OutOfExile_IDR_Voice, (edited ) to disability

Disability ID and Disability Deaths – How Police Killed Elijah McClain (1of2)
CONTENT WARNING (CW): The details and linked videos of this event may be disturbing to some. Image-eye contact.

Even with the positives disability designator IDs might bring, it's unlikely a card will prevent authorities from abusing and killing people with invisible disabilities. Aside from a change in attitudes, there are still far too many, long-overdue reforms needed. Many instances of police induced death involving the disabled, including people with autism, brain injury, and hearing impairments, were blamed on the victim. Most were, in fact, a direct result of: Ablest attitudes (ignorance), use of excessive force, and unacceptable treatment attributed to inadequate training. Utilizing invisible disabilities to scapegoat victims and bury the case, is another tactic often employed but, "inadequate training", is not what has killed so many people with disabilities.

Mentioned in part three of this piece, the history of one particular force, is a prime demonstration of a "pattern and practice", that has destroyed lives and families of people with invisible disabilities. According to other investigations, Aurora Colorado's pattern of policing, has raised concerns of implicit bias towards the disabled, POC and other marginalized people. Perhaps, one of the most famous examples from that city, is the death of a 23-year-old black man with autism and anemia, Elijah McClain. That case, sparked outrage from both the disabled and black communities, and with the first of three homicide trials set to begin in August, now is not the time to forget what happened to Elijah. The demeaning and despicable treatment he was subjected to, is not uncommon in "policing" of the disabled.

August 24, 2019: Elijah McClain, a massage therapist, violinist and "gentle soul", was walking home from a convenience store not, far from his home. Because of his anemia, which often made him feel cold, he was known to wear a ski mask. On his way home, someone in a house he passed called police to report an unarmed, "sketchy" individual. Minutes Later, Aurora PD's Nathan Woodyard saw Elijah walking to his home and stopped. Within 9 sec. of exiting his car, Woodyard had his hands on Elijah McClain. Just seconds later, officers Randy Roedema and Jason Rosenblatt showed up, also engaging with Elisha. As he explained he was an "introvert" and was "just walking home", one of the officers responded, "Relax, or I'm going to have to change this situation".

The officers had McClain against the wall before taking the five feet seven, 143 lb man to the ground. One of their body cameras was detached and landed in the grass, capturing an officer slowly walking out of view. With Elijah and police no longer being filmed clearly, one officer can be heard claiming, "he just grabbed your gun dude". Within four seconds of the allegation, Elijah can be heard choking as a result of police applying the carotid restraint, restricting his airflow. FOUR SECONDS?! One of the officers later told investigators that McClain "briefly" fell unconscious and the officers released their grasp on his neck. The chokehold was implemented only one min. and four sec. after the first officer exited his vehicle. The three officers involved, Woodyard, Rosenblatt and Roedema, all claimed their body cameras "fell off " in the "struggle" with this small statured young man.

The video footage is very difficult to listen to. Elijah McClain can be heard gasping as he pleads with officers to stop, saying, "I can't breathe". Elijah continues to plead, saying his name and that he was "just going home". Through his sobs, came the words myself and many others with invisible disabilities, will never forget. "I'm just different. I'm just different, that's all". It's hard to hear the police on the audio of one body cam but, Elijah's words are clear… "I'm so sorry. I have no gun. I don't do that stuff. I don't do any fighting. Why are you attacking me?". As officers ignore his pleas, they seem to spin tales of their "struggle" with a 143 pound person. One repeated the accusation that McClain tried to grab officer Roedema's gun, and that they "had" to use the carotid hold.

About six minutes after the initial contact by police, Elijah McClain can be heard vomiting for the first time. One of the officers commands him to "STOP" to which McClain apologized saying, "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to do that. I just can't breathe correctly". In the next few minutes, McClain gets sick "a few more times" while officers held him facedown on the ground, telling him repeatedly to stop resisting. Reports say he was also handcuffed and still wearing the ski mask when he was sick, and as a result, was struggling to breathe. He may have been trying to roll on his side or remove the mask to breathe better, as police seemed to be acting out a show of "resisting arrest" for the body cam audio.

Police can be heard threatening him, "Don't get up. It's not gonna be good for you, I'm telling you right now". Another officer standing over him said "You keep messin' around, I'm unna bring my dog out here", saying he would let the dog attack Elijah. Approximately 11 minutes after the initial contact by officer Woodyard, the cameras capture police saying, "When the ambulance gets here, were gonna go ahead and give him some ketamine". This is also when they claimed "whatever he's on, he has incredible strength." Another concurs "yeah, crazy strength". It's alarming that police and individuals of such character, have authority to mandate the administering of this powerful sedative.

The timing of the accusation that Elijah McClain attempted to grab the firearm, only seconds after body cams were removed, is highly suspect. Again, McClain was 143 lbs, being held by three much larger men. While one of the officer's body cam was still attached, another can be heard telling him to "move" his camera. I don't believe the body cams dislodged, and firmly believe these accused murderers doffed them. The Maclean's attorney said police intentionally removed their body cameras "to support a false allegation that McClain reached for a gun". Though it is not clear on the video, there is absolutely, no doubt in my mind. The same is true, regarding their claims for body cam audio that Elijah was "struggling". If he was struggling, it was likely for air and survival.

