accredited for degree-granting programs through the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC)

    Currently the DEAC is recognized by Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the United States Department of Education as an accreditor of institutions of higher education.

    It looks like there are potential issues with transferring credits to more traditional schools.

    If I were a hiring manager, I would certainly raise an eyebrow to see that school on a resume.

    Edit: While there is no tuition, there are fees from a couple thousand for an associates up to slightly under five thousand for a master’s.


    Currently the DEAC is recognized by Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the United States Department of Education as an accreditor of institutions of higher education.

    This is NOT a regional accreditation body.

    It looks like there are potential issues with transferring credits to more traditional schools.

    Without being regionally accredited, I would suspect a student would have major difficulties transferring any credits they received from UO People.


    Okay I know I’m late, like very.

    BUT, while they are working on their regional accreditation, they do have agreements with several different schools to accept their credits.…/articulation-agreements.html

    I am able to find forum posts of other universities accepting either all/partial credits in the US, but I can’t verify those so won’t bother.

    Some other institutions that recognize them are:…/academic-partnerships/

    Most notably is probably Mcgill and University of Edinburg. So while it’s not great not being accredited regionally, it might be the perfect solution for some folks.


    Some other institutions that recognize them are:…/academic-partnerships/

    Most notably is probably Mcgill and University of Edinburg. So while it’s not great not being accredited regionally, it might be the perfect solution for some folks.

    UO People claims it. With regard to University of Edinburg, as of the post in 2019 ZERO UO PEOPLE STUDENTS HAVE DONE IT. Its not a partnership between the UO People and University of Edinburg, is apparently the same process any non-student can apply to get knowledge recognized as credits.


    Here’s the relevant part:

    Alongside the Berkeley logo is the logo of the University of Edinburgh. And like Berkeley, it’s an actual college. Also like Berkeley, it seems that its “partnership” with University of the People isn’t much of anything either. So far, exactly zero students have moved from UoPeople to Edinburgh – zero.

    “Although we have yet to welcome any students through our partnership, this track remains open and we look forward to collaborating with University of the People in the future.” Ranald Leask, the International PR & Media Manager at The University of Edinburgh, said by e-mail.

    Even further, it appears the Edinburgh/UoPeople partnership is limited anyway, a detail not disclosed on the UoPeople site. “Health Science graduates from University of the People can apply to Edinburgh to complete a bachelor’s degree in Health, Science and Society,” Leask said.

    So, it appears the arrangement is limited to health graduates and so far, no one has benefited from it. That’s some partnership. But the logo looks pretty.

    The more I look into UO People the more scammy it looks.


    Berkely is no longer listed I will say, as for Edinburgh, Edinburgh announced their partnership so it is official.…/partnership_opens_doors_for_students_f…

    And as part of the agreement this gentlemen joined the UOpeople board.…/sir-timothy-oshea/

    So even with that post, all the people they claim they are partnered with, have released press releases that they do in fact have a partnership. If their courses were not up to snuff, I would hope those colleges would have taken those down and made a statement by now and had their names removed from the website. Again, that’s the hope.

    Honestly now I’m curious how many of the leadership team have active roles, because they have a pretty star studded cast. If people from top colleges are even semi regularly auditing courses that’s a big security. But it could be they’re on a yearly mailing list and they forget their name is on the UOpeople website for most of the year.

    But I suppose the real test will be in the next couple years as they currently have an open application to get regionally accredited. So fingers crossed that either they get accepted, or the regional accreditation office rips them a new one and sends them spiraling into bankruptcy if they are scammy. As either way that should be the end of UOpeople drama one way or another.


    I apparently have nothing to do but look into UOPeople, so I emailed a few of their partners to ask if they should still be listed on the website. If I get a “WTF Who are those people” as a response I’ll let you know!


    Okay I know I’m late, like very.

    BUT, while they are working on their regional accreditation, they do have agreements with several different schools to accept their credits.…/articulation-agreements.html

    I am able to find forum posts of other universities accepting either all/partial credits in the US, but I can’t verify those so won’t bother.

    Some other institutions that recognize them are:…/academic-partnerships/

    Most notably is probably Mcgill and University of Edinburg. So while it’s not great not being accredited regionally, it might be the perfect solution for some folks. So just trying to bring awareness to people, because it might just be the perfect solution for them.

    Also you only pay the fees when you test to get credits for the class, so you can take your first semester for just 60$ and see if you’re learning anything from it.

    athos77, (edited )

    I wish I could upvote/boost this more than once each. I'm also amused by proud proclamations that

    They also offer certificates!

