Tengrain, to random
@Tengrain@mastodon.social avatar
Tengrain, to random
@Tengrain@mastodon.social avatar
epidiah, to random
@epidiah@dice.camp avatar

I'm making progress learning all this front-end stuff.

@nickdrawthing@dice.camp avatar

@epidiah Ah, interesting! Could you define a style and apply it to both? I think SVG supports style tags.
.someStyle { fill: }
<path class="someStyle" d="...">

Tengrain, to random
@Tengrain@mastodon.social avatar
Tengrain, to random
@Tengrain@mastodon.social avatar
Tengrain, to random
@Tengrain@mastodon.social avatar
WebAxe, to UIDesign
@WebAxe@a11y.info avatar
@christianp@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@WebAxe Weird that in the section about contrast ratios, they don't mention that the calculated ratio is incorrect for colourblind people.
Red () on black () will have a WCAG contrast ratio of 5.25, but I'll see the red as something more like , which has a very poor WCAG ratio of 1.26.

thomasweibel, to random German
@thomasweibel@swiss.social avatar

Wenn Nerds sich und ärgern, bekommen sie einen <head>.

nixCraft, to random
@nixCraft@mastodon.social avatar


The AI:

@ankitpati@mastodon.social avatar



Green is clearly between red and blue in hex. I’d say the AI understands colour better than most backend devs who pretend to be full-stack (like me).

MrOtherGuy, to FirefoxCSS in is it possible to define a color for this AccentColor?

I’m not sure if remember right, but yes you can remap various css system color like AccentColor by creating a string pref ui.accentcolor and giving it value in hex format like #ff0000. Maybe rgb format also works I dunno.

But of course if you do that then it will change everywhere in chrome and in web pages as well.

BigBoppa, to HashtagGames
@BigBoppa@mastodon.social avatar
brbposting, to news in US govt pays AT and T to let cops search Americans' phone records – 'usually' without a warrant

Psst… I messaged you just now RE: the deleted 2023 picture of the year post. I had to use a browser as neither Memmy nor Voyager (iOS) supported the feature, although the latter pretended to.

Messaging is definitely in its infancy. Required quite a backwards flow to find the sent message, after determining how to find you in the first place given you were on another instance.

/threadcrap (sorry readers)

(Actually I’ll keep crapping because I had to troubleshoot why I couldn’t reply to your “Roses are ” comment… looks like that post was deleted, but Lemmy via browser wasn’t going to warn me besides spinning a pinwheel after I clicked “[post] reply”.)

lily33, to linux in GitHub - SerenityOS/serenity: The Serenity Operating System 🐞

Reading this text, it looks kinda like the difference between red () apples, red () apples, and red () apples…

AVincentInSpace, to autism in I'm autistic and is having trouble understanding Python, even with ChatGPT

I first learned Python from a book called Python for Kids by Jason R. Briggs. Quite a good reference for beginners, children or not. It walks you through everything from installing the Python interpreter and your first “Hello, world!” , through data types, functions, classes and Python’s object-oriented programming (OOP) features, through to making a simple graphical platformer game. I received a copy of that book for my 12th birthday and read it cover to cover, following every example. Once I had a solid grasp on how Python itself worked, I started reading the standard library documentation at docs.python.org/3/ to find out how much the programming language I had just learned could really do (and how I could make it do it). By the time I was 13 I was programming my own multiplayer, multi-computer games from scratch. (Mind you, they were text based – the book showed how to make a graphical game, and I had done it once, but I didn’t have the patience to do it again :P)

I’ve also heard good things about Al Sweigart’s books, which have the advantage of being available free of charge on the author’s website; however I find they largely ignore Python’s OOP features and do many things most Pythonistas consider to be anti-patterns (fancy word for ways of doing something that work but are suboptimal in some way, usually because there’s an easier and/or less error-prone way of doing them). If you want to get straight into practical applications of Python, I can think of worse ways to start, but if you do I would definitely recommend reading up on how classes work on your own time. Python’s OOP features are one of the primary reasons to choose that language over others, and Sweigart misses out on a lot by not even mentioning they exist.