The report from paramedics, Jeremy Cooper and Peter Cichuniec claimed that when they arrived, Elijah was displaying signs of "excited delirium". The snap "diagnosis" was made, despite never touching, talking to, or checking Maclean's vitals. Were these paramedics scapegoating in an effort to protect their fellow first responders? After incorrectly estimating his weight, the paramedics administered 500 mg of ketamine to McClain, a dosage for someone nearly 60 to 70 pounds larger. For those who believe in forcibly drugging people, the proper ketamine dosage for Elijah's weight, is about 325 mg. Approximately 23 minutes after Nathan Woodyard stopped "to talk" to McClain, the officers responsible were informed, Elijah, had no pulse. Less than a week later, he was declared brain-dead on August 27, 2019, and died, three days later on the 30th.

According to cpr.org–CPR news: "After McClain’s death, Dr. Stephen Cina, a contractor forensic pathologist for Adams County, completed the autopsy on Sept. 3, 2019. There were two Aurora police officers and two representatives from the Adams County District Attorney’s office in attendance". I'd be interested to hear that conversation, considering the findings of the autopsy. The Adams County corner ruled the cause of death as "undetermined" saying that, "a therapeutic amount" of ketamine was found in Maclean's system. The report, reeking of scapegoating, speculated about drug use and undiagnosed mental illness, while seeming to conclude nothing but suppositional "ifs".

Excerpt from Dr. Cina's report: "The manner of death may be accident if it was an idiosyncratic drug reaction,” . “It may be natural if (McClain) had an undiagnosed mental illness that led to excited delirium, if his intense physical exertion combined with a narrow coronary artery led to an arrhythmia, if he had an asthma attack, or if he aspirated vomit while restrained."... "It may be a homicide if the actions of officers led to his death (eg. carotid control hold…)”.

That's a lot of "Ifs". I can't help but wonder "IF", the presence of officers and DA personnel "may" have influence the doctors findings. In conjunction with the corners "undetermined" autopsy determination, Adams County DA Dave Young said, he would not bring charges against the officers. This seeming manipulation of justice, by those who controlled it, was met with outrage.

Another slap in the face, illuminating the culture of APD, occurred in October 2019, less than two months after Elijah's death. Several other officers returned to the scene, taking pictures while they joyfully reenacted the cardioid hold, used on McClain. In July, 2020, after the photos were made public, three officers were fired and one resigned. It's remarkable that they were fired for mocking and taking pictures, while the officers that killed Elijah were still patrolling the streets. The shouts of "Justice for Elijah", became louder as it seemed this heinous police action was being ignored. Once again, protesters took to the streets.

Protests, investigation, Arrests and Trials. Conclusion – "Justice for Elijah" below.

OutOfExile_IDR © 2023

#Justice4Elijah #ActuallyAutistic #BLM #InvisibleDisabilityRights #EndAbleism #POC #EndRacism #change #disability #accommodation #understanding #DisabilityCommunity #SpeakUp4Change #DisabilitySolidarity #MentalHealth #DisabilityRights #dignity #SocialJustice #EndBigotry #PoliceViolence #NoJusticeNoPeace #StopKillingUs #ICantBreathe #TearDownTheWall
@disabilityjustice @disability @actuallyautistics

OutOfExile_IDR_Voice, (edited )

"Disability ID and Disability Deaths" Conclusion: "Justice for Elijah McClain" (2 of 2)
CONTENT WARNING (CW): the details and videos of this event may be disturbing to some.

The winds of change began to blow in the summer of 2020. A change.org petition compiled over 2 million signatures, seeking justice for Elijah McClain. On June 10, 2020, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis told the public, Atty Gen Phil Weiser would be investigating the death of McClain. Also that June, protesters shut down a section of Interstate 225, demanding accountability for his death. In the series of peaceful demonstrations, protesters were also targeted by police. During those protests, when heavily militarized police arrived, the legendary chant began, "WHY ARE YOU IN RIOT GEAR! WE DON'T SEE NO RIOT HERE". Finally, there was momentum in the battle for some form of justice.

In September, 2021, over two years after the crime, a 32 count grand jury indictment charged the five first responders for their actions. The forensic pathologist who was part of the grand jury investigation, concluded the cause of death was "homicide". The individuals named in the grand jury indictment were: officers Randy Roedema, Nathan Woodyard, Jason Rosenblatt, and paramedics Jeremy Cooper and Peter Cichuniec. All five were charged with "Manslaughter" and "Criminally negligent homicide" among other charges. Roedema, Rosenblatt and both EMTs were additionally charged with "Second-degree assault" and "Crime of violence". The trial of officers Randy Roedema and Jason Rosenblatt, being tried together, was scheduled to start on July 10 but, was postponed, with no new date set at that time.

The indictment was followed by a series of other events. In September 2022, well after the grand jury indictment, Adams County announced, the original 2019 autopsy report had been amended. It now stated the means as "COMPLICATIONS OF KETAMINE ADMINISTRATION FOLLOWING FORCIBLE RESTRAINT". However, the cause of death was still listed as "UNDETERMINED", rather than "homicide". Interestingly enough, in November 2021, the city of Aurora agreed to pay the family of Elijah McClain, $15 million to settle a federal civil rights action.