    I mean, my company offered certificates, too, when you completed training courses. Our receptionist, Dawn, made them up real fancy on her computer, then printed them out on high-quality paper and our manager signed them. I suspect these "certificates" may be just as valuable as Dawn's were.


    I mean I was mostly pointing out that if you wanted to test it out you could very easily and do a short certificate.

    But I still don’t understand the hostility, as many online only colleges only have national accreditation. I specifically said if you’re looking at online schooling you should check it out, because it’s probably equivalent and much cheaper.

    Kururin, in YSK alternatives to imgur for uploading your images
    onceuponaban avatar

    Catbox claims to keep files forever. I find this claim dubious, what's the catch?


    Do the other sites here delete the files after a given time period?

    Virkkunen avatar

    There are files I've uploaded to them since their service started that are still there.

    After a while, files go into a "cold storage" and there's a wait until the server retrieves it.

    ipha, avatar

    The ‘catch’ is that running a service like this gets expensive fast and it’s the same with all the free image hosting sites.

    Catbox is run entirely by donations with anything left covered by the owner out of their own pocket. If the donations dry up, it will eventually have to shut down. Again, this isn’t unique to Catbox, all the free sites could easily suffer the same fate.


    catbox is more like a file hosting website but yeah, it’s pretty good too.


    It’s for image too


    yeah, i mostly use it for images and pdfs. it has been great when you need to send your friends some low size file at the eleventh hour.

    stevecrox, in YSK: Feel like you only see the same 2-day old content? At least on, you can change your homepage's default sorting type & scope to "Hot" and "All"
    stevecrox avatar

    Change to subscribed
    On KBin the default view is similar to /r/all this can be changed to limit your view to only magazines/communities you are subscribed to by going:

    • Select your account name in top right corner
    • Select 'Settings' from the account context menu
    • Select 'Subscription' from the 'Homepage' drop down
    • Select 'Save' on the settings page

    This will change your default URL to (e.g. This will change your feed to the top/newest/hottest from your subscribed magazines/communities.

    Time Filter
    If you look at the KBin screen, you will notice a filter by time option. Look for the navigation bar with hottest/newest/etc.. on it on that bar is a upwards arrow and 4 lines representing a triangle (its normally used as a sort symbol). That will let you set time limits similar to those mentioned in this post (e.g. 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 1t (is 1 week).

    Its also worth looking at the 'microblogs' feature under /sub as that will focus on mastodon messages/kbin microblogs with hashtags associated with your magazines/communities.

    You can ask KBin to subscribe to people you find through Mastodon, due to the rate changes various twitter users are migrating around. I find KBin a nicer way to read their content.


    Thank you for this! I was wondering how to default to subscriptions only.

    funchords, in YSK: You can view upvote and downvote information through kbin

    What's the difference between a favorite and a boost?

    vaguerant avatar

    A boost is like a Twitter "retweet", it reposts the content to the booster's personal timeline for people who follow them to see. For example, right now, two people have boosted your question. If you go to "more --> activity" you can see who boosted you, go to their profiles and find your comment "What's the difference between a favorite and a boost?" on their respective profiles under boosts.


    Also, at least in, it allows the user to save the post/comment (i don't know how to bookmark otherwise).

    JohnEdwa avatar

    (post) upvotes are actually your favourites -
    It's a bodge from when kbin and Lemmy started federating with each other and had to merge their systems. Before that boosts were the kbin upvotes, but they aren't used on Lemmy.


    Another important difference is the "reputation score" for each user profile.

    • Favourites (up arrow) on posts and comments do not contribute in any way to reputation.
    • Reduce (down arrow) does reduce your reputation by 1 point
    • Boost (bottom of comments) increases your reputation by 1 point.

    I understand the reasoning why the devs separated favourites and boosts but your average user (especially reddit refugees) do not understand this. I think that reputation should also include favourites in the calculation.

    I personally use reputation as an indicator that I'm contrbuting in a postive way to a community not really as a winning "fake internet points" thing.

    JohnEdwa avatar

    That is most likely unintentional though. Boosts are like retweets, they get posted for your followers and are publicly visible. The reputation system of old was based on either boosting - the post is good so you want to show it to more users - and reducing, hiding and burrowing it. So it wasn't like reddit, it was twitter with downvotes.

    I'm fairly sure it will get changed eventually. How exactly, I'm not sure - lemmy doesn't have any reputation at all so it might even get removed entirely.


    I think favorites are just recording upvotes right now and boosts work like retweeting. If anyone is following you they would get your boost.

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