One other note: It’s okay to ask ChatGPT how to do something or what to do in a situation you’re not sure about, but I would strongly discourage you from asking it to write the code for you and simply copy pasting what you’re given. You’ll never learn to program if you don’t take the time to understand why things work the way they do and how to write a program without the computer’s help. That’s not to say you have to memorize everything, mind you, or that IDEs like PyCharm that have linters (a component that provides a red squiggly underline when you call a function you forgot to define, or spelled a variable name two different ways in two different places) are for babies – it’s been close to a decade since I got that book, I’m a programmer full time now, and I still look up documentation every day, even for built-in functions I’ve used dozens of times before, and I can scarcely write a program without my linter checking I’ve spelled all the function names correctly – but I don’t go to ChatGPT or StackOverflow, take code someone else has written, and treat it like magic. I read what the functions do and what arguments they take and write the program myself.

That’s not to say all copying of code is evil. I think it’s fine in moderation. The important thing is to understand what exactly the bit you’ve pasted does and how you would change it, if you wanted to, to make it do something else. Say I’m learning HTML and I find online that adding background: #FF0000 to my CSS makes the background of my page red. This tells me nothing about what I’d need to know if I wanted to make it blue. I could look that up separately, of course, but I’d much rather understand what that mysterious code does and be able to make my own without help from the internet. If I do a bit more googling, I find out that that six-digit number is split up into three parts; the first two digits are how much red is in the color, the second two are green, and the third two are blue, each ranging from 00 (black) to FF (full saturation). Then I can reason out that would give me full red, full green, and no blue, which would mix to make yellow. If that’s all I need to know, and I’m satisfied, I can stop there. If I’m still curious, I can keep researching and learn how hexadecimal works to represent a number between 0 and 255 in two digits using base 16. That thirst for knowledge, always wanting to know a little more than I strictly have to to get my job done, has gotten me very far in life, and I suspect it will do the same for you.

Sorry for the wall of text. It’s late and I’m on mobile so I tend to ramble. Hope this all made sense :)

wiredfire, to random
@wiredfire@mas.to avatar

Trying to change the colour of unread messages in the table / cards inbox view in 115.3.0 Supernova @thunderbird

Is adding the below to userChrome.css still the way to do that? Doesn't work for me currently 🤔

treechildren::-moz-tree-cell(unread) {
-moz-appearance: none !important;
color: !important;

Reva, to unixporn in [WindowLab] Distraction-free

Actually I feel like high-contrast looks are easier on my eyes than low-contrast ones. I look at Solarized or Nord or Catpucchin or whatever the newest low-contrast ones are and I just struggle to look at it. In the meantime, most of my machines have like a background and a foreground, haha.

ifixcoinops, to random
@ifixcoinops@retro.social avatar

Y'know I'd love love LOVE an e-reader with a red light.

Not a warm white light, not an orange light, not a yellow light; a RRRED light. Like, the colour red. As in red LEDs.

Decades of insomnia only alleviated by using a rooted phone with a red-subpixels-only option have ruined me for anything else.

ifixcoinops, (edited )
@ifixcoinops@retro.social avatar

Alright story time, Rubylith: How I Cured My Insomnia With Masking Material

I was an insomniac as long as I've remembered. Had it real bad, medicated and everything. Slept through fire alarms. Lost jobs to lateness. After hours of tossing and turning and fretting over how little sleep I was gonna get and how tired I'd be the next day I'd give up and grab a book in hopes that it'd help me sleep; it'd quiet my mind down, but turning on a light would make my body all excited, because I'm part moth I guess.

Round about when people started taking smartphones to bed with them, all the "I've spent years researching the effects of artificial light on circadian rhythms" people started shouting OH MY GOD DON'T TAKE YOUR PHONE TO BED WITH YOU, and we all shouted back LOL I'M TAKING MY PHONE TO BED WITH ME WHO ARE YOU THE BED COPS and took our phones to bed with us, and that's when the midden REALLY hit the windmill.

"Blue light keeps you awake!" they shouted.
"Lol" we replied.
"No we mean it, it's REALLY bad!" they wheedled.
"Lmao" we explained.
"Look, even a SINGLE blue photon hitting your retina can WRECK your night's sleep! One photon! Just one!" they cajoled.
"Sorry, what was that," we guffawed, "I was busy buying an alarm clock with big blue LED numbers on it. And an iPod dock, because that is the style at this time."

Anyway I was already an insomniac so no difference I guess, I'll read me ebooks on me phone, fine. Does seem a bit bright though even on min brightness, tell you what, I'll set the text to like a dark grey on a black background. Cor this is a good book, I'm gonna read this until 4am or whenever my eyes start hurting.