Next week, the first of the three trials is set to begin, as paramedics Cooper and Cichuniec have a court date on August 7. Nathan Woodyard, the first Aurora officer on the scene, will stand trial alone beginning on September 18. The judge that pushed back the Roedema and Rosenblatt case, expressed hopes for a rescheduling by October. Four years will have elapsed since Elijah McClain's death, before any proceedings against police will begin. That fact alone underscores other findings of "implicit bias" in regard to racial and disability justice. Unfortunately, that problem is not limited to Colorado.

It's reported that over 1100 people were killed by police in 2022, other reports say, "half of people killed by police have a disability". It seems to be a dangerous time if someone decides another is different, especially if that someone has authority. People with disabilities are not a "new thing", and represent about 26% of the US population. Why should it be necessary to teach those sworn to "serve and protect", basics like: understanding, accommodation, proper communication, and preservation of dignity, when it comes to invisible disability? Can things like human decency, actually be taught with "adequate training"? Considering Elijah and the story of Christian Glass, is it any wonder many individuals with invisible disabilities, are afraid to call police for help? How many such crimes are covered up or not reported? Will an ID card really change anything? More importantly, why did so many have to suffer, before anyone heard them call... "I'm just different. I'm just different, that's all".

OutOfExile_IDR © 2023

Elijah McClain's last words: CW
"I can't breathe. I have my ID right here. My name is Elijah McClain. That's my house. I was just going home. I'm an introvert. I'm just different. That's all. I'm so sorry. I have no gun. I don't do that stuff. I don't do any fighting. Why are you attacking me? I don't even kill flies! I don't eat meat! But I don't judge people, I don't judge people who do eat meat. Forgive me. All I was trying to do was become better. I will do it. I will do anything. Sacrifice my identity, I'll do it. You all are phenomenal. You are beautiful and I love you. Try to forgive me. I'm a mood Gemini. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Ow, that really hurt! You are all very strong. Teamwork makes the dream work. [after vomiting] Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to do that. I just can't breathe correctly."

PART ONE: https://kolektiva.social/

PART TWO: https://kolektiva.social/

PART THREE; https://kolektiva.social/

PART FOUR – Christian Glass: https://kolektiva.social/

Half of People Killed by Police Have a Disability: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/half-people-killed-police-suffer-mental-disability-report-n538371

Six minute video analysis of Elijah McClain's: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGlHMZQtO7U

Full 3 hour video including multiple officers body cam footage and Elijah McClain's mother attempting to get answers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5NcyePEOJ8

Adams County Sheriff – no charges in the death of Elijah McClain: https://kdvr.com/news/problem-solvers/elijah-mcclain-indictments-why-colorado-ag-filed-charges-when-adams-da-didnt/?ipid=promo-link-block2

Adams County coroner amendments autopsy report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6WPP3-8AwU includes video of the incident

Timeline, analysis of body cam footage in Elijah McClain case: https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/elijah-mcclain/elijah-mcclain-body-camera-video-analysis-timeline/73-68537e78-add9-4e66-97c6-a22c080b1e1e

Police mock the death of Elijah McClain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giOB3LJj_g0

Accused killers plead not guilty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUU-xE-uouQ

Protesters targeted: https://www.thecut.com/2021/10/how-aurora-colorado-police-cover-up-misconduct-and-brutality.html

"Hundreds of Officers That Have Been Labeled Liars. Some Still Help Send People to Prison": https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/investigations/2019/10/14/brady-lists-police-officers-dishonest-corrupt-still-testify-investigation-database/2233386001/

Example of Aurora PD's racial profiling: https://sentinelcolorado.com/metro/police-courts/aurora-cop-who-shot-boy-14-part-of-unlawful-search-settlement-of-black-man/

Legal analysis by Wolfberg and Wirth: https://www.ems1.com/legal/articles/legal-analysis-what-the-paramedic-criminal-charges-in-the-elijah-mcclain-case-mean-for-ems-wIPxkOn0Hn4ToKVk/

Wikipedia page containing a link to the 911 call and police body camera: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Elijah_McClain

@disabilityjustice @disability @actuallyautistics

timrichards, (edited ) to Travel
@timrichards@aus.social avatar

Love this piece. I've often called turndown service "my old enemy." They have a habit of showing up when not wanted, and putting things away where you can't find them.

Sorry, housekeeping, I’d rather my hotel room stay untouched https://www.smh.com.au/traveller/inspiration/sorry-housekeeping-i-d-rather-my-hotel-room-stay-untouched-20231123-p5ema8.html

#Travel #Accommodation

OutOfExile_IDR_Voice, to disabilityjustice

"10 year Boy with Down Syndrome Assaulted by Bus Driver - Abuse of Students with Invisible Disabilities by Educators"

⚠️ CW - Stories on mistreatment and abuse of students with invisible disabilities in schools across the country. May be disturbing to some.

Yesterday, a bus driver for the Upper Darby school district in Pennsylvania, was charged with assault, unlawful restraint, false imprisonment, and endangering the welfare of a child.

Juliet Pratt was captured on surveillance cameras, duct taping the a student with Downs Syndrome around the ankles and chest to restrain him. The footage also show the child, who was already in a safety harness, caused no disturbance and remained in his seat. Regardless, nothing warrants this kind of abusive behavior to people with invisible disabilities, especially by someone involved in child education. The March 8th incident was not the only. The bus driver admitted doing this appalling act to the child, at least one other time. Pratt cut the tape restraints with a seat belt cutter to free the boy upon arrival at the school.

There seems to be no mention of charges related to disability protectections in news reports. Has she done this to others? Would she have done this if the child did not have a disability? If Ms. Pratt singled the child out for this treatment because of any disability related reason, (ie - thinking she could get away with it because of the boy's DS), authorities may want to consider this an ableist hate crime.

Unfortunately, this problem is not uncommon. In some places, the techniques used are legal, bringing harm to many students with invisible disabilities. In Virginia, a 10 year old autistic boy, had the "bones in his hand and foot crushed" by an educator. The injuries were caused by a staff member who was isolating and confining the child, in what was called the "scream room".

Many reports of similar abuses have surfaced in Connecticut schools as well. In one case, a second grader with ADHD was held down, and locked in confinement after a manifestation of symptoms. Aside from the mental and emotional wounds caused, just as in many other cases, the child suffered physically injury. According to the story linked below, students have been restrained and isolated "thousands of times causing dozens of injuries" in Connecticut schools. This hardly sounds like accommodation and community intergration.

Then, there's Xavier Hernandez, who died as a result if being held down and restained by multiple staff members at "Boulevard Heights" school for "students with disabilities" in Texas.

These are the people entrusted with the job of shaping young minds? What lesson does this type of behavior teach other students about interacting with people with invisible disabilities; that they should be restrained, isolated and subjected to physical and mental damage? Considering these, and many other such acts, it seems many educators could use a lesson on understanding and accommodation of persons with invisible disabilities.

© OutOfExile_IDR - Invisible Disability Rights

PA Bus Driver:


Boy with autism in Virginia:

Girl with ADHD and other abuse in Connecticut:

Xavier Hernandez death from a disability standpoint:

Hernandez - Death by medication and restraint:

Image courtesy of: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/young-disabled-students-shackled-misbehaving-lawsuit-claims-n403421

@actuallyautistic @disabilityjustice @disability

halcionandon, to chronicillness
@halcionandon@disabled.social avatar

#Abusers are #abusing.

I am so weak and hungry cannot think.

I tried so hard to get out of here but I can’t get away. I tried so hard be they worse when I am very sick and can’t fight back. 😭 They promised to help during tough week. Instead screamed at denied rest and food.

I’ll be dead by year is out if this continues.

@disabilityjustice @disability

@halcionandon@disabled.social avatar

@disabilityjustice @disability @chronicillness @mecfs

Please ask any Australians you know if they can help me with /. Situation worsening. Please 🤞😩😭

I am in ,

OutOfExile_IDR_Voice, (edited ) to disabilityjustice

I was sick, and you said "You look fine to me".
I was sick, and you cast me off.
I was sick, and you used it against me.
I was sick, and you took my health care.
I was sick, and you battered and killed.
I was sick, and you fought for a wooden hammer.
I was sick, and you fought about blue and red.
I was sick, and you fought as the nations watched with disdain.
I was sick, and you fought the "wrong" while resembling it.
I was sick, as you fought for "all" but, forgot about us.

OutofExile_IDR ©2023

Click here 🧠 to expand.

My adaptation of Matthew 25:39 inspired by the work below. (Not an endorsement for religion or church)

I was hungry, and you blamed it on the communist
I was hungry, and you circled the moon.
I was hungry, and you told me to wait
I was hungry, and you set up a commission.
I was hungry, and you said "So were my ancestors".
I was hungry, and you said we don't hire over 35.
I was hungry, you said God helps those…
I was hungry, and you told me I shouldn't be.
I was hungry, and you told me machines do that work now.
I was hungry, and you had napalm bills to pay.
I was hungry, and you said the poor are always with us.
Lord, when did we see you hungry?

Adaptation of Matthew 25:37 by Anonymous – 1971

Image by Alex Velazquez from Pixabay https://pixabay.com/users/alex2171-3560452/

#disability #Politics #DisabilityEconomicJustice #CripTheVote #partisanship #humanity #InvisibleDisabilityRights #healthcare #Medicare #Medicaid #MentalHealth #accommodation #understanding #poetry #TearDownTheWall #PoetryNobodyWillEverFind

@disability @disabilityjustice @actuallyautistic

fulelo, to DadBin
@fulelo@journa.host avatar
OutOfExile_IDR_Voice, (edited ) to disability

"Arrests are Almost Like Merit Badges" – Protesters Change History for Citizens with Disabilities:

Today, Out Of Exile – Invisible Disability Rights honors "The Gang of 19" and the disability rights activist group, "ADAPT" (Atlantis Community). Forty-five years ago this week, they demanded, and were instrumental in winning, independence for people with mobility disabilities across the country. This act, is considered by many, to be the birth of the disability rights movement in the US. The unique methods they used, make their story worth exploring… They're just that cool.