YEARS pass without incident or difference until my mate takes me to a star party. A very dark place, lots of quietly-excitable blokes with glasses and laptops and they're all very eager to let you look through their telescopes and tell you stuff, a Generally Mild Fun Chill Time - but a very dark time, the sort of darkness where everybody's eyes are used to it, the sort of dark where if someone lights up a smoke everyone blinks and scowls and goes "ah" just at that tiny lighter flame. I peek over the shoulder of one of these star dudes and see an entirely-red Windows XP and say "Oh cool, you've cut the green and blue all together huh?"

He's like well, red light doesn't destroy your night vision, you can look right at a red light and still see in the dark afterwards.

I say, huh. And I remember that big old metal torch my dad got from the army/navy shop, the one where you could swap out the lens for a red one. And I notice he's got electrical tape over his hard drive and power lights too.

And I say so what'd you do, cut into the video cable and short some stuff to ground, he says nah and he peels back the corner of his screen and blinds me with Horrible Blue Light and as I'm blinking it away he says this is just a sheet of Rubylith, and if this were a film I'd have that moment in slow motion, "Rrrooooooo



A clingfilm-thin plastic sheet originally used in lithography and screen printing because it cuts so clean and nice, Rubylith is called Rubylith because it's Really Really Incredibly Red. Its Incredible Redness means that you can put a layer on top of a monitor and it'd turn your whites to an arterial pink and your brightest blue to the deepest inky indigo; another layer and the blue is black, it's gone, your whites are now deep blood reds. Your #ffffff is a #ff0000, there's Nothing But Red.

I must clarify, I'm not talking about sunset mode here, I'm not talking about tinting your screen amber - I'm talking MUCH further than that. Imagine a red heart shape made to look shiny with a white highlight; you wouldn't be able to see the highlight, it'd render the same colour as the rest of the heart. Hell, if the heart were against a white background you might not see the heart at all, because it takes red, green and blue to make white, and there's no green or blue. There's no pink in Rubylith land, there's no amber, there's no orange, red is red and white is red and pink is slightly dimmer red. Clouds are blood red against a black sky. This isn't your phone's eye-relief night mode, this is the complete eradication of two thirds of colour data and damn being able to determine what you're looking at.

Anyway, there was a bloke selling big sheets of Rubylith on eBay for a tenner.

(it's gone way up, he's asking $20 now)

Anyway I saw this astronomer and his Rubylith and I set my phone's ebook reader app (moon+ Reader if you're interested, I've tried literally dozens and it's still the best) to red text on a black background, and aye it looks like a goth's MySpace but it works, I'm getting sleepy as I read - until I get a notification or there's a picture mid-text and I get the DANGEROUS BLUE PHOTONS and I'm awake again.

Cut out a wee bit of this lovely red wonder material and slip it into my phone case at night, though, and we're sorted. I'm not worrying about how late I'm gonna be up, I'm just reading my Terry Pratchett or Spider Robinson or Michael Marshall Smith or whoever, and half an hour later I'm getting sleepy, I'm having problems focusing, my mind's off in that pre-dream playground and I put my phone down and I'm off, I'm in the land of nod, I'm sleeping like a Functional Normal Person and it's absolute magic.

I'm constantly amazed at how well this works, and how I spent most of my life being perpetually late for things because No Sleep, before I put two and two together.

Now these days I use rooted phones where you can cut the green and blue with a one-tap widget on the home screen, but if you can't root your phone or you need to red-only an iPhone or a laptop or smth then Rubylith is WELL WORTH YOUR CONSIDERATION MY FRIEND.

I'm not saying it'll definitely 100% cure your insomnia like it did mine, but it's cheap as chips and 100% worth a try; worst that'll happen is it doesn't work and you've got some interesting crafting material that cuts really nice with an x-acto knife for the next time you wanna make a Christmas card or something.
schizanon, to mastodon
@schizanon@mas.to avatar

Since it was brought to my attention that some people find my favorite color () to be "blinding" (😝 @licked ) I decided to make the theme color a setting you can change on https://schizo.social

RL_Dane, (edited ) to random
@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

Edit: I'm realizing that it's probably going to be easier just to change the "V" value in the GUI than try to figure out how to invert the "V" value when working with RGB values in the config file. :eyeroll:

How do you invert a color's brightness without changing the color?

I'm trying to manually create an inverted color scheme for my terminal.

Do you have to actually do the RGB => HSV conversion and back again, or is there some simple arithmetic shorthand for it?

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


I just realized that I can't do a pure (V)alue inversion, because that turns into :facepalm:

I'll just try to keep scouring for good light themes for konsole, or maybe just make a theme where I invert the color in RGB space and just deal with the colors looking wrong.

GayCookie, to random


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