On July 5, 1978, as a Denver RTD bus was picking up passengers at Colfax Avenue and Broadway, a group of individuals rolled their wheelchairs in front of the vehicle. After a second bus pulled up to the stop, other wheelchair users maneuvered themselves behind it, forming a blockade. The buses remained trapped between the wheelchair users for the next 24 hours. Chanting, "WE WILL RIDE!", the protesters message of "TAXATION WITHOUT TRANSPORTATION" forced a nation to take notice of the disability rights movement. Are the tax dollars of persons are with disabilities worth less than the tax dollars of others? Are individuals with disabilities deserving of less public accommodations than their "abled" co-citizens? The demand: That one third of Denver city buses be made wheelchair accessible. Thanks to the courage of "the gang's" heroic actions, public buses across the country are equipped to provide accessibility, independence and a bit of equality for people with disabilities.

Check out the "Gang of 19" PBS documentary contained in the links below. You can also read more about the bus blockade, ADAPT's role in the Americans With Disabilities Act, or the time wheelchair user's pulverized a curb with sledgehammers thus, forging the way for inclines at crosswalks. In hindsight, it's outrageous that it took a sledgehammer demolition, to generate understanding about the barriers and safety concerns facing wheelchair users, just trying to cross the street. There is however, much more work to be done to better the lives of all people with disabilities.

Every year as fireworks explode in celebration, I raise a glass to toast the liberty that these "Denver Pioneers" fought to win, for so many with disabilities. The neurodivergent thinkers behind these creative acts of social defiance, are nothing short of legendary. The anniversary of the "Gang of 19" blockade is truly something to celebrate. It also serves as a reminder that, a loud voice or action is sometimes necessary in the fight for disability rights, equality and, to finally #TearDownTheWall.

"Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed." Martin Luther King Jr.

OutOfExile­_IDR ™ – © 2023.

Don't forget the ALT text.

Gang of 19 – History.com: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/gang-of-19-disability-activists-protest-denver-bus-system

"Arrests are Almost Like Merit Badges" More Stories of ADAPT Activism: https://www.denverpost.com/2017/07/05/adapt-disabled-activists-denver/

Watch the PBS special – We Will Ride: 44 years after the "Gang of 19" protests: https://www.rmpbs.org/blogs/rocky-mountain-pbs/gang-of-19-43-year-anniversary/

More on the "Gang of 19": https://abilitychicagoinfo.blogspot.com/2017/07/we-will-ride-adapt-gang-of-19-in-denver.html

More Work to Be Done: https://www.rmpbs.org/blogs/rocky-mountain-pbs/more-work-to-be-done-42-years-after-gang-of-19-protest/

Remembering the Gang of 19: https://www.westword.com/news/disability-protesters-gang-of-19-remembered-in-denver-10496346

#GangOf19 #ADAPT #disability #DisabilityRights #activism #SocialJustice #protest #equality #change #InvisibleDisabilityRights #SpeakUp4Change #accessibility #NoBarriers #accommodation #WheelchairUsers #ADA #DisabilityCommunity #DisabilitySolidarity #DisabilityVoice #respect #dignity #CommunityIntegration #NeurodivergentThinking #heroes #MLK

@disabilityjustice @disability @actuallyautistic

OutOfExile_IDR_Voice, (edited ) to mentalhealth

"Can a Symbol Help Stop the Harm – Disability Designator ID and Disability Deaths" – PART FOUR – The Murder of Christian Glass by Colorado Police:

CONTENT WARNING (CW): the details and videos of this event may be disturbing to some.

Last June 2022: Christian Glass called 911 when his car went off the road in Clear Creek County Colorado near the town of Silver Plume, leaving him stranded in the Rocky Mountains. He told the operator he was very afraid, "coming off of a depression" and said, "I will not be fine on my own". He continued, "if I got out of the car, I might be in danger", also telling the operator about some amateur geology tools he had, which included, a hammer, rubber mallet and two knives. He said "I'm not dangerous. I will keep my hands completely visible" and offered to throw the tools out of the car when police arrived. It sounds like Christian Glass was afraid of interacting with law enforcement. Despite all of the information provided by Christian in the 25 minute call, the 911 operator told police he was "very paranoid" and "not making much sense".

When police arrived, he again offered to throw the tools out of the window which, they told him not to do. Officers commanded him to get out of the vehicle but, he was too afraid. When an officer wielding a firearm asked why, Christian replied, "Sir, I'm terrified". Seven officers were pointing their weapons at him, which would likely have that effect on anyone. Eventually five different agencies were on the scene including the previously mentioned Idaho Springs PD, Colorado State patrol and Georgetown police. Remember, this was a stranded "motorist in distress call", which usually does not require an army. The 911 operator's inaccurate depiction of the call most likely contributed to the militant reaction by police.

The gang of officers attempted to get him out of the car for approximately 70 minutes, during which he made a heart with his hands, blew kisses and prayed. Clear Creek Deputy Andrew Buen shattered the front window and Christian was shot with beanbags. He began to flail in the driver seat when one of the officers yelled, "SOMEONE TASE HIS ASS". Deputy Buen blasted Christian Glass with his stun gun and he began screaming hysterically, "Lord hear me", pleading for mercy from the officers. One officer was heard saying, "you can still save yourself".

Deputy Andrew Buen then shot 22-year-old Christian with his pistol, firing at least five bullets. His body was dragged out of the vehicle and he was pronounced dead on the scene. In a statement the following day, the Clear Creek sheriff's department called him "the suspect", described him as "argumentative and uncooperative" and falsely accused Mr. Glass of attempting to stab an officer. The coroner ruled it a homicide with the cause of death being multiple gunshot wounds. The evidence suggests that Christian Glass feared police so much that, after he was tasered, he tried to stab himself.

Deputy Andrew Buen and his supervisor, Sgt. Kyle Gould, were subsequently charged with: second-degree murder, official misconduct, reckless endangerment (for Buen) and reckless endangerment and criminally negligent homicide (for Gould). Sgt. Gould gave the order to forcibly remove Christian Glass from his vehicle. Buen was released on $50,000 bail, while his superior was released on only $2500. They had their first court appearance last December, 2022. Deputy Buen was already accused of excessive force in another $407,000 lawsuit.

The murder of Christian Glass, who was born in New Zealand, and is also a citizen of the UK, made international headlines. The governments of both countries have asked for answers about this case. In May, 2023, the parents of Christian Glass were awarded the largest known police settlement in the history of Colorado and, as a part of the ruling, Clear Creek County was ordered to have a properly trained crisis response team by the year 2025. Because none of the swarm of officers tried to stop this murder, fueled by ignorance and aggression, the $19 million settlement will be paid by all agencies involved as follows:

⦁ Clear Creek County will pay $10 million.

⦁ Georgetown will pay $5 million.

⦁ State of Colorado will pay $3 million for the Colorado State Patrol officer and two Division of Gaming investigators that stood by and watched.

⦁ Idaho Springs, the department that victimized Brady Mystic, will pay $1 million.

$19 million sends a loud message but, unfortunately, it won't bring Christian back. Again the question that comes to mind: Would a symbol or disability identification have saved Christian from this fate? Is it any wonder, that so many with invisible disabilities and mental health challenges are afraid to call for police assistance? How many crimes occur that are not reported for this reason, and how many others have been murdered only to have it covered up.

The final part of this series will cover another high profile murder by the infamous Aurora Colorado police. That case, resulted in a $15 million settlement, which was the largest in that state, prior to the Christian Glass settlement.

Links to parts one, two and three are below.

OutOfExile­_IDR ™ – © 2023

Christian Glass murder: What we know: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/christian-glass-shooting-colorado-video-b2344279.html

Clear Creek deputy who shot Christian Glass was afraid he would stab an officer: https://www.cpr.org/2022/09/15/clear-creek-county-shooting-update/

Judge: "Clear Creek Deputy intentionally and maliciously caused harm" https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/christian-glass-case-motion-dismiss-denied-clear-creek-deputies/

Body cam footage of the moments before Christian's death: https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/23/us/christian-glass-death-colorado-settlements/index.html

Deputies fired and indicted: https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/24/us/christian-glass-colorado-clear-creek-officers-police-shooting/index.html

Largest police settlement in Colorado history: https://www.cpr.org/2023/05/23/christian-glass-settlement-what-we-know-about-the-case/

The Killing of Christian Glass – Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Christian_Glass

PART ONE: https://kolektiva.social/

PART TWO: https://kolektiva.social/

PART THREE; https://kolektiva.social/

@disabilityjustice @disability

OutOfExile_IDR_Voice, to legal

Despite the attitudes of some:

Everyone is is part of the human race.

Everyone is equal.

Just as important, everyone has worth and can make valuable contributions to society if and when allowed. - OutOfExile_IDR


halcionandon, to disability
@halcionandon@disabled.social avatar

Bad news bad news bad news.

I desperately need an advocate and a place to stay.

Help me please.

This never works but god maybe someone will help me for once.

#Accommodation #Housing #advocate


timrichards, to AirBNB
@timrichards@aus.social avatar

TBH, I think this move is fair enough. Residential buildings should be for residential use, not run as de facto hotels.

‘You are not welcome’: Airbnb crackdown causes trouble for travellers to New York https://www.theage.com.au/world/north-america/you-are-not-welcome-airbnb-crackdown-causes-trouble-for-travellers-to-new-york-20230907-p5e2nk.html

#NewYork #Airbnb #Travel #Accommodation

newmexiconomad, to Travel
@newmexiconomad@mstdn.social avatar

Kokopelli's Cave is built into 60 million year old, vertical sandstone cliffs near Farmington. It was created by a geologist as an office, but then converted to a vacation rental. The cave overlooks the La Plata river valley - https://newmexiconomad.com/kokopellis-cave-farmington/

timrichards, to queensland
@timrichards@aus.social avatar

New at my Patreon... This beautiful tropical accommodation was converted from an old church. What's surprising is how briefly it was a place of worship:

Image of the week: Briefly a church https://www.patreon.com/posts/image-of-week-88357492

#Queensland #Accommodation #Church #Tropical #History

OutOfExile_IDR_Voice, (edited ) to disability

"Can a Symbol Help Stop the Harm – Disability Designator ID and Disability Deaths" – PART THREE:

CONTENT WARNING (CW): the events and videos of events may be disturbing to some.

In this segment, I'll be talking about the stories that, aside from personal experience, inspired me to write this series. You'd be surprised how many are unaware of, or just don't care about the damage, death and injustice thrust on the people and their families, solely because they were disabled. Though I view the IDA as an ally and see some value in their NDID program, I do not think a symbol, or Disability ID alone, will stop this plague. Is it coincidence that all of these stories are from the same state… or is it an indication of a culture of hidden hate and Ableism.

September 2019: After parking his car, Brady Mystic was walking into a laundry mat when the lights of a police cruiser focused on him. Two Idaho Springs Colorado police officers, Hanning and Summers, began shouting commands at him to "get back in [his] car". One of the officers tackled him and the other tasered him. The officers claim they witnessed him run a stop sign, beat him, later claiming he resisted arrest and assaulted one of the officers.

When he saw police lights pointed at him, Brady Mystic stopped walking but, had no idea if he was the subject of this attention. Blinded, he could not see, nor could he hear their commands for several very valid reasons. Brady is completely deaf in both ears, verbally limited, predominantly communicates with sign language and does not read lips. He raised his hands in a nonthreatening manner" to communicate his hearing impairment when police tackled, tasered him and beat him. During the attack, he again attempted to make them aware of his disability saying "No ears… No ears" to which, officer Summers responded with a second jolt from her stun gun. He was also falsely accused of assaulting an officer because, during this vicious attack, officer Hanning "had caused himself to break his own leg/ankle".

Brady Mystic then spent the next four months in jail, where his ADA and civil rights were also violated repeatedly. The officers involved, Hanning and Summers, have been accused of, and sued for, use of excessive force in other incidents, one involving a 75-year-old man in his own home. Officer Summers remained on the force but, Mr. Hanning, was fired for that incident.

Idaho Springs PD responded with a rebuttal posted to the website claiming Mr. Mystic approached the police vehicle and was the aggressor, calling it an "attack". An obvious attempt to cover up this heinous act. Where's the body footage? Initially, the only footage provided was from Ofc. Summers body cam at the hospital. The video of the actual event is linked below. Ultimately after four months, the charges were dropped and Brady was released. All this because he was deaf and allegedly ran a stop sign.

The suit against the officers claims "the shocking use of unnecessary police force and wrongful incarceration of a deaf man whom the Defendant officers rashly attacked after failing to recognize his disability and misinterpreting his non-threatening attempts to see and communicate as challenges to police authority."… "...which caused the man to unjustifiably spend months in jail without appropriate accommodations to help him communicate that he was, in fact, the victim.". This type of aggressive, manipulative and rash behavior by authorities is not uncommon in the state of Colorado and, is not limited to this incident. Idaho Springs PD was also at the scene of another more recent murder by police in the next segment.

July 2018: In Aurora Colorado, 73 year old Richard Gary Black Jr. discovered a home intruder that was drowning his 11-year-old grandson in the bathtub. The Vietnam veteran, and recipient of a Bronze Star and Purple Heart, also lived with "significant hearing impairment". When police arrived in response to a 911 call from Black's wife, police observed Gary Black inside his home, holding a flashlight and a legal handgun, attempting to protect his family. Officers shouted aggressive commands for him to drop the weapon but, it seemed obvious he did not hear them. Within 24 seconds of the command, an Aurora officer in the driveway, shot Mr. Black in his home through the open door. Gary died at the hospital a short time later.

This was the second shooting incident in 34 days, involving the officer who killed Mr. Black. The investigation into that June 27th incident, had not even been completed yet. Why was this officer already back on duty? According to one publication, in a press conference three days after the shooting, "...Aurora Police Chief Nick Metz essentially argued that the actions of Richard "Gary" Black Jr., ...caused an officer to fatally shoot him." Mr. Black's hearing impairment seemed to be downplayed and, was even omitted from reports by at least one national networks local affiliate. No charges were brought against the officer.

Aurora has seen multiple incidents of excessive force by police killing people with disabilities, and many without. According to policescorecard.org, Aurora has had "More Police Shootings per Arrest than 52% of Depts". The city's police force was also the subject of a "investigation in which the state's Atty. Gen. found a "pattern and practice" of "using excessive force," and of "failing to document stops as required by law.". The investigation concluded that Aurora PD had broken state and federal law and violated the civil rights of its residents through its policing of minorities.". As a further example of this, the department is facing approximately $14 million in lawsuits stemming from their actions during the George Floyd protests in Denver.

There's also the story of Andre Williams who was tackled, punched in the head and then tasered by police while having a seizure in September 2018. Williams was not the first time Aurora police had harmed someone having a seizure. In 2010, Rickey Burrell was having a seizure prompting his partner to call 911. Upon arrival, two Aurora officers knelt on his back while he was lying face down in his bed, dragged him outside (in winter) wearing only his underwear and, ultimately broke his arm. As part of a 2013 settlement, Aurora was mandated to provide “annual seizure-related training to all of its peace officers by July 2013,” They discontinued that training program in 2016.

Before finishing this series with what is, perhaps, the most famous case involving Aurora PD, I'll be covering a recent case that happened elsewhere. One of the officers in that case was charged with second-degree murder among other offenses. In any of the cases, a Disability ID card would most likely have changed nothing.

OutOfExile­_IDR ™ – © 2023

Link to part one: https://kolektiva.social/

Link to part two:

Brady mystic, deaf man tased and beaten: https://www.npr.org/2021/09/29/1041562502/deaf-man-tased-police-colorado-lawsuit

Brady Mystic and others violated by the same officers: https://lawandcrime.com/lawsuit/two-cops-being-sued-over-tasing-of-elderly-man-face-new-lawsuit-for-arrest-of-deaf-man-who-couldnt-understand-their-commands/

Claim: Notorious Cop Broke His Own Leg While Abusing a Deaf Man: https://www.westword.com/news/deaf-colorado-man-brutal-arrest-lawsuit-nicholas-hanning-brady-mistic-12438119

Body Cam Footage from Brady Mystic Incident: https://www.nbcnews.com/video/bodycam-shows-moments-a-man-who-is-deaf-was-arrested-by-idaho-springs-police-officers-122222661744

Richard (Gary) Black's Actions Led to Police Shooting Death, Aurora Chief Says: https://www.westword.com/news/richard-blacks-actions-led-to-police-shooting-death-aurora-chief-says-10616465

No Mention of Victims Hearing Impairment in News Report (with body cam footage): https://www.9news.com/article/news/crime/no-criminal-charges-for-officer-who-shot-and-killed-homeowner-defending-his-family/73-620524248

Disability is a Hidden Side of Police Violence Epidemic: https://www.vox.com/2016/10/4/13161396/disability-police-officer-shooting

"Hundreds of Officers That Have Been Labeled Liars. Some Still Help Send People to Prison": https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/investigations/2019/10/14/brady-lists-police-officers-dishonest-corrupt-still-testify-investigation-database/2233386001/

@actuallyautistics @disabilityjustice @disability

mattotcha, to random
@mattotcha@mastodon.social avatar
OutOfExile_IDR_Voice, to disability

If one breaks one's leg, they may have trouble walking.
Patience and understanding are key.
The same is true for the brain and communication.

OutOfExile_IDR 2022

Not all disabilities are alike and not all disabilities are visible.

(Happy now?)

OutOfExile_IDR_Voice, (edited ) to mentalhealth

Father Rejects Plea for Locking His Adopted Son in a "Box" for Behavioral Issues

In January 2022, police in Jupiter Florida were called to the home of Tracy and Timothy Ferriter, about a missing runaway child. Detectives discovered an 8 x 8 room, described as a box, equipped with a padlock and doorknob, both of which locked from the outside. Inside they found a camera, a mattress and a bucket with a light switch on the outside wall of the room.

The two parents had confined their adopted eight-year-old son inside this box for hours at a time, over the period of five years.. The child, who is now 13 years old (14 according to some reports), was adopted from Vietnam and had been diagnosed with "Reactive Attachment Disorder" (RAD). After returning from school, the boy was kept in the structure built in the garage, where they brought meals of leftovers to him and provided only a bucket for him to use the bathroom.

Today, the father Timothy Ferriter rejected a plea deal offered by prosecutors offering him two years in jail and five years of felony probation. His role of the dice may see him facing up to 35 years behind bars. His wife Tracy, is being tried separately with jury selection in that case set to begin on Friday. Defense attorneys argued that the longest period of confinement was 10 hours which to me, doesn't lessen the severity of the parents actions. Other reports cited the period of isolation in the box to be as long as 18 hours.

Treatment of people with invisible disabilities and mental health challenges being victimized in this way, as occurred throughout history. Isolation and abuse of this nature is certainly no way to treat behavioral issues, and anyone who knows anything about mental health knows, this type of treatment, will only make things worse. Below I've linked my piece on "Ridge Home for Mental Defectives" which provides a glimpse at an extreme example of this atrocious form of what some seem to think is appropriate "mental health treatment".

Ridge Home for Mental Defectives":

Father Reject Plea Deal:

YouTube Recap of the Ferriter History (4 min 24 sec):

Other Reports about the Case:


#MentalHealth #abuse #disabilities #InvisibleDisabilityRights #evil #DarkHistory #accommodation #understanding #ChildAbuse #HashtagsNobodyWillEverSearch
@disability @disabilityjustice

everythingopen, to random
@everythingopen@fosstodon.org avatar

Wondering how to get to #Gladstone for #EverythingOpen, or what sort of #accommodation is available?

We've put all of that on one handy page for you, so you can start to plan your journey.


timrichards, to food
@timrichards@aus.social avatar

You may not believe this, but the allure of hotel buffet breakfasts wears off. This is the 21st buffet breakfast of this trip, and I'm eating less each time. Have also stopped bothering making sneaky sandwiches for later.

timrichards, to melbourne
@timrichards@aus.social avatar

New at my Patreon... I visit a new inner-city hotel whose bar and restaurant takes its name from a local costumier in the 19th century:

Dateline Melbourne: On with the Motley https://www.patreon.com/posts/89343168

#Melbourne #Hotel #Accommodation #Bar #Restaurant #Design #History

justanna, to ADHD

Neurodivergence is having my spouse break all of my anxiety meds out of their stupid blister packs and put them in the old bottle, because my pharmacy changed brands and they don't come in a bottle anymore, and the act of breaking them out of the blister packs is enough of a deterrent that I haven't taken the meds in a week.

#ADHD #Anxiety #MentalHealth #Accommodation